Acadian/Cajun Marriages in Louisiana, 1765-1861
The marriages listed below are from "official" marriage citations found in South Louisiana church and civil record collections [Bourgeois, Cabanocey & Voorhies, J., Some Late Eighteenth-Century Louisianians (C-V); Baton Rouge Diocesan Records (BRDR); Hébert, D., Southwest LA Records (SWLR); Hébert, D., South LA Records (SLR); & New Orleans Archdiocesan Records (NOAR)], not from inferences to a marriage found in those collections. Same-family marriages--e.g., CORMIER = CORMIER--are accounted for in the totals.
[The hyperlink attached to a family's name takes you to that family's totals; the hyperlink attached to an individual's name takes you to the individual's profile in the list of Acadian immigrants to Louisiana or to an AIG unit roster.]
Date/Record | Groom | Ethnicity | Bride | Ethnicity | Witnesses |
1794 11 Feb/BRDR | Pedro[-Joseph] LEBERT | Maria DUGAS | Acadian | Bahamonde, Dugas | |
1796 3 May/SWLR | Pierre LEBERT | Marie[-Rose] HÉBERT | Acadian | Benoit, Hébert, Mouton, Savoy | |
1798 16 Jan/BRDR | Francisco-Maria LEJEUNE | Acadian | Margarita-Maria LEBERE | Lejeune, Lebere | |
1798 5 Sep/BRDR | Joseph LEJEUNE | Acadian | Maria-Josefa LEBERT (widow) | Hébert, Levron | |
1813 2 Mar/BRDR | Zéferino BLANCHARD | Acadian | Eliza LEBERT | LeBlanc, Thibodeaux | |
1821 20 Aug/SWLR | Charles LEBERT | Amelia/Amélie HAYES | Anglo | Richefort, Smith | |
1821 20 Nov/SWLR | Hypolite Paul LEGERE/LEGER | Acadian | Marcelite/Marcellite LEBERT | none listed | |
1829 27 Jul/SWLR | Jean Louis LEBERT | Marguerite THIBODEAUX | Acadian | Babineaux, Lefert, Peigne, Préjean | |
1842 6 Oct/SWLR | Jean Baptiste BENOIT | Acadian | Marcelite LEBERT | none listed | |
1846 19 Oct/SWLR | Charles [André] GAUTIER (widower) | Foreign French | Marie LEBERT | none listed | |
1854 24 Jul/SWLR | Jefferson BERWICK | Anglo | Clarice LEBERT | none listed | |
1855 20 Oct/SWLR | Pierre COURVILLE | French Creole | Adélaïde LEBERT | none listed | |
1855 18 Dec/SWLR | Pierre LEBERT | Marguerite Caroline DELHOMME | French Creole | none listed | |
1856 15 Apr/SWLR | Honoré BERNARD | Acadian | Virginia LEBERT | none listed |
Analysis of LEBERT marriages, 1794-1860:
Total marriages
listed: 14 100.0%
Endogamous marriages:
Exogamous marriages:
LEBLANC (Acadians only)
Date/Record | Groom | Ethnicity | Bride | Ethnicity | Witnesses |
1767 2 Mar/C-V | Joseph BOURG | Acadian | Marie LEBLANC | none listed | |
1767 6 Nov/C-V | Simon LEBLANC | Anne ARSENEAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1768 7 Feb/C-V | Isaac LEBLANC | Marie[-Rose] LANDRIE [MELANÇON] | Acadian | none listed | |
1768 7 Feb/C-V | Jacques LACHANSE [LACHAUSSÉE] | French Can. | Marie-Marthe LEBLANC | none listed | |
1768 2 May/C-V | François LANDRIE | Acadian | Marie-Rozalie LEBLANC | none listed | |
1768 3 May/C-V | Germain BERGERON | Acadian | [Marie-]Margueritte LEBLANC | none listed | |
1770 28 May/BRDR | Jean DUHON | Acadian | Anne LEBLANC | LeBlanc, Trahan | |
1770 5 Aug/BRDR | Jean-Charles LEBLANC | Ausite [Anne-Madeleine] LANDRIS | Acadian | Landry, Thériot | |
1771 28 Jan/BRDR | Joseph BABAIN | Acadian | Osithe LEBLANC | Babien, Gode, Landry, LeBlanc, LeConte | |
1771 3 Feb/BRDR | Joseph LEBLANC | Acadian | Margueritte LEBLANC | Acadian | Blanchar, Duhant |
1771 12 Feb/BRDR | Louis PAQUETTE[, fils] | French Can. | Marie LEBLANC | Bergeron, Demoulin | |
1772 21 Sep/BRDR | Simon LEBLANC | Acadian | Élisabeth LEBLANC | Acadian | Duhon, Préjean |
1774 7 Feb/BRDR | Anselm FORET | Acadian | [Marie-]Magdelaine LEBLANC | Landry, LeBlanc | |
1775 19 Feb/BRDR | Joseph [dit Dios] BABIN | Acadian | Marine LEBLANC | Bijeaud, LeBlanc | |
1775 18 Apr/BRDR | Joseph LANDRY | Acadian | Élisabeth LEBLANC | Bijeaus, Landry | |
1775 11 Dec/BRDR | Jean-Baptiste LE BLANC | Margarita COMO | Acadian | Bellisle, Landry | |
1777 15 Sep/BRDR | Athanas DUGAS | Acadian | Rose[-Anne] LEBLANC | Brozard, Landry | |
1778 7 Jan/BRDR | Éstienne LEBLANC[, fils] | Acadian | Osite LEBLANC | Acadian | Landry, LeBlanc |
1778 20 Jan/BRDR | Éstienne BABIN | Acadian | Marie-Magdelaine LEBLANC | Babin, Landry | |
1778 23 Feb/BRDR | Joseph [dit Le Cadet] LANDRY | Acadian | [Marie-]Magdelaine LEBLANC | LeBlanc, Savoy | |
1778 4 May/BRDR | Maturin LEBLANC | [Marie-]Rosalie THÉRRIO | Acadian | LeBlanc, Melanzon | |
1778 5 Oct/BRDR | Pierre LE BLANC | Marguerite[-Pélagie] BRAUD | Acadian | LeBlanc | |
1779 1 Dec/BRDR | Théodore RIVETTE | Acadian | Esther LEBLANC | Allain, Rivet | |
1780 16 Oct/BRDR | Josephe DUGAS | Acadian | Margueritte LEBLANC | Coumeau, Dugas | |
1781 12 Feb/BRDR | Gille LEBLANC | Théotiste GODIN | Acadian | Breau, Godin | |
1781 18 Jun/BRDR | Josef[-Michel] LEBLANC | Margarita LANDRY | Acadian | Blanc, Lancard | |
1781 13 Jul/SWLR | Comme LEBLANC | Isabelle BROUSSARD | Acadian | Broussard, Hébert, Martin, Thibaudot | |
1782 22 Apr/BRDR | Juan-Bautista [dit Agros] LEBLANC | Magdelena-Martha FORET | Acadian | Babein, Hébert | |
1782 21 May/BRDR | Isaac LEBLANC (widower) | Margarita BABEIN | Acadian | LeBlanc, Lincour | |
1783 22 Apr/BRDR | Santiago LE CONTE | French Creole | [Marie-]Martha LEBLANC | LeBlanc, Mollere | |
1783 21 Dec/BRDR | Gil[le] LEBLANC (widower) | Acadian | Marine LEBLANC (widow) | Acadian | LeBlanc |
1784 10 Aug/SWLR | [Joseph dit] Josine LEBLANC | Marguerite DUON | Acadian | none listed | |
1784 21 Sep/BRDR | Josef MELLANSSON (wdr.) | Acadian | Maria-Josefa LEBLANC | Mellanson, Mire | |
1785 4 Dec/NOAR | Augustin DUN [DUHON] | Acadian | Marguerite[-Geneviève] LEBLANC | none listed | |
1786 2 Jan/BRDR | Luis GOTRO | Acadian | Maria-Rose LEBLANC | Gotro, Miguel [Michel] | |
1786 2 Jan/SWLR | Jean COMO | Acadian | Ester LEBLANC | none listed | |
1786 4 Mar/BRDR | Josef[-Marie] BURSUA | Acadian | Elena [Hélène] LEBLANC | Blanc, Ligua | |
1786 12 Apr/BRDR | Marcelo LEBLANC | [Marie]-Magdalena BURSUA | Acadian | Mir, Richar | |
1786 18 Apr/BRDR | Moïse LEBLANC (widower) | Magdelaine-Margarita BERTRAND | Acadian | Bertrand, Guiennes | |
1786 20 Apr/BRDR | Carlos GODE | Acadian | Maria-Josèpha LEBLANC | Godé, Ubre | |
1786 16 May/BRDR | Joseph-François MICHEL | Acadian | Gene[v]iève LEBLANC | Gotreau, Theran | |
1786 13 Nov/BRDR | Isaac LEBLANC | Félicité MELANÇON | Acadian | none listed | |
1786 27 Nov/BRDR | Juan-Bautista LANDRY | Acadian | Maria LEBLANC | none listed | |
1787 7 Feb/BRDR | Joseph LEBLANC | Acadian | Margarite[-Blanche-Ian] LEBLANC | Acadian | none listed |
1787 23 Apr/BRDR | Grégoire LEBLANC | Marie-Anne-Barbara BABIN | Acadian | Comaux, Landry, LeBlanc | |
1787 23 May/BRDR | Francisco-Xavier BUDRAUX (widower) | Acadian | Maria-Francisca LEBLANC | none listed | |
1787 31 May/BRDR | Jean-Charles BOUDREAU | Acadian | Marguerite[-Anne] LEBLANC | Landry/Landrie | |
1787 9 Jul/BRDR | Josef LEBLANC | Pélagia DOARON | Acadian | Duon, Godro | |
1787 28 Aug/BRDR | Jean-Baptiste ROBICEAU | Acadian | Marie-Marte[-Élisabeth] LEBLANC (widow) | LaForetry | |
1787 8 Sep/BRDR | Henry ROBICEAU | Acadian | [Marie-]Magdalina LEBLANC (widow) | LaForetry | |
1787 28 Sep/BRDR | Pierre LEBLANC (widower) | Geneviè[v]e RICHARD (widow) | Acadian | Brossar, LeBlanc | |
1787 9 Oct/BRDR | Simon LEBLANC | Maria MICHEL | Acadian | Blanc, Michel | |
1787 27 Oct/BRDR | Joseph [dit Agros] LEBLANC | Julie TRAHANT | Acadian | LeBlanc, Trahant | |
1788 7 Jan/BRDR | Francisco MIGUEL [MICHEL] | Acadian | Maria LEBLANC | Éber, Michel | |
1788 7 Apr/BRDR | Simon LEBLANC | Ursule-Anne DAIGLE | Acadian | Daegle, Hébert | |
1788 11 May/BRDR | Josef LEBLANC | Maria[-Madeleine] GOTRO | Acadian | Le bron, Richard | |
1789 31 Aug/BRDR | Silvestre[-Marie] LEBLANC | Margarita GAUDIN | Acadian | LeBlanc | |
1789 16 Nov/BRDR | Isaac LEBLANC | Maria[-Anne] ARCENOT | Acadian | Bernard, LeBlanc, Theriot | |
1790 18 May/BRDR | Pedro RICHARD | Acadian | [Anne-]Constancia LEBLANC | LeBlanc, Richard | |
1790 12 Jul/BRDR | Benjamin LEBLANC | Rosalie BABIN | Acadian | LeBlanc | |
1790 1 Aug/BRDR | Pedro LEBLANC (widower?) | Ana HÉBERT | Acadian | Hébert, Naquin | |
1790 7 Nov/BRDR | Olivier LEBLANC (widower) | Rosa RICHARD | Acadian | Brousard, Bujol | |
1790 13 Nov/BRDR | Jean-Pierre CULERE or DULAIRE | French Imm. | [Marie-]Madeline LEBLANC (widow) | Allain, LeBlanc, Richard, Teriau | |
1790 30 Nov/SWLR | Simon LEBLANC dit Agro/Argreau/LeGros | Manon HÉBERT (widow) | Acadian | Broussard, Delavillebeurre, Duon, Hebert, Lopes, Ramos | |
1791 28 Feb/BRDR | Joseph-Maza LEBLANC | Acadian | Mari-Lidevina LEBLANC | Acadian | Landry, LeBlanc, Terrio |
1791 28 Feb/BRDR | Silvano LEBLANC | Acadian | Rosalie LEBLANC | Acadian | Landry, LeBlanc |
1791 2 May/SWLR | Louis dit Cadet Derneville ST. JULIEN | French Creole | Marguerite LEBLANC | Broussard, Cormier, Lopes | |
1791 27 Jun/BRDR | Antonio-Alexander LEBLANC | Marie-Clémance DUPRÉ | French Creole | Leblanc, Melanzon | |
1792 20 Feb/BRDR | Pedro[-Honoré] LEBLANC | Anna[-Henriette] BOUDRO | Acadian | Boudraux, Deshormaux | |
1792 23 Apr/BRDR | Santiago [Jacques] LEBLANC | [Marie-]Rosalia BURSUA | Acadian | Bursua, Lanu | |
1792 30 Apr/BRDR | Jean-Baptiste CHIASON | Acadian | Angela LEBLANC | Leblan, Presan | |
1792 21 May/BRDR | Joseph[-Isaac] LEBLANC | [Ana- or Marie-]Martha BLANCHARD (wid.) | Acadian | LeBlanc | |
1793 22 Apr/BRDR | Juan-Joseph HÉBERT | Acadian | [Marie-]Magdalena LEBLANC | Hébert | |
1793 27 May/BRDR | Miguel GAREUILLE | French Creole | Rosa LEBLANC | dePuis, LeBlance | |
1793 24 Jul/BRDR | Simon[-Sylvain] LEBLANC | Isabel GODIN | Acadian | Babin, Landry | |
1793 5 Aug/BRDR | Richard-Pedro BLANCHARD | Acadian | Maria-Sophia LEBLANC | Babin/Babint | |
1793 25 Oct/SWLR | Agricole LEBLANC | [Marie-]Céleste SAVOYE | Acadian | Forstall, Matthios, Peytavin | |
1793 28 Oct/BRDR | Andrés[-Marie] LEBLANC | Maria-Luisa HÉBERT | Acadian | Landry | |
1793 21 Nov/BRDR | Joseph LEBLANC (wdr.) | Maria-Rosa LANDRY | Acadian | Cellier, LeBlanc | |
1793 30 Nov/BRDR | Juan-Bautista BOUDREAUX | Acadian | Maria-Francisca LEBLANC | Hébert, Sedoto | |
1794 21 Jan/BRDR | Pedro LONGUÉPÉE | Acadian | Ester LEBLANC (widow) | Alvarez, LeBlanc | |
1794 27 Jan/BRDR | Francisco GIROUERD | Acadian | Magdalena-Francisca LEBLANC | Daspit, Hébert | |
1794 3 Mar/BRDR | Théodoro[-Prosper-Étienne] BOURQUE | Acadian | Maria-Rosa LEBLANC | Bourque, Hébert | |
1794 2 Jun/BRDR | Dornon LEBLANC | Marguerita RICHARD | Acadian | Burtam, Carbo | |
1794 9 Jun/BRDR | Glodio-Maria LEBLANC | Margarita-Anastasia COMAUX | Acadian | Landry, LeBlanc | |
1794 25 Aug/SWLR | Louis [Frédéric?] LEBLANC | Louise[-Constance] THIBODO | Acadian | LeBlanc, Peytavin, Thibodeau | |
1794 28 Sep/SWLR | Louis LANGLINOIS [LANGLINAIS] | French Creole | Céleste LEBLANC | Duon, Labauve, Monsoe | |
1795 5 Jan/BRDR | Pierre-Alexes LANDRY | Acadian | Maria-Magdelena LEBLANC | Babin, Landry | |
1795 19 Jan/BRDR | Juan-Baptista LEBLANC | Maria[-Henriette] BOUDRAUX | Acadian | Boudraux, Bourgois | |
1795 26 Jan/BRDR | Pedro-Eusèbio MELANÇON | Acadian | Adélayda LEBLANC | LeBlanc, Melanzon | |
1795 26 Apr/BRDR | Pedro BOURGEOIS | Acadian | Maria-Genovefa LEBLANC | Bourgeois | |
1795 13 Jul/BRDR | Thomas HÉBERT | Acadian | Délaido LEBLANC | Hebert, Hernandez | |
1795 19 Aug/BRDR | Firmin LANDRY (widower) | Acadian | Mariana LEBLANC | Babin, LeBlanc | |
1795 12 Oct/BRDR | William HUTHINSON | Anglo | Marguerite LE BLANC | Cazebon, LeBlanc | |
1795 3 Nov/BRDR | Olivier[-Constant] HÉBERT | Acadian | Barbara[-Anne] LEBLANC | Hébert, Robicheaux | |
1796 13 Jun/BRDR | Pablo BABIN | Acadian | Henriqueta LEBLANC | LeBlanc | |
1796 31 Oct/BRDR | Daniel PROVENCHÉ | French Can. | Anna LEBLANC | none listed | |
1796 21 Nov/BRDR | Josef GAUDET (widower) | Acadian | [Marie-]Margarita LEBLANC (w.) | LeBlanc, Thibodeaux | |
1796 22 Nov/BRDR | Josef MELANÇON | Acadian | Apollonia LEBLANC | Melancon | |
1797 14 Feb/BRDR | Joseph LEBLANC | Polonia [Apolline] DUGAS | Acadian | Landry | |
1797 5 Jun/BRDR | Olivier LANDRY | Acadian | Angela LEBLANC | Landry, LeBlanc | |
1797 7 Aug/BRDR | Pablo-Oliverio LEBLANC | Émilia LALANDE | Acadian | LeBlanc, Melancon | |
1798 12 Feb/BRDR | Agustin LEBLANC | Margarita MIRE | Acadian | LeBlanc, Richard | |
1798 16 Apr/BRDR | Santiago [Jacques-Pierre-Marie] LEBLANC | Marie-Rose BRASEUX | Acadian | Anry, Gareille | |
1798 28 Jul/BRDR | Luis DUGAT | Acadian | Constancia LEBLANC | LeBlanc | |
1799 22 Apr/BRDR | Nator BABIN | Acadian | Elisa LEBLANC | Gareill, LeBlanc | |
1799 30 Jul/BRDR | Joseph LEBLANC (widower) | Corantin[e] LONGUÉPÉE | Acadian | Andry, Brau | |
1800 26 May/BRDR | Grégorio BABIN | Acadian | Marinette LEBLANC | dePui, Héber, LeBlanc | |
1800 16 Sep/BRDR | François[-Marie] LEBLANC | Marie[-Françoise] PITRE | Acadian | Dupuis, Hébert | |
1800 24 Nov/BRDR | Joseph DAIGLE | Acadian | Magdalena LEBLANC | LeBlanc, LeLande | |
1801 7 Jan/BRDR | Joseph [dit Josime] LEBLANC (widower) | Margarita BERNARD (widow) | German Creole | Bourgeois, Godet | |
1801 10 Feb/SWLR | Raphaël BROUSSARD | Acadian | Marguerite LEBLANC | Braud, Broussard, DeBlanc, Favre, Hébert, LeBlanc, Tenhold | |
1801 Feb-My/BRDR | Juan-Baptiste LEBLANC | [Marie-]Rosalie HÉBERT | Acadian | Hébert, LeBlanc | |
1801 14 Apr/BRDR | Jose[-Faustin] BURKE [BOURQUE] | Acadian | Maria[-Anne] LEBLANC | Bernard, Piroth | |
1801 18 May/BRDR | Guillaume-Germain DOBOIS | French Creole | Ester LEBLANC (widow) | Babin, Duplesi | |
1801 22 Jul/BRDR | François HÉBERT | Acadian | Céleste LEBLANC | Dugat, Hébert | |
1801 17 Aug/BRDR | Simon LEBLANC | Euphrosine DUPUIS | Acadian | Dupuis, LeBlanc | |
1801 12 Sep/SWLR | Julien BARA [BARRAS] | French Creole | Marie LEBLANC | Bonin, Hardy, LeBlanc, Potier, Tenholt, Vincent | |
1801 28 Dec/BRDR | Donato LEBLANC | Maria-Josèfa MELANSON | Acadian | LeBlanc, Melanson | |
1802 7 Jan/BRDR | Jean-Jacques LONGÉPÉE | Acadian | Marie-Rose LEBLANC | LeBlanc | |
1802 24 Jan/BRDR | Franco ROGER | Acadian | [Adélaïde-]Margarita LEBLANC | Dugat | |
1802 14 Feb/BRDR | Joseph MELANÇON | Acadian | Marine LEBLANC | LeBlanc | |
1802 22 Feb/BRDR | Jean-Hélie HÉBERT | Acadian | Geneviève-[Gertrude] LEBLANC | Hébert, Landry | |
1802 22 Feb/BRDR | Simon LEBLANC | Juliana[-Perrine] HÉBERT | Acadian | Hébert, Michel | |
1802 1 Mar/BRDR | Simon LEBLANC[, fils] | Francisca LANDRY | Acadian | Leblanc, Orillion | |
1802 29 Jun/BRDR | Joseph LEBLANC | Acadian | Marguerite[-Apolline] LEBLANC | Acadian | LeBlanc, Richard |
1802 2 Aug/BRDR | Pedro[-Olivier] THIBODEAUX | Acadian | Genovefa LEBLANC | LeBlanc, Thibodeaux | |
1802 30 Aug/BRDR | Abraham ARCENAUX | Acadian | [Marie-]Eloisa LEBLANC | Arcenaux, LeBlanc | |
1802 29 Nov/BRDR | Juan-Bautista BOURGEOIS | Acadian | Rosalia LEBLANC | Bourgeois, Terriot | |
1803 24 Jan/BRDR | Joseph[-François] HACHÉE | Acadian | [Anne-]Genoveva LEBLANC | Hébert, LeBlanc | |
1803 31 Jan/BRDR | Santiago [Jacques] LAMOTHE | French Creole | [Marie-]Magdalena LEBLANC (widow) | Dugat, Hébert | |
1803 [13] Feb/BRDR | Noël-Victor BOUDRAUX | Acadian | Rosa LEBLANC | Hébert, LeBlanc | |
1803 23 May/BRDR | Silvino LEBLANC | Magdalena DUHON | Acadian | LeBlanc, Prejean | |
1803 1 Oct/BRDR | Paul[-Sylvain] LEBLANC | Marie-[Lena-]Constance BLANCHARD | Acadian | Bijol, Blanchard | |
1804 23 Jan/BRDR | Charles LEBLANC | [Marguerite] Adélaïde LANDRY | Acadian | Babin, Landry | |
1804 23 Jan/BRDR | Jean Baptiste BOURGEOIS (widower) | Acadian | Rosalie LEBLANC (widow) | Blouin, Bourgeios, Braun | |
1804 6 Feb/BRDR | Juan Martin LEBLANC | Marie Céleste PITRE | Acadian | Dugat, Hébert | |
1804 6 Mar/BRDR | Francisco TRAHAN | Acadian | Marie Magdeline LEBLANC | Daigle, Dilhac, Trahan | |
1804 9 Apr/BRDR | Nicolas LANDRY | Acadian | Osite LEBLANC | Babin, Landry, Lessard | |
1804 16 Apr/BRDR | Jérôme MELANÇON | Acadian | [Marie] Magdeleine LEBLANC | Hatkinson, Melançon/Melanson | |
1804 11 Jun/BRDR | Joseph TRAHANT | Acadian | [Marie] Henriette [Celvin] LEBLANC | Landry, LeBlanc, Melançon | |
1804 23 Jun/BRDR | Charles THERIOT | Acadian | Rosalie LE BLANC (widow) | Bourgeois, Theriot | |
1804 28 Jun/BRDR | Jean Baptiste LOUVIÈR[E] | Acadian | Margueritte LE BLANC | Bourgeois, Louvier | |
1804 19 Nov/BRDR | Benjamin LEBLANC | Scholastique BRAU | Acadian | Babin, LeBlanc, Richard | |
1805 21 Jan/BRDR | Nicolas LEBLANC | Constance BRAUX | Acadian | Landry, LeBlanc, Simon | |
1805 16 Jul/BRDR | Hypolite CARMOUCHE | French Creole | Magdelaine LEBLANC | Carmouche, LeBlanc, Reynaud | |
1805 4 Aug/BRDR | [Paul dit] Hypolite LEBLANC | Clarice BARBAY [BARBE] (wid.) | French Creole? | Dugas, Pechoux, Peytavin | |
1805 4 Nov/BRDR | Alexi [Jean Alexis] LEBLANC | Anne Marine RICHARD | Acadian | Babin, McDugald, Richard | |
1806 4 Feb/SWLR | Louis BOURGEOIS | Acadian | Marguerite LEBLANC | Dronet, Jacquet | |
1806 4 Feb/BRDR | Carlos [Marie] LEBLANC | Modesta [Aimée] BLANCHARD | Acadian | Clement, LeBlan | |
1806 11 Feb/SWLR | Silvestre LEBLANC | Perosine DUHON | Acadian | Hullin, Jacquet | |
1806 15 Feb/BRDR | Auguste LEBLANC | Acadian | Rosalie LEBLANC | Acadian | Lambremont, LeBlanc, Rill |
1806 26 Feb/BRDR | Narcisse LEBLANC | Marie Anne BABIN | Acadian | Arnandez, Babin | |
1806 16 Jun/BRDR | Marcel DUPUIS | Acadian | Marie Josèphe LEBLANC | Dupuis, LeBlanc | |
1806 18 Sep/BRDR | Benjamin LEBLANC | Félicité MAROIS | Italian Creole? | LeBlanc, Reynaud | |
1806 24 Nov/BRDR | Simon LEBLANC | Marie Batilda BABIN | Acadian | Landry, LeBlanc | |
1806 2 Dec/SWLR | François CORMIER | Acadian | Scholastique LEBLANC | Cormier, Jacquet | |
1807 13 Jan/SWLR | Charles TRAHAN | Acadian | Marie Louise LEBLANC | Gari, Jacquet | |
1807 4 May/BRDR | Désiré LE BLANC | Acadian | Marcellite LEBLANC | Acadian | Bergeron, Bourgeois, LeBlanc |
1807 7 May/BRDR | Alexandre BRAUD | Acadian | Marguerite LEBLANC | Dannequin, Landry, LeBlanc | |
1807 25 May/BRDR | Pierre ALLAIN | Acadian | Victoire LEBLANC | LeBlanc | |
1807 6 Jul/BRDR | Hippolite CHAUVIN | French Creole | Marie Tarsile LE BLANC | LeBlanc, Morice, Robicho | |
1807 19 Nov/BRDR | Pierre DUPOUILLE | French Creole? | Anne Marie LEBLANC | Jones, Sompayrac | |
1808 22 Feb/BRDR | Paul DUGA | Acadian | [Marie] Clémence LEBLANC | Godin, LeBlanc | |
1808 23 Feb/SWLR | Agricole LEBLANC | Euphrosine HÉBERT | Acadian | Brousard, Hébert | |
1808 29 Feb/BRDR | Maximilien LEBLANC | [Marie] Hélène ALLAIN | Acadian | Allain, Babin, Braud, Dupuy | |
1808 25 Jul/BRDR | Jean François ST. MARTIN | Foreign French | Manette LEBLANC | Depoul, Fournier, Ribaudeau | |
1808 10 Sep/BRDR | Jean DANOS | French Creole | Marie Rose LEBLANC | Barniere, LeBlanc, Troxclere | |
1808 13 Sep/SWLR | Charles MELANÇON | Acadian | Adélaïde LEBLANC | Jacquet, Landry, Marc, Melancon | |
1809 2 Jan/BRDR | Sifroy LEBLANC | Acadian | Céleste LEBLANC | Acadian | Babin, Martin, St. Martin |
1809 3 Jan/SWLR | Alexandre WILTZ | German Creole | Susanne LEBLANC | Artache, Barra, Broussard, Cormier, LeBlanc | |
1809 9 Jan/BRDR | Louis BOURDIER | French Creole? | [Marie] Ludevine LEBLANC | Blanchard, Morin, Petavin | |
1809 16 Jan/BRDR | Alexandre BABIN (widower) | Acadian | Magdelaine LEBLANC (widow) | LeBlanc | |
1809 2 Feb/BRDR | Joseph Marie ROUSSEAU | French Creole? | [Marie] Eulalie LEBLANC | Henry, LeBlanc, Rousseau | |
1809 7 Feb/SWLR | Julien LE BLANC | Acadian | Scholastique LEBLANC | Acadian | Collins, Jacquet, LeBlanc, Marc |
1809 13 Feb/BRDR | Joseph MELANSON | Acadian | Constance LEBLANC | LeBlanc, Melanson | |
1809 19 Jun/BRDR | Rosémon LEBLANC | Marie Désirée BRAU | Acadian | Bussart, Cantrelle, Fabre | |
1809 25 Jul/SWLR | Godefroy PROVOST | French Creole | Anne LEBLANC | Benoit de St. Clair, Berard, Boutte, Descuirs, Dubucelet, Duburlot, LeBlanc, Pellerin, Provost | |
1809 8 Aug/BRDR | Étienne LEBLANC | Marguerite MELANSON | Acadian | LeBlanc, Melanson | |
1809 6 Nov/BRDR | Joseph BLANCHARD | Acadian | [Marie] Judith LEBLANC | Blanchard, LeBlanc | |
1810 5 Feb/BRDR | Barthélémi LEBLANC | [Marie] Constance BLANCHARD (widow) | Acadian | Comes, Landry, LeBlanc | |
1810 22 Feb/BRDR | Jean Baptiste DUPUIS | Acadian | Henriette LEBLANC | Delaune, Dupuis, LeBlanc | |
1810 22 Feb/BRDR | Pierre Paul LEBLANC | Marguerite LANDRY | Acadian | Delaune, Dupuis, LeBlanc | |
1810 24 Apr/BRDR | Joseph GRAVOIS | Acadian | Rosalie LEBLANC | Gravois, LeBlanc, Mire | |
1810 7 May/BRDR | Ursin LANDRY | Acadian | Marie Clémence LEBLANC | Landry, LeBlanc | |
1810 18 Jun/BRDR | Joseph LEBLANC (wdr.) | Magdelaine BABIN (widow) | Acadian | Babin, LeBlanc, Morice | |
1810 23 Jun/BRDR | Jean Baptiste Joseph LEBLANC | Marie Céleste HÉBERT | Acadian | Babin, Dupuis, Hébert | |
1810 16 Jul/BRDR | Simon Silvain LEBLANC (widower) | Acadian | Marianne LEBLANC (widow) | Acadian | Bujol, Landry, Melançon |
1810 2 Jul/BRDR | Édouard LEBLANC | Marcelite LACHAUSSÉ | Acadian | Babin, Lachausse, LeBlanc | |
1810 7 Aug/BRDR | Magloire LEBLANC | Maria Modeste BLANCHARD | Acadian | LeJeune, Terriault | |
1810 8 Oct/BRDR | Urbino LEBLANC | [Marie] Mélania AUCOIN | Acadian | Landry, LeBlanc | |
1810 26 Dec/BRDR | Désiré LEBLANC | Carmélite LANOUE | Acadian | Gerboux, Lanoue, LeBlanc | |
1811 4 Feb/BRDR | Josef Fédérico GUEDRY | Acadian | Ana Rosalie LEBLANC | Boudraux, Braux | |
1811 19 Mar/BRDR | Rozémon LEBLANC (wdr.) | Françoise Mélite BOURGEOIS | Acadian | Arnaud, Fabre, Gaudet | |
1811 6 May/BRDR | Paul LEBLANC | Adélaïde MELANSON | Acadian | Dupuy, LeBlanc, Malanson | |
1811 19 May/BRDR | Juan Pedro BERGERON | Acadian | Maria [Modeste] LEBLANC | Hébert, Riffaud | |
1811 11 Jun/SWLR | Théophile LEBLANC | Clarisse HÉBERT | Acadian | Bonin, Guilbeau, Hébert | |
1811 6 Aug/SWLR | Marcel LEBLANC (widower) | Marie SURETTE (widow) | Acadian? | Broussard, Landry, Latiolais, Martin, Patin | |
1811 19 Nov/BRDR | Pierre AYRARD | French Creole? | Anne Marie LEBLANC (widow) | Butler, Gerbaux, Sampageau | |
1811 19 Dec/BRDR | Joseph PRINCE | Acadian | Marie Clémence LEBLANC | Benoit, Bonnet, LeBlanc | |
1811 31 Dec/BRDR | [Joseph] Bénony LEBLANC | Euphrosine LANCLOS (widow) | French Creole | Acosta, Lanclos, LeBlanc | |
1812 10 Feb/BRDR | Andrés LEBLANC | Margarita [Luce] LANDRY (wd.) | Acadian | Landry, Riffaud, Vives | |
1812 10 Feb/BRDR | Louis BIVEN (widower) | French Can. | Marie Madelaine LEBLANC (wd.) | Babin, Dupuy | |
1812 27 Apr/BRDR | Antoine PRENAUL (PREJEAN) | Acadian | Marie [Françoise] LEBLANC | LeBlanc, Melancon, Prenal [Prejean] | |
1812 28 Apr/SWLR | François LEBLANC | Marguerite DUGAS (widow) | Acadian | Chemin, Cuvelier, Dugat, Ledoux | |
1812 4 May/BRDR | Joseph LEBLANC (wdr.) | Julie Clothidle DUGAS | Acadian | Dugas, LeBlanc | |
1812 28 Jul/SWLR | Théophile BROUSSARD (wdr.) | Acadian | Adélaïde LEBLANC (widow) | Berard, Broussard, Chemin, Collins, Cuvelier, Dumartrait, Langlinee, Sabaros | |
1812 10 Aug/BRDR | Pedro GERBAUT | Foreign French | Maria Magdalena LEBLANC (wd.) | Guillot, Leblanc | |
1812 21 Sep/BRDR | Valério PRECHANT | Acadian | Maria Josèpha LEBLANC | Boudraux, Robicheaux, Tureyra | |
1812 13 Dec/BRDR | Firmin GUÉDRY | Acadian | Azélia LEBLANC | Daigle, Trahan | |
1813 11 Jan/BRDR | Joseph LEBLANC | [Marie] Célanie BREAUX | Acadian | Breaux, LeBlanc, Uriel | |
1813 15 Feb/BRDR | Étienne LEBLANC | Acadian | [Marie] Euphrosine LEBLANC | Acadian | Duhon, Gravois, LeBlanc |
1813 2 Mar/BRDR | Carlos [Marie] LEBLANC (widower?) | Élizabeth HÉBERRE | Acadian | Blanchard, LeBert | |
1813 16 May/BRDR | Jean Baptiste LESSARD | French Creole? | [Marie] Joséphine LEBLANC | Landry, LeBlanc | |
1813 8 Jun/SWLR | Jean Baptiste SONNIER | Acadian | Adélaïde LEBLANC | Chemin, Ferry, LeBlanc, de Penne | |
1813 14 Jun/BRDR | Jean Alexis LEBLANC (wdr.) | Acadian | Marie Clothilde LEBLANC | Acadian | Alain, LeBlanc |
1814 11 Jan/SWLR | Louis LEBLANC | French Creole | Aspasie LEBLANC | Broussard, Chemin, Ferry, LeBlanc, Penne | |
1814 30 Jan/BRDR | Marcelin LEBLANC | Marie Artémise LANDRY | Acadian | LeBlanc | |
1814 4 Feb/BRDR | Elir [Élie] LEBLANC | Marie Victoire CHIASSON | Acadian | Babin, LeBlanc | |
1814 7 Feb/BRDR | Jérôme LEBLANC | Clémence COMEAU | Acadian | Comau, Danos | |
1814 2 May/BRDR | [Narcisse] Hermogène LEBLANC | Marie Josete MELANSON | Acadian | Cloatre, LeBlanc, Melanson | |
1814 22 Aug/BRDR | Simon BERGERON | Acadian | Magdeleine LEBLANC | Bergeron, LeBlanc | |
1814 5 Sep/BRDR | Antonio SERRETTE | Spanish Creole? | Eulalia LEBLANC | Duplesis, Serrette | |
1815 29 May/BRDR | Jean Baptiste LEBLANC | Marie Cléonisse GAUDIN | Acadian | Gaudin, LeBlanc, Melançon | |
1815 12 Jun/BRDR | Paul BREAUX | Acadian | [Marie] Henriette LEBLANC | Bourgeois, Melanson | |
1815 19 Jun/SWLR | [Martin] Louis BROUSSARD | Acadian | [Marie] Amarante LEBLANC | Abel, Hébert, Montet | |
1815 9 Jul/BRDR | Juan Bautista BOUDRAUX | Acadian | Maria Eulalia LEBLANC | Boudraux, LeBlanc | |
1815 17 Jul/BRDR | Pierre RIVET (widower) | Acadian | Héloise LEBLANC | LeBlanc, Rivet | |
1815 9 Oct/BRDR | Paul MELANSON | Acadian | Adélaïde LEBLANC | LeBlanc, Melanson | |
1815 26 Dec/BRDR | Joseph LEBLANC | Marie [Josèphe] MELANSON | Acadian | Lannoy, LeBlanc, Melanson | |
1816 30 Jan/BRDR | Valérie LEBLANC | Euphrosine GAILLARD [DENOU] | French Creole? | Gaillard, LeBlanc | |
1816 6 Apr/BRDR | Isaac Colin LEBLANC | [Anne] Serafina LANDRY | Acadian | Landry, LeBlanc | |
1816 19 May/BRDR | Célestin SERRET | Spanish Creole? | Reine Sophie LEBLANC | none listed | |
1816 5 Aug/BRDR | Donat LANDRY (widower) | Acadian | Maria Lucia/Marian Ludovine LEBLANC (widow) | Landry, LeBlanc | |
1816 13 Aug/SWLR | Norbert LEBLANC | Joséphine BROUSSARD | Acadian | Boissier, Chemin, Girouard, Gombert, LeBlanc, Provost | |
1816 23 Sep/BRDR | Josef [Marie] LEBLANC | Magdalena [Constance] BOURQUE | Acadian | Bourque, Guillot, Tureyra | |
1816 26 Sep/SWLR | Gilles LEBLANC (widower) | Magdeleine BOURGEOIS (widow) | Acadian | Arnaud, Berard, Francois, Halphen, LeBlanc | |
1816 8 Oct/SWLR | François BERNARD (widower) | Acadian | Constance LEBLANC (widow) | Arcenaux, Broussard, Dugas, Isabey, LeBlanc, Mouton, Robichaud | |
1816 11 Nov/SWLR | Grégoire BAUDIN | French Creole | Pélagie LEBLANC | Baudin, Chemin, Guilbaud, LeBlanc, Plassard | |
1816 30 Nov/BRDR | Rosémond LEBLANC | [Marie] Clothilde BUJOL | Acadian | Braud | |
1817 13 Jan/BRDR | [Joseph] Augustin LEBLANC | Constance [Emérante-Marie or Marie-Emérante] BUJOL | Acadian | Blanchard, Comes | |
1817 20 Jan/BRDR | Placide LEBLANC | Letitie [Marie Delphine] DODD | Anglo | Dupuis, Hébert, Lambremont | |
1817 20 Jan/BRDR | Michel HÉBERT | Acadian | Victoire LEBLANC | Comau/Comaux | |
1817 3 Feb/BRDR | Hubert COMES | French Creole? | Geralde LEBLANC | Braud, Terrio | |
1817 10 Feb/BRDR | Simon Nabor BRAUD | Acadian | [Marie] Arthémise LEBLANC | Gaudain, Landry | |
1817 10 Feb/BRDR | Narcisse LEBLANC | Marcellite BRASSE[T] | Acadian | Hébert, Landry, LeBlanc | |
1817 14 Apr/BRDR | Joseph LEBLANC | Marie TRAHAN | Acadian | Guidry, Simoie, Tullier | |
1817 20 Apr/BRDR | Alexis Sérafin GODIN | Acadian | Marie Clémence LEBLANC | LeBlanc | |
1817 20 May/BRDR | Barthélémi LEBLANC (wdr.) | Anne LANDRY | Acadian | Landry | |
1817 20 May/BRDR | [Joseph] Dermond LEBLANC | Marie Delphine LANDRY | Acadian | Blanchard, Braud | |
1817 2 Jun/BRDR | Joseph Rosémond LEBLANC | Carmélite BERGERON | Acadian | Blanchard, Lejeune, Richard | |
1817 9 Jun/BRDR | Désiré LEBLANC | Marguerite Phelonise DUGAS | Acadian | Butler, Dugas, LeBlanc | |
1817 22 Jul/BRDR | Paul TERBON (TERREBONNE) | French Creole | Constance LEBLANC | Dantin, Heber, Pinelle | |
1817 29 Nov/BRDR | Élie HÉBERT (widower) | Acadian | Marguerite[-Apolline] LEBLANC (widow) | Hébert, LeBlanc | |
1817 31 Dec/BRDR | Pierre Isidore BLANCHARD (widower) | Acadian | [Marie] Clothilde LEBLANC | Blanchard, Hatkinson, LeBlanc | |
1818 27 Jan/BRDR | Jean Baptiste RICHARD | Acadian | Hortense LEBLANC | Gravois, LeBlanc, Mire | |
1818 15 Jun/BRDR | Olivier LEBLANC (widower) | Marie Magdeleine BREAUX | Acadian | Breaux, Guyot, Melanson | |
1818 3 Aug/BRDR | Édouard LEBLANC | Acadian | Adélaïde LEBLANC | Acadian | Boissac, LeBlanc |
1818 3 Aug/BRDR | Simon LEBLANC (widower) | Acadian | Marie Rose LEBLANC | Acadian | Dupuis, LeBlanc |
1818 15 Oct/BRDR | Jean Martin LEBLANC (wdr.) | Clémence THIBAUDEAUX | Acadian | Bernard, Landry | |
1818 16 Nov/BRDR | Alexandre Zénon LEBLANC | Célesie BABIN | Acadian | Landry, Simoie | |
1818 23 Nov/BRDR | Aimable André LEBLANC | Marguerite Joséphine BREAU | Acadian | Breau, Landry | |
1819 25 Jan/BRDR | Joseph Dominique BERES | Foreign French | Marie Henrietta Celvin LEBLANC (widow) | Landry, Mollere | |
1819 1 Feb/BRDR | Valérie LANDRY | Acadian | Marie Ulalie LEBLANC | Dugas/Dugas | |
1819 1 Feb/BRDR | Ursin LEBLANC | Cidalise BREAU | Acadian | Duga/Dugas | |
1819 9 Feb/BRDR | Dominique LEBLANC | Eugénie HYDEL [HAYDEL] | German Creole | Brignac, Picou, Rome | |
1819 10 Feb/BRDR | Charles LEBLANC | Marie Magdaleine MALBROU | German Creole | Bergeron, Hébert, Robisseau | |
1819 15 Feb/BRDR | Zénon MELANÇON | Acadian | [Thérèse Marie] Hortense LEBLANC | Bouche, Comau, Landry | |
1819 7 Mar/BRDR | Marcel LEBLANC (widower) | Marguerite PART (widow) | Acadian | Marianni, Part, Remondet | |
1819 4 May/BRDR | Stanislas LEBLANC | [Marie] Constance Antoinette] BRUNAU | French Creole? | Gregoire, Haydlle, Rouvier | |
1819 23 Aug/BRDR | Marcelin Armogène LEBLANC | Léonice LANDRY | Acadian | Babin, Larousen, LeBlanc | |
1819 13 Sep/BRDR | Étienne TUSSON | French Creole? | Victoire LEBLANC (widow) | Bros, LeBlanc, Mollere | |
1819 19 Sep/BRDR | Joseph Narcisse LEBLANC | Joséphine SENETTE | French Creole? | Gaudain | |
1819 4 Oct/BRDR | Simon LANOUX | Acadian | Ozite LEBLANC | Bourgeois, Cornu, Sogny[Sonnier?] | |
1820 17 Jan/SWLR | Maxile or Maximilien LEBLANC | Marguerite GUIDRY | Acadian | Bijot, Fastin, Guidry, Roussillon | |
1820 7 Feb/SWLR | Alexis LEBLANC | Marie [Sidonie] LANDRY | Acadian | Dusouchet, Landry, LeBlanc, Penne, Roussillon | |
1820 8 Feb/SWLR | Agricole LEBLANC[, fils] | Marie CORMIER | Acadian | Perrodin, Wilz | |
1820 19 Mar/BRDR | Auguste LEBLANC (widower) | Clarisse BABIN (widow) | Acadian | Garevil, Landry | |
1820 4 Apr/SWLR | Arvillien LEBLANC | Julienne BABINAUD | Acadian | Babinaud, Broussard, Etie St. Julien, LeBlanc, Mignon | |
1820 1 May/SWLR | Hypolite COMEAUX | Acadian | Eugénie LEBLANC | Broussard, Commeau, Guidry, Missonnier | |
1820 1 May/SLR | Théodore BOUDREAUX | Acadian | Marie [Blanche] LEBLANC | none listed | |
1820 1 May/SLR | Jean Laurant/Laurent BROUSSARD | Acadian | Marie Magdelinne/Marcelline LEBLANC | none listed | |
1820 5 Jun/SWLR | Joseph LEBLANC | Élizabeth BROUSSARD | Acadian | Broussard, Dusouchet, LeBlanc, Meaux, Penne, Roussillon | |
1820 10 Jun/BRDR | Victorin CHIASSON (wdr.) | Acadian | Marguerite LEBLANC | Babin, Blanchard, LeBlanc | |
1820 17 Jul/BRDR | Joseph BLANCHARD (wdr.) | Acadian | Marie Delphine LEBLANC | LeBlanc, Richard | |
1820 2 Oct//BRDR | Pierre COMEAU | Acadian | Marie Hortense LEBLANC | Comeau, LeBlanc | |
1820 9 Oct/BRDR | Paul LEBLANC | [Marie] Cidalise GAUTREAU | Acadian | David, Dugha, LeBlanc | |
1820 16 Oct/BRDR | Silvain Corentin LE BLANC | Marguerite Ludevine [Cléonise] BABIN | Acadian | Babin, Landry | |
1821 15 Jan/BRDR | Éloi BLANCHARD | Acadian | Marie Louise LEBLANC | Hébert, LeBlanc, Richard | |
1821 13 Feb/SWLR | Éloi LEBLANC | Marie Arthémise LANGLINAIS | French Creole | Dusouchet, Landry, Langlinais, Penne, Roussillon | |
1821 13 Feb/BRDR | Dominique LEBLANC (wdr.) | Artémise ROME | French Creole | LeBlanc, Rom/Rome | |
1821 21 Feb/BRDR | Edward LEBLANC | Marie Gertrude MOLLÈRE | French Creole | Mollere | |
1821 30 Apr/SWLR | Calixte LEBLANC | Marie dite Cléonide BROUSSARD | Acadian | Broussard, Cormier, Dushouchet, Penne, Roussillon | |
1821 28 May/SWLR | Onésime [Frédéric] LEBLANC | Cécile LANDRY | Acadian | Boutte, Braud, Landry, Roussillon | |
1821 7 Jun/BRDR | Michel RICHARD | Acadian | Léonise LEBLANC | Delattre, LeBlanc, Richard | |
1821 18 Jun/BRDR | Valéri Cyprien LEBLANC | Marie Ortense LANDRY (widow) | Acadian | Guillot, Tureyra | |
1821 3 Jul/SWLR | Joseph LEBLANC | Magdeleine WISSE/WILTZ (w.) | German Creole | Ducrest, Richard, Wisse[Wiltz] | |
1821 11 Sep/SWLR | Gervais CASTILLE | Spanish Creole | Marie Lolette [Marthe] LEBLANC | Braud/Braux, Castille, Ducrest, LeBlanc, Wisse | |
1821 25 Sep/SWLR | Philippe ST. JULIEN [LACHAUSSÉ] | Acadian | [Anne] Hortense LEBLANC | Dusouchet, LeBlanc, Penne, Roussillon | |
1821 1 Oct/SWLR | Jean LEBLANC | Denise DUHON | Acadian | Bodin, Duhon, Dusouchet, Penne, Roussillon, Thibaudot | |
1821 8 Oct/BRDR | Louis RIVET | Acadian | Marie Françoise (Henriette) LEBLANC | Braux, Gellusseau, Rivet | |
1821 12 Nov/BRDR | Jean Baptiste TUSSON | French Creole? | Élizabeth LEBLANC | Braud, LeBlanc | |
1822 7 Jan/BRDR | Clette LEBLANC | Marie Mélanie RICHARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1822 7 Jan/BRDR | Simon Maxile LEBLANC | Marie LANDRY | Acadian | Bettelani, Pantiero, Tardie | |
1822 7 Feb/BRDR | Rosémond HÉBERT | Acadian | [Marie] Joséphine LEBLANC | Hébert, Hernandez | |
1822 14 Feb/BRDR | Hippolite Eugène LEBLANC | Adeline BOUDREAU | Acadian | Boudreau, LeBlanc | |
1822 23 Feb/BRDR | Joseph LEBLANC | Clémence BABIN | Acadian | Babin, Butler | |
1822 15 Apr/BRDR | William PAYNE | Anglo | [Marguerite] Irène LEBLANC | Arnandez, LeBlanc | |
1822 29 Apr/SLR | Simon Pierre LEBLANC | Marianne FORAIT | Acadian | none listed | |
1822 21 May/SWLR | Joseph CASTILLE | Spanish Creole | Céleste LEBLANC | Castille, Ducrest, Potier, Richard | |
1822 4 Jun/SLR | Saturnin LEU[V]RON | Acadian | Céleste [Isabelle] LEBLANC | none listed | |
1822 13 Oct/BRDR | Raphaël MOLÈRE | French Creole | Clarisse Élène LEBLANC | Aucoin, Randau, Verrete | |
1822 14 Oct/BRDR | Timoléon LESASSIER | French Creole? | Art[h]émise LEBLANC | Landry, LeBlanc, Lesassier | |
1822 23 Nov/BRDR | [Augustin dit] Justin LEBLANC | Marie Azélie DUHON | Acadian | Duga, LeBlanc | |
1823 23 Jan/BRDR | Auguste LANDRY (widower) | Acadian | [Marthe] Adeline LEBLANC | Lambremont, LeBlanc, Terrell | |
1823 27 Jan/BRDR | Lessin LEBLANC | Clarice GRAVOIS | Acadian | Breaux, Dugas | |
1823 28 Apr/BRDR | Placide LEBLANC | Céleste Madeleine LANDRY | Acadian | Babin, Landry | |
1823 23 Aug/BRDR | Marcel LEBLANC | Henrietta Scolastique LANOUX | Acadian | LeCoq | |
1823 25 Aug/SWLR | Jacques Colin LEBLANC | Marcellite Arthémise BABIN | Acadian | Dugas, LeBlanc, Martin, Surville, Thibaudeau | |
1824 9 Feb/SWLR | Norbert LEBLANC (widower) | Acadian | [Marie] Euphémie LEBLANC | Acadian | Babin, Decoux, LeBlanc, Leroi, Randolph, Weeks |
1824 26 Feb/BRDR | Auguste Françoise LECOQ | Foreign French | [Marie] Marguerite Carmélite LEBLANC | Dugas, Lacharie | |
1824 1 Mar/BRDR | Gilbert HERNANDEZ | Spanish Creole | Marcelite LEBLANC | Arnandez, LeBlanc | |
1824 10 May/SLR | Simon LEBLANC | Marie Élisabeth BOUDREAUX/BOUDRAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1824 1 Jun/SWLR | Joseph Béllony LEBLANC (w.) | Judique BERGERON | French Creole | none listed | |
1824 6 Sep/BRDR | Victor DUPUIS | Acadian | Modeste Aimèe LEBLANC | Blanchard, Broussard, Thibodot | |
1824 27 Nov/BRDR | Achille LANDRY | Acadian | [Clothilde] Artémise LEBLANC | Babin, Blanchard, Landry | |
1825 10 Jan/SLR | Jean BRUCE | Italian Creole? | Marie Carmélite LEBLANC | none listed | |
1825 18 Jan/BRDR | Léon LEBLANC | Euphémie Delia BRAUD | Acadian | Braud, Comes, Dugat, LeBlanc, Terrio | |
1825 7 Feb/BRDR | Narcisse LEBLANC | Euphrosine Marie Célonie MELANÇON | Acadian | Dugat, Melançon | |
1825 14 Feb/BRDR | Evarist LEBLANC | Magdelaine BOURG | Acadian | Guédry, Luquet | |
1825 14 Feb/BRDR | Joseph LEBLANC (widower) | Marguerite BABIN (widow) | Acadian | Dugas, Landry | |
1825 14 Feb/SLR | Mathurin François BOURG | Acadian | Léocade [Émilie] LEBLANC | none listed | |
1825 18 Apr/BRDR | Hubert LEBLANC | Marcellite Pélagie LANDRY | Acadian | Landry, LeBlanc | |
1825 2 Jun/BRDR | Paul LANDRY (widower) | Acadian | Ludovine LEBLANC (widow) | Landry | |
1825 16 Jun/BRDR | Élie LEBLANC (widower) | Irène HERNANDEZ | Spanish Creole | Bush, Hernandez, LeBlanc | |
1825 16 Jun/BRDR | Isaac LEBLANC | Céleste HERNANDEZ | Spanish Creole | Daigre, Hernandez, LeBlanc | |
1825 26 Jul/SWLR | Valéry LEBLANC | Carmélite TRAHAN | Acadian | Blanchet, Bourgeois | |
1825 30 Oct/BRDR | Valérien LANDRY | Acadian | Marie Améranthe LEBLANC | Hébert, Landry, Temple | |
1825 22 Nov/SWLR | Alphonse BOUQUET | Foreign French? | Adélaïde LEBLANC (widow) | Broussard | |
1825 26 Nov/SLR | Pierre Gratien LEBLANC | Victoire BOUDRAUX/BOUDREAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1825 6 Dec/SWLR | Ursin LEBLANC | Adelaïde MELENÇON | Acadian | Guidry, Melancon, Mouton | |
1825 26 Dec/BRDR | Rosémond LEBLANC | Clarisse AUCOIN | Acadian | Hatkinson, Landry, Mollere | |
1826 Jan/BRDR | Grégoire LANDRY | Acadian | Philonise Geneviève LEBLANC | Blanchard, Hébert, Mollere | |
1826 14 Jan/SLR | Joseph Martin LEBLANC | Marie LEJEUNE | Acadian | none listed | |
1826 16 Jan/SLR | Jean Valentin [François] LEBLANC | Marguerite LEBEUF | French Creole | none listed | |
1826 3 Apr/BRDR | Pierre DUPUIS (widow) | Acadian | [Marie] Carmélite [Eugénie] LEBLANC | Hébert, Landry, Lambremont, LeBlanc | |
1826 1 May/SLR | Joseph Eugène AUCOIN | Acadian | Azélie/Asélie Adélaïde LEBLANC | none listed | |
1826 23 May/BRDR | Onésime LEBLANC | [Marie] Joséphine BLANCHARD | Acadian | Blanchard, Dugas, LeBlanc | |
1826 19 Jun/BRDR | Alexandre REBOUL | French Creole? | Constance LEBLANC | Dupuy, Robicheaux | |
1826 3 Jul/SWLR | Simon dit Argreau LEBLANC[, fils] | [Marie] Carmélite MEAUX | French Creole | Balley, Broussard, Maux | |
1826 28 Sep/BRDR | Hypolite NAQUIN | Acadian | Margrit/Marguerite [Céleste] LEBLANC | Campau, Guillot, Pitre | |
1826 6 Nov/BRDR | Rosémond LEBLANC | Marie LANDRY | Acadian | Blanchard, LeBlanc | |
1826 27 Nov/BRDR | Pierre Amant LEJEUNE | Acadian | Marie Clémence LEBLANC | LeBlanc, Thibaudeaux, Trahan | |
1826 2 Dec/BRDR | Victor BABIN | Acadian | Marguerite LEBLANC (widow) | Babin, LeBlanc | |
1827 4 Jan/BRDR | Lubin LEBLANC (widower) | Marguerite LANDRY (widow) | Acadian | Aucoin, Giroir, Landry | |
1827 8 Jan/BRDR | Alexis LEBLANC | Acadian | [Madeleine] Parosine LEBLANC | Acadian | Berthau, LeBlanc, Savoie |
1827 9 Jan/SWLR | Pierre LEBLANC, fils | Marie Adeline BROUSSARD | Acadian | Broussard, Elmer, Tesnier | |
1827 22 Jan/SWLR | Hubert Eufroy LANDRY | Acadian | Éloise Modeste LEBLANC | Bouchereau, Landry, LeBlanc | |
1827 3 Feb/BRDR | François Rosémond DUGAS | Acadian | Marguerite Mélanie LEBLANC | Dugas, Gautreau | |
1827 13 Feb/BRDR | Joseph Rosémond LEBLANC | Émilie/Émelia Lise BOUDREAUX/BOUDREAU | Acadian | Braux, Navar, Trahan | |
1827 3 Mar/BRDR | Julien ALLAIN | Acadian | Hortense LEBLANC | Allain, Blanchard, LeBlanc | |
1827 30 Apr/BRDR | Auguste DELAUNE | Acadian | Clotilde LEBLANC (widow) | Allain, Blanchard, LeBlanc | |
1827 20 May/BRDR | Jean Baptiste BRAUX | Acadian | Marie Uranie LEBLANC | Babin, Braux, LeBlanc | |
1827 5 Jun/SWLR | Charles DURAND | Foreign French | [Marie] Amélie LE BLANC | Berard, Bernard, Dauterive, Francois, Lebesque | |
1827 19 Jun/SWLR | Joseph Vallière DAUTERIVE | French Creole | Henriette Ponponne LEBLANC | Benoit de St. Clair, Dauterive, Dubuclet, LeBlanc | |
1827 8 Aug/SWLR | Alexandre Petitréné BROUSSARD | Acadian | Clarisse Émelite LEBLANC | none listed | |
1827 22 Oct/SLR | Simonet LEBLANC | Adèlle Élise BOURG | Acadian | none listed | |
1827 5 Nov/SLR | Pelegrin BOUDREAUX/BOUDRAUX | Acadian | [Marie Marthe] Pélagie LEBLANC | none listed | |
1828 7 Jan/BRDR | Joseph Gervais GOTREAU | Acadian | Marie Louise LEBLANC | Breau, Gautereaux, LeBlanc | |
1828 10 Jan/BRDR | François DE MILLER | Anglo? | [Anne] Marine LEBLANC | Hébert, Romouin | |
1828 14 Jan/SWLR | Jean REAUX | French Creole? | [Marie] Constance LEBLANC | Braux, Lachausse, Landry, LeBlanc, Nixon | |
1828 4 Feb/SLR | Édouard BRAUD/BRAU | Acadian | Marie Artémise LEBLANC | none listed | |
1828 12 May/SLR | Urbain/Urbin POCHÉ/POCHEZ | French Creole | Célesie/Célezie LEBLANC | none listed | |
1828 19 May/BRDR | Paul Destival LEBLANC | Marie Sidalise BOUDREAU | Acadian | Breau, Gotreau, Lanoix | |
1828 19 May/BRDR | Honoré Hilaire SIMONEAU | French Creole | Magdelaine Aspasie LEBLANC | LeBlanc, Simonaud | |
1828 16 Jun/BRDR | [André] Aimable LEBLANC (widower) | Adélaïde ALLAIN (widow) | Acadian | Allain, Babin, Lambremont | |
1828 22 Jun/BRDR | Célestin ROTH | German Creole? | Arthémise LEBLANC | Blanchard, Delaune, LeBlanc, Scott | |
1828 11 Aug/SLR | Jean Baptiste HÉBERT | Acadian | [Marie] Angélique LEBLANC | none listed | |
1828 29 Sep/SLR | Edmond BERNARD | Acadian | Marie [Rosalie] LEBLANC | none listed | |
1828 20 Oct/BRDR | Olésime ACHÉ | Acadian | Marie [Julie?] Zéolide LEBLANC | Aché, Carmouche, LeBlanc | |
1828 30 Nov/BRDR | Félix HAYDON | Anglo | Domitolle [Domitille] LEBLANC | Dupuy, Landry, Lassassier, Rapier | |
1828 29 Dec/SLR | Simon Pierre LEBLANC (wdr.) | Julie LOUZET/LAUSE | French Creole? | none listed | |
1829 5 Jan/BRDR | Jacques Martin CHAUVIN | French Creole | Caroline LEBLANC | Landry, LeBlanc, Minvielle | |
1829 26 Jan/BRDR | Alexandre GAUTHREAUX | Acadian | [Marie] Euphémie LEBLANC | Dugas, Gauthreaux, LeBlanc | |
1829 16 Feb/BRDR | Narcisse Pharaon LEBLANC | Coralie LANDRY | Acadian | Blanchard, Braud, Poursine | |
1829 23 Feb/SWLR | Ursin LEBLANC (widower) | Victoire GUEDRY | Acadian | Bernard, Richard | |
1829 24 Feb/SWLR | Jean Treville THIBODEAU | Acadian | Aspasie LEBLANC | Castille, Lacoste, LeBlanc, Thibodeau | |
1829 3 Mar/SWLR | Bélisaire LANDRY | Acadian | Logie Arthémise LEBLANC | Ami, Boye, Landry, LeBlanc | |
1829 18 May/BRDR | Achille DUGAS | Acadian | [Marie Fare dite] Farelitte LEBLANC | Dugas, LeBlanc | |
1829 3 Jun/SWLR | Édouard LEBLANC | Acadian | Marie Élemie/Émlie LEBLANC | Acadian | Daigle, Dauterive, LeBlanc |
1829 14 Sep/BRDR | Henry GILYARD (GAILLARD) | French Creole? | Marie Hortense LEBLANC (widow) | Comes, LeBlanc | |
1829 5 Oct/BRDR | [Jean Baptiste] Lessaint LEBLANC (widower?) | [Céleste] Eugénie BORNE | Anglo? | Comes, LeBlanc | |
1829 8 Oct/SLR | John PRICE | Anglo | Geneviève LEBLANC (widow) | none listed | |
1829 19 Oct/SWLR | Caliste LEBLANC | Marguerite Urazie BERNARD | Acadian | Bernard | |
1829 19 Oct/SWLR | Antoine COMAUX | Acadian | Eliza LEBLANC | none listed | |
1829 27 Oct/BRDR | Jean Louis GAUTREAU | Acadian | Marguerite LEBLANC | Gautreau | |
1829 3 Nov/SLR | Pierre BOURG | Acadian | Rosalie [Marcelline] LEBLANC | none listed | |
1830 25 Jan/SLR | François Firmin BERTELOTTE | French Creole | Eglaié LEBLANC | none listed | |
1830 26 Jan/SLR | Jean Baptiste MOLAISON/MOLESON | Acadian | Marie Émilie LEBLANC | none listed | |
1830 1 Feb/BRDR | Marcelin LEBLANC | Marguerite Arthémise DUGAS | Acadian | Dugas, Landry, LeBlanc | |
1830 8 Feb/BRDR | Narcise GAUTREAU | Acadian | Marie Matilde LEBLANC | LeBlanc, Myre | |
1830 22 Feb/BRDR | Leufroy LEBLANC | Acadian | [Marie] Phelonise LEBLANC | Acadian | Daigle, Dugas, LeBlanc |
1830 10 May/BRDR | Simon LEBLANC | Marie Scholastique GAUTREAU | Acadian | Braud, Gotreau, LeBlanc | |
1830 27 Jul/BRDR | Sébastien LEBLANC | Charlotte LOQUE | French Creole? | Grégoire, LeBlanc, Roussel | |
1830 9 Aug/SLR | Étienne LEBLANC | Azélie BERTRAND | Acadian | none listed | |
1830 19 Aug/BRDR | Joseph LEBLANC | Eugénie MELANÇON | Acadian | LeBlanc, Melançon, Richard | |
1830 25 Oct/BRDR | Paul LEBLANC[, fils] | Marie Ester BRAUD | Acadian | Breau, LeBlanc, Melançon, Richard | |
1830 25 Oct/BRDR | Rosémond LEBLANC (wdr.) | Émelie MIGAUD | French Creole? | Lanoix, Migaud, Pinel | |
1831 27 Jan/BRDR | Dominique LEBLANC (wdr.) | Marie Perosin BOURGEOIS (wid.) | Acadian | Caillouet, LeBlanc, Michel | |
1831 7 Feb/BRDR | Louis Preville LEBLANC (wdr.) | Émilie ARCENAUX | Acadian | Arcenaux, Part | |
1831 7 Feb/SLR | François LEDÉ/LEDEZ | French Creole? | Scolastique/Scholastique LEBLANC | none listed | |
1831 15 Feb/SWLR | Louis [Éloi] DUGAS | Acadian | Marie Adeline LEBLANC | none listed | |
1831 8 Aug/SLR | Narcisse/Narcise Toussaint/Tausin LEBLANC | Elina ROBICHAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1831 11 Aug/BRDR | Jérôme MOLLÈRE | French Creole | [Augustina Marselia dite] Arsélie LEBLANC | Bousange, Brault, Mollère | |
1832 4 Feb/BRDR | Guy LABAUVE | Acadian | Elisa LEBLANC | Dupuis, Hébert, Labauve | |
1832 13 Mar/SWLR | Émilien LANDRY | Acadian | Rosalie [Dalisène] LE BLANC | none listed | |
1832 24 Apr/BRDR | Zénon BLOUIN (widower) | French Creole | Émilie LEBLANC | Blouin, Ganier, Gaudin, LeBlanc | |
1832 8 May/SWLR | Louis GUÉDRY | Acadian | Marie Eurasie LEBLANC | none listed | |
1832 9 May/SLR | Auguste LEBLANC | Rosalie Théotiste BOUDREAU/BOUDRAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1832 14 May/SLR | Joseph LEBLANC | Marie Rose MARTIN | Acadian | none listed | |
1832 21 May/SLR | Auguste BERTRAND | Acadian | Euphémie LEBLANC | none listed | |
1832 21 May/BRDR | Private LEBLANC | Acadian | Marie [Françoise] LEBLANC (w.) | Acadian | Braud, Comes |
1832 28 May/SLR | Auguste Isidor LEDAIT/LEDEZ | French Creole? | Modeste LEBLANC | none listed | |
1832 26 Jun/BRDR | Jean Élie HÉBERT | Acadian | [Marguerite] Eugénie LEBLANC | Blanchard, Landry, LeBlanc | |
1832 9 Jul/SLR | Charles Isidore DUPRÉ/DUPRES | French Creole? | Théotisse/Théotiste Anne LEBLANC | none listed | |
1832 5 Nov/BRDR | Antoine Timolien Mathieu BOISSAC | French Creole? | Marie Odille LEBLANC | Delaune, Estevan, Marg, Scott | |
1832 19 Nov/SWLR | Marcelin BROUSSARD | Acadian | Euphrosine LEBLANC | none listed | |
1833 24 Jan/SWLR | Nicolas LEBLANC[, fils] | Marie Helina PROVOST | French Creole | none listed | |
1833 16 Feb/SWLR | Paul Émile BOUTTÉ | French Creole | Clémentine Célima LEBLANC | none listed | |
1833 18 Feb/BRDR | Étienne MELANÇON | Acadian | Marie Reine LEBLANC | Breau, Melançon | |
1833 16 Mar/SWLR | Jean Baptiste Élie MONTAGNE | French Creole | Euphémie Arthémise LEBLANC | none listed | |
1833 26 Mar/BRDR | Joseph LEBLANC | Marguerite BABIN | Acadian | Dupuy, Joly, LeBlanc | |
1833 6 May/BRDR | Thomassin LEBLANC | Acadian | Adelina LEBLANC | Acadian | LeBlanc, Melançon |
1833 6 May/SWLR | Charles LEBLANC[, fils] | Élizabeth Tersille LETULLIER | French Creole | none listed | |
1833 17 Jun/SWLR | Julien GUILBEAUD | Acadian | Marie Azélie LEBLANC | none listed | |
1833 19 Sep/BRDR | Vileor LEBLANC | Acadian | [Joséphine] Arthémise LEBLANC | Acadian | Bertaut, Blouin, Landry, LeBlanc, Pugh Savoy |
1833 5 Oct/BRDR | Camille NICOLAS | French Creole | Ozite Pamela LEBLANC | Coulon, Jumonville de Villieres, Landry, LeBlanc, Mollere | |
1833 9 Oct/BRDR | Émile LEBLANC | Arthémise GRAVOIS | Acadian | LeBlanc, Rodrigues | |
1833 9 Oct/BRDR | Onésime LEBLANC | Acadian | Eulalie [Églantine] LEBLANC | Acadian | LeBlanc, Rodriguez |
1833 30 Dec/BRDR | Paul FAUTELET | French Creole? | Arthémise LEBLANC | Braux, Comes, LeBlanc | |
1834 27 Jan/BRDR | [Paul] Achille LEBLANC | [Marie] Hortense LANDRY | Acadian | Landry, LeBlanc, Melançon | |
1834 3 Feb/SWLR | Drozin LEBLANC | Acadian | [Madeleine] Clémence LEBLANC | Acadian | none listed |
1834 10 Feb/BRDR | Joseph RICHARD | Acadian | Marie Eugénie LEBLANC | Allain, Hatkinson, LeBlanc | |
1834 10 Feb/SWLR | Edmond Gilles LEBLANC | Acadian | [Marie] Léocade LEBLANC | Acadian | none listed |
1834 19 Mar/SWLR | Thomas J. LEROW [LEROUX] | Foreign French? | Modeste LEBLANC | none listed | |
1834 7 Apr/BRDR | John M. RILS | Anglo? | Tersile LEBLANC | Cropper, Marioneaux, Rils, Roth | |
1834 16 Apr/BRDR | Ignace VALDES | Spanish Creole | Hélène LEBLANC | Balers, Landry, LeBlanc, Mollere | |
1834 23 Jun/SLR | Pierre Lucile BREZ | French Creole? | Marie Anne LEBLANC | none listed | |
1834 21 Jul/BRDR | Étienne LEBLANC | Acadian | [Marie] Eulalie LEBLANC (wd.) | Acadian | LeBlanc, Melançon |
1834 4 Aug/BRDR | Evariste LEBLANC | Edesie BOURG | Acadian | LeBlanc | |
1834 20 Aug/BRDR | Valmont BLANCHARD | Acadian | Marie Hermina LEBLANC | Allain, Blanchard, Duffel, Landry, LeBlanc, Winchester | |
1834 22 Sep/BRDR | Ursin Léon Louis LANDRY | Acadian | [Marie] Adelina LEBLANC | Landry, LeBlanc | |
1835 22 Jan/BRDR | Anselme MOLLÈRE | French Creole | Marie Azéma LEBLANC | Capdeveille, Landry, LeBlanc, Moller/Mollère, Vela | |
1835 9 Feb/BRDR | Narcisse LEBLANC (widower) | Séraphine DAIGLE | Acadian | Daigle, Landry, LeBlanc, Melançon | |
1835 23 Feb/BRDR | Jean Jacques LEBLANC | Marie LANDRY | Acadian | Landry, LeBlanc, Melançon | |
1835 23 Feb/BRDR | Valéry LEBLANC | Léonie Appoline BABIN | Acadian | Babin, Bujol, Landry | |
1835 24 Feb/BRDR | Robert SCOTT | Anglo | [Marie] Carmélite LEBLANC | Fauquier, Landry, Martin, Pedesclaux, Templet, Winchester | |
1835 19 Mar/BRDR | Anselm LEBLANC | Eugénie SORAGE | French Creole? | LeBlanc | |
1835 25 May/SLR | Sylvèr BLANCHARD | Acadian | Marie Célesie LEBLANC | none listed | |
1835 4 Jun/SWLR | Éloi Lucien BROUSSARD | Acadian | Elisa LEBLANC | none listed | |
1835 13 Jul/BRDR | Éloi ANGER | Anglo? | Élizabeth LEBLANC | Bourgeois, Esnard, Hébert | |
1835 10 Aug/BRDR | Zénon ALLAIN | French Creole | Evelina LEBLANC | LeBlanc, Loisseau | |
1835 12 Oct/SLR | Marcelin SEVIN | French Creole? | Marguerite Carmélite LEBLANC | none listed | |
1835 3 Nov/BRDR | Ursin MELANÇON (widower) | Acadian | Doralise LEBLANC | Melançon | |
1835 26 Dec/SWLR | Pierre Trevil MELANSON | Acadian | Julie LEBLANC | none listed | |
1836 5 Jan/SWLR | Jean Baptiste HUVAL | French Creole | Arsène LEBLANC | none listed | |
1836 9 Jan/SWLR | Jean LEBLANC | Denice FRUGÉ | French Creole | none listed | |
1836 21 Jan/BRDR | Eugène SENETTE | French Creole | Désirée LEBLANC | Bertaud, LeBlanc, Senette | |
1836 7 Apr/BRDR | Léandre LEBLANC | Euphrasie MELANÇON | Acadian | Barbay, Dugas, Gaudin, Melançon | |
1836 25 Apr/BRDR | Uzaire [Isaac] LEBLANC (wr.) | Mary Domitille HERNANDEZ | Spanish Creole | Berret, Hernandez, LeBlanc | |
1836 23 May/SWLR | Olésime [Onésime] LEBLANC | Eulalie PAVIE/PAVY | French Creole? | none listed | |
1836 25 May/BRDR | Pierre Paul BABIN | Acadian | Henriette LEBLANC | LeBlanc, Lobdell, Trahan | |
1836 24 Oct/BRDR | Désiré LEBLANC | Marie Domitille DUGAS | Acadian | Babin, Daigle, Dugas, LeBlanc, Marrois | |
1837 16 Jan/BRDR | Zénon ARCENEAUX | Acadian | Euphémie LEBLANC | Gaudet, Melançon, Terriot | |
1837 23 Jan/SWLR | Célestin LEBLANC | Théoliste BROUSSARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1837 30 Jan/BRDR | Paul BABIN | Acadian | Euphémie LEBLANC | Babin, LeBlanc, Walsh | |
1837 30 Jan/SWLR | Édouard LEBLANC, fils | Joséphine Irène LEROY | French Creole? | none listed | |
1837 6 Feb/SLR | Evariste LOUVIÈRE | Acadian | [François] Collete LEBLANC | none listed | |
1837 27 Feb/SWLR | Rozémond LEBLANC[, fils] | Virginie LANGLINOIS [LANGLINAIS] | French Creole | none listed | |
1837 26 Mar/SLR | Joseph PICHOFFE | German Creole? | Marie Ursine LEBLANC | none listed | |
1837 3 Apr/BRDR | Eugène BRAUD | Acadian | [Marie] Joséphine LEBLANC | Braud, Crawford, Landry, LeBlanc | |
1837 10 Apr/SLR | Célestin LEBLANC | Armelise BOUDREAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1837 20 Apr/BRDR | Jean Baptiste TUSSON (wdr.) | French Creole | Marie Aureline LEBLANC | Bercegeay, LeBlanc, Tusson | |
1837 3 May/SWLR | Godfroid PROVOST | French Creole? | Charlotte Elina LEBLANC | none listed | |
1837 8 May/BRDR | Charles LEBLANC | Marine HÉBERT (widow) | Acadian | Landry, LeBlanc, Robichaux | |
1837 12 Jun/BRDR | Rosémond LEBLANC | Mélanie LANDRY | Acadian | Dugas, Landry, LeBlanc, Savoie | |
1837 24 Jun/SLR | Paul LEBLANC | Mélite ROBICHAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1837 17 Jul/SWLR | Édouard LANDRY | Acadian | Julie LEBLANC | none listed | |
1837 4 Sep/BRDR | Hermogène LANDRY | Acadian | [Marie] Estelle LEBLANC | Babin, LeBlanc, Walsh | |
1837 11 Sep/BRDR | Romain LANDRY | Acadian | Marie Émelie LEBLANC | Daigle, Fernandes/Fernandez, Gauthreaux/Gautreaux, Gonzales, Landry, LeBlanc, Melançon, Savoy | |
1837 25 Sep/BRDR | Joacin LEBLANC | Ludivine HÉBERT | Acadian | Babin, LeBlanc, Walsh | |
1837 2 Oct/SLR | Narcisse SAVOIE/SAVOIS | Acadian | [Madeleine] Ordalie LEBLANC | none listed | |
1837 30 Oct/BRDR | Evariste LOUVIÈR[E] | Acadian | [Marie] Mathilde LEBLANC | Bourgeois, Melançon | |
1837 30 Oct/BRDR | Thomasin LEBLANC (wdr.) | Marie HOPPE/OPES | French Creole? | Guédry, Landry, LeBlanc, Pitre | |
1837 27 Nov/SLR | Jean Napoléon LE BLANC | Marie Célina PONTIFF | French Creole? | none listed | |
1838 29 Jan/BRDR | Élie LEBLANC[, fils] | Marie Joséphine DESMOULET | French Creole? | Desmoulet, LeBlanc | |
1838 5 Feb/BRDR | Joseph WALSH | Anglo | Marie Célestine LEBLANC | Allain, Babin, Blanchard, Hébert, Landry, LeBlanc | |
1838 29 Mar/BRDR | Félix CARLIN | French Creole? | [Marie] Clémentine LEBLANC | Bourgeois, LeBlanc, Roussel | |
1838 16 Apr/BRDR | Breville LEBLANC | Mélasie MELANÇON | Acadian | Carlin, Melançon | |
1838 8 May/SWLR | Édouard LEBLANC | Hortiste PATIN | French Creole | none listed | |
1838 3 Jun/BRDR | Adélard BOUDREAU | Acadian | Joséphine LEBLANC | Aleman, Boudreaux, Daigre, Dalferes, Melançon, Vega | |
1838 16 Jun/SWLR | William GREIG | German Imm.? | Marie Émelie LEBLANC (widow) | none listed | |
1838 3 Sep/BRDR | Éloi LEBLANC | Émelie [dite Mélite] GRAVOIS | Acadian | Gravois, LeBlanc, Melançon | |
1838 11 Sep/SWLR | Jules Lezin LEBLANC | Marie Alzire BROUSSARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1838 1 Oct/BRDR | Sérasin MARROY | Italian Creole? | Élise [Philonise] LEBLANC | Babin, Daigle, Dugas | |
1839 7 Jan/BRDR | Faustin MELANÇON | Acadian | Carmélite [Marie Marcelline] LEBLANC | Arsenaux, Melançon | |
1839 22 Jan/BRDR | Onisime LEBLANC | Émelie LANDRY | Acadian | Blouin, LeBlanc, Melançon | |
1839 24 Jan/BRDR | Jean Pierre BOURGEOIS | Acadian | Hortense LEBLANC | Bourgeois, Landry, Melançon | |
1839 2 Feb/BRDR | Jérôme Rosémond RIVET | Acadian | Marie Émilie LEBLANC | Babin, Rivet, Vilneuve | |
1839 4 Feb/BRDR | Joseph Édouard DAIGRE | Acadian | Marie Finette LEBLANC | Daigre, LeBlanc, Marchand | |
1839 4 Feb/BRDR | Paul LEBLANC[, fils] | Henriette Lodoiska BRAUD | Acadian | Bergeron, Braud/Breaud | |
1839 4 Feb/BRDR | Pierre LEBLANC | Marie Aglaée BRAUD | Acadian | Bergeron, Braud | |
1839 19 Feb/BRDR | Simon GAUTREAU | Acadian | Marguerite LEBLANC (widow) | Braud, Gautreau, Landry | |
1839 1 Apr/BRDR | Lucien LANDRY | Acadian | Marie Magdeleine Delphine LEBLANC | Dutton, Landry, LeBlanc | |
1839 1 Apr/SWLR | Simon LE BLANC | Acadian | Marcellite LEBLANC | Acadian | none listed |
1839 29 Apr/SWLR | Émilien BENOIT | Acadian | Élisa LEBLANC | none listed | |
1839 20 May/SWLR | Clet LEBLANC | Acadian | [Marie] Aurelia LEBLANC | Acadian | none listed |
1839 27 May/BRDR | Jacques Rosémond BERRET | French Creole? | Marcellite LEBLANC (widow) | Arnandez, Rivet | |
1839 3 Jun/BRDR | Rosémond LEBLANC | Graciense BREAUS | Acadian | Dupuy, LeBlanc, Richard | |
1839 17 Jun/BRDR | Germain LEBLANC | Élina LANDRY | Acadian | Landry, LeBlanc, Petit | |
1839 17 Sep/SWLR | August Jackson PORTER | Anglo | Célestine LEBLANC | none listed | |
1839 25 Nov/BRDR | Joseph Théodule MOLLÈRE | French Creole | Marguerite Clémentine LEBLANC | Landry, LeBlanc, Mollère | |
1839 25 Nov/BRDR | Zénon THERIOT | Acadian | Alexandrine LEBLANC | Daigle, Landry | |
1839 28 Nov/SWLR | François LEBLANC[, fils] | Marie Doralise DUPUIS | Acadian | none listed | |
1839 4 Dec/BRDR | Hermogène LEBLANC | Mary Azélie ALLEN | Anglo | LeBlanc | |
1840 2 Jan/BRDR | Célestin LEBLANC | Acadian | [Marie] Desoline LEBLANC | Acadian | Babin, Boissac, LeBlanc |
1840 20 Jan/SWLR | Michel LEGER | Acadian | Marguerite LEBLANC | none listed | |
1840 3 Feb/BRDR | Valentine HÉBERT | Acadian | Magdelina Adelina LEBLANC | Dugas, Hébert, Landry | |
1840 3 Feb/BRDR | Marcellin RIVETTE | Acadian | [Marie Arcéli Dourcinée] Dulsine LEBLANC | Guidry, Landry | |
1840 11 May/SLR | Urbain PICOU | French Creole | Rosalie LEBLANC | none listed | |
1840 3 Jun/SWLR | Joseph WILTZ | German Creole | Marie LEBLANC | none listed | |
1840 9 Jun/SLR | Louis LAMOUREUX (widower) | Foreign French | Azélie Adélaïde AUCOIN [LEBLANC] (widow) | none listed | |
1840 7 Jul/BRDR | Jean Baptiste DENIS | Foreign French | Anne Marine LEBLANC (wid.) | Boissac, Leblanc | |
1840 13 Jul/BRDR | Stanislas LEBLANC | Julienne GANIVEL | French Creole? | Gaudé, Richard, Theriot | |
1840 18 Jun/BRDR | Zéphirin LEBLANC | Gertrude VOISIN | French Creole? | Allain, Brown, LeBlanc, Martinez | |
1840 7 Sep/SLR | Joseph Daniel LEBLANC | Marguerite LELOREC/LELORET | French Creole? | none listed | |
1840 22 Oct/SWLR | Valsin BELAIR | French Creole? | Marguerite LEBLANC | none listed | |
1840 9 Nov/BRDR | Joseph DUGAS | Acadian | Éliza LEBLANC | Dugas, LeBlanc | |
1840 21 Dec/SWLR | Jacques or James DILLON | Anglo | Élisa LEBLANC | none listed | |
1841 16 Jan/SWLR | Onésime Agricole LEBLANC | Acadian | Maria Alix LEBLANC | Acadian | none listed |
1841 1 Feb/BRDR | Derosin DUGAS | Acadian | [Marie] Clarisse LEBLANC | Dugas, LeBlanc | |
1841 2 Feb/BRDR | Firmin DESNOYER | French Creole? | Uranie LEBLANC | Babin, Godin, Landry | |
1841 15 Feb/BRDR | Édouard LEBLANC[, fils] | Lucille ALLAIN | Acadian | Allain, Arseneaux, Boissac, Delaune, LeBlanc | |
1841 22 Feb/BRDR | Drausin LANDRY | Acadian | [Marie] Émelie LEBLANC (widow) | Babin, Boudreau, Dugas, Grégoire, LeBlanc, Smith, Tausson | |
1841 22 Feb/BRDR | Léon LESSARD | French Creole | Rosalie LEBLANC | Bourdier, Gilbert, Gillet, Landry, LeBlanc, Lord, Whaley | |
1841 19 Apr/SWLR | Simon LEBLANC | Céleste DUPRÉ | French Creole | none listed | |
1841 19 Apr/BRDR | Jean Paulin SCHOMER | Prussian Imm. | Élizabeth [Juliette] LEBLANC | Braud/Breaud, Hébert, Labarthe, LeBlanc, Mollère, Simoneaux | |
1841 3 May/BRDR | Dominique LANOUX | Acadian | [Marie] Sidalie LEBLANC | Gannie, LeBlanc, Melançon | |
1841 12 Jun/SWLR | Jean BOURG | Acadian | [Scholastique dite] Colastie LEBLANC (widow) | none listed | |
1841 15 Jun/SWLR | Gédéou GUENOT | French Creole? | Scolastie LEBLANC (widow) | none listed | |
1841 17 Jun/SWLR | Achille BOUTTÉ | French Creole | [Marie] Azéma LEBLANC | none listed | |
1841 21 Jun/BRDR | Hubert LANDRY (widower) | Acadian | [Marguerite Victorine] Victoire LEBLANC | Babin, Breaud, Dugas, Landry, LeBlanc | |
1841 22 Jun/BRDR | [Joseph] Dernond LEBLANC[, fils] | Élise COMES | Spanish Creole | Braud, Comes, Landry, LeBlanc, Pedesclaud, Terrio | |
1841 28 Jun/BRDR | Octave LEBLANC | Doralise RICHARD | Acadian | Blouin, Landry, LeBlanc, Melançon | |
1841 12 Jul/BRDR | Isaac Aulime LEBLANC | [Élisabeth] Etelvina BABIN | Acadian | Babin, Blanchard, Braud, Gillet, Labat, Landry, Lanoix, LeBlanc, Roberson | |
1841 20 Jul/BRDR | Joseph LEBLANC | Appolonie GAUTREAUX | Acadian | Blanc, Gaudet, Gautreaux, Landry, LeBlanc | |
1841 6 Sep/SWLR | Antoine LEBLANC | Marie Célima DUPRÉ | French Creole | none listed | |
1841 6 Sep/BRDR | Jérôme DUGAS | Acadian | Azélie Eufrosine LEBLANC | Dugas, Landry, Leblanc | |
1841 26 Oct/BRDR | Marcellus LEBLANC | Claire Eliza TERRIOT | Acadian | Braud, Gaudet, Landry, LeBlanc, Leroy, Teriot/Terrio | |
1841 1 Nov/SWLR | Marcelin BROUSSARD | Acadian | Ste. Clair LEBLANC | none listed | |
1841 2 Dec/BRDR | Élie LANDRY (widower) | Acadian | Azélie LEBLANC (widow) | Plaughaus, Rousseau | |
1842 20 Jan/BRDR | François LEBLANC[, fils] | Yréné HÉBERT | Acadian | Clément, de Torrier | |
1842 24 Jan/BRDR | Désiré LEBLANC | Félicité RICHARD | Acadian | Braud, Leblanc, Richard, Terrio | |
1842 24 Jan/SWLR | Hilaire THIBOUDEAU | Acadian | Joséphine LEBLANC | none listed | |
1842 3 Feb/BRDR | Pierre Émile LEBLANC | Acadian | Marie Zulma LEBLANC | Acadian | Blanchard, Braud, Harnais, Hatkinson, Landry, LeBlanc, Mollère, Robinson |
1842 7 Feb/BRDR | Ursin GAUDET | Acadian | [Marie] Carmélite LEBLANC | Dugas, Dugua, Duguet, Gaudet, Gauthraux, Hébert, LeBlanc, Melançon | |
1842 8 Feb/BRDR | Oscar AYRAUD | French Creole | Marie Noémie LEBLANC | Ayraud, Broussard, Bujol, Buquoi, Causson, Dugas, Dupuy, LeBlanc | |
1842 20 Apr/BRDR | Donat LEBLANC[, fils] | Yrma MELANÇON | Acadian | Gothreaux, LeBlanc, Melançon | |
1842 25 Apr/BRDR | Gratien BLANCHARD | Acadian | Anaïse LEBLANC | Gotreau, Landry, Romagosa | |
1842 1 Jun/BRDR | Joseph BERRET | French Creole? | [Marguerite] Eugénie LEBLANC (widow) | Emtervilles, Ernandez, Hébert, LeBlanc | |
1842 20 Jun/SWLR | Clet LEBLANC[, fils] | Marcelite BERNARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1842 18 Jul/BRDR | Faustin LEBLANC | Juliene Pourpore BOURGOYNE | French Creole? | Gonnet, White | |
1842 23 Jul/BRDR | Jean Baptiste PICOU | French Creole | [Marie] Mélizaire LEBLANC (widow) | Gilbert, LeBlanc, Mellançon, Picou, Vives | |
1842 25 Jul/BRDR | Zénon GAUTREAUX | Acadian | [Marie] Carmélite LEBLANC | Babin, Hébers, Landry, Parent | |
1842 6 Sep/SLR | Joseph Léon RICHARD | Acadian | Marguerite LEBLANC | none listed | |
1842 24 Oct/BRDR | Corantin LEBLANC (widower) | Adeline BOURG (widow) | Acadian | Babin, Duplessis, Hébert, Lamare | |
1843 3 Jan/SWLR | Jean Ozémé LEBLANC | Suzanne Constance BROUSSARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1843 9 Jan/BRDR | Jean Baptiste LEBLANC[, fils] [Lessin?] | Marie Corinne ARSENEAU | Acadian | Braud, Greau, LeBlanc | |
1843 19 Apr/SLR | Auguste LEBLANC | Irma Cléonise HÉBERT | Acadian | none listed | |
1843 4 May/SWLR | Jule LEBLANC | [Marguerite] Émilia BOUDREAU | Acadian | none listed | |
1843 8 May/SLR | Jean Pierre BOUDRAUX | Acadian | Constance [Julienne] LEBLANC | none listed | |
1843 14 May/BRDR | Joseph [Prudent] LEBLANC | Carmélite RODRIGUEZ | Spanish Creole | Gomez, Gravois, Mollere, Moore, Rodriguez | |
1843 15 May/SWLR | Onézime/Onésime LE BLANC | Marie LEGER | Acadian | none listed | |
1843 29 May/SLR | Joseph Filogouis LEBLANC | Rosalie Anne HÉBERT | Acadian | none listed | |
1843 5 Jun/SWLR | Simonette DURIO | French Creole | [Marie] Emérenthe LEBLANC (widow) | none listed | |
1843 28 Aug/SWLR | Norbert LEBLANC | Éloise BULLON/DUHON | Acadian | none listed | |
1843 28 Aug/SWLR | Onézime LEBLANC | Adélaïde LANDRY | Acadian | none listed | |
1843 18 Sep/BRDR | Joseph LEBLANC | Sara Elizabeht MONGET | French Creole? | Arbour, Duplantier, Britton, French, Monget, Pino, Sevin | |
1843 11 Dec/BRDR | Thomassin PARENT | French Creole | Marie Malvina LEBLANC | Babin, Landry | |
1843 19 Dec/BRDR | Edmond MELANÇON (widower) | Acadian | [Marie] Carmélite LEBLANC (widow) | Aime, Buquoi, Comes, Dugas, Hatkison, Landry, Melançon, Nicholls, Richard | |
1844 29 Jan/BRDR | [Eugène] Adolphe LEBLANC | Acadian | [Claire] Malvina LEBLANC | Acadian | Acosta, Daigre, LeBlanc, Martinez, O'Reilly |
1844 12 Feb/SWLR | Désiré THIBODEAUX | Acadian | Marie LEBLANC | none listed | |
1844 17 Feb/SWLR | François Eugène TRAHAN | Acadian | Anastasie Elmire LEBLANC | none listed | |
1844 19 Feb/BRDR | Charles LEBLANC | Euphrasie TROXLER | German Creole? | Comaux, Rivete, Troxeler | |
1844 19 Mar/SWLR | Baltasard ROMERO | Spanish Creole | Marie Irma LEBLANC | none listed | |
1844 8 Apr/SWLR | Charles Sidné BABIN | Acadian | Marie Louise LEBLANC | none listed | |
1844 22 Apr/SWLR | Simon SIMONEAU | French Creole | Azélie LEBLANC | none listed | |
1844 29 Apr/BRDR | [Pierre] Eugène LEBLANC | Marie Adaline TERRIAUX | Acadian | Hébert, LeBlanc, Williams | |
1844 6 May/BRDR | Joseph Désiré GRAVOIS | Acadian | Émilie [Amélie] LEBLANC | Braud, Gravois, LeBlanc, Moore | |
1844 6 May/SLR | Antonio/Antoin ROUSSI | Italian Imm.? | [Marguerite] Marcelline LEBLANC | none listed | |
1844 13 May/SWLR | Augustin LEBLANC | Marie SIMON | French Creole | none listed | |
1844 15 May/SWLR | Azarie SIMON | French Creole | Phelonise/Léonise LEBLANC | none listed | |
1844 20 May/BRDR | Raphaël BABIN | Acadian | Alzire Apolline LEBLANC | Babin, Lebert, Savoie | |
1844 31 Jul/SWLR | Thelesphore LANDRY | Acadian | [Marie] Pamela LEBLANC | none listed | |
1844 26 Aug/SLR | Oliver DAVIS | Anglo | [Marie] Mathilde LEBLANC | none listed | |
1844 21 Oct/BRDR | Silvany LANDRY | Acadian | Élizabeth [Marie Hortense Élize?] LEBLANC | Guédry, Landry, LeBlanc | |
1844 24 Oct/BRDR | Trasimond AUCOIN | Acadian | [Marie] Solidènne LEBLANC | LeBlanc, Richard | |
1845 3 Feb/SLR | Casimire LEBLANC | Orellia SAULNIER | Acadian | none listed | |
1845 3 Feb/BRDR | Joseph Valéry LEBLANC | Clémentine MELANÇON | Acadian | Acosta, Daigre, LeBlanc | |
1845 11 Mar/SWLR | Daruis LEGNON | French Creole | Marie Zelmire LEBLANC | none listed | |
1845 24 Mar/BRDR | Rosémone LEBLANC (wdr.) | Victoire HÉBERT | Acadian | Babin, Comaux/Comeaux, Saison, Troxcler | |
1845 17 May/SWLR | Balthasar/Baltasar BERARD | French Creole | Marie Arthémise LEBLANC | none listed | |
1845 20 May/BRDR | Ambroise GRABERT (widower) | French Creole | Anne Eliza LEBLANC | Blouin, Braud, Hébert | |
1845 2 Jun/SWLR | Arseine LEBLANC | Ernestine BAUDOIN | French Creole | none listed | |
1845 2 Jun/SLR | Charles LEBLANC | Eliza/Elisa BRAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1845 5 Jun/SLR | [Joseph] Adrien LEBLANC | Marie Célina THIBODAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1845 11 July/SWLR | Placide LEBLANC | Adèle SAVOYE | Acadian | none listed | |
1845 21 Jul/SLR | Auguste LEBLANC | Adeline PELLETIER | French Creole | none listed | |
1845 8 Aug/BRDR | Élisie GIROT | Foreign French | [Augustina Marselia dite] Arselie LEBLANC (widow) | Labarthe | |
1845 9 Sep/BRDR | Valsin LANDRY | Acadian | [Marie] Rosa LE BLANC | Fornier, Mendez, Pugh | |
1845 6 Oct/SLR | Étienne TOUPS[, fils] | German Creole | Marie Amelina/Melina LEBLANC | none listed | |
1845 29 Dec/BRDR | Prudens LANDRY | Acadian | [Marie] Joséphine LEBLANC | Landry, Langlois | |
1846 /SWLR | Valsin LEBLANC | Eugénie BOURGEOIS | Acadian | Bourgeois, Brau/Breau, Thibodeau | |
1846 30 Jan/SLR | Thomas THORTEN/THORTON | Anglo | Cléophine Pauline LEBLANC | none listed | |
1846 2 Feb/BRDR | Clairville LEBLANC | Laure GAUTREAUX | Acadian | Beres, Bernier, Gravois, Landry, LeBlanc, Melançon, Richard | |
1846 9 Feb/SLR | François Théodore BUQUET | French Creole | Céleste Felonise LEBLANC | none listed | |
1846 13 Apr/BRDR | Gabriel PLACENCIA | Isleño Creole | [Marie] Léonelle LEBLANC | LeBlanc, Martinez | |
1846 28 Apr/BRDR | Émile LEBLANC | Eugénie Marie MATHERNE | German Creole | Bourgeois, Deslattes, LeBlanc, Ory, Part, Pierron, Tircuit | |
1846 8 Jun/BRDR | John B. PELLETIER | French Creole | [Marie Mathilde] Aglaé LEBLANC | Besson, Haas, LeBlanc, Terrio | |
1846 8 Jun/BRDR | Norbert RODRIQUE | French Creole? | Noémie LEBLANC | Dour, Melançon, Rodrique | |
1846 9 Jun/BRDR | Félix GILET | French Creole? | Hélène LEBLANC (widow) | LeBlanc, Pugh, Waily | |
1846 27 Jul/BRDR | Jean DALFERES | French Creole? | Anaïse LEBLANC | Aleman, Dalferes, Leblanc | |
1846 28 Jul/SWLR | François MAILLARD | French Creole | Azéline LEBLANC | none listed | |
1846 29 Jul/SWLR | Placide LEBLANC | Marie Arenize BROUSSARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1846 21 Sep/SWLR | Pierre Lasty LEBLANC | Adélaïde CORMIER | Acadian | none listed | |
1846 12 Oct/SWLR | Valsin LEBLANC | Eugénie BOURGEOIS | Acadian | none listed | |
1846 20 Oct/SWLR | Jean Baptiste LEBLANC | Caroline BODIN | French Creole | none listed | |
1846 9 Nov/SLR | Sylvain Benjamin LEBLANC | Eléonore/Nathalie THIBODAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1847 18 Jan/SWLR | Jean Baptiste ROMERE[O] | Spanish Creole | Marie Mélissé LEBLANC | none listed | |
1847 25 Jan/BRDR | Ignace LEBLANC | Azéma LANDRY | Acadian | Landry | |
1847 25 Jan/BRDR | Émilien WEBRE | German Creole | Marie Emma LEBLANC | Dugas, LeBlanc, Chase, Richard, Webre | |
1847 13 Apr/SWLR | Joseph LEBLANC | Marcelite GUILBEAUD | Acadian | none listed | |
1847 24 May/SLR | Jean BOUDREAUX/BOUDRAUX | Acadian | Marie LEBLANC | none listed | |
1847 3 Jun/SLR | Silvain CHIASSON | Acadian | Eugénie LEBLANC | none listed | |
1847 19 Jul/SLR | Ursin/Hursain/Urcin LEBLANC | Nesida PART | Acadian | none listed | |
1847 30 Aug/BRDR | Lazare LEBLANC | Séraphine DUGAS | Acadian | Blanchard, Dugas, LeBlanc | |
1847 30 Sep/SLR | Joseph Adrien LE BLANC (widower) | Brigitte Elzelina PORCHE | French Creole | none listed | |
1847 2 Dec/BRDR | Tesesphore GRAVOIS | Acadian | [Marie] Elmire LEBLANC | Brasset, Gravois | |
1848 4 Jan/BRDR | Eugène COMMEAUX | Acadian | Aureline LE BLANC | Braud, Commeaux, Courtade, Delas | |
1848 25 Jan/BRDR | Tranquillo Octave LEBLANC | Colombe Rosina RICHARD | Acadian | Atin, LeBlanc, Melançon, Richard | |
1848 12 Feb/BRDR | Narcisse Pharon LANDRY | Acadian | Marguerite Coralie LEBLANC | Babin, Dugas, Landry, LeBlanc, Richard | |
1848 1 Mar/BRDR | Narcisse Pharon LEBLANC (widower) | Arthémise GAUDIN | Acadian | Brasset, Dugas, Gaudin, Gautrau, LeBlanc, Lucenty | |
1848 25 Apr/BRDR | J. Jules LANDRY (widower) | Acadian | [Marie] Carmélite LEBLANC (widow) | Buquoi, Comstock, Lafargue, Landry, LeBlanc | |
1848 23 May/BRDR | Louis Charles Mathieu BOISSAC | French Creole? | Marie Loetitia LEBLANC | Blanchard, Boissac, LeBlanc | |
1848 5 Jun/BRDR | Pierre DALFERES | French Creole? | Elmire LEBLANC | D'alferes, LeBlanc, Melançon | |
1848 24 Jun/SLR | J[oseph]. Rosémond LEBLANC[, fils] | Aglaé THIBODAUX/THIBODEAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1848 13 Jul/SWLR | Jean Baptiste LEBLANC | Adrienne GUILLEBEAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1848 21 Aug/BRDR | Joseph LEBLANC | Aurelie/Amélie WEBRE | German Creole | Gravois, Richard, Rome, Webre | |
1848 27 Dec/SWLR | Alexandre LEBLANC | Amelia BROUSSARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1848 28 Dec/BRDR | Augustin LEBLANC | French Can. | Telcide LEBLANC | Drake, LeBlanc | |
1849 4 Jan/BRDR | Jules LEBLANC | Marie Domitille HÉBERT | Acadian | Boissac, Hébert, LeBlanc | |
1849 20 Jan/BRDR | Aristide LEBLANC | Elena/Helena SAVOY | Acadian | Bernuchot, LeBlanc, Mollere, Savoy | |
1849 30 Jan/SWLR | Gédéon RICHARD | Acadian | Adélaïde Babine Eliza LEBLANC | none listed | |
1849 19 Feb/BRDR | Joseph LANDRY | Acadian | Marie Irma LEBLANC | Blanchard, LeBlanc | |
1849 19 Feb/SWLR | Robert BRUCE/BROUSE | Scots? | Lise LEBLANC | none listed | |
1849 9 Apr/BRDR | Alexis POCHÉ (widower) | French Creole | [Marie] Joséphine LEBLANC (wd.) | Morin, Reine, St. Amant | |
1849 23 Apr/SWLR | Simon LAVALETTE | French Creole? | Euphrosine LEBLANC | none listed | |
1849 25 Apr/BRDR | Adolphe HÉBERT | Acadian | [Marie] Eugénie LEBLANC | LeBlanc, Lopez | |
1849 5 May/SLR | Onésime/Onézime LEBLANC | Jeanne Ophelia PITRE | Acadian | none listed | |
1849 12 May/SWLR | Osémé/Ozémé LEBLANC | Marie Adeline RICHARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1849 28 May/BRDR | Alfrede LEBLANC | Acadian | Pélagie LEBLANC | Acadian | Daly, Landry, LeBlanc, Sawyer |
1849 12 Jun/BRDR | Cléophas COMMEAU | Acadian | [Marie] Léonelle LEBLANC | Commeaux, Dalaz, Gaudet, LeBlanc, Sawyer, Verret | |
1849 21 Jun/SWLR | Pierre [Lasty] LEBLANC | [Marie] Élénore BROUSSARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1849 28 Jun/SWLR | Julien Jean GALLOT | French Creole? | Euphrasie/Euphrosine LEBLANC | none listed | |
1849 16 Jul/SLR | Edmond LEBLANC | Ennesile/Ennezile RICHARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1849 24 Oct/SWLR | Vitar LEBLANC | Sydalise MATEO | Spanish Creole? | none listed | |
1849 30 Oct/SLR | Roland MELANÇON | Acadian | Clémentine LEBLANC (widow) | none listed | |
1849 10 Nov/SWLR | Sosthènes WILTZ | German Creole | Adélaïde LEBLANC | none listed | |
1849 29 Nov/BRDR | Valsin LEBLANC | Dame Marie Euphrosine HENRY (widow) | Acadian | Aillet, Breaux, Calry, Daigre, LeBlanc | |
1850 8 Jan/BRDR | Joseph LEBLANC | [Marie] Elmire VOISIN | French Creole | Alexandrie, LeBlanc | |
1850 28 Jan/BRDR | Privat Euphémon LEBLANC | Victorine MELANÇON | Acadian | Gauthreaux, LeBlanc, Melançon, Richard, Subra | |
1850 29 Jan/BRDR | Lucien LEBLANC | [Marguerite] Aloysia/Alouisine HÉBERT | Acadian | Alexandrie, Berret, Hébert, LeBlanc | |
1850 2 Feb/BRDR | Marcellus LANDRY | Acadian | [Marguerite] Elmire LEBLANC | Landry, Savoy | |
1850 11 Feb/BRDR | Timoléon DANOS | Spanish Creole? | Marguerite LEBLANC | Danos, LeBlanc | |
1850 16 Apr/BRDR | Jean Adolphe LEBLANC | Acadian | Marie Marguerite LEBLANC | Acadian | Braud, Comes, Hatkinson, Hébert, Julian, Landry, LeBlanc, Viala |
1850 23 Apr/BRDR | Auguste GAUTREAUX | Acadian | [Marie] Felonise LEBLANC | Gautrau, Lanoux, LeBlanc, Melançon | |
1850 24 Apr/SWLR | Lorment/Laurent RICHARD | Acadian | Eulalie LEBLANC | none listed | |
1850 2 May/SWLR | Émile HÉBERT | Acadian | Marie Oline LEBLANC | none listed | |
1850 4 May/SLR | Joseph LEBLANC | Rebecca WILLIAMS | Anglo | none listed | |
1850 28 May/BRDR | Léon BABIN | Acadian | Élizabeth LEBLANC (widow) | Babin, Landry, LeBlanc, Verret | |
1850 2 Jul/BRDR | Appolinaire MELANÇON | Acadian | Arcelie LEBLANC | Bonvin, LeBlanc, Melançon, Raye | |
1850 22 Jul/BRDR | Isidore LAFARGUE | Foreign French | Hermina LEBLANC (widow) | Agnet, Comstock, Edwin, Laborde, Lafargue, Landry, LeBlanc, Richard, Rougeau | |
1850 24 Jul/SWLR | Joseph C. GUIDRY | Acadian | Clémentine LEBLANC | none listed | |
1850 11 Aug/SWLR | Benjamin LEBLANC | Celima DUPRÉ (widow) | French Creole | none listed | |
1850 24 Sep/BRDR | Joseph DIGNE | French Creole? | Carmélite LEBLANC | Gomez, Landry | |
1850 26 Dec/SLR | Charles Jean Frédéric CHEROT | Foreign French? | Marie Célesie LEBLANC | none listed | |
1851/SWLR | Onésime N. THIBAUDEAU | Acadian | Marcellite Élodie LEBLANC | none listed | |
1851 2 Jan/BRDR | James Alphonzo PRITCHARD | Anglo | [Marie] Loetitia LE BLANC (widow) | LeBlanc, Pritchard, Watson | |
1851 7 Jan/BRDR | Jean Absalom DANOS | Spanish Creole? | Marie Domitille LEBLANC | Allain, LeBlanc, Levert, Tierot | |
1851 14 Jan/BRDR | Joseph Clairville LEBLANC | Maria Ema CIRE [ST. CYR] | French Creole | Braud, Cire, Comes, Fortier, Hébert, LeBlanc, Tusson, Vincent | |
1851 21 Jan/BRDR | Hippolyte VIALA | Spanish Creole? | Marie Ernestine LEBLANC | Commeau, Julien, LeBlanc, Martin, Viala | |
1851 23 Jan/SLR | Thomas G. or P. MOORE | Anglo | Céleste Marie LEBLANC | none listed | |
1851 3 Feb/BRDR | Timoléon LEBLANC | Élizabeth LANDRY | Acadian | Burk, Comaux, Landry | |
1851 11 Feb/SWLR | Pierre LEBLANC | Elmasie BROUSSARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1851 16 Feb/BRDR | Sylvain LEBLANC | Delphine LANOUX | Acadian | Brasset, Gisclard, Huguet, Landry, Mirre | |
1851 3 Mar/BRDR | John Surville BLANCHARD | Acadian | Victorine LEBLANC | Blanchard, Harrison, Orillion, Petit | |
1851 5 May/BRDR | Bienvenu LANOUX | Acadian | Marie Églantine LEBLANC | Gisclard, Lasselles, LeBlanc, Melançon | |
1851 12 May/SWLR | Pierre CORMIER | Acadian | Sidalise LEBLANC | none listed | |
1851 2 Jun/BRDR | Diogène ALEXANDRIE | French Creole? | [Marie] Estelle LEBLANC (wd.) | Aillet, Cooney, Guénard, Hébert, Landry, LeBlanc, Stuart, Vaughan | |
1851 3 Jul/SWLR | Alfred GRADENIGO | Spanish Creole? | [Eugénie] Ernestine LEBLANC | none listed | |
1851 7 Aug/BRDR | Terence LEBLANC | Acadian | Marie Eléocade LEBLANC | Acadian | Melançon |
French Creole? | Séraphine Louisa LEBLANC | none listed | |
1851 21 Oct/BRDR | Jean Baptiste LANDRY | Acadian | [Marie] Clémentine LEBLANC | Commeaux, Gauthreaux, Landry, Simonau | |
1851 10 Nov/BRDR | Camille LEBLANC | Nesida TERRIO | Acadian | Edwin, Landry, LeBlanc, Terrio | |
1851 24 Nov/BRDR | Numa BRASSET | Acadian | [Marie] Lutesia LEBLANC | Brasset, Gisclard, Landry, Melançon | |
1852 20 Jan/BRDR | Pierre JULIAN | Foreign French | Marie Gracieuse LEBLANC | Hatkinson, LeBlanc, Lelans, Mollere, Tusson, Viala, Whitman | |
1852 28 Jan/BRDR | Elphége GRAVOIS | Acadian | Marie Coralie LEBLANC | Desminichreir, Gauthreaux, Webre | |
1852 10 Feb/SWLR | Richard LEBLANC | Emelina MOORE | Anglo | none listed | |
1852 16 Feb/BRDR | Jean Baptiste [Dorville] DAIGLE | Acadian | Célestine LEBLANC | Daigle, LeBlanc, Richard | |
1852 16 Feb/BRDR | Paul Landry LEBLANC | Aglaée RICHARD | Acadian | Blanchard, LeBlanc | |
1852 17 Feb/SWLR | Alexandre LEBLANC | Marguerite Ladoiska OZENNE | French Creole | none listed | |
1852 3 May/BRDR | Hermogène LEBLANC | C[écile]. Orillia ORILLION | Acadian | LeBlanc, Orillion, Petit | |
1852 4 May/BRDR | Jean Drosin ALLAIN | Acadian | [Marguerite] Victorine LEBLANC | Guédry, LeBlanc | |
1852 25 May/SWLR | Sevigné LEBLANC | Célima BLANCHET | French Creole | none listed | |
1852 9 Jun/BRDR | Lorenzo GOMEZ | Spanish Creole | Lise LEBLANC | Blanchard, Boudins, Gourdault, Mollere | |
1852 16 Jun/SWLR | [Joseph] Casemire LEBLANC (widower?) | Cidalise BOUDREAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1852 22 Jun/SWLR | Euphémon RICHARD | Acadian | Éléanor LEBLANC | none listed | |
1852 20 Jul/SLR | Francis N. MARKS | German Creole? | Émelie [Mélite Célina?] LEBLANC | none listed | |
1852 21 Dec/SWLR | Dermance LEBLANC | Amelia VIATOR | Spanish Creole | none listed | |
1853 6 Jan/SLR | Ulter/Ultrez CHAUVIN | French Creole | Azélima/Azémille LEBLANC | none listed | |
1853 27 Jan/BRDR | Alcide LEBLANC | Marie RODRIGUE | Spanish Creole? | LeBlanc, Quine, Rodrie, Rodriguez | |
1853 30 Jan/SLR | Octave LESSEIGNE | French Creole | Adelina LEBLANC | none listed | |
1853 5 Feb/BRDR | J. Gervais DAIGLE | Acadian | Artémise LEBLANC | Blanchard, Guédry, Leblanc | |
1853 22 Mar/SWLR | Lucien LEBLANC | Émeline BROUSSARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1853 11 Apr/BRDR | Zéfirin DUGAS | Acadian | [Madeleine] Oliva LEBLANC | LeBlanc | |
1853 18 Apr/BRDR | Pierre LEBLANC (widower) | Marie LANOUX | Acadian | Benoit, Bernard, Blouin, Richard | |
1853 27 Apr/SWLR | Louis Baltazard MARTIN | Acadian | Julie LEBLANC | none listed | |
1853 16 May/SLR | Furcy/Furci Aurelien PORCHE | French Creole | Marie Eléonore/Héleonore LEBLANC | none listed | |
1853 31 May/BRDR | Léon [Désiré] LEBLANC (widower?) | Amelie STOUT | Anglo? | Michel, Stout, Theriot | |
1853 31 May/SWLR | Dupré LEBLANC | Adèle PELLERIN | French Creole | none listed | |
1853 13 Jun/BRDR | Florentin MELANÇON | Acadian | [Reine Élise dite] Lise LEBLANC | Bertaut, Bourgeois, Dugas, Melançon | |
1853 20 Jun/BRDR | Valentin LEBLANC | Juliene BABIN | Acadian | Babin, Landry, Lavergne | |
1853 2 Aug/BRDR | Jean Baptiste LAGREZE | Foreign French | [Adeline] Célestine LEBLANC | Alizé, Beaugez, Breaud, Commeaux, Delas, Desbous, Guédry, Lagreze, Landry, Peignos | |
1853 2 Aug/BRDR | Joseph Jackson COMES | Spanish Creole | Léontine LEBLANC | Braud, Butterly, Comes, Landry, LeBlanc, Vincent | |
1853 6 Aug/SWLR | Jules Lezin LEBLANC (wdr.) | Émilie DAVID | Acadian | none listed | |
1853 16 Aug/BRDR | Auguste Philibert BERTAUT | French Creole | Laura LEBLANC | Bertaut, Bourgeois, Melançon, Rodrigue | |
1853 22 Aug/BRDR | Jérôme SUAREZ | Spanish Creole | [(Marie Arcéli Dourcinée) Dulcine] LEBLANC (widow) | Babin. Landry, LeBlanc, Richard | |
1853 26 Sep/BRDR | Ambroise ROUGEAU | French Creole | Elvina LEBLANC | Hatkinson, Landry | |
1853 18 Oct/BRDR | Théodule CIRE [ST. CYR] | French Creole? | Carmélite LEBLANC | Braud, Buquoi, Cire, Landry, LeBlanc, Pujos, Terrio, Toraud | |
1853 22 Oct/BRDR | Auguste LANOUX | Acadian | Pucherie LEBLANC | Braud, Gisclard, Guédry, Huguet, Kernan | |
1854 2 Jan/SWLR | Anthanase COMEAUX | Acadian | Louisa LEBLANC | none listed | |
1854 20 Jan/SWLR | Auguste PERES | Spanish Creole | Calisse LEBLANC | none listed | |
1854 31 Jan/BRDR | Joseph LEBLANC | Eliza BABIN | Acadian | Babin, LeBlanc | |
1854 14 Feb/BRDR | Paul RIVET | Acadian | [Anne] Velleda LEBLANC | Blanchard, Foutlé, Gourdault, Rivet | |
1854 20 Feb/BRDR | Joseph LEBLANC | Cléonarde HÉBERT | Acadian | Babin, Brown, LeBlanc, Poche | |
1854 21 Feb/BRDR | Philippe LANDRY | Acadian | Marie Emma Aelayde LEBLANC | Hedue, Landry, LeBlanc, Roth | |
1854 21 Feb/SWLR | Désiré LEBLANC | Donatille LANDRY | Acadian | none listed | |
1854 28 Feb/SWLR | Eugène LEBLANC | Joséphine BOUDIN (widow) | French Creole | none listed | |
1854 17 Apr/SWLR | Pierre LOUVIÈRE | Acadian | Carmélite LEBLANC | none listed | |
1854 27 Apr/BRDR | Simon Vileor LEBLANC | Élisabeth COMEAUX | Acadian | Comeau, Guédry, LeBlanc, Mollere | |
1854 6 May/SLR | Vincent MADERE | French Creole? | Clara LEBLANC | none listed | |
1854 8 May/BRDR | Augustin MIRE | Acadian | Marie Élodie LEBLANC | Danos, Levert, Rivet | |
1854 8 May/SWLR | Désiré LEBLANC | Clara BERNARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1854 20 Jun/BRDR | Leufroi LEBLANC (widower) | Acadian | [Marie] Coralie LEBLANC | Acadian | Bourgeois, Mollere |
1854 29 Jun/BRDR | [Philippe] Désiré LEBLANC | Adélaïde BOURGEOIS | Acadian | Bourgeois, Duon, Gravois, Grégoire | |
1854 3 Jul/SLR | Joseph Marcellin LEBLANC | Marie Melina/Melina Marie LEVRON | Acadian | none listed | |
1854 24 Jul/SLR | Guillaume LEBLANC | Marie Zulema MOLAISON | Acadian | none listed | |
1854 7 Aug/SLR | Jean Baptiste BABIN | Acadian | Roseline LEBLANC | none listed | |
1854 4 Sep/SWLR | Dosithée LEBLANC | Delyside BROUSSARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1854 14 Sep/BRDR | Émile PICOU | French Creole | Marie Adolphina LEBLANC | Comes, Gaillard, Landry, LeBlanc, Lessard | |
1854 2 Nov/SLR | J[acques]. Delphin LEBLANC | Émelia ROBICHAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1854 7 Nov/SWLR | Éloy LEBLANC | Hortense REAU | French Creole | none listed | |
1855 6 Jan/BRDR | Pierre Adam FALGOUST | French Creole | Marie Louisa LEBLANC | Barbier, Falgoust, LeBlanc, Marquinne, Oubre | |
1855 25 Jan/BRDR | Joseph [Benjamin?] LEBLANC | Aurora BABIN | Acadian | Babin, LeBlanc | |
1855 29 Jan/BRDR | Antonio RODRIGUEZ | Spanish Creole | [Marie] Adorestine LEBLANC | LeBlanc, Melançon, Montesino, Rodriguez | |
1855 5 Feb/BRDR | Joseph DUGAS | Acadian | [Marguerite] Melissaire LEBLANC | Babin, Landry, Simoneau | |
1855 5 Feb/BRDR | Sinville LEBLANC | Acadian | Scholastique LEBLANC | Acadian | Berteau, Gautreau, Lanoue, Melançon |
1855 7 Feb/BRDR | Joseph LEBLANC | Eveline BARILLEAUX | Acadian | Barilleau/Barilleaux | |
1855 15 Feb/BRDR | Manuel CABALLERO | Spanish Creole | Cécilia LEBLANC | Coellien, Comes, Gaillard, LeBlanc, Picou | |
1855 15 Feb/SWLR | Gustave Phileas BROUSSARD | Acadian | Henriette Marcellite LEBLANC | none listed | |
1855 20 Feb/SWLR | Émile LEBLANC | Hermina MIGUEZ | Spanish Creole | none listed | |
1855 19 Mar/SLR | Jean Marie LEBLANC | Marie Aglaé BOUDREAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1855 30 Apr/SWLR | Onésime LEBLANC | Emérente BROUSSARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1855 5 Jun/BRDR | Félix LEBLANC | Aimée Désirée LANDRY | Acadian | Ayraud, Blanchard, Cire, Landry, LeBlanc, Terrio, Vives | |
1855 27 Jun/BRDR | Joseph Eleuthere DALFERES | French Creole? | Clémentine LEBLANC | Aleman, Hernandez, Martinez, Stuguevieille | |
1855 3 Jul/BRDR | Joseph HÉBERT | Acadian | Mary Adélaïde LE BLANC | Babin, Hébert, LeBlanc | |
1855 29 Aug/SWLR | Maximilien LEBLANC (wdr.) | Céleste LEGER (widow) | Acadian | none listed | |
1855 30 Aug/SLR | J. Étienne LEBLANC | Acadian | Audalie LEBLANC | Acadian | none listed |
1855 17 Sep/BRDR | Adonis DELAVILLE | French Creole? | Marie Julie LEBLANC | Arnaud, Beagues, Blanda, LeBlanc | |
1855 6 Oct/SLR | Trasimond FOREST | Acadian | [Marie] Mélasie LEBLANC | none listed | |
1855 22 Nov/BRDR | Étienne LEBLANC | Marie Louise BEKON/BESSON | French Creole? | Bertrand, Besson, Gonzales, LeBlanc, Martin, Mollere, Scote, Templet | |
1855 29 Dec/BRDR | Gautien BEAUGEZ | French Creole? | [Marie] Ernestine LEBLANC | Babin, Delaville, Dugas, LeBlanc | |
1856 7 Jan/SWLR | Fréd[é]rick BROUSSARD | Acadian | Lisemène LEBLANC | none listed | |
1856 28 Jan/BRDR | Numa LEBLANC | Justina OUBRE | German Creole | Comes, LeBlanc, Oubre | |
1856 29 Jan/BRDR | Alexandre BABIN | Acadian | Pouponne [Marie Paysanne?] LEBLANC | Babin, Daigle, Landry, LeBlanc, Rogere | |
1856 29 Jan/BRDR | Thomas TRICHE | French Creole? | Irma LEBLANC | Folse, LeBlanc | |
1856 4 Feb/BRDR | Drosin GAUTHREAUX | Acadian | Marie Élizabeth LEBLANC | Dugas, Landry, LeBlanc | |
1856 24 Mar/BRDR | Duminy LEBLANC | [Julienne] Élizabeth BABIN (widow) | Acadian | Blouin, Braud | |
1856 25 Mar/SWLR | Télésphore FREDERICK | German Creole | Élizabeth LEBLANC | none listed | |
1856 8 Apr/BRDR | Joseph LEBLANC | Marie Hermance BERNARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1856 22 Apr/BRDR | Hubert TREILLE | French Creole? | [Marie] Olphida LEBLANC | Achée, Ayraud, LeBlanc, Terrio | |
1856 28 Apr/SWLR | Joseph P. H./Joseph T. H. MAGEE | Anglo | Elmire/Elmina Anastasie LEBLANC (widow) | none listed | |
1856 29 Apr/SWLR | Ursin LEBLANC[, fils] | Marie Azélie GUIDRY | Acadian | none listed | |
1856 12 May/BRDR | Gentile VALLET | French Creole? | [Marie] Célina LEBLANC | Boudreaux, Cansienne, Gautraux, Lauland, LeBlanc | |
1856 17 May/BRDR | Félix Asigna LEBLANC | Marguerite Aimée MOLLÈRE | French Creole | Breaux, LeBlanc, Mollere | |
1856 19 May/SLR | Henry C. MOORE | Anglo | Marguerite Céleste LEBLANC | none listed | |
1856 20 May/BRDR | Joseph Perrin MARIONNEAUX | French Creole? | Ana Delphine LEBLANC | Barker, Gaiennie, Kleinpeter, Landry, LeBlanc, Marionneaux | |
1856 27 May/BRDR | Adolphe LEBLANC | Ophelia ORILLION | Acadian | Deblieux, Degelos, Landry, LeBlanc, Orillion | |
1856 5 Jun/BRDR | André LEBLANC (widower) | Marie Ester BERNARD (widow) | Acadian | Besse, Blanchard, Bourg, LeBlanc, Raton, Rizan, Tete, Webster | |
1856 2 Jul/SWLR | Éloy LEBLANC | Dulcine MAILLAND | French Creole? | none listed | |
1856 8 Jul/BRDR | Édouard GAUDIN (widower) | Acadian | [Élisabeth] Cécilia LEBLANC | Blanchard, Comstock, Gaudin, Landry, LeBlanc, Mollere | |
1856 31 Jul/BRDR | Lazare HÉBERT | Acadian | [Osite] Pamela NICHOLS née LEBLANC | Babin, Blanchard, Nicolas | |
1856 8 Sep/SLR | Jean FONSECA | Spanish? | Émelie LEBLANC | none listed | |
1856 30 Sep/BRDR | Adolphe ROUGEAU | French Creole? | [Victorine] Élodie LEBLANC | Ayraud, Gaudin, Lambert, Landry, LeBlanc, Melançon, Terrio | |
1856 20 Oct/BRDR | Evariste LOUVIÈRE | Acadian | [Marie] Carmélite LEBLANC (wd.) | Gautreau, Louvièrre, Mirre, Poché, Ramirez | |
1856 28 Oct/BRDR | Fostin LEBLANC (widower) | Marie Doralise DAIGRE (widow) | Acadian | Daigre, Hébert, Tuillier | |
1856 10 Nov/BRDR | Adrien BOUDREAU | Acadian | Zulma LEBLANC | Barilleaux, Boudreaux, LeBlanc | |
1856 25 Nov/SLR | Émile LEBLANC | Cécilia HARGIS | Anglo? | none listed | |
1856 8 Dec/BRDR | Marcellus BERTELOTTE | French Creole | Célina LEBLANC | Boudreaux, Bourg, LeBlanc | |
1856 27 Dec/BRDR | Désiré A. LEBLANC (wdr.) | Justine GUÉDRY | Acadian | Guédry | |
1857 6 Jan/BRDR | Jean Jacques LEBLANC (wdr.) | Florestine MELANÇON (widow) | Acadian | Boudreau, LeBlanc, Melançon | |
1857 22 Jan/BRDR | Jules LEBLANC | Delphine DUPUY | Acadian | Allain, Dupuy, LeBlanc | |
1857 5 Feb/BRDR | Joseph Éloy LEBLANC | Magdeleine Adéle DONGIEUX | French Creole? | Bergeron, Braud/Braux, LeBlanc | |
1857 14 Apr/BRDR | Arsène BERGERON | Acadian | Élisa LEBLANC (widow?) | Delmes, Lanoux, Melançon | |
1857 20 Apr/SLR | Valsin BOUDREAUX/BOUDREAU | Acadian | Clara LEBLANC (widow) | none listed | |
1857 23 Apr/SWLR | Jules Lezim/Lezin LEBLANC | Irma HÉBERT | Acadian | none listed | |
1857 27 Apr/BRDR | Trasimond LEBLANC | Azélie DOIRON | Acadian | Badeaux, Bourg, David | |
1857 27 Apr/BRDR | Joseph Armand LETULLE | Foreign French | [Marie] Elize LEBLANC | Clouâtre, Ledoux, Leroy, Letulle, Mire | |
1857 30 Apr/BRDR | Prosper P[ierre]. LEBLANC | Elfrida GAUTREAUX | Acadian | Bourg, Gautreaux, Lagarde | |
1857 12 May/SWLR | Evariste MOORE | Anglo | Cécilia LEBLANC | none listed | |
1857 27 May/SWLR | Joseph Odillon LEBLANC | Alzire HÉBERT | Acadian | none listed | |
1857 1 Jun/SWLR | Aladin LEBLANC | Élizabeth GUIDRY | Acadian | none listed | |
1857 8 Jun/SWLR | Raphaël LACHAUSSÉ | Acadian | Héloise LEBLANC | none listed | |
1857 12 Jun/BRDR | Étienne Bienvenu LEBLANC | Augustine LANDRY | Acadian | Comes, Delmes, Harrison, Landry, Melançon | |
1857 7 Jul/BRDR | Ernest LEBLANC | Eliza TERRIO | Acadian | Arseneaux, Braud, Cire, Landry, LeBlanc | |
1857 21 Jul/BRDR | Louis LAGREZE | Foreign French | Ameleria [Amélie Marguerite?] LEBLANC | Commeau, Gastal, LeBlanc | |
1857 25 Aug/BRDR | Théodule LEBLANC | Estelle BREAUX | Acadian | Babin, Barbay, Braud/Breaud/Breaux, Dominique, Dupuis/Dupuy, Landry | |
1857 2 Nov/SWLR | Paulin AVILLE | Spanish Creole? | Émilie LEBLANC | none listed | |
1857 30 Nov/SWLR | Augustin COLOMB | French Creole? | Marie Élodie LEBLANC | none listed | |
1858 4 Jan/BRDR | Jules LEBLANC | Coralie LANDRY | Acadian | Landry, LeBlanc, Savoy | |
1858 7 Jan/SWLR | Dupré BROUSSARD | Acadian | Olympe LEBLANC | none listed | |
1858 20 Jan/SLR | François BREAUX/BREAU | Acadian | Emelina LEBLANC | none listed | |
1858 2 Feb/SWLR | Jérôme PREJEAN | Acadian | Marguerite LEBLANC | none listed | |
1858 9 Feb/BRDR | Joseph LEBLANC (widower) | Elmire LANDRY (widow) | Acadian | Buquoi, Lawes, Martin | |
1858 12 Apr/SWLR | Félix LEBLANC | Acadian | Émelie LEBLANC | Acadian | none listed |
1858 15 Apr/BRDR | Hypolite BAZILLAC | Foreign French | Clémentine LEBLANC (widow) | Blanchard, Landry, Loumiet, Mollere | |
1858 24 Apr/SLR | [Joseph] Zéphirin LEBLANC | Adéle Anderestine/Auderestine BAUDOIN [HÉBERT?] | French Creole | none listed | |
1858 29 Apr/SLR | Joseph LEBLANC | Célestine TOUPS | German Creole | none listed | |
1858 3 May/BRDR | Numa LEBLANC | Marie RICHARD | Acadian | Blanchard, Landry, LeBlanc, Richard | |
1858 3 May/SLR | Joseph Étienne LEBLANC | Joséphine T. THIBODAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1858 18 May/BRDR | Joseph Hermogène LEBLANC | Marie Juliènne BRAUD | Acadian | Aubry, Blanchard | |
1858 24 Jun/BRDR | Joseph LEBLANC | Cécilia HENDERSON | Anglo | Babin, Kissacke, LeBlanc | |
1858 14 Jul/BRDR | Jean Claude MATHIEU | French Creole? | [Marie] Carmélite LEBLANC (wid.) | Dugas, Landry, LeBlanc, Leveque, Mathieu, McKee, Molere, Morehead, Terrio | |
1858 19 Jul/SWLR | Don Louis CLÉMENT | French Creole | Felonise/Zelonise LEBLANC (wd.) | none listed | |
1858 29 Jul/BRDR | Paul LEBLANC | Marie Émelie MATHERNE | German Creole | Barbier, Bourgeois, Heitman, Lanoux, Matherne, Trudeaux | |
1858 1 Sep/SWLR | Aurelien LEBLANC | Aurelia STEVENS | Anglo? | none listed | |
1858 13 Sep/BRDR | Guillaume LECORRE (widower) | Foreign French | Malvina LEBLANC | Blanchard, Bourdier, Comes, Grabert | |
1858 25 Sep/SLR | Sylvanie ORDINEAUX/ORDONNAUX | Foreign French | Malvina Célestina LEBLANC | none listed | |
1858 27 Sep/SWLR | Alexandre LEBLANC (wdr.) | Joséphine GUIDRY | Acadian | none listed | |
1858 Oct/SWLR | Perry LEBLANC | Elomire DILLON | French Creole? | none listed | |
1858 8 Oct/SWLR | Antoine REAUX (widower?) | French Creole | Aurelia LEBLANC | none listed | |
1858 12 Oct/SWLR | Sosthène PREJEAN | Acadian | Eulalie LEBLANC | none listed | |
1859/BRDR | Hyppolitte LEBLANC | Augustine RICHARD | Acadian | Bertaut, LeBlanc, Melançon | |
1859 18 Jan/BRDR | Neuville LEBLANC | Eugénie BLANCHARD | Acadian | Blanchard, Doucet, LeBlanc | |
1859 7 Mar/BRDR | Marius BABIN | Acadian | Éliza LEBLANC | Babin, Dugas, Gaudin, Landry, LeBlanc | |
1859 7 Mar/BRDR | Alfred DENOUX | French Creole | [Marie] Émeline LEBLANC | Babin, Denou, Dicharry, Dugas, Romagosa | |
1859 8 Mar/SLR | Napoléon LEBLANC | Zéomé TRAHAN | Acadian | none listed | |
1859 25 Apr/BRDR | Maximilien LEBLANC | Sara L. NAVY | French Creole? | LeBlanc, Terrill | |
1859 14 Jun/BRDR | Achille MOLLÉRE | French Creole | Zulma LEBLANC | Blanchard, Carmody, Chauffe, Folse, Lalande, Leche | |
1859 4 Jul/SLR | Sylvain/Silvain LEBLANC | Marie MARONGE | French Creole? | none listed | |
1859 16 Jul/SLR | Jean/Jérôme Baptiste LUCKE/LUKE | German Creole? | [Hortance] Virginie LEBLANC | none listed | |
1859 30 Aug/BRDR | Aurilien DOUCET | Acadian | [Marie] Rosa LEBLANC | Comeau, Doncel, Doucet, Lauve, Sayrez | |
1859 5 Sep/SWLR | Théophile BROUSSARD | Acadian | Marguerite LEBLANC | none listed | |
1859 14 Sep/SWLR | Jean Osémé/Ozémé LEBLANC (widower) | Émilie/Émelie PATIN | French Creole | none listed | |
1859 17 Sep/BRDR | Hubert LEBLANC | Rosalie DUGAS | Acadian | Babin, Daigle, Dugas, LeBlanc, Simoneau | |
1859 23 Sep/SWLR | Joseph LEBLANC | French Can.? | Carmélite OBLANC [LEBLANC] | none listed | |
1859 27 Sep/BRDR | Félix LEBLANC | Emma LANDRY | Acadian | Agnest, Ayraud, Braud, Dupré, Laffitte, Landry, Trahant | |
1859 5 Oct/SWLR | [Raymond] Vilcor/Vileor LEBLANC | Amelina LANGLINAIS | French Creole | none listed | |
1859 22 Oct/SLR | François Adam LEBLANC | Azéma Mageleine LOUVIÈRE | Acadian | none listed | |
1859 26 Dec/BRDR | Cyrille GAUDIN | Acadian | Rosella LEBLANC | Gaudin, LeBlanc | |
1860 2 Jan/BRDR | Désiré B. [Joseph] LEBLANC | Marie TRAHANT | Acadian | Giroir, Guédry, LeBlanc, Marroy, Trahant | |
1860 16 Jan/BRDR | Breville LEBLANC | Adveline DESCOTEAUX | French Creole | Bergeron, Landry | |
1860 23 Jan/SWLR | Joseph M[ondreaux]. LEBLANC | Marie Pamela HÉBERT | Acadian | none listed | |
1860 13 Feb/BRDR | Tiburce GAUDIN | Acadian | [Marie] Cléonice LEBLANC | Hébert, Landry | |
1860 13 Feb/BRDR | Louis LEBLANC | Olphida BOUDREAUX | Acadian | Daigle, Ford, LeBlanc | |
1860 14 Feb/SWLR | Alcide LOUVIÈRE | Acadian | Julie LEBLANC | none listed | |
1860 21 Feb/SWLR | Joseph LEBLANC | Julie Félicie PELLERIN | French Creole | none listed | |
1860 1 May/SWLR | Maximilien/Maxile LEBLANC un vieux (widower) | Louise SERVANT (widow) | French Creole? | none listed | |
1860 28 May/SLR | Augustin LEBLANC | Mélasie LABIT | French Creole | none listed | |
1860 11 Jun/BRDR | Grégoire LEBLANC | Mathilde COMES | Spanish Creole | Braud, Comes, Gaillard, Leblanc, Theriot | |
1860 11 Jun/BRDR | Théodule ST. PIERRE | French Creole? | Eugénie LEBLANC | Grégoire, LeBlanc, Michel, St. Pierre | |
1860 25 Jun/BRDR | Joseph PABANE | Foreign French | [Marie] Louisa LEBLANC (wd.) | Barbier, Capdeville, LeBlanc, Patunaut, Vavasseur | |
1860 31 Jul/BRDR | Adrien MARTINEZ | Spanish Creole | Marguerite LEBLANC | Daigre, Martinez | |
1860 24 Sep/BRDR | Dorval TUILLIER | French Creole | Adélaïde Hermine LEBLANC | Broussard, Hébert, Sharon, Tuillier | |
1860 2 Oct/SWLR | Ulger BROUSSARD | Acadian | Constance LEBLANC | none listed | |
1860 12 Nov/SWLR | Dolzé LEBLANC | Hortense BROUSSARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1860 19 Nov/BRDR | Augustin LEBLANC | Odilia HÉBERT | Acadian | Aucoin, Gautreaux, Medal | |
1860 22 Nov/BRDR | Honoré DUPUY | Acadian | Telvina LEBLANC | Duc, Dupuy, Richard, Rivet | |
1860 17 Dec/SWLR | Hubert LEBLANC | Élizabeth LANDRY | Acadian | none listed | |
1861 10 Jan/SLR | Lovincy A./Lovinsci A. LEBLANC | Letitia Eléonore LAGARDE | French Creole? | none listed | |
1861 19 Jan/SWLR | Jean Melicour LOUVIÈRE | Acadian | Marie Alice LEBLANC | none listed | |
1861 20 Jan/BRDR | Omer LEBLANC | Élizabeth ELIZER | French Creole? | Hébert, Landry, Melançon | |
1861 31 Jan/BRDR | Émile LEBLANC | Evéline DUGAS | Acadian | Agnest, Besson, Daigle, Dugas, Laffitte, Landry, Pemchaux, Trahant | |
1861 16 Feb/BRDR | John Henry AYRAUD | French Creole? | [Marie] Euphémie LEBLANC | Agnest, Ayraud, Bercegeay, Dugas, Hatkinson, Ilsley, Israel, Landry, LeBlanc, Mollère, Terrio | |
1861 11 Apr/BRDR | August VERRET | French Creole | [Marie] Pauline LEBLANC | Bordis, Ferart, Fernandez, Gauthreaux, Grima, Jumonville, Lanaux, Landry, LeBlanc, Tonnelier, Verret | |
1861 17 Apr/SWLR | St. Julien LA CHAUSSÉE | Acadian | Cécile LEBLANC | none listed | |
1861 4 Jun/SWLR | Théogène LEBLANC | [Marie] Louisa LANGLINAIS | French Creole | none listed | |
1861 7 Jun/SLR | Onézime/Ozémé LEBLANC | Rose BARILLAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1861 8 Jul/BRDR | Camille LEBLANC | Élise GAUTHREAUX | Acadian | Babin, Gaudin, Gautreaux, LeBlanc | |
1861 6 Aug/BRDR | Ursin AUCOIN | Acadian | [Marie] Léonelle LEBLANC | LeBlanc | |
1861 7 Aug/BRDR | Ursin MELANÇON (widower) | Acadian | Pélagie Fanny LEBLANC | Dugas, Mancon, Melançon, Thibaut | |
1861 19 Aug/BRDR | Livaudis/Livodé LEBLANC | Renette DUGAS | Acadian | Babin, Blanchard, Dugas, Giroir, Landry, LeBlanc | |
1861 15 Sep/SWLR | Edmond LEBLANC | Célestine GUIDRY | Acadian | none listed | |
1861 1 Oct/SWLR | Césaire LEBLANC | Ezilda BROUSSARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1861 21 Dec/SLR | Hubert LEBLANC | Philomène BARRILLEAUX/BANELLEAU | Acadian | none listed |
Analysis of LEBLANC marriages, 1767-1861:
Total marriages listed: 966 100.0%
Endogamous marriages:
Exogamous marriages:
LEGENDRE (Acadians only)
Date/Record | Groom | Ethnicity | Bride | Ethnicity | Witnesses |
1785 22 Dec/BRDR | Luis[-Joseph] LEGENDRE | Adélaïde LABAUVE | Acadian | Grigua, Michel | |
1791 31 Jan/BRDR | [Yves-]Francisco LEGENDRE | Maria LAVOB (LABAUVE) | Acadian | LaBauve, Legendre | |
1807 9 Jun/BRDR | Pedro CLÉMENT | French Creole | Maria Madelena LEGENDRE | LeGendre, Tullier, Virosa | |
1808 5 Sep/BRDR | Crevan GRENIE (GRENIER) | French Creole? | Reyna Hema LEGENDRA | Drake, Losada | |
1813 11 Jul/BRDR | Josef Robin L'AMIE | Foreign French | Marcelina LEGENDRE | Gendre, Losada | |
1818 11 May/SWLR | Célestin LEGENDRE | Magdeleine Estelle BRAUD | Acadian | Broussard, Braud, Darboin, Dugas, Guilbaud, Hébert, Leveauve, Miramond | |
1820 26 Aug/BRDR | Juan Baptista Carlos CHAROTTE | Foreign French | Rosalie LEGENDRE | LeGendre | |
1826 9 Oct/BRDR | Maurice LEGENDRE | Léonise TILANO | Spanish Creole? | Labove, Legendre, Lortis | |
1828 11 Aug/BRDR | François LEGENDRE | Joséphine ALTAZIN | French Creole? | Dalcourt, Gil, Harbour | |
1828 11 Aug/BRDR | Frederick DALCOURT | French Creole? | Rosalie LEGENDRE (widow) | Gil, Legendre | |
1829 6 Jul/BRDR | Jean DUMOND | French Creole? | Joséphine LEGENDRE | Dalcourt, Legendre | |
1843 26 Jun/BRDR | Barthélémy BOUCHÉ | French Creole? | Aurore LEGENDRE | Aubié, Brogard, Cuponladeff, Dupuy, Legendre, Picard, Pino | |
1850 14 May/BRDR | Lucien LEGENDRE (widower) | Eugénie Amelina COMMEAUX | Acadian | Aucoin, Bagam, Commeaux, Droz, Heude, Legendre | |
1854 2 Jan/BRDR | George CLIFTON | Anglo | Marie Joséphine LEGENDRE | Ennis, Landry, Millien, Mutz | |
1854 29 May/BRDR | Gilbert LOCKWOOD | Anglo | Rosalie LEGENDRE | Bryant, Fridge, Montan | |
1854 16 Oct/BRDR | Andrew BOGAN | Anglo | Cécilia LEGENDRE | Legendre, Moffett, Obiole | |
1858 30 Aug/BRDR | Joseph LEGENDRE | Corine GAUDIN | Acadian | Babin, Gaudin, Letulle, Ramirez |
Analysis of LEGENDRE marriages, 1785-1858:
Total marriages listed:
17 100.0%
Endogamous marriages:
Exogamous marriages: 12
LEGER (Acadians only)
Date/Record | Groom | Ethnicity | Bride | Ethnicity | Witnesses |
1766 3 Mar/NOAR | Pierre MICHEL | Acadian | Marie LEGER | Jourdain, Leger, Prejean | |
1768 11 Apr/C-V | Saturnin BRUNO | French? Italian? | Collet [Scholastique] LEGER | none listed | |
1774 26 Apr/BRDR | Jacques [actually Jean] LEGEE (widower) | Coecille POIREE (widow) | Acadian | Landry, Poiree | |
1787 19 Jun/SWLR | Michel LEGER[, fils] | Marguerite-Louise BOUTIN | Acadian | Boutin, Coleman, Savois, Tibodo | |
1789 28 Jul/SWLR | Paul LEGER | Marie-Constance POTIER | Acadian | Begneau, Doiron, Ducrest, Guédry, Modena, Muton, Potier, Roquigny, Wisse | |
1792 17 Jan/SWLR | Louis LEGER | Anne DOUCET | Acadian | Blanchet, Doucet, Mondon | |
1796 9 Aug/SWLR | Jean LEGER | Marie SAVOY | Acadian | Blanchete, Leger, Sonnier, Thibeaudo | |
1812 12 May/SWLR | David AKERSON | Anglo | Marie LEGER | Guibeau, Legaire | |
1814 8 Feb/SWLR | Alexandre LEGER | Marie Augustine DUGAS | Acadian | Amy, Dessarp, Dugas, Pennes | |
1814 8 Feb/SWLR | Julien LEGER | Marie DUHON | Acadian | Amy, Dessarp, Duhon, Penne | |
1814 6 Sep/SWLR | Antoine RITTER | German Creole | Marie Magdelaine [Aspasie] LEGER | Boudraud, Johnson, Labarthe, Leger, Potier, Shine | |
1816 6 Feb/SWLR | François MORIN | French Can. | Marguerite LEGER | Estilette, Hergeroeder, Keder(Kidder), Leger, Savoy, Scheteli(Stelly) | |
1818 5 Oct/SWLR | Michel LEGER [III] | Marie DUHON (widow) | Acadian | Broussard, Duhon, Hugot | |
1820 7 Feb/SWLR | Landry BRAUX | Acadian | Céleste LEGER | Perrodin, Saunier | |
1820 18 Apr/SWLR | Eugène LEBOEUF | French Creole | Louisa LEGER | Hébert, Leger, Leriche, Plaisance | |
1820 10 Oct/SWLR | Orien PREJEAN | Acadian | Anne LEGER | Perrodin, Potier | |
1821 2 Jan/SWLR | Christopher STEEL/STUT | Anglo | Arthémise LEGER | Arkison, Generelly, Potier | |
1821 26 Jun/SWLR | Hylaire LEGER | Émilie dite Mélite PARISEAU | French Creole? | Bellard, Fontenot, Mathe | |
1821 26 Jun/SWLR | Michel LEGER [le jeune] | Céleste MATTE | French Can. | Belard, Fontenot | |
1821 13 Aug/SWLR | Augustin LEGER | Marie Emérante MECHE | French Creole? | Richfort, Smith | |
1821 20 Nov/SWLR | Hypolite Paul LEGER | Marcellite LEBERT | Acadian | Potier, Steel | |
1822 20 May/SWLR | Charles EADS | Anglo | [Apollonie dite] Pauline LEGER | none listed | |
1822 31 Dec/SWLR | Joseph WABLE/WYBLE | German Creole? | Eugènie LEGER | Arkson, Bordelon, Fontaine, Hollier | |
1823 8 Apr/SWLR | Jean Placide MORIN | French Creole | Marie Mérante LEGER | Pilkris(Gilchrist), Savois, Tibodau | |
1823 14 Jul/SWLR | L'Ange GRABO/GRABOT | Foreign French | Mélanie LEGER | Daigle, Fontenot, Leboeuf, Matte | |
1824 10 Feb/SWLR | Villeneuve BORDELON | French Creole | Julienne LEGER | Fontaine, Greffil, Pottie, Savoy | |
1826 24 Jan/SWLR | Alexandre RICHARD | Acadian | Eloyse/Éloise LEGER | Grabat, Martin, Richard, Smith | |
1826 5 Apr/SWLR | Étienne D'AIGLE [V] | German Can. | Joséphine LEGER | Fontenot, Lacombe | |
1826 6 Jun/SWLR | Augustin BOURQUE | Acadian | Susanne dite Suzette LEGER | Comeau, LeBlanc | |
1827 5 Nov/SWLR | Gérard PREJEAN | Acadian | Scholastique LEGER | Bernard, Melançon, Stelly | |
1827 26 Nov/SWLR | Valière LEGER | Louise BILLARDIN | French Creole | Johnson, Leger, Morin, Savoy | |
1829 12 Jan/SWLR | Don Louis TAYLOR/TELLER | German Creole | Carmélite LEGER | Morin, Savoy | |
1829 25 May/SWLR | Joachim MILLER | German Creole | Modeste LEGER | Legé, Manceaux | |
1830 6 May/SWLR | Julien LEGER | Aureline RICHARD | Acadian | Bertrand, Richard | |
1831 31 Oct/SWLR | Charles SIMON | French Creole | Caroline LEGER | none listed | |
1832 31 Dec/SWLR | Augustin SIMON | French Creole | Arsène LEGER | none listed | |
1833 9 Jun/SWLR | Alexandre LEGER[, fils] | Marie Adélaïde LORMAND | French Creole | none listed | |
1833 9 Dec/SWLR | Julien LEGER | Marie Phelonise TRAHAN | Acadian | none listed | |
1834 7 Jan/SWLR | Placide LEGER | Azélie MATTE | French Can. | none listed | |
1835 8 Sep/SWLR | Jean MATT | French Can. | Marie LEGER | none listed | |
1836 11 Jul/SWLR | Maxile CORMIER | Acadian | Zélie LEGER | none listed | |
1837 27 Nov/SWLR | Cyprien LEGER | Marie HÉBERT | Acadian | none listed | |
1838 8 Jan/SWLR | Joachim/Joasin LEGER | Marie Elisa/Eliza ANDRUS | Anglo Creole | none listed | |
1838 5 Feb/SWLR | Louis SIMON | French Creole | Scholastique LEGER | none listed | |
1838 19 Feb/SWLR | Dosité LEGER | Marcellite SEMER | Acadian | none listed | |
1839 20 May/SWLR | Isaac KENNISON (widower) | Anglo | Appoline/Pauline [Lucie] LEGER (widow) | none listed | |
1839 14 Oct/SWLR | Théodule/Théotiel FONTENOT | French Creole | Arsène/Arsaine Laige LEGER | none listed | |
1839 16 Dec/SWLR | Pierre RICHARD | Acadian | Mérante LEGER | none listed | |
1840 20 Jan/SWLR | Michel LEGER, fils [IV] | Marguerite LEBLANC | Acadian | none listed | |
1840 3 Feb/SWLR | James WOOD | Anglo | Adélaïde LEGER | none listed | |
1842 28 Mar/SWLR | Cyrille/Cyril DOUCET | Acadian | Émeline LEGER | none listed | |
1842 19 Apr/SWLR | Théodule SAUNIER | Acadian | Marie [Velsine] LEGER | none listed | |
1843 21 Feb/SWLR | Mamy JEANY [JANISE] | French Creole | Éloyse LEGER (widow) | none listed | |
1843 21 Feb/SWLR | Léandre RICHARD | Acadian | Céleste LEGER | none listed | |
1843 15 May/SWLR | Onézime LEBLANC | Acadian | Marie LEGER | none listed | |
1846 29 Jul/SWLR | Onésime LEGER | Marie Marcellite TRAHAN | Acadian | none listed | |
1846 1 Dec/SWLR | George John TROMP | Anglo? | Azélina LEGER (widow) | none listed | |
1847 7 Jun/SWLR | Joseph LEGER | Dulcine/Lucine LAVIOLETTE | French Creole | none listed | |
1847 24 Jul/SWLR | Louis LEGER [le jeune] | Azéma DAIGLE | German Can. | none listed | |
1848 28 Feb/SWLR | Treville LEGER | Elisa/Eliza SAVOY | Acadian | none listed | |
1848 8 May/SWLR | Antoine FREDERICK | German Creole | Élisabeth LEGER | none listed | |
1848 26 Jul/SWLR | Jérôme LEGER | Erma/Irma Étienne DAIGLE | German Can. | none listed | |
1849 23 Apr/SWLR | Paul Astran LEGER | Émilie/Emelia SAVOY | Acadian | none listed | |
1850 8 Jan/SWLR | Paulin LEGER | Adélaïde Eusilda GIROUARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1850 6 Jun/SWLR | Pierre CARRIÈRE | French Creole | Marie Hermance/Armance LEGER | none listed | |
1850 1 Jul/SWLR | Célestin LEGER | Eugénie SAVOY | Acadian | none listed | |
1850 15 Jul/SWLR | Dominique PREJEAN | Acadian | Emérite LEGER | none listed | |
1850 Aug/SWLR | François MILLER | German Creole? | Denise/Denisa LEGER (widow) | none listed | |
1850 14 Sep/SWLR | Hilaire LEGER (widower) | Caroline DOUCET (widow) | Acadian | none listed | |
1852 5 Oct/SWLR | Augustin LEGER[, fils] | Célestine KENNISON | Anglo | none listed | |
1852 5 Oct/SWLR | Numa LEGER | Hyacinthe RICHARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1852 8 Nov/SWLR | William BERWICK[, Jr.] | Anglo | Marie Azéma LEGER | none listed | |
1853 7 Apr/SWLR | Alfred RICHARD | Acadian | Aséma LEGER | none listed | |
1853 6 Jun/SWLR | Louis Michel LEGER | Hyacinthe DAIGLE | German Can. | none listed | |
1854 9 May/SWLR | Joseph LEGER | Oliva RICHARD | Acadian | ||
1854 25 Jul/SWLR | Joseph MEAU | French Creole | Azéma LEGER | none listed | |
1854 20 Nov/SWLR | Ursin Théonille PREJEAN | Acadian | Adenisa/Denise LEGER (widow) | none listed | |
1854 26 Nov/SWLR | Louis Julien/Julien Louis LEGER | Joséphine BARVIE/BERWIK | Anglo | none listed | |
1855 4 Jun/SWLR | Hypolite LEGER[, fils] | Mary ADDISSON | Anglo | none listed | |
1855 17 Aug/SWLR | Joseph MCGEE | Scots | Émilia LEGER | none listed | |
1855 20 Aug/SWLR | George Washington ROADE | Anglo | Anastasie LEGER | none listed | |
1855 29 Aug/SWLR | Maximilien LEBLANC | Acadian | Céleste LEGER (widow) | none listed | |
1855 11 Sep/SWLR | Placide Joseph LEGER | Magdeleine LEJEUNE | Acadian | none listed | |
1855 20 Nov/SWLR | Eugène DAIGLE | German Can. | Julia LEGER | none listed | |
1856 7 Apr/SWLR | Zéphirin LEGER | Félicia RICHARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1856 5 May/SWLR | Syphrosie GUIDRY | Acadian | Alexandrine Zulma LEGER | none listed | |
1857 Aug 24/SWLR | Gerasin/Gerazin BROUSSARD | Acadian | Marguerite LEGER | none listed | |
1858 11 Feb/SWLR | Théogène LEGER | Léonie VELTIN | Foreign French? | none listed | |
1858 15 Feb/SWLR | Paul PREJEAN | Acadian | Marie Constance LEGER | none listed | |
1858 30 Apr/SWLR | Julien LEGER | Marie Marcellite MARTIN | Acadian? | none listed | |
1858 30 Jun/SWLR | Alcide LEGER | Célestine DOUCET | Acadian | none listed | |
1858 19 Oct/SWLR | Michel DIRINER/DIRINNER | Foreign French? | Adolphina/Adolphine LEGER | none listed | |
1859 10 Jan/SWLR | Adolphe FALL | Anglo? | Marie Coralie LEGER | none listed | |
1859 2 Mar/SWLR | Cyprien LEGER | Marguerite MARTIN | Acadian? | none listed | |
1859 25 Apr/SWLR | Duplessis TRAHAN | Acadian | Marie Euladie LEGÉ | none listed | |
1859 24 May/SWLR | Jean MATTE/MATT | French Can. | Mirza/Myrza LEGER | none listed | |
1859 29 Dec/SWLR | Simon DOUCET | Acadian | Marguerite Cora LEGER | none listed | |
1859 29 Dec/SWLR | Onésime TRAHAN | Acadian | Marie Geneviève LEGER | none listed | |
1860 9 Apr/SWLR | François Despanet LEGER | Uranie DARTESSE | French Creole | none listed | |
1860 10 Apr/SWLR | Alexandre LEGER | Aurore BOURGEOT/BOURGEOIS | Acadian | none listed | |
1860 30 Apr/SWLR | Constant LEGER | Estelle BABINEAU | Acadian | none listed | |
1860 16 Jul/SWLR | Pierre LEGER | Marie Uranie BENOIT | Acadian | none listed | |
1860 17 Dec/SWLR | Théogène LEGER (wdr.) | Mélizé/Mélisé ROYER | French Can. | none listed | |
1861 4 Feb/SWLR | Jean ROYER | French Can. | Amelia LEGER | none listed | |
1861 13 May/SWLR | Lisée [Élisée] LEGER | Colastie SIMON | French Creole | none listed | |
1861 28 May/SWLR | François LEDOUX | French Creole | Mélasie LEGER | none listed | |
1861 2 Jul/SWLR | Arthur DAIGLE | German Can. | Caroline LEGER | none listed | |
1861 25 Jul/SWLR | Louis Michel LEGER(wr.) | Anaïse DAIGLE | German Can. | none listed | |
1861 12 Sep/SWLR | Gustave LEGER | Ophelia MECHE | French Creole | none listed |
Analysis of LEGER marriages, 1766-1861:
Total marriages listed:
109 100.0%
Endogamous marriages:
Exogamous marriages:
LEJEUNE/YOUNG (Acadians only)
Date/Record | Groom | Ethnicity | Bride | Ethnicity | Witnesses |
1773 3 Nov/BRDR | Blaise LEJEUNE | Marie-Josèph[e] BROD | Acadian | De la Fosse, Lejeune, Orillion | |
1785 24 Nov/NOAR | Josef LEGEUNE | Bonne-Maria-Adélaïde LANDRY | Acadian | Llorca, Martinez | |
1787 9 Jun/BRDR | [Magloire-]Simon BABIN | Acadian | Marie[-Jeanne-Perrine-Madeleine] LEJEUNE | Babin, Lejeune | |
1788 31 Mar/BRDR | Jean[-Paul] TRAHAN | Acadian | Maria-Josefa LEJEUNE | Braux, Lejeune | |
1791 7 Feb/BRDR | Pedro MENOUS [MENOU] | French Imm. | Maria-Rosa LEJEUNE | Dugas, Lejeune | |
1792 11 Jan/BRDR | Servan-Maturin LEJEUNE | [Geneviève-]Margarita PITRE | Acadian | L'ains, Richard | |
1792 1 May/SWLR | Blaise LEJEUNE[, fils] | Anne[-Adélaïde] QUINTERO | Spanish Creole? | Chabote, Lejeune, Richard | |
1794 8 Jan/BRDR | Alexos[-Simon] LEJEUNE | Francisca-Maria-Barbara TRAHAN | Acadian | Lejeune, Trahan | |
1796 21 Nov/SWLR | Joseph LEJEUNE | Geneviève JANIS | French Creole? | Jany, Lejeune | |
1797 7 Jan/BRDR | Josef-Francisco CHIASSON (widower) | Acadian | Maria-Margarita LEJEUNE | Chiasson, Lejeune | |
1798 16 Jan/BRDR | Francisco-Maria LEJEUNE | Margarita-Maria LEBERE | Acadian | Lebere, Lejeune | |
1798 5 Sep/BRDR | Josef LEJEUNE (widower) | Maria-Josefa LEBERT (widow) | Acadian | Hébert, Levron | |
1799 28 Jan/BRDR | Juan-[Joseph-]Maria TRAHAN | Acadian | [Anne-]Adélaïde LEJEUNE | Hébert, Lejeune | |
1800 28 Jul/SWLR | Charles TRAHAN | Acadian | Céleste LEJEUNE | Duplaichien, Ledoux, Phavron | |
1802 1 Feb/SWLR | Samuel REED | Anglo Creole | Marie-Josèphe LEJEUNE | Bundick, Commot, Lejeune, West | |
1802 27 Nov/SWLR | Anselm DOUCET | Acadian | Marie-Angèlle LEJEUNE | Doucet, Lejeune | |
1804 25 Sep/SWLR | Clark BARTON (widower) | Anglo | Marguerite LEJEUNE | Bundick, Bushnell, Lejeune | |
1805 13 Aug/SWLR | Joseph LEJEUNE | Euphrosine CARRIÈRE | French Creole | Carriere, Lejeune, Trahan | |
1805 3 Sep/SWLR | Joseph LEJEUNE, fils | Marie Louise REYTER [RITTER] | German Creole | Fontenot, Lejeune, Reyter | |
1805 4 Dec/BRDR | Luis Juliano AYER [AILLET] | French Creole | Maria Victoria LEJEUNE | Héberre, Herold | |
1806 15 May/BRDR | [Grégoire] Alexio LEJEUNE | Maria TARDIT | French Creole? | Gédery, Lejeune, Trahan | |
1806 14 Aug/BRDR | Pierre Vincent LEVRON | Acadian | Eulalie Clémence LEJEUNE | Guédry, Lebron, Lejeune | |
1807 15 Dec/SWLR | Jean Baptiste LEJEUNE/YOUNG | Marie Louise BINN [BIHM] | German Creole | Binn, David, Desrosiers | |
1808 11 Mar/BRDR | Juan Bautiste LONGÉPÉE | Acadian | Modeste Geneviève LEJEUNE | Guédry, Longépée | |
1808 24 Oct/SWLR | Jacob BINN/BIHM | German Creole | Susanne/Susette LEJEUNE | David, Lejeune | |
1809 9 Jan/SWLR | Jean Baptiste LEJEUNE | Émilie BOCK | German Creole | Blondin, King | |
1810 21 Aug/SWLR | Pierre LEJEUNE | Marie Louise FONTENOT | French Creole | Lejeune | |
1811 5 Feb/BRDR | Maturino LEJEUNE | [Marie] Amelia TRAHAN | Acadian | Duaron, Grangier | |
1812 12 Apr/BRDR | Joseph MOLAISON | Acadian | Adélaïdes Constancia LEJEUNE | Molaison, Tureyra | |
1813 18 May/SWLR | Jean Baptiste LEBLEU | French Creole | Margueritte LEJEUNE | Benoist, Doucet, Lejeune | |
1813 23 Aug/SWLR | Jean LEJEUNE | Marie Louise LACASE | French Creole | Bihm, Harereyder, Hébert, Lejeune | |
1814 18 Apr/SWLR | Hubert LEJEUNE | Célestine FONTENOT | French Creole | Comtesse, Estilet, Fontenau, Hergeroeder, Lejeune | |
1814 27 Dec/SWLR | Michel BIHM | German Creole | Eugénie LEJEUNE | Bime, Hamilton, Jeanson, Labbe, Lejeune, Shine, Talley | |
1815 6 Jul/SWLR | Jacques LEJEUNE | Irène PRUDHOMME | French Creole | Bihm, Hergeroeder, Lejeune, Prudhomme | |
1816 8 Feb/SWLR | Thomas BERWICK, fils | Anglo | Joséphine LEJEUNE | Berwick, Lejeune, McClelland | |
1816 20 Feb/SWLR | Joseph LEJEUNE | Émilie BOURASSA | French Can. | Bourassa, Carrière, Chiasson, Hergeroeder, Lejeune, Matte | |
1816 10 Jun/BRDR | Alexos LEJEUNE | Maria Rosalia Margarita THIBODAUX | Acadian | Lejeune, Thibodaux, Tureyra | |
1816 17 Jun/BRDR | Juan Bautista DAIGLE | Acadian | [Marie] Josefa LEJEUNE | LeJeune, Thibodaux | |
1817 14 Apr/BRDR | Jean Pierre GUILLOT | Acadian | Marie Irène LEJEUNE | Braux, LeBlanc | |
1817 6 May/SWLR | William BERWICK | Anglo | Célestine LEJEUNE | Bate, Berwick, Lum | |
1817 14 Aug/SWLR | Joseph Marcellin ORTEGA [ORTEGO] | Spanish Creole | Louise LEJEUNE | Bime/Bihm, Henry, Lacase, Lejeune, Nice, Rougeau | |
1817 21 Sep/BRDR | Paul BABIN | Acadian | Caroline LEJEUNE | Doiron, Lejeune, Simoie | |
1818 25 Aug/BRDR | Ambroise LEJEUNE | Augustine Henette LAIDÉ [LEDET] | French Creole | Anfeux, Bolot, Lejeune | |
1820 12 Jun/SLR | Joseph Auguste HÉBERT | Acadian | Rosalie [Susanne or Clémence] LEJEUNE | none listed | |
1821 12 Feb/SWLR | Michel PRUDHOMME[, fils] | French Creole | Caroline LEJEUNE | Laine, Young | |
1821 22 Jan/BRDR | Célestino TEMPLET | Acadian | Eliza LEJEUNE | Daigre, Montan | |
1821 5 Nov/SLR | Jean Baptiste LEJEUNE | Modeste Théotiste DUGAT/DUGAS | Acadian | none listed | |
1821 13 Nov/SWLR | Nathaniel WEST[, Jr.] | Anglo | Hyacinthe/Jacente YOUNG/LEJEUNE | Belard, Lejeune | |
1822 21 May/SWLR | Joseph YOUNG, Sr. (widower) | Mary RITTER (widow) | German Creole | none listed | |
1822 23 Dec/SWLR | Pierre LACOMBE/LECOMB | French Can. | Eugénie/Jane LEJEUNE/YOUNG (widow) | Link | |
1823 24 May/SWLR | Michel LEJEUNE | Éloise DOUCET | Acadian | none listed | |
1823 7 Jul/SLR | Jean Baptiste LEJEUNE | Marie Rose DOUCET | Acadian | none listed | |
1823 24 Nov/SLR | Justin PONTIFFE/PONTIFF | French Creole? | Marie Magdeleine/Magdalen LEJEUNE | none listed | |
1824 1 Mar/BRDR | Zénon LEJEUNE | Lise MARTIN | Isleño Creole | David, Hébert, Templet | |
1824 20 Apr/SWLR | Michel LEJEUNE | Marie BELLARD | French Creole | Lejeune, Matte | |
1825 19 Jul/SWLR | John Christophel Christian SCHMIAT/SMIT/SMITH | German Imm. | Marie Louise LEJEUNE/YOUNG | Lejeune, Rider, Young | |
1826 14 Jan/SLR | Joseph Martin LE BLANC | Acadian | Marie LEJEUNE | none listed | |
1826 11 Jul/SWLR | Joseph Olivier LEJEUNE | Marie Aurore JANNY | French Creole? | Doucet, Frugé | |
1826 27 Nov/BRDR | Pierre Amand/Amant LEJEUNE | Marie Clémence LE BLANC | Acadian | LeBlanc, Thibaudeaux, Trahan | |
1827 20 Feb/SWLR | David LEJEUNE/YOUNG | Asélie Beler FONTENOT | French Creole | Beler Fontenot, Rattel | |
1827 26 Feb/BRDR | Joseph DOIRON | Acadian | Julie Émelie LEJEUNE | Doiron, Lejeune | |
1827 10 Jul/SWLR | Joseph H. MCGEE/MACGEE | Anglo | Patsey [Perrine] YOUNG | Reed, Richard, Savoy/Savoye | |
1827 25 Sep/SWLR | Julien LEJEUNE | Acadian | Eliza/Eloisa YOUNG | Acadian | Lejeune, Rok, Young |
1828 5 Feb/SWLR | Hyppolite/Hypolite YOUNG | Adélaïde SAVOIS/SAVOYE | Acadian | McGee | |
1828 18 Feb/SWLR | Hilaire/Hylaire DOUCET | Acadian | Marie Louise/Louise Marie LEJEUNE | Carrière, Lejeune | |
1828 20 May/SWLR | Éloi/Éloy DUGAS | Acadian | Marcelite LEJEUNE | Leger, Lejeune | |
1828 16 Jun/SWLR | Louis LEJEUNE | Acadian | Caroline YOUNG | Acadian | Hargrave, Manuel, Young |
1829 14 May/SWLR | Jean Baptiste/John B. LEJEUNE/YOUNG | Evelina BIME/BIHM | German Creole | Hay, Lcombe, Vasleinder, Young | |
1829 1 Jun/SWLR | Toussaint/Lezin LEJEUNE | Felonise FRUGER/FRUGÉ | French Creole | none listed | |
1830 19 Apr/BRDR | Séverin LEJEUNE | Séraphine AILLET | French Creole | Aillet, Lejeune | |
1830 26 Apr/BRDR | Jean Marie LEJEUNE | Acadian | Adélaïde LEJEUNE | Acadian | Doiron, Foret, Lejeune |
1831 24 Jan/SLR | Nicolas THIBODAUX/THIBODEAUX | Acadian | Mélanie Basilice LEJEUNE | none listed | |
1831 23 Apr/SWLR | John BECHUM | Anglo | Caroline YOUNG (widow) | none listed | |
1831 2 May/SWLR | Louis DAIGLE | German Can. | Adeline LEJEUNE | none listed | |
1831 8 Nov/SWLR | Jean Baptiste BUCK | Anglo? | Caroline LEJEUNE | none listed | |
1832 11 Jan/SWLR | Étienne LEJEUNE | Joacine CARRIÈRE | French Creole | none listed | |
1832 29 Jan/BRDR | Jean Louis THIBODEAUX | Acadian | [Marie] Séraphine LEJEUNE | Babin, Broussart, Templet | |
1832 13 Feb/SLR | Michel Mathurin LEJEUNE | Rosalie Clémence HÉBERT (widow) | Acadian | none listed | |
1832 30 Apr/BRDR | Élie [Hyacinthe] LEJEUNE | Eléonore AILLET | French Creole | Aillet, Babin, Barnette, Lejeune | |
1832 6 Sep/BRDR | Étienne RICHARD | Acadian | Julie LEJEUNE (widow) | Landry, Richard | |
1833 3 Jan/SWLR | Lastie YOUNG | Sally LINK | Anglo? | none listed | |
1833 27 Mar/SWLR | Jean LEJEUNE (widower?) | Emena/Aimée ROY | French Can.? | none listed | |
1833 20 May/SLR | Joseph Benjamin/Binjamin LEJEUNE | Élise BAUDOIN/BODOIN | Flemish Creole | none listed | |
1833 27 Apr/SWLR | John RIDER | Anglo? | Eriane [Irène] YOUNG | none listed | |
1833 7 Oct/BRDR | Élien DOIRON | Acadian | Élène LEJEUNE | Doiron, Gruis | |
1834 29 Apr/SWLR | James HAY | Anglo | Sidonia/Sydonie YOUNG | none listed | |
1834 27 Oct/BRDR | Zénon LEJEUNE | Elvina DAIGRE | Acadian | Daigre, Doiron | |
1835 2 Feb/SLR | Antoine LEJEUNE | Célenie BERNARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1835 12 May/SWLR | Henri/Joseph YOUNG | Elimon/Léomon FONTENOT | French Creole | none listed | |
1835 27 Jul/BRDR | Pierre THIBODEAUX | Acadian | Asélie LEJEUNE | Doiron, Henry | |
1835 21 Sep/BRDR | Bazile LONGUÉPÉE | Acadian | [Apolline dite] Pauline LEJEUNE | Lejeune | |
1836 2 Feb/SWLR | Pierre LEJEUNE | Céleste CARRIÈRE | French Creole | none listed | |
1836 15 Feb/BRDR | Jean Baptiste DOIRON | Acadian | Rosalie LEJEUNE | Blanchard, Bujol, Doiron, Hébert | |
1836 26 Apr/SWLR | Joseph MATTE, fils | French Can. | Joséphine LEJEUNE | none listed | |
1837 10 Apr/BRDR | François HENRY | Acadian | Marie Aureline LEJEUNE | Babin, Daigle, Hébert | |
1837 17 Apr/BRDR | Onésime DOIRON | Acadian | [Marie] Séraphine LEJEUNE | Clement, Doiron, Hébert | |
1837 16 May/SWLR | James YOUNG | Irène DOUCET | Acadian | none listed | |
1837 17 Aug/SWLR | Louis LEJEUNE | Acadian | Louisa LEJEUNE | Acadian | none listed |
1837 9 Sep/SWLR | François VALLET | French Creole? | Malinia [Mélanie] YOUNG | none listed | |
1837 7 Nov/SWLR | Louis CARRIÈR[E] | French Creole | Émilie LEJEUNE | none listed | |
1837 26 Dec/SWLR | Franklin C. HAY | Anglo | Rosaline YOUNG | none listed | |
1838 12 Feb/SLR | Jean Baptiste ROUSTAN | Foreign French | [Marie Bonne] Adèlle/Adèle LEJEUNE | none listed | |
1838 16 Jul/SWLR | François Xavier TRAHAN | Acadian | Adélaïde LEJEUNE | none listed | |
1838 27 Dec/BRDR | Jean Baptiste LEJEUNE | Rosiline ALLAIN | Acadian | Aillet, Doiron | |
1838 27 Dec/BRDR | Dorville GRANGER | Acadian | Pauline LEJEUNE | Aillet, Blanchard | |
1839 7 Jan/SWLR | Ernest GODIN | French Creole? | Marguerite LEJEUNE (widow) | none listed | |
1839 22 Jan/SWLR | Pierre LEJEUNE/Peter YOUNG | Acadian | Malina/Mélanie YOUNG (widow) | Acadian | none listed |
1839 16 Apr/SWLR | Barton YOUNG | Lucinda LEE | Anglo | none listed | |
1839 23 Apr/SWLR | Blaise/Blaize LEJEUNE | Caroline DOUCET | Acadian | none listed | |
1839 9 May/SWLR | Joseph LEJEUNE, fils | Philonia HALL | Anglo | none listed | |
1839 28 May/SWLR | Jean Baptiste LEJEUNE[, fils] | Adeline HÉBERT | Acadian | none listed | |
1839 18 Jun/SWLR | Louis LEJEUNE | Emérante/Mérante MATTE | French Can. | none listed | |
1839 15 Aug/SWLR | Stephen M. YOUNG | Marie/Mary Anne Ortance RICHARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1839 14 Sep/SWLR | A. J. BLACK | Anglo | Eline YOUNG | none listed | |
1840 22 Jan/SWLR | Alfred REED | Anglo | [Marie] Ermance LEJEUNE | none listed | |
1840 6 Apr/SWLR | Jean MAILLEUR/MAILLARD | German Creole? | Cécille LEJEUNE | none listed | |
1840 20 Apr/SWLR | Darville/Dorville BERGERON | French Creole | Joséphine LEJEUNE | none listed | |
1841 20 Mar/SWLR | Olivier LEJEUNE | Alexandrine DAIGLE | German Can.? | none listed | |
1841 15 Apr/SWLR | Joseph PATIN (widower) | French Creole | Geneviève LEJEUNE | none listed | |
1841 22 Jun/SWLR | Onézime/Feol VIGÉ | French Creole | Marie Mirzo LEJEUNE | none listed | |
1841 15 Jul/SWLR | William Michel PRUDHOMME | French Creole | Anne LEJEUNE | none listed | |
1841 4 Dec/SWLR | Leufroy LEJEUNE | Oreline FRUGER | French Creole | none listed | |
1842 5 May/SLR | [Antoine] Marcellus LEJEUNE | Marie AUCOIN | Acadian | none listed | |
1842 8 Jul/SWLR | Thomas J. WATKINS | Anglo | Célestine LEJEUNE | none listed | |
1842 25 Oct/SWLR | Alphonse/Joseph STROUD/STRODERD | Anglo | Célestine LEJEUNE | none listed | |
1842 29 Dec/SLR | Harrison BURTON | Anglo | [Pauline] Adèle LEJEUNE | none listed | |
1843 19 Jun/BRDR | Léon LEJEUNE | Eléonore DAIGRE | Acadian | Doiron, Thibodeaux, Trahan | |
1843 12 Oct/SWLR | James H. STAHES | Anglo? | Suzan YOUNG | none listed | |
1844 17 Apr/SWLR | Levi/Joseph YOUNG | Amelia/Amélie LAGRANGE | French Creole | none listed | |
1844 21 Jul/SLR | Augustin LEJEUNE | Marie Delphine GARCIE (GARCIA?) | Spanish Creole | none listed | |
1844 22 Sep/BRDR | François HENRY (widower) | Acadian | Julie Amélie LEJEUNE (widow) | Blanchard, Clooney, Dufrocq, Hébert, Landry | |
1845 8 Feb/SWLR | Jesse ANDRUS | Anglo Creole | Odilia YOUNG | none listed | |
1845 10 Jul/SWLR | Eugène LEBOEUF (widower) | French Creole | Marie Louise LEJEUNE (widow) | none listed | |
1845 28 Jul/SLR | Hermogène BOUDRAUX | Acadian | Céleste LEJEUNE | none listed | |
1845 15 Sep/SLR | Ludger BERGERON | Acadian | Adeline LEJEUNE | none listed | |
1845 30 Sep/SWLR | Jean Baptiste CANEY/KENNY | Anglo? | Élisa/Éliza LEJEUNE | none listed | |
1845 14 Oct/SWLR | Barton YOUNG (widower) | Melissa N. LEE | Anglo | none listed | |
1845 16 Dec/SWLR | Joseph YOUNG | Tabitha LYONS | Anglo | none listed | |
1846 9 Dec/SWLR | Evariste B. FONTENOT | French Creole | Louise P. YOUNG | none listed | |
1847 8 Feb/SWLR | Jean Baptiste EMAY | French Creole? | Adélaïde LEJEUNE (widow) | none listed | |
1847 22 Nov/SWLR | Hypolite ANDREPONT | French Creole | [Marie] Mirza LEJEUNE (widow) | none listed | |
1848 24 Jan/BRDR | Adolph LABAUVE | Acadian | Séverine LEJEUNE | Daigle, Labauve | |
1848 25 Jan/BRDR | Alexandre DOIRON | Acadian | Adélaïde LEJEUNE (widow) | Aillet, Blanchard, LeBlanc | |
1848 28 Mar/SLR | Antoine SCHULANBERG | German Imm.? | Marie Mélanie LEJEUNE | none listed | |
1848 7 Jun/SWLR | Hermogène LEJEUNE | Armine DUHON | Acadian | none listed | |
1849 13 Feb/BRDR | Adamis [Adonis] FORET | Acadian | Alida LEJEUNE | Foret, Hébert, Lejeune | |
1850 4 Jul/SWLR | Denis HÉBERT | French Creole | Caroline YOUNG | none listed | |
1851 15 Jan/SWLR | Séphirin/Zéphirin LEJEUNE | Odile BERTRAND | French Can. | none listed | |
1851 20 Jan/SWLR | Zéphirin PATIN | French Creole | Geneviève LEJEUNE (widow?) | none listed | |
1851 4 Apr/SLR | Jean Ruffin/Ruffine PITRE | Acadian | Céleste/Célesie LEJEUNE | none listed | |
1851 23 Jun/SLR | René Adrien LAMOUREUX | French Creole? | Sylvanie/Silvanie LEJEUNE | none listed | |
1851 30 Jul/SWLR | Michel LEJEUNE[, fils] | Aglaé FONTENOT | French Creole | none listed | |
1851 1 Oct/SWLR | Rosémond LEJEUNE | Joséphine MARCANTEL (widow) | French Creole | none listed | |
1851 24 Nov/SWLR | Cyphorien LEJEUNE | Sélima ARABIE | French Creole? | none listed | |
1852 5 Jun/BRDR | Alfred LEJEUNE | Élisabeth FORET | Acadian | Foret, Lejeune | |
1852 8 Jul/SWLR | Verneuil VILLENEUVE | French Creole? | Evélina LEJEUNE (widow) | none listed | |
1852 4 Aug/SWLR | Hypolite YOUNG (widower) | Émelie LANGLAY | Anglo | none listed | |
1852 16 Sep/SWLR | Joseph HARMON | Anglo? | Fanny YOUNG | none listed | |
1852 14 Dec/SWLR | Pierre H. MCGEE | Anglo | Eliza/Elisha YOUNG | none listed | |
1853 7 Feb/SLR |
Acadian | [Marie] Zéolide LEJEUNE | none listed | |
1853 3 May/BRDR | Donatien LEJEUNE | Mirza LANDRY | Acadian | Babin, Lejeune, LeRoux | |
1854 28 Jan/BRDR | Numa LERAY | French Creole? | Domitille LEJEUNE | Aillet, Hébert, Ursin [Lejeune?] | |
1854 30 Jan/SWLR | Olin MATTE | French Can. | Émelia LEJEUNE | none listed | |
1854 6 Feb/SWLR | Onézime MATTE | French Can. | Louisa LEJEUNE | none listed | |
1854 21 Feb/SWLR | Jesse YOUNG | Émelie BULLER/BOULLER | Anglo | none listed | |
1854 22 Apr/SLR | Clovis LEJEUNE | [Eulalie] Uranie BOURGEOIS | Acadian | none listed | |
1854 15 Jun/SLR | John TABOR | Anglo | Mary/Marie LEJEUNE | none listed | |
1854 29 Aug/SWLR | Henri Pierre Ursin MANUEL | Spanish Creole | Marie Azélie/Émilie YOUNG | none listed | |
1854 31 Aug/SWLR | Jean LEJEUNE[, fils] | Félicité Clémentine LEPAGE | French Creole | none listed | |
1854 14 Sep/SWLR | Zéphirin Blaise LEJEUNE | Julie LEGROS | French Creole | none listed | |
1854 29 Dec/SWLR | Blaise LEJEUNE | Marie Arsène MARTIN (widow) | French Creole? | none listed | |
1855 7 Feb/SWLR | Émile LEJEUNE | Célanie Louis Charles PITRE | Acadian | none listed | |
1855 19 Feb/BRDR | Célestin LEJEUNE | Estelle BLANCHARD (widow) | Acadian | Bruletour, Escurieux | |
1855 24 Apr/SLR | Cléophas LAGARDE | French Creole? | [Marie] Aglone/Aglonie [Aglaé] Eve LEJEUNE | none listed | |
1855 26 Jun/SWLR | Henry YOUNG Jr. | Virginie MCGEE | Anglo | none listed | |
1855 11 Sep/SWLR | Joseph LEGER | Acadian | Magdeleine LEJEUNE | none listed | |
1855 10 Oct/SWLR | Onile LEJEUNE | Célestine RICHARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1856 8 Jan/SWLR | Auguste FRUGÉ | French Creole | Marie Amélie LEJEUNE | none listed | |
1856 24 Jan/SWLR | Télésphore AMY | French Creole | Elina/Elénor YOUNG | none listed | |
1856 12 Feb/SWLR | Drauzin CHIASTOR | French Creole? | Marie Mirza LEJEUNE (widow?) | none listed | |
1856 12 Mar/SWLR | Jean Baptiste LEJEUNE | Froisine BEGEAUD [BEGNAUD] | French Creole | none listed | |
1856 8 May/BRDR | Ursin LEJEUNE | Estelle DUPUY | Acadian | Babin, Lejeune | |
1856 16 Jul/SWLR | Homère/Omer AGUILLARD | French Creole | Azéma/Azemma LEJEUNE | none listed | |
1856 28 Aug/SWLR | Théodore CHACHERE | French Creole | Perrinse/Petrina YOUNG | none listed | |
1856 10 Nov/SWLR | Frozin DENMARET | French Creole? | Mélanie YOUNG | none listed | |
1856 29 Nov/SLR | Joseph Jackson LEJEUNE | Aurelie BERNARD | German Creole | none listed | |
1856 23 Dec/SWLR | Christophe GATTE | German Creole | Célestine LEJEUNE (widow) | none listed | |
1857 14 Apr/SWLR | William YOUNG | Marie Dolise/Doluce LAFLEUR | French Creole | none listed | |
1857 6 May/SWLR | Cyprie[n] LACOMB | French Creole | Adélaïde LEJEUNE | none listed | |
1857 3 Jul/SWLR | Onézime YOUNG | Acadian | Louisa YOUNG | Acadian | none listed |
1857 13 Jul/SWLR | Pierre LEJEUNE | Ophelia LEDOUX | French Creole | none listed | |
1857 8 Sep/SWLR | Alfred YOUNG | Domelise Jules Jacques FONTENOT | French Creole | none listed | |
1857 4 Nov/SWLR | Lucien MCGEE | Anglo | Célestine YOUNG | none listed | |
1858 19 Mar/SWLR | Placide BLANCHARD (wdr.) | Acadian | Modeste LEJEUNE | none listed | |
1858 15 Jun/BRDR | Eugène LEJEUNE | Joséphine SEGUIN | Spanish Creole? | Bernard, Lejeune | |
1858 1 Jul/SWLR | François Alcide LEJEUNE | Joachine/Joacine FRUGÉ | French Creole | none listed | |
1858 5 Aug/SWLR | Valérien DIAVILLE | French Creole? | Amelia LEJEUNE | none listed | |
1858 8 Oct/SWLR | Alfred YOUNG | Zéphaline MANUEL | Spanish Creole | none listed | |
1859 4 May/SWLR | Edmond Yves LEJEUNE | Marie Euphrosine BERGERON | French Creole | none listed | |
1859 4 May/BRDR | Édouard BOURG | Acadian | Odille LEJEUNE | Babin, LeBlanc, Woods | |
1859 22 Sep/SWLR | Hilaire Anselm DOUCET (wdr.) | Acadian | Marie Hermance LEJEUNE (wd.) | none listed | |
1860 16 Jan/SWLR | Henri YOUNG[, Sr.] (widower) | Irène SMITH (widow) | Anglo | none listed | |
1860 1 Aug/SWLR | Joseph VILLEJOINT | Acadian | Adeline LEJEUNE | none listed | |
1860 14 Aug/SWLR | James JOHNSON | Anglo | Adeline LEJEUNE/LEJEUNNE | none listed | |
1860 27 Dec/SWLR | Lorenzo B[arton]. YOUNG | Arthémise Isaure SAVOIE | Acadian | none listed | |
1861 3 Jan/BRDR | Derosin BABIN | Acadian | Ema LEJEUNE | Aillet, Allain, Babin, LeBlanc | |
1861 3 Jan/SWLR | John H. MCGEE | Anglo | Louisiana YOUNG | none listed | |
1861 15 Jan/SWLR | Treville Pierre GUIDRY | Acadian | Mélanie YOUNG | none listed | |
1861 16 Apr/SWLR | Paul Henry FONTENOT | French Creole | Marie Louise YOUNG | none listed | |
1861 18 May/SLR | Alexis LEJEUNE | Marie BOURGEOIS | Acadian | none listed | |
1861 13 Jun/SWLR | Louis LEJEUNE | Amelia/Émelia TRAHAN | Acadian | none listed | |
1861 15 Jun/SWLR | Dupré LEJEUNE | Hermoza MATTE | French Can. | none listed |
Analysis of LEJEUNE/YOUNG marriages, 1773-1861:
Total marriages listed:
218 100.0%
Endogamous marriages:
Exogamous marriages:
L'ENFANT (Acadians only)
no marriages found
Date/Record | Groom | Ethnicity | Bride | Ethnicity | Witnesses |
1788 29 Jan/BRDR | Alexis DAIGLE | Acadian | Marie LEBRON | Landry | |
1802 28 Feb/BRDR | Juan-Maria LEVRON | Julia-Genoveva DANTIN | Acadian | Dantin, Levron | |
1806 14 Aug/BRDR | Pierre Vincent LEBRON/LEVRON | Eulalie Clémence LEJEUNE | Acadian | Guédry, Lebron, Lejeune | |
1814 12 Jun/BRDR | Joseph LEBRON/LEVRON | Maria ADAN [ADAM] | French Creole | Larrosa, Levron, Tureyra | |
1816 21 Oct/BRDR | Enrrique LEDAI/LEDET) | French Creole | Delphina LEBRON/LEVRON | Dantin, Guédry, Hébert | |
1822 18 Jun/SLR | Saturnin LEVERON/LEURON | Céleste LEBLANC/LEMANE | Acadian | none listed | |
1822 25 Nov/SLR | Pierre LEVERON/LEURON | Marie Rosalie or Rosalie Marie CLÉMENT | Acadian | none listed | |
1824 26 Apr/SLR | Bertrand HOBERT/HÉBERT | Foreign French | Marie Josèphe LEVERON/LEVRON | none listed | |
1828 12 Nov/SLR | [Pierre] Vincent LEVERON (wdr.) | Marie Basilice GUILLOT (widow) | Acadian | none listed | |
1833 30 Sep/SLR | Jean Baptiste AUCOIN | Acadian | Julie LEVERON/LEVRON | none listed | |
1836 27 Jul/SLR | Jean Vincent LEVERON/LEVRON | Marie Céleste DONIS | French Creole | none listed | |
1840 1 Jun/SLR | Evariste LEVRONS | Clémence Marianne NAQUIN | Acadian | none listed | |
1850 24 Jan/SLR | Maurice LEVRONT | Marie Eugénie BOURGEOIS | Acadian | none listed | |
1850 24 Oct/SLR | Joseph LEVRON[, fils] | Clotilde HÉBERT | Acadian | none listed | |
1854 3 Jul/SLR | Joseph Marcellin LEBLANC | Acadian | Marie Melina/Melina Marie LEVRON | none listed | |
1855 11 Jan/SLR | Victor LEVRON | Cécile DUPRÉ | French Creole | none listed | |
1856 24 Mar/SLR | Béllonie/Bélonie LIRETTE | French Creole | Carmélite LEVRON | none listed | |
1856 12 May/SLR | Auguste LEVRON | Marie Julienne DUPLANTIS | French Creole | none listed | |
1856 28 Jul/SLR | Michel LEVRON | Marie Émelia DUPLANTIS | French Creole | none listed | |
1859 24 Sep/SLR | Hermogène AYO/AYOT | French Creole | [Matilde] Clémentine LEVRONT | none listed | |
1860 29 May/SLR | Marcel LEVRON | Eve LEBOEUF | French Creole | none listed | |
1860 22 Aug/SLR | Michel LEVRON (widower) | Marie Rosalie LEBOEUF | French Creole | none listed |
Analysis of LEVRON marriages, 1788-1860:
Total marriages listed:
22 100.0%
Endogamous marriages:
Exogamous marriages:
Date/Record | Groom | Ethnicity | Bride | Ethnicity | Witnesses |
1786 27 Feb/BRDR | Carlos TEMPLET | Acadian | Maria-Rosa LIVOIS | Landry, LeJeune | |
1794 20 Oct/BRDR | Pedro-Olivier BOURQUE | Acadian | Maria-Rosa LIBOIS (widow) | Braux, Cazebon |
Analysis of LIVOIS marriages, 1786-94:
Total marriages listed:
2 100.0%
Endogamous marriages:
Exogamous marriages:
LIVOIS Acadian connection: BOURQUE, TEMPLET 2
LIVOIS non-Acadian connection: none
Date/Record | Groom | Ethnicity | Bride | Ethnicity | Witnesses |
1786 12 Jan/NOAR | Pedro HENNRY | Acadian | Maria LONGÉPÉ | Llorca, Martinez | |
1791 29 Nov/BRDR | Pierre[-Jean] ÉBERT | Acadian | Marguerite LONGUÉPÉE | Longuépée | |
1794 21 Jan/BRDR | Pedro LONGUÉPÉE | Ester LEBLANC (widow) | Acadian | Alvarez, LeBlanc | |
1798 4 Nov/BRDR | Javier-Pedro LONGUÉPÉE | Élisabeta HENRY | Acadian | Dalcourt, Mangan | |
1799 30 Jul/BRDR | Joseph LEBLANC | Acadian | [Laurentine-Urienne dite] Corantin[e] LONGUÉPÉE | Anry, Brau | |
1802 7 Jan/BRDR | Jean-Jacques LONGÉPÉE | Marie-Rose LEBLANC | Acadian | LeBlanc | |
1808 11 Mar/BRDR | Juan Bautiste LONGÉPÉE | Modeste Geneviève LEJEUNE | Acadian | Guédry, Longépée | |
1819 21 Dec/BRDR | Antonio MONJET | German Creole? | Rosalie [Sophie] LONGUÉPÉE | Arbour, Trahan | |
1824 19 Jan/BRDR | Augustin SEGUIN | Spanish Creole? | Marie Rose LONGÉPÉE | Bernard, Comeau, Longépée | |
1826 16 May/BRDR | François LEGUINAUD | French Creole? | Henriette LONGÉPÉE | Blanchard, Cassagnio, Longuépée | |
1830 15 Jun/BRDR | Louis LONGUÉPÉE | Julie [dite Pouponne] COMEAU | Acadian | Bernard, Thibodeaux | |
1831 21 Mar/BRDR | Alexis LONGUÉPÉE | Constance Caroline COMMEAU | Acadian | Boissel, Devall, Leblanc | |
1832 8 Oct/BRDR | Joseph LONGUÉPÉE | Célestine Arthémise SEGUIN | Spanish Creole? | Daigle, Lacneau | |
1833 21 Jan/BRDR | Simon Pierre LONGUÉPÉE | Sophie Ludavine COMEAU | Acadian | Bellanquet, Blanchard, Bourg | |
1835 21 Sep/BRDR | Bazile LONGUÉPÉE | Pauline LEJEUNE | Acadian | Lejeune | |
1839 3 Jun/BRDR | Louis LONGUÉPÉE (widower) | Brigette PALIOU (widow) | French Creole? | Clement, Leblanc | |
1852 19 Apr/BRDR | Philozaine BABIN | Acadian | Arthémise [Élodie] LONGUÉPÉE | Carnard, Lejeune, Seguin | |
1854 18 Jul/BRDR | George GETZ | German Imm. | Célina LONGUÉPÉE | Allain, Bernard, Richard | |
1854 7 Aug/BRDR | Théodule TEMPLET | Acadian | Apoline Nathalie LONGUÉPÉE | Babin, Bourg, Richard | |
1855 15 May/BRDR | Ferriol DUPUY | Acadian | [Marie] Adèle [Léona] LONGUÉ-EPÉE | Bernard, Bourg, Hébert | |
1856 5 Nov/BRDR | Antoine/Anthony CLINE | Anglo | Nathalie LONGUÉ-EPÉE | Denham, Gaurens, Pipes, Seguin | |
1857 22 Jan/BRDR | François SEGUIN | Spanish Creole? | Virginie LONGUÉ-EPÉE | Allain, Tacneau | |
1859 10 Jan/BRDR | Pierre Rosémond BRAUD | Acadian | Gertrude LONGUÉPÉE | Braud, Capdeveille, Landry, Ousset | |
1859 23 May/BRDR | Simon COMEAUX (widower) | Acadian | Julie Ludivine LONGUÉ-EPÉE | Comeaux, Einger, White |
Analysis of LONGUÉPÉE marriages, 1786-1859:
Total marriages listed:
24 100.0%
Endogamous marriages:
Exogamous marriages:
LOUVIÈRE (Acadians only)
Date/Record | Groom | Ethnicity | Bride | Ethnicity | Witnesses |
1775 30 Jan/BRDR | Pierre LEBLANC | French Can. | Anastasie LOUVIÈR | Dugas, Lanzon | |
1787 5 Nov/SWLR | Isidore LOUVIÈRE | Françoise LANDRY | Acadian | Como, Duga | |
1791 7 Mar/BRDR | Luis GODEN | Acadian | Ana LUVIÈR | Part, Porié | |
1798 4 Sep/BRDR | Juan ROUILLIER | French Creole | [Marie-]Genovefa LOUVIÈR | Fabre, Richard | |
1799 26 Nov/SWLR | François LOUVIÈRE (widower) | Angélique BOURGEOIS (widow) | Acadian | Broussard, Chemin, DeBlanc, Hébert, Landry, LeNormand, Louvière, Pellerin, Savoye | |
1801 12 Feb/BRDR | Joseph CLOÂTRE (widower) | Acadian | Félicitas LOUVIÈRRE | Cloâtre, Godin | |
1801 19 May/SWLR | Éloy BENOIT | Acadian | Marie-Eugènie DE LOUVIÈRE | Benoit, De Louvière, Huval, Tenholt | |
1802 26 Apr/SWLR | Frédérick DE LOUVIÈRE | Pélagie BONIN | French Creole | De Louvière, Fagot, Landry, Tenholt | |
1804 28 Jun/BRDR | Jean Baptiste LOUVIÈR | Margueritte LEBLANC | Acadian | Bourgeois, Louvièr | |
1804 2 Jul/SWLR | Benjamin LOUVIÈRE | Louise BONIN | French Creole | Bonin, Gonsoulin, Hébert, Louvière | |
1804 8 Sep/BRDR | Jean Louis LOUVIÈRE | Magdelaine MELANÇON | Acadian | Landry, Par | |
1804 20 Nov/SWLR | Louis STEVEN | Irish | Rosalie LOUVIÈRE | Broussard | |
1807 4 May/SWLR | Antoine PRINCE | Acadian | Susette [Susanne] LOUVIÈRE | Broussard, Jacquet | |
1811 30 Dec/SWLR | Pierre BONIN | French Creole | Apollonie LOUVIÈRE | Arcenaux, Cuvelier, LeBlanc, Louvière | |
1812 11 Aug/SWLR | Isidore DAMOURS dit LOUVIÈRES (widower) | Marie PICARD (widow) | French Creole | Chemin, Cuvelier, Thomasson | |
1813 10 Aug/SWLR | Éloy COMMEAU | Acadian | Marie LOUVIÈRE | Broussard, Caldwell, Comeau, Marc | |
1814 26 Apr/SWLR | [François] Xavier LOUVIÈRE | Arthémise [Susanne] HÉBERT | Acadian | Abel, Amy, Arnaud, Berard, Chemin, Louvière | |
1815 7 Nov/SWLR | Joseph GRANGER | Acadian | Julienne LOUVIÈRE | Chemin, Lingois, Marc, Penne | |
1816 7 Oct/SWLR | Julien LOUVIÈRE | Eloyse GRANGER | Acadian | Chemin, Girouard, Gombert, Penne | |
1816 22 Oct/SWLR | Louis BROUSSARD | Acadian | Apollonie LOUVIÈRE (widow) | Bonin, Broussard, Chemin, Gombert, Louvière, Penne | |
1818 12 Oct/SWLR | Louis LOUVIÈRE | Marie Azélie LANDRY | Acadian | Arcenaux, Boulet, Duprat, Landry, Mire, Ribette | |
1819 27 Dec/BRDR | Simon ROBISCEAU | Acadian | Domitille LOUVIÈRE | Bergeron, Boudreau, Fournier | |
1821 24 Apr/SWLR | Joseph LOUVIÈRE | Delphine BROUSSARD | Acadian | Dousouchet, Monard, Roussillon | |
1822 15 Jun/SWLR | Moïse Benjamin BONIN | French Creole | Pélagie LOUVIÈRE | Bonin, Broussard, Dugas, Louvière | |
1823 13 Jan/SLR | Jean Baptiste AUGER | Anglo? | [Marie] Delphine LOUVIÈRE | none listed | |
1824 26 Jul/BRDR | Narcise BOURGEOIS | Acadian | Caroline LOUVIÈRE | Bourgeois, Bro | |
1825 8 May/SWLR | Rosémond LOUVIÈRE | [Marie] Magdelaine BREAUX (widow) | Acadian | Bonin, Landry, Louvière, Roussillon | |
1826 11 Jul/SWLR | Frédéric LOUVIÈRE | Marie BOREL | French Creole? | Bonin, Leleux, Prudhomme | |
1828 8 Jan/SWLR | Augustin DEROUEN | French Creole | Marie Euphrosie LOUVIÈRE | Cosse, Deroin/Derouen | |
1828 8 Jan/SWLR | Silvère LOUVIÈRE | Marcellienne DEROUEN | French Creole | Cosse, Deroin/Derouen | |
1829 26 Jan/SLR | Valléry GOTRAUX | Acadian | [Marie] Théotiste LOUVIÈRE | none listed | |
1832 16 Oct/SWLR | Isaac ABSHIRE | Anglo Creole | Julie LOUVIÈR[E] | none listed | |
1834 6 May/SWLR | Thear BONIN | French Creole | Silvanie LOUVIÈRE | none listed | |
1835 9 Nov/SLR | Sylvestre GAUTREAUX | Acadian | Marie LOUVIÈRE | none listed | |
1836 28 Nov/SWLR | Ursin LALANDE | Acadian | [Adélaïde dite] Mélaïde LOUVIÈRE | none listed | |
1837 6 Feb/SLR | Evariste LOUVIÈRE | Collete LEBLANC | Acadian | none listed | |
1837 19 Jun/SWLR | Théodule LORMAND | French Creole | Joséphine LOUVIÈRE (widow) | none listed | |
1837 11 Sep/BRDR | François Camille DUGAS | Acadian | Marie Mélite LOUVIÈR | Arseneaux, Braud, Rouille | |
1837 30 Oct/BRDR | Evariste LOUVIÈR | Mathilde LEBLANC | Acadian | Bourgeois, Melançon | |
1838 28 Aug/SWLR | Joseph LARRIVE | Foreign French | Louise Ladowiska LOUVIÈRE | none listed | |
1838 13 Dec/BRDR | Jean Baptiste [Vasseur] LOUVIÈRE | Emérente NAUTENBERG (LAUTENBACH) | German Creole | Blouin, LeBlanc, Richard | |
1839 29 Jan/SWLR | Célestin MALLET | French Creole | Adelia LOUVIÈRE | none listed | |
1839 4 Aug/SWLR | Moisa LOUVIÈRE | Gertrude Adeline HÉBERT | Acadian | none listed | |
1839 9 Sep/SWLR | Julien LOUVIÈRE[, fils] | Marie Zépheline HÉBERT | Acadian | none listed | |
1839 19 Oct/BRDR | Firmin LABICHE | French Creole | [Marie] Delphine LOUBIÈRE (widow) | Blanka, Kelly | |
1840 11 Feb/SWLR | Édouard BROUSSARD | Acadian | Susann[e] Élouise LOUVIÈR | none listed | |
1841 20 Sep/SLR | Jacques PONTIF | French Creole? | Marie [Théotiste] LOUVIÈRE (widow) | none listed | |
1842 10 Dec/BRDR | Mathis RAMIREZ | Spanish Creole | Victorine LOUVIÈRE | Aime, Chauvin, Melançon | |
1843 30 Jan/BRDR | Hermogène MELANÇON | Acadian | [Marie] Marceline LOUVIÈR | Berthaud, Melançon, Ramires, Rodrigues | |
1843 14 Sep/SWLR | André MAILLARD | French Creole? | Carmélite LOUVIÈRE | none listed | |
1844 20 Feb/SWLR | Louis DUGAS[, fils] (widower) | Acadian | [Élise dite] Lise LOUVIÈRE | none listed | |
1844 15 Apr/SWLR | Joseph BORELLE/BOREL | French Creole? | Marcelite/Marcellite LOUVIÈRE | none listed | |
1844 1 May/SWLR | Édouard LOUVIÈRE | Marie Elina/Héloise GRANGÉ/GRANGER | Acadian | none listed | |
1844 9 Jul/SWLR | François Hermogène LOUVIÈRE | Marie Célestine DEBLANC | French Creole | none listed | |
1845 4 Mar/SWLR | Jean Baptiste LOUVIER | Acadian | Marguerite Anise LOUVIER | Acadian | none listed |
1845 18 Aug/SWLR | Joseph LOUVIER/LOUVIÈRE | Acadian | Louise Emitilia LOUVIER/LOUVIÈRE | Acadian | none listed |
1846 16 Feb/SLR | Harmogène LOUVIÈRES | Mérente/Méranthe DAIGLE | Acadian | none listed | |
1846 15 Sep/SWLR | Jean Baptiste LOUVIÈRE | Carmélite DAVID | Acadian | none listed | |
1847 5 Jun/SWLR | Placide MIRE (widower) | Acadian | Marie Adélaïde LOUVIÈRE (w.) | none listed | |
1847 8 Jul/SWLR | Germain LOUVIÈRE | Marie Laure TRAHAND | Acadian | none listed | |
1847 19 Jul/SWLR | Joseph SAVOYE | Acadian | Marie Oliva LOUVIÈRE | none listed | |
1847 22 Jul/SWLR | Henry/Henri HARGRODER | German Creole? | Arthémise Damoine LOUVIÈRE | none listed | |
1847 23 Jul/SWLR | Joseph LOUVIÈRE, fils | Victoire Sidalise PRINCE | Acadian | none listed | |
1848 4 Jul/SWLR | Gérard MOORE | Anglo | Louise Félicité LOUVIÈRE | none listed | |
1849 30 Jul/SWLR | Valsin Joseph TRAHAN | Acadian | Joséphine LOUVIÈRE (widow) | none listed | |
1849 27 Dec/SWLR | Moïse BONIN | French Creole | Céleste Olivarie LOUVIÈRE | none listed | |
1850 21 Jan/SWLR | Godfroy Treville LELEU | French Creole | Françoise LOUVIÈRE | none listed | |
1850 30 May/SWLR | Daniel DOTY | Anglo? | Marie Coralie LOUVIÈRE | none listed | |
1852 8 Dec/SWLR | Silvert LOUVIÈRE (widower) | Marie Virginie BONIN | French Creole | none listed | |
1853 3 Jan/SWLR | Pierre Gilmar BONIN | French Creole | Élise Oliva LOUVIÈRE | none listed | |
1853 1 Feb/SWLR | Placide BONIN | French Creole | Marguerite Elmire LOUVIÈRE | none listed | |
1854 17 Apr/SWLR | Pierre LOUVIÈRE | Carmélite LEBLANC | Acadian | none listed | |
1854 15 May/SWLR | Émilien LANDRY | Acadian | Joséphine LOUVIÈRE | none listed | |
1854 20 Mar/SWLR | Désiré HÉBERT | Acadian | Donatille LOUVIÈRE | none listed | |
1854 22 May/SWLR | Adrien LOUVIÈRE | Coralie BONIN | French Creole | none listed | |
1855 22 May/BRDR | Victor CHAMPIC/CHANTEPIE | French Creole? | Marceline LOUVIÈRE (widow) | Augiez, Berthelot, Louvière | |
1856 8 Sep/SLR | Amadéo/Madés BENOIT | Acadian | Evelina LOUVIÈRE | none listed | |
1856 20 Oct/BRDR | Evariste LOUVIÈRE (widower) | Carmélite LEBLANC | Acadian | Gautreau, Louvièrre, Mirre, Poché, Ramirez | |
1858 5 Apr/SWLR | Ulgère BONIN | French Creole | Geneviève Alzire LOUVIÈRE | none listed | |
1858 3 May/SWLR | Théodule OUBRE | German Creole | Clara LOUVIÈRE | none listed | |
1858 2 Jun/SWLR | Antoine DELHOMME | French Creole | Joséphine LOUVIÈRE (widow) | none listed | |
1859 24 Feb/SLR | Achille LOUVIÈRE | Aureliènne RICHARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1859 22 Oct/SLR | François Adam LEBLANC | Acadian | Azéma Magdeleine LOUVIÈRE | none listed | |
1860 28 Jan/SWLR | Vileor LOUVIÈRE | Vores CORY | French Creole? | none listed | |
1860 9 Feb/BRDR | Aristide LOUVIÈRE | Olive GAUDIN | Acadian | Chauvin, Dubourg, Gaudin, Laport, Louvière, Sarazin | |
1860 14 Feb/SWLR | Alcide LOUVIÈRE | Julie LE BLANC | Acadian | none listed | |
1860 3 May/SWLR | Paulin LOUVIÈRE | Marie Aurelia MOLBERT | French Creole? | none listed | |
1860 18 Oct/BRDR | J. T. BROOKS | Anglo | Marie Helena LOUVIÈRE | Brasset, Brooks, Gaudin, Louvière | |
1861 19 Jan/SWLR | Jean Melicour LOUVIÈRE | Marie Alice LEBLANC | Acadian | none listed | |
1861 3 Jun/SWLR | Aristide BONIN | French Creole | Gertrude Aurore LOUVIÈRE | none listed | |
1861 7 Oct/SWLR | William F. FLEMING | Anglo | Ellen LOUVIÈRE | none listed |
Analysis of LOUVIÈRE marriages, 1775-1861:
Total marriages listed:
93 100.0%
Endogamous marriages: 51
Exogamous marriages:
Copyright (c) 2007-24 Steven A. Cormier