Alpha List of Seven Ships Passengers, 29 July-17 December 1785

The following information is taken from Braud, From Nantes to LA; Fr. Donald Hébert's Acadian Families in Exile 1785, the most complete listing; Tim Hébert's <>; & Winzerling, Acadian Odyssey, the standard history of the Seven Ships' expeditions.  This information also can be found in Wall of Names, 27-47, without ages or occupations and often with spellings different from the other lists.  Information about births, baptisms, marriages, deaths, and burials come from BRDR, South LA Records, Southwest LA Records, NOAR, & other sources, especially the Robichaux volumes on the Acadians in France.  

Ages given here are often different from the ages found in the passenger lists cited above, which copy the Seven Ships passenger lists as recorded by French and Spanish officials.  However, other sources I have consulted, especially birth/baptismal records and censuses, call into question the ages given on those passenger lists.  If I have changed an individual's age here, it will be followed by *.   For those of you who want to know the ages recorded on the passenger lists, follow the hyperlink attached to an individual's name on the list below, which will take you to the individual's family page.  There the age given on the passenger list will be followed in the individual's profile by [sic].  

Passengers are listed alphabetically by surname.  Individuals with the same first and family names (there are 14 Marie HÉBERTSs!) are listed in the order of the ship's arrival and then by the person's age.  The surnames of male Acadian heads of families with children, including deceased heads, are highlighted in yellow; non-Acadian male heads of families with children, including deceased heads, are highlighted in turquoise.  First or middle names found in other sources are included on this list.  This list also includes over a dozen newborn infants who are not found in the other lists.  Notations are from information provided by the ship's passenger list as copied by Father Hébert and from other sources.

Tim Hébert writes of this great venture:  "In 1785, Spain paid for 7 ships to transport Acadians to settle in Louisiana.  For Spain, it meant settlers to buffer the zone between Spanish land and the British land.  For the Acadians, it meant a chance to join their fellow Acadians and to regain some of what they lost during the Exile."  The editors of the Wall of Names, 26, quoting Winzerling, Acadian Odyssey, 153, write:  "It has been written that with the launching of the Acadian expeditions, 'Spain and Louisiana share the unique distinction of having staged the world's largest trans-Atlantic colonization project on the North American continent.'"134  

Of the nearly 2,900 Acadians who found refuge in Louisiana from 1764 into the early 1800s, more than half of them arrived on these Seven Ships.

Ship Abbreviations:

LBP Le Bon Papa First ship; 280-ton frigate; left Paimboeuf 10 May 85; arrived New Orleans 29 Jul 85; 81 days at sea; 156 on board162
LBerg La Bergère Second ship; 300-ton frigate; left Paimboeuf 14 May 85; arrived New Orleans 15 Aug 85; 93 days at sea; 273 on board
LBeau Le Beaumont Third ship; 180-ton frigate; left Paimboeuf 11 Jun 85; arrived New Orleans 19 Aug 85; 69 days at sea; 176 on board
LS-R Le St.-Rémi Fourth ship; 400-ton frigate; left Paimboeuf 27 Jun 85; arrived New Orleans 10 Sep 85; 75 days at sea; 341 on board174
LAm L'Amitié Fifth ship; 400-ton frigate; left Paimboeuf 20 Aug 85; arrived New Orleans 8 Nov 85, 80 days at sea; 270 on board175
LVdA La Ville d'Archangel Sixth ship; 600-ton frigate; left St.-Malo 12 Aug 85; arrived New Orleans 3 Dec 85; 113-day voyage; 309 on board281
LC La Caroline Seventh ship; 200-ton brig; left Nantes 19 Oct 85; arrived New Orleans 17 Dec 85; 64 days at sea; 77 on board ... 1,602 total172

The hyperlink attached to an individual's name takes you to the individual's history in the Acadian family pages, which contain many more details of the person's life.  However, there are no hyperlinks in the Acadians-to-Louisiana Alpha List that return you to this one; you will have to use the handy return arrow to get back to this list.  

Name of Passenger Age247 Ship Notations
Anne-Marie ACHÉE 208 36* LAm wife of Jean-Charles BENOIT, who sailed on La Caroline
Bonne-Marie-Madeleine ACHÉE 18 LAm sister of Jean-Baptiste-Charles ACHÉE, with whose family she is traveling
Élisabeth-Marie ACHÉE 61 8 LBP sister of Hélène ACHÉE, with whom she is traveling
Frédéric ACHÉE 15 LAm day laborer; brother of Jean-Baptiste-Charles ACHÉE, with whose family he is traveling
Hélène ACHÉE 21 LBP no husband given; traveling with younger sisters Marie-Josèphe & Élisabeth
Jean-Baptiste-Charles ACHÉE 22 LAm sailor; husband of Marie PINET; traveling with brother & sister, Frédéric & Bonne-Marie
Joseph ACHÉE 10 LAm "minor"; traveling with Françoise DOUCET, wife of Louis ACHÉE, not on the list, & her son Pierre ACHÉE
Louis ACHÉE ? ? not on any passenger list of the 7 ships but probably came to LA on one of these ships
Madeleine-Apolline ACHÉE 10 LAm traveling with great aunt, Anne OLIVIER, widow of Jean-Baptiste ACHÉE
Marguerite ACHÉE 11 LBP daughter of deceased Jacques ACHÉE; traveling with mother Anne BOUDREAUX
Marie-Anne ACHÉE 19 LAm "minor"; traveling with Françoise DOUCET, wife of Louis ACHÉE, & others
Marie-Jeanne ACHÉE 15 LBP daughter of deceased Jacques ACHÉE; traveling with mother Anne BOUDREAUX
Marie-Jeanne ACHÉE 18 LBP orphan, "minor"; traveling with family of Jean-Baptiste DUGAS the day laborer
Marie-Josèphe ACHÉE 16 LBP sister of Hélène ACHÉE, with whom she is traveling
Martina/Martine ACHÉE 137 newborn LAm daughter of Jean-Charles ACHÉE & Marie PINET
Pierre-Alexis ACHÉE 16 LAm "minor"; traveling with Françoise DOUCET, wife of Louis ACHÉE, not on the list, & her son Pierre ACHÉE
Pierre-Charles ACHÉE 10 LAm son of Louis ACHÉE, who is not on the list; traveling with mother, Françoise DOUCET
Joseph ADAM 103 not given LAm son of Nicolas ADAM & Marie BLANCHARD of La Rochelle; no occupation listed; on this ship's debarkation list but not on embarkation list; married Marguerite CROCHET, 24 Nov 1785, soon after they reached New Orleans on the same ship
Louis  AILLET 121 6 LVdA son of deceased Thomas AILLET; traveling with mother, Victoire DUGAS
Thomas AILLET 10 LVdA son of deceased Thomas AILLET; traveling with mother, Victoire DUGAS
Nicolas-Gabriel ALBERT, père 76 45 LC carpenter; head of family; husband of Marie-Marthe BENOIT
Nicolas-Gabriel ALBERT, fils 246 12 LC son of Nicolas-Gabriel ALBERT & Marie-Marthe BENOIT
Mathurin ALLIOT 268 not given LAm no occupation listed; on this ship's debarkation list but not on embarkation list; probably a stowaway
Étienne-François ANGILBERT 32 LC printer; head of family; husband of Félicité HÉBERT; called a "stranger," probably because he was not Acadian
Marie-Adélaïde ANGILBERT infant LC daughter of Étienne-François ANGILBERT & Félicité HÉBERT
René ARNAUD 126 not given LC no occupation given; listed singly as immigré; son of Pierre ARNAUD & Marie RAIMON of Vouneuil, France; married Marie-Marguerite DOUCET, 1 Jan 1786, soon after they reached New Orleans on the same ship
François ARBOUR 33 45 LBeau calker; head of family; husband of Marie HENRY
François-Henry ARBOUR 18 LBeau sailor; son of François ARBOUR & Marie HENRY
Frédéric-Édouard ARBOUR 13 LBeau son of François ARBOUR & Marie HENRY
Jean-Louis-Firmin ARBOUR 15 LBeau son of François ARBOUR & Marie HENRY
Françoise ARCEMENT 9 LVdA daughter of Pierre ARCEMENT & Marie HÉBERT
Guillaume-Romain ARCEMENT 13 LVdA son of Pierre ARCEMENT & Marie HÉBERT
Julie-Céleste ARCEMENT 12 LVdA daughter of Pierre ARCEMENT & Marie HÉBERT
Marie-Josèphe ARCEMENT 22 LVdA daughter of Pierre ARCEMENT & Marie HÉBERT
Perrine-Madeleine ARCEMENT 16 LVdA daughter of Pierre ARCEMENT & Marie HÉBERT
Pierre ARCEMENT 52 LVdA no occupation listed;  head of family; husband of Marie HÉBERT
Tranquille-François ARCEMENT ? ? not on any passenger list of the 7 ships but probably came to LA on one of these ships
Victoire-Hélène ARCEMENT 18 LVdA daughter of Pierre ARSEMENT & Marie HÉBERT
Alex. AUCOIN 168 not given LVdA no occupation listed; on this ship's debarkation list but not on embarkation list; probably a stowaway
Alexandre AUCOIN 42 45 LVdA no occupation listed; head of family; husband of Rosalie THÉRIOT
Alexis AUCOIN 20 LVdA son of Joseph AUCOIN & deceased Marie HÉBERT
Anastasie AUCOIN 17 LVdA daughter of Claude AUCOIN & Marie-Josèphe SONNIER
Anne AUCOIN 21 LVdA daughter of Joseph AUCOIN & Anne HÉBERT
Anne AUCOIN ? ? wife of Joseph CHERAMIE, Frenchman
Anne-Augustine AUCOIN 11 LAm daughter of deceased Alexandre AUCOIN; traveling with mother, Élisabeth DUHON
Anne-Félicité AUCOIN 17 19 LBerg daughter of Jean AUCOIN & Jeanne THÉRIOT
Anne-Marie AUCOIN 24 LAm daughter of deceased Alexandre AUCOIN; traveling with mother, Élisabeth DUHON
Anne-Olive AUCOIN 12 LVdA daughter of Simon AUCOIN & Marie-Geneviève THÉRIOT
Anne-Théodose AUCOIN 19 LVdA daughter of Michel AUCOIN & Isabelle HÉBERT
Antoine AUCOIN 55 LBerg plowman; head of family; probably a widower
Charles AUCOIN 38* LBerg sailor; no wife or children listed; traveling with sister Félicité; appointed 1 of the 5 leaders of the La Bergère expedition
Charles AUCOIN 50 LVdA no occupation listed; head of family; husband of Madeleine TRAHAN
Charles AUCOIN 127 not given LVdA no occupation listed; on this ship's debarkation list but not on embarkation list; probably a stowaway
Claude AUCOIN 57 LVdA no occupation listed; head of family; husband of Marie-Josèphe SONNIER
Constant-Jean-Baptiste AUCOIN 2 LVdA son of Michel AUCOIN & Isabelle HÉBERT
Élisabeth/Isabelle AUCOIN 37* LBerg wife of Tranquille PITRE
Élisabeth/Isabelle AUCOIN 50 LAm wife of Jean-Baptiste LEBLANC
Élisabeth/Isabelle AUCOIN 13 LAm daughter of deceased Alexandre AUCOIN; traveling with mother, Élisabeth DUHON
Élisabeth/Isabelle AUCOIN 13 LVdA daughter of Michel AUCOIN & Isabelle HÉBERT
Élisabeth/Isabelle-Jeanne AUCOIN 11 LBP daughter of Joseph AUCOIN & Élisabeth HENRY
Fabien AUCOIN 38 LBerg carpenter; husband of Marguerite DUPUIS
Fabien AUCOIN 15 LVdA son of Joseph AUCOIN & deceased Marie HÉBERT
Félicité AUCOIN 35 LBerg sister of Charles, with whom she is traveling
Firmin-Louis AUCOIN 6 LBerg son of deceased ____AUCOIN; traveling with widowed mother Marguerite BOURG & widowed grandmother, Marguerite HÉBERT
Florianne-Marguerite AUCOIN 4 LVdA daughter of Michel AUCOIN & Isabelle HÉBERT
François AUCOIN 15 LVdA son of Joseph AUCOIN & Anne HÉBERT
François-Étienne AUCOIN 11 LVdA son of Michel AUCOIN & Isabelle HÉBERT
François-Toussaint AUCOIN 6 LBP son of Joseph AUCOIN & Élisabeth HENRY
Françoise AUCOIN 8 LVdA daughter of Joseph AUCOIN & Anne HÉBERT
Gabriel-Guillaume AUCOIN 13 LVdA son of Joseph AUCOIN & Anne HÉBERT
Geneviève AUCOIN 20 LAm daughter of deceased Alexandre AUCOIN; traveling with mother, Élisabeth DUHON
Grégoire-Alexis AUCOIN 18 LVdA son of Michel AUCOIN & Isabelle HÉBERT
Hélène AUCOIN 14 37 LAm wife of Louis DANTIN
Jacinte-Laurent AUCOIN infant LVdA son of Joseph AUCOIN & Anne HÉBERT; born 5 Apr 1785
Jean-Baptiste AUCOIN 71* LBerg plowman; head of family; husband of Jeanne-Anne THÉRIOT
Jean-Baptiste AUCOIN 66 LVdA no occupation listed; head of family; husband of Marguerite THÉRIOT
Jean-Baptiste AUCOIN 27 LVdA no occupation listed; head of family; husband of Marie FORET
Jean-Baptiste AUCOIN 21 LVdA no occupation listed; son of Jean-Baptiste AUCOIN & Marguerite THÉRIOT
Jean-Charles AUCOIN 23 LVdA no occupation listed; son of Michel AUCOIN & Isabelle HÉBERT
Joseph AUCOIN 37* LBP sailor; head of family; husband of Élisabeth HENRY
Joseph AUCOIN 60 LAm day laborer; husband of Madeleine GAUTREAUX
Joseph AUCOIN 210 33 LAm sailor; listed singly
Joseph AUCOIN 64 LVdA no occupation listed; head of family; husband of Anne HÉBERT
Joseph AUCOIN 203 41 LVdA no occupation listed; head of family; no wife listed, so probably a widower (of Marie HÉBERT)
Joseph AUCOIN 10 LVdA son of Joseph AUCOIN & deceased Marie HÉBERT
Joseph-Jean AUCOIN 8 LBP son of Joseph AUCOIN & Élisabeth HENRY
Louis AUCOIN 15 LBerg son of Antoine AUCOIN & deceased Francoise HÉBERT
Madeleine AUCOIN 270 69 LVdA head of family; widow of Charles TRAHAN
Marguerite-Geneviève AUCOIN 16 LBerg daughter of Olivier AUCOIN & Cécile RICHARD
Marguerite-Geneviève AUCOIN 45 LVdA wife of Simon COMEAUX 
Marguerite-Geneviève AUCOIN 16 LVdA daughter of Simon AUCOIN & Marie-Geneviève THÉRIOT
Marie AUCOIN 48 LBerg head of family? wife of Michel LEBLANC, who is not on passenger list; traveling with her daughters
Marie AUCOIN 32 LBerg wife of Olivier THÉRIOT
Marie AUCOIN 27 LVdA unmarried? daughter of Jean-Baptiste AUCOIN & Marguerite THERIOT
Marie AUCOIN 20 LVdA daughter of Alexandre AUCOIN & Rosalie THÉRIOT
Marie AUCOIN 12 LVdA daughter of Claude AUCOIN & Marie-Josèphe SONNIER
Marie-Anastasie AUCOIN 26 LBerg wife of Joseph THÉRIOT, who is not on passenger list; she is listed singly
Marie-Cécile AUCOIN 14 LBerg daughter of Olivier AUCOIN & Cécile RICHARD
Marie-Félicité AUCOIN 15 LAm daughter of deceased Alexandre AUCOIN; traveling with mother, Élisabeth DUHON
Marie-Françoise AUCOIN 5 LS-R daughter of Michel AUCOIN & Marie-Rosalie DE LA FORESTRIE
Marie-Jeanne AUCOIN 8 LVdA daughter of Alexandre AUCOIN & Rosalie THERIOT
Marie-Jeanne AUCOIN infant LVdA daughter of Jean-Baptiste AUCOIN & Marie FORET; born 13 Feb 1785
Marie-Josèphe AUCOIN 21 LVdA daughter of Michel AUCOIN & Isabelle HÉBERT
Marie-Madeleine AUCOIN 17 LAm daughter of deceased Alexandre AUCOIN; traveling with mother, Élisabeth DUHON
Marie-Madeleine AUCOIN 44 LVdA wife of Joseph HÉBERT, age 45
Marie-Madeleine AUCOIN 11 LVdA daughter of Joseph AUCOIN & Anne HEBERT
Marie-Modeste AUCOIN 4 LBP daughter of Joseph AUCOIN & Elisabeth HENRY
Marie-Renée AUCOIN 6 LAm daughter of deceased Alexandre AUCOIN; traveling with mother, Élisabeth DUHON
Mathurin AUCOIN 14 LVdA son of Joseph AUCOIN & deceased Marie HÉBERT
Mathurin AUCOIN 13 LVdA son of Claude AUCOIN & Marie-Josèphe SONNIER
Mathurin AUCOIN 4 LVdA son of Alexandre AUCOIN & Rosalie THÉRIOT
Mathurin-Jean AUCOIN 105 not given LAm no occupation given; on this ship's debarkation list but not on embarkation list; probably a stowaway
Michel AUCOIN 30 LS-R woodworker; head of family; husband of Marie-Rosalie DE LA FORESTRIE
Michel AUCOIN 53 LVdA no occupation listed; head of family; husband of Isabelle HÉBERT
Michel-Pierre AUCOIN 16 LVdA son of Michel AUCOIN & Isabelle HÉBERT
Nathalie-Marie AUCOIN 18* LBerg daughter of Olivier AUCOIN & Cécile RICHARD
Olivier AUCOIN 59 LBerg carpenter; head of family; husband of Cecile RICHARD
Perpétué AUCOIN 24 LVdA no occupation listed; son of Simon AUCOIN & Marie-Geneviève THÉRIOT
Perpétué AUCOIN 22 LVdA no occupation listed; son of Claude AUCOIN & Marie-Josèphe SONNIER
Pierre AUCOIN 20 LBerg no occupation listed; son of Antoine AUCOIN
Pierre AUCOIN not given LBerg listed singly
Pierre AUCOIN 30* LVdA no occupation listed; son of Charles AUCOIN & Madeleine TRAHAN
Pierre AUCOIN 9 LVdA son of Claude AUCOIN & Marie-Josèphe SONNIER
Pierre-Firmin AUCOIN 11 LVdA son of Jean-Baptiste AUCOIN & Marguerite THÉRIOT
Pierre-Paul AUCOIN 14 LVdA son of Michel AUCOIN & Isabelle HÉBERT
Rose-Adélaïde AUCOIN infant LS-R daughter of Michel AUCOIN & Marie-Rosalie DE LA FORESTRIE
Rose-Anastasie AUCOIN 17* LVdA daughter of Jean-Baptiste AUCOIN & Marguerite THÉRIOT
Rose-Félicité AUCOIN 11 LVdA daughter of Simon AUCOIN & Marie-Geneviève THÉRIOT
Rose-Madeleine AUCOIN 19 LVdA daughter of Jean-Baptiste AUCOIN & Marguerite THÉRIOT
Simon AUCOIN 53 LVdA no occupation listed; head of family; husband of Marie-Geneviève THÉRIOT
Victoire-Claire AUCOIN 3 LBP daughter of Joseph AUCOIN & Élisabeth HENRY
François-Marie BABIN 19* LBP brother of Marie BABIN; listed with family of Louis-William STEBENS, his brother-in-law
Magloire-Simon BABIN not given [23] LAm brother of Marie BABIN, wife of Louis-William STEBENS of Le Bon Papa; no occupation given; on this ship's debarkation list but not on embarkation list; probably a stowaway; joined Le Bon Papa expedition after he reached LA
Marie BABIN 25* LBP wife of Louis-William STEBENS
Paul BABIN 52 LVdA brother-in-law of René LANDRY, with whose family he is traveling
Agathe BARRILLEAUX 54* LBP wife of Anselme LANDRY
Anastasie BARRILLEAUX 43 LS-R wife of Joseph DUGAS the pit sawyer
Euphrosine BARRILLEAUX 37 LBP wife of Charles BROUSSARD
Francois BARRILLEAUX 8 LBerg son of Jean-Baptiste BARRILLEAUX & Marie DAIGLE
Jacques-Alain BARRILLEAUX 19 LBerg day laborer; son of Jean-Baptiste BARRILLEAUX & Marie DAIGLE
Jean-Baptiste BARRILLEAUX 50 LBerg day laborer; head of family; husband of Marie DAIGLE, whom he married 19 Jun 1764, in Pleudihen-sur-Rance, France
Jean-Marie BARRILLEAUX 15 LBerg day laborer; son of Jean-Baptiste BARRILLEAUX & Marie DAIGLE
Pélagie BARRILLEAUX 42* LAm wife of Marin BOUDREAUX
Perrine BARRILLEAUX 13* LBerg daughter of Jean-Baptiste BARRILLEAUX & Marie DAIGLE
Marie BASSET 5 LAm daughter of deceased François BASSET; traveling with mother, Marie-Josèphe RICHARD
Marguerite BEDEL 68 23 LS-R wife of Jean-Baptiste BOUDREAUX the borer
Anastasie CÉLESTIN dit BELLEMÈRE 69 45 LS-R wife of Honoré COMEAUX
Josèphe-Marie CÉLESTIN dit BELLEMÈRE 19* LBeau "cousin"; traveling with Moïse LEBLANC & his family
Anne BENARD 2 LAm daughter of Joseph BENARD & Jeanne RICHARD
Joseph BENARD 96 46 LAm Russian; master tailor; head of family; husband of Jeanne RICHARD
Marie BENARD 19 LAm daughter of Joseph BENARD & Jeanne RICHARD
Martin BENARD 7 LAm son of Joseph BENARD & Jeanne RICHARD
Anne BENOIT 55* LBeau head of family; widow of Jean-Baptiste HÉBERT
Daniel BENOIT 36 LBP day laborer; head of family; husband of Henriette LEGENDRE
Donatien BENOIT 8 LS-R son of Grégoire BENOIT & Marie-Rose CARRET
François-Jean-Baptiste BENOIT 272 20 ? not on any passenger list of the 7 ships but probably came to LA on one of these ships
François-René BENOIT 7 LAm son of Jean-Charles BENOIT, who sailed on La Caroline, & Marie ACHÉE
Françoise BENOIT 40 LS-R wife of Honore CARRET
Françoise-Félicité BENOIT 5 LS-R daughter of Grégoire BENOIT & Marie-Rose CARRET
Grégoire BENOIT 73 40 LS-R day laborer; head of family; husband of Marie-Rose CARRET
Henriette-Renée BENOIT 202 7 LBP daughter of Daniel BENOIT & Henriette LEGENDRE
Jean-Charles BENOIT 90 36 LC sailor; listed singly, but husband of Marie ACHÉE, who with their children sailed on L' Amitié 
Jean-Marie BENOIT 12* LS-R son of Grégoire BENOIT & Marie-Rose CARRET
Jean-Marie BENOIT 14 LAm son of Jean-Charles BENOIT, who sailed on La Caroline, & Marie ACHÉE
Marguerite BENOIT 32 LAm widow of Joseph PRECIEUX; listed singly; she may have crossed with stowaway Claude-Bernard DUGAS, who she married soon after arrival. 
Marie BENOIT 48 LS-R wife of Joseph HÉBERT the carpenter
Marie-Marthe BENOIT 40 LC wife of Nicolas-Gabriel ALBERT
Marie-Rose BENOIT 9 LS-R daughter of Grégoire BENOIT & Marie-Rose CARRET
Martina/Martine BENOIT 138 newborn LS-R born 16 Sep 1785, 6 days after her family arrived in LA; daughter of Grégoire BENOIT & Marie-Rose CARRET; baptized 18 Oct 1785, New Orleans
Nicolas-Jean-Sébastien BENOIT 271 24 ? not on any passenger list of the 7 ships but probably came to LA on one of these ships
Paul-Frédéric BENOIT 9 LAm son of Jean-Charles BENOIT, who sailed on La Caroline, & Marie HACHÉ
Pélagie BENOIT 44 LAm head of family; widow of Yves CROCHET
Rémond-Grégoire BENOIT infant LS-R son of Grégoire BENOIT & Marie-Rose CARRET
Sophie BENOIT 5* LS-R daughter of Augustin BENOIT & his second wife Marie-Madeleine GAUTREAUX; listed as "niece"; traveling with family of Joseph HÉBERT the carpenter, husband of Marie BENOIT
Sophie-Renée BENOIT 2 LAm daughter of Jean-Charles BENOIT, who sailed on La Caroline, & Marie ACHEE
Victoire-Marie BENOIT 14 LS-R "niece"; traveling with family of Honore CARRET, husband of Francoise BENOIT
Marie-Blanche BERNARD 43 LBeau wife of Jean-Baptiste DOIRON
Adélaïde BERTRAND 7 LBerg daughter of Pierre BERTRAND & Catherine BOURG
Ambroise-Béloni BERTRAND 18 LBerg laborer; son of Pierre BERTRAND & Catherine BOURG
Anne-Madeleine BERTRAND infant LBerg daughter of Pierre BERTRAND & Catherine BOURG
Eustache BERTRAND 49 LAm carpenter; head of family; husband of Marguerite LANDRY
Jean-Augustin BERTRAND 15 LBerg laborer; son of Pierre BERTRAND & Catherine BOURG
Jean-Nicolas BERTRAND 20 LAm sailor; son of deceased Jean BERTRAND; traveling with mother, Marguerite BLANCHARD
Louis BERTRAND 2 LBerg son of Pierre BERTRAND & Catherine BOURG
Louis-Martin BERTRAND infant LAm son of Eustache BERTRAND & Marguerite LANDRY
Madeleine-Marguerite BERTRAND 19 LAm daughter of Eustache BERTRAND & Marguerite LANDRY
Marie BERTRAND 11 LBerg daughter of Pierre BERTRAND & Catherine BOURG
Marie-Catherine BERTRAND 13 LBerg daughter of Pierre BERTRAND & Catherine BOURG
Marie-Geneviève BERTRAND 11 LAm daughter of Eustache BERTRAND & Marguerite LANDRY
Marie-Josèphe BERTRAND 7 LAm daughter of Eustache BERTRAND & Marguerite LANDRY
Pierre-Jacques BERTRAND 54 LBerg manual laborer; head of family; husband of Catherine BOURG
Francois-Michel BETANCOURT 51 not given LBeau occupation not given; married Victoire LAVERGNE, 5 Sep 1785, soon after they reached New Orleans on the same ship
Étienne BILLARDIN 10 LS-R son of Lambert BILLARDIN & Marguerite DAIGLE
Lambert BILLARDIN 72 40 LS-R worker; head of family; husband of Marguerite DAIGLE
Marguerite BILLARDIN 3 LS-R daughter of Lambert BILLARDIN & Marguerite DAIGLE
Marie-Jeanne BILLARDIN 6 LS-R daughter of Lambert BILLARDIN & Marguerite DAIGLE
Marie-Jeanne BILLERAY 118 27 LVdA widow of Francois LE SOMMER; traveling with Jacques FORET & family, probably her maternal grandfather
Anne BLANCHARD 7 LBerg daughter of deceased Joseph BLANCHARD; traveling with mother, Anne-Symphorose HÉBERT
Anne BLANCHARD 45 LAm wife of Benoît COMEAUX
Anne-Marguerite BLANCHARD 11 LAm daughter of Bénoni BLANCHARD & Madeleine FOREST
Bénoni BLANCHARD 45 LAm sailor; head of family; husband of Madeleine FOREST
Bénoni-Marie BLANCHARD 13 LAm son of Bénoni BLANCHARD & Madeleine FOREST
Céleste BLANCHARD 8 LAm daughter of Bénoni BLANCHARD & Madeleine FOREST
Charles BLANCHARD 230 51 LC shoemaker; head of family; no wife listed, so probably a widower
Charles BLANCHARD 16 LC sailor; son of Charles BLANCHARD the shoemaker
Élie BLANCHARD 11 LBerg printer; son of deceased Joseph BLANCHARD; traveling with mother, Anne-Symphorose HÉBERT
Eudoxe-Marie-Gillette  BLANCHARD 15 LAm daughter of François BLANCHARD & Hélène-Judith GIROIR
François BLANCHARD 54 LAm plowman; head of family; husband of Hélène-Judith GIROIR
Françoise BLANCHARD 20 LAm daughter of François BLANCHARD & Hélène-Judith GIROIR
Jacques/Santiago BLANCHARD 131 not given LVdA native of Diocese of Toul [Dol?], Brittany; no occupation listed; on this ship's debarkation list but not on embarkation list; probably a stowaway; married a BOURG soon after reaching New Orleans
Jean-Baptiste BLANCHARD 8 LS-R son of Jean-Gregoire BLANCHARD & Marie-Madelaine LIVOIS
Jean-Gregoire BLANCHARD 204 37 LS-R wood polisher; head of family; husband of Marie-Madeleine LIVOIS, who was sister of Marie-Rose LIVOIS crossed on La Bergère
Joachim BLANCHARD 16 LAm son of Bénoni BLANCHARD & Madeleine FOREST
Joseph BLANCHARD 10 LAm son of François BLANCHARD & Hélène-Judith GIROIR
Laurent BLANCHARD 19 LBerg woodworker; son of deceased Joseph BLANCHARD; traveling with mother, Anne-Symphorose HÉBERT
Madeleine BLANCHARD 48 LAm head of family; widow of Charles BOURG
Madeleine BLANCHARD 40 LAm sister-in-law of Benoît COMEAUX, with whose family she is traveling; probably a widow
Marguerite BLANCHARD 60 LAm head of family; widow of Jean BERTRAND
Marguerite-Anne BLANCHARD 5 LAm daughter of François BLANCHARD & Hélène-Judith GIROIR
Marie-Madeleine BLANCHARD 17 LBerg daughter of deceased Joseph BLANCHARD; traveling with mother, Anne-Symphorose HÉBERT
Marie-Madeleine BLANCHARD 9 LS-R daughter of Jean-Grégoire BLANCHARD & Marie-Madeleine LIVOIS
Marie-Madeleine BLANCHARD 18 LAm daughter of Bénoni BLANCHARD & Madeleine FOREST
Moïse BLANCHARD 13 LBerg printer; son of deceased Joseph BLANCHARD; traveling with mother, Anne-Symphorose HÉBERT
Moïse BLANCHARD 3 LAm son of Bénoni BLANCHARD & Madeleine FOREST
Pierre BLANCHARD 15 LBerg printer; son of deceased Joseph BLANCHARD; traveling with mother, Anne-Symphorose HÉBERT
Pierre-Charles BLANCHARD infant LS-R son of Jean-Grégoire BLANCHARD & Marie-Madeleine LIVOIS
Suliac BLANCHARD 20 LC carpenter; son of Charles BLANCHARD the shoemaker
Louise BLANDIN 27 LBeau wife of Pierre GUIDRY the carpenter
Jeanne BONFILS 257 32 LS-R wife of Pierre LABAUVE
Rose BONNEVIE 75 42 LAm wife of Jean GOUSMAN
François BOUCITE 273 not given LAm no occupation given; on this ship's debarkation list but not on embarkation list; probably a stowaway
Amand BOUDREAUX 38 55* LVdA no occupation listed; head of family; husband of Marie NOGUES
Anne BOUDREAUX 40 LBP head of family; widow of Jacques ACHÉE
Anne BOUDREAUX 38* LBeau wife of Paul LEBLANC
Anne BOUDREAUX 14 LAm daughter of Étienne BOUDREAUX & Marguerite THIBODEAUX
Anne-Jeanne BOUDREAUX 119 infant LVdA daughter of Victor BOUDREAUX & his second wife Geneviève RICHARD; born 17 Jan 1785
Antoine BOUDREAUX in utero LAm son of Joseph BOUDREAUX, who did not cross on this ship, & Marie-Françoise SEMERE; born 28 Feb 1786, Atakapas
Benjamin-Hilaire BOUDREAUX 19 LAm calker; son of Zacharie BOUDREAUX & his first wife Marguerite DAIGLE
Blaise-Julien BOUDREAUX 16 LAm son of Étienne BOUDREAUX & Marguerite THIBODEAUX
Cécile BOUDREAUX 38 LBerg head of family; widow of Charles RICHARD
Cécile BOUDREAUX 17 LAm daughter of Etienne BOUDREAUX & Marguerite THIBODEAUX
Cécile BOUDREAUX 15 LVdA daughter of Victor BOUDREAUX & first wife Catherine-Josèphe HÉBERT
Céleste BOUDREAUX 20 LC traveling with family of sister Marie BOUDREAUX, wife of Christophe DELAUNE
Charles BOUDREAUX 14 LS-R sailor; son of Anastasie BELLEMÈRE; traveling with his mother & his stepfather, Honoré COMEAUX
Charles BOUDREAUX 21 LAm carpenter; head of family; husband of Marie GAUTREAUX
Charles BOUDREAUX 2 LC son of Ignace BOUDREAUX & Anne PIERSON
Charles-Marie BOUDREAUX infant LAm son of Charles BOUDREAUX & Marie GAUTREAUX
Charles-Michel BOUDREAUX 24 LAm calker; son of deceased Antoine BOUDREAUX; traveling with mother, Brigitte PART
Élisabeth/Isabelle BOUDREAUX 60* LAm head of family; widow of Olivier THIBODEAUX
Étienne BOUDREAUX 42 LAm house carpenter; head of family; husband of Marguerite THIBODEAUX
Étienne BOUDREAUX 18 LAm sailor; son of deceased Antoine BOUDREAUX; traveling with mother, Brigitte PART
Étienne BOUDREAUX 13 LAm son of Marin BOUDREAUX & Pelagie BARRILLEAUX
Félicité BOUDREAUX 31 LS-R wife of Jean LEJEUNE
Félix BOUDREAUX 56* LS-R carpenter; husband of Madeleine HÉBERT
Félix BOUDREAUX 280 ? ? not on any passenger list of the 7 ships but probably came to LA on one of these ships
Félix-Marie BOUDREAUX infant LS-R unnamed infant; son of Jean-Charles BOUDREAUX & Marguerite-Victoire GUIDRY
François BOUDREAUX 14 LVdA son of Amand BOUDREAUX & Marie NOGUES
François-Xavier BOUDREAUX 25 LBeau carpenter; husband of Marguerite DUGAS
Françoise BOUDREAUX 45 LBP head of family; widow of Marin DUGAS
Geneviève-Sophie BOUDREAUX 260 11* LVdA daughter of Victor BOUDREAUX & his second wife Geneviève RICHARD
Hélène BOUDREAUX 8 mos. LVdA daughter of Amand BOUDREAUX & his first wife Marie COUILLARD
Hélène-Marie-Rose BOUDREAUX 31 LVdA daughter of Victor BOUDREAUX & first wife Catherine-Josèphe HÉBERT; wife of François-Pierre LE LORRE
Henriette-Charlotte BOUDREAUX 13 LS-R daughter of Jean-Charles BOUDREAUX & his first wife Agnes TRAHAN
Ignace BOUDREAUX 231 36 LC carpenter; head of family; husband of Anne PIERSON
Jean BOUDREAUX 11 LBerg son of deceased Jean-Baptiste BOUDREAUX; traveling with mother, Marie DAIGLE
Jean BOUDREAUX 98 17 LC plowman; son of Olivier BOUDREAUX & his second wife Anne DUGAS
Jean-Baptiste BOUDREAUX 29 LBP sailor; head of family; husband of Marie-Modeste TRAHAN
Jean-Baptiste BOUDREAUX 18 LBerg sailor; traveling with sister Cécile, widow of Charles RICHARD, & niece Marie-Rose RICHARD
Jean-Baptiste BOUDREAUX 25 LS-R borer; head of family; husband of Marguerite BEDEL
Jean-Baptiste BOUDREAUX 2 LS-R son of Jean-Baptiste BOUDREAUX & Marguerite BEDEL
Jean-Baptiste BOUDREAUX 15 LVdA son of Amand BOUDREAUX & Marie NOGUES
Jean-Charles BOUDREAUX 52* LS-R wood polisher; head of family; husband of Marguerite-Victoire GUIDRY
Jean-Charles BOUDREAUX infant LS-R son of Jean-Baptiste BOUDREAUX & Marguerite BEDEL
Jean-Charles BOUDREAUX 18 LAm sailor; son of Joseph BOUDREAUX & Marguerite RICHARD
Jean-Constant BOUDREAUX 6 LBP son of Jean-Baptiste BOUDREAUX & Marie-Modeste TRAHAN
Jean-Étienne BOUDREAUX 5 LAm son of Étienne BOUDREAUX & Marguerite THIBODEAUX
Joseph BOUDREAUX in utero LBP son of Paul-Dominique BOUDREAUX & Marie-Olive LANDRY; born Jan 1786
Joseph BOUDREAUX 17 LS-R sailor; son of deceased Jean-Baptiste BOUDREAUX & Anastasie CÉLESTIN dit BELLEMÈRE; traveling with his mother & stepfather, Honoré COMEAUX
Joseph BOUDREAUX 40 LAm carpenter; head of family; husband of Marguerite RICHARD
Joseph BOUDREAUX 19 LAm carpenter; son of deceased Antoine BOUDREAUX; traveling with mother, Brigitte PART
Joseph BOUDREAUX 19 LAm carpenter; son of Étienne BOUDREAUX & Marguerite THIBODEAUX
Joseph BOUDREAUX 9 LAm son of Joseph BOUDREAUX & Marguerite RICHARD
Joseph BOUDREAUX 27 LVdA son of Victor BOUDREAUX & first wife Catherine-Josèphe HÉBERT
Joseph BOUDREAUX 4 LVdA son of Amand BOUDREAUX & Marie NOGUES
Joseph BOUDREAUX 22 LC sailor; husband of Julienne MOINE
Joseph BOUDREAUX 279 ? ? husband of Marie-Françoise SEMERE; not on any passenger list of the 7 ships but probably came to LA on one of these ships
Joseph-Marie BOUDREAUX 181 not given LS-R son of Jean-Charles BOUDREAUX & his first wife Agnès TRAHAN
Madeleine-Josèphe BOUDREAUX 40 LS-R wife of Charles-Olivier GUILLOT
Marguerite BOUDREAUX 48 LBP wife of Charles LANDRY
Marguerite BOUDREAUX 46 LAm head of family; widow of Benjamin PITRE
Marguerite BOUDREAUX 3 LAm daughter of Étienne BOUDREAUX & Marguerite THIBODEAUX
Marguerite-Jeanne BOUDREAUX 23 LVdA? daughter of Victor BOUDREAUX & first wife Catherine-Josèphe HÉBERT
Marguerite-Josèphe BOUDREAUX 16 LAm daughter of deceased Antoine BOUDREAUX; traveling with mother, Brigitte PART
Marguerite-Marie BOUDREAUX 2 LBP daughter of Jean-Baptiste BOUDREAUX & Marie-Modeste TRAHAN
Marguerite-Renée BOUDREAUX 3 LS-R daughter of Jean-Charles BOUDREAUX & Marguerite GUIDRY
Marie BOUDREAUX 57 LBerg wife of Joseph TRAHAN
Marie BOUDREAUX 46* LS-R wife of Jean-Baptiste DAIGLE
Marie BOUDREAUX 179 not given LS-R daughter of Jean-Charles BOUDREAUX & his first wife Agnès TRAHAN; wife of Jean-François HAVARD, who traveled on L'Amitié; she was granted head-of-family status by Intendant NAVARRO until her husband reached LA
Marie BOUDREAUX 6 LVdA daughter of Amand BOUDREAUX & his second wife Marie-Perrine NOGUES
Marie BOUDREAUX 40 LC widow of Charles THÉRIOT; listed singly
Marie  BOUDREAUX 30 LC wife of Christophe DELAUNE
Marie BOUDREAUX 18 LC daughter of Olivier BOUDREAUX & his second wife Anne DUGAS
Marie-Adélaïde BOUDREAUX 5 LBP granddaughter of Jean-Baptiste DUGAS the carpenter; listed with his family
Marie-Anne BOUDREAUX infant LAm daughter of Marin BOUDREAUX & Pélagie BARRILLEAUX
Marie-Félicité BOUDREAUX 8 LBP daughter of Jean Baptiste BOUDREAUX & Marie-Modeste TRAHAN
Marie-Madeleine BOUDREAUX 22* LAm daughter of deceased Antoine BOUDREAUX; traveling with mother, Brigitte PART
Marie-Marthe BOUDREAUX 20 LAm daughter of Joseph BOUDREAUX & Marguerite RICHARD
Marie-Rose BOUDREAUX 21 LBerg daughter of deceased Jean-Baptiste BOUDREAUX; traveling with mother, Marie DAIGLE
Marin BOUDREAUX 53 LAm shoemaker; head of family; husband of Pélagie BARRILLEAUX
Noël-Victor BOUDREAUX 259 9* LVdA son of Victor BOUDREAUX & his second wife Geneviève RICHARD
Olivier BOUDREAUX 232 74 LC plowman; head of family; husband of Anne DUGAS
Paul-Dominique BOUDREAUX 24 LBP sailor; head of family; husband of Marie-Olivier LANDRY
Paul-Marie BOUDREAUX 13 LBP son of deceased Francois BOUDREAUX & Euphrosine BARRILLEAUX, stepson of Charles BROUSSARD; listed with his family
Paul-Marie BOUDREAUX infant LBP son of Paul-Dominique BOUDREAUX & Marie-Olivier LANDRY
Pierre-David BOUDREAUX 2 LS-R son of Jean-Charles BOUDREAUX & his second wife Marguerite-Victoire GUIDRY
Simon BOUDREAUX in utero LAm son of Joseph BOUDREAUX & Marguerite RICHARD
Sophie BOUDREAUX 3 LAm daughter of Joseph BOUDREAUX & Marguerite RICHARD
Victor BOUDREAUX 55 LVdA no occupation listed; head of family; husband of Geneviève RICHARD
Yves BOUDREAUX infant LAm son of Etienne BOUDREAUX & Marguerite THIBODEAUX
Zacharie BOUDREAUX 64 LAm carpenter; head of family; husband of Marguerite VALLOIS
Aimée-Modeste BOURG 18 LVdA daughter of Ambroise BOURG & Marie-Modeste MOLAISON
Alain BOURG 43 LBeau day laborer; head of family; husband of Marie COMEAUX
Ambroise BOURG 53 LVdA no occupation listed; head of family; husband of Marie-Modeste MOLAISON
Ambroise BOURG, fils 1 LVdA son of Ambroise BOURG & Marie-Modeste MOLAISON
André BOURG 14 LBerg son of deceased Jean-Baptiste BOURG; traveling with mother, Jean CHAILLOU
Anne BOURG 64 LBP wife of Jean-Baptiste DUGAS the carpenter
Anne BOURG 44* LVdA wife of Barthélemy HENRY
Anne-Josèphe BOURG 37 LAm wife of Ignace HAMON
Anne-Théodose BOURG 19 LS-R daughter of Théodore BOURG & Anne GRANGER
Anne-Victoire BOURG infant LVdA daughter of Francois-Xavier BOURG & his second wife Marguerite-Pélagie HENRY; born 14 May 1785
Athanase BOURG 91 45 LAm sailor; head of family; husband of Luce BREAUX
Catherine BOURG 36 LBerg wife of Pierre BERTRAND
Catherine BOURG infant LAm daughter of Jean BOURG & Catherine VIAUD
Cécile BOURG 07 50* LBP head of family; widow of Ignace USE
Charles BOURG 11 LBerg son of deceased Jean-Baptiste BOURG; traveling with mother, Jean CHAILLOU
Charles BOURG 10 LAm son of Athanase BOURG & Luce BREAUX
Charles BOURG 130 46 LVdA husband of Marguerite LEBLANC; traveling with family of Francois-Xavier BOURG, probably his brother
Charlotte-Francoise BOURG infant LVdA daughter of Jean BOURG & Anne-Josèphe DAIGLE; born 26 May 1785
Élisabeth/Isabelle BOURG 33 LBerg evidently unmarried; traveling with cousins Jean-Pierre & Francoise BOURG
Élisabeth/Isabelle BOURG 14 LBerg daughter of Joseph BOURG & Marie-Madeleine GRANGER
Élisabeth BOURG 58 LS-R wife of Ambroise NAQUIN
Élisabeth/Isabelle-Céleste BOURG 12 LVdA daughter of Ambroise BOURG & Marie-Modeste MOLAISON
Élisabeth/Isabelle-Félicité BOURG 4 LVdA daughter of Francois- Xavier BOURG & his first wife Élisabeth/Isabelle LEBLANC
Fabien-Joseph BOURG 19 LBerg son of Joseph BOURG & Marie-Madeleine GRANGER; called Sébastien-Joseph on the ship's list
Félicité BOURG in utero LVdA daughter of Ambroise BOURG & Marie-Modeste MOLAISON
Félix-Xavier BOURG 15 LVdA son of Francois-Xavier BOURG & his first wife Élisabeth/Isabelle LEBLANC
François BOURG 11 LBeau son of Alain BOURG & Marie COMEAUX
François-Georges BOURG 7 LVdA son of Marin BOURG & Marie-Osite DAIGLE
François-Marie BOURG 16 LVdA son of Jean BOURG & Anne-Josèphe DAIGLE
François-Xavier BOURG 47* LVdA no occupation listed; head of family; husband of Marguerite-Pélagie HENRY
Françoise BOURG 49 LBerg evidently unmarried; traveling with younger brother Jean-Pierre BOURG & cousin Isabelle BOURG
Geneviève-Marie BOURG 20 LBeau daughter of Alain BOURG & Marie COMEAUX
Georgine-Victoire BOURG 11 LS-R daughter of Pierre BOURG & Marie NAQUIN
Gertrude BOURG 38 LBerg wife of Marin GAUTREAUX
Guillaume-Jean BOURG 4 LVdA son of Marin BOURG & Marie-Osite DAIGLE
Isabelle BOURG 12 LVdA daughter of Jean BOURG & Marie DUPUIS
Jean BOURG 25 LAm rope maker; head of family; husband of Catherine VIAUD
Jean BOURG 50 LVdA no occupation given; head of family; husband of Anne-Josèphe DAIGLE
Jean BOURG 40 LVdA no occupation listed; head of family; husband of Marie DUPUIS
Jean-Baptiste BOURG 17 LBerg son of Joseph BOURG & Marie-Madeleine GRANGER
Jean-Baptiste BOURG 16 LBerg son of deceased Jean-Baptiste BOURG; traveling with mother, Jean CHAILLOU
Jean-Baptiste-Simon-Louis BOURG 9 mos. LVdA son of Jean BOURG & Marie DUPUIS
Jean-Charles BOURG 11 LAm son of deceased Charles BOURG; traveling with mother, Madeleine BLANCHARD
Jean-Firmin BOURG in utero LAm son of Lucien BOURG & Marie-Isabelle TRAHAN; born Attakapas 2 Apr 1786
Jean-Marie BOURG 6 LVdA son of Jean BOURG & Anne-Josèphe DAIGLE
Jean-Pierre BOURG 42 LBerg foreman; traveling with older sister Françoise BOURG & cousin Isabelle BOURG
Jean-Pierre BOURG 20 LVdA no occupation listed; son of Marin BOURG & Marie-Osite DAIGLE
Jeanne-Anne BOURG 7 LVdA daughter of Jean BOURG & Anne-Josèphe DAIGLE
Jeanne-Madeleine-Françoise BOURG 20 LS-R daughter of Pierre BOURG & Marie NAQUIN
Joseph BOURG 52 LBerg pit sawyer; head of family; husband of Marie-Madeleine GRANGER
Joseph-Faustin BOURG 11 LVdA son of Francois-Xavier BOURG & his first wife Élisabeth/Isabelle LEBLANC
Joseph-Faustin BOURG 8 LVdA son of Ambroise BOURG & Marie-Modeste MOLAISON
Joseph-Florent BOURG 7 LAm son of deceased Charles BOURG; traveling with mother, Madeleine BLANCHARD
Joseph-Marie BOURG 3 LVdA son of Jean BOURG & Anne-Josèphe DAIGLE
Joseph-Marin BOURG 13 LAm son of Athanase BOURG & Luce BREAUX
Louis-Alexis BOURG 1 LBeau son of Alain BOURG & Marie COMEAUX; on embarkation list but not on debarkation list, so probably died at sea
Luce BOURG 158 40 LBerg head of family; widow of Jean-Baptiste HÉBERT
Luce-Perpétué BOURG 159 43 LVdA head of family; widow of Pierre HÉBERT
Lucien BOURG 21 LAm carpenter; husband of Marie-Isabelle TRAHAN
Madeleine-Adélaïde BOURG 16 LVdA daughter of Ambroise BOURG & Marie-Modeste MOLAISON
Madeleine-Julienne BOURG 17 LS-R daughter of Théodore BOURG & Anne GRANGER
Madeleine-Pérrine BOURG 12 LVdA daughter of Jean BOURG & Anne-Josèphe DAIGLE
Marguerite BOURG 34 LBerg widow of Firmin AUCOIN; traveling with widowed mother, Marguerite HÉBERT, & son Firmin AUCOIN, fils
Marguerite BOURG 52 LAm wife  of Jean METRA
Marguerite BOURG 16 LVdA daughter of Jean BOURG & Marie DUPUIS
Marguerite-Josèphe BOURG 48* LVdA wife of Pierre HENRY
Marguerite-Josèphe BOURG 17 LVdA daughter of Marin BOURG & Marie-Osite DAIGLE
Marguerite-Perrine BOURG 15 LVdA daughter of Jean BOURG & Anne-Josèphe DAIGLE
Marie BOURG 8 LVdA daughter of Jean BOURG & Marie DUPUIS
Marie-Françoise BOURG 40 LVdA wife of Jean LONGUÉPÉE
Marie-Françoise-Madeleine-Josèphe BOURG 10 LVdA daughter of Marin BOURG & Marie-Osite DAIGLE
Marie-Geneviève BOURG 18 LBerg daughter of deceased Jean-Baptiste BOURG; traveling with mother, Jean CHAILLOU
Marie-Isabelle BOURG 8 LVdA daughter of François-Xavier BOURG & his first wife Élisabeth/Isabelle LEBLANC
Marie-Josèphe BOURG 21 LBerg daughter of Joseph BOURG & Marie-Madeleine GRANGER
Marie-Josèphe BOURG 17 LVdA daughter of Jean BOURG & Anne-Josèphe DAIGLE
Marie-Luce BOURG 22 LVdA daughter of Marin BOURG & Marie-Osite DAIGLE
Marie-Victoire BOURG 20 LVdA daughter of Ambroise BOURG & Marie-Modeste MOLAISON
Marin BOURG 45 LVdA no occupation listed; head of family; husband of Marie-Osite DAIGLE
Marin-Joseph BOURG 16 LVdA son of Marin BOURG & Marie-Osite DAIGLE
Martin BOURG 139 newborn LBerg born 16 Aug 1785, 1 day after arrival in LA; son of Pierre BOURG & Marguerite DUGAS; baptized 28 Aug 1785, New Orleans
Maximilien BOURG 6 LVdA son of François-Xavier BOURG & his first wife Élisabeth/Isabelle LEBLANC
Modeste BOURG 3 LVdA daughter of Ambroise BOURG & Marie-Modeste MOLAISON
Pélagie BOURG 5 LVdA daughter of Ambroise BOURG & Marie-Modeste MOLAISON
Pierre BOURG 24 LBerg clerk; head of family; husband of Marguerite DUGAS
Pierre BOURG 56 LS-R day laborer; head of family; husband of Marie NAQUIN
Pierre BOURG 1 LVdA son of Francois-Xavier BOURG & probably his second wife Marguerite-Pélagie HENRY
Pierre-Jean BOURG 15 ? not on any passenger list of the 7 ships but probably came to LA on one of these ships
Pierre-Jean-Baptiste BOURG 12 LVdA son of Marin BOURG & Marie-Osite DAIGLE
Pierre-Olivier BOURG 18 LS-R son of Pierre BOURG & Marie NAQUIN
Rose-Adélaïde BOURG 19 LBeau wife of François-Alexandre DAIGLE
Rose-Madeleine BOURG 13 LVdA daughter of Marin BOURG & Marie-Osite DAIGLE
Susanne-Marie-Josèphe BOURG 57 LS-R wife of Tranquille LE PRINCE
Théodore BOURG 39 LS-R carpenter; head of family; husband of Anne GRANGER
Théodore-Prosper-Étienne BOURG 14 LS-R son of Theodore BOURG & Anne GRANGER
Thérèse-Julie BOURG 14 LVdA daughter of Ambroise BOURG & Marie-Modeste MOLAISON
Yves BOURG 6 LVdA son of Jean BOURG & Marie DUPUIS
Antoine BOUTARY 48 LS-R carpenter; head of family; husband of Marie SONNIER
Antoine BOUTARY, fils 7 LS-R son of Antoine BOUTARY & Marie-Marguerite SONNIER
Auguste BOUTARY 9 LS-R son of Antoine BOUTARY & Marie-Marguerite SONNIER
Guillaume BOUTARY infant LS-R son of Antoine BOUTARY & Marie-Marguerite SONNIER
Marie BRASSEAUX 35 LBerg single; traveling with sister Osite BRASSEAUX
Osite BRASSEAUX 24 LBerg probably unmarried; traveling with sister Marie BRASSEAUX
Alexis BREAUX 36 61 LAm day laborer; head of family; husband of Marie GUILLOT
Anne-Josèphe BREAUX 38 LBerg wife of Jacques DOIRON
Anne-Madeleine BREAUX 36 LAm wife of Etienne HÉBERT
Cécile BREAUX 48 LBP wife of Joseph HENRY
Charles BREAUX 3 LBerg son of Honoré BREAUX & Élisabeth LEBLANC
Eulalie BREAUX infant LAm daughter of Joseph-Gabriel BREAUX & Marguerite TEMPLET
Honoré BREAUX 52 LBerg carpenter; head of family; husband of Élisabeth LEBLANC
Jeanne BREAUX 8 LBerg daughter of Honoré BREAUX & Élisabeth LEBLANC
Joseph BREAUX 23 LBeau sailor; husband of Marie TRAHAN
Joseph BREAUX 9 LAm son of Joseph-Gabriel BREAUX & Marguerite TEMPLET
Joseph-Gabriel BREAUX 30 LAm sailor; head of family; husband of Marguerite TEMPLET
Luce BREAUX 33 LAm wife of Athanase BOURG
Marguerite BREAUX 20 LAm daughter of Alexis BREAUX & Marie GUILLOT
Marie-Madeleine BREAUX 14 LBerg daughter of Honoré BREAUX & Élisabeth LEBLANC
Marie-Osite BREAUX 40 LVdA traveling with family of widower Joseph AUCOIN; no relation given
Martina/Martine BREAUX 140 infant LBerg born 12 Jun 1785, aboard ship; daughter of Honoré BREAUX & Elisabeth LEBLANC; baptized 29 Aug 1785, St. Louis Catholic Church, New Orleans, soon after the family arrived in LA
Olive-Élisabeth BREAUX 16 LBerg daughter of Honoré BREAUX & Élisabeth LEBLANC
Pierre-Paul BREAUX 5 LBerg son of Honoré BREAUX & Élisabeth LEBLANC
Rose-Marie BREAUX 3 LBerg daughter of Honoré BREAUX & Elisabeth LEBLANC
Ursule BREAUX 65 LBerg head of family; widow of Jean-Baptiste LEBLANC
Ursule BREAUX 45 LAm head of family; widow of Francois PITRE
Anne-Angélique BRIAND 42 LVdA wife of Jean-Baptiste THÉRIOT
Agnès BROUSSARD 31 LBeau wife of Pierre POTIER
Charles BROUSSARD 44* LBP carpenter; head of family; husband of Euphrosine BARRILLEAUX
Dominique BROUSSARD 12 LBP son of Charles BROUSSARD & his first wife Bonne-Jacqueline-Françoise CASTEL
François BROUSSARD 18 LBP sailor; son of Charles BROUSSARD & his first wife Bonne-Jacqueline-Françoise CASTEL
Jacques BROUSSARD ? LBP? son of Charles BROUSSARD & his first wife Bonne-Jacqueline-Françoise CASTEL; not on Le Bon Papa passenger lists
Jean BROUSSARD 40 LAm carpenter; head of family; husband of Marguerite COMEAUX
Jean BROUSSARD 11 LAm son of Jean BROUSSARD & Marguerite COMEAUX
Jean-Charles BROUSSARD 20 LBP sailor; son of Charles BROUSSARD & his first wife Bonne-Jacqueline-Françoise CASTEL
Pierre BROUSSARD 14 LBP son of Charles BROUSSARD & his first wife Bonne-Jacqueline-Françoise CASTEL
Jean BUCLOSE 186 23 LAm son of _____ BUCLOSE & Marie-Madeleine DAREMBOURG, wife of Jean-Pierre LIRRET; granted head-of-family status by Intendant NAVARRO until reunited with his mother; not an Acadian
Jeanne CABON 34 LBeau wife of Jean-Pierre DUGAS
Jacques CAILLOUET infant LBeau son of Joseph CAILLOUET & Élisabeth LEBLANC
Joseph CAILLOUET 31 LBeau carpenter; head of family; husband of Élisabeth LEBLANC; not an Acadian
Gordon Thomas CALLIGAN 275 not given LVdA no occupation listed; on this ship's debarkation list but not on embarkation list; probably a stowaway; husband of Marie-Marguerite LEPRINCE, who traveled on Le St.-Rémi
Susanne-Marie CALLIGAN 183 not given LS-R daughter of Gordon Thomas CALLIGAN & Marie-Marguerite LEPRINCE; traveled with widowed mother
Eustache-Ignace CARRET 70 15* LS-R son of Ignace CARRET & Marie-Madeleine CLÉMENÇEAU
Honoré CARRET 56* LS-R day laborer; head of family; husband of Françoise BENOIT
Ignace CARRET 41* LS-R day laborer; head of family; husband of Marie-Madeleine CLÉMENÇEAU
Jean CARRET infant* LS-R son of Ignace CARRET & Marie-Madeleine CLÉMENÇEAU
Marie-Josèphe CARRET 7 LS-R daughter of Ignace CARRET & Marie-Madeleine CLÉMENÇEAU
Marie-Rose CARRET 32 LS-R wife of Grégoire BENOIT
Pierre-Marin CARRET 24 LS-R day laborer; son of Honoré CARRET & Françoise BENOIT
Thérèse CARRET 29 LS-R sister of Marie-Rose CARRET, wife of Grégoire BENOIT, with whose family she is traveling
Jeanne CHAILLOU 16 56 LBerg head of family; widow of Jean-Baptiste BOURG; depicted in Dafford Mural, Acadian Memorial, St. Martinville
Louis-Antoine CHARRIER 106 not given LAm son of Louis CHARRIER & Maria DELORMO of Nior, Poitou; no occupation given; on this ship's debarkation list but not on embarkation list; probably a stowaway; married Marie ACHÉE, 1 Dec 1785, soon after they reached New Orleans on the same ship; not an Acadian
Joseph CHERAMIE ? ? husband of Anne AUCOIN; not an Acadian
Anne-Adélaïde CHIASSON 55 11 LC daughter of Basile CHIASSON & Monique COMEAUX
Basile CHIASSON 233 36 LC89 cooper; head of family; husband of Monique COMEAUX
Charles-Albert CHIASSON 3 LC son of Basile CHIASSON & Monique COMEAUX
Jean-Baptiste CHIASSON 56 LAm carpenter; head of family; husband of Anne JOANNE
Joseph CHIASSON 19 LAm rope maker; son of Jean-Baptiste CHIASSON & his third wife Anne-Perrine JOANNE
Pierre CHIASSON 15 LAm son of Jean-Baptiste CHIASSON & his third wife Anne-Perrine JOANNE
Jeanne CHIQUET 15 42 LBP second wife of Eustache LEJEUNE
Marie CLÉMENCEAU 71 32 LS-R wife of Pierre TRAHAN, age 60, the day laborer
Marie-Madeleine CLÉMENCEAU  34 LS-R wife of Ignace CARRET
Hilaire CLÉMENT 63 39 LS-R carpenter; head of family; no wife listed, so a widower
Jean-Hilaire CLÉMENT 8 LS-R son of Hilaire CLÉMENT & Tarsile NAQUIN
Marie CLÉMENT 10 LS-R daughter of Hilaire CLÉMENT & Tarsile NAQUIN
Jeanne-Marguerite CLOSSINET 213 24 ? not on any passenger list of the 7 ships but probably came to LA on one of these ships; wife of Frenchman Étienne PELLETIER of Baune, Angers, France, whom she married at St.-Martin de Chantenay, France, 17 Aug 1784; he crossed as a stowaway on L'Amitié
Louis CLOSSINET 29 54 LVdA no occupation listed; husband of Marie DAIGLE
Marie CLOSSINET not given LBeau listed with Charles COMEAUX, probably her husband
Marie-Adrianne COIUNARD 163 not given LAm "near relative" of Henri-Marie PEYROUX de la Coudrenière; not an Acadian
Marie-Louise COIUNARD not given LAm "near relative" of Henri-Marie PEYROUX de la Coudrenière; not an Acadian
Pierre-Benjamin COIUNARD not given LAm "near relative" of Henri-Marie PEYROUX de la Coudrenière; not an Acadian
Alexandre-Simon COMEAUX 11 LVdA son of Simon COMEAUX & Marguerite-Geneviève AUCOIN
Anne-Eléonore COMEAUX 41 14 LAm daughter of Benoît COMEAUX & Anne BLANCHARD
Anne-Marie COMEAUX 40 LBeau wife of Allain BOURG
Benoît COMEAUX 48 LAm carpenter; head of family; husband of Anne BLANCHARD
Charles COMEAUX 37 LBeau carpenter; listed with Marie CLOSSINET, probably his wife
Claire-Adélaïde COMEAUX infant LAm daughter of Benoît COMEAUX & Anne BLANCHARD; born aboard ship, 15 Sep
Élie COMEAUX 19 LVdA son of deceased Joseph COMEAUX; traveling with mother, Marie THÉRIOT
Félicité-Augustina COMEAUX 16 LVdA daughter of Simon COMEAUX & Marguerite-Geneviève AUCOIN
Honoré COMEAUX 71* LS-R carpenter; head of family; husband of Anastasie BELLEMÈRE
Isabelle COMEAUX 19 LVdA daughter of Simon COMEAUX & Marguerite-Genevieve AUCOIN
Jean COMEAUX 19 LAm carpenter; son of Benoît COMEAUX & Anne BLANCHARD
Jean-Baptiste COMEAUX 2 LBerg son of Jean-Baptiste COMEAUX, who is not on passenger list; traveling with mother, Marie-Madeleine LANDRY
Jean-Baptiste COMEAUX 14 LVdA son of Simon COMEAUX & Marguerite-Geneviève AUCOIN
Jeanne COMEAUX 11 LVdA daughter of deceased Joseph COMEAUX; traveling with mother, Marie THÉRIOT
Joseph COMEAUX 17 LVdA son of deceased Joseph COMEAUX; traveling with mother, Marie THÉRIOT
Joseph-Marie COMEAUX infant LVdA born 7 Mar 1785; son of Simon COMEAUX & Marguerite AUCOIN
Madeleine COMEAUX 34 LBeau wife of Joseph GUIDRY
Madeleine COMEAUX 18 LVdA daughter of Simon COMEAUX & Marguerite-Geneviève AUCOIN
Marguerite COMEAUX 32 LAm wife of Jean BROUSSARD
Marguerite-Anastasie COMEAUX 12 LAm daughter of Benoît COMEAUX & Anne BLANCHARD
Marie COMEAUX 212 50 LVdA wife of Jacques FORET, age 55
Marie COMEAUX 21 LVdA daughter of Simon COMEAUX & Marguerite-Geneviève AUCOIN
Marie COMEAUX 6 LVdA daughter of deceased Joseph COMEAUX; traveling with mother, Marie THÉRIOT
Marie-Anne-Victoire COMEAUX 16 LAm daughter of Benoît COMEAUX & Anne BLANCHARD
Mathurin COMEAUX 25 LS-R sailor; listed singly; son of Simon COMEAUX & Madeleine THÉRIOT
Monique COMEAUX 38 LC wife of Basile CHIASSON
Pierre COMEAUX 9 LVdA son of Simon COMEAUX & Marguerite-Geneviève AUCOIN
Rose COMEAUX 5 LAm daughter of Benoît COMEAUX & Anne BLANCHARD
Simon COMEAUX 44 LVdA no occupation listed; head of family; husband of Marguerite-Geneviève AUCOIN
Simon COMEAUX 15 LVdA son of deceased Joseph COMEAUX; traveling with mother, Marie THÉRIOT
Joseph COSTA not given LBeau immigrant; married Marie-Marguerite TRAHAN, 4 Sep 1785, soon after they reached New Orleans on the same ship
Charlotte-Louise COURTIN 11 LBeau daughter of deceased Louis COURTIN, non-Acadian; traveling with mother, Acadian Marie-Josèphe MARTIN
Francoise COURTIN 44 22 LBeau daughter of deceased Louis COURTIN; traveling with mother, Marie-Josèphe MARTIN; married Juan GARCIA, 5 Sep 1785, soon after they reached New Orleans on the same ship
Jacques-Marie COURTIN 16 LBeau day laborer; son of deceased Louis COURTIN; traveling with mother, Marie-Josèphe MARTIN
Esther COURTNEY 02 60 LBP stepmother of widow of Jean HÉBERT, traveling with family of Amable HÉBERT or Joseph LÉBLANC
Mathurine-Olive COURTIN 20 LBeau probably unmarried daughter of deceased Louis COURTIN; traveling with mother, Marie-Josèphe MARTIN
Nicolas COURTUA not given LVdA no occupation listed; on this ship's debarkation list but not on embarkation list; probably a stowaway; married Charlotte-Marie PITRE, 12 Dec 1785, soon after they reached New Orleans on the same ship
Marie-Blanche COUSIN 41* LC wife of Michel DOUCET
Francoise-Pélagie CROCHET 21* LAm daughter of deceased Yves CROCHET; traveling with mother, Pélagie BENOIT; married Tourchet dit Leonard DE LA GARDE, son of Gartau DE LA GARDE & Francoise CHARPATAN of Surget, France, 24 Nov 1785, soon after they reached New Orleans on the same ship
Jean-Guillaume CROCHET 83 25* LAm sailor; son of deceased Yves CROCHET; traveling with mother, Pélagie BENOIT
Julien CROCHET 15* LAm son of deceased Yves CROCHET; traveling with mother, Pélagie BENOIT
Marguerite-Perinne CROCHET 19 LAm daughter of deceased Yves CROCHET; traveling with mother, Pélagie BENOIT; married Joseph ADAM, son of Nicolas ADAM & Marie BLANCHARD of La Rochelle, 24 Nov 1785, soon after they reached New Orleans on the same ship
Yves-Jean CROCHET 18* LAm sailor; son of deceased Yves CROCHET; traveling with mother, Pélagie BENOIT
Alexis-Jean-Mathurin DAIGLE 22 LBerg engraver; listed singly
Anne DAIGLE 261 43 LS-R head of family; widow of François MICHEL
Anne-Geneviève DAIGLE 24* LBeau daughter of Simon-Pierre DAIGLE & his first wife Marie-Madeleine THÉRIOT
Anne-Josèphe DAIGLE 40 LVdA wife of Jean BOURG
Anne-Marie DAIGLE 15 LS-R daughter of Jean Baptiste DAIGLE & Marie BOUDREAUX
Catherine DAIGLE 56* LS-R wife of Blaise THIBODEAUX
Charles DAIGLE 54 LBP pulley maker; husband of Anne-Marie VINCENT
Charles-Marc DAIGLE 13 LBerg son of Eustache DAIGLE & Madeleine DUPUIS
Édouard DAIGLE 191 21 LBeau carpenter; son of Simon-Pierre DAIGLE & his first wife Marie-Madeleine THÉRIOT
Élisabeth DAIGLE 13 LBeau daughter of Simon-Pierre DAIGLE & his first wife Marie-Madeleine THÉRIOT
Émilie-Adélaïde DAIGLE 1 LBeau daughter of Francois-Alexandre DAIGLE & Rose-Adélaïde BOURG
Étienne DAIGLE infant LBerg son of Eustache DAIGLE & Madeleine DUPUIS
Eulalie DAIGLE 6* LBeau daughter of Olivier DAIGLE & his second wife Marie-Blanche LEBLANC
Eustache DAIGLE 57* LBerg carpenter; head of family; husband of Madeleine DUPUIS
Félicité DAIGLE 55 LVdA wife of Jean PITRE
Flore-Adélaïde DAIGLE 27 15 LBeau daughter of François-Marie DAIGLE & Jeanne HOLLEY
François DAIGLE 19 LBeau carpenter; son of Olivier DAIGLE & his second wife Marie-Blanche LEBLANC
François-Alexandre DAIGLE 22 LBeau plowman; head of family; husband of Rose-Adélaïde BOURG; son of François-Marie
François-Joseph DAIGLE infant LBeau son of Francois-Alexandre DAIGLE & Rose-Adélaïde BOURG
François-Marie DAIGLE 45* LBeau plowman; head of family; husband of Jeanne HOLLEY
Françoise DAIGLE 55 LBeau wife of Pierre RICHARD the carpenter
Honoré DAIGLE 3 LBeau son of Olivier DAIGLE & his second wife Marie-Blanche LEBLANC
Jean-Baptiste DAIGLE 15 LBeau day laborer; son of Olivier DAIGLE & his second wife Marie-Blanche LEBLANC
Jean-Baptiste DAIGLE 45 LBeau plowman; head of family; husband of Marie-Claudine VALET
Jean-Baptiste DAIGLE 52* LS-R no occupation listed; head of family; husband of Marie BOUDREAUX
Jean-Baptiste DAIGLE 25 LAm? on debarkation but not on embarkation list with wife & 2 daughters
Jean-Baptiste-Alexandre DAIGLE 20 LS-R sailor; listed singly
Jean-Joseph DAIGLE 15 LBerg son of Eustache DAIGLE & Madeleine DUPUIS
Jean-Louis DAIGLE 10 LBeau son of deceased Jean DAIGLE; traveling with widowed mother, Marguerite-Ange DUBOIS
Jean-René DAIGLE 1 LBeau son of Jean-Baptiste DAIGLE & Marie-Claudine VALET; on embarkation list but not on debarkation list so probably died at sea
Joseph DAIGLE dit Joson 14 LBeau sailor; traveling with uncle, Charles GRANGER
Joseph-Marc DAIGLE 11 LS-R son of Jean-Baptiste DAIGLE & Marie BOUDREAUX
Joseph-Michel DAIGLE 9 LBeau son of Simon-Pierre DAIGLE & his first wife Marie-Madeleine THÉRIOT
Louis-François DAIGLE 196 18 LBeau calker; son of François-Marie DAIGLE & Jeanne HOLLEY
Louise DAIGLE 10 LBeau daughter of François-Marie DAIGLE & Jeanne HOLLEY
Luce DAIGLE 24 LBerg probably sister of Marguerite DAIGLE, age 17; unmarried; niece of Joseph BOURG, with whose family she is traveling
Marguerite DAIGLE 60 LBerg wife of Pierre DUGAS
Marguerite DAIGLE 17 LBerg probably sister of Luce DAIGLE; niece of Joseph BOURG, with whose family she is traveling
Marguerite DAIGLE 37 LS-R wife of Lambert BILLARDIN
Marguerite DAIGLE 45 LVdA wife of Joseph HÉBERT, age 50; widow of Honoré RICHARD
Marguerite-Louise DAIGLE infant LAm daughter of Jean-Baptiste DAIGLE, traveling with mother, Marie LEBLANC
Marie DAIGLE 45 LBerg wife of Jean-Baptiste BARRILLEAUX, whom she married 19 Jun 1764, Pleudihen-sur-Rance, France
Marie DAIGLE 44 LBerg head of family; widow of Jean Baptiste BOUDREAUX
Marie DAIGLE 24 LVdA daughter of Charles DAIGLE & Marie-Blanche AUCOIN, not listed; traveling with family of Charles AUCOIN, age 50
Marie-Geneviève DAIGLE 11 LBeau daughter of Olivier DAIGLE & his second wife Marie-Blanche LEBLANC
Marie-Jeanne-Jacqueline DAIGLE 193 16 LBeau daughter to Francois-Marie DAIGLE & Jeanne HOLLEY
Marie-Judith DAIGLE 1 LAm daughter of Jean-Baptiste DAIGLE, traveling with mother, Marie LEBLANC
Marie-Marguerite DAIGLE 23* LBerg wife of Isaac HÉBERT
Marie-Marguerite DAIGLE 116 40* LVdA wife of Louis CLOSSINET
Marie-Madeleine DAIGLE 11 LBeau daughter of Simon-Pierre DAIGLE & his first wife Marie-Madeleine THÉRIOT
Marie-Marguerite DAIGLE 26* LBeau daughter of Simon-Pierre DAIGLE & his first wife Marie-Madeleine THÉRIOT
Marie-Osite DAIGLE 40 LVdA wife of Marin BOURG
Olivier DAIGLE 53 LBeau carpenter; head of family; probably a widower
Paul-Olivier DAIGLE 18 LBeau laborer; minor; orphan; traveling with Jean DOIRON the plowman & his daughter Marie-Josèphe DOIRON
Pélagie DAIGLE 9 LBeau daughter of Olivier DAIGLE & his second wife Marie-Blanche LEBLANC
Simon-François DAIGLE 18 LBeau wet cooper; son of Olivier DAIGLE & his second wife Marie-Blanche LEBLANC
Simon-Pierre DAIGLE, père 49 LBeau carpenter; head of family; husband of Anne MICHEL
Simon-Pierre DAIGLE, fils 18 LBeau carpenter; son of Simon-Pierre DAIGLE & his first wife Marie-Madeleine THÉRIOT
Victor DAIGLE 23 LBeau carpenter; son of Olivier DAIGLE & his second wife Marie-Blanche LEBLANC
Marie-Rose DAMOUR 24 LAm wife of Jean THIBODEAUX the calker
Anne DANTIN 87 9 LAm daughter of Louis DANTIN & his first wife Jeanne GEMIER
Jeanne DANTIN 16 LAm daughter of Louis DANTIN & his first wife Jeanne GEMIER; married Martin-Béloni PITRE, son of Paul PITRE & _____, 21 Jan 1786, St. Louis Catholic Church, New Orleans, soon after they arrived in LA on separate ships
Julie DANTIN 7 LAm daughter of Louis DANTIN & & his first wife Jeanne GEMIER
Louis DANTIN 38 LAm house carpenter; head of family; husband of Hélène AUCOIN
Marie DANTIN 12 LAm daughter of Louis DANTIN & & his first wife Jeanne GEMIER
Jean-Baptiste DAREMBOURG 48*  LS-R brother of Marie-Magdalene; day laborer; head of family; husband of Madeleine HENRY
Marie-Jeanne DAREMBOURG 176 18 LS-R daughter of Jean-Baptiste DAREMBOURG & Madeleine HENRY
Marie-Madeleine DAREMBOURG 177 not given LS-R daughter of Jean-Baptiste DAREMBOURG; wife of Jean-Pierre LIRRET, not on board; granted head-of-family status by Intendant NAVARRO until her husband reached LA
Élisabeth DAROIS 66 24 LS-R daughter of Étienne DAROIS & Madeleine TRAHAN
Étienne DAROIS 47 LS-R tanner; head of family; husband of Madeleine TRAHAN
Marie-Élisabeth DAROIS 8 LS-R daughter of Étienne DAROIS & Madeleine TRAHAN
Marie-Madeleine DAROIS 18 LS-R daughter of Étienne DAROIS & Madeleine TRAHAN
Susanne DAROIS 16 LS-R daughter of Étienne DAROIS & Madeleine TRAHAN
Jacques DAVOIR 274 not given LAm no occupation given; on this ship's debarkation list but not on embarkation list; probably a stowaway
Angelique DE LA FORESTERIE 24 LBeau wife of Moise LEBLANC
Jeanne DE LA FORESTRIE 30 LS-R wife of Joseph HÉBERT the sailor
Marie-Rosalie DE LA FORESTRIE 29 LS-R wife of Michel AUCOIN
Leonard DE LA GARDE 107 not given LAm son of Gartau DE LA GARDE & Francoise CHARPATAN of Surget, France; no occupation given; on this ship's debarkation list but not on embarkation list; probably a stowaway; married Francoise CROCHET, daughter of Yves CROCHET & Pelagie BENOIT, 24 Nov 1785, St. Louis Catholic Church, New Orleans, soon after they arrived in LA on the same ship
Jean-Baptiste DE LA MAZIERE 8 LAm son of Jean-Francois DE LA MAZIERE & Véronique RENAUD
Jean-Francois DE LA MAZIERE 37 LAm navigator, blacksmith, & carpenter; head of family; husband of Véronique RENAUD
Louise-Céleste DE LA MAZIERE 6 LAm daughter of Jean-Francois DE LA MAZIERE & Véronique RENAUD
Rose-Jeanne DE LA MAZIERE 4 LAm daughter of Jean-Francois DE LA MAZIERE & Véronique RENAUD
Augustin DELAUNE 78 1 or 2 LC son of Christophe DELAUNE & Marie BOUDREAUX
Christophe DELAUNE 234 34 LC ship's carpenter; head of family; husband of Marie BOUDREAUX
Jean DELAUNE 235 48 LC ship's carpenter; head of family; husband of Marie or Marianne PART
Jean-Baptiste DELAUNE 10 LC son of Christophe DELAUNE & Marie BOUDREAUX
Marie-Céleste DELAUNE infant LC daughter of Jean DELAUNE & Marie PART
Pierre DELAUNE 77 1 or 7 LC son of Jean DELAUNE & Marie PART
Jacques-Ferdinand Mius D'ENTREMONT 1 LVdA son of Jacques Mius D'ENTREMONT, fils & Marie HERVE
Jacques Mius D'ENTREMONT IV 123 29 LVdA no occupation listed; head of family; husband of Marie HERVE
Maria or Martine Mius D'ENTREMONT 141 infant LVdA born probably aboard ship; daughter of Jacques Mius D'ENTREMONT IV & Marie HERVE; baptized c25 Oct[probably Dec] 1785, St. Louis Catholic Church, New Orleans, soon after the family arrived in LA
Duhamel DESCHENAIS 167 not given LVdA "a non-Acadian and a distinguished French colonist"
Marie-Isabelle DESFOREST 127 not given LVdA on this ship's debarkation list but not on embarkation list; probably a stowaway, although female stowaways are rare
Alexandre DOIRON 04 47 LBP day laborer; head of family; husband of Ursule HÉBERT
Amable-Ursule DOIRON 253 6 LBeau son of Jean-Baptiste DOIRON & Marie-Blanche BERNARD
Anne-Appoline DOIRON 46 LBeau wife of Jean-Baptiste LAGARENNE
Anne-Dorothée DOIRON 24* LBeau wife of Jean-Baptiste or Jean-Pierre HÉBERT
Françoise DOIRON 17 LAm daughter of Hélène AUCOIN, wife of Louis DANTIN, with whose family she is traveling
Geneviève DOIRON 12 19 LBP wife of Jean-Baptiste LEJEUNE the sailor
Isaac DOIRON 16 LBP son of Alexandre DOIRON & Ursule HÉBERT
Jacques DOIRON 43* LBerg sailor; head of family; husband of Anne-Josèphe BREAUX
Jean DOIRON 17 LBerg sailor; son of Jacques DOIRON & Anne BREAUX
Jean DOIRON 57 LBeau plowman; probably a widower; traveling with daughter Marguerite-Josèphe DOIRON & orphan Paul DAIGLE
Jean-Baptiste DOIRON 2 LBP son of Alexandre DOIRON & Ursule HÉBERT
Jean-Baptiste DOIRON 30 45 LBeau carpenter; head of family; husband of Marie-Blanche BERNARD
Jean-Baptiste DOIRON 25 LC sailor; listed singly
Jean-Charles DOIRON 2 LBeau son of Jean-Baptiste DOIRON & Marie-Blanche BERNARD
Joseph DOIRON 7 LBP son of Alexandre DOIRON & Ursule HÉBERT
Joseph DOIRON 14 LBerg son of Jacques DOIRON & Anne-Josèphe BREAUX
Louis-Toussaint DOIRON 3 LBeau son of Jean-Baptiste DOIRON & Marie-Blanche BERNARD
Madeleine DOIRON 19 LBP daughter of Alexandre DOIRON & Ursule HÉBERT
Marguerite-Josèphe DOIRON 34 50 LBeau widow of Jean-Baptiste DUGAS; listed singly; mother of Claude-Bernard DUGAS of L'Amitié
Marguerite-Josèphe DOIRON 20 LBeau probably unmarried daughter of Jean DOIRON the plowman, traveling with her father & orphan Paul DAIGLE
Marie DOIRON 17 LBeau daughter of Jean-Baptiste DOIRON & Marie-Blanche BERNARD
Marie DOIRON 12 LAm daughter of Hélène AUCOIN, wife of Louis DANTIN, with whose family she is traveling
Marie-Blanche DOIRON 199 41 LBeau wife of Jacques MOLAISON
Marie-Pélagie DOIRON 31 LBeau head of family; widow of Joseph LALANDE
Marie-Rose DOIRON 21 LBP daughter of Alexandre DOIRON & Ursule HÉBERT
Martina DOIRON 135 infant LBerg born 13 Jun 1785, aboard ship; daughter of Jacques DOIRON & Anne BREAUX; baptized 29 Aug 1785, St. Louis Catholic Church, New Orleans, soon after the family arrived in LA
Mathurin DOIRON 12 LBP son of Alexandre DOIRON & Ursule HÉBERT
Rose DOIRON 187 not given LBeau listed singly; wife of Jean-Baptiste LOISELEUR, a Frenchman who remained in France
Rose-Lucie DOIRON 188  13 LBeau daughter of Jean-Baptiste DOIRON & Marie-Blanche BERNARD
Ursule-Olive DOIRON 13 LBerg daughter of Jacques DOIRON & Anne-Josèphe BREAUX
Ange DOUCET 15 LC son of Joseph DOUCET
Charles DOUCET 40 LAm carpenter; listed singly
François DOUCET 14 LAm day laborer; traveling with widowed mother, Marie-Anne PRÉCIEUX, & older brother Jean-Baptiste
Françoise DOUCET 206 46 LAm head of family; wife of Louis ACHEE, who is not on the list; traveling with son Pierre ACHÉE & 3 ACHÉE "minors"
Honorine-Eléonore DOUCET 17* LC daughter of Michel DOUCET & Marie-Blanche COUSIN
Jean-Baptiste DOUCET 157 19 LAm borer; head of family; traveling with widowed mother, Marie-Anne PRÉCIEUX, & brother François
Jean-Baptiste-Michel DOUCET 84 12 LC son of Michel DOUCET & Marie-Blanche COUSIN
Joseph DOUCET 236 53 LC plowman; head of family; no wife listed, so probably a widower
Madeleine DOUCET 17 LC daughter of Joseph DOUCET
Marguerite DOUCET 9 LC daughter of Michel DOUCET & Marie-Blanche COUSIN
Marie DOUCET 60 LAm head of family; widow of Pierre MOLAISON
Marie-Marguerite DOUCET 85 19 LC daughter of Joseph DOUCET & Marguerite MOLAISON
Michel DOUCET 237 45 LC carpenter; head of family; husband of Marie-Blanche COUSIN
Anne DRAPEAU 102 41 LAm wife of Pierre-Joseph JACQUES, "a German"
Jacques-Olivier DUBOIS 82 19* LAm son of deceased Olivier DUBOIS & Marguerite VALLOIS, second wife of Zacharie BOUDREAUX, with whose family he is traveling; may not have been Acadian
Marguerite-Ange DUBOIS 29 LBeau head of family; widow of Jean DAIGLE; traveling with son, Jean-Louis DAIGLE
Alexis DUGAS 37 58 LS-R carpenter; head of family; wife not listed, so probably a widower
Ambroise DUGAS 32 LBerg sailor; head of family; husband of Marie-Victoire PITRE
Anastasie DUGAS 12 LS-R daughter of Joseph DUGAS & Anastasie BARRILLEAUX
Anne DUGAS 21 LBP daughter of Jean-Baptiste DUGAS & Anne BOURG
Anne DUGAS 23 LBerg daughter of Pierre DUGAS & Marguerite DAIGLE
Anne DUGAS 19 LBerg daughter of Paul DUGAS
Anne DUGAS 36 LS-R wife of Joseph-Ignace HEBERT
Anne DUGAS 6 LS-R daughter of Joseph DUGAS & Anastasie BARRILLEAUX
Anne DUGAS 88 52 or 56 LC wife of Olivier BOUDREAUX
Anne-Josephe DUGAS 36 LS-R wife of Jean-Baptiste HÉBERT the shoemaker
Anne-Osite DUGAS 30 LBerg head of family; widow of Charles HEBERT
Anne-Périnne DUGAS infant LS-R daughter of Pierre DUGAS & Rose LEBLANC
Cécile DUGAS 19 LS-R daughter of Joseph DUGAS & Anastasie BARRILLEAUX
Céleste DUGAS 1 LBerg daughter of Ambroise DUGAS & Marie-Victoire PITRE
Charles DUGAS 46 LBerg sawyer; head of family; no wife listed, so probably a widower; appointed 1 of the 5 leaders of the Le Bergere expedition
Charles DUGAS 60 LS-R plowman; head of family; husband of Anne NAQUIN
Claude-Bernard DUGAS 26* LAm no occupation given; on this ship's debarkation list but not on embarkation list, so probably a stowaway; son of Marguerite-Josèphe DOIRON, widow of Jean-Baptiste DUGAS, who crossed on Le Beaumont.  He may have crossed with Marguerite BENOIT, widow PRECIEUX, who he married soon after arrival.
Élisabeth DUGAS 17 LS-R daughter of Joseph DUGAS & Anastasie BARRILLEAUX
Élisabeth DUGAS 32 LBerg wife of Ambroise PITRE
Eulalia-Martine DUGAS 136 infant LBerg born 3 Jun 1785, aboard ship; daughter of Ambroise DUGAS & Marie-Victoire PITRE; baptized 3[sic] Aug 1785, St. Louis Catholic Church, New Orleans, soon after the family arrived in LA
Francois DUGAS 14 LS-R son of Joseph DUGAS & Anastasie BARRILLEAUX
Isabelle DUGAS 44 LBerg wife of Jean-Baptiste LANDRY the plowman
Jean DUGAS 13 LS-R son of Anne BONFILS; traveling with her & his stepfather, Pierre LABAUVE
Jean-Baptiste DUGAS 66 LBP carpenter; head of family; husband of Anne BOURG
Jean-Baptiste DUGAS 49 LBP day laborer; head of family; husband of Marie CLOSSINET
Jean-Charles DUGAS 20 LBerg sailor; son of Charles DUGAS
Jean-Pierre DUGAS 20 LBeau carpenter; husband of Jeanne CABON
Jean-Pierre DUGAS 10 LS-R son of Joseph DUGAS & Anastasie BARRILLEAUX
Joseph DUGAS 16 LBerg sailor; son of Charles DUGAS
Joseph DUGAS 43 LS-R pit sawyer; head of family; husband of Anastasie BARRILLEAUX
Joseph DUGAS 23 LS-R carpenter; son of Joseph DUGAS & Anastasie BARRILLEAUX
Louis-Ambroise DUGAS 5 LBerg son of Ambroise PITRE & Marie-Victoire PITRE
Madeleine DUGAS 43 LBerg head of family; widow of Jean-Baptiste HÉBERT
Marguerite DUGAS 4 LBerg daughter of Charles DUGAS
Marguerite DUGAS 31 LBerg wife of Pierre BOURG
Marguerite DUGAS 24 LBeau wife of Francois-Xavier BOUDREAUX
Marguerite DUGAS 2 LS-R daughter of Joseph DUGAS & Anastasie BARRILLEAUX
Margerite-Josèphe DUGAS 256 10 LBerg daughter of Ambroise DUGAS & Marie-Victoire PITRE
Marie DUGAS 11 LBP daughter of Jean-Baptiste DUGAS & Marie CLOSSINET
Marie DUGAS 20 LBerg probably unmarried daughter of Pierre DUGAS & Marguerite DAIGLE
Marie DUGAS 39 LBerg wife of Prosper-Honoré GIROIR
Marie DUGAS 21 LS-R daughter of Joseph DUGAS & Anastasie BARRILLEAUX
Marie DUGAS 18? LS-R wife of Jean THIBODEAUX
Marie-Josèphe DUGAS 22 LBerg daughter of Charles DUGAS
Marie-Madeleine DUGAS 53* LBP wife of Pierre QUIMINE
Marie-Osite DUGAS 24* LBerg wife of Étienne DUPUIS
Marie-Rose DUGAS 20 LS-R daughter of Alexis DUGAS
Paul DUGAS 75 LBerg carpenter; head of family; probably a widower
Pierre DUGAS 11 LBP son of deceased Marin DUGAS; traveling with his mother, Francoise BOUDREAUX
Pierre DUGAS 57 LBerg carpenter; head of family; husband of Marguerite DAIGLE
Pierre DUGAS 51 LS-R carpenter; head of family; husband of Rose LEBLANC
Pierre-Olivier DUGAS 18 LBerg sailor; son of Charles DUGAS
Rose DUGAS 3 LS-R daughter of Pierre DUGAS & Rose LEBLANC
Simon DUGAS 37 LBerg carpenter; son of Paul DUGAS; probably unmarried; appointed 1 of the 5 leaders of La Bergère expedition
Victoire DUGAS 38 LVdA head of family; widow of Thomas AILLET (debarkation list says widow of _____ HENRY)
Augustin DUHON 43 20 LAm sailor; son of Honoré DUHON & Anne TRAHAN
Élisabeth DUHON 43 LAm head of family; widow of Alexandre AUCOIN
Honoré DUHON le jeune 47 LAm carpenter; head of family; husband of Anne TRAHAN
Jacques DUHON 17 LAm son of Honoré DUHON & Anne TRAHAN
Jean-Baptiste DUHON 25 LBeau plowman; listed singly
Jean-Charles DUHON 13 LAm son of Honoré DUHON & Anne TRAHAN
Joseph DUHON 19 LC plowman; listed singly
Marguerite DUHON 44 LS-R wife of Pierre TRAHAN
Helene DUMONT 36 LBP wife of Gregoire LEJEUNE
Marie[-Louise?] DUPLESSIS 22 47 LBerg wife of Pierre GAUTREAUX the plowman
Ambroise DUPUIS 115 43 LVdA no occupation listed; head of family; husband of Anne THERIOT
Élisabeth/Isabelle DUPUIS 243 10 LBerg daughter of Joseph DUPUIS & Marie LANDRY
Étienne DUPUIS 36 LBerg sailor; husband of Marie DUGAS; appointed 1 of the 5 leaders of the Le Bergere expedition
Jean-Charles DUPUIS 18 ? not on any passenger list of the 7 ships but probably came to LA on one of these ships
Joseph DUPUIS 39 LBerg sailor; head of family; widower of Marie LANDRY
Madeleine DUPUIS 44 LBerg wife of Eustache DAIGLE
Marguerite DUPUIS 34 LBerg wife of Fabien AUCOIN
Marguerite DUPUIS 8 LVdA daughter of Ambroise DUPUIS & Anne THERIOT
Marie DUPUIS 36 LVdA wife of Jean BOURG, age 40
Anne DUREL 50 LAm wife of Charles PINET
Pierre-Jean EON 125 not given LVdA priest; listed singly
Carlos FARDY 109 not given LAm no occupation given; on this ship's debarkation list but not on embarkation list
Anne FOREST 97 30 LVdA widow of Simon LEBLANC; listed singly
Anne-Perrine FOREST 20 LVdA daughter of Victor FOREST & his second wife Anne-Marie HÉBERT
Étienne FOREST 30 LVdA no occupation listed; no wife given; nephew of Jacques FOREST, with whom he is traveling
Étienne-Gilles FOREST 7 LVdA son of Victor FOREST & his third wife Julienne ROSEREU
Jacques FOREST 75 LVdA no occupation listed; head of family; husband of Angelique RICHER; father of Victor FOREST
Jacques FOREST 55 LVdA no occupation listed; head of family; husband of Marie COMEAUX
Jean FOREST 11 LVdA son of Victor FOREST & his third wife Julienne ROSEREU
Jeanne-Isabelle FOREST 12 LVdA daughter of Victor FOREST & his third wife Julienne ROSEREU
Joseph-Victor FOREST 24 LVdA son of Victor FOREST & his second wife Anne-Marie HÉBERT
Madeleine FOREST 43 LAm wife of Bénoni BLANCHARD
Marie FOREST 21 LVdA daughter of Victor FOREST but traveling with family of Jacques FOREST, age 55
Marie FOREST 20 LVdA wife of Jean-Baptiste AUCOIN
Marie-Adélaïde FOREST 15 LVdA daughter of Victor FOREST & his third wife Julienne ROSEREU
Pierre FOREST 25 LBeau sailor; listed singly
Pierre FOREST 15 LVdA son of Jacques FOREST & Marie COMEAUX
Servanne-Julienne FOREST 17 LVdA daughter of Victor FOREST & his third wife Julienne ROSEREU
Victor FOREST 50 LVdA son of Jacques FOREST, age 75; no occupation listed; head of family; husband of Marie-Jeanne-Catherine RICHER
Dr. Etienne FOUGINET de Pellegrue 171 not given LBerg French passenger; distinguished physician
Madame ______ FOUGINET de Pellegrue not given LBerg French passenger
Jean FOUQUET 52 LAm plowman; head of family; husband of Marguerite QUIMINE
Jeanne-Magdelaine FOUQUET 11 LAm daughter of Jean FOUQUET & Marguerite QUIMINE
Marie-Charlotte FOUQUET 15 LAm daughter of Jean FOUQUET & Marguerite QUIMINE
François FRIOU, père 25 not given LBerg listed singly; widower from Paimboeuf; remarried to Élisabeth BOURG, 27 Sep 1785, New Orleans
François FRIOU, fils not given LeBerg not on passenger list; was only 12 or 13 years old in 1785, so he doubtlessly crossed with his widowed father
Juan GARCIA 45 not given LBeau passenger; married Francoise COURTIN, daughter of deceased Louis COURTIN & Marie-Josèphe MARTIN, 5 Sep 1785, soon after they reached New Orleans aboard the same ship
Jean GARNIER 34 LS-R carpenter; head of family; husband of Osite-Perpétué THERIOT
Jeanne-Marie GARNIER 1 LS-R daughter of Jean GARNIER & Osite-Perpétué THERIOT
Marie-Francoise GARNIER infant LS-R daughter of Jean GARNIER & Osite-Perpétué THERIOT
Francois-Louis GAUDET 54 12 LC son of Louis GAUDET & Marie HÉBERT
Joseph-Ignace GAUDET 38 LVdA no occupation given; listed singly
Louis GAUDET 238 57 LC carpenter; head of family; husband of Marie HÉBERT
Madeleine GAUDET 28 LC evidently unmarried; daughter of Louis GAUDET & Marie HÉBERT
Marguerite GAUDET 20 LC daughter of Louis GAUDET & Marie HÉBERT
Adélaïde GAUTREAUX 26 9 LBerg daughter of Pierre GAUTREAUX & Marie DUPLESSIS
Agnès GAUTREAUX 26 LBerg no husband listed; traveling with brother Pierre (age 22)
Anne-Angélique GAUTREAUX 20 LC "niece"; traveling with Ambroise HEBERT & his family
Aspasie GAUTREAUX 2 LS-R son of Charles GAUTREAUX & Pelagie TRAHAN
Charles GAUTREAUX 18 LS-R son of deceased Alexandre GAUTREAUX; traveling with mother Marguerite HÉBERT
Charles GAUTREAUX 10 LS-R son of Joseph GAUTREAUX & Anne PITRE
Charles GAUTREAUX 215 44 LS-R carpenter; head of family; husband of Pelagie TRAHAN
Charles GAUTREAUX 49 LC plowman; head of family; husband of Marie-Madeleine MELANÇON
François GAUTREAUX 8 LS-R son of Joseph GAUTREAUX & Anne PITRE
François-Marie GAUDREAUX 14 LC son of Charles GAUTREAUX & Marie-Madeleine MELANÇON
Jean GAUTREAUX 21 LS-R son of deceased Alexandre GAUTREAUX; traveling with mother Marguerite HÉBERT
Jean GAUTREAUX 8 LS-R son of Joseph GAUTREAUX & Anne PITRE
Jean-Baptiste GAUTREAUX infant LS-R son of Charles GAUTREAUX & Pélagie TRAHAN
Jean-Charles GAUTREAUX 19 LS-R block maker; son of Charles GAUTREAUX & Pélagie TRAHAN
Jean-Charles GAUTREAUX 22 LAm sailor; cousin of Alexis BREAUX, with whose family he is traveling
Jean-Louis GAUTREAUX 14 LBerg son of Marin GAUTREAUX & Gertrude BOURG
Jean-Marie GAUTREAUX 7 LS-R son of Charles GAUTREAUX & Pélagie TRAHAN
Joseph GAUTREAUX 63 LS-R day laborer; head of family; husband of Anne PITRE
Joseph GAUTREAUX 15 LS-R son of Joseph GAUTREAUX & Anne PITRE
Joseph-Benoît GAUTREAUX 143 17 LBerg plowman; listed singly
Madeleine GAUTREAUX 63* LAm wife of Joseph AUCOIN the day laborer
Madeleine GAUTREAUX 18 LS-R daughter of Charles GAUTREAUX & Pelagie TRAHAN
Madeleine-Rosalie GAUTREAUX 19* LAm traveling with older sister, Marie-Marguerite-Pélagie GAUTREAUX
Marguerite GAUTREAUX 59 LS-R wife of Simon LANDRY
Marie GAUTREAUX 9 LBerg daughter of Marin GAUTREAUX & Gertrude BOURG
Marie-Anne GAUTREAUX 19 LAm wife of Charles BOUDREAUX the carpenter
Marie-Geneviève GAUTREAUX 19 LBP niece of Grégoire LEJEUNE; listed with this family
Marie-Madeleine GAUTREAUX 66* LS-R wife of Charles LEBLANC
Marie-Marguerite-Pélagie GAUTREAUX 21* LAm no husband listed, so probably unmarried; traveling with younger sister, Madeleine-Rosalie GAUTREAUX
Marin GAUTREAUX 211 38 LBerg carpenter; head of family; husband of Gertrude BOURG
Martina/Martine GAUTREAUX 145 infant LS-R born 3 Aug 1785, aboard ship; daughter of Pierre GAUTREAUX & Madeleine MICHEL; baptized 18 Oct 1785, New Orleans, soon after the family arrived in LA
Pélagie-Marie GAUTREAUX 15 LBP niece of Eustache LEJEUNE; listed with his family
Pierre GAUTREAUX 53 LBerg plowman; head of family; husband of Marie DUPLESSIS
Pierre GAUTREAUX 25 LS-R carpenter; husband of Madeleine MICHEL
Pierre GAUTREAUX 13 LS-R son of Joseph GAUTREAUX & Anne PITRE
Pierre GAUTREAUX 4 LS-R son of Charles GAUTREAUX & Pélagie TRAHAN
Pierre-Joseph GAUTREAUX 22 LBerg no wife or children listed; traveling with older, probably unmarried sister Agnès; half brother of Marin
Rosalie-Charlotte GAUTREAUX 5 LC daughter of Charles GAUTREAUX & Marie-Madeleine MELANÇON
Rose-Marie GAUTREAUX 22* LS-R daughter of deceased François GAUTREAUX & Anne NAQUIN, wife of Charles DUGAS; traveling with her stepfather's family
Rose-Sébastienne GAUTREAUX 22 LS-R daughter of Joseph GAUTREAUX & Anne PITRE (actually, his first wife Marie-Josèphe HÉBERT)
Victoire GAUTREAUX 16 LS-R daughter of deceased Alexandre GAUTREAUX; traveling with mother Marguerite HÉBERT
Anne GIROIR 18 LBerg daughter of Prosper-Honoré GIROIR & Marie DUGAS
Charles GIROIR 56 LAm calker; husband of Michelle PATRU
Eudoxile GIROIR 38 LAm probably unmarried daughter of deceased Honoré GIROIR; traveling with mother, Marie-Josèphe THÉRIOT
François GIROIR 11 LBerg son of Prosper-Honoré GIROIR & Marie DUGAS
Geneviève GIROIR 116 16 LVdA daughter of Marie DAIGLE, wife of Louis CLOSSINET, with whom she is traveling
Hélène-Judith GIROIR 43 LAm wife of Francois BLANCHARD
Jean-Baptiste GIROIR 15 LBerg day laborer; son of Prosper-Honoré GIROIR & Marie DUGAS
Jeanne GIROIR 13 LBerg daughter of Prosper-Honoré GIROIR & Marie DUGAS
Marie-Paul GIROIR 20 LBerg daughter of Prosper-Honoré GIROIR & Marie DUGAS
Marie-Rose GIROIR 23 LAm daughter of deceased Honoré GIROIR; traveling with mother, Marie-Josèphe THERIOT
Pierre GIROIR 7 LBerg son of Prosper-Honoré GIROIR & Marie DUGAS
Prosper-Honoré GIROIR 41 LBerg day laborer; head of family; husband of Marie DUGAS
Silvestre GOMEZ 114 not given LAm immigré
Jean GOUSMAN 74 56* LAm day laborer; head of family; husband of Rose BONNEVIE
Jean-Thomas GOUSMAN 2 LAm son of Jean GOUSMAN & Rose BONNEVIE
Rosalie-Charlotte GOUSMAN 21 LAm daughter of Jean GOUSMAN & Rose BONNEVIE
Anne GRANGER 49 LBeau head of family; widow of Joseph TRAHAN
Anne GRANGER 54 LS-R wife of Théodore BOURG
Anne-Françoise GRANGER 41 LAm wife of Chrysostôme TRAHAN
Charles-Benoît GRANGER 33 LBeau sailor; widower; traveling with nephew, Joseph DAIGLE, & perhaps with brother Joseph
Françoise-Eulalie GRANGER 7 LVdA daughter of deceased Joseph GRANGER; traveling with mother, Anne THÉRIOT
Ignace GRANGER 15 LVdA son of deceased Joseph GRANGER; traveling with mother, Anne THÉRIOT
Jean-Marie GRANGER 19 LBeau carpenter; listed singly
Jeanne-Marie GRANGER 8 LVdA daughter of deceased Joseph GRANGER; traveling with mother, Anne THÉRIOT
Joseph GRANGER 244 ? ? not on any passenger list of the 7 ships but probably came to LA on one of these ships, perhaps with brother Charles-Benoît on Le Beaumont
Joseph-Constans GRANGER 20 LVdA no occupation listed; son of deceased Joseph GRANGER; traveling with mother, Anne THÉRIOT; granted head-of-family status by Intendant NAVARRO until he joined the family of his cousin, Simon LANDRY
Marie-Josèphe GRANGER 46 LBeau head of family; widow of Pierre-Simon TRAHAN
Marie-Madeleine GRANGER 54 LBerg wife of Joseph BOURG
Pierre-Marie GRANGER 6* LVdA son of deceased Joseph GRANGER; traveling with mother, Anne THÉRIOT
Marie GROSSIN 06 43 LBP wife of Jean-Baptiste DUGAS the day laborer
Brigitte GUÉRIN 15 LBerg daughter of Dominique GUÉRIN & Anne LEBLANC
Dominique GUÉRIN 63 LBerg day laborer; head of family; no wife listed, so probably a widower
Élisabeth/Isabelle GUÉRIN 25* LBerg daughter of Dominique GUÉRIN & Anne LEBLANC
Françoise GUÉRIN 129 22 LBerg wife of Jacques THÉRIOT
Françoise GUÉRIN infant LBerg daughter of Joseph GUÉRIN & Agnès PITRE
Françoise GUÉRIN 79 LVdA widow of François THÉRIOT; traveling with family of Charles HENRY, husband of Marguerite THÉRIOT, so probably her daughter
Jean-Pierre GUÉRIN infant LS-R son of Jérôme GUÉRIN & Marie PITRE
Jérôme GUÉRIN 32 LS-R day laborer; head of family; husband of Marie PITRE
Joseph GUÉRIN 33* LBerg day laborer; head of family; husband of Agnès PITRE
Anne-Laurence GUIDRY 40 26 LBeau probably unmarried daughter of Charles GUIDRY
Charles GUIDRY 57 LBeau pit sawyer; head of family; no wife listed, so probably a widower
Claude GUIDRY 60 LVdA no occupation listed; head of family; husband of Anne MOÏSE
François GUIDRY 4 LBeau son of Jean-Baptiste GUIDRY & Marguerite LEBERT
François GUIDRY 19 LVdA no occupation listed; son of Claude GUIDRY & Anne MOÏSE
Jacques GUIDRY 17 LBeau carpenter; son of Jean GUIDRY & Marie LEBLANC
Jacques GUIDRY 15 LBeau day laborer; son of Charles GUIDRY
Jean GUIDRY 50 LBeau calker; head of family; husband of Marie LEBLANC
Jean GUIDRY 27 LBeau carpenter; son of Jean GUIDRY & Marie LEBLANC
Jean GUIDRY 17 LBeau day laborer; son of Charles GUIDRY
Jean-Baptiste GUIDRY 53 36 LBeau carpenter; head of family; husband of Marguerite LEBERT
Jean-Pierre GUIDRY 4 LBeau son of Pierre-Janvier GUIDRY & Marie-Josèphe LEBERT
Joseph GUIDRY 36 LBeau calker; head of family; husband of Madeleine COMEAUX
Joseph GUIDRY 2 LBeau son of Joseph GUIDRY & Madeleine COMEAUX
Joseph GUIDRY 18 LBeau carpenter; son of Charles GUIDRY
Joseph-Firmin GUIDRY infant LBeau son of Pierre-Janvier GUIDRY & Marie-Josèphe LEBERT
Malo GUIDRY 15 LVdA son of Claude GUIDRY & Anne MOÏSE
Marguerite GUIDRY 7 LBeau daughter of Joseph GUIDRY & Madeleine COMEAUX
Marguerite-Félicité GUIDRY infant LBeau daughter of Jean-Baptiste GUIDRY & Marguerite LEBERT
Marguerite-Victoire GUIDRY 34 LS-R wife of Jean-Charles BOUDREAUX
Marie GUIDRY 9 LBeau daughter of Joseph GUIDRY & Madeleine COMEAUX
Marie GUIDRY 21 LVdA daughter of Claude GUIDRY & Anne MOÏSE
Marie-Rose GUIDRY 6 LBeau daughter of Pierre-Janvier GUIDRY & Marie-Josèphe LEBERT
Olivier GUIDRY 8 LVdA son of Claude GUIDRY & Anne MOÏSE
Pierre GUIDRY 23 LBeau carpenter; husband of Louise BLANDIN
Pierre GUIDRY 12 LVdA son of Claude GUIDRY & Anne MOÏSE
Pierre-Janvier GUIDRY 31 LBeau workman; head of family; husband of Marie-Josèphe LEBERT
Pierre-Jean-Marie GUIDRY 8 LBeau son of Jean-Baptiste GUIDRY & Marguerite LEBERT
Pierre-Joseph GUIDRY 10 LBeau son of Pierre-Janvier GUIDRY & Marie-Josèphe LEBERT
Renée-Élisabeth GUIDRY infant LBeau daughter of Joseph GUIDRY & Madeleine COMEAUX
Suliac GUIDRY 17 LVdA son of Claude GUIDRY & Anne MOÏSE
Charles-Olivier GUILLOT 38 LS-R carpenter; head of family; husband of Madeleine BOUDREAUX
Élisabeth/Isabelle-Madeleine GUILLOT 195 10 LS-R daughter of Charles-Olivier GUILLOT & Madeleine BOUDREAUX
Fabien-Amateur GUILLOT 21* LAm sailor; nephew of Alexis BREAUX, with whose family he is traveling
Françoise-Gertrude GUILLOT 18* LBerg single; listed singly; daughter of René GUILLOT & his second wife Françoise BOURG; sister of Pierre
Jean-Michel GUILLOT 16* LS-R son of Charles-Olivier GUILLOT & Madeleine BOUDREAUX
Marie-Josèphe GUILLOT 62 LAm wife of Alexis BREAUX
Pierre GUILLOT 20 LBerg? brother of Françoise-Gertrude; nephew of Marie-Josèphe, first cousin of Charles-Olivier & Fabien
Simon-François GUILLOT 12 LS-R son of Charles-Olivier GUILLOT & Madeleine BOUDREAUX
Jean HAINEMENT 111 not given LAm no occupation given; on this ship's debarkation list but not on embarkation list
Marie-Josèphe HALLIER 50 LC wife of Claude-Louis LEGAGNEUR
Anne-Madeleine HAMON 92 12 LAm daughter of Ignace HAMON & Anne-Josephe BOURG
Guillaume HAMON 24 LS-R carpenter; husband of Marguerite SONNIER
Ignace HAMON 39 LAm quarryman; head of family; husband of Anne-Josephe BOURG
Marie-Modeste HAMON 10 LAm daughter of Ignace HAMON & Anne-Josephe BOURG
Martina/Martine HAMON 242 infant LAm daughter of Ignace HAMON & Anne-Josephe BOURG
Jean-François HAVARD 104 not given LAm French husband of Marie BOUDREAUX, who came over on Le St.-Remi; no occupation listed; on this ship's debarkation list but not on its embarkation list; probably a stowaway
Jean-Marie HAVARD 180 infant LS-R son of Jean-François HAVARD & Marie BOUDREAUX; traveled with his mother
Alexis-Thomas HÉBERT 2 LS-R son of Jean-Baptiste HÉBERT & Anne-Josephe DUGAS
Amable HÉBERT 43 LBP carpenter; no wife listed, so probably a widower; head of family; 5th family to leave Le Bon Papa
Ambroise HÉBERT 2 LS-R son of Joseph-Ignace HÉBERT & Anne DUGAS
Ambroise HÉBERT 39 LAm house carpenter; no wife listed, so may be a widower; traveling with brother, Jean-Pierre HÉBERT
Ambroise HÉBERT 239 54 LC foreman; head of family; husband of Felicite LEJEUNE
Ambroise-Mathurin HÉBERT 12 LS-R son of Jean-Baptiste HÉBERT & Anne-Josephe DUGAS
André HÉBERT 9 LBP son of Amable HÉBERT & deceased Marie-Anne RICHARD
Anne HÉBERT 01 49 LBP wife of Joseph LEBLANC
Anne HÉBERT 47 LBerg head of family; widow of Joseph BLANCHARD
Anne HÉBERT 4 LBerg daughter of deceased Charles HÉBERT; traveling with mother, Anne-Osite DUGAS
Anne HÉBERT 20 LBerg daughter of deceased Jean-Baptiste HÉBERT; traveling with mother, Madeleine DUGAS
Anne HÉBERT 45 LS-R head of family; widow of Pierre ROBICHAUX
Anne HÉBERT 48 LVdA wife of Joseph AUCOIN, age 64
Anne-Marguerite HÉBERT infant LBeau daughter of Jean-Baptiste HÉBERT & Anne-Dorothée DOIRON
Anne-Marguerite HÉBERT infant LS-R daughter of Joseph HÉBERT & Jeanne DE LA FORESTRIE
Anne-Marie-Julienne HÉBERT 11 LVdA daughter of deceased Pierre HÉBERT; traveling with mother, Luce-Perpétué BOURG
Brigitte HÉBERT 19 LBP wife of Jean-Charles LEBLANC
Cecile HÉBERT 18 LAm daughter of Étienne HÉBERT & Madeleine BREAUX
Charles HÉBERT 62 LBerg plowman; traveled with Marie-Yvette HÉBERT, widow of _____ HENRY (his daughter?), & her son Pierre HENRY
Charles HÉBERT 5 LBerg son of deceased Charles HÉBERT; traveling with mother, Anne-Osite DUGAS
Charles HÉBERT 10 LS-R son of Joseph HÉBERT & Jeanne DE LA FORESTRIE
Étienne HÉBERT infant LBerg son of deceased Jean-Baptiste HÉBERT; traveling with mother, Madeleine DUGAS
Étienne HÉBERT 38 LAm sailor; head of family; husband of Madeleine BREAUX
Félicité HÉBERT 28 LC wife of Étienne-Francois ANGILBERT, "stranger"
Félicité-Jeanne HÉBERT 13 LBerg daughter of deceased Jean-Baptiste HÉBERT; traveling with mother, Luce BOURG
François HÉBERT 72 LBP carpenter; listed singly
François HÉBERT 5 LBerg son of deceased Jean-Baptiste HÉBERT; traveling with mother, Madeleine DUGAS
François HÉBERT 166 not given LVdA no occupation listed; on this ship's debarkation list but not on embarkation list; probably a stowaway
François-Étienne HÉBERT 18 LVdA son of Pierre HÉBERT & his second wife Susanne PITRE
Françoise HÉBERT 47 LVdA wife of Charles HENRY, age 49
Françoise-Luce HÉBERT 11 LBerg daughter of deceased Jean-Baptiste HÉBERT; traveling with mother, Luce BOURG
Gabriel HÉBERT 10 LAm son of Étienne HÉBERT & Madeleine BREAUX
Geneviève HÉBERT 17 LBP daughter of Amable HÉBERT & deceased Marie-Anne RICHARD
Geneviève-Marie HÉBERT 22 LS-R daughter of Joseph HEBERT & his first wife Marguerite RICHARD
Gertrude HÉBERT 16 LC daughter of Ambroise HÉBERT & Félicité LEJEUNE
Guillaume-Bénoni HÉBERT 12 LAm son of Étienne HÉBERT & his first wife Marie LAVERGNE
Isaac HÉBERT 32 LBerg printer; head of family; husband of Marie DAIGLE
Isabelle HÉBERT 14 LBP daughter of Amable HÉBERT & deceased Marie-Anne RICHARD
Isabelle HÉBERT 13 LBerg daughter of deceased Jean-Baptiste HÉBERT; traveling with mother, Madeleine DUGAS
Isabelle HÉBERT 9 LS-R daughter of Joseph-Ignace HÉBERT & Anne DUGAS
Isabelle HÉBERT 48 LVdA wife of Michel AUCOIN, age 53
Jean[-Baptiste?] HÉBERT 35 40 LBeau day laborer; evidently unmarried; traveling with brother Pierre HÉBERT & his family
Jean-Baptiste or Jean-Pierre HÉBERT 32 LBeau plowman; head of family; husband of Anne-Dorothée DOIRON
Jean-Baptiste HÉBERT 35 LS-R shoemaker; head of family; husband of Anne-Josèphe DUGAS
Jean-Baptiste HÉBERT 11 LVdA son of Pierre HÉBERT & Susanne PITRE
Jean-Charles HÉBERT 13 LBeau son of deceased Jean-Baptiste HÉBERT; traveling with mother, Anne BENOIT
Jean-Joseph HÉBERT 14 LS-R son of Jean-Baptiste HÉBERT & Anne-Josèphe DUGAS
Jean-Louis-Étienne HEBERT 16* LAm son of Étienne HEBERT & his first wife Marie LAVERGNE
Jean-Olivier HÉBERT 15 LBerg son of deceased Jean-Baptiste HÉBERT; traveling with mother Luce BOURG
Jean-Pierre HÉBERT 38 LAm no wife listed, so may be a widower; traveling with brother, Ambroise HÉBERT the house carpenter
Jean-Pierre HÉBERT infant LVdA son of Joseph HÉBERT & Marguerite DAIGLE; born 21 Feb 1785
Joseph HÉBERT 15 LBerg manual laborer; son of deceased Jean-Baptiste HÉBERT; traveling with mother, Madeleine DUGAS
Joseph HÉBERT 51 LS-R carpenter; head of family; husband of Marie BENOIT
Joseph HÉBERT 36* LS-R sailor; head of family; husband of Jeanne DE LA FORESTRIE
Joseph HÉBERT 24 LS-R tanner; son of Joseph HÉBERT & his first wife Marguerite RICHARD
Joseph HÉBERT 50 LVdA son of Joseph HÉBERT; no occupation listed; head of family; husband of Marguerite DAIGLE
Joseph HÉBERT 41* LVdA no occupation listed; head of family; husband of Marie-Madeleine AUCOIN
Joseph HÉBERT 12* LC traveling with half brother Martin-Bénoni PITRE & sister Marie-Louise HÉBERT
Joseph-Ignace HÉBERT 37 LS-R foreman; head of family; husband of Anne DUGAS
Joseph-Marie HÉBERT 11 LS-R son of Joseph HÉBERT & Jeanne DE LA FORESTRIE
Joseph-Nicolas HÉBERT 31 LS-R woodworker; nephew of Blaise THIBODEAUX, with whose family he is traveling
Joseph-Yves HÉBERT 15 LVdA son of Pierre HÉBERT & his second wife Susanne PITRE
Julienne-Perrine HÉBERT 5* LVdA daughter of deceased Pierre HÉBERT; traveling with mother, Luce-Perpétué BOURG
Louis-Jean HÉBERT 5 LS-R son of Joseph HÉBERT & Jeanne DE LA FORESTRIE
Madeleine HÉBERT 56 LS-R wife of Felix BOUDREAUX
Madeleine-Modeste HÉBERT 47 LS-R wife of Jean-Baptiste TRAHAN
Marguerite HÉBERT 55 LBerg head of family? widow of Alexandre BOURG
Marguerite HÉBERT 2 LBerg daughter of deceased Charles HÉBERT; traveling with mother, Anne-Osite DUGAS
Marguerite HÉBERT 59 LS-R head of family; widow of Alexandre GAUTREAUX
Marie HEBERT 17 LBerg daughter of deceased Jean-Baptiste HEBERT; traveling with mother, Madeleine DUGAS
Marie HEBERT 45* LS-R head of family; widow of Joseph MOÏSE
Marie HEBERT 258 12 LAm sa mineure traveling with family of Joseph BOUDREAUX the carpenter
Marie HEBERT 17 LVdA daughter of Joseph HEBERT & Marie-Madeleine AUCOIN
Marie HEBERT 50 LVdA wife of Pierre ARSEMENT
Marie HEBERT 54 LC wife of Louis GAUDET
Marie HEBERT 36 LC wife of Louis LAMOUREUX dit Rochefort
Marie-Gertrude-Josèphe HEBERT 17 LBerg daughter of deceased Jean-Baptiste HEBERT; traveling with mother, Luce BOURG
Marie-Josèphe HEBERT 24 LVdA daughter of Pierre HEBERT & his second wife Susanne PITRE
Marie-Josèphe HEBERT 18 LVdA daughter of Joseph HEBERT & Marguerite DAIGLE
Marie-Louise HEBERT 10* LC traveling with half- brother Martin-Bénoni PITRE & brother Joseph HÉBERT
Marie-Madeleine HEBERT infant LAm daughter of Etienne HEBERT & Madeleine BREAUX
Marie-Modeste HEBERT 22* LBP daughter of Amable HEBERT & deceased Marie-Anne RICHARD
Marie-Rose HEBERT 8 LS-R daughter of Joseph HEBERT & Jeanne DE LA FORESTRIE
Marie-Yvette HEBERT 33 LBerg widow of _____ HENRY; traveled with son Pierre HENRY & with Charles HEBERT (her father?)
Martin HEBERT 146 infant LS-R born probably aboard ship; son of probably Joseph-Ignace HEBERT & Anne DUGAS; baptized 2 or 5 Oct 1785, St. Louis Catholic Church, New Orleans, soon after the family arrived in LA
Mathurin-Pierre-Francois HEBERT 13 LVdA son of Pierre HEBERT & his second wife Susanne PITRE
Olivier HEBERT 11 LS-R son of Joseph-Ignace HEBERT & Anne DUGAS
Pierre HEBERT 18 LBerg manual laborer; son of deceased Jean-Baptiste HEBERT; traveling with mother, Madeleine DUGAS
Pierre HEBERT 45 LBeau day laborer; head of family; husband of Charlotte POTIER
Pierre HEBERT 15 LS-R son of Joseph-Ignace HEBERT & Anne DUGAS
Pierre HEBERT 50 LVdA no occupation listed; head of family; husband of Susanne PITRE
Pierre-Jean HEBERT 22 LVdA son of Pierre HEBERT & his second wife Susanne PITRE
Pierre-Jean HEBERT 17 LVdA son of Joseph HEBERT & Marguerite DAIGLE
Pierre-Joseph HEBERT infant LBeau son of Pierre HEBERT & Charlotte POTIER
Rémi HEBERT 3 LBerg son of Isaac HEBERT & Marie DAIGLE
Renée-Ulalie HEBERT 200 infant LBerg unnamed child of Isaac HEBERT & Marie DAIGLE
Rosalie HEBERT 40 LS-R wife of Pierre-Olivier PITRE
Simon HEBERT 7 LS-R son of Jean-Baptiste HEBERT & Anne-Josephe DUGAS
Sophie-Marie HEBERT 15 LS-R daughter of Joseph HEBERT & Marie BENOIT
Thérèse HEBERT 35 LBP wife of Jean LEBLANC
Thérèse-Anne HEBERT 12 LVdA daughter of Joseph HEBERT & Marguerite DAIGLE
Ursule HEBERT 43 LBP wife of Alexandre DOIRON
Ursule HEBERT 45 LAm head of family; widow of Jean VINCENT
Ursule HEBERT 72 LVdA wife of Joseph MELANCON
Victoire HEBERT 14 LVdA daughter of Joseph HEBERT & Marie-Madeleine AUCOIN
Victoire-Luce HEBERT 17* LVdA daughter of deceased Pierre HEBERT; traveling with mother, Luce-Perpétué BOURG
Angélique HENRY 21 LVdA traveling with brother Pierre & sister Francoise HENRY
Anne HENRY 52 LVdA wife of Charles PITRE
Anne-Françoise HENRY 3 LBP daughter of Joseph HENRY & Cecile BREAUX
Anne-Joseph HENRY 33 LVdA head of family; widow of Theodore THERIOT
Barthélémy HENRY 41 LVdA no occupation listed; head of family; husband of Anne BOURG
Barthélémy HENRY 9 LVdA son of Barthélemy HENRY & Anne BOURG
Charles HENRY 28 51 LBeau carpenter; head of family; husband of Marie LEBLANC; his family "paid its way" on Le Beaumont
Charles HENRY 49 LVdA no occupation listed; head of family; husband of Francoise HEBERT
Charles HENRY 9 LVdA son of Charles HENRY & Francoise HEBERT
Charles HENRY 49 LVdA no occupation listed; head of family; husband of Marguerite-Josèphe THERIOT
Civil-François HENRY 18 LBeau sailor; son of Pierre HENRY & Marguerite TRAHAN
Élisabeth HENRY 11 37* LBP wife of Joseph AUCOIN the sailor
François HENRY 15 LVdA son of Barthélemy HENRY & Anne BOURG
Françoise HENRY 23 LVdA traveling with brother Pierre & sister Angélique HENRY
Françoise-Victoire HENRY 15 LVdA daughter of Charles HENRY & Francoise HEBERT
Isabelle HENRY 21 LVdA daughter of Jean HENRY & Marie PITRE
Jacques HENRY 12 LVdA son of Barthélémy HENRY & Anne BOURG
Jean HENRY 21 LVdA no occupation listed; son of Pierre HENRY & Marguerite-Josèphe BOURG
Jean HENRY 53 LVdA no occupation listed; head of family; husband of Marie PITRE
Jean-Baptiste HENRY in utero LBeau son of Charles HENRY & Marie LEBLANC; born 28 Oct 1785, Baton Rouge
Jean-Baptiste-Théodore HENRY 18 LVdA no occupation listed; son of Charles HENRY & Marie-Josèphe THERIOT
Jean-Laurent HENRY 19 LBP carpenter; son of Joseph HENRY & Cecile BREAUX
Jeanne-Francoise HENRY 17 LVdA daughter of Charles HENRY & Marie-Josèphe THERIOT
Joseph HENRY 40 LBP carpenter; husband of Cécile BREAUX; head of family; 3rd family to leave Le Bon Papa
Joseph HENRY 14 LBP son of Joseph HENRY & Cécile BREAUX
Joseph-Philippe HENRY 22 LS-R sailor; head of family; husband of Marie THIBODEAUX
Madeleine HENRY 58 LVdA wife of Charles THIBODEAUX
Madeleine-Apolline HENRY infant LBP daughter of Joseph HENRY & Cécile BREAUX
Madeleine HENRY 45 LS-R wife of Jean-Baptiste DAREMBOURG
Marguerite HENRY 35 LVdA probably unmarried daughter of Susanne PITRE, wife of Pierre HÉBERT, with whose family she is traveling
Marguerite HENRY 40 LVdA wife of Ambroise LONGUÉPÉE
Marguerite-Pélagie HENRY 34 LVdA wife of Francois-Xavier BOURG
Marguerite-Toussainte HENRY 13 LVdA daughter of Charles HENRY & Francoise HÉBERT
Marie HENRY 44* LBeau wife of Francois ARBOUR
Marie HENRY 3 LVdA "son" [sic] of Barthélemy HENRY & Anne BOURG
Marie HENRY 55 LVdA unmarried? widowed? sister of Jean HENRY, age 53, with whose family she is traveling
Marie-Josèphe HENRY 7 LBP daughter of Joseph HENRY & Cécile BREAUX
Marie-Josèphe HENRY 22 LVdA daughter of Charles HENRY & Marguerite-Josèphe THÉRIOT
Marie-Madeleine HENRY 21 LBeau daughter of Charles HENRY & Marie LEBLANC
Marie-Rose HENRY 18 LVdA daughter of Jean HENRY & Marie PITRE
Maximilien HENRY 24 LVdA no occupation listed; son of Jean HENRY & Marie PITRE
Pierre HENRY 5 LBP son of Joseph HENRY & Cécile BREAUX
Pierre HENRY 14 LBerg son of deceased _____HENRY; traveling with mother Marie-Yvette HÉBERT & grandfather Charles HÉBERT
Pierre HENRY 61 LBeau plowman; head of family; husband of Marguerite TRAHAN
Pierre HENRY 51 LVdA no occupation listed; head of family; husband of Marguerite-Josèphe BOURG
Pierre HENRY 147 28 LVdA son of Pierre HENRY & probably deceased Marguerite PITRE; no occupation listed; traveling with sisters Francoise & Angélique
Rose-Anastasie HENRY 14 LBeau daughter of Charles HENRY & Marie LEBLANC
Ursule HENRY 10 LBeau daughter of Charles HENRY & Marie LEBLANC
Marie HERVÉ 30 LVdA French wife of Jacques Mius D'ENTREMONT IV
Jeanne HOLLEY 32 47 LBeau wife of Francois DAIGLE the plowman
Marguerite INO 20 LS-R wife of Marin TRAHAN
Anne JACQUES 20 LAm daughter of Pierre-Joseph JACQUES & Anne DRAPEAU
Jean JACQUES 10 LAm son of Pierre-Joseph JACQUES & Anne DRAPEAU
Joseph JACQUES 15 LAm son of Pierre-Joseph JACQUES & Anne DRAPEAU
Marie JACQUES 2 LAm daughter of Pierre-Joseph JACQUES & Anne DRAPEAU
Pierre-Joseph JACQUES 160 45 LAm "a German"; carpenter; head of family; husband of Anne DRAPEAU
Victoire JACQUES 17 LAm daughter of Pierre-Joseph JACQUES & Anne DRAPEAU
Anne-Perrine JOANNE 93 40 LAm third wife of Jean-Baptiste CHIASSON
Don Luis JOUDICE 114 not given LAm immigré
Marguerite LABAUVE 67 55 LBP head of family; widow of Francois LEGENDRE
Marie LABAUVE 184 not given ? sister of Pierre; granted head-of-family by Intendant NAVARRO status until reunited with her brother
Pierre LABAUVE 36 LS-R carpenter; husband of Anne BONFILS
Jean-Baptiste LA GARENNE 55 LBeau plowman; husband of Anne-Appoline DOIRON
Émilie LALANDE 11 LBeau daughter of deceased Joseph LALANDE; traveling with mother, Pélagie DOIRON
Jean-Edouard LALANDE 8 LBeau son of deceased Joseph LALANDE; traveling with mother, Pélagie DOIRON
Adélaïde LAMOUREUX 10 LC daughter of Louis LAMOUREUX dit Rochefort & Marie HÉBERT
Jean-Louis LAMOUREUX 20 LC son of Louis LAMOUREUX dit Rochefort & Marie HÉBERT
Louis LAMOUREUX dit Rochefort 240 44 LC sailor; head of family; husband of Marie HÉBERT
Abraham-Isaac LANDRY 13 LS-R brother of Amable LANDRY, with whom he is traveling
Amable LANDRY 262 19 LS-R engraver; no wife listed, so probably unmarried; traveling with brother & sisters
Anna LANDRY 17 LVdA daughter of deceased _____ LANDRY; traveling with mother, Anne THÉRIOT, widow of Joseph GRANGER
Anne LANDRY 9 LBerg daughter of Jean-Baptiste LANDRY & Isabelle DUGAS
Anne LANDRY 11 LVdA daughter of Rene LANDRY & ______ BABIN
Anne-Susanne LANDRY 9 LBerg daughter of Pierre LANDRY & Marthe LEBLANC
Anselme LANDRY 42* LBP sailor; husband of Agathe BARRILLEAUX
Bonne-Louise-Marie LANDRY 17 LS-R sister of Amable LANDRY, with whom she is traveling
Bonne-Marie-Adélaïde LANDRY 148 16 LAm daughter of Germaine LANDRY & Cécile LAGARELLE; granddaughter of Francois LANDRY, with whom she is traveling
Charles LANDRY 50 LBP carpenter; husband of Marguerite BOUDREAUX; head of family
Charles LANDRY 8 LBP son of Charles LANDRY & Marguerite BOUDREAUX
Claire LANDRY 80* LBerg traveling with daughter-in-law Dorothée RICHARD & her second husband Claude LEBLANC
Firmin LANDRY 22 LBP sailor; son of Charles LANDRY & Marguerite BOUDREAUX
François LANDRY 6 LBP son of Charles LANDRY & Marguerite BOUDREAUX
François LANDRY 69* LAm carpenter; head of family; no wife listed, so probably a widower; traveling with grandchildren Jean-Jacques LANDRY & Bonne-Marie-Adélaïde LANDRY & nephew Jean-Charles LANDRY
Geneviève LANDRY 34 LBerg evidently unmarried; traveling with younger sister Marie-Joseph LANDRY & "her charge," Francois-Julien ___.
Isabelle LANDRY 24 LBerg daughter of Jean-Baptiste LANDRY & Isabelle DUGAS
Jean LANDRY 11 LBP son of Charles LANDRY & Marguerite BOUDREAUX
Jean-Baptiste LANDRY 64 LBerg plowman; head of family; husband of Isabelle DUGAS
Jean-Baptiste LANDRY 22 LBerg wet cooper; son of Jean-Baptiste LANDRY & Isabelle DUGAS
Jean-Charles LANDRY 18 LAm sailor; nephew of Francois LANDRY, with whom he is traveling.
Jean-Jacques LANDRY 15 LAm grandson of Francois LANDRY, with whom he is traveling
Jean-Pierre LANDRY 22 LBerg carpenter; son of Prosper LANDRY & Élisabeth PITRE
Jean-Raphaël LANDRY 17 LBerg printer; son of Pierre LANDRY & Marthe LEBLANC
Jean-Raphaël LANDRY 18 LVdA no occupation listed; son of René LANDRY & ______ BABIN
Jeanne LANDRY 5 LVdA daughter of René LANDRY & ______ BABIN
Jeanne-Marguerite LANDRY 20 LS-R sister of Amable LANDRY, with whom she is traveling
Joseph LANDRY 19 LBerg engraver; son of Pierre LANDRY & Marthe LEBLANC
Joseph LANDRY 6 LVdA son of Rene LANDRY & ______ BABIN
Louis LANDRY 14 LBP son of Charles LANDRY & Marguerite BOUDREAUX
Marguerite LANDRY 18 LBP daughter of Charles LANDRY & Marguerite BOUDREAUX
Marguerite LANDRY 48 LBerg wife of Jean RICHARD
Marguerite LANDRY 43 LBerg wife of Jean OZELET
Marguerite LANDRY 19 LBerg daughter of Jean-Baptiste LANDRY & Isabelle DUGAS
Marguerite LANDRY 37 LAm wife of Eustache BERTRAND
Marguerite LANDRY 16 LVdA daughter of Rene LANDRY & ______ BABIN
Marguerite LANDRY not given LVdA widow of Jacques Mius D'ENTREMONT, pere; traveling with son, Jacques Mius D'ENTREMONT, fils, & his family
Marie LANDRY 52 LAm wife of Pierre LEBLANC the carpenter
Marie-Josèphe LANDRY 32 LBerg evidently unmarried; traveling with "her charge" & older sister Geneviève LANDRY
Marie-Madeleine LANDRY 22 LBerg wife of Jean-Baptiste COMEAUX, who is not on passenger list
Marie Madeleine LANDRY 16 LBerg daughter of deceased Hilaire LANDRY; traveling with mother, Marie-Joseph RICHARD
Marie Madeleine LANDRY 150 22 LVdA daughter of Rene LANDRY & ______ BABIN
Marie-Marguerite LANDRY 15 LBerg daughter of Pierre LANDRY & Marthe LEBLANC
Marie-Olivier LANDRY 18 LBP wife of Paul-Dominique BOUDREAUX
Pierre LANDRY 48 LBerg colorist; head of family; husband of Marthe LEBLANC
Pierre LANDRY 9 LVdA son of René LANDRY & ______ BABIN
Pierre-Joseph LANDRY 15 ? son of Pierre LANDRY & Marie-Josèphe HÉBERT
Prosper LANDRY 60 LBerg carpenter; head of family; husband of Élisabeth PITRE
Rene LANDRY 53 LVdA no occupation listed; head of family; no wife listed, so probably a widower (of _____ BABIN)
Rose LANDRY 10 LBerg daughter of deceased Hilaire LANDRY; traveling with mother, Marie-Josèphe RICHARD
Sébastien LANDRY 18 LBP sailor; son of Charles LANDRY & Marguerite BOUDREAUX
Servanne LANDRY 20 LVdA daughter of Rene LANDRY & ______ BABIN
Simon LANDRY 19 LBerg carpenter; son of Prosper LANDRY & Élisabeth PITRE
Simon LANDRY 263 50 LS-R sailor; husband of Marguerite GAUTREAUX
Angélique LANGLINE [LANGLINAIS] 122 7 LVdA daughter of deceased Jean-Louis LANGLINE; traveling with stepfather, Jacques Mius D'ENTREMONT IV & mother, Marie HERVÉ
Jean-Louis LANGLINE [LANGLINAIS 11 LVdA son of deceased Jean-Louis LANGLINE; traveling with stepfather, Jacques Mius D'ENTREMONT IV & mother, Marie HERVÉ; my blood!
Marie-Jeanne LANGLINE [LANGLINAIS 9 LVdA daughter of deceased Jean-Louis LANGLINE; traveling with stepfather, Jacques Mius D'ENTREMONT IV fils, & mother, Marie HERVÉ
Pierre LAURENTY 161 41 LAm "a German"; gunsmith or master cabinetmaker; head of family; husband of Marie VIDET
Pierre LAURENTY 17 LAm shoemaker; son of Pierre LAURENTY
Marguerite LAVERGNE 30 LBeau wife of Joseph TRAHAN
Marie-Madeleine LAVERGNE 18* LBeau daughter of Pierre LAVERGNE
Pierre LAVERGNE 54 LBeau carpenter; head of family; thrice a widower
Pierre-Benjamin LAVERGNE 17* LBeau son of Pierre LAVERGNE
Victoire-Bellarmine LAVERGNE 52 22 LBeau daughter of Pierre LAVERGNE; married Francois-Michel BETANCOURT, aboard ship; wedding blessed 5 Sep 1785, soon after they reached New Orleans
Anne LEBERT 9 LS-R "child" of Charles DUGAS the plowman; traveling with his family
Anne-Josèphe LEBERT 38 LBP wife of Pierre LEBLANC the woodworker
Marguerite LEBERT 207 33 LBP wife of Jean-Baptiste GUIDRY
Marguerite-Marie LEBERT 277 14 LBeau daughter of Pierre LEBERT & Marguerite BOUDREAUX; orphan traveling with family of uncle-in-law, Jean-Baptiste GUIDRY
Marie LEBERT 23 LBerg wife of Olivier LEBLANC
Marie-Josèphe LEBERT 31* LBeau wife of Pierre-Janvier GUIDRY
Pierre-Jean-Joseph-Joachim LEBERT 13 LBeau son of Pierre LEBERT & Marguerite BOUDREAUX; orphan traveling with family of uncle-in-law Pierre-Janvier GUIDRY
Pierre-Joseph LEBERT 276 17 LBerg day laborer; son of deceased Charles LEBERT & Anne-Marie ROBICHAUX; traveling with widowed mother
Adélaïde LEBLANC 3 LBeau daughter of Paul LEBLANC & Anne BOUDREAUX
André LEBLANC 18 LS-R day laborer; son of Charles LEBLANC & Rosalie TRAHAN
Anne LEBLANC 15 LBP daughter of Simon LEBLANC & Marie TRAHAN
Anne-Geneviève LEBLANC 9 LBeau no parents listed; orphan traveling with siblings
Apolline-Eulalie LEBLANC 13 LBerg daughter of Michel LEBLANC, who is not on passenger list; traveling with mother, Marie AUCOIN
Barbe LEBLANC 12 LS-R daughter of Charles LEBLANC & Rosalie TRAHAN
Bibienne LEBLANC 209 40 LS-R wife of Augustin TRAHAN
Blanche LEBLANC 46 LBerg wife of Pierre RICHARD the plowman
Charles LEBLANC 52 LS-R day laborer; head of family; husband of Rosalie TRAHAN
Charles LEBLANC 264 68* LS-R day laborer; head of family; husband of Madeleine GAUTREAUX
Claude LEBLANC 62 LBerg plowman; husband of Dorothée RICHARD; also traveling with wife's mother-in-law, Claire LANDRY
Claude-Marie LEBLANC 20 LC plowman; listed singly
Élisabeth LEBLANC 45 LBerg wife of Honoré BREAUX
Élisabeth LEBLANC 29 LBerg wife of Louis-François LE TOLLIEREC
Élisabeth LEBLANC 32 LBeau wife of Joseph CAILLOUET
Étienne LEBLANC 36 LBerg plowman; listed singly
François-Marie LEBLANC 15* LBeau ropemaker; no parents listed; orphan traveling with siblings
Françoise LEBLANC infant LS-R daughter of Pierre LEBLANC & Françoise TRAHAN
Geneviève LEBLANC 21 LS-R daughter of Pierre LEBLANC & Françoise TRAHAN
Jacques LEBLANC 13 LBP son of Simon LEBLANC & Marie TRAHAN
Jacques-Hippolyte LEBLANC 17* LBeau carpenter; no parents listed; orphan traveling with siblings
Jean LEBLANC 36 LBP calker; head of family; husband of Thérèse HEBERT
Jean LEBLANC 13 LBP son of Pierre LEBLANC & Anne-Josèphe LEBERT
Jean-Baptiste LEBLANC 17 LBerg sailor; son of deceased Jean-Jacques LEBLANC; traveling with mother, Natalie PITRE
Jean-Baptiste LEBLANC infant LS-R son of Charles LEBLANC & Rosalie TRAHAN
Jean-Baptiste LEBLANC 44 LAm shoemaker; husband of Elizabeth AUCOIN; traveling also with niece, Marie-Marguerite SEMER
Jean-Charles LEBLANC 23 LBP sailor; husband of Brigide HEBERT; 6th family to leave Le Bon Papa
Jean-Martin LEBLANC 1 LBeau son of Moïse LEBLANC & Angélique DE LA FORESTERIE
Joseph LEBLANC 267 54 LBP carpenter; husband of Anne HÉBERT; head of family; 1st family to leave Le Bon Papa & therefore first Acadians to reach LA aboard 7 ships
Joseph LEBLANC 20 LBP sailor; son of Simon LEBLANC & Marie TRAHAN
Joseph LEBLANC 17 LBP son of Pierre LEBLANC & Anne-Josèphe LEBERT
Joseph LEBLANC 15 LBP son of Joseph LEBLANC & Anne HÉBERT
Joseph LEBLANC 19* LBeau calker; no parents listed; probably orphan traveling his younger siblings, whom he supervised
Joseph LEBLANC 216 32* LS-R worker; listed singly; son of Honoré LEBLANC & Marie-Josèphe TRAHAN of Pigiguit
Madeleine LEBLANC 11 LBerg granddaughter of deceased Jean-Baptiste LEBLANC; traveling with grandmother, Ursule BREAUX
Marguerite LEBLANC 48 LBP wife of Andre TEMPLET
Marguerite LEBLANC 16 LAm daughter of Pierre LEBLANC & Marie LANDRY
Marguerite LEBLANC 40 LVdA wife of Charles BOURG; traveling with her husband & family of Francois-Xavier BOURG
Marguerite-Blanche LEBLANC 19 LBP daughter of Joseph LEBLANC & Anne HÉBERT
Marguerite-Geneviève LEBLANC 20* LS-R daughter of Charles LEBLANC & Madeleine GAUTREAUX
Marie LEBLANC 15 mos. LBP daughter of Jean LEBLANC & Thérèse HÉBERT
Marie LEBLANC 3 LBerg daughter of Olivier LEBLANC & Marie LEBERT
Marie LEBLANC 45 LBeau wife of Charles HENRY
Marie LEBLANC 50 LBeau wife of Jean GUIDRY
Marie LEBLANC 58 LS-R wife of Eustache TRAHAN
Marie LEBLANC 24* LS-R daughter of Pierre LEBLANC & Françoise TRAHAN
Marie LEBLANC 27* LAm wife of Jean-Baptiste DAIGLE, who is one debarkation but not embarkation list
Marie-Françoise LEBLANC 17 LBP daughter of Joseph LEBLANC & Anne HEBERT
Marie-Françoise LEBLANC 16 LS-R daughter of Charles LEBLANC the day laborer, age 52
Marie-Geneviève LEBLANC 15 LBerg daughter of deceased Jean-Jacques LEBLANC; traveling with mother, Natalie PITRE
Marie-Josèphe LEBLANC 25 LBerg daughter of Michel LEBLANC, who is not on passenger list; traveling with her mother, Marie AUCOIN
Marie-Josèphe LEBLANC 3 LBeau daughter of Moise LEBLANC
Marie-Madeleine LEBLANC 49 not given LBeau head of family; widow of Isidore TRAHAN
Marie-Madeleine LEBLANC 11 LBeau no parents listed; orphan traveling with siblings
Marie-Rose LEBLANC 21 LS-R daughter of Charles LEBLANC the day laborer, age 52
Marthe LEBLANC 51* LBerg wife of Pierre LANDRY
Moïse LEBLANC 24 LBeau calker; head of family; husband of Angélique DE LA FORESTERIE
Olivier LEBLANC 38 LBerg woodworker; head of family; husband of Marie LEBERT
Paul LEBLANC 40* LBeau carpenter; head of family; husband of Anne BOUDREAUX
Pierre LEBLANC 40 LBP woodworker; head of family; husband of Anne-Josèphe LEBERT
Pierre LEBLANC 15 LBP son of Pierre LEBLANC the woodworker
Pierre LEBLANC infant LBerg son of Olivier LEBLANC
Pierre LEBLANC 265 51* LS-R day laborer; head of family; husband of Francoise TRAHAN
Pierre LEBLANC 49 LAm carpenter; head of family; husband of Marie LANDRY
Pierre-Honoré LEBLANC 19 LS-R carpenter; son of Charles LEBLANC & Rosalie TRAHAN
Rosalie LEBLANC infant LBeau daughter of Paul LEBLANC & Anne BOUDREAUX
Rose LEBLANC 40 LS-R wife of Pierre DUGAS
Simon LEBLANC 62 LBP plowman; head of family; husband of Marie TRAHAN; 7th family to leave Le Bon Papa
Simon LEBLANC 23 LBerg day laborer; son of deceased Jean Baptiste LEBLANC; traveling with mother, Ursule BREAUX
Simon LEBLANC 9 LS-R son of Pierre LEBLANC & Francoise TRAHAN
Simon-Louis-Marie LEBLANC 14* LBP son of Joseph LEBLANC & Anne HÉBERT
Thomas LEBLANC 217 39 LS-R tailor; listed singly
Victor LEBLANC 10 LBP son of Pierre LEBLANC & Anne-Josèphe LEBERT
Anastasie LEBRUN [LEVRON] 100 45 LAm head of family; widow of Amand LEJEUNE
______ LECAT 165 not given LBeau friend of Henri PEYROUX de la Coudreniere
Francoise LECOQ infant LS-R daughter of Pierre LECOQ & Isabelle VINCENT
Guillaume LECOQ 9 LS-R son of Pierre LECOQ & Isabelle VINCENT
Marie LECOQ 11 LS-R daughter of Pierre LECOQ & Isabelle VINCENT
Pierre-Francois LECOQ 248 40 LS-R sailor; head of family; husband of Isabelle VINCENT
Victoire LECOQ 1 LS-R daughter of Pierre LECOQ & Isabelle VINCENT
Claude-Epiphane LE FAIBRE 108 not given LAm no occupation given; on this ship's debarkation list but not on embarkation list; probably a stowaway
Claude-Louis LEGAGNEUR 58 50 LC day laborer; husband of Marie-Joseph HALLIER
Henriette LEGENDRE 32 LBP wife of Daniel BENOIT
Jean-Baptiste LEGENDRE 25 LBP carpenter; head of family; husband of Marie-Rose LE TUILLIER
Louis LEGENDRE 22 LBP carpenter; son of deceased Francois LEGENDRE; traveling with mother, Marguerite LABAUVE
Rose LEGENDRE infant LBP daughter of Jean-Baptiste LEGENDRE & Marie-Rose LE TULLIER
Yves-Francois LEGENDRE 201 17 LBP carpenter; son of deceased Francois LEGENDRE; traveling with mother, Marguerite LABAUVE
Jean LEGER 15 LBP sailor; son of deceased _____ LEGER; traveling with mother, Angelique PINET
Louis LEGER 19 LBP sailor; son of deceased _____ LEGER; traveling with mother, Angelique PINET
Michel LEGER 112 not given LAm son of deceased ______ LEGER & Angelique PINET; no occupation given; on this ship's debarkation list but not on embarkation list; probably a stowaway; joined Le Bon Papa expedition, with his mother, after he reached LA
Alexis LEJEUNE 13 LAm son of deceased Amand LEJEUNE; traveling with mother, Anastasie LEBRUN [LEVRON]
Anne-Adélaïde LEJEUNE 101 6 LAm daughter of deceased Amand LEJEUNE; traveling with mother, Anastasie LEBRUN [LEVRON]
Eustache LEJEUNE 52 LBP carpenter; head of family; husband of Jeanne CHIQUET
Félicité LEJEUNE 45 LC wife of Ambroise HÉBERT
François-Marie LEJEUNE 13 LBP son of Eustache LEJEUNE & his first wife Marie CARRET
Grégoire LEJEUNE 48* LBP sailor; head of family; husband of Hélène DUMONT
Grégoire-Alexis LEJEUNE 4 LBP son of Grégoire LEJEUNE & Hélène DUMONT
Jean LEJEUNE 29 LS-R sailor; son of husband of Félicité BOUDREAUX
Jean-Baptiste LEJEUNE 255 25 LBP sailor; son of Eustache LEJEUNE & his first wife Marie CARRET; husband of Geneviève DOIRON
Joseph LEJEUNE 22 LAm sailor; son of deceased Amand LEJEUNE; traveling with mother, Anastasie LEBRUN [LEVRON]
Julien LEJEUNE 2 LBP son of Grégoire LEJEUNE & Hélène DUMONT
Marie-Jeanne-Pérrine-Madeleine LEJEUNE 23 LBP daughter of Eustache LEJEUNE & his first wife Marie CARRET
Marie-Josèphe LEJEUNE 14 LBP daughter of Grégoire LEJEUNE & Hélène DUMONT
Marie-Marguerite LEJEUNE 16 LAm daughter of deceased Amand LEJEUNE; traveling with mother, Anastasie LEBRUN [LEVRON]
Marie-Rose LEJEUNE 18 LAm daughter of deceased Amand LEJEUNE; traveling with mother, Anastasie LEBRUN [LEVRON]
Rosalie LEJEUNE 2 LAm daughter of deceased Amand LEJEUNE; traveling with mother, Anastasie LEBRUN [LEVRON]
Servan-Mathurin LEJEUNE 15 LBP son of Eustache LEJEUNE & his first wife Marie CARRET
François-Pierre LE LORRE 128 30 LVdA husband of Hélène-Marie-Rose BOUDREAUX; traveling with her father, Victor BOUDREAUX, & his family
Father Juan LEON 173 not given LC "distinguished passenger & chaplain"
Isabelle LE PRINCE 30 LS-R unmarried daughter of Tranquille LE PRINCE & Susanne-Marie-Josèphe BOURG
Julie LE PRINCE 26* LBerg unmarried; traveling with half-sister, Marie-Sophie LE PRINCE
Marie-Marguerite LE PRINCE 182 not given LS-R daughter of Tranquille LEPRINCE, wife of Gordon Thomas CALEGAN, who traveled probably as a stowaway on Le Ville de Archangel; she was granted temporary head-of-family status by Intendant NAVARRO until her husband arrived
Marie-Sophie LE PRINCE 43 LBerg head of family; widow of Joseph TRAHAN
Tranquille LE PRINCE 218 63 LS-R carpenter; head of family; husband of Susanne-Marie-Josèphe BOURG
Henri-Aimable LE TOLLIEREC 20 1 LBerg son of Louis-Francois LE TOLLIEREC & Élisabeth LEBLANC
Louis-François LE TOLLIEREC 41 LBerg woodworker; head of family; husband of Élisabeth LEBLANC
Marie-Adélaïde LE TOLLIEREC 4 LBerg daughter of Louis-Francois LE TOLLIEREC & Élisabeth LEBLANC
Adélaïde LE TULLIER 245 16 LAm daughter of deceased René LE TULLIER; traveling with mother, Colette RENAUD
Isidore LE TULLIER 14 LAm son of deceased René LE TULLIER; traveling with mother, Colette RENAUD
Jean-Charles LE TULLIER 19 LAm carpenter; son of deceased René LE TULLIER; traveling with mother, Colette RENAUD
Marie-Rose LE TULLIER 20 LBP daughter of deceased René LE TULLIER & Colette RENAUD; wife of Jean-Baptiste LEGENDRE
Alexis LEVRON 219 24 LS-R carpenter; husband of Anne TRAHAN
Joseph-Marie LEVRON 17 LS-R carpenter; son of Michel LEVRON & Marguerite TRAHAN
Marie LEVRON 22 LS-R daughter of Michel LEVRON & Marguerite TRAHAN
Michel LEVRON 220 55 LS-R carpenter; head of family; husband of Marguerite TRAHAN
Monsieur ______ LEYAY 170 not given LBerg French passenger
Jean-Pierre LIRETTE 185 not given ? husband of Marie-Madeleine DAREMBOURG; reached LA after his wife & daughter
Marie-Jeanne LIRETTE 254 not given LS-R daughter of Jean-Pierre LIRETTE, not on board, & Marie-Madeleine DAREMBOURG
Rose-Adélaïde LIRETTE 178 not given LS-R daughter of Jean-Pierre LIRETTE, not on board, & Marie-Madeleine DAREMBOURG
Marie-Madeleine LIVOIS 24 31 LS-R daughter of Pierre LIVOIS & Marie-Madeleine POIRIER; wife of Charles-Grégoire [Jean-Grégoire] BLANCHARD
Marie-Rose LIVOIS 21* LBerg daughter of Pierre LIVOIS & Marie-Madeleine POIRIER; sister of Marie-Madeleine LIVOIR, wife of Charles-Gregoire BLANCHARD; listed singly; granted head-of-family status by Intendant NAVARRO until united with family of her sister & brother-in-law, who traveled on Le St.-Remi
Ambroise LONGUÉPÉE 117 52 LVdA no occupation listed; head of family; husband of Marguerite HENRY
Anne-Josèphe LONGUÉPÉE 18 LVdA daughter of Jean LONGUÉPÉE & Marie-Francoise BOURG
Hélène LONGUÉPÉE 8 mos. LVdA daughter of Jean LONGUÉPÉE & Marie-Francoise BOURG
Janvier-Pierre LONGUÉPÉE 20 LVdA no occupation listed; son of Ambroise LONGUÉPÉE & Marguerite HENRY
Jean LONGUÉPÉE 45 LVdA no occupation listed; head of family; husband of Marie-Francoise BOURG
Jean-Baptiste LONGUÉPÉE 4 LVdA son of Jean LONGUÉPÉE & Marie-Francoise BOURG
Jean-Jacques LONGUÉPÉE 14 LVdA son of Jean LONGUÉPÉE & Marie-Francoise BOURG
Laurentine-Urienne LONGUÉPÉE 10 LVdA daughter of Jean LONGUÉPÉE & Marie-Francoise BOURG
Louis LONGUÉPÉE 6 LVdA son of Jean LONGUEPEE & Marie-Francoise BOURG
Marguerite LONGUÉPÉE 15 LVdA daughter of Jean LONGUÉPÉE & Marie-Francoise BOURG
Marie LONGUÉPÉE 20 LVdA daughter of Jean LONGUÉPÉE & Marie-Francoise BOURG
Pierre LONGUÉPÉE 12 LVdA son of Jean LONGUÉPÉE & Marie-Francoise BOURG
Charles MACLE 114 not given LAm immigré
Monsieur _______ MAHYER 169 not given LBerg French passenger
Madame _______ MAHYER not given LeBerg French passenger
Marie-Josèphe MARTIN 47 LBeau head of family; widow of Louis COURTIN
Louis MAURICE 113 not given LAm no occupation given; on this ship's debarkation list but not on embarkation list; probably a stowaway
Antoinio MAY 114 not given LAm immigré
Anne-Francoise MAZEROLLE 19 14 LBerg daughter of Simon MAZEROLLE & Marguerite TRAHAN
Étienne MAZEROLLE 8 LBerg son of Simon MAZEROLLE & Marguerite TRAHAN
Isabelle-Marie MAZEROLLE 16 LBerg daughter of Simon MAZEROLLE & Marguerite TRAHAN
Marie-Perpétué MAZEROLLE 18 LBerg daughter of Simon MAZEROLLE & Marguerite TRAHAN
Simon MAZEROLLE 42* LBerg ropemaker; head of family; husband of Marguerite TRAHAN
Joseph MELANCON 124 64* LVdA no occupation listed; husband of Ursule HÉBERT
Marie-Madeleine MELANCON 49 LC wife of Charles GAUTREAUX
Louis MENARD 114 not given LAm immigré
Anne-Marguerite METRA 18 LAm daughter of Jean METRA & Marguerite BOURG
Jean METRA 46 LAm "a German"; day laborer; head of family; second husband of Marguerite BOURG
Joseph METRA infant LS-R son of Marie-Josèphe THIBODEAUX, widow of Nicolas METRA, père & wife of Joseph-Philippe HENRY, with whom he is traveling; nephew of Jean METRA
Nicolas METRA, fils 3 LS-R son of Marie-Josèphe THIBODEAUX, widow of Nicolas METRA, père & wife of Joseph-Philippe HENRY, with whom he is traveling; nephew of Jean METRA
Anne MICHEL 51* LBeau wife of Simon-Pierre DAIGLE
Anne MICHEL 15 LS-R daughter of deceased François MICHEL; traveling with mother, Anne DAIGLE
Gertrude-Olive MICHEL 19 LS-R daughter of Pierre MICHEL
Joseph MICHEL 25 LS-R sailor; son of Pierre MICHEL
Madeleine MICHEL 21 LS-R wife of Pierre GAUTREAUX
Marie MICHEL 5 LS-R daughter of Pierre MICHEL
Marie MICHEL 20 LS-R daughter of deceased Francois MICHEL; traveling with mother, Anne DAIGLE
Pierre MICHEL 46 LS-R day laborer; head of family; no wife listed, so probably a widower
Julienne MOINE 20 LC wife of Joseph BOUDREAUX
Anne MOÏSE 62 54 LVdA wife of Claude GUIDRY
Joseph MOÏSE 12 LS-R son of deceased Joseph MOÏSE; traveling with mother, Marie HÉBERT
Marie MOÏSE 6 LS-R daughter of deceased Joseph MOÏSE; traveling with mother, Marie HÉBERT
Marie MOÏSE 45 LAm head of family; widow of Olivier PITRE
Jacques MOLAISON 39 38 LBeau carpenter; head of family; husband of Marie DOIRON
Jacques MOLAISON 6 LBeau son of Jacques MOLAISON & Marie DOIRON
Joseph MOLAISON 45 LAm sailor; unmarried? son of deceased Pierre MOLAISON; traveling with mother, Marie DOUCET
Marie-Modeste MOLAISON 40 LVdA wife of Ambroise BOURG
Marie-Rose MOLAISON 197 10 LBeau daughter of Jacques MOLAISON & Marie DOIRON
Marie-Sophie MOLAISON 198 9 LBeau daughter of Jacques MOLAISON & Marie DOIRON
Antoine MOLLARD not given LBerg listed singly
Pedro MONTAGNE 126 not given LC no occupation given; listed singly as immigré
Jean-Baptiste-Guillaume MONTET 59 13 LC plowman; no parents listed (actually Guillaume MONTET & Marie-Josèphe VINCENT, who died in France); traveling with brothers & sisters
Joseph-Adam MONTET 282 16 LC plowman; no parents listed (actually Guillaume MONTET & Marie-Josèphe VINCENT); traveling with brothers & sisters; nephew of Pierre VINCENT who crossed on Le Beaumont
Marguerite MONTET 10 LC no parents listed (actually Guillaume MONTET & Marie-Josèphe VINCENT); traveling with brothers & sisters
Marie-Françoise MONTET  20* LC no parents listed (actually Guillaume MONTET & Marie-Josèphe VINCENT); traveling with brothers & sisters; married Joseph-Benoît, son of Charles GAUTREAUX & Madeleine MELANÇON, 3 May 1789, New Orleans
Pierre-Vincent MONTET 22 LC plowman; head of family?; traveling with younger brothers & sisters; no parents listed (actually Guillaume MONTET & Marie-Josèphe VINCENT)
Pierre-Paul MONTET 7 LC no parents listed (actually Guillaume MONTET & Marie-Josèphe VINCENT); traveling with brothers & sisters
Louis-François MONTREAL 46 not given LBeau "servant to Mr. PEYROUX"
Anne MOREAU 18 LBerg daughter of Gabriel MOREAU & Marie TRAHAN
Gabriel MOREAU 61 LBerg day laborer; head of family; husband of Marie TRAHAN
Maximin MOREAU 24 LBerg printer; son of Gabriel MOREAU & Marie TRAHAN
Ambroise NAQUIN 60 LS-R plowman; head of family; husband of Élisabeth BOURG
Anne NAQUIN 18 LS-R daughter of Charles NAQUIN
Anne NAQUIN 50 LS-R wife of Charles DUGAS the plowman
Charles NAQUIN 48 LS-R day laborer; head of family; no wife listed, so probably a widower
Ives NAQUIN 16 LS-R daughter of Charles NAQUIN
Jean NAQUIN 14 LS-R son of Charles NAQUIN
Joseph NAQUIN 19 LS-R carpenter; son of Ambroise NAQUIN & Élisabeth BOURG; twin of Pierre?
Ludovinne NAQUIN 10 LS-R daughter of Charles NAQUIN
Marie NAQUIN 46 LS-R wife of Pierre BOURG the day laborer
Paul NAQUIN 3 LS-R son of Charles NAQUIN
Pierre NAQUIN 19 LS-R carpenter; son of Ambroise NAQUIN & Élisabeth BOURG; twin of Joseph?
Renné NAQUIN 8 LS-R daughter of Charles NAQUIN
Vincent NEVEU not given LAm son of Vincent NEVEU & Marie BERNARD of Ludaine, Tarhe, France149; no occupation given; on this ship's debarkation list but not on embarkation list; probably a stowaway; married Cécile, daughter of Étienne HÉBERT & his first wife Marie LAVERGNE, 2 Dec 1785, New Orleans, soon after they reached LA on the same ship
Marie-Madeleine NOËL 28 LBerg sister of Marguerite, with whom she is traveling; daughter of Pierre NOËL of Minas
Marie-Marguerite NOËL 21 LBerg widow of Guillaume-Jean ROQUEMONT; traveling with sister Marie-Madeleine
Marie-Pérrine NOGUES 120 35 LVdA wife of Amand BOUDREAUX
Anne OLIVIER 56 LAm widow of Jean-Baptiste ACHÉE; traveling with a niece's daughter, Madeleine-Apolline ACHÉE
Perrine-Marguerite ORRY 214 19 LBerg wife of Mathurin TRAHAN
Jean-Baptiste OZELET 21 42* LBerg pit sawyer; head of family; husband of Marguerite LANDRY
Jean-Charles OZELET 18 LBerg printer; son of Jean-Baptiste OZELET & Marguerite LANDRY
Julien OZELET 4 LBerg son of Jean-Baptiste OZELET & Marguerite LANDRY
Marie-Charlotte OZELET 10 LBerg daughter of Jean-Baptiste OZELET & Marguerite LANDRY
Mathurin-Joseph OZELET 13 LBerg printer; son of Jean-Baptiste OZELET & Marguerite LANDRY
Brigitte PART 58* LAm head of family; widow of Antoine BOUDREAUX
Marie or Marianne PART 86 34 LC wife of Jean DELAUNE
Anne-Pérrine PATRY 266 12* LBeau daughter of Charlotte POTIER, wife of Pierre HEBERT
Michelle PATRU 133 58 LAm wife of Charles GIROIR
Étienne PELLETIER 110 not given LAm no occupation given; on this ship's debarkation list but not on embarkation list; French husband of Jeanne-Marguerite CLOSSINET, who he married at St.-Martin-de-Chantenay, France, 17 Aug 1784
Henri-Marie PEYROUX de la Coudrenière 47 not given LBeau husband of Prudence-Françoise RODRIGUE; master of Louis-François MONTREAL; principal organizer of this venture
Anne PIERSON 56 26 LC wife of Ignace BOUDREAUX
Angelique PINET 08 44 LBP head of family; widow of Michel LEGER
Charles PINET 54 LAm plowman; head of family; husband of Anne DUREL
Louis PINET 152 22 LAm sailor; son of Charles PINET & Anne DUREL
Marie PINET 20 LAm wife of Jean-Charles ACHÉE
Marie-Madeleine PINET 14 LAm daughter of Charles PINET & Anne DUREL
Agnès PITRE 36 LBerg wife of Joseph GUÉRIN
Amand PITRE 60 LBerg plowman; no wife listed, so probably a widower; traveling with daughter, Marguerite PITRE
Ambroise PITRE 35 LBerg sailor; head of family; husband of Élisabeth DUGAS
Anne PITRE 45 LS-R wife of Joseph GAUTREAUX the day laborer
Anselme PITRE 45 LS-R day laborer; head of family; no wife listed (actually Isabelle DUGAS144), so probably a widower
Cécile PITRE 15 LAm daughter of deceased Benjamin PITRE; traveling with mother, Marguerite BOUDREAUX
Céleste PITRE newborn LBerg daughter of Ambroise PITRE & Élisabeth DUGAS; baptized New Orleans, 4 Dec 1785
Charles PITRE 56 LVdA no occupation listed; head of family; husband of Anne HENRY
Charlotte-Marie PITRE 20 LVdA daughter of Jean PITRE & Félicité DAIGLE
Élisabeth PITRE 57* LBerg wife of Prosper LANDRY
Étienne PITRE 7 LAm son of deceased Benjamin PITRE; traveling with mother, Marguerite BOUDREAUX
Félicité PITRE 16 LVdA daughter of Jean PITRE & Félicité DAIGLE
François PITRE 17 LVdA son of Jean PITRE & Félicité DAIGLE
Françoise PITRE 14 LAm daughter of deceased Olivier PITRE; traveling with mother, Marie MOÏSE
Henriette PITRE 3 LS-R daughter of Pierre-Olivier PITRE & Rosalie HÉBERT
Isabelle PITRE 11 LVdA daughter of Charles PITRE & Anne HENRY
Isabelle-Olive PITRE 12 LS-R daughter of Anselme PITRE & probably deceased Isabelle DUGAS
Jacques PITRE 18 LVdA no occupation listed; son of Jean PITRE & Félicité DAIGLE
Jean PITRE 4 LAm son of deceased Benjamin PITRE; traveling with mother, Marguerite BOUDREAUX
Jean PITRE 58 LVdA no occupation listed; head of family; husband of Félicité DAIGLE
Jean-Baptiste PITRE 3 LBerg son of Tranquille PITRE & Élisabeth AUCOIN
Jean-Marie PITRE 1 LBerg son of Ambroise PITRE & Élisabeth DUGAS
Jean-Pierre PITRE 21 LS-R day laborer; son of Anselme PITRE & probably deceased Isabelle DUGAS
Jean-Vincent PITRE 1 LBerg son of Tranquille PITRE & Élisabeth AUCOIN
Joseph PITRE 19 LVdA no occupation listed; son of Charles PITRE & Anne HENRY
Louis-Constant PITRE 10 LAm son of deceased Olivier PITRE; traveling with mother, Marie MOÏSE
Madeleine PITRE 4 LS-R daughter of Pierre-Olivier PITRE & Rosalie HÉBERT
Madeleine PITRE 21 LAm daughter of deceased Benjamin PITRE; traveling with mother, Marguerite BOUDREAUX
Marguerite PITRE 24 LBerg probably unmarried; traveling with father, Amand PITRE
Marguerite PITRE 14 LAm daughter of deceased Benjamin PITRE; traveling with mother, Marguerite BOUDREAUX
Marguerite PIERRE [PITRE] 249 17 LVdA daughter of deceased Simon PITRE & Geneviève RICHARD, second wife of Victor BOUDREAUX, with whose family she is traveling
Marguerite PITRE 15 LVdA daughter of Charles PITRE & Anne HENRY
Marguerite PITRE 14 LVdA daughter of Jean PITRE & Félicité DAIGLE
Marguerite-Ludivine PITRE 14 LS-R daughter of Anselme PITRE & probably deceased Isabelle DUGAS
Marie  PITRE 6 LBerg daughter of Ambroise PITRE & Élisabeth DUGAS
Marie PITRE 18 LS-R daughter of Pierre-Olivier PITRE & Rosalie HÉBERT
Marie PITRE 36 LS-R wife of Jerome GUERIN
Marie PITRE 16 LVdA daughter of deceased Claude PITRE; traveling with mother, Marie RICHARD
Marie PITRE 53 LVdA wife of Jean HENRY, age 53
Marie-Françoise PITRE 18 LS-R daughter of Anselme PITRE & probably deceased Isabelle DUGAS 
Marie-Madeleine PITRE 23 LAm daughter of deceased Benjamin PITRE; traveling with mother, Marguerite BOUDREAUX
Marie-Victoire PITRE 31 LBerg wife of Ambroise DUGAS 
Martin-Bénoni PITRE  57 22 LC carpenter; traveling with half brother & sister, Joseph & Marie-Louise HÉBERT
Martina PITRE 153 infant LBerg born 31 May 1785, aboard ship; daughter of Tranquille PITRE & Elisabeth AUCOIN; baptized 29 Aug 1785, St. Louis Catholic Church, New Orleans, soon after the family arrived in LA
Natalie PITRE 50 LBerg head of family; widow of Jean-Jacques LEBLANC
Paul-Ambroise PITRE 9 LBerg son of Ambroise PITRE & Elisabeth DUGAS
Pierre PITRE 1 LS-R son of Pierre-Olivier PITRE & Rosalie HEBERT
Pierre PITRE 19 LVdA no occupation listed; son of Jean PITRE & Felicite DAIGLE
Pierre-Olivier PITRE 46 LS-R day laborer; head of family; husband of Rosalie HEBERT
Susanne PITRE 55 LVdA wife of Pierre HEBERT, age 50
Tranquille PITRE 36 LBerg wet cooper; head of family; husband of Élisabeth AUCOIN
Ursule PITRE 22 LAm daughter of deceased Francois PITRE; traveling with mother, Ursule BREAUX
Victoire PITRE 19 LAm daughter of deceased Olivier PITRE; traveling with mother, Marie MOÏSE
Anne-Pauline POTIER 18 12 LBeau son of Pierre POTIER & Agnes BROUSSARD
Charles-Victor POTIER 16 LBeau son of Pierre POTIER & Agnes BROUSSARD
Charlotte POTIER 41 LBeau wife of Pierre HEBERT
Constance POTIER 14 LBeau daughter of Pierre POTIER & Agnes BROUSSARD
François-Constant POTIER infant LBeau son of Pierre POTIER & Agnes BROUSSARD
Jacques-Silvin POTIER 7 LBerg son of deceased Pierre POTIER; traveling with mother, Anne SAVARY
Marie-Henriette POTIER 46 LAm head of family; widow of Jean-Baptiste RASSICOT
Olivier POTIER 10 LBerg son of deceased Pierre POITIER; traveling with mother, Anne SAVARY
Pierre POTIER 31 45 LBeau carpenter; head of family; husband of Agnès BROUSSARD
Pierre-Laurent POTIER 10 LBeau son of Pierre POTIER & Agnes BROUSSARD
Marie-Anne PRECIEUX 52 LAm a widow; head of family; traveling with sons Jean-Baptiste & François DOUCET
Anne QUIMINE 05 24 LBP daughter of Pierre QUIMINE & Marie-Madeleine DUGAS
Marguerite QUIMINE 50 LAm wife of Jean FOUQUET
Marie-Perrine QUIMINE 95 23 LBP daughter of Pierre QUIMINE & Marie-Madeleine DUGAS; accompanied by husband Pierre-Ignace USÉ
Pierre QUIMINE 59* LBP carpenter; head of family; husband of Marie-Madeleine DUGAS
Victoire-Françoise QUIMINE 14 LBP daughter of Pierre QUIMINE & Marie-Madeleine DUGAS
Guido QUIRIVEN 126 not given LC no occupation given; listed singly as immigré
Jean RAFFRAY 132 not given LVdA no occupation listed; on this ship's debarkation list but not on embarkation list; member of the crew
Anne-Marguerite RASSICOT 99 17 LAm daughter of deceased Jean-Baptiste RASSICOT; traveling with mother, Marie-Henriette POTIER
Jean-François RASSICOT 20 LAm sailor; son of deceased Jean-Baptiste RASSICOT; traveling with mother, Marie-Henriette POTIER
Marie-Henriette RASSICOT 15 LAm daughter of deceased Jean-Baptiste RASSICOT; traveling with mother, Marie-Henriette POTIER
Joseph RENARD 114 not given LAm immigré
Colette RENAUD 79 45 LAm head of family; widow of René LE TUILLIER
Véronique RENAUD 37 LAm wife of Jean-François DE LA MAZIÈRE
Anselme RICHARD 20 LBeau sailor; son of Pierre RICHARD & Françoise DAIGLE
Auguste RICHARD 11 LBeau son of Pierre RICHARD & Françoise DAIGLE
Basile-Marie RICHARD not given LC plowman; listed singly
Cécile RICHARD 48 LBerg wife of Olivier AUCOIN
Charles RICHARD 221 31 LS-R tailor; husband of Marie-Josèphe TRAHAN
Charles-Pierre-Paul RICHARD 250 infant LBerg son of Pierre RICHARD & Blanche LEBLANC; born aboard ship the day before it departed Paimboeuf
Dorothée RICHARD 50 LBerg wife of Claude LEBLANC
Élisabeth RICHARD 33 LS-R unmarried? traveling with unmarried? older sisters, Marguerite & Marie; depicted with sisters in Dafford Mural, Acadian Memorial, St. Martinville
Geneviève RICHARD 39* LVdA second wife of Victor BOUDREAUX
Jean RICHARD 49 LBerg plowman; head of family; husband of Marguerite LANDRY
Jean-Charles RICHARD 19 LBeau plowman; listed singly
Jean-Pierre RICHARD 14* LBerg son of Jean RICHARD & Marguerite LANDRY
Jeanne RICHARD 40 LAm wife of Joseph BENARD, "a Russian"
Joseph RICHARD 18 LBeau carpenter; son of Pierre RICHARD & Françoise DAIGLE
Joseph RICHARD 222 32 LS-R cooper; no wife listed, so may be a widower; traveling with daughter, Marie-Élisabeth
Marguerite RICHARD 42 LS-R unmarried? traveling with unmarried? sisters, Marie & Elizabeth; depicted with sisters in Dafford Mural, Acadian Memorial, St. Martinville
Marguerite RICHARD 40 LAm wife of Joseph BOUDREAUX the carpenter
Marguerite-Marie RICHARD 15 LVdA daughter of deceased Honoré RICHARD; traveling with her mother, Marguerite DAIGLE, wife of Joseph HÉBERT, age 50
Marie RICHARD 19 LBerg daughter of Pierre RICHARD & Blanche LEBLANC
Marie RICHARD 14 LBeau daughter of Pierre RICHARD & Françoise DAIGLE
Marie RICHARD 223 44 LS-R unmarried? traveling with unmarried? younger sisters, Marguerite & Elizabeth; depicted with sisters in Dafford Mural, Acadian Memorial, St. Martinville
Marie-Blanche RICHARD 42 LVdA head of family; widow of Claude PITRE
Marie-Élisabeth RICHARD 10 LS-R daughter of Joseph RICHARD the cooper, which whom she is traveling
Marie-Geneviève RICHARD 38* LAm evidently unmarried; traveling with younger, widowed sister, Marie-Josèphe RICHARD, & niece, Marie BASSET
Marie-Josèphe RICHARD 46 LBerg head of family; widow of Hilaire LANDRY
Marie-Josèphe RICHARD 30 LAm head of family; widow of François BASSET; traveling with older sister, Marie-Geneviève RICHARD, & daughter Marie BASSET
Marie-Rose RICHARD 14 LBerg daughter of deceased Charles RICHARD; traveling with mother, Cécile BOUDREAUX & uncle Jean BOUDREAUX
Pierre RICHARD 48 LBerg plowman; head of family; husband of Blanche LEBLANC
Pierre RICHARD 16 LBerg son of Pierre RICHARD & Blanche LEBLANC
Pierre RICHARD 74 LBeau carpenter; head of family; husband of Françoise DAIGLE
Rose RICHARD 30 LBerg cousin of Pierre RICHARD the plowman, with whose family she is traveling
Angélique RICHER 252 43 LVdA wife of Jacques FORET, age 75; sister of Marie-Jeanne-Catherine
Marie-Jeanne-Catherine RICHER 251 46 LVdA second wife of Victor FORET, son of Jacques; sister of Angelique
Anne ROBICHAUX 60 15 LS-R daughter of deceased Pierre ROBICHAUX; traveling with mother, Anne HÉBERT
Anne-Marie ROBICHAUX 57 LBerg widow of Charles LEBERT, called HÉBERT on the passenger list; traveling with son Pierre-Joseph LEBERT
Charles ROBICHAUX 17 LBeau carpenter; traveling with mother, Marie LEBLANC, wife of Charles HENRY
François-Xavier ROBICHAUX 16 LS-R son of Joseph ROBICHAUX & deceased Anne HÉBERT
Jean-Baptiste ROBICHAUX 21 LS-R servant; son of Joseph ROBICHAUX & deceased Anne HÉBERT
Jean-Pierre ROBICHAUX 2 LS-R son of deceased Pierre ROBICHAUX; traveling with mother, Anne HÉBERT
Joseph ROBICHAUX 12 LS-R son of deceased Pierre ROBICHAUX; traveling with mother, Anne HÉBERT
Joseph ROBICHAUX 56 LS-R day laborer; head of family; no wife listed, so probably a widower of Anne HÉBERT
Marie ROBICHAUX 17 LS-R daughter of deceased Pierre ROBICHAUX; traveling with mother, Anne HÉBERT
Marie ROBICHAUX 14 LS-R daughter of Joseph ROBICHAUX & deceased Anne HÉBERT
Renée ROBICHAUX 9 LS-R daughter of Joseph ROBICHAUX & deceased Anne HÉBERT
Prudence-François RODRIGUE 48 not given LBeau wife of Henry-Marie PEYROUX de la Coudrenière
Célestin RODRIGUE 164 not given LAm relative of Henry-Marie PEYROUX de la Coudrenière
Anne-Marie-Madeleine SAVARY 31* LBerg head of family; widow of Pierre POTIER
Marguerite SEGOILLOT 23 19 LBerg single; listed singly
Anne-Françoise SEMERE 80 21 LAm daughter of Joseph SEMERE
Grégoire SEMERE 16 LAm ropemaker; traveling with sister, Marie-Francoise
Joseph SEMERE 60 LAm plowman; head of family; no wife listed, so probably a widower
Marie SEMERE 25 LAm daughter of Joseph SEMERE
Marie-Françoise SEMERE  24 LAm traveling with brother, Grégoire; wife of Joseph BOUDREAUX, who did not cross with them
Marie-Marguerite SEMERE 19 LAm traveling with aunt & uncle, Jean-Baptiste LEBLANC & Élisabeth AUCOIN
Jean-Baptiste SIMON 151 22* LAm born 5 Nov 1763, Rennes, Brittany, France; baptized 6 Nov 1763, Rennes; son of René SIMON & Sébastienne MONNIER of Rennes; no occupation given; on this ship's debarkation list but not on embarkation list; probably a stowaway; married Marie-Madeleine AUCOIN, daughter of deceased Alexandre AUCOIN & widow Élisabeth DUHON, 13 Nov 1785, New Orleans, soon after they reached LA on the same ship
Marguerite SONNIER 65 27 LS-R wife of Guillaume HAMON
Marie-Josèphe SONNIER 48 LVdA wife of Claude AUCOIN
Marie-Marguerite SONNIER 37 LS-R wife of Antoine BOUTARY
Louis-William STEBENS 10 36 LBP sailor; head of family; husband of Marie BABIN
Louis STEBENS 3 LBP son of Louis-William STEBENS & his second wife Marie LANDRY
Marie STEBENS 2 LBP daughter of Louis-William STEBENS & his third wife Marie BABIN
son STEBENS infant LBP not yet baptized son of Louis-William STEBENS & his third wife Marie BABIN
André TEMPLET 03 59 LBP sailor; husband of Marguerite LEBLANC; head of family; 2nd family to leave Le Bon Papa
André TEMPLET 7 LBP son of André TEMPLET & Marguerite LEBLANC
Charles-Casimir TEMPLET 192 22 LBP sailor; son of André TEMPLET & Marguerite LEBLANC; married Marie-Rose LIVOIS, 27 Feb 1786, L'Ascension, now Donaldsonville, soon after they reached LA on separate ships
Élisabeth-Marguerite TEMPLET 25 LBP daughter of André TEMPLET & Marguerite LEBLANC
Jacques-Olivier TEMPLET 20 LBP sailor; son of André TEMPLET & Marguerite LEBLANC
Jean-André-Grégoire-M. TEMPLET 24 LBP sailor; son of André TEMPLET & Marguerite LEBLANC
Marguerite TEMPLET 32 LAm daughter of André TEMPLET & his first wife, Marie DEVAUX; wife of Joseph BREAUX
Marie-Madeleine TEMPLET 19* LBP daughter of André TEMPLET & Marguerite LEBLANC
Olivier-Marcellin TEMPLET 11 LBP son of André TEMPLET & Marguerite LEBLANC
Servan-François TEMPLET 15 LBP sailor; son of André TEMPLET & Marguerite LEBLANC
Angélique THÉRIOT 13 4 LVdA daughter of deceased Théodore THÉRIOT; traveling with mother, Anne-Josèphe HENRY
Anne THÉRIOT 40 LVdA wife of Ambroise DUPUIS
Anne THÉRIOT 36 LVdA head of family; widow of Joseph GRANGER
Françoise-Élisabeth THÉRIOT infant LBerg daughter of Jacques THÉRIOT & Francoise GUÉRIN
Geneviève THÉRIOT 21 LVdA daughter of Jean-Jacques THÉRIOT & deceased Marguerite-Josèphe RICHARD
Jacques THÉRIOT 25 LBerg gardener; head of family; husband of Françoise GUÉRIN
Jean THÉRIOT 2 LBerg son of Olivier THÉRIOT & Marie AUCOIN
Jean-Baptiste THÉRIOT 39 LVdA no occupation listed; head of family; husband of Anne-Angélique BRIAND
Jean-Baptiste THÉRIOT 8 LVdA son of Jean-Baptiste THÉRIOT & Anne-Angélique BRIAND
Jean-Charles THÉRIOT 22 LBerg laborer; brother of Olivier THÉRIOT, with whom he is traveling
Jean-Jacques THÉRIOT 45* LVdA no occupation listed; head of family; no wife listed, widower of Marguerite-Josèphe RICHARD
Jeanne THÉRIOT 62 LBerg wife of Jean AUCOIN
Jeanne THÉRIOT 14 LVdA daughter of Jean-Jacques THÉRIOT & deceased Marguerite-Josèphe RICHARD
Joseph THÉRIOT 27 LC sailor; listed singly
Madeleine THÉRIOT 70 LS-R widow of Charles BENOIT; traveling with family of Honoré CARRET, husband of Francoise BENOIT, probably her daughter
Marguerite THÉRIOT 6 LVdA daughter of Jean-Jacques THÉRIOT & deceased Marguerite-Josèphe RICHARD
Marguerite THÉRIOT 57 LVdA wife of Jean-Baptiste AUCOIN
Marguerite-Josèphe THÉRIOT 190 50 LVdA wife of Charles HENRY
Marie THÉRIOT 42 LVdA head of family; widow of Joseph COMEAUX
Marie THÉRIOT 19 LVdA daughter of Jean-Jacques THÉRIOT & deceased Marguerite-Josèphe RICHARD
Marie THÉRIOT 52 LVdA unmarried? widowed? daughter of deceased Francois THÉRIOT; traveling with family of Charles HENRY, husband of Marguerite THÉRIOT, probably her sister, & mother Francoise GUÉRIN
Marie-Geneviève THÉRIOT 50 LVdA wife of Simon AUCOIN
Marie-Josèphe THÉRIOT 65 LAm head of family; widow of Honoré GIROIR
Marie-Madeleine THÉRIOT 20 LS-R wife of Firmin-Charles THIBODEAUX
Martina THÉRIOT 154 infant LBerg daughter of Olivier THÉRIOT & Marie AUCOIN; baptized 27 Sep 1785, New Orleans, soon after the family reached LA
Olivier THÉRIOT 32 LBerg shoemaker; head of family; husband of Marie AUCOIN; an organizer of this enterprise; appointed 1 of the 5 leaders of the La Bergère expedition
Olivier-Marie THÉRIOT 7 LBerg son of Olivier THÉRIOT & Marie AUCOIN
Osite-Perpétué THÉRIOT 25* LS-R wife of Jean GARNIER
Pierre THÉRIOT 42 LS-R wood polisher; head of family; no wife listed, so probably a widower
Pierre THÉRIOT 15 LS-R son of Pierre THÉRIOT
Rosalie THÉRIOT 45 LVdA wife of Alexandre AUCOIN
Rosalie THÉRIOT 12 LVdA daughter of Jean-Jacques THÉRIOT & deceased Marguerite-Josèphe RICHARD
Blaise THIBODEAUX 64 56* LS-R carpenter; head of family; husband of Catherine DAIGLE
Charles THIBODEAUX 63 LVdA no occupation listed; head of family; husband of Madeleine HENRY
Elisabeth THIBODEAUX 40 LS-R widow of Jacques BOURBON; traveling with Jean THIBODEAUX, perhaps her brother, & his family
Élisabeth-Jeanne THIBODEAUX 14* LS-R daughter of Blaise THIBODEAUX & Catherine DAIGLE
Firmin-Blaise THIBODEAUX 2 LS-R son of Firmin-Charles THIBODEAUX & Marie-Madeleine THÉRIOT
Firmin-Charles THIBODEAUX 25 LS-R sailor; head of family; husband of Marie-Madeleine THÉRIOT
François-Jean THIBODEAUX 18 LS-R day laborer; son of Blaise THIBODEAUX & Catherine DAIGLE
Hélène THIBODEAUX 18 LVdA daughter of Charles THIBODEAUX & Madeleine HENRY
Jacques THIBODEAUX 18 LS-R calker; son of Jean THIBODEAUX & Marie DUGAS
Jean THIBODEAUX 43* LS-R sailor; head of family; husband of Marie DUGAS
Jean THIBODEAUX 20 LAm calker; husband of Marie-Rose DAMOUR
Jean-Martin THIBODEAUX 156 infant LAm born 1 Oct 1785, aboard ship; son of Jean THIBODEAUX & Rose DAMOUR; baptized probably aboard ship & again 27 Nov 1785, New Orleans, soon after the family reached LA
Jeanne-Tarsile THIBODEAUX 20 LVdA daughter of Charles THIBODEAUX & Madeleine HENRY; twin of Pierre-Charles
Joseph-Marie THIBODEAUX 17 LS-R day laborer; son of Blaise THIBODEAUX & Catherine DAIGLE
Marguerite THIBODEAUX 40 LAm wife of Étienne BOUDREAUX
Marguerite THIBODEAUX 22 LVdA daughter of Charles THIBODEAUX & Madeleine HENRY
Marie THIBODEAUX 14 LS-R daughter of Jean THIBODEAUX & Marie DUGAS
Marie THIBODEAUX 17 LAm daughter of deceased Olivier THIBODEAUX; traveling with mother, Isabelle BOUDREAUX
Marie-Jeanne THIBODEAUX 278 ? ? not on any passenger list of the 7 ships but probably came to LA on one of these ships
Marie-Josèphe THIBODEAUX 38* LS-R widow of Nicoloas METRA; wife of Jean-Philippe HENRY
Marie-Victoire THIBODEAUX 15 LVdA daughter of Charles THIBODEAUX & Madeleine HENRY
Martin THIBODEAUX 155 infant LS-R son of Firmin THIBODEAUX & Marie-Madeleine THERIOT; baptized 18 Oct 1785, New Orleans, soon after the family reached LA
Pierre-Charles THIBODEAUX 20 LVdA no occupation listed; son of Charles THIBODEAUX & Madeleine HENRY; twin of Jeanne-Tarsile
Alexis-Romain TRAHAN 194 11* LBeau son of deceased Isidore TRAHAN; traveling with mother, Marie-Madeleine LEBLANC
Anne TRAHAN 22 LBerg probably unmarried; traveling with father, Olivier TRAHAN, & brother Grégoire TRAHAN
Anne TRAHAN 21 LS-R daughter of Joachim TRAHAN
Anne TRAHAN 12 LS-R daughter of Pierre TRAHAN & Marguerite DUHON
Anne TRAHAN 24 LS-R wife of Alexis LEVRON
Anne TRAHAN 48 LAm wife of Honoré DUHON le jeune
Anne-Julie TRAHAN 20 LAm daughter of Chrysostôme TRAHAN & Anne GRANGER
Anselme TRAHAN 19 LBerg laborer; son of Joseph TRAHAN & Marie BOUDREAUX
Antoine-Joseph TRAHAN 19 LBerg day laborer; son of deceased Joseph TRAHAN; traveling with mother, Marie-Sophie LE PRINCE
Antoinette TRAHAN 2 LBeau daughter of Joseph TRAHAN & Marguerite LAVERGNE
Augustin TRAHAN 50 LS-R carpenter; head of family; husband of Bibianne LEBLANC
Augustin TRAHAN 18 LS-R son of Joachim TRAHAN & Marie DUHON
Augustine-Pélagie TRAHAN 12 LS-R daughter of deceased Joseph TRAHAN; traveling with mother, Marguerite TRAHAN
Catherine TRAHAN 12 LS-R daughter of Joachim TRAHAN & Marie DUHON
Chrysostôme TRAHAN 43 LAm plowman; head of family; husband of Anne GRANGER
Eustache TRAHAN 224 40 LS-R carpenter; husband of Marie LEBLANC
Félicité TRAHAN 14 LS-R daughter of Joachim TRAHAN & Marie DUHON
Félicité TRAHAN 14 LS-R daughter of Jean-Baptiste TRAHAN & Madeleine-Modeste HEBERT
François TRAHAN 7 LS-R son of Marin TRAHAN & his first wife Marie-Madeleine LEBLANC
François-Antoine TRAHAN in utero LBeau son of Joseph TRAHAN & Marguerite LAVERGNE
François-Marie TRAHAN 12 LBeau day laborer; son of deceased Joseph TRAHAN; traveling with mother, Anne GRANGER
Françoise TRAHAN 47 LS-R wife of Pierre LEBLANC the day laborer
Françoise TRAHAN 38 LVdA widow of Pascal HÉBERT; traveling with family of Charles AUCOIN, age 50; sister of Charles's wife, Madeleine TRAHAN?
Françoise-Barbe TRAHAN 11 LS-R daughter of Marin TRAHAN && his first wife Marie-Madeleine LEBLANC
Geneviève TRAHAN 23 LS-R daughter of Pierre TRAHAN the plowman
Grégoire TRAHAN 18 LBerg shoemaker; son of Olivier TRAHAN
Jean-Baptiste TRAHAN 49 LS-R plowman; head of family; husband of Madeleine-Modeste HÉBERT
Jean-Baptiste TRAHAN 35 LBP sailor; listed singly
Jean-Baptiste TRAHAN 25 LBeau carpenter; son of deceased Pierre-Simon TRAHAN; traveling with mother, Marie-Josèphe GRANGER
Jean-Baptiste TRAHAN 21 LS-R carpenter; son of Marin TRAHAN & his first wife Marie-Madeleine LEBLANC
Jean-Chrysostôme TRAHAN 10 LAm son of Chrysostôme TRAHAN & Anne GRANGER
Jean-Marie TRAHAN 20 ? not on any passenger list of the 7 ships but probably came to LA on one of these ships
Jean-Marie TRAHAN 10 LS-R son of Joachim TRAHAN & Marie DUHON
Jean-Marie TRAHAN 8 LS-R son of Marin TRAHAN & his first wife Marie-Madeleine LEBLANC
Jean-Michel TRAHAN 21 LS-R sailor; son of Jean-Baptiste TRAHAN & Madeleine-Modeste HÉBERT
Jean-Paul TRAHAN 16 LAm sailor; listed singly
Joachim-Hyacinthe TRAHAN 50 LS-R plowman; head of family; no wife listed [she was Marie DUHON205], so probably a widower
Joseph TRAHAN 59 LBerg day laborer; head of family; husband of Marie BOUDREAUX
Joseph TRAHAN 21 LBeau day laborer; son of deceased Joseph TRAHAN; traveling with mother, Anne GRANGER
Joseph TRAHAN 44 LBeau no occupation given; head of family; husband of Marguerite LAVERGNE
Joseph TRAHAN 8 LS-R son of Pierre TRAHAN & Marguerite DUHON
Joseph TRAHAN 7 LAm son of Chrysostôme TRAHAN & Anne GRANGER
Joseph-Rémi TRAHAN 4 LBeau son of Joseph TRAHAN & Marguerite LAVERGNE
Julie TRAHAN 14 LBeau daughter of deceased Joseph TRAHAN; traveling with mother, Anne GRANGER
Louise-Renée TRAHAN 2 LS-R daughter of Pierre TRAHAN & Marie CLEMENCEAU
Madeleine TRAHAN 45 LS-R wife of Étienne DAROIS
Madeleine TRAHAN 23 LS-R daughter of Marin TRAHAN & his first wife Marie-Madeleine LEBLANC
Madeleine TRAHAN 48 LVdA wife of Charles AUCOIN, age 50
Marguerite TRAHAN 38 LBerg wife of Simon MAZEROLLE
Marguerite TRAHAN 11 LBerg daughter of Joseph TRAHAN & Marie BOUDREAUX
Marguerite TRAHAN 50 24 LBeau daughter of deceased Joseph TRAHAN; traveling with mother, Anne GRANGER; married Joseph COSTA, 5 Sep 1785, soon after they arrived in New Orleans aboard the same ship
Marguerite TRAHAN 54 LBeau wife of Pierre HENRY the plowman
Marguerite TRAHAN 50 LS-R wife of Michel LEVRON
Marguerite TRAHAN 16 LS-R daughter of Pierre TRAHAN & Marguerite DUHON
Marguerite TRAHAN 225 49 LS-R widow Joseph TRAHAN; traveling with daughter, Augustine-Pélagie
Marguerite TRAHAN 5 LAm daughter of Chrysostôme TRAHAN & Anne GRANGER
Marguerite TRAHAN 40 LVdA unmarried? widowed? daughter of deceased Charles TRAHAN; traveling with mother, Marguerite AUCOIN
Marie TRAHAN 51 LBP wife of Simon LEBLANC
Marie TRAHAN 54 LBerg wife of Gabriel MOREAU
Marie  TRAHAN 18 LBerg daughter of Joseph TRAHAN & Marie BOUDREAUX
Marie TRAHAN 19 LBeau wife of Joseph BREAUX
Marie TRAHAN not given LBeau daughter of deceased Isidore TRAHAN; traveling with mother, Marie-Madeleine LEBLANC
Marie TRAHAN 20 LS-R listed singly
Marie TRAHAN 47 LVdA unmarried? widowed? daughter of deceased Charles TRAHAN; traveling with mother, Marguerite AUCOIN
Marie-Anne TRAHAN 16 LBeau daughter of deceased Joseph TRAHAN; traveling with mother, Anne GRANGER
Marie-Françoise TRAHAN 10 LS-R daughter of Pierre TRAHAN & Marguerite DUHON
Marie-Isabelle TRAHAN 25 LAm wife of Lucien BOURG
Marie-Josèphe TRAHAN 44 LS-R wife of Paul TRAHAN
Marie-Josèphe TRAHAN 19 LS-R wife of Charles RICHARD
Marie-Louise TRAHAN 16 LS-R daughter of Jean-Baptiste TRAHAN & Madeleine-Modeste HÉBERT
Marie-Madeleine TRAHAN 18 LAm daughter of Chrysostôme TRAHAN & Anne GRANGER
Marie-Marguerite TRAHAN 13 LBeau daughter of deceased Pierre-Simon TRAHAN; traveling with mother, Marie-Josèphe GRANGER
Marie-Marguerite TRAHAN 16* LS-R daughter of Marin TRAHAN & his first wife Marie-Madeleine LEBLANC
Marie-Modeste TRAHAN 36 LBP wife of Jean-Baptiste BOUDREAUX
Marie-Modeste TRAHAN 12 LS-R daughter of Augustin TRAHAN & Bibianne LEBLANC
Marie-Renée TRAHAN 13 LBeau daughter of deceased Pierre-Simon TRAHAN; traveling with mother, Marie-Josèphe GRANGER
Marie-Vincent TRAHAN 1 LS-R daughter of Joachim TRAHAN & Marie DUHON
Marin TRAHAN 226 40 LS-R carpenter; head of family; husband of Marguerite INO
Marthe TRAHAN 14 LAm daughter of Chrysostôme TRAHAN & Anne GRANGER
Mathurin TRAHAN 24 LBerg printer; husband of Perrine-Marguerite ORRY
Olivier TRAHAN 54 LBerg sailor; head of family; no wife listed, so probably a widower
Paul TRAHAN 227 42 LS-R carpenter; head of family; married to Marie-Josèphe TRAHAN
Paul TRAHAN 16 LS-R son of Paul TRAHAN & Marie-Josèphe TRAHAN
Paul-Isidore TRAHAN 21* LBeau son of deceased Isidore TRAHAN; traveling with mother, Marie-Madeleine LEBLANC
Paul-Raymond  TRAHAN 19 LBeau carpenter; son of deceased Pierre-Simon TRAHAN; traveling with mother, Marie-Josèphe GRANGER
Pauline TRAHAN 18 LS-R daughter of Pierre TRAHAN & Marguerite DUHON
Pélagie TRAHAN 39 LS-R wife of Charles GAUTREAUX the carpenter
Pierre TRAHAN 62* LS-R day laborer; head of family; husband of Marie CLÉMENCEAU
Pierre TRAHAN 48 LS-R plowman; head of family; husband of Marguerite DUHON
Pierre TRAHAN 228 28 LS-R carpenter; listed singly
Pierre TRAHAN 18 LS-R carpenter; son of Jean-Baptiste TRAHAN & Madeleine-Modeste HÉBERT
Pierre TRAHAN 5 LS-R son of Paul TRAHAN & Marie-Josèphe TRAHAN
Pierre-Baptiste TRAHAN 189 34 LS-R carpenter; listed singly
René TRAHAN infant LAm son of Chrysostôme TRAHAN & Anne GRANGER
Rosalie TRAHAN 9* LBeau daughter of deceased Isidore TRAHAN; traveling with mother, Marie-Madeleine LEBLANC
Rosalie TRAHAN 40 LS-R wife of Charles LEBLANC the day laborer, age 52
Rose TRAHAN 23 LBeau traveling with uncle, Paul LEBLANC, & his family
Simon TRAHAN not given LBeau son of deceased Isidore TRAHAN; traveling with mother, Marie-Madeleine LEBLANC
Anne-Marie USÉ 94 20 LBP daughter of deceased Ignace USÉ; traveling with mother, Cécile BOURG
Grégoire-Ignace USÉ 9 LBP son of Ignace USÉ; traveling with mother, Cécile BOURG
Jean-Baptiste USÉ 17 LBP day laborer; son of Ignace USÉ; traveling with mother, Cécile BOURG
Mathurin-Charles USÉ 22 LBP day laborer; son of Ignace USÉ; traveling with mother, Cécile BOURG
Pierre-Ignace USÉ 241 25* LBP day laborer; son of Ignace USÉ; traveling with mother, Cécile BOURG, & wife Marie-Perrine QUIMINE
Marie-Claudine VALET 31 LBeau wife of Jean-Baptiste DAIGLE the plowman
Marguerite VALLOIS 81 47* LAm wife of Zacharie BOUDREAUX
Catherine VIAUD 33 LAm wife of Jean BOURG
Marie VIDET 42 LAm wife of Pierre LAURENTY
Marie-Jeanne VILLERE 127 not given LVdA on this ship's debarkation list but not on embarkation list
Anne-Blanche VINCENT 23 LAm daughter of deceased Jean VINCENT; traveling with mother, Ursule HÉBERT
Anne-Marie VINCENT 55 LBP wife of Charles DAIGLE
Flore-Adélaïde VINCENT 11 LAm daughter of Jean VINCENT; traveling with mother, Ursule HÉBERT
Isabelle VINCENT 28 LS-R wife of Pierre LECOQ
Jeanne-Marguerite VINCENT 12 LAm daughter of Jean VINCENT; traveling with mother, Ursule HÉBERT
Marie-Blanche VINCENT 17 LAm daughter of Jean VINCENT; traveling with mother, Ursule HÉBERT
Pierre VINCENT 36 LBeau wet cooper; listed singly; maternal uncle of MONTET orphans who crossed on La Caroline
No Family Name Given
François-Julien _______ 3 LBerg "charge" of Marie-Josèphe LANDRY

Acadian families on this alpha list (number of individuals in parentheses):  ACHEE(17), ARBOUR(4), ARSEMENT(8), AUCOIN(93), BABIN(4), BARRILLEAUX(9), BELLEMERE(2), BENOIT(24), BERNARD(1), BERTRAND(14), BILLERAY(1), BLANCHARD(30), BONNEVIE(1), BOUDREAUX(89), BOURG/BOURQUE(95), BRASSEAUX(2), BREAUX(21), BROUSSARD(9), CARRET(8), CHAILLOU(1), CHIASSON(6), CLEMENCEAU(2), CLEMENT(3), CLOSSINET(3), COMEAUX(30), COUSIN(1), CROCHET(5), DAIGLE(59), DAMOUR(1), DANTIN(5), DAREMBOURG(3), DAROIS(5), DE LA FORESTRIE(3), DE LA MAZIÈRE(4), DELAUNE(6), D'ENTREMONT(3), DOIRON(30), DOUCET(13), DUBOIS(2), DUGAS(55), DUHON(8), DUMONT(1), DUPLESSIS(1), DUPUIS(9), DUREL(1), FORET(17), FOUQUET(3), GAUDET(5), GAUTREAUX(41), GIROIR(12), GOUSMAN(3), GRANGER(13), GROSSIN(1), GUÉRIN(9), GUIDRY(31), GUILLOT(8), HAMON(5), HÉBERT(106),  HENRY(48), LABAUVE(3), LAGARENNE(1), LALANDE(2), LAMOUREUX(3), LANDRY(54), LAVERGNE(5), LEBERT(8), LEBLANC(73), LEBRUN(1), LEGENDRE(5), LEGER(3), LEJEUNE(17), LEPRINCE(5), LEVRON(4), LIVOIR(2), LONGUÉPÉE(12), MARTIN(1), MAZEROLLE(5), MELANÇON(2), MICHEL(8), MOISE(4), MOLAISON(6), NAQUIN(12), NOËL(2), NEVEU(1), OLIVIER(1), OZELET(5), PART(2), PATRY(1), PINET(5), PITRE(53), POTIER(10), PRECIEUX(1), QUIMINE(5), RASSICOT(3), RENAUD(2), RICHARD(31), ROBICHAUX(11), SAVARY(1), SEGOILLOT(1), SEMER(6), SONNIER(3), TEMPLET(10), THERIOT(32), THIBODEAUX(23), TRAHAN(98), USÉ(5), VINCENT(7)  107 families/1550 individuals with Acadian surnames on this list/1547 Acadians who actually made it to LA

non-Acadian families on this alpha list (number of individuals in parentheses):  ADAM(1), *AILLET(2), *ALBERT(2), ALLIOT(1), *ANGILBERT(2), ARNAUD(1), *BASSET(1), *BEDEL/BEDIN(1), *BENARD(4), BETANCOURT(1), *BILLARDIN(4),*BLANDIN(1), *BONFILS(1), BOUCITE(1), *BOUTARY(4), *BRIAND(1), BUCLOSE(1), *CABON(1), *CAILLOUET(2), CHARRIER(1), *CHERAMIE(1)*CHIQUET(1), COIUNARD(3), COSTA(1), *COURTIN(4), *COURTNEY/CORDNE(1), COURTUA(1), DAVOIR(1), DE LA GARDE(1), DESCHENAIS(1), DESFOREST(1), DRAPEAU(1), EON(1), FARDY(1), FOUGINETdePELLEGRUE(2), *FRIOU(2), GARCIA(1), *GARNIER(3), GOMEZ(1), HAINEMENT(1), HALLIER(1), HAVARD(2), *HERVE(1), *HOLLEY(1), *HOUARDON (2), *INO(1), JACQUES(6), *JOANNE(1), JOUDICE(1), *LANGLINE(3), LAURENTY(2), LECAT(1), *LECOQ(5), LE FAIBRE(1), LEGAGNEUR(1), *LELORRE(1), LEON(1), *LETOLLIEREC(3), *LETUILLIER(4), LEYAY(1), *LIRETTE(3), MACLE(1), MAHYER(2), MAURICE(1), MAY(1), MENARD(1), *METRA(4), *MOINE(1), MOLLARD(1), MONTAGNE(1), MONTET(6), MONTREAL(1), *MOREAU(3), *NOGUES(1), *ORRY(1), *PATRU(1), PELLETIER(1), PEYROUXdeCOUDRENIERE(1), *PIERSON(1), QUIRIVEN(1), RAFRAY(1), RENARD(1), *RICHER(2), RODRIGUE(2), SIMON(1), *STEBENS(4), *VALET(1), *VALOIS(1), *VIAUD(1), VIDET(1), VILLERE(1), *_____(1)  91 families/151 individuals without Acadian surnames on this list... 1701 total names on this listing for 7 ships.  Families with * before their name also can be found on the settlement lists in the Appendices with their Acadian spouses/mothers.


01.  <>, lists the children of Joseph LEBLANC & Anne HÉBERT as HÉBERTs.  Wall of Names, 27, followed here, indicates that the children of this couple were LEBLANCs, not HÉBERTs.

02.  Wall of Names, 27, calls her Ester CORDNE, belle mere au dit, & lists her with the family of Amable HÉBERT.  She was English.  See also Hébert, D., Acadian Families in Exile 1785, viii, which calls her Esther COURTNEY & says that belle mere au dit in this case means stepmother.  

03.  Wall of Names spells this family's name TRAMPLE & also TEMPLE, which T. Hebert favors.  The standard spelling used in this study for this family is TEMPLET.  Although this family is not in Arsenault, Généalogie or White, DGFA-1, its Acadian origin can be found in Robichaux's studies of the Acadians in France.  Robichaux spells the family name TEMPLÉ, pronounced tem-PLAY, probably the original spelling.  See also the family history.

04.   Wall of Names, 27, 31, 33, spells the family name DOUAIRON.  The standard spelling used in this study is DOIRON.

05.  Wall of Names, 27, 42, spells this family's name QUINTIN, QUIMINE.   T. Hebert prefers KIMINE.  The standard spelling in this study is QUIMINE.

06.  T. Hebert calls her Marie CLOSSINET, a name that appears on the list for Le Beaumont as well.  Wall of Names, 27, calls her Marie GROSSIN, which is used here.

07.  Wall of Names, 27, spells her husband's family name HISE.  The name evolved into USE in LA.

08. Wall of Names spells this family's name PINEL.  T. Hebert uses PINET.  Both spellings are used in this study.  Her husbands first name is from brochure that accompanies the Robert Dafford Mural, Acadian Memorial, St. Martinville. 

10.  Wall of Names, 28, spells his family name STIVIN, probably a Spanish version of STEBENS.  He was born in Boston to Stanislas STEBENS & Anne COLCEIN.  See Robichaux, Acadians in Nantes, 153, which also provides his middle name.

11.  Wall of Names, 28, 33, spells this family name HENRRY  & HERVORY.  The standard spelling used in this study for this family is HENRY.

12.  A second Jean-Baptiste LEJEUNE & his wife Helene DOIRON are listed in T. Hebert for Le Bon Papa but are not listed in Wall of Names, 27-28, so they are probably a second, inadvertent listing in T. Hebert of Jean-Baptiste LEJEUNE the sailor & his wife Genevieve DOIRON.

13. Wall of Names spells this family name TERRIOT.  Some sources say TERIO or TERRIO.  The standard spelling for this family in this study is THERIOT.

14.  Wives are traveling with their husbands & their children unless otherwise noted.

15.  T. Hebert spells her family name GICQUEL.  Wall of Names, 28, spells it CHIQUED.  Winzerling, Acadian Odyssey, 131, says CHIQUET, the standard spelling used in this study.  

16.  Wall of Names, 29, does not give her first name but calls her simply CHELLON veuve BOURG.  Her first name & her husband's full name can be found in son Charles's marriage record in BRDR, 2:120, which spells her family name CHAILLOU, used here.  The marriage record of their son Jean-Baptiste in BRDR, 2:123, spells her family name CHALOU.  The marriage record of their daughter Marie in NOAR, 4:38, spells her family name CHALLU.  The birth/baptismal record of one of their granddaughters in BRDR, 2:560, spells her family name CHAILLOUT.  The Ascension censuses of 1788 & 1791 spell her family name CHAILLON.  See Robichaux, Bayou Lafourche, 1770-98, 40, 172.  Robichaux, Acadians in Chatellerault, 21-22, followed here, spells it CHAILLOU.  Robichaux, Acadians in Chatellerault, says that she was born c1733 but givens no place of birth, & that she married Jean BOURG c1762, but gives no place of marriage.  According to a marriage record in NOAR, 4:38 & other sources, Jeanne's daughter Marie-Geneviève BOURG was born on the island of Miquelon c1767.  See Marie-Geneviève BOURG.  Was Jeanne CHAILLOU from Miquelon?  If so, she would be technically Acadian.  However, Arsenault, Genealogie, lists no such family there.  

17.  Adult, presumably unmarried, children are traveling with their parents unless otherwise noted.

18.  T. Hebert spells this family's name POITIER.  Wall of Names spells it POTTIER.  The standard spelling for this family in this study is POTIER, which is used here.

19.  Wall of Names, 29, spells his family name MIEROLLE.  The standard spelling for this family in this study is MAZEROLLE.  Anne's middle name is from her marriage record in BRDR, 2:528.

20.  Wall of Names, 30, 39, spells this family's name LETOLLIERE.  T. Hebert favors LETULLIER.  In France, Louis-Francois's name was spelled LE TOLLIEREC; see the marriage record of Louis-Francois & Élisabeth in Robichaux, Acadians in St.-Malo, 825, which notes that he was from present-day Cotes-du-Nord.  This family should not be confused with LE TUILLIER, a Norman family, as T. Hebert seems to have done.  They are different families from different places.  Although the LE TOLLIEREC family brought a son to LA, the little fellow must have died soon after he reached the colony because he does not appear in any of the censuses there with his parents & sister.  

21.  Wall of Names, 30, spells his family name OZELE.  T. Hebert favors OSELET.  The standard spelling for this family in this study is OZELET.

22.  Marie-Louise DUPLESSIS, daughter of Claude-Antoine DUPLICY, or DUPLESSIS, surgeon, & Catherine LEJEUNE of St.-Charles-des-Mines Parish, Acadia, was born 2 Apr 1739, & baptized the same day at St.-Charles-des-Mines.  This is probably the same person.  See BRDR, 1a:67, for birth/baptismal record.  Arsenault, Généalogie, 1159-1160, calls her Anne-Louise.

23.  Wall of Names, 32, spells her family name SEGOLIAU.

24.  Wall of Names spells this family's name LIVOIR, LIVOIRE.  Her parents' names are from her sister's marriage record in BRDR, 2:503, which spells the family name LIBOIS.  Why is this family not in Arsenault or White?

25.  Wall of Names, 32, calls him an immigrés.  See also Hébert, D., Acadian Families in Exile 1785, 28-29, which does not list his son, François, fils, but the boy doubtlessly was with his father.  According to François, fils's marriage record in BRDR, 2:286, 314, dated 7 Feb 1792, his mother was Suzanne ROBICHAUX, his father's first wife. 

26.  Wall of Names spells this family's name GAUTRAU, GOTRAUD, GOTREAU, GOUDREAU.  T. Hebert favors GAUTROT, used here.  The standard spelling in this study is GAUTREAUX.

27.  Wall of Names spells his family name DAIGRE, DEGLE.  The standard spelling for this family in this study is DAIGLE.

28.  A note on the debarkation list for Le Beaumont says that he & his family went to the Attakapas District (present-day St. Martin, Lafayette, & Vermilion parishes), 18 Oct 1785, 2 months after arriving in New Orleans.  For their status as paying passengers, see Winzerling, Acadian Odyssey, 138.

29.  Wall of Names spells this family's name CLAUSINET.

30.  A note on the debarkation list for Le Beaumont says that he & his family went to the Attakapas.

31.  A note on the debarkation list for Le Beaumont says that he & his family went to the Attakapas.

32.  T. Hebert spells her family name HOLLEY, used here.  Wall of Names, 33, spells it AULAI.  Robichaux, Acadians in Nantes, 44, spells it AULAY.  The Sep 1784 Spanish report at Nantes in Voorhies, J., Some Late Eighteenth-Century Louisianians, 505, calls her Jeanne AULET. 

33.  Wall of Names, 33, spells his family name ARBOURG.  T. Hebert prefers HARBOURG.  The standard spelling here is ARBOUR

34.  T. Hebert says she was the widow of Jean-Baptiste DOIRON, but Wall of Names, 33, followed here, says Jean-Baptiste DUGAST.  

35.  A note on the debarkation list for Le Beaumont says that Jean-Baptiste HEBERT went to the Atakapas.

36.  Wall of Names also spells this family's name BROD.  T. Hebert favors BRAUD.  The standard spelling in this study is BREAUX.

37.  Wall of Names spells this family's name DUGAST, DUGATS.  The standard spelling in this study is DUGAS.

38.  Wall of Names spells this family's name BOUDRAU, BOUDRO, BOUDROT.  The standard spelling in this study is BOUDREAUX.

39.  The standard spelling for this family name in this study is MOLAISON.  T. Hebert & Wall of Names favor MOULAISON.

40.  T. Hebert & Wall of Names favor GUÉDRY for the spelling of this family.  The standard spelling in this study is GUIDRY, into which GUÉDRY evolved in LA.

41.  Wall of Names spells this family's name COMMEAU, COMO.  The standard spelling in this study is COMEAUX, which T. Hebert also favors.

42. Wall of Names spells this family's name AU COIN, AUCOIN, AUCOING.  The standard spelling in this study is AUCOIN without a space, which T. Hebert also favors.

43.  Wall of Names spells this family's name DUHON, which is the standard spelling in this study.  T. Hebert favors DUON.

44.  T. Hebert also lists her as wife of Juan/Jean GARCIA, also a passenger on Le Beaumont, but they did not marry until after they reached LA.  For their marriage, see Winzerling, Acadian Odyssey, 138.

45.  T. Hebert calls him Juan GARCIA; Wall of Names, 34, calls him Jean GARCIA, & does not list his wife with him.  They settled at the southern edge of the Baton Rouge district with a number of other passengers from Le Beaumont.  See Voorhies, J., Some Late Eighteenth Century Louisianians, 524, a Spanish report of 1788 listing "Acadians" at Fort Bute, Manchac, which calls him Juan GRACIA.  Since his mother-in-law was Acadian, his wife was Acadian, so, in the eyes of the Spanish, he was an Acadian, too.  

46.  Wall of Names, 34, spells his family name MONT REAL & does not list him as servant to Mr. PEYROUX.  

47.  He is not listed in T. Hebert as a passenger but mentioned only in the listing of his servant, Louis-François MONTREAL.  However, he is listed in Wall of Names, 34, with his wife.  He is the wily Frenchman who had been a druggist in Nantes, lived in LA for 7 years, returned to Nantes, & persuaded the Spanish to remove the Acadians in France to the colony at the king of Spain's expense.  His assistant for a time in organizing the venture was Acadian cobbler, Olivier TERRIO of Nantes.  The Spanish allowed PEYROUX to take his wife, servant, & a friend to LA &  placed him in charge of the Le Beaumont expedition.  In LA, fulfilling a promise to him, the Spanish made PEYROUX a captain & commandant of the non-Acadian settlement at St.-Geneviève, Illinois, now Missouri.  In 1792, after they had settled in LA, TERRIO sued PEYROUX for not fulfilling promises he had made to him back in France.  See Winzerling, Acadian Odyssey, 89ff, 157-59.

48.  She is not listed in T. Hebert but can be found in Wall of Names, 34, with her husband.  Neither she nor her husband were Acadians.  Even if she was Acadian, no male member of her family came to LA, so the line would not have survived in the colony.  Therefore, despite the claims of some historians, no Acadian RODRIGUEs made it to LA.  See, for example, Encyclopedia of Cajun Culture, "Surnames," which includes RODRIGUE as an Acadian surname.  Most of the RODRIGUEs of LA were Canary Islanders, called Isleños, or Spaniards whose name also was spelled RODRIGUES & RODRIGUEZ & who promptly intermarried with the Acadians & Germans of the Mississippi River settlements. 

The RODRIGUE family that did live in Acadia was sired by Portuguese merchant Jean[-Baptiste] RODRIGUE dit de Fonds.  He must have been a young man of means.  In 1707, at Port-Royal, he married Anne Le Borgne de BÉLISLE, daughter of Alexandre Le Borgne de BÉLISLE, one time governor of the colony, & Dame Marie de Saint-Etienne de LA TOUR, whose father also had been a governor (the notorious Charles LA TOUR).  Jean & Anne had 13 children, most of whom survived infancy.  He served also as "King's pilot" at Port-Royal.  But he & his family did not remain in the Acadian capital.  In 1710, after the fall of Port-Royal to the British, RODRIGUE fled to Plaisance, Newfoundland.  By 1714, he had returned to Port-Royal, gathered up his family, & moved to Louisbourg on Cape Breton Island, which the French called Île Royale.  There he became "one of the most important merchants in the colony of Île Royale."  There is no evidence that any member of his family made it to LA during Le Grand Dérangement.  See Arsenault, Généalogie, 785, who calls him Jean Dufond dit RODRIGUE & says he was born in 1686; White, DGFA-1, 1415-18; White, DGFA-1 English, 296-97, quotation on p. 297.

49.  T. Hebert calls her Magelaine.  Wall of Names, 34, calls her Marie-Madeleine, which is used here.

50.  T. Hebert lists Joseph COSTA with wife Marguerite TRAHAN on Le BeaumontWall of Names, 34, lists Joseph COSTA singly.  For their marriage, see Winzerling, Acadian Odyssey, 138.

51.  Wall of Names, 34, lists him as an immigré.

52.  In Wall of Names, 32, she is listed with her father, not with a husband, but T. Hebert says that a Victoire LAVERGNE was the wife of Francois-Michel BETANCOURT.

53.  He & his family, except for his wife, also are listed by T. Hebert on Le Beaumont with the notation that "this family is from Le Bon Papa."  They are not listed twice here.  Did they miss the departure of Le Bon Papa & took the later ship?  Probably.  Wall of Names, 28, lists them only on Le Bon Papa.

54.  Wall of Names spells this family's name GODET.  The standard spelling here is GAUDET, which T. Hebert also favors.

55.  Wall of Names spells this family's name CHAISON.  The standard spelling here is CHIASSON, which T. Hebert also favors.  Her first name is from her marriage record.  See Hebert, D., Southwest LA Records, 1-A:178.

56.  Wall of Names, 47, spells her family name PIERCON.

57.  T. Hebert does not include his middle name, which is provided by Wall of Names, 47.  T. Hebert calls him Joseph on the list for L'Amitie.  See note 76, below.

58.  Wall of Names, 47, spells his family name LEGAIGNEUR.

59.  Wall of Names, 47, spells this family's name MONTAIS.  The standard spelling here is MONTET, which T. Hebert also favors.  It is also spelled MONITET, MONTÉ, probably with the accent, MONTÉE, MONTEL, MONTES.  The MONTET siblings' parents' names can be found in the marriage record of Marie-Françoise MONTET & Joseph-Benoît GAUTROT, dated 3 May 1789, in NOAR, 4:215 (SLC, M5, 63), & in various sacramental records in BRDR, 2:552-53; Arsenault, Généalogie, 2373, the Belle-Île-en-Mer section, says that Guillaume MONTET was born at Périgord [Périgueux?], France, in 1737, married Marie-Josèphe, daughter of Joseph VINCENT Marguerite BAUDART of Pigiguit, at Liverpool, England, in 1763, gives the names, birth years, birthplaces, &, in some cases, the death years of their children, & says the surviving children sailed to LA aboard La Caroline under the name MONTAIN; Hébert, D., Acadians in Exile, 571, shows Guillaume with his family on Belle-Île-en-Mer in 1765, says that Guillaume was born at Périgord on 23 Jan 1737, that his "family was held at Liverpool, England, entered France at Morlaix, [that] six other children were born at Belle-Île, [that] part of this family left for Louisiana in 1785 on the Caroline," that wife Marie VINCENT was born on 22 Apr 1746 at Rivière-aux-Canards, Acadie, & that they were Family No. 59 at Kervarigeon, Bangor, on the island. 

Marie-Josèphe died at Bangor, Belle-Île-en-Mer, on 22 Jun 1779; the burial record calls her husband Guillaume MONTET, labourer Acadien.  Guillaume died at Bangor on 18 Nov 1781.  See Hébert, D., Acadians in Exile, 330, 440.  

Why was Guillaume MONTET in England in 1763?  Had he been captured on a French privateer & held as a prisoner of war at Liverpool?  The great majority of the Acadians who ended up in England were the ones from the Minas Basin who had been deported to VA in the fall of 1755 & then sent on to England the following spring.  If Guillaume lived in Acadia (he would have been only 18 in 1755), it would have been at Minas, but I have found no evidence that he lived there or anywhere else in greater Acadia.  So the family is French here, not Acadian, until I find evidence that Guillaume did live in greater Acadia before or during Le Grand Dérangement

Note, however, that several of the sacramental records for the family in BRDR, 2:552-53, call both Guillaume & Marie-Josèphe "Acadians" or "of Acadia," & son Joseph's burial record, dated 24 Sep 1786 (ASC-1, 199a), calls him "an Acadian."  However, the baptismal record of Jean-Baptiste-Guillaume MONTET's son Jean-Baptiste, dated 12 Aug 1798, in Hébert, D., Southwest LA Records, 1-A:580 (SM Ch.: v.5, #76), calls the boy's paternal grandparents Guillaume MONTÉ "of France" & Marie VINCENT "of Acadia."  The baptismal record of Jean-Baptiste-Guillaume's daughter Marie, dated 24 May 1801, in Hébert, D., Southwest LA Records, 1-A:580 (SM Ch.: v.5, #380), calls the girl's paternal grandparents Guillaume MONTÉ "of Bordeaux" & Marie VINCENT "of Acadia."  Hébert, D., Southwest LA Records, 1-B: 528-30, also contains sacramental records, including the marriage record of Guillaume's youngest son, Pierre-Paul, dated 21 Sep 1801 (SM Ch.: v.4, #237), & Jean-Baptiste-Guillaume's remarriage, dated 16 Aug 1803 (SM Ch.: v.5, #1), that says Guillaume was "of Bordeaux" or "of France" & Marie "of Acadia."  The question still remains, however--although he clearly was born in France, did Guillaume ever live in greater Acadia? 

60.  Wall of Names spells this family's name ROBICHAUD.  The standard spelling here is ROBICHAUX, which T. Hebert also favors.

61.  Minor children are traveling with their parent(s) unless otherwise noted.

62.  Wall of Names also spells this family's name MOISE, which is the standard spelling in this study.  T. Hebert prefers MOYSE.

63.  Wall of Names, 36, spells this family's name CLIMENT.  The standard spelling here is CLEMENT, which T. Hebert also favors. For his wife's name, see the marriage record of his children in BRDR, 2:191.

64.  Wall of Names spells this family's name THIBODAU, THIBODEAU, TIBODAU.  The standard spelling in this study is THIBODEAUX, which T. Hebert also favors.

65.  Wall of Names spells this family's name SAULNIER, SOLNIER.  T. Hebert favors SAUNIER.  The standard spelling for this family in this study is SONNIER, into which it evolved in LA.

66.  Wall of Names, 37, spells this family's name DAROIR.  T. Hebert favors DARROIS.  The standard spelling here is DAROIS.

67.  Wall of Names spells this family's name LA BOVE, LEBEAUVE.  The standard spelling here, which T. Hebert also favors, is LABAUVE.

68.  Wall of Names, 37, spells her family name BEDIN.

69.  T. Hebert spells her family name BELLEMERE.  Wall of Names, 37, spells it BELMER.  Her full name is from White, Dictionnaire Acadiennes, 391.

70.  Wall of Names, 37, spells his family's name CARET.  The standard spelling here, which T. Hebert also favors, is CARRET.  T. Hebert lists him as an infant, but the Lafourche census of 1788 says otherwise.  See Robichaux, Bayou Lafourche, 1777-98, 46.

71.  Wall of Names, 37, spells her family name CLEMENSAU.

72.  These passengers & their families "were from Morlaix and traveled to Paimboeuf to get on the ship"--Le St.-Rémi.

73.  These passengers & their families are on a supplementary list of Acadians to embark on Le St.-Rémi.

74.  Wall of Names, 39, spells this family's name GUSMAN.  The standard spelling in this study is GOUSMAN, which T. Hebert also favors.

75.  Wall of Names, 39, spells this family's name BONNEVY.  The standard spelling in this study is BONNEVIE, which most other sources favor.

76.  These families were originally on the list for L'Amitié but evidently missed that ship's departure & took La Caroline instead 2 months later.  Nicolas's middle name is from Robichaux, Acadians in Châtellerault, 1.

77.  On the L'Amitié list he is 7; on the La Caroline list he is 1.

78.  On the L'Amitié list he is 1; on the La Caroline list he is 2.  T. Hebert & Wall of Names, 46, call him Louis-Auguste, but Robichaux, Acadians in Nantes, 53, followed here, calls him Augustin.  Louis-Auguste was a first cousin who died as an infant in August 1783.  See Robichaux, p. 54.

79.  Wall of Names, 39, spells her family name RENNEAU.  The standard spelling here is RENAUD/REYNAUD.

80.  Wall of Names, 39, also spells this family's name SEME.  The standard spelling here is SEMERE, though it originally had been SEMER.

81.  T. Hebert spells her family name VALLOIS.  Wall of Names, 39, uses VALOIS.  The age given for her in T. Hebert is probably wrong since she is traveling with a son from a previous marriage.  According to Robichaux, Acadians in Nantes, 27, 155-56, she was born in c1738, which made her age 47 in 1785

82.  T. Hebert spells his family name DUBOID.  Wall of Names, 39, calls him fils à la femme & uses DUBOIS, which is favored here.  His connection to greater Acadia is difficult to establish. 

83.  Wall of Names, 39, provides his middle name.

84. A second middle name, Michel, appears on the L'Amitié list but not on the list for La Caroline.  Wall of Names, 46, followed here, calls him simply Jean-Baptiste.

85.  Her middle name is Marthe on the L'Amitié list, Marguerite on the La Caroline list.  Wall of Names, 47, followed here, spells her middle name Margueritte.  NOAR, 4:11, 104, calls her Margarita & provides her mother's name.

86.  Her first name is Marianne on the L'Amitié list, Marie on the La Caroline list.  Wall of Names, 46, calls her Marie PARS.  The standard spelling for this family in this study is PART.

87.  Wall of Names, 40, spells this family's name DENTIN.  The standard spelling here, which T. Hebert also favors, is DANTIN.

88.  On the L'Amitié list she is 56; on the La Caroline list she is 52.

89.  His infant son Louis is on the L'Amitié list but not on the La Caroline list.  Evidently the baby was too ill to travel in Aug, when the L'Amitié sailed, he died in Sep, & the family left on La Caroline in Oct.  Little Louis's full name was Louis-Joseph; he was baptized at Ste.-Croix, Nantes, in Sep 1784 & was buried at St.-Martin-de-Chantenay, in a suburb of Nantes, on 17 Sep 1785.  See Robichaux, Acadians in Nantes, 40.  

90.  He is on both the L'Amitié & La Caroline lists, but his family is only on the list of the L'Amitié, so he probably missed the earlier ship & took the later one.  Wall of Names, 40, 47, places him on both ships & spells his family name BENOIST on the La Caroline list.  The standard spelling in this study is BENOIT.

91.  He & his family, including infant daughter Marie Rose, are on the list for Le St.-Remi.  The family also appears on the list for L'Amitié, minus the infant daughter.  So, because of the daughter's illness, they may have missed the earlier ship & taken the other ship, which sailed 2 months later, having buried their baby in France.  Wall of Names seems to follow this logic.

92.  Wall of Names, 36, 41, spells this family's name HAMONT & AMOND.  T. Hebert favors HAMONT, which is used here.

93.  Wall of Names, 41, spells her family name JOUANNE.

94.  Wall of Names, 27, spells this family's name HISE.  T. Hebert favors HEUZE.  The standard spelling in this study is USE.

95.  A Pierre HEUZE is listed on Le Bon Papa by T. Hebert, no age or occupation given, as husband of Marie KIMINE, who is also listed with no age.  This is the same fellow as the one listed with his widowed mother & siblings.

96.  T. Hébert calls him Joseph BERNARD, a Russion, tailor; Wall of Names, 41, calls him Joseph BENARD, the spelling used here, & says nothing of his ethnicity; Hébert, D., Acadian Families in Exile 1785, calls him Jh RENARD, russien, Joseph BENARD, a Russian tailor; Winzerling, Acadian Odyssey, 184, note 75, calls him John BERNARD, A Russian tailor, & says he was 1 of 3 foreigners who were given permission by the Spanish to accompany the Acadians to LA as long as they declared themselves & their families to be subjects of Spain.  Winzerling calls Joseph BENARD's wife French, not Acadian.

97.  T. Hebert & Wall of Names favor FOREST as this family's name.  Wall of Names, 43, also uses DESFORETS, FORET.  The standard spelling in this study is FORET.

98.  His occupation is noted on the L'Amitié list but not the list for La Caroline.

99.  Wall of Names, 42, spells this family's name RASICAUD.  T. Hebert favors RASSICOT, the standard spelling used in this study.

100.  T. Hebert lists her & her family twice, first on the Le St.-Rémi, in which he calls her Anastasie LEVRON, & on the list for L'Amitié, where she is called Anastasie LEBRUN.  Wall of Names, 42, places her & her family on L'Amitié & calls her Anastacie LE BRUN.  Evidently they missed the departure of Le St.-Rémi & sailed on L'Amitié instead.  A number of primary sources call her Anastasie LEVRON.  See See BRDR, 2:493; Robichaux, pp. 31; Voorhies, J., Some Late Eighteenth-Century Louisianians, 505.

101.  She is called Magdelaine on T. Hebert's Le St.-Rémi list & Adelaide on his L'Amitié list.  Wall of Names, 42, says Adelaide, which is used here.

102.  Wall of Names, 42, spells her family name DRAPPEAU.  

103.  Wall of Names, 42, calls him Josef ADAM; NOAR, 4:2, 70, his marriage record, calls him Josef ADANA.

104.  Wall of Names, 42, spells his family name AVARET.  Robichaux, Acadians in Nantes, 83, says that his name was Jean-Francois HAVARD, that he was the son of Jean HAVARD & Jeanne BERNARDEAU of St.-Donatien, Nantes, that he was listed on the debarkation list of L'Amitié, &, most interestingly, "In Louisiana, the name became NAVARRE, as it remains today."  So it is not Acadian or Spanish but French.  His wife's name is from Robichaux, p. 83; Winzerling, Acadian Odyssey, 193, note 117.

105.  Wall of Names, 42, does not list him.

106.  Wall of Names, 42, calls him Luis-Antonio CHARRIE.  T. Hebert also favors CHARRIE, but the standard spelling in this study for this family is CHARRIER.  Judging from his marriage soon after he arrived in New Orleans, he probably was one of those French stowaways who was engaged to an Acadian girl.  See Winzerling, Acadian Odyssey, 155.

107.  T. Hebert calls him Leneor.  Wall of Names, 42, calls him Leonor.  NOAR, 4:69, 81, a Spanish record, calls him Leonardo.  Judging from his marriage soon after he arrived in New Orleans, he probably was one of those French stowaways who was engaged to an Acadian girl.  See Winzerling, Acadian Odyssey, 155.

108.  Wall of Names, 42, calls him Claudio-Lefaibro EPIFANO.

109.  Wall of Names, 42, calls him Carlos TARDY.

110.  T. Hebert calls him Étienne GALLETIER.  Wall of Names, 42, calls him Étienne PELLETIER, which is used here.

111.  Wall of Names, 42, calls him Juan.

112.  Wall of Names, 42, calls him Miguel LEGERE.

113.  Wall of Names, 42, calls him Luis.

114.  T. Hebert does not list him.  He comes from Wall of Names, 42.

115.  Wall of Names spells this family's name DUPUY.  T. Hebert favors DUPUIS.  Both of these spellings are the standard spelling in this study.

116.  Wall of Names, 43, does not list her.  Why not?  She is on the passenger list of La Ville d'Archangel as Marie DAIGLE, wife of Louis CLOSSINET.  

117.  Wall of Names spells this family's name LONGUÉPÉE, the standard spelling in this study & the spelling used here.  T. Hebert favors LONGUESPÉE.

118.  T. Hébert spells her family name BILLEZA.  Wall of Names, 43, spells it BILLERA.  The standard spelling, from Hébert, D., Acadians in Exile, 554, is BILLERAY.  

119.  Wall of Names, 44, implies that Sophie, Noël, & Anne-Jeanne were the children of Francois-Pierre LE LORRE, not Victor BOUDROT by his second wife, Geneviève RICHARD.  T. Hebert is followed here.

120.  Wall of Names, 44, spells her family name NOGUE.  The standard spelling here is NOGUES.  She was not an Acadian from Île St.-Jean but a Frenchwoman.  

121.  Wall of Names, 45, spells this family's name AYE, HAYE.  The standard spelling here, which T. Hebert also favors, is AILLET.

122.  The family's full name in France was LANDROMON dit LANGLINAIS, & they are from St.-Servan-sur-Mer, near St.-Malo, & called themselves LANGLINAIS in LA. 

123.  Marginal notes in ship's register says "the family didn't embark at St. Malo, but did embark at Nantes."

124.  Wall of Names, 46, 47, prefers MELANSON for this family's name.  The standard spelling in this study, also favored by T. Hebert, is MELANÇON.

125.  Not in Wall of Names.

126.  T. Hebert does not list him.  He comes from Wall of Names, 47.  He married Marie-Marguerite DOUCET, daughter of Joseph DOUCET & Maguerite MOLAISON, in New Orleans in Jan 1786, soon after they reached LA on the same ship.

127.  In T. Hebert but not Wall of Names.

128.  T. Hebert also lists him as "on the debarkation list, but not on the embarkation list" & spells his name Francois-Pierre LELOREC.

129.  T. Hebert also lists her "on the debarkation list, but not on the embarkation list" of La Ville d'Archangel as "widow of THERIOT."  She is not so listed in Wall of Names.  Did she somehow miss the embarkation of La Bergère & take La Ville d'Archangel instead?  

130.  T. Hebert also lists a Charles BOURG "on the debarkation list, but not on the embarkation list" of La Ville d'Archangel.  This is probably the same person as the one traveling with the family of Francois-Xavier BOURG.

131.  Wall of Names, 46, calls him Santiago BLANCHARD.

132.  T. Hebert spells his family name BIAFRE.  Wall of Names, 46, calls him Jean RAFRAY.  The standard spelling here is RAFFRAY.  This is not an Acadian name.  

133.  T. Hebert & Wall of Names, 40, call her Michele PETRY.  Robichaux, Acadians in St.-Malo, 980, followed here, calls her Michelle PATRU.  Was it PATRY, a family from Ile St.-Jean?

134.  Not true.  The English outdid the Spanish ... twice.  In June 1629, 5 ships arrived at Salem in MA Bay colony bearing 400 settlers, including the Puritan leader, John Winthrop.  The next year, 17 more ships arrived in the colony bearing 1,000 more settlers.  From 1630-42, some 16,000 settlers migrated from England to MA Bay, dwarfing anything the Spanish & French would do in settling their claims in the New World.  Over a century later, in May 1749, the British sent 2,576 men, women, & children in 13 transports accompanied by an armed sloop from London to Chebouctou Bay, NS, where they established the settlement of Halifax.  See Faragher, A Great & Noble Scheme, 249; Books One & Two.  

And the French nearly outdid the Spanish.  From Nov 1720 to Jul 1721, France recruited "approximately 1500" Germans from Alsace-Lorraine & western Germany, sent them overland to Lorient in Brittany--nearly as large an expedition as the Spanish/Acadian venture 65 years later.  But most of these Germans died before they reached LA.  See Marcel Giraud, "German Emigration," tranlated & edited by Glenn R. Conrad, in Conrad, ed., The French Experience in Louisiana, 142; Book Seven. 

Although it was not the greatest single migration of Europeans to the New World, the 7 Ships Expedition of 1785 was nonetheless an impressive feat of logistics, especially considering that over 1,600 individuals were sent to LA in only 7 months time.  Dr. Carl Brasseaux, in his essay at <> (no longer accessible), says the 7 Ships Expedition of 1785 was "the largest single migration of Europeans into the Mississippi Valley...."  True enough. 

But even this claim may be challenged.  A few years earlier, in the late 1770s, the Spanish government had recruited hundreds of Isleños from the Canary Islands for settlement in LA.  In 1778 & 1779, the Spanish sent 8 ships carrying over 2,000 Isleños to their Mississippi River colony.  Because of the war that had just broken out between Spain & Britain, 3 of the ships landed in Havana, Cuba, & did not go on to New Orleans.  The 5 other vessels either sailed directly to New Orleans or continued on to the Mississippi valley after stopping at Havana.  Governor GALVEZ counted 1,582 new arrivals in Jul 1779.  See Din, Canary Islanders of LA, chap. 2.  Compare this to the official count of 1,574 for the 1785 7-Ships expedition.  However, stowaways raised the number of 1785 immigrants to just over 1,600.  

No matter, the 7 Ships' expedition of 1785 was an impressive feat of transportation by the Spanish government.  

135.  She is found in neither T. Hebert nor Wall of Names.  Her baptismal record, noting her date of birth, is in NOAR, 4:106.

136.  She is found in neither T. Hebert nor Wall of Names.  Her baptismal record, noting her date of birth, is in NOAR, 4:108.

137.  She is found in neither T. Hebert nor Wall of Names.  Her baptismal record, noting her date of birth, is in NOAR, 4:1.

138.  She is found in neither T. Hebert nor Wall of Names.  Her baptismal record, noting her date of birth, is in NOAR, 4:24.  

139.  He is found in neither T. Hebert nor Wall of Names.  His baptismal record, noting his date of birth, is in NOAR, 4:39.  

140.  She is found in neither T. Hebert nor Wall of Names.  Her baptismal record, noting her date of birth, is in NOAR, 4:40.  

141.  She is found in neither T. Hebert nor Wall of Names.  Her baptismal record is in NOAR, 4:74, which calls her Maria.  However, Arsenault, Généalogie, 2471, calls her Martine.

143.  His marriage record in NOAR, 4:145, calls him Joseph BENOIT.

144.  Wife's name is from NOAR, 4:250, marriage record of daughter Marie-Francoise.

145.  She is found in neither T. Hebert nor Wall of Names.  Her baptismal record is in NOAR, 4:152.  

146.  He is found in neither T. Hebert nor Wall of Names.  His baptismal record is in NOAR, 4:161, which lists only his mother, not his father.  

147.  Mother's name is from his marriage record in NOAR, 4:162.  Father's name is from T. Hebert but is not listed in Wall of Names, 45.

148.  Parents'  names are from her marriage record in NOAR, 4:180, which calls her Bonne-Marie-Adelaide.

149.  His parents' names & place of origin are from his marriage record in NOAR, 4:161, 223.  Judging from his marriage soon after he arrived in New Orleans, he probably was one of those French stowaways who was engaged to an Acadian girl.  See Winzerling, Acadian Odyssey, 155.  

150.  Middle name from her marriage record in NOAR, 4:180.

151.  Parents' names & place of origin are from his marriage record in Hebert, D., Southwest LA Records, 1-A:711-12; NOAR, 4:288.  He was not Acadian but French, despite the claims of Arsenault, Généalogie, 2592-93, that Jean-Baptiste was the nephew of an Acadian immigrant to LA, Francois SIMON dit SIMONEAUX.  See Hebert, D., for Jean-Baptiste's ancestry, birth, & baptismal records, which contradict Arsenault's assertion.

152.  His marriage record in NOAR, 4:249, calls him PINEL.

153.  She is found in neither T. Hebert nor Wall of Names.  Her baptismal record is in NOAR, 4:251.  

154.  She is found in neither T. Hebert nor Wall of Names.  Her baptismal record is in NOAR, 4:295.  

155.  He is found in neither T. Hebert nor Wall of Names.  His baptismal record is in NOAR, 4:297.  

156.  He is found in neither T. Hebert nor Wall of Names.  His baptismal record, noting his date of birth, is in NOAR, 4:297.  

Note that the 9 Acadian female infants & the 4 Acadian male infants baptized soon after their arrival in New Orleans were named Martina, Martine, or Martin.  This was done in honor of Martin NAVARRO, intendant of LA when the Acadians reached New Orleans.  He was the man who, more than anyone, looked after their welfare in their new home.  See Winzerling, Acadian Odyssey, 131ff.  On p. 141, Winzerling writes:  "NAVARRO wrote Jose de GALVEZ [the minister of the Indies, NAVARRO's superior in Spain] how joyfully the Acadians welcomed him when he first volunteered to be godfather for seven of their babies.  His kindness made the exiles very happy.  But when he consented to be godfather of all Acadian babies whether born aboard ship or in camp at New Orleans, or during the trip up the Mississippi River, he won the heart of every one of the exiles.  From that time on the Acadians loved him as one of 'their nation.'"  They in fact came to think of him as un santo--a saint.  See Winzerling, p. 159.

157.  The listing in T. Hebert & Wall of Names can be a bit confusing as to the relationship of Jean-Baptiste to Francois, but they were brothers, not father & son.  This is verified by the Lafourche census of 1788.  See Robichaux, Bayou Lafourche, 1770-98, 47.

158.  T. Hebert calls her Laure BOURG & gives the full name of her husband.  Wall of Names, 29, calls her Laure BOURG veuve HEBERT.  For her actual first name, see Robichaux, Acadians in Nantes, 91.

159.  Wall of Names, 43, does not include the name of this widow's husband but calls her only veuve.  However, the surnames of her children are HÉBERT.  T. Hébert calls her husband Jean-Baptiste, but it was actually Pierre.  See Robichaux, Acadians in St.-Malo, 905, their marriage record.

160.  He was a German carpenter with a French wife who was given permission by the Spanish to accompany the Acadians to LA if he declared himself & his family subjects of Spain.  See Winzerling, Acadian Odyssey, 105, 184, note 75.  The Spanish called him Pedro-Juan.

161.  He was a German craftsman with a French wife who was given permission to accompany the Acadians to LA if he declared himself & his family subjects of Spain.  See Winzerling, Acadian Odyssey, 105, 184, note 75.  The Spanish called him Pedro LAURENAY & described him as a master cabinetmaker.

162.  Passenger numbers are from Winzerling, Acadian Odyssey, whose figures differ from T. Hébert.  Winzerling's figures seem to be the totals only of the Acadian passengers & the stowaways associated with the Acadians, not any of the French & Spanish passengers whom the Spanish authorities in France allowed to join the expedition.  The number of passengers on Le Beaumont is the only one from Winzerling that is an estimate, not an exact figure from the records of the Spanish authorities.  See pp. 137-38.  If departure & arrival dates differ between T. Hébert, Winzerling, & Hebert, D., Acadian Families in Exile 1785, D. Hébert's dates are used.  Robichaux, Acadians in Nantes, ix, also has a list of departures, arrivals, & passenger numbers for the 7 ships, & some of his details, including dates & points of departure, also differ from Winzerling's. 

163.  This family in not in T. Hébert.  See Winzerling, Acadian Odyssey, 144.

164.  Not in T. Hebert.  See Winzerling, Acadian Odyssey, 144.

165.  Not in T. Hebert.  See Winzerling, Acadian Odyssey, 137, 158.

166.  He is in T. Hebert but not in Wall of Names as a single passenger.

167.  Not in T. Hebert.  See Winzerling, Acadian Odyssey, 147.

168.  Is he listed twice in T. Hebert, the same person as Alexis AUCOIN, son of Joseph (age 41), on this same ship, or a different Alex. AUCOIN?  Wall of Names lists only an Alexis AUCOIN, son of Joseph, & no Alex. AUCOIN.  Winzerling, Acadian Odyssey, 195, note 163, says that the Alexo AUCOING who married Francisca HENRY on 3 Jan 1786, was from the "5th family" aboard La Ville de Archangel, which would make "Alexo" the son of Joseph (age 41).

169.  Not in T. Hebert.  See Winzerling, Acadian Odyssey, 135.

170.  Not in T. Hebert.  See Winzerling, Acadian Odyssey, 135.

171.  Not in T. Hebert.  See Winzerling, Acadian Odyssey, 135.

172.  Note the difference between this figure & the total for this listing, which includes all of the non-Acadians that the author can find who traveled to LA on these 7 ships as well as the Acadians & stowaways associated with the Acadians.

173.  Not in T. Hebert.  See Winzerling, Acadian Odyssey, 151.

174.  Including 16 stowaways.  See Winzerling, Acadian Odyssey, 139, 145, 155-56.

175.  Including 12 stowaways.  See Winzerling, Acadian Odyssey, 145, 155-56.

176.  T. Hebert & Wall of Names, 35, say she was the daughter of this couple, but Winzerling, Acadian Odyssey, 193, note 117, says that she was the daughter of Jean LIRRET & Marie-Magdalen DURAMBOURG, which would make her a LIRRET.  

177.  Not in T. Hebert or Wall of Names.  Her status is from Winzerling, Acadian Odyssey, 193, note 117, which says that she was the wife of "the absent" Jean LIRRET.

178.  Not in T. Hebert or Wall of Names.  See Winzerling, Acadian Odyssey, 193, note 117.

179.  Not in T. Hebert or Wall of Namest.  See Robichaux, Acadians in Nantes, 83; Winzerling, Acadian Odyssey, 193, note 117.

180.  Not in T. Hebert or Wall of Names.  See Winzerling, Acadian Odyssey, 193, note 117.

181.  Not in T. Hebert or Wall of Names.  See Winzerling, Acadian Odyssey, 193, note 117.

182.  Voorhies, Some Late Eighteenth Century Louisianians, 513, which calls her Magdeleine LEBLANC[sic], widow Thomas CALIGOU.  See also Winzerling, Acadian Odyssey, 193, note 117.  If she was a widow in Sep 1784, why would she be waiting for a husband to come to LA?  Most confusing.

183.  Not in T. Hebert or Wall of Names.  See Winzerling, Acadian Odyssey, 193, note 117.

184.  Not in T. Hebert or Wall of Names.  See Winzerling, Acadian Odyssey, 193, note 117.

185.  Not in T. Hebert or Wall of Names.  See Winzerling, Acadian Odyssey, 193, note 117, which calls him Juan LIRRET.  For evidence that he made it to LA, see BRDR, 2:504, the birth & baptism records of his children born in LA, & the Ascension census of 1788 in Robichaux, Bayou Lafourche, 1770-98, 32. 

186.  Not in T. Hebert or Wall of Names.  See Winzerling, Acadian Odyssey, 193, note 117.

187.  Not in Wall of Names.  

188.  Possible middle name from Arsenault, Genealogie, 2556.

189.  See note 72, above.  T. Hébert & Hébert, D., Acadian Families in Exile 1785, 59, call him Pierre-Baptiste TRAHAN, but he is Jean-Baptiste TRAHAN in Wall of Names, 38.  Until my research says otherwise, I am assuming these are the same people.  

190.  Her middle name is from the marriage record of daughter Marie HENRY in BRDR, 2:213.

191.  His marriage record in BRDR, 2:213, says that his parents were Pierre DAIGLE & Marie-Madeleine TERIOT, but T. Hebert & Wall of Names, 32, followed here, say different.

192.  Their marriage record in BRDR, 2:685, calls both of them Acadians.

193.  For her full name, see BRDR, 2:20.

194.  His middle names is in Wall of Names, 34, not in T. Hebert.

195.  Her middle names is from BRDR, 2:349.

196.  His middle name is from BRDR, 2:216.

197.  Her first name is from BRDR, 2:216, 550.

198.  Her first name is from BRDR, 2:550.

199.  Her middle name is from BRDR, 2:163, 550.

200.  Her full name is from BRDR, 3:426.

201.  His middle name is from BRDR, 2:490-91.

202.  Her middle name is from BRDR, 2:72, 401-02.

203.  His wife's name, which is not in T. Hebert or Wall of Names, 43, can found in Hebert, D., Southwest LA Records, 1-A:22, the marriage record of son Alexis.

204.  Wall of Names, 36, followed here, calls him Jean-Gregoire.  The Ascension censuses of 1788 & 1791 support Wall of Names.  See Robichaux, Bayou Lafourche, 1770-98, 24, 156.

205.  His wife's name is from the marriage record of one of his daughters in BRDR, 2:146, 704.

206.  Yet he was at Nantes in Sep 1784 with his wife & 2 sons & made it to LA.  See Robichaux, Bayou Lafourche, 1770-98, 180; Voorhies, J., Some Late Eighteenth Century Louisianians, 503.  Why was his name not recorded on any of the ships' passenger lists?

207.  T. Hebert lists her as a LEBERT.  Wall of Names, 28, says that she was an HEBERT.

208.  T. Hebert favors HACHE, as does Wall of Names, which was the spelling of the name generally used in Acadia.  The standard spelling in this study is ACHEE, into which HACHE evolved in LA.

209.  T. Hebert calls her Vivianne.  Wall of Names, 36, favors Bibianne.

210.  He is not in Wall of Names, 41, on the L'Amitie passenger list where T. Hebert puts him.

211.  Wall of Names, 29, erroneously spells the family's name POTREAU.

212.  Why is she not listed with her family in Wall of Names, 43? 

213.  Not in T. Hebert or Wall of Names.  Why not?  See BRDR, 2:192, 583-84, which says that her parents, Joseph CLOSSINET & Francoise BOUDREAUX, were Acadians & that she was from St.-Malo, so there is no doubt that she was Acadian & that she came to LA on one of the Seven Ships.

214.  Her first name & the spelling of her first name come from Robichaux, Acadians in Nantes, 167.

215.  See note 72, above.

216.  See note 72, above.

217.  See note 72, above.

218.  See note 72, above.

219.  See note 72, above.

220.  See note 72, above.

221.  See note 72, above.

222.  See note 72, above.

223.  See note 72, above.

224.  See note 72, above.

225.  See note 72, above.

226.  See note 72, above.

227.  See note 72, above.

228.  See note 72, above.

230.  See note 76, above.

231.  See note 76, above.

232.  See note 76, above.

233.  See note 76, above.

234.  See note 76, above.

235.  See note 76, above.

236.  See note 76, above.

237.  See note 76, above.

238.  See note 76, above.

239.  See note 76, above.

240.  See note 76, above.

241.  See note 95, above.

242.  She is found in neither T. Hebert nor Wall of Names.  Judging by her first name, she was one of the Acadian children whose godfather was LA Spanish intendant Martin NAVARRO.  

243.  Her mother's name is from her marriage record in BRDR, 2:120.

244.  Not in T. Hebert or Wall of Names.  See BRDR, 2:183, 332-33; Robichaux, Bayou Lafourche, 1770-98, 42, 60, 94, 144, 174.

245.  Wall of Names, 28, 39, calls this family TOULLIER, TULLIER.  T. Hebert favors LETULLIER.  In France the name was LE TUILLIER/LE TULLIER, & it was Norman.  See Robichaux, Acadians in Nantes, 129.  This family should not be confused with LE TOLLIEREC, which was from Côtes-du-Nord.  See note 20, above.  LE TULLIER/LE TULLIER in LA became TULLIER, the standard spelling for this name in this study.

246.  He was called Gabriel.  His first name is from Robichaux, Acadians in Chatellerault, 1.

247.  These are the ages given in the passenger lists of the 7 ships, not necessarily the correct age of the individual at the time.  If an age has been corrected, it will be followed by *.   For a more accurate rendering of their ages, based on other, often more reliable sources, see the Acadian Immigrants to LA.  

248.  His middle name is from Robichaux, Acadians in Chatellerault, 69.

249.  T. Hebert, & Wall of Names, 44, call her Marguerite PIERRE, but Robichaux, Acadians in St.-Malo, 1033, the marriage record of her parents, shows that she was a PITRE.

250.  Not in T. Hebert or Wall of Names.  See Robichaux, Acadians in Nantes, 148, for his birth record.

251.  Her second middle name is from Robichaux, Acadians in St.-Malo, 1099. 

252.  T. Hebert & Wall of Names, 43, spell her family name RICHET, but White, Dictionnaire Acadiennes, 632, followed here, spells it RICHER.  Since Angelique & Marie-Jeanne-Catherine were sisters, it makes sense that their family name would be spelled the same.

253.  His first name and date of baptism are from Robichaux, Acadians in Nantes, 57.  Because of his unusual middle name, the only one that appears in the passenger list of Le Beaumont, T. Hebert calls him the daughter of Jean-Baptiste & Marie-Blanche; Amable is a boy's name, hence the insistence here that he was their son.  

254.  Not in T. Hebert or Wall of Names.  See Winzerling, Acadian Odyssey, 193, note 117.

255.  See note 12, above.

256.  T. Hebert, & Wall of Names, 31, call her Anne-Marie, but her correct name was Marguerite-Josephe.  Anne-Marie was an older sister who died at age 5 in 1779 in France.  See Robichaux, Acadians in Nantes, 58-59.

257.  T. Hebert & Wall of Names, 37, call her Anne, but Robichaux, Acadians in Nantes, 100, followed here, calls her Jeanne.  

258.  T. Hebert calls her "his child" of Joseph BOUDREAUX, but Wall of Names, 39, followed here, calls her sa mineure, which implies no kinship.  

259.  See note 119, above.

260.  See note 119, above.

261.  See note 73, above.

262.  See note 73, above.

263.  See note 73, above.

264.  See note 73, above.

265.  See note 73, above.

266.  T. Hebert, & Wall of Names, 33, call her Anne HÉBERT, but Robichaux, Acadians in St.-Malo, 645-46, & Robichaux, Acadians in Nantes, 139-40, show that she was the daughter of Charlotte POTIER's first husband, Paul PATRY of Île St.-Jean.

267.  See note 01, above.

268.  Not all of the non-Acadians on this list were related to Acadians who emigrated to LA on the 7 ships.  He is one of them, so there is nowhere else to send you after him in any of my other lists.

270.  T. Hebert calls her Marguerite, but other sources call her Madeleine.  See Wall of Names, 44; Hebert, D., Acadian Families in Exilie 1785, 96-97.

271.  Not in Wall of Names.  He was called Sébastien.  

272.  Not in Wall of Names.

273.  Not in Wall of Names.

274.  Not in Wall of Names.

275.  According to his marriage record, he was Thomas, son of Jean Thomas CALEGAN HOUARDON & Francoise TRAON of St.-Houardon, Landerneau, France.  See Hébert, D., Acadians in Exile, 302.  He & Marie-Marguerite LEPRINCE were married at St.-Martin-des-Champs Parish, Morlaix, on 18 Sep 1775.  What happened to him?  Why was his wife listed as a widow at Morlaix in 1784?  See Voorhies, J., Some Late Eighteenth Century Louisianians, 513.

276.  The passenger list of La Bergère calls him an HÉBERT, but he was a LEBERT.

277.  Wall of Names, 28, calls her a mineure au dit, or female minor.  She is listed by T. Hebert on Le Bon Papa as 14 & on Le Beaumont as 8.  The passenger list of Le Bon Papa would have us believe that she was a GUIDRY, but other sources indicate that she was a LEBERT.  She was the daughter of Jean-Baptiste GUIDRY's wife Marguerite LEBERT's brother Pierre & sister of Pierre LEBERT, fils, who came to LA on Le Beaumont with his other paternal aunt, Marie-Josèphe LEBERT, wife of Pierre-Janvier GUIDRY, who also was a sister of Pierre LEBERT, père.  Her presence on the debarkation list of Le Beaumont indicates that she crossed on the later ship.  See Hébert, D., Acadian Families in Exile 1785, 40-41.

278.  Not in Wall of Names.  See BRDR, 2:696 (SGA-14, 13), for her marriage record, which gives her parents' names & says they were "of St. Charles Parish," which probably was Grand-Pré. 

279.  His crossing on one of the 7 ships is pure speculation based on evidence discussed in his profile. 

280.  His crossing on one of the 7 ships is pure speculation based on evidence discussed in his profile. 

281.  Winzerling, Acadian Odyssey, 147, says La Ville d'Archangel departed St.-Malo in "mid-August" & reached Balize on Nov 4.  The ships' debarkation list is dated 3 Dec 1785, which means it was not made until the ship reached New Orleans.  See Winzerling; Hébert, D., Acadian Families in Exile 1785, 86. 

282.  Only their mother was Acadian.  Their father was a native of Périgord, France, and married their mother at Liverpool, England, in Apr 1763, on the eve of repatriation to Morlaix, France. 

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Copyright (c) 2005-24  Steven A. Cormier