Acadian/Cajun Marriages in Louisiana, 1765-1861
The marriages listed below are from "official" marriage citations found in South Louisiana church and civil record collections [Bourgeois, Cabanocey & Voorhies, J., Some Late Eighteenth-Century Louisianians (C-V); Baton Rouge Diocesan Records (BRDR); Hébert, D., Southwest LA Records (SWLR); Hébert, D., South LA Records (SLR); & New Orleans Archdiocesan Records (NOAR)], not from inferences to a marriage found in those collections. Same-family marriages--e.g., CORMIER = CORMIER--are accounted for in the totals.
[The hyperlink attached to a family's name takes you to that family's totals; the hyperlink attached to an individual's name takes you to the individual's profile in the list of Acadian immigrants to Louisiana or to an AIG unit roster.]
DAIGRE/DAIGLE (Acadians only)
Date/Record | Groom | Ethnicity | Bride | Ethnicity | Witnesses |
1771 22 Apr/BRDR | Thomas THERIOT | Acadian | [Agnès-]Marie DAIGUE | Bergeron, Melançon | |
1786 5 Feb/BRDR | Carlos DAIGLE (widower) | Maria[-Françoise] BOUDROS (widow) | Acadian | none listed | |
1786 19 Apr/BRDR | Jean-Bautista DAIGLE | Marguerite SIMONEAUX | French Creole | Degle, Simoneaux | |
1786 19 Apr/BRDR | [Réne dit] Simon SIMONEAUX | French Creole | Isabel[-Luce] DAIGLE | Simoneaux | |
1786 8 May/BRDR | Victor DEGLET | Margarita-Josefa DUARON | Acadian | none listed | |
1786 22 May/BRDR | Josef MIR | Acadian | Maria-Margarita DAIGRE | none listed | |
1786 22 May/BRDR | Juan-Baptiste TRAHANT | Acadian | Ana-Genovefa DAIGLE | none listed | |
1786 6 Jun/BRDR | Jean-Baptiste[-Alexandre] DAIGLE | Marie DUGAS | Acadian | Blanchard, Daigle | |
1786 28 Sep/BRDR | Pierre TERRIAU (widower) | Acadian | Maria[-Josèphe] DAIGLE (wd.) | Robichaut | |
1786 23 Oct/BRDR | Édouard DAIGRE | Marie[-Josèphe] HENRY | Acadian | Bertain, Ledoux | |
1788 23 Jan/BRDR | Simon-Pierre DAIGRE, père (widower) | Rosalie TERIOT (widow) | Acadian | none listed | |
1788 29 Jan/BRDR | Alexis[-Jean-Mathurin] DAIGLE | Marie[-Josèphe-Françose] LEBRON [LEVRON] | Acadian | Landry | |
1788 7 Apr/BRDR | Simon LEBLANC | Acadian | Ursule-Anne[-Marie?] DAIGLE | Daegle, Hébert | |
1788 8 Sep/BRDR | Pol-Olivier DEGRE | Maria-Juana RIZAL [RICHARD] | Acadian | Héber | |
1789 26 Nov/BRDR | Paul-Raimond TRAHANT | Acadian | Élisabette DAIGRE | Daigre | |
1790 27 Jan/BRDR | Juan-Pedro LANDRY (wdr.) | Acadian | Ana[-Marie] DAIGLE (widow?) | Daigle, Landry, Richard | |
1790 21 Jul/BRDR | John-Charles TOULIER [LE TULLIER] | French Imm. | Flore-Adélaïde DAIGRE | Broussard, Vahamornde | |
1790 21 Jul/BRDR | Louis-François DAIGRE | Marie-Rose MOLESON | Acadian | Broussard, Vahamornde | |
1790 27 Sep/BRDR | Francisco[-Henry] ARBOUR | Acadian | Maria-Juana[-Jacqueline] DAIGLE | Dupuy, Tullier | |
1790 27 Se/BRDR | Isidoro TULLIÉ [LE TULLIER] | French Imm. | Maria-Louisa DAIGLE | Dupuy, Tullier | |
1792 30 Apr/BRDR | Juan[-Joseph] DAIGLE | Anna-Francisca MASSERELLE [MAZEROLLE] | Acadian | Daigle, Mazrolle | |
1792 11 Sep/BRDR | Daniel PROVANCHÉ | French Can. | Maria[-Marguerite] DAIGLE (widow) | Daigle, Yedry[Guédry?] | |
1793 11 Jun/BRDR | Juan Bautista [François] DAIGRE | [Servanne-]Loraine LANDRY | Acadian | Angleheart, Degre, Guidry, Trahan | |
1793 11 Jun/BRDR | Juan-Bautista DEGRE | Marie-Julia TRAHAN | Acadian | Angelheart, Degre, Guidry, Trahan | |
1794 27 Jan/BRDR | Joseph[-Marc] DAIGLE | Gorsina-Victoria BOURQUE | Acadian | Bourque, Daigle | |
1794 4 Nov/BRDR | Simon[-François] DEGRE | Anna-Maria[-Jeanne] LANDRY | Acadian | Degre, Vasq | |
1796 16 Aug/BRDR | Pedro-Firmin OCOIN | Acadian | Doncella-Pélagie DEGRE | Ocoin, Trahan | |
1798 29 Jan/BRDR | Arsenio BRAU | Acadian | Maria-Genveva DEGLE | Andry[Henry?], Landry | |
1798 13 Feb/SWLR | Simon-Pierre DAIGLE, fils | [Marie-]Françoise TRAHAN (widow) | Acadian | Chemin, Landry, Trahan | |
1799 26 Aug/BRDR | Juan-Luis DAIGLY | [Marie-]Ysabel RICHARD | Acadian | Gautraux, Verret | |
1800 27 Oct/BRDR | Josef DAIGRE | Maria[-Marthe] TRAHAN | Acadian | Hébert, Trahan | |
1800 24 Nov/BRDR | Joseph[-Michel] DAIGLE | Magdalena LEBLANC | Acadian | Lelande, LeBlanc | |
1802 7 Jan/BRDR | Honoré DAIGLE | [Marie-]Adélaïde HÉBERT | Acadian | Breau | |
1802 28 Feb/BRDR | Pedro LANDRY | Acadian | Ulalia DAIGLE | Fernandez, Piroth | |
1804 2 Jan/BRDR | Juan Luis DAIGLE (widower) | Maria Josefa MICHEL | Acadian | Aucoin, Boudraux | |
1804 13 Feb/BRDR | Estevan DAIGLE | Marguerita LANDRY | Acadian | Daigle, Zeringue | |
1805 10 Jun/BRDR | Estevan HÉBERRE | Acadian | Adélaïde Émelia DAGLE | Arbour, Héberre | |
1805 17 Jun/BRDR | Josef BRAUX | Acadian | Maria DAIGLE | Breaux, Daigle | |
1806 18 Jun/BRDR | Étienne TRAHANT | Acadian | Anne DAIGLE | Daigle, Trahant | |
1807 3 Oct/BRDR | Santiago AID | Foreign French | Eulalia DAIGLE (widow) | Binnon, Dagobere | |
1808 12 Mar/BRDR | Juan Bautista BOSSEL | Foreign French | Juana Escolastica DAYGLE | Henry, Terrio | |
1808 23 May/BRDR | Victorio HÉBERT | Acadian | Maria [Rose] DAIGLE | Héverre, Labo, Tamplet | |
1810 22 Feb/BRDR | Zéferino DAIGLE | Margarita VITANCOUR [BETANCOURT] | French Creole | Provanché, Trahan | |
1810 5 Mar/BRDR | Josef LANDRY | Acadian | Joséfina [Luce] DAIGLE | Héberre, Molaison | |
1810 22 Oct/BRDR | Juan Bautista BOURQUE | Acadian | Maria [Clarisse?] DAIGLE | Bourque, Savois | |
1810 7 Nov/BRDR | Augustin Mederique TEMPLET | Acadian | [Marie] Rosa DAIGLE | Duaron, Ricard | |
1811 30 Jul/BRDR | Alexandro ESNARD | French Creole | Marcelina DAIGLE | Bernard, DeCosta | |
1811 9 Sep/BRDR | Louis Ambrosio AUCOIN | Acadian | [Marie] Francisca DAIGLE | Daigle, Dugat | |
1812 2 Jan/BRDR | [Jean] Bautista DAIGLE | Rosalia BLANCHARD | Acadian | Daigle, Gautraux | |
1812 27 Jan/BRDR | Augustin DOIRON | Acadian | Ana DAIGLE | Dugat, Turreyra | |
1812 16 Nov/BRDR | Luis DAIGLE | Anastasia BRAUX | Acadian | Larrosa, Savoy, Vives | |
1814 23 Apr/BRDR | Juan Nicolas LEDOUX | French Creole | Ménonie [Mélanie Clothilde] DAIGRE | LeGendre, Tessier | |
1814 15 Nov/BRDR | Francisco Josef DAIGRE | Brigita COURTIN | French Creole | Guéderie, LeGendre | |
1816 8 Jan/BRDR | Olivier [François] DAIGRE | Acadian | Carmelite DAIGRE | Acadian | Daigre, Losada |
1816 22 Jan/BRDR | Édouardo DAIGRE | Agantha BETANCOUR | French Creole? | Garcia, Losada | |
1816 6 May/BRDR | Juan Pedro DAIGLE | Maria Modesta ARSENAUX | Acadian | Boudraux, Daigle, Tureyra | |
1816 27 May/BRDR | André Joseph DAIGLE | Adélaïde MARTIN | Isleño Creole | none listed | |
1816 17 Jun/BRDR | Juan Bautista DAIGLE | Josefa [Marie Carmélite] LEJEUNE | Acadian | LeJeune, Thibodaux | |
1816 24 Jun/BRDR | Juan Bautista CHAIDOTAL | French Creole? | Constancia [Éloise Marguerite] DAIGLE | Dupuis, Landry, Savois | |
1816 5 Aug/BRDR | Francisco TERIEU (FRIOUX) (widower) | French Creole | Maria DAIGLE (widow) | Daigle, Feriou, Tureyra | |
1816 1 Sep/BRDR | Nicolas MALBROU | German Creole | Clara DAIGLE | Daigle, Guillot, Tureyra | |
1816 14 Oct/BRDR | Antoine DUPUIS | Acadian | Sophie DAIGLE | Daigle, Dupuis, Hébert | |
1816 19 Oct/BRDR | Ambrosio THERIOT | Acadian | [Marie] Eliza DAIGRE | Daigre, Trahan | |
1817 3 Feb/BRDR | Lubino Josef SIMONAUX | French Creole | Maria Victoria DAIGLE | Braux, Simonaux | |
1817 21 Apr/BRDR | Jean Baptiste Barbier DAIGLE | Marie Marthe LANDRY | Acadian | Daigle, Richard, Theriot | |
1817 30 Jun/BRDR | Joseph AUCOIN | Acadian | Marguerite DAIGLE | Bolot, Boudreau, Hébert | |
1818 30 Mar/BRDR | Joseph DAIGLE | Marie [Marguerite] RICHARD | Acadian | Aucoin, Bolot, Daigle | |
1818 1 Jun/BRDR | Landry ALLAIN | Acadian | Marie DAIGLE | Landry, Simoie | |
1818 31 Aug/BRDR | Charles DUPUIS | Acadian | Marie Françoise DAIGLE | Aucoin, Duga, Saunte | |
1819 9 May/BRDR | Joseph Dosité BABIN (wdr.) | Acadian | Marie Rose DAIGRE (widow) | Daigre, Landry, Richard | |
1819 25 May/BRDR | Joseph Guillaume MALBROU | German Creole | Marie Scholastique DAIGLE | Bolot, Daigle, LeJeune | |
1820 29 Nov/BRDR | [Paul] Hypolite DAIGLE | Rosalie DUPUIS | Acadian | Aucoin, Hébert, Vagas | |
1821 19 Feb/BRDR | Pierre Michel DAIGLE | Marie Rosalie GAUTREAU | Acadian | Daigle, Landry | |
1821 26 Feb/BRDR | Armand Zeferino MARTIN | Isleño Creole | Fleuriana DAIGRE | Dupuis, LaBove | |
1821 5 Mar/BRDR | Joseph DAIGLE | Louise Ursule Élisabeth GRIOIR | Acadian | Aucoin, Hébert, Savoy | |
1821 30 Apr/BRDR | Laurence [Laurent] DAIGRE | Céleste TRAHAN | Acadian | Richard, Voisin | |
1821 1 May/SLR | Martin FAITS | French Creole? | Mélanie Clet [Clothilde] DAIGLE | none listed | |
1821 21 May/BRDR | Leufroy DAIGRE | Emérante MELANÇON | Acadian | Daigre, Melançon, Thibodaux | |
1821 28 May/BRDR | Joseph DAIGLE | Marie Marguerite DUGAS | Acadian | Landry, Sedotale | |
1821 12 Oct/BRDR | Victor Maxille DAIGLE | Acadian | Jeanne [Cléotiste] DAIGLE | Acadian | Aucoin, Brau, Campo |
1822 21 Jan/BRDR | Philippe COMEAU | Acadian | [Marie] Eugénie DAIGRE | Bouch/Bush, Landry, Rivet | |
1822 28 Jan/BRDR | Maturin DAIGLE[, fils] | Emérente GAUTREAU | Acadian | Delaune, Friou, Portier | |
1822 29 Apr/BRDR | Simon DAIGRE[, fils] | Constance TULLIER | French Creole | Aucoin, Comas, Daigre | |
1822 28 May/BRDR | William BROWN | Anglo | Marie Joséphine DAIGRE | Daigre, Kleinpeter | |
1823 21 Apr/BRDR | Joseph [Étienne] DAIGLE | Acadian | Céleste [Marie] DAIGLE | Acadian | Aucoin, Landry |
1823 5 May/BRDR | Joachim DAIGLE | Fortille [Dartille] DUPUIS | Acadian | Babin, Daigle, Landry | |
1823 26 May/SLR | Pierre Séraphin GREAU [GROS] | French Creole | Ordalise DAIGLE | none listed | |
1823 15 Sep/SWLR | Jean Baptiste DAIGLE | Marie HACHÉ | Acadian | Broussard, Guilbaud, Rafray, Roussillon | |
1823 20 Oct/SLR | Pierre Michel DAIGLE (wdr.) | Marie Carmélite LIRET | French Creole | none listed | |
1823 4 Nov/BRDR | Louis RAPPELET | French Creole? | Hortense [Marcelline] DAIGLE | Daigle, Landry, Molaison | |
1823 24 Nov/BRDR | LaCroix Narcisse TRAHANT | Acadian | Marcelite [Osite] DAIGLE | Breau, Landry | |
1823 27 Nov/BRDR | François KLEINPETER | German Creole | Adélaïde DAIGRE | Babin, Daigre, Kleinpeter | |
1824 19 Jan/BRDR | Joseph Elieu BABIN | Acadian | Rosalie Émilie DAIGRE | Daigre, Hébert | |
1824 8 Feb/BRDR | Alexandre DAIGLE | Marie Élise HÉBERT | Acadian | Daigle, Guillot, Maserole | |
1824 9 Feb/BRDR | François SOUCHON [dit] Aubin | Foreign French? | Mélanie [Clothilde] DAIGRE (widow) | Beuregard, Daigre, Theriot | |
1824 2 Jun/BRDR | Denis DEMONCEAUX | Foreign French | [Marie] Apoline DAIGLE | Hébert, Landry | |
1824 28 Jun/BRDR | François Joseph DAIGLE (widower) | Modeste BABIN | Acadian | Doiron, Landry, LeJeune | |
1825 9 May/BRDR | Eugène DAIGLE | Rose TEMPLET | Acadian | Aucoin, Landry | |
1825 25 Jul/BRDR | Frédérique ARBOUR | Acadian | [Marie] Adeline DAIGRE | Arbour, Duplantier, Legendre, Lortis | |
1825 15 Aug/BRDR | Jean Baptiste MELANÇON | Acadian | Séraphine DAIGRE | Braud, Duffel, Melançon | |
1826 30 Jan/BRDR | Pierre TULLIER | French Creole | [Marie] Modeste DAIGLE | Harbour, Landry, Teriaux, Trahan | |
1826 6 Feb/BRDR | Timothé DAIGLE | Marcelite SIMONEAU | French Creole | Daigle/D'aigle, Friyou | |
1826 3 Apr/BRDR | [Joseph] Léger DAIGRE | Modeste TRAHAN | Acadian | Landry, Richard, Trahan | |
1826 17 Apr/SLR | Mathurin DAIGLE[, fils] (wdr.) | Marie Éise LIRETTE | French Creole | none listed | |
1827 8 Jan/BRDR | Joseph DAIGLE | Ortense Mélanie DUON | Acadian | Dugas, Simoneaud | |
1827 15 Jan/BRDR | Uber [Hubert Pierre] DAIGLE | Marie DUGAS | Acadian | Dugas, Hébert | |
1827 12 Feb/BRDR | [Jean] Zénon DAIGLE | Héloise MARTINEZ | Spanish Creole | Richard, Rivas, Voisin | |
1827 26 Feb/BRDR | Dorville LANDRY | Acadian | [Marie] Aureline DAIGLE | Daigle, Landry | |
1828 25 Aug/BRDR | Landry LANDRY | Acadian | Marguerite DAIGRE | Daigre, Landry | |
1830 4 Oct/BRDR | Ursin DAIGLE | Carmélite TRAHAN | Acadian | Lanoix, LeBlanc, Trahant | |
1830 11 Nov/BRDR | George KLEINPETER | German Creole | Augustine Joséphine DAIGRE | Daigre, Kleinpeter | |
1831 7 Feb/SLR | Hubert AUCOIN | Acadian | Élise [Rosalie] D'AIGLE | none listed | |
1831 17 Feb/BRDR | Isidore DAIGLE | Célestine MOLAISON | Acadian | Bernard, Daigle, Dumontier | |
1831 14 Nov/BRDR | Henry [Landry] DAIGLER (DAIGLE) | Amarante Eléonore DUGAS | Acadian | Bourg, Dugas, Simonaud/Simoneau | |
1831 26 Dec/BRDR | Hypolite LETULLIER | French Creole | Marie Carmélite DAIGRE | Bergeron, Clement, Ferbos | |
1832 6 Feb/BRDR | [Joseph] Ursin DAIGRE | [Marie Adeline] Eveline CAPDEVILLE | French Creole | Breaux, Capdeville, Daigle | |
1832 16 Feb/BRDR | Louis DAIGLE | Marie SEGUIN | French Creole? | Daigle, Dupuis, Molaison | |
1832 7 May/BRDR | Louis DAIGRE | Isabelle JEWELL | Anglo? | Belzance, Ferrier, Porto, Poydras, Taylor | |
1832 7 May/BRDR | Urbain DAIGLE | Doralise BOUDREAUX | Acadian | Boudreau/Boudreaux, Daigle | |
1832 25 Jun/SLR | Jérôme BOUDRAUX | Acadian | Anriette [Céline Henriette] DIEGLE | none listed | |
1833 18 Feb/BRDR | Simon DAIGRE | Élizabeth GARREUIL (widow) | French Creole? | Commeau, Hébert | |
1834 2 Jan/BRDR | Joseph DAIGLE | Batilde SIMONEAUX | French Creole | LeBlanc, Rodriguez | |
1834 2 Jan/BRDR | Ursin DAIGLE (widow) | Mathilde TERRIAU | Acadian | Trahan | |
1834 20 Jan/BRDR | Pierre DAIGLE | Marguerite BOUDREAUX | Acadian | Aches, Daigle, Rodriguez | |
1834 26 May/BRDR | Fabien LE TULLIER | French Creole | [Oportine] Alexandrine DAIGRE | Breud, Clement | |
1834 8 Sep/BRDR | William B. THOMAS | Anglo | Marie Rose DAIGRE (widow) | Doiron, Hébert, Labauve | |
1834 27 Oct/BRDR | Zénon LEJEUNE | Acadian | [Marie Edeleine?] Elvina DAIGRE | Daigre, Doiron | |
1834 27 Nov/BRDR | [Victor] Maxil DAIGLE (wdr.) | Carmélite AUCOIN (widow) | Acadian | Dugas, Landry | |
1835 26 Jan/BRDR | Alexandre DAIGLE | Justine SIMONEAUX | French Creole | Melançon, Simonaud | |
1835 9 Feb/BRDR | Narcisse LEBLANC (wdr.) | Acadian | Séraphine DAIGLE (widow) | Daigle, Landry, LeBlanc, Melançon | |
1835 10 Dec/BRDR | Edmond BOURG | Acadian | Marie Amelise DAIGLE | Bourg, Foret | |
1836 16 May/BRDR | Jean ALEMAN | French Creole? | Edesie DAIGLE | Aleman, Daigle/Daigre, Dalferes, LeBlanc, Vives | |
1836 27 Jun/BRDR | Hermogène CROCHET | Acadian | Marie Carmélite DAIGRE (widow) | Clement, Hébert, Landry | |
1836 27 Jun/SWLR | Jean Baptiste Nicolas BROUSSARD | Acadian | Carmélite Amelina DAIGLE | none listed | |
1836 17 Sep/BRDR | André Marcellin MOIN (LEMOINE) | French Creole | Virginie [Céleste] DAIGRE | Babin, Clément | |
1837 8 May/BRDR | [Joseph] Maximilien DAIGLE | Marie Aurore HENRI | Acadian | Gaudez, Poujiel | |
1837 11 Sep/BRDR | Jean Baptiste BRAUD | Acadian | Marie [Reine] DAIGLE | Braud, Daigle, Landry | |
1837 9 Oct/BRDR | Joseph Bernardin LABAUVE | Acadian | Marie Modeste DAIGRE (widow) | Braun, Gils, LeBlanc | |
1838 29 Jan/BRDR | Félix MARTINEZ | Spanish Creole | Christine DAIGRE | Daigre, Martinez | |
1838 3 Apr/BRDR | Gilbert DAIGRE | Marie Caroline BIRD | Anglo | Bird, Duplantier, Templet | |
1838 22 Sep/SLR | Jean Pierre RICHOUX | French Creole? | [Marie Josèphe] Pauline DAIGLE | none listed | |
1838 31 Dec/BRDR | Forestin HÉBERT | Acadian | Adeline DAIGLE | Buol, Landry | |
1839 29 Jan/BRDR | Joseph BROU | Acadian | Marie Aureline DAIGRE | Clément, White | |
1839 4 Feb/BRDR | Joseph Édouard DAIGRE | Marie Finette LE BLANC | Acadian | Daigre, LeBlanc, Marchand | |
1839 13 May/BRDR | Romain Aimérant DAIGLE | Marie Azélie DUGAS | Acadian | Guédry, Mollere, Savois | |
1839 2 Sep/BRDR | Joseph MUNIOS | Spanish Creole | Joséphine DEGRE | Idalgo, Ramirez | |
1839 25 Nov/BRDR | Louis LEBEUF | French Creole | [Eléonore Osite dite] Léonore DAIGLE | Arceneaux, Bourg, Daigle, Rivet, Savoy | |
1840 2 Jan/BRDR | Marcellin MARTINEZ | Spanish Creole | Théotisse Adélaïde DAIGRE | Daigre, Martinez | |
1840 6 Jan/BRDR | Valentin TRAHAN | Acadian | Eléonore [Olivie] DAIGLE | Leblanc, Leclerq | |
1840 3 Aug/SLR | Come/Conn Blaise DEOUX | Foreign French | Marie Clarisse DAIGLE | none listed | |
1841 15 Feb/BRDR | Adonis LOPEZ | Spanish Creole | Célestine DAIGRE | Heude/Hude, Lopez | |
1841 23 Feb/BRDR | M. Lasain CAPDEVIELLE | French Creole | Marie Domitille DAIGRE | Daigre, Danos/Danox, Hébert | |
1841 19 Mar/BRDR | Isidore HENRY | Acadian | Arthémise DAIGLE | Conteming, Daigle | |
1841 9 Aug/BRDR | Joseph [Étienne] DAIGLE (widower) | Eugénie KENT (widow) | Anglo | Dicharry, Gautreaux, Kent, Landry, Leblanc | |
1841 23 Aug/SLR | Joseph Alexandre DAIGLE | Odile Victorine BERNAR [BERNON] | French Creole? | none listed | |
1841 27 Sep/BRDR | Pierre Eusèbe DAIGLE | Rosalie VERRET | French Creole | Boudreaux, Bourg, Bourgeois, Mignard, Verret | |
1841 27 Sep/BRDR | Pierre Lucien BOUDREAUX | Acadian | Rosalie Adèle DAIGLE | Boudreaux, Landry, Love, Montet | |
1842 7 Feb/BRDR | Jean Baptiste DELAUNE | Acadian | Julie DAIGLE | Daigle, Delaune | |
1842 28 Mar/BRDR | Augustin HÉBERT | Acadian | [Marie] Doralise DAIGRE | DeCussier, Hébert | |
1842 23 May/BRDR | Jean Bte. LABAUVE | Acadian | Marie Felasie DAIGRE | Foret, Hébert | |
1842 16 Jul/SLR | George W. LEONARD | Anglo? | Mélanie [Madeleine] DAIGLE | none listed | |
1842 29 Aug/BRDR | Adrien DUPUY | Acadian | [Marie] Éloise DAIGLE (wid.) | Hébert, Landry, Leblanc, Robechaux | |
1842 31 Aug/BRDR | Lovensky HÉBERT | Acadian | Oreline DAIGLE | Foret, Hébert, Landry | |
1843 19 Jun/BRDR | Léon LEJEUNE | Acadian | [Émilie] Eléonore DAIGRE | Doiron, Thibodeaux, Trahan | |
1844 9 Jun/BRDR | Alexandre DAIGLE | Phelisène DOIRON | Acadian | Aucoin, Daigle, Guillot, Hébert | |
1844 30 Jun/BRDR | Ursin GUILLOT | Acadian | Joséphine [Élisabeth] DAIGLE | Guillot, Hébert | |
1844 23 Sep/BRDR | Eugène DAIGRE | Marie Zoélide TULLIER (widow) | French Creole | Clement, Hébert, Thompson | |
1845 24 Mar/BRDR | Louis LEREY[, fils] | Foreign French? | Aureline DAIGLE | Babin, Boutte, Brogard, Caire, Doiron, Foucard | |
1845 8 May/SWLR | Joseph [Maximilien] DAIGLE (widower) | Marcellite [Ida] MELANSON | Acadian | none listed | |
1845 11 Aug/BRDR | Pierre [Eusèbe] DAIGLE (wr.) | Euphémie TRAHAN | Acadian | Allement, Barrieaux, Trahand/Trahant | |
1845 6 Dec/SWLR | Azelin [Alexandre Eusilien] AUCOUIN | Acadian | Marie Clémentine DAIGLE | none listed | |
1845 30 Dec/BRDR | Marcellin LANDRY | Acadian | Victoire Célina DAIGRE | Daigre, Hébert, Landry, Rils | |
1846 3 Feb/SLR | Louis Édouard LAMOUREAUX | Foreign French | [Rosalie dite] Rose DAIGLE | none listed | |
1846 16 Feb/SLR | Harmogène LOUVIÈRES/LOUVIÈRE | Acadian | Mérente/Méranthe DAIGLE | none listed | |
1846 1 Jun/BRDR | Victorin LABAUVE | Acadian | Augustine DAIGRE | Blanchard, Labauve, Landry | |
1846 6 Jul/BRDR | Louis [Basile] DAIGLE | Doralise LEBEUF | French Creole | Daigle, Dupuis, Giroir, Saurez/Suarez | |
1846 7 Sep/BRDR | Amédée BREAUX | Acadian | Oville DAIGLE | Blanchard, Jimonor, Romagosa | |
1847 1 Feb/BRDR | Hyppolite [Napoléon] DAIGLE | Zéolide CHEDOTAL | French Creole? | Daigle, Mendez, Pirrier/Porrier | |
1847 26 Apr/BRDR | Vilneuve Zéphirin BLANCHARD | Acadian | Estelle DAIGLE | Blanchard, Hébert, Williams | |
1847 25 May/BRDR | Trasimond DAIGLE | Rufine RIVERO | Spanish Creole | Daigle, Ribero | |
1847 19 Jul/SLR | Mathurin DAIGLE | Marie Elezida DUGAS | Acadian | none listed | |
1847 4 Oct/BRDR | Armogène DOIRON | Acadian | [Marie] Aureline DAIGRE | Daigre, Hébert | |
1848 31 Jan/BRDR | Valérien LANDRY | Acadian | Mathilde DAIGLE | Barthélémy, Hébert, Landry | |
1848 2 May/SLR | Ulysse GAUTREAU/GAUTREAUX | Acadian | Euphrasie/Euphroisine Éloise DAIGLE | none listed | |
1848 8 May/BRDR | Valéry FORAIX [FORET] | Acadian | Célestine DAIGLE | Daigle, LeBlanc | |
1848 6 Jun/SLR | Joseph Michel DAIGLE | Delphine BOQUET/BUQUET/BUCQUET | Foreign French | none listed | |
1848 26 Jun/BRDR | Eugène LANDRY | Acadian | Marie Armelise DAIGLE | Andrieux, Daigle, LeBlanc | |
1848 2 Oct/BRDR | François Agustin DAIGLE | Marie Amelia LANDRY | Acadian | Arnold, Babin, Landry | |
1849 22 Jan/BRDR | Éloi HÉBERT | Acadian | Marie Coralie DAIGRE | Daigre, Henry, Housiaux, Landry | |
1849 12 Feb/SLR | Lesin DAIGLE | Marie Pamela GAUTRAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1849 19 Feb/BRDR | Merville CAMPO | French Creole? | Antoinette [Élise] DAIGLE | Aucoin, Campo, Dugas, Hébert | |
1849 21 Jun/BRDR | Paul Olivier DAIGRE | Marie Véronique HOTARD | German Creole | Blanchard, Daigre, Hamel, Hotard, Johnston, Landry, Whitney | |
1849 29 Oct/BRDR | Joseph Euzelien DAIGLE | Théotiste Magdalain TRAHAN | Acadian | Delaune, Duaron, Parody | |
1849 17 Dec/SLR | Joacin/Joachim DAIGLE | Joséphine THIBODEAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1850 28 Jan/BRDR | Venand CHEDOTAL | French Creole? | [Justine] Céleste DAIGLE | Blanchard, Gunttnir | |
1850 7 Feb/BRDR | Élie Théodore BLANCHARD | Acadian | Céleste Cephalide DAIGLE | Aillet, Blanchard, LeBlanc | |
1850 1 Apr/SLR | Mathurin DELANNE | Acadian | Aureline DAIGLE | none listed | |
1850 7 Jul/BRDR | Joseph SIMAUNAUX | French Creole | Pauline DAIGLE | Simaunaux/Simoneaux | |
1850 10 Sep/BRDR | Jean Baptiste RICHARD | Acadian | Marie Célima DAIGRE | Allain, Hébert, Richard | |
1850 1 Oct/BRDR | Mario Antonio John ESTEVAN | Spanish Creole | Azélie Florestine DAIGRE | Calry, Gronbry, Lambremont | |
1850 10 Oct/BRDR | Forester DAIGRE | Marie Adeline ALLAIN | Acadian | Allain, Landry, Gallagher | |
1850 31 Oct/SLR | Olésime DAIGLE | Angèlle Modeste BOURGEOIS | Acadian | none listed | |
1851 16 Jan/BRDR | [Jean] Treville DAIGLE | Marie Elizabeth YATES | Anglo | Chatchan, Moknu | |
1851 23 Jan/BRDR | Jean Baptiste SIMONEAU | French Creole | Élizabeth DAIGLE | Daigle, Landry, Simoneau | |
1851 11 Feb/BRDR | Adon BLANCHARD | Acadian | [Élisabeth] Justine DAIGLE | Blanchard, Simoneau | |
1851 26 Jun/BRDR | Andrew SIMMONS | Anglo | [Marie] Malvina DAIGRE | Blanchard, Capdevielle, Daigre, Holliday, Landry, Mims, Simmons, Valentine | |
1851 21 Jul/SLR | Jean Baptiste DAIGLE[, fils] | Michel[le] Léonise LAMBERT | Acadian | none listed | |
1851 8 Sep/SWLR | Joseph RICHARD | Acadian | [Adeline] Carmélite DAIGLE (w.) | none listed | |
1851 8 Nov/BRDR | Edward DELAUNE | French Creole? | Arthémise [Caroline] DAIGLE | Delaune, Roddy | |
1851 8 Dec/BRDR | Marie Adrien PERSAC | Foreign French | Marie Odile DAIGRE | Daigre, Landry, Martinez | |
1852 16 Feb/BRDR | Jean Baptiste [Dorville] DAIGLE | Célestine LEBLANC | Acadan | Daigle, LeBlanc, Richard | |
1852 19 Mar/SLR | Joachim BOUDREAUX | Acadian | Odile Cézaire DAIGLE | none listed | |
1852 13 Apr/BRDR | Joachim BLANCHARD | Acadian | Anathalie DAIGRE | Babin, Bourg, Fornier | |
1852 14 May/BRDR | Romain DAIGLE (widower) | Louise GIROIR | Acadian | Guillot, Landry, Marquet, Richard | |
1852 6 Jul/BRDR | François BERTELOTTE | French Creole | Oliva [Marie] DAIGLE | Mollere, Simonaud | |
1852 26 Jul/SWLR | Marceillien DAIGLE | Adelina PALASKKI | Polish? | none listed | |
1852 21 Sep/BRDR | [Léon] Dorville DAIGLE | Acadian | Egladie [Félicité Aglace] DAIGLE | Acadian | Daigle, Simoneaux |
1853 20 Jan/SLR | Hubert BERGERON | Acadian | [Éloise] Euphrosine DAIGLE (w.) | none listed | |
1853 25 Jan/BRDR | Henry DAIGLE | Christine BOURG | Acadian | Bourg, Copelle, Daigle | |
1853 5 Feb/BRDR | J.[ean] Gervais DAIGLE | Artémise LEBLANC | Acadian | Blanchard, Guédry, LeBlanc | |
1853 5 Apr/BRDR | Lucien DAIGLE | Irène CHEDOTAL | French Creole? | Codotal, Daigle, Simoneaux | |
1853 12 Apr/BRDR | Joseph HENRY | Acadian | Ernestine DAIGRE | Bush, Estevan, Henry, Heude | |
1853 6 Jun/SLR | Hypolite PORCHE [POCHÉ] | French Creole | Marie Séverine DAIGLE | none listed | |
1853 30 Jun/BRDR | Saturin Zénon DAIGRE | Marie Emma BLANCHARD | Acadian | Blanchard, Dalegro, Dupuy, Landry, LeBlanc, Martinez, Sullivan | |
1853 20 Aug/SWLR | Onésime DAIGLE | Pamela BROUSSARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1854 20 Feb/BRDR | Sosthène DAIGRE | Caecilia DUPLESSIS | French Creole | Christin, Daigre, Dupuy, Martinez, Vives | |
1854 1 Jun/SLR | Joseph ADOUE/ADOUX | French Creole? | "Mrs." Oreline/Aureline DAIGRE (widow) | none listed | |
1854 12 Jun/SLR | Leufroy/Leufroi DE'GLE | Rosalie/Ulalie THIBODEAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1854 15 Jul/BRDR | Louis DAIGLE | Émelie CAMPEAUX | French Creole? | Dugas, Hébert, Templé | |
1855 15 Feb/BRDR | Simon BOURGEOIS[, fils] | Acadian | Adelina DAIGLE | Daigle, Dalfere, Sanchez | |
1855 25 Jul/BRDR | Victorin HEUDE | French Creole? | [Pauline] Joséphine DAIGRE | Babin, Daigre, Duplantier, Martinez, Persac | |
1855 25 Aug/SLR | Henri DAIGLE | Ophelia/Ophilia BOUDREAUX/BOUDRAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1856/BRDR | Edmond AILLET | French Creole | Rosalie Nathalie DAIGLE | Landry, LeBlanc, Lejeune | |
1856 24 Jan/BRDR | Uselien DAIGLE | Augustine DUGAS | Acadian | Bourg, Daigle, Dugas, LeBlanc | |
1856 11 Jun/SLR | Marcel Girve/Gervais DAIGLE | Ada DARCE | French Creole? | none listed | |
1856 16 Jun/BRDR | Gustave HÉBERT | Acadian | Aloysia DAIGRE | Autain, Breaux, Comau, Daigre, Hébert | |
1856 15 Sep/BRDR | Sosthène HORSLER | Anglo? | Pauline DAIGLE | Arbour | |
1856 2 Oct/BRDR | Aristides DAIGRE | Mary Mathilda RILS | Irish Creole | Daigre, Persac, Rils | |
1856 8 Oct/BRDR | Jean Baptiste Oscar LANDRY | Acadian | Louise DAIGLE | Daigle, Labauve | |
1856 28 Oct/BRDR | Fostin LE BLANC (widower) | Acadian | Marie Doralise DAIGRE (widow) | Daigre, Hébert, Tuillier | |
1856 27 Dec/SLR | Jourdain SAVOIE (widower) | Acadian | Edessie DAIGLE (widow) | none listed | |
1857 6 Jan/BRDR | John Émile TESTARD | Foreign French | Victoria DAIGRE | Daigre, Dupuy, Garcin, Reynaud, Rougeau | |
1857 19 Jan/BRDR | Joseph COINTMENT | French Creole | Ernestine DAIGRE (widow) | Chauvin, Dupuy, Richard, Riviere | |
1857 2 Feb/BRDR | Léon LANDRY | Acadian | Ozile DAIGLE | Dugas, Landry, LeBlanc | |
1857 23 Feb/BRDR | [Pierre] Camille DAIGLE | Adorestine BOURGEOIS | Acadian | Daigle, Melançon | |
1857 8 Apr/BRDR | Joseph S. DAIGLE | Delphine FRIOUX | French Creole | Blanchard, Daigle, Simoneaux | |
1857 14 Apr/SWLR | Joseph Maxilien DAIGLE (wr.) | Oliva CAILLIER (widow) | French Creole | none listed | |
1857 27 Apr/SWLR | Joseph SIMONEAUX (wdr.) | French Creole | [Marie] Seraline DAIGLE | none listed | |
1857 7 May/BRDR | Séverin DUGAS | Acadian | Élize DAIGLE | Babin, Daigle, Dugas, Landry | |
1857 19 May/BRDR | Emérant DAIGLE | Élisabeth MASEROLLE | Acadian | Blanchard, Daigle, Maserolle | |
1857 30 May/BRDR | Jules DUGAS | Acadian | [Marie Adellina] Adelisca DAIGLE | Daigle, Dugas, Landry | |
1857 30 Jun/BRDR | Joachim/Joaisin AILLET | French Creole | [Marie] Aureline DAIGRE (wd.) | Babin, Daigre, Doiron | |
1857 1 Oct/BRDR | Joseph Alfred DAIGRE | Céleste Mary RILS | Irish Creole | Daigre, Jumel, Rils | |
1858 19 Jan/BRDR | [Edmond] Augustin DAIGLE | Élizabeth HÉBERT | Acadian | Daigle, Hébert, Michel | |
1858 9 Feb/BRDR | Adrien BLANCHARD | Acadian | Élodie DAIGLE | Daigle, Landry | |
1858 7 Jun/SLR | Pierre Eugène CAPS | Anglo? | Evélina DAIGLE | none listed | |
1858 10 Jul/BRDR | Marcelin DAIGLE | Joséphine QUERNE | Anglo? | Boudreaux, Dugas, Landry, Terriot | |
1858 20 Sep/BRDR | Désiré DAIGLE | Flavie LANDRY | Acadian | Ayraud, Daigle, Landry | |
1858 4 Oct/SLR | Henri Zénon LABIT | French Creole? | Eméranthe Phelonise DAIGLE (widow) | none listed | |
1859 12 Jan/BRDR | Henry VON PHUL | German Imm.? | Mary E. [Christine] DAIGRE | Bird, Brevard, Daigre, Von Phul | |
1859 24 Jan/BRDR | Drosin DAIGLE | Amelia LANDRY | Acadian | Landry, LeBlanc, Mollère, Simoneaux | |
1859 9 May/BRDR | Vileor AUCOIN | Acadian | [Marie] Carmélite DAIGLE | Bergeron, Landry | |
1859 16 May/BRDR | [Saturin] Zénon D. DAIGRE | Élise DUPLESSIS | French Creole | Christan, Daigre, Duplessis, Gardere, Hébert | |
1859 21 May/BRDR | Eugène BERGERON | Acadian | [Malvina] Roséma DAIGLE | Arseneaux, Bergeron | |
1859 8 Jun/BRDR | Benjamin M. DAIGRE | Acadian | Pauline DAIGRE | Acadian | Kleinpeter |
1859 15 Aug/SLR | Evariste NAVARRE/NAVARE | Spanish Creole? | [Alexandrine] Eveline DAIGLE | none listed | |
1860 29 May/BRDR | Constant DAIGLE | Eglantine GAUTHRAUX | Acadian | Blanchard, Bourg, Breau, Moïse | |
1860 20 Oct/SLR | Auguste RIBBECK | German Imm.? | Marie Anne DAIGLE | none listed | |
1861 15 Apr/BRDR | [Ursin] Crepin DAIGLE | Clémentine FRYOU | French Creole | Crochet, Hartman, Terrio, Trahant | |
1861 26 Sep/SLR | Octave DAIGLE | Marie Zulema DUGAS | Acadian | none listed |
Analysis of DAIGRE/DAIGLE marriages, 1771-1861:
Total marriages listed:
275 100.0%
Endogamous marriages:
Exogamous marriages:
DANTIN (Acadians only)
Date/Record | Groom | Ethnicity | Bride | Ethnicity | Witnesses |
1786 21 Jan/NOAR | Martin-[Bénoni] PITRE | Acadian | Juana DANTEIN | ||
1787 23 Jul/BRDR | Luis DANTIN (widower) | Margarita[-Blanche] BREAU | Acadian | Commo, Gullot | |
1793 6 Jan/BRDR | Guillermo-Bélloni EVERE (HÉBERT) | Acadian | Mariana DANTIN | Dantin, Éber | |
1795 25 Jun/BRDR | Pedro[-Alexis] ACHÉE | Acadian | Ana DANTIN | Cazebon, Dantin | |
1802 28 Feb/BRDR | Juan-Maria LEVRON | Acadian | Julia-Geneveva DANTIN | Dantin, Levron | |
1808 18 Oct/BRDR | Louis François DANTIN | Anne Rosalie HÉBERT | Acadian | Gombert, Hébert, Roger | |
1811 1 Jul/BRDR | Josef DANTIN | Maria Clotilde GUÉDRY | Acadian | Dantin, Hébert | |
1815 19 Nov/BRDR | Joseph SANCHEZ | Spanish Imm. | Margarita DANTIN | Boudrot, Fremin, Tureira | |
1819 27 Apr/BRDR | Jean Baptiste DENTIN | Marie Angèle ESTE [CHETE] | Spanish Creole? | Baye, Dantin | |
1819 27 Apr/BRDR | Delmace Urbin ESTE [CHETE] | Spanish Creole? | Marie Louise DENTIN (DANTIN) | Dantin, Héber, Priou | |
1820 5 Jun/SLR | Charles DENTIN | Claire/Clair GUILLOT | Acadian | none listed | |
1821 22 May/SLR | Antoine BOYE/BOYER | French Creole? | Marie Carmélite DENTIN | none listed | |
1822 28 Jan/SLR | Fabien [Sébastien] DENTON | Marie Eugénie/Virginie PART | Acadian | none listed | |
1823 11 Aug/SLR | Éloy/Éloi MARONGE/MARONGES | French Creole? | Modeste Marcelite D'ANTIN | none listed | |
1825 18 Apr/SLR | Ange LANNA/LANA | Italian Imm. | Constance Pélagie DANTIN | none listed | |
1828 16 Jun/SLR | Étienne Bélony BOUTARY | French Creole? | Scholastique DANTIN | none listed | |
1833 14 Oct/SLR | Paul DANTIN | Azélie Isabelle RICHARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1834 8 Apr/SLR | Augustin LEGENDRE | Foreign French | Adeline Basilice DANTIN | none listed | |
1836 16 Jan/SLR | Louis LEONARD (wdr.) | French Creole? | Marie [Louise] DANTIN (widow) | none listed | |
1839 29 Jul/SLR | Élie Rosémond BOURG | Acadian | Adèle DANTIN | none listed | |
1839 2 Sep/SLR | Léandre DANTIN | Rosalie TRICHE | German Creole? | none listed | |
1840 2 Mar/SLR | Joseph DANTIN | Carmélite BOURGEOIS | Acadian | none listed | |
1840 25 May/SLR | Louis Leufroy DANTIN | Marie Solidele CLOITRE | Acadian | none listed | |
1841 24 May/SLR | Zénon GUILLOT | Acadian | Mélite/Émelie DANTIN | none listed | |
1842 23 Mar/SLR | Eugène BOUTARY/BOUTARIE | French Creole | Marie Rosalie Emesida DANTIN | none listed | |
1844 17 May/SLR | Marcellin Théophile LEDAY | French Creole | Mélite D'ANTIN | none listed | |
1845 13 Jan/SLR | Charles Omer DANTIN | Marcelline BERGERON | Acadian | none listed | |
1848 27 Mar/SLR | Philippe PLAISANCE | Isleño Creole | Zéolide DANTIN | none listed | |
1849 5 Feb/SLR | Louis Célestin LIRETTE | French Creole | Alice DANTIN | none listed | |
1849 10 Nov/SLR | Leufroy DANTIN | Théotilde DAUNIS/DANNIS | French Creole | none listed | |
1851 31 Mar/SLR | Louis DANTIN | Aurelia NEWELL | Anglo | none listed | |
1851 23 Jun/SLR | Joseph DANTIN | Azéma Pamela SEVIN | French Creole | none listed | |
1852 21 Feb/SLR | Louis DANTIN | Louisa RODRIGUE | French Creole? | none listed | |
1852 16 Sep/SLR | Livaudais DANTIN | Élisabeth GUILLOT/GUYOT | Foreign French? | none listed | |
1855 15 Jan/SLR | Jean Samuel SAVEZ/FAREZ | Spanish Creole? | Émilie DANTIN | none listed | |
1855 29 Dec/SLR | Zénon GUILLOT (widower) | Acadian | Odille/Odile DANTIN | none listed | |
1858 21 Jun/SLR | Auguste HÉBERT (widower) | Acadian | Mrs. Alix/Alice DANTIN (widow) | none listed | |
1859 19 Feb/SLR | John BAYE | French Creole? | Joséphine DANTIN | none listed | |
1860 23 Apr/SLR | John H. PUTMAN | Anglo | Mélasie DANTIN | none listed |
Analysis of DANTIN marriages, 1786-1860:
Total marriages listed:
40 100.0%
Endogamous marriages:
Exogamous marriages:
DAREMBOURG (Acadians only)
Date/Record | Groom | Ethnicity | Bride | Ethnicity | Witnesses |
1786 18 Apr/BRDR | Joseph HÉBERT | Acadian | Marie-Jeanne DE RAMBOURG | Commo, Hébert |
Analysis of DAREMBOURG marriages, 1786:
Total marriages listed:
1 100.0%
Endogamous marriages:
Exogamous marriages:
DAREMBOURG Acadian connection: HÉBERT
DAREMBOURG non-Acadian connection: none
Date/Record | Groom | Ethnicity | Bride | Ethnicity | Witnesses |
1765 8 Apr/NOAR | Pierre DAROY | Marie BOURGEOIS | Acadian | none listed | |
1786 31 Mar/BRDR | François DUHON | Acadian | Isabelle DAROIS | Darois, Sanches | |
1791 21 May/BRDR | Joseph M. BOUDREAU | Acadian | Maria Isabel DOIRON [DAROIS] | Crochet, Lejeune | |
1799 8 Apr/BRDR | Fabien AUCOIN | Acadian | Susanna DAROIS | Aucoin, Hébert | |
1799 4 Nov/BRDR | Maturino AUCOIN | Acadian | Maria Magdelena DAROIS | Aucoin, Hébert | |
1799 4 Nov/BRDR | Juan Maria BENOIT | Acadian | [Marie-]Ysabel DAROIS (widow) | Aucoin, Hébert |
Analysis of DAROIS marriages, 1765-1799:
Total marriages listed:
6 100.0%
Endogamous marriages:
Exogamous marriages:
DAROIS non-Acadian connection: none
DAVID (Acadians only)
Date/Record | Groom | Ethnicity | Bride | Ethnicity | Witnesses |
1774 7 Jan/BRDR | Antoine CHAUFFE | French Creole | Marie DAVID | none listed | |
1775 21 Feb/BRDR | Paul DAVID | Marie-Pélagie HOUWERT [OUBRE] | French Creole | David, Rommel | |
1775 12 Sep/BRDR | Louis Medisierre JOUSSON | French Creole | Marie-Magdelaine DAVID | de Moullin, Villier | |
1787 24 Sep/BRDR | Anri UBRE [OUBRE] | German Creole | Angela DAVID | Bursua | |
1788 14 Oct/BRDR | Juan [Baptiste] DAVID | Elena ACHÉ | Acadian | Marten | |
1794 29 Jul/BRDR | Pablo DAVID (widower) | Margarita ROM (ROME) | French Creole | Millet, Rom | |
1798 29 May/SWLR | [Jean-]Baptiste DAVID, fils | Scholastique SAVOY | Acadian | Bogart, Bohns, Fontenot | |
1800 7 Jul/BRDR | Andrés ROME | French Creole | Isabella DAVID | Adhim, Armant | |
1802 2 Aug/BRDR | Francisco CLAIRAUT | French Creole | Maria[-Dorothée] DAVID | David, Rodriguez | |
1806 25 Jun/BRDR | Joseph LEROY [ROY] | Acadian | Marie Ursule DAVID | Badeau, Rousseau, Tureau | |
1811 27 Sep/BRDR | Jean Baptiste ARCENEAU | French Creole | Isabelle DAVID (widow) | Arceneau, Fonteneau, Pourcine | |
1816 3 Jan/BRDR | Michel DAVID | Marie Louise DEINS [DENIS] (widow) | French Creole | Delmire, Oubre, Rodgers | |
1817 10 Feb/BRDR | Louis RODRIQUE | French Creole | Justine DAVID | David, Grabert, Roullier | |
1819 24 May/BRDR | Pierre Rosémond ST. PIERRE | French Creole | Aurore DAVID | Bourgeois, Roi | |
1819 28 Dec/SWLR | Laurent DUPRÉ | French Creole | Caroline DAVID | Bertrand, Dupré, Estilette, Lachapelle, Lavergne | |
1821 20 Feb/BRDR | Paul DAVID | Reine Marcellin VINCENT | Acadian | Bonvilain, Destrevall, Thibodaux, Vincent | |
1821 5 Mar/BRDR | Michel DAVID (widower) | Elizabeth WIKIAN | Anglo? | Grégoire, LeBlanc, Ory, Oubre | |
1825 25 Jan/SWLR | Julien Lile CHACHERE | French Creole | Emérante DAVID | Chachere, David, Desessartre, Landry, Storge (Estorge) | |
1826 31 Jan/SWLR | Jean FOUX | Foreign French | Émiline DAVID | Balouzet, Dupré, Genin, Landry | |
1832 26 Apr/SWLR | Jean Baptiste DAVID [V] | Marguerite Elmire BRAUD | Acadian | none listed | |
1833 25 Jun/SWLR | Hypolite DAVID | Célestine RICHARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1834 11 Jan/SWLR | Paul DUPRÉ | French Creole | Azélie DAVID | none listed | |
1834 18 Jun/SWLR | Hervilien DAVID | Elisa GUÉDRY | Acadian | none listed | |
1836 16 May/BRDR | Simon ARCENEAUX | Acadian | Marguerite DAVID | Duhon, Mire | |
1836 7 Dec/SWLR | Joseph RULONG | French Creole? | Amelia [Émiline] DAVID (widow) | none listed | |
1837 3 Oct/BRDR | Amédé ARCENEAUX | Acadian | Carmélite DAVID | David, Donnelson, Duhon, LeBourgeois | |
1839 26 Jan/SWLR | Eugène DAVID | Marie Caroline OUBRE | German Creole | none listed | |
1839 28 Apr/SWLR | Gilbert/Guilbert DAVID | Caroline TAYLOR (widow) | German Creole? | none listed | |
1842 4 Feb/SWLR | François DAVID | Sélimen Pierre COMEAU | Acadian | none listed | |
1843 10 Oct/SWLR | Paulin WALCHIN | Anglo? | Amelie DAVID (widow?) | none listed | |
1844 22 Feb/SWLR | Firmin FONTENOT | French Creole | Lezima or Zélima Josèphe DAVID | none listed | |
1844 1 May/SWLR | Paul Hilaire DAVID | Joséphine LANGLINAIS | French Creole | none listed | |
1845 11 Nov/SWLR | Paul DAVID | Zulma/Zulmée BROUSSARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1846 15 Sep/SWLR | Jean Baptiste LOUVIÈR/LOUVIÈRE | Acadian | Marie Carmélite [Carmélite Elvina?] DAVID | none listed | |
1850 15 Nov/SWLR | Adolphe LABOVE | Acadian | Marie Poupon [Marie Hirène?] DAVID | none listed | |
1853 6 Aug/SWLR | Jule Lezin LE BLANC | Acadian | [Henriette Amelie?] Émilie DAVID | none listed | |
1854 10 Jan/SWLR | Eugène RICHARD | Acadian | Marguerite Doralice/Dorothy DAVID | none listed | |
1855 3 Jan/SWLR | William LEMING | Anglo? | [Marie Zulma?] Irma DAVID | none listed | |
1856 10 Dec/SWLR | Hypolite DAVID, Jr. | Virginie SEGURA | Spanish Creole | none listed | |
1857 22 Dec/SWLR | Alexandre DURIO | French Creole | Azélie DAVID | none listed | |
1859 26 Apr/SWLR | Paul LEDOUX | French Creole | Félicia DAVID | none listed | |
1860 12 Jan/SWLR | John MCCORMICK | Scots | Marie Célima DAVID | none listed | |
1860 7 Feb/SWLR | Léon GILLARD | French Creole? | [Marguerite Olzina] Alzina DAVID | none listed | |
1861 2 Apr/SWLR | Eugène DAVID | Octavie FONTENOT | French Creole | none listed |
Analysis of DAVID marriages, 1774-1861:
Total marriages listed:
44 100.0%
Endogamous marriages:
Exogamous marriages: 29
Date/Record | Groom | Ethnicity | Bride | Ethnicity | Witnesses |
1797 4 Oct/NOAR | Josef DEVILLE DEGLUTIN [fils] | Adelaida LALANDE DARCOUR | French Creole | Cruzat, Regio |
Analysis of DE GOUTIN de Ville marriages, 1797:
Total marriages listed:
1 100.0%
Endogamous marriages:
Exogamous marriages:
DE GOUTIN de Ville Acadian connection: none
DE GOUTIN de Ville non-Acadian connection: DARCOUR 1
DE LA FORESTRIE (Acadians only)
Date/Record | Groom | Ethnicity | Bride | Ethnicity | Witnesses |
1789 16 Aug/BRDR | Sébastian BENOIST | Acadian | Juana DE LA FORET (widow) | Bourque, Landry |
Analysis of DE LA FORESTRIE marriages, 1789:
Total marriages listed:
1 100.0%
Endogamous marriages:
Exogamous marriages:
DE LA FORESTRIE Acadian connection: BENOIT
DE LA FORESTRIE non-Acadian connection: none
DE LA MAZIÈRE (Acadians only)
Date/Record | Groom | Ethnicity | Bride | Ethnicity | Witnesses |
1800 7 Jan/BRDR | Luis AUGERON (widower) | French Creole | Luisa-Cecilia MAZIÈRE | Chiasson, Verret | |
1800 9 Feb/BRDR | Juan-Bautista MAZIÈRE | Maria ROBICHEAUX (widow) | Acadian | De La Macière, Hébert | |
1811 21 Apr/BRDR | Antonio LEDÉE | French Creole | Rosa Juana MAZIÈRE | de Macière, Hébert |
Analysis of DE LA MAZIÈRE marriages, 1800-1811:
Total marriages listed:
3 100.0%
Endogamous marriages:
Exogamous marriages:
DE LA MAZIÈRE Acadian connection: ROBICHAUX
DE LA MAZÈRE non-Acadian connection: AUGERON, LEDEÈ 2
DELAUNE (Acadians only)
Date/Record | Groom | Ethnicity | Bride | Ethnicity | Witnesses |
1794 17 Jun/BRDR | Juan-Bap. DELAUNE | Hyacinthe MICHEL | German Creole | Falgout, Michel | |
1804 16 Jul/BRDR | Jacinto Lorenzo AUCOIN | Acadian | Maria Céleste DELAUNE | Aucoin, Mora | |
1809 5 Jun/BRDR | Jacinto ROUSSEAU | French Creole | Rosalia DELAUNNE | Aucoin, Boudraux | |
1809 16 Oct/BRDR | Louis Auguste DELAUNE | Geneviève DUPUIS | Acadian | Dupuis, LeBlanc | |
1816 22 Apr/BRDR | Juan Bautista DELAUNNE (widower) | Maria HÉBERT | Acadian | Aucoin, Blanchard, Tureyra | |
1817 29 Sep/BRDR | Christophe DELAUNE | Marie Magdeleine GAUTREAUX | Acadian | Daigle, Hébert, Turreyra | |
1820 29 May/SLR | Alexandre DEL'AUNE | [Marie] Julie HÉBERT | Acadian | none listed | |
1825 20 Jun/BRDR | Louis Auguste DELAUNE [le jeune] | Carmélite TERIAU | Acadian | Barriau, Bergeron, De Laune | |
1826 22 May/BRDR | Ursin DELAUNE | Mélisaire TERIAU | Acadian | Barriau, Delaune | |
1827 30 Apr/BRDR | [Louis-]Auguste DELAUNE [l'aîné] (widower) | Clotilde LEBLANC | Acadian | Allain, Blanchard, LeBlanc | |
1828 9 Jun/BRDR | Sostin DELON (DELAUNE) | Marguerite OQUIN (AUCOIN) | Acadian | Arsenau, Delon, Oquin | |
1830 10 May/BRDR | Norbert BERGERON | Acadian | Azélie DELAUNE | Bergeron, Cancien, Delaune, Williamson | |
1830 24 May/BRDR | Constant VIEL | Foreign French | Marie [Geneviève] DELAUNE | Allain, Delaune, Guitteau, LeBlanc | |
1831 26 Sep/BRDR | Joseph Napoléon BOUDREAU | Acadian | Arthémise DELAUNE | Brez (Bret), Delaune, Landry, Monte | |
1834 6 Oct/BRDR | Christophe DELAUNE (wdr.) | Léocade Marguerite AUCOIN | Acadian | Delaune | |
1837 1 May/SLR | Alexandre DELAUNE (wdr.) | Rosalie OLIVIER (widow) | French Creole | none listed | |
1841 15 Feb/BRDR | Théodule DELAUNE | Marie ARSENEAU | Acadian | Delaune, Larousse | |
1841 28 Dec/SLR | Gérôme GOUDREAUX[BOUDREAUX] (widower) | Acadian | Adélaïde DELAUNE | none listed | |
1842 7 Feb/BRDR | Jean Baptiste DELAUNE | Julie DAIGLE | Acadian | Daigle, Delaune | |
1842 24 Jan/BRDR | Joseph DELAUNE | Azélie BOUDREAUX | Acadian | Aucoin, Delaune/Deleaune/Dellaune | |
1842 10 Oct/BRDR | François DELAUNE | Azélie COLONNE | French Creole? | Colonne, Daigle, Delaune | |
1844 12 Feb/BRDR | Jean Théodule DELAUNE | Armelise Rose LANDRY | Acadian | Blanchard, Boissac, Delaune, Dupuy, Landry, Tusson | |
1848 21 Feb/BRDR | Joseph DELAUNE | Adélaïde HÉBERT | Acadian | Barrieaux, Delaune | |
1850 Jan-Feb/SLR | Clairville Octave PELTIER | French Creole? | Séraphine Eve DELAUNE | none listed | |
1850 1 Apr/SLR | Mathurin DELANNE | Aureline DAIGLE | Acadian | none listed | |
1850 16 Dec/BRDR | Louis DESAUNAY | Malvina BUJOL | Acadian | Danos, Frunt, Housivel, McDaniel | |
1851 13 Jan/BRDR | Arcène DELAUNE | Marine BLANCHARD | Acadian | Blanchard, Delaune | |
1851 6 Feb/SLR | Auguste BOUDREAUX | Acadian | Azélie Mélasie DELAUNE | none listed | |
1851 15 Sep/SLR | Paulin CHOUABE | French Creole? | [Marie] Célestine DELANUE | none listed | |
1853 17 Jan/BRDR | Théophile DELAUNE | Caroline LAULAN | French Creole? | Barilleaux, Delaune, Keane, Laulan | |
1854 24 Apr/BRDR | Alexandre BLANCHARD | Acadian | [Marie] Angéline DELAUNE | Bergeron, Boudreaux, Delaune | |
1856 12 May/BRDR | Théodule DELAUNE | Roséma CANCIENNE | Italian Creole | Arseneaux, Bergeron, Delaune, Landry | |
1858 1 Feb/BRDR | Clodomir DELAUNE | Zulma CANCIENNE | Italian Creole | Colin, Delaune, Foret | |
1858 15 Feb/BRDR | Alexis DELAUNE | Louise LERILLE | French Creole? | Delaune, Lerille | |
1859 4 Dec/BRDR | Jean Ferdinand VENISSAT | Foreign French | Marie DELAUNE | Boudreaux, Delaune, Labadie, Venissat | |
1860 14 May/BRDR | William BOLLOTTE | French Creole? | Augustine DELAUNE | Cancienne, Delaune, Landry | |
1861 15 Apr/BRDR | Joseph DELAUNE | Eliska LANDRY | Acadian | Arseneaux, Aucoin, Delaune, Hébert, Landry, Simoneaud | |
1861 16 Apr/BRDR | Louis LERILLE | French Creole? | Victorine DELAUNE | Delaune, Hauillot, Ive, Lerille |
Analysis of DELAUNE marriages, 1794-1861:
Total marriages listed:
38 100.0%
Endogamous marriages:
Exogamous marriages:
Date/Record | Groom | Ethnicity | Bride | Ethnicity | Witnesses |
1802 27 Jul/SWLR | Jean-Baptiste TRAHAN | Acadian | Martine D'ENTREMONT | Fagot, Langlinais, Trahan |
Analysis of D'ENTREMONT marriages, 1802:
Total marriages listed:
1 100.00%
Endogamous marriages:
Exogamous marriages:
D'ENTREMONT Acadian connection: TRAHAN
D'ENTREMONT non-Acadian connection: none
DEROCHE (Acadians only)
Date/Record | Groom | Ethnicity | Bride | Ethnicity | Witnesses |
1778 16 Sep/BRDR | [Basil] DEROCHE | Marie EDELMAYRE (widow) | German Creole | Houwer, St. Jacques | |
1800 1 Jul/NOAR | Santiago BARBIER | French Creole? | Angelica DEROCHER | Tregle, Veicner | |
1801 14 Nov/BRDR | Basilio DE ROCHE (widower) | Margarita LEGANT (LEGAU) (widow) | German Creole? | Babin, Juteau | |
1821 10 Sep/SLR | Pierre DEROCHE | Pélagie BAYE | French Creole | none listed | |
1848 25 Sep/SLR | Antoine DEROCHE | Marie TROSCLAIR | German Creole | none listed | |
1854 12 Aug/SLR | Joseph DESROCHES | Marie Adeline BOUDRAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1859 14 Jun/SLR | Evariste/Narcisse AUCOIN | Acadian | Marie Aimée [Eveline] DESROCHES | none listed |
Analysis of DEROCHE marriages, 1778-1859:
Total marriages listed:
7 100.0%
Endogamous marriages:
Exogamous marriages:
DEROCHE Acadian connection: AUCOIN, BOUDREAUX 2
Date/Record | Groom | Ethnicity | Bride | Ethnicity | Witnesses |
1766 5 May/C-V | Pierre LAMBERT | Acadian | Marguerite[-Marie] DOIRON | none listed | |
1768 9 Mar/BRDR | Joseph AMACHE | Italian Imm. | Agathe DUARON | ____, Clouet, Babin | |
1768 20 Jun/BRDR | Vincent ST. PIERRE | Spanish Imm. | Élisabeth DUARON | Diez, Duaron, Rodrique | |
1768 20 Jun/BRDR | Antoine RODRIGUEZ | Spanish Creole | Pélagie DUARON | Duaron, Diez, St. Pierre | |
1785 10 Oct/BRDR | Jean TEMPLET | Acadian | Marie[-Rose] DOIRON | Allain, Templet | |
1786 13 Feb/SWLR | François BEGNAUD | French Creole | Marie-Honorine DOIRON | Bernard, Doiron | |
1786 8 May/BRDR | Victor DEGLET [DAIGLE] | Acadian | Margarita-Josefa DUARON | none listed | |
1787 28 Jan/BRDR | Jean-Louis BAUDEN | French Creole | Francisca DOIRON | none listed | |
1787 9 Jul/BRDR | Josef LEBLANC | Acadian | Pélagia DOARON | Duon, Godro | |
1787 17 Dec/BRDR | Jean-Baptiste DOIRON | Ann GUÉDRY | Acadian | Goudreau, Guidry | |
1789 23 May/SWLR | Jean MELANÇON | Acadian | Rose-Lucie DOIRON | Broussard, Coirin, Modena | |
1791 12 Jun/BRDR | Jean-Louis HÉBERT | Acadian | Maria-Victoria DOIRON | Boudreaux, Dantin | |
1792 16 Apr/BRDR | Jean DOIRON | Marguerite DUGAS | Acadian | Bertrand, Blanchard | |
1794 3 Mar/BRDR | Étienne BOUDREAUX | Acadian | Ursula-Olivia DOIRON | Hébert | |
1797 27 Feb/BRDR | Joseph BABIN (wdr.) | Acadian | Anna-Apollonia DOIRON (widow) | Babin, Duhont, Juteau | |
1800 7 Jan/BRDR | Joseph TRAHAN[, fils] | Acadian | Margarita[-Josèphe] DOVERON (widow) | Acadian | Garey, Legon |
1800 3 Jun/BRDR | Maturin DOIRON | Marguerite HÉBERT | Acadian | Hébert | |
1804 20 Aug/BRDR | Juan B[aptiste]. DOIRON | Angelica HÉBERRE | Acadian | Doiron, Granger | |
1805 29 Apr/BRDR | Germano BERGERON | Acadian | Maria Magdalena DOIRON | Hébert, Richard | |
1806 6 May/SWLR | Jean Charles DOIRON | Louise BROUSSARD | Acadian | Chemin, Ferry, Jacquet | |
1808 19 Jan/SWLR | Jean LANDRY | Acadian | Ursule DOIRON | Abat, Landry, Préjean | |
1810 7 Nov/BRDR | Rémi DOIRON | Julia RIC[H]ARD | Acadian | Losada, Templet | |
1811 11 Jun/SWLR | Hypolite BONIN | French Creole | Marie DOIRON | Arnaud, Beguenaud, Melancon | |
1812 24 May/BRDR | Isaac [Alexandre] DOIRON | Renya Ulalia HÉBERT | Acadian | Babin, Benoit | |
1812 27 Jan/BRDR | Agustin DOIRON | Ana [Marie] DAIGLE | Acadian | Dugas, Turreyra | |
1815 17 Apr/BRDR | Joseph DOIRON | Catherine PAYE or PAYS | French Creole? | Dupuis, Guiots, Marionnaux | |
1818 25 Mar/BRDR | Bertrand MARS | French Creole? | Geneviève DOIRON | Blanchard, Glen, Rabadan | |
1823 21 Jul/BRDR | Augustin MORESCO | Italian Imm. | Marie DOIRON | Acadian | Aucoin, Delaune, Fabre |
1825 19 Mar/BRDR | Volney DOIRON | Marcelline DUPUIS | Acadian | Aucoin, Doiron, Templet | |
1827 22 Jan/BRDR | Jean Louis DUARON | Marie CUVILLIER | French Creole | Aucoin, Giroir, Oselet | |
1827 26 Feb/BRDR | Joseph DOIRON | Julie Émelie LEJEUNE | Acadian | Doiron, Lejeune | |
1827 20 Aug/BRDR | John B. MORGAN | Anglo | Azélie DOIRON | Doiron, Hébert | |
1829 9 Feb/BRDR | Valmond DOIRON | Mathilde BABIN | Acadian | Doiron, Foret, Hébert | |
1829 24 Aug/SLR | Firmin [Germain] DOIRON | Marguerite Basilise FREMIN | French Creole | none listed | |
1830 15 Feb/BRDR | Joseph AILLET | French Creole? | Marguerite Virginia DOIRON | Doiron, Hebert, Labauve | |
1831 7 Feb/BRDR | Cronias HÉBERT | Acadian | Marguerite Uranie DOIRON | Doiron, Foret, Hébert | |
1832 16 Feb/BRDR | Augustin TRAHAN | Acadian | Élise DOIRON | Blanchard, Comeaux, Girouard | |
1832 17 Sep/SLR | Étienne DOIRON | Marie Louise TRAHANT | Acadian | none listed | |
1833 14 Jan/SWLR | Dominique BERGERON | Acadian | Célestine DOIRON | none listed | |
1833 22 Jul/BRDR | Lubin AUCOIN | Acadian | Anne Marie DOIRON | none listed | |
1833 7 Oct/BRDR | Elien DOIRON | Élène LEJEUNE | Acadian? | Doiron, Gruis | |
1834 28 Apr/BRDR | Jean Baptiste Auguste DOIRON | Bazilide AUCOIN | Acadian | none listed | |
1834 28 Apr/BRDR | Noël AUCOIN | Acadian | Marie Théotiste DOIRON | none listed | |
1834 18 Aug/BRDR | François RIVAS | Spanish Creole? | Cléonise DOIRON | Doiron, Foret, Richard | |
1834 10 Nov/BRDR | Rosémond ACHÉ | Acadian | Marie Clara DOIRON | Achée, Doucet, Terrell | |
1835 15 Feb/BRDR | Marcellin Louis AUCOIN | Acadian | Azélie DOIRON | Banklan de Hanbit, Guillot | |
1835 19 Mar/BRDR | Fergus CLÉMENT | French Creole | Rosalie DOIRON | Clement, Doiron, Hébert | |
1835 17 Sep/BRDR | Hypolite HÉBERT (wdr.) | Acadian | Céleste/Célestine DOIRON | Braud, Clement, Doiron | |
1836 11 Feb/BRDR | Jean Baptiste COMMAUX | Acadian | Marie Adèlle DOIRON | Doiron, Hébert, Salles | |
1836 15 Feb/BRDR | Jean Baptiste DOIRON[, fils] | Rosalie LEJEUNE | Acadian | Blanchard, Bujol, Doiron, Hébert | |
1836 4 Jul/BRDR | François Célestin BABIN | Acadian | Marie Éloise DOIRON | Babin | |
1836 7 Nov/BRDR | Marcellin DOIRON | Caroline HÉBERT | Acadian | Hébert, Henry | |
1837 17 Apr/BRDR | Onésime DOIRON | Séraphine LEJEUNE | Acadian? | Clot, Doiron, Hebert | |
1839 16 Apr/SWLR | Simon DURIEAU | French Creole | Ursule DOIRON (widow) | none listed | |
1841 4 May/SLR | Auguste DOIRON | Céleste TRAHAN | Acadian | none listed | |
1843 15 May/BRDR | Joseph DOIRON | Rosalie BOURG | Acadian | Babin, Doiron | |
1844 11 Mar/SWLR | Lastie BERTRAND | Acadian | Fortine [Louise] DOIRON | none listed | |
1844 9 Jun/BRDR | Alexandre DAIGLE | Acadian | Phelisène DOIRON | Aucoin, Daigle, Guillot, Hebert | |
1845 3 Feb/BRDR | John Dugregi COMEAUX | Acadian | Doralis Virginie DOIRON | Babin, Blanchard, Bolsenur, Doiron, Phillips, Smith | |
1846 15 Jan/BRDR | Jean Villeneuve DOIRON | Émelie Octavine SOUCHON dit AUBIN | French Creole? | Babin, Doiron, Phillips, Souchon dit Aubin | |
1846 29 Jan/BRDR | Gédéon DOIRON | Alzire BABIN | Acadian | Babin, Doiron, Labadiole | |
1847 4 Oct/BRDR | Armogène DOIRON | Aureline DAIGLE | Acadian | Daigle, Hébert | |
1848 29 Jan/BRDR | Alexandre DOIRON | Adelaide LEJEUNE (widow) | Acadian? | Aillet, Blanchard, LeBlanc | |
1849 17 Apr/SLR | Joseph GROS | French Creole | Geneviève DOIRON (widow) | none listed | |
1851 3 Mar/BRDR | Albert Florestin AUCOIN | Acadian | Julie Zéolide DOIRON | Aucoin, Babin, Comeaux | |
1854 16 Oct/BRDR | Flavien Drousin TUILLIER | French Creole | Marie Aspasie DOIRON | Daigle, Doiron, Hébert | |
1855 23 Apr/BRDR | Eugène DOIRON | Marie Delphine COMMEAUX | Acadian | Babin, Comeaux, Doiron, Smith | |
1855 2 Jul/BRDR | Maurice DOIRON | Marie THIBODEAUX | Acadian | Boudreaux, Debous, Doiron, Landry | |
1855 29 Oct/BRDR | John SUAREZ | Spanish Creole | Mary Feliciana DOIRON | Boon, Croker, Doiron, Heah, Hebert, Mannaring | |
1856 14 Jul/BRDR | Clairville DOIRON | Aurelie BARRILLIEAUX | Acadian | Aucoin, Boudreaux, Pothier, Stansbury | |
1857 27 Apr/BRDR | Transimond LE BLANC | Acadian | Azélie DOIRON | Badeaux, Bourg, David | |
1857 28 Apr/BRDR | Hypolite SARRADET | Foreign French | [Marie] Azélie DOIRON | Hebert, LeBlanc, Sarradet | |
1857 21 Dec/BRDR | George Washington PAUL | Anglo | Élina DOIRON | Bernard dit Dumontier, Harrison, LeBlanc, Lejeune | |
1859 2 May/BRDR | Jean Baptiste DOIRON | Marie BARILLEAUX | Acadian | Barrilleaux, Gautreaux, Landry, Thibodeaux |
Analysis of DOIRON marriages, 1766-1859:
Total marriages
listed: 74 100.0%
Endogamous marriages: 52
Exogamous marriages: 22
DOUCET (Acadians only)
Date/Record | Groom | Ethnicity | Bride | Ethnicity | Witnesses |
1768 6 Jun/C-V | Abraham ROY (widower) | Acadian | Marie[-Madeleine] DOUSSET (widow) | none listed | |
1772 18 Jul/SWLR | Joseph [dit Hilaire] DOUCETTE | Anne LANDRY | Acadian | Berard, Durieu, Grevember, Landry | |
1773 11 Jan/BRDR | Jean-Baptiste DOUSSE | [Marie-]Anne COMO | Acadian | Como, Hébert | |
1782 5 Aug/SWLR | Pierre DOUCET | Marie-Magdeleine COMMONT | Acadian | Babin, Bourg, Declouet, Grevembert, Mondon | |
1786 1 Jan/NOAR | Renato ARNOUD (widower) | French Imm. | [Marie-]Margarita DUCHET | Llorca, Martinez | |
1786 24 Sep/SWLR | Jean-Baptiste HUVAL | French Creole? | Anne dite Nanette DOUSSET | Declouet, Martin, Tibaudo | |
1789 14 Jun/BRDR | Jean-Baptiste DOUCET | Maria Barbara DOUBLIN | French Creole? | ||
1792 17 Jan/SWLR | Louis LEGER | Acadian | Anne DOUCET | Blanchet, Doucet, Mondan | |
1793 30 Jan/SWLR | Michel DOUCET, fils | Margueritte LANDRY | Acadian | Casti, Lopez, Martin | |
1800 7 Jan/BRDR | Hipolite DUPUI | Acadian | Ana-Maria-Josefa-Délaïde DOUSAIS | dePui, Dousais | |
1802 11 Jan/SWLR | Jean-Pierre DOUCET | Marie-Louise LACASE | French Creole | Caumo, Chesnoi, Doucet, Lacase, Tauriac | |
1802 13 Feb/SWLR | Henri RANCONNET | Flemish Imm. | Anne DOUCET (widow) | Bonin, Broussard, Guivrault, Huval | |
1802 2 May/BRDR | François DOUCET | Maria[-Adélaïde] ENGILBERT | French Imm. | Chiasson, Hébert | |
1802 27 Nov/SWLR | Anselm DOUCET | Marie-Angèlle LEJEUNE | Acadian | Doucet, Lejeune | |
1803 27 Jan/SWLR | Étienne DAIGLE [IV] | German Can. | Marie DOUCET | Caumau, Daigle, Doucet | |
1803 19 Jun/SWLR | Joseph DAIGLE | German Can. | Pélagie DOUCET | Bellard, Daigle | |
1804 9 Jan/BRDR | Mauricio DOUCET | Maria RILS | Irish Creole | Dupuis, Hamilton, Rils | |
1805 8 Jan/SWLR | Hilaire DOUCET | Françoise GRANGÉ | Acadian | Comau, Doucet, Latiolais, Leger | |
1805 14 May/SWLR | Joseph DOUCET[, fils] | Céleste BELARD | French Creole | Bellard, Doucet | |
1811 19 Feb/SWLR | Éloy DOUCET | Modeste CARRIÈRE | French Creole | Belard, Reao | |
1811 19 May/BRDR | Estevan HÉBERT | Acadian | Rosa [Florence] DUSSET | Riffaud, Ruiz | |
1812 3 Feb/SWLR | Jean DOUCET | Susanne CHIASSON | Acadian | Dugas, Martin, Pintard | |
1813 2 Feb/SWLR | Jean Pierre DOUCET (wdr.) | Françoise MARTIN (widow) | Acadian | Babin, Broussard, Chemin, Doucet, Marc | |
1813 28 Nov/BRDR | Nicolas LENÉE | Swiss | Maria DUSSET | Daigle, Dormoy, Tureyra | |
1815 2 Jan/SWLR | Louis CARRIÈRE | French Creole | Célestine DOUCET | Carriere, Dousset, Hergeroeder | |
1816 19 Feb/SWLR | Jean Ursin DOUCET | Marie Apollinie DORÉ | French Creole | Chemin, Doré, Doucet, Landry, Penne | |
1816 23 Jun/BRDR | Francisco DUSSET | Maria Cecila HÉBERT | Acadian | Darmoy, Gautraux, Lainai | |
1816 9 Dec/SWLR | Isaac FOREMAN | Anglo | Euphrosine DOUCET | Cormier, Foreman, Landry, Mouton | |
1818 9 May/SWLR | Jean DOUCET | Marie Eloise DUPLECHAIN | French Creole | Carriere, Comeau, D'egle, Mat, Trahan | |
1818 30 Aug/BRDR | Jean Baptiste Pierre Julien MARTIN | Foreign French | Rose Florence DOUCETTE (widow) | Graber, LaBiche, Radussi(Ragusa) | |
1822 16 Jul/SWLR | Pierre [Zéphirin] DOUCET | Adeline BREAUX | Acadian | Babin, Bernard, Braud/Braux/Bro, Doucet, Dusouchet, Roussillon | |
1823 24 May/SWLR | Michel LEJEUNE | Acadian | Éloise DOUCET | none listed | |
1823 2 Jun/SWLR | Alexandre MELANÇON | Acadian | Mathilde DOUCET | Bulliard, Dupuis, Marc, Seimere, Sudrique | |
1823 7 Jul/SLR | Jean Baptiste LEJEUNE | Acadian | Marie Rose DOUCET | none listed | |
1823 5 Aug/SWLR | Onézime COMEAUX | Acadian | Éloise DOUCET (widow?) | Fontenot, Latiolais | |
1826 23 May/SWLR | Isaac WELLS | Anglo | [Anne Marie Josèphe] Adélaïde DOUCET (widow) | Martin, Patin | |
1828 5 Feb/SWLR | Anselme DOUCET, fils | Pauline BERGEAU/BERGEOT | French Creole | Doucet, Trahan | |
1828 18 Feb/SWLR | Hilaire DOUCET | Marie Louise LEJEUNE | Acadian | Carriere, Lejeune | |
1828 19 Aug/SWLR | Achille DOUCET | Mélanie/Meliny MATT/MATTE | French Can. | Carrière, Doucet, Lejeune | |
1828 19 Aug/SWLR | Joseph DOUCET [III] | Carmelite RICHARD | Acadian | Carrière, Doucet, Lejeune | |
1829 23 Feb/SLR | Jean Pierre DOUCET | Rosalie GUIDRY | Acadian | none listed | |
1831 30 Jun/SWLR | Melon DOUCET | Hélène RICHARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1831 25 Oct/SWLR | Joseph Dulcide GUÉDRY | Acadian | Séraphine DOUCET | none listed | |
1832 3 Jan/SWLR | Sosthène GUÉDRY | Acadian | Adrienne DOUCET | none listed | |
1832 31 Jan/SWLR | François Xavier MILLER (widower) | German Creole | Marie Azélie/Azéline DOUCET | none listed | |
1834 13 Jan/SWLR | Don Louis DOUCET | Sidalise CARRIÈR[E] | French Creole | none listed | |
1834 8 Jul/SWLR | Maxilien/Maximilien DOUCET | Marie Anne MARCANTEL/Maryann MAURICE | French Creole | none listed | |
1835 14 Mar/SLR | Bartholomie BARRIOS | Spanish Creole | Marie Rose DOUCET (widow) | none listed | |
1836 18 Jan/SWLR | Sylvère/Sylvert THIBODEAU (widower) | Acadian | Céleste DOUCET (widow) | none listed | |
1836 5 Nov/SLR | Thomas PARKS | Anglo | Florence DOUCET | none listed | |
1836 10 Nov/SWLR | Ansem/Anselm DOUCET, fils (widower) | Adélaïde VENABLE/VANOBLE | Anglo? | none listed | |
1837 16 May/SWLR | James YOUNG [LEJEUNE] | Acadian | Irène DOUCET | none listed | |
1838 12 Feb/SWLR | Ursin DOUCET[, fils] | Irma CHAMPAGNE | French Creole | none listed | |
1838 16 Jan/SWLR | Norbert BILLARD [BELLARD] | French Creole | Marie Louise/Loisine DOUCET | none listed | |
1839 15 Jan/SWLR | Éli Amand/Hilaire DOUCET | Azélie LASAGE | French Creole | none listed | |
1839 15 Jan/SWLR | Édouard BROUSSARD | Acadian | Marie Louise DOUCHET | none listed | |
1839 23 Apr/SWLR | Blaise/Blaize LEJEUNE | Acadian | [Marie] Caroline DOUCET | none listed | |
1839 30 Apr/SWLR | Julien DOUCET | Joséphine FONTENOT | French Creole | none listed | |
1839 27 Aug/SWLR | Émile LATIOLAIS | French Creole | Rosalie DOUCET | none listed | |
1840 20 Apr/SWLR | Joseph Valsin DOUCET | Marie CHIASSON | Acadian | none listed | |
1841 24 May/SWLR | Zéphirin PATIN | French Creole | Pauline DOUCET | none listed | |
1841 19 Jul/SWLR | Joseph LATIOLAIS | French Creole | Julie DOUCET | none listed | |
1842 28 Mar/SWLR | Cyrille/Cyril DOUCET | Émeline LEGER | Acadian | none listed | |
1843 6 Feb/SWLR | Jean VENIMAUX/VENABLE | Anglo? | Joséphine DOUCET | none listed | |
1843 21 Nov/SWLR | Jacques VILLIERS/VILLIER | French Creole? | Marie Aduelia/Advelière DOUCET | none listed | |
1843 29 Dec/SLR | Joseph Célestin DOUCÉ | Rosalie BOURG (widow) | Acadian | none listed | |
1845 24 Apr/SLR | Dominique Émilien BERNARD | French Creole | Tarzile DOUCET | none listed | |
1845 20 May/SWLR | Valéry BREAUX | Acadian | Marie Anailie DOUCET | none listed | |
1847 11 Jan/SLR | Joseph Orelien/Aurelien ESTIVAN/ESTIVENNES | Spanish Creole? | Marie Colastie/Scolastie DOUCET | none listed | |
1847 27 Apr/SWLR | Jean Pierre DOUCET | Caroline TELLER/TAYLOR | German Creole | none listed | |
1848 1 May/SLR | Pierre MOLAISON[, fils] | Acadian | [Marie] Felonise DOUCET | none listed | |
1849 30 Apr/SWLR | Antoine Gustave JUDICE | French Creole | Élisa [Élisabeth] DOUCET | none listed | |
1849 10 Sep/SWLR | Onézime COMEAU | Acadian | Julie DOUCET | none listed | |
1850 11 Feb/SWLR | Alcée JUDICE | French Creole | Féliciènne DOUCET | none listed | |
1850 16 Apr/SLR | Francis/Franck SCANLEN | Irish Imm. | Mélicère [Clémentine] DOUCET | none listed | |
1850 3 Jun/SWLR | Alexandre DOUCET | Céleste COMEAU | Acadian | none listed | |
1850 14 Sep/SWLR | Hilaire LEGER | Acadian | [Marie] Caroline DOUCET (widow) | none listed | |
1850 14 Sep/SWLR | Ursin DOUCET[, fils] | Amélina DELAHOUSSAYE | French Creole | none listed | |
1851 19 Jul/SWLR | Léandre FIGURANT | French Creole? | Célestine DOUCET | none listed | |
1852 29 Jun/SLR | Étienne BOSSNET/BOSSUET | Foreign French? | Adèle DOUCET | none listed | |
1854 3 Jun/SLR | Édouard DOUCET | Augustine LUZIGNAU/LAZIGNAU | French Creole? | none listed | |
1855 9 Jul/SLR | Joseph FOREST/FARET | Acadian | Hannah/Anna DOUCET | none listed | |
1855 27 Aug/SLR | Joseph J. C. PERKINS | Anglo | Pauline DOUCET | none listed | |
1855 27 Sep/SWLR | Gerasin DOUCET | Carmélite BROUSSARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1856 14 Jan/SWLR | Paulin RICHARD | Acadian | Marie Loisine DOUCET (wd.) | none listed | |
1856 22 Jan/SWLR | Zéphirin DOUCET | Azénais BOUDREAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1856 1 Apr/SWLR | Théodule DOUCET | Marie Zilma/Zulma LAVERGNE | French Creole | none listed | |
1856 24 Jun/SWLR | Giddéon SONNIER | Acadian | Joséphine DOUCET | none listed | |
1856 18 Dec/SWLR | Ubalde DORÉ | French Creole | Élodie DOUCET | none listed | |
1857 12 Dec/SLR | Drozin/Drauzin TROSCLAIR | German Creole | Marie Lorensais DOUSAIT | none listed | |
1858 5 Jan/SWLR | Alexandre RICHARD | Acadian | Hélène DOUCET | none listed | |
1858 9 Jan/SWLR | Alcide LEGER | Acadian | Célestine DOUCET | none listed | |
1858 24 Mar/SWLR | Alcide LEBOEUF | French Creole | Célestine DOUCET | none listed | |
1858 3 May/SWLR | Martin DOUCET | Irma MATTE | French Can. | none listed | |
1858 8 Jul/SLR | Émile DOUCET | Marie BREAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1859 1 Mar/SWLR | Mélon DOUCET[, fils] | Marie Irma READ | Anglo | none listed | |
1859 18 Jun/SWLR | Césaire CARUTHERS | Anglo | Célestine DOUCET | none listed | |
1859 30 Aug/BRDR | Aurilien DOUCET | Rosa LE BLANC | Acadian | none listed | |
1859 22 Sep/SWLR | Hilaire DOUCET[le jeune] | Marie Hermance LEJEUNE (widow) | Acadian | none listed | |
1859 24 Sep/SWLR | Louis DOUCET | Marie BELARD | French Creole | none listed | |
1859 2 Dec/SWLR | Narcisse DOUCET | Angeline GATHE [GATT] | German Creole | none listed | |
1859 29 Dec/SWLR | Simon DOUCET | Marguerite Cora LEGER | Acadian | none listed | |
1860 4 Sep/SWLR | Sidonie DOUCET | Perre DERBONNE | French Creole | none listed | |
1860 29 Oct/SWLR | Paulin DOUCET | Selina TRAHAN | Acadian | none listed | |
1861 10 Jul/SWLR | Joseph J[ulien] DOUCET | Melaïde LEBLANC | French Creole | none listed | |
1861 18 Nov/SWLR | André VERONI | Italian? | Julia/Zulia DOUCET | none listed |
Analysis of DOUCET marriage, 1768-1861:
Total marriages listed:
106 100.0%
Endogamous marriages:
Exogamous marriages:
DUBOIS (Acadians only)
Date/Record | Groom | Ethnicity | Bride | Ethnicity | Witnesses |
1785 24 Nov/NOAR | Jacobo[-Olivier] DUBOIS | Maria[-Madeleine] MIGUEL [MICHEL] | Acadian | Llorca, Martinez | |
1792 30 Jan/BRDR | Marin GOTRO (widower) | Acadian | Margarita-Angel DUBOIS (wd.) | Granger, Landry | |
1810 14 May/BRDR | Josef Marcelino DUBOIS | Margarita BOUDRAUX | Acadian | Huguet, Rentrop, Ruiz | |
1813 4 Jan/BRDR | Luis DUBOIS | Ursula HENRRY (widow) | Acadian | Bourgeois, Lauzet, Tureyra | |
1819 2 Aug/BRDR | Olivier DUBOIS | Rosalie THIBODEAUX | Acadian | Grangai, Tureyra | |
1822 18 Feb/BRDR | Joseph Antoine DUBOIS | Marie AUCOIN | Acadian | Aucoin, Bourg | |
1823 18 Aug/SLR | Louis André DUBOIS | Anastasie THIBODEAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1825 8 Feb/SWLR | Marcelin DUBOIS | Élise MIRE | Acadian | Broussard, Grangé, Mire | |
1826 31 Oct/SWLR | Sylvain DUBOIS | Adélaïde DUGAS/DUGAT | Acadian | Brashear, Greig, Melançon, Thibaud | |
1827 19 Mar/SWLR | Zénon DUBOIS | Euphémie LANDRY | Acadian | Dubois, Misonier | |
1827 15 Sep/SLR | Jean Baptiste PINNEL | Acadian | Joséphine DUBOIS | none listed | |
1830 26 Jul/SLR | Étienne Valéry HÉBERT | Acadian | Louise Aimée DUBOIS | none listed | |
1835 18 May/SLR | Martin HÉBERT | Acadian | Mathilde [Scholastique] DUBOIS | none listed | |
1841 4 May/SLR | Edmond HÉBERT | Acadian | Clémentine [Louise] DUBOIS | none listed | |
1843 4 Sep/SWLR | Rosémond BROUSSARD | Acadian | Marie Orilla/Orelia DUBOIS | none listed | |
1844 19 Feb/SWLR | Marcelin DUBOIS | Alzire BROUSSARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1844 10 Oct/BRDR | Léon ARCENEAU | Acadian | Azélie DUBOIS | Arceneau, Aucoin, Tumoine | |
1852 13 May/SWLR | Drozin DUBOIS | Valérie BOUDREAU | Acadian | none listed | |
1853 8 Aug/BRDR | Aurelien DUBOIS | Acadian | [Silvanie] Mélasie DUBOIS | Acadian | Delaune, Dubois, Hébert |
1855 12 May/SLR | Zéphir DUBOIS | Marie BOUDRAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1856 7 Apr/SWLR | Clairville BOUDREAUX | Acadian | Marie Onesia DUBOIS | none listed | |
1858 3 May/SWLR | Joseph Théodore BABINEAU | Acadian | Joséphine DUBOIS | none listed | |
1858 11 Sep/BRDR | Zéphir DUBOIS (widower) | Adeline PELLETIER | French Creole | Albagnac, Aucoin, Peltier | |
1861 13 Apr/SLR | Ulysse DUBOIS | Mathilde LEBOEUF | French Creole | none listed | |
1861 16 Dec/SLR | Onésyme NAQUIN | Acadian | Anastasie DUBOIS | none listed |
Analysis of DUBOIS marriages, 1785-1861:
Total marriages listed:
26 100.0%
Endogamous marriages:
Exogamous marriages:
DUBOIS non-Acadian connection: LEBOEUF, PELLETIER 2
DUGAS (Acadians only)
Date/Record | Groom | Ethnicity | Bride | Ethnicity | Witnesses |
1768 28 Jun/C-V | François DUGAS | Margueritte BABIN | Acadian | none listed | |
1772 18 Jul/BRDR | Pierre DUGA | Anne [dite Nanette] THIBAUDOT | Acadian | Berard, Borda, Durien, de Verbois, Grevember, Landry | |
1772 28 Sep/BRDR | Charles DUGAS | Rosa BABIN | Acadian | Babin, Dugas, Landry | |
1776 23 Sep/BRDR | Jean-Charles COUMOS | Acadian | Coecille DUGAS | Cumos, Doussain, Héber | |
1776 23 Sep/BRDR | Jean-Baptiste BERNARD | Acadian | [Pélagie-]Magdelaine DUGAS | Arceneau, Roger | |
1777 15 Sep/BRDR | Athanas DUGAS | Rose LEBLANC | Acadian | Brozard, Landry | |
1778 23 Feb/BRDR | Michel DUGAS | Anne-Soffy FORET | Acadian | Godin, Rosaire | |
1778 24 Apr/BRDR | Théodore DUGAS | Magdelaine RICHARD (widow) | Acadian | Babin, Richard | |
1779 11 Jan/SWLR | Amon DUGA | Geneviève ROBICHAUD | Acadian | Berard, Broussard, Cormier | |
1780 16 Oct/BRDR | Josephe[sic] DUGAS | Margueritte LE BLANC | Acadian | Coumeau, Dugas | |
1784 11 Oct/BRDR | Théodoro DUGAST | Maria-Victoria FORET | Acadian | Dugas, Landry | |
1785 23 Oct/NOAR | Joseph DUGAT, fils | Isavel LANDRY | Acadian | Llorca, Martinez | |
1786 14 Feb/BRDR | Claude BERNARD [DUGAS] | Margarita BENOIT (widow) | Acadian | Lagarde, LeBlanc | |
1786 6 Jun/BRDR | Jean-Baptiste DAIGLE | Acadian | Marie DUGAS | Blanchard, Daigle | |
1786 26 Jun/SWLR | Joseph PREJEAN | Acadian | Élisabeth[-Eulalie] DUGA | none listed | |
1786 9 Sep/BRDR | Louis JUNCAL [ONCALE] | Spanish Imm. | Marie-Rose DUGAS | none listed | |
1787 8 May/SWLR | Pierre RICHARD[, fils] | Acadian | Marie-Josèphe DUGAS | Bourque, Dugas, Richard | |
1787 11 Jun/BRDR | Simon DUGAS | [Marie-]Gene[v]iève BOURG | Acadian | Giroir | |
1788 24 May/SWLR | Théodore BABINAUX | Acadian | Julie DUGA | Babinaux, Dugat, Gillebaux | |
1789 28 Jan/SWLR | Jean-Charles DUGA/DUGAT | Esther/Esthere MARTIN | Acadian | Berard, Declouet, Duga/Dugat, Jenne, Martin, Modena | |
1789 9 Feb/BRDR | Jean-Marie CAMPOS | Spanish Imm.? | Isabel DUGAS (widow) | Dugas, Dupuis | |
1789 1 Jul/SWLR | Augustin DUGA | Marie DUHON | Acadian | De Coirin, Duga, Duhon | |
1790 7 Jan/BRDR | Vincente DUMENE (wdr.) | French Imm. | Anna[-Marie] DUGAS | Daigle, Puis | |
1791 16 Jan/SWLR | Joseph GRANGÉ (widower) | Acadian | Anne[-Osite] DUGAT (widow) | Granger, Landry, Lopes | |
1792 16 Apr/BRDR | Juan DUARON | Acadian | Margarita[-Josèphe] DUGAS | Bertrand, Blanchard | |
1792 14 May/BRDR | Simon[-François] GUILLOT | Acadian | Anastasia[-Celeste-Marie] DUAGAS | Guillot, Juncal | |
1793 9 May/SWLR | François BRAU | Acadian | Céleste DUGA | Broussard, Duga, Landry | |
1793 25 Oct/SWLR | David CARUTHER | Anglo Creole | Isabelle[-Eulalie] DUGA (widow) | Forstall, Matthios, Peytavin Du Bousquet | |
1794 11 Feb/BRDR | Pedro[-Joseph] LEBERT | Acadian | Maria[-Josèphe] DUGAT | Bahamonde, Dugat | |
1794 12 May/BRDR | [Jean-]Pedro[-Marin] DUGAS | Françoise ARSEMENT | Acadian | Gautros, Hébert, Landry | |
1794 23 Jun/BRDR | Paul BRAUX | Acadian | Sophia-Adélaïde DUGAS | Cazebon, Landry | |
1794 2 Aug/SWLR | Joseph[-Simon] DUGAT | Acadian | Céleste DUGAT | Acadian | Dugas/Dugat, Landry, Peytavin Du Bousquet, Richard |
1795 10 Feb/SWLR | Pierre[-Olivier dit Pierrot] DUGAT | [Marie-]Sophie GAUTREAUX | Acadian | Berard, Broussard, Dougat | |
1795 16 Feb/BRDR | Josef DUGAT | Maria BRAUX (BRAUD) | Acadian | Cassignot, Dugat | |
1795 3 Nov/SWLR | Éloy DUGAS/DUGAT | Suzanne BONIN/BONAIN | French Creole | Benoit St. Clair, Bonin, Carlin, Caso y Luengo, DeBlanc, Duga | |
1796 25 Jan/BRDR | Carlos-Grégorio DUGAS | Isabel-Sophia LANDRY | Acadian | Cazebon, Landry | |
1796 8 Feb/BRDR | Franco[-Basile-Étienne] DUGAT | Maria CLÉMENT | Acadian | Aucoin, Hébert | |
1796 16 Aug/BRDR | Juan DUGAT | Ysabel[-Jeanne] HÉBERT | Acadian | Blanchard, Hébert | |
1797 14 Feb/BRDR | Joseph LEBLANC | Acadian | Polonia DUGAS | Landry | |
1797 4 Jul/SWLR | Charles DUGA (widower) | Françoise TRAHAN (widow) | Acadian | Babin, Berard, Chemin, Granger, Richard, Trahan | |
1798 8 Jan/SWLR | Pierre CORMIER (widower) | Acadian | Rosalie DUGA | Chemin, Dugas, Martin | |
1798 12 Feb/BRDR | Atanacio (Athanas) DUGAS | Francisca BRUZAL (BROUSSARD) | Acadian | Dugas, Landry | |
1798 12 Feb/BRDR | Miguel[-Noël] DUGAS | Madalena BABIN | Acadian | Babin, Dugas, Landry | |
1798 28 Jul/BRDR | Luis DUGAT | Constancia LEBLANC | Acadian | LeBlanc | |
1799 8 Jan/BRDR | Alexos[-Joseph] AUCOIN | Acadian | Ana[-Marguerite] DUGAT | Aucoin, Hébert | |
1799 15 Jul/BRDR | Thadéo LANDRY | Acadian | Anastasia DUGAS | Dugat, Landry | |
1799 22 Oct/SWLR | Marin MARTIN | Acadian | Anne [dite Nanette] DUGA | Chemin, Duga, Martin, Thibodeaux | |
1800 18 Feb/BRDR | Juan-Pedro DUGAT | Reynalda NAQUIN | Acadian | Dugat, Hébert | |
1800 21 Jul/BRDR | Joseph-Bélony BABIN | Acadian | [Marie-]Magdalena DUGAS | Dugat | |
1800 21 Jul/BRDR | Miguel DUGAS (widower) | Rose/Rosalia FORET (widow?) | Acadian | Dugat, Foret | |
1800 29 Sep/BRDR | Hypolite DUGAS | Maria[-Juliana] DUHON (widow) | Acadian | Dugat | |
1802 28 Feb/BRDR | Louis FORET | Acadian | Anna-Maria DUGAS | Babin, Dugas | |
1802 26 Apr/BRDR | Paul BABIN | Acadian | Marguerite-Pélagie DUGAS | Dugat, Lessard | |
1802 15 Jun/SWLR | Jean-Pierre LANDRY | Acadian | Rose-Adélaïde DUGA | Broussard, Comau, Fagot, Landry, Prejean | |
1802 22 Nov/BRDR | Luis[-Ambroise] DUGAT | Élisabeth BERTOLLET [BERTHELOT] | French Creole | Dugat, Pitre | |
1803 28 Jun/BRDR | [Jean-]Josef BOUDRAUX | Acadian | Eulalia[-Martine] DUGAT | Boudraux, Hébert | |
1803 3 Oct/BRDR | Luis-Gabriel RICHARD | French Imm. | Maria DUGAT (widow) | Boudraux, Hébert | |
1804 30 Jan/BRDR | Jean [Jacques] LANDRY | Acadian | Marie Louise DUGAS | Babin, Landry | |
1804 7 Feb/SWLR | Amand GUILBEAU | Acadian | Marguerite DUGAST | Broussard, Deuga, Potier | |
1804 28 May/BRDR | Maximilien BABIN | Acadian | Julie [Cordule] DUGAS | Babin, Braud, Duga | |
1805 21 Jan/BRDR | Jérôme Athanase DUGAT | Isabelle Cécile BABIN | Acadian | Landry, LeBlanc, Terio | |
1805 5 Feb/BRDR | Martin TIBODAUX | Acadian | Ana Margarita DUGAT | Aucoin, Dugat, Hébert | |
1805 18 Feb/BRDR | Jean DUGAS | Margueritte DUON | Acadian | Dugas, Duhon, LeBlanc | |
1806 13 Jan/BRDR | Jean Baptiste GUIDRY | Acadian | Reine DUGAT | Dugas, Gaudin, Landry | |
1806 9 May/BRDR | Louis BABIN | Acadian | Anne Céleste DUGAT | Babin, Dugat, Landry | |
1806 11 Aug/BRDR | Étienne DUGA | Scholastique GODIN | Acadian | Bergeron, Landry, Vincent | |
1806 12 Aug/SWLR | Jean DUGA | [Marie] Magdeleine SAUNIER | Acadian | Cormier, Gary, Jacquet | |
1806 20 Aug/BRDR | Joseph BOUDREAU | Acadian | Ann [Marie] DUGAT (widow) | Boudreau, Dugas | |
1807 14 May/BRDR | [Jean] Philippe PLAISANCE | Isleño Creole | Marie [Josèphe] DUGAT | Billardin, Dugat | |
1808 12 Jan/SWLR | Charles DUGAS | Théodate GAUTEREAU (wd.) | Acadian | Abat, Jacquet, Landry | |
1808 2 Feb/SWLR | Jean DUGAS[, fils] | Anastasie POIRIER | Acadian | Dugas | |
1808 22 Feb/BRDR | Paul DUGA | Clémence LEBLANC | Acadian | Godin, LeBlanc | |
1808 29 Feb/BRDR | Jacques DICHARRY | Foreign French | Clémence DUGA | Aine, Chauvin, Dast | |
1809 13 Feb/BRDR | Joseph DUGA (widower) | Marguerite POIRIER (widow) | Acadian | Hébert, LeBlanc, Poirier | |
1809 12 Sep/SWLR | Célestin DUGAS | Acadian | Isabelle DUGAS | Acadian | Cormier, Jacquet, Pintard |
1809 16 Oct/BRDR | Jean Baptiste GAUDIN | Acadian | Ros[a]lie Athanaise DUGAS | Dugas, Gaudin | |
1810 6 Feb/SWLR | Jean Louis BERNARD | Acadian | [Élisabeth] Aspasie DUGAS | Arceneaux, Boissier, Brau, Dugas, Martin | |
1810 6 Feb/SWLR | Pierre DUGAS | Marie Marthe MOUTON | Acadian | Dugas, Martin, Mouton | |
1810 30 Apr/BRDR | Joseph DUGAS | Hortense ARRIEUX | French Creole | Arrieux, Dugas, Renaud | |
1811 8 Jan/SWLR | Augustin DUGAS | Louise SAUNIER | Acadian | Cormier, Martin, Richard | |
1811 24 Feb/BRDR | Jérôme DUGAS | Eugénie Mathilde ARRIEUX | French Creole | Arrieux, Barbe, Dugas | |
1811 6 May/BRDR | Juan Bautista DUGAT | Constancia SIMONAUX | French Creole | Dugat, Simonaux | |
1811 13 May/BRDR | Simon Charles ARCENAUX | Acadian | Françoise Mélanie DUGAT | Arcenaux, Dugat, Melanson | |
1811 16 Sep/SWLR | Alexandre DUGAS | Adélaïde MOUTON | Acadian | Brau, Dugas, Martin, Mouton | |
1812 10 Feb/SWLR | Joseph DUGAS | Marie Célanie BRAU | Acadian | Cuvelier, Dugat, Macquille, Potier | |
1812 28 Apr/SWLR | François LE BLANC | Acadian | Marguerite DUGAS (widow) | Chemin, Cuvelier, Dugas, Guilbault, Ledoux, Lewis, Potier, Thibodeau | |
1812 4 May/BRDR | Joseph LE BLANC (widower) | Acadian | Julie Clothilde DUGAS | Dugas, LeBlanc | |
1812 15 Jun/BRDR | Josef DUGAT | Maria LANDRY | Acadian | Daigle, Landry | |
1813 23 Feb/SWLR | Placide SONNIER | Acadian | Anastasie DUGAS | Chemin, Delepaul, Richard, Saunier | |
1813 14 Oct/SWLR | Pierre SONNIER | Acadian | Adélaïde DUGAS | Chemin, Cormier, Penn, Pintard, Potier | |
1814 8 Feb/SWLR | Alexandre LEGER | Acadian | Marie Augustine DUGAS | Amy, Dessarp, Dugas, Pennes | |
1814 21 Feb/BRDR | Ambrosio DUGAT[, fils] | [Marie] Marcelita BOURGEOIS | Acadian | Guillot, Hébert, Tureyra | |
1814 2 May/SWLR | François MOUTON | Acadian | [Anne] Clémence DUGAS | Dugas/Dugat, Martin, Mouton | |
1815 4 Jul/BRDR | Jacques Esprit BESSOU | Foreign French | [Marie] Françoise DUGAT | Berry, Dicharie, Dugat | |
1816 7 May/SWLR | Éloy DUGAS[, fils] | Julie BROUSSARD | Acadian | Broussard, Dessarp, Dugas, LeBlanc | |
1816 2 Sep/SWLR | Maxime DUGAS | Carmélite BRASSEUX | Acadian | Chemin, Dugas, Gombert, Pennes | |
1816 25 Nov/BRDR | Luis [André] TALBOT | Acadian | Rosalia DUGAT | deLaune, Lagrange, Pelletier | |
1816 16 Dec/BRDR | Joseph DUGAS (widower) | Maria [Aurore] GAUDIN | Acadian | Ario, Dugas, Landry | |
1816 30 Dec/BRDR | Valentino GODIN | Acadian | Ana Serafin DUGAS | Braud, LeBlanc | |
1817 6 Jan/BRDR | Jean Baptiste CHIASSON | Acadian | Françoise [Delphine] DUGAT | Chiasson, Dugat, Hébert | |
1817 16 Feb/SWLR | Alexandre DUGA (widower) | Émilie GUÉDRY | Acadian | Guédry, Henry, Nice | |
1817 18 Feb/BRDR | Josef FUTELE (widower) | French Creole? | Marguerite Pélagie DUGAS (wd.) | Landry | |
1817 26 May/SWLR | Charles MOUTON | Acadian | Arthémise DUGAS | Bernard, Broussard, Dugas, Huval, LeBlanc, Martin, Mouton | |
1817 9 Jun/BRDR | Désiré LEBLANC | Acadian | Marguerite Phelonise DUGAS | Butler, Dugas, LeBlanc | |
1817 20 Oct/BRDR | Vincent DANIAU | Foreign French | Victoire DUGAS | Blanchard, Landry, Turreyra | |
1818 5 Jan/BRDR | Ive Cyprien MAILLET [MALLET?] | French Creole? | Constance [Pélagie] DUGAS | Bolot, Boudreaux | |
1818 20 Jan/SWLR | André MARTIN | Acadian | Marie [Cléonise] DUGAS | Cormier, Dugas/Dugats, Martin, Schappers, Sonnier | |
1818 3 Feb/SWLR | Joseph CHIASSON | Acadian | Marie [Augustine] DUGAS (w.) | Dusouchet, Lingois, Penne | |
1818 11 May/SWLR | Charles DUGAST | Clarisse LANDRY | Acadian | Babinaud, Dugas, Dusouchet, Landry, Lingois, Penne | |
1818 7 Jun/BRDR | Augustin Antoine CUPELO [COUPELLE] | French Creole? | Anne DUGAS | Cedotal, Crochet, Fuijay | |
1818 15 Jun/BRDR | Paul NAQUIN | Acadian | Marguerite Céleste DUGAS | Bernard, Bolot, Naquin | |
1819 12 Jan/BRDR | Julien LEROIS | Foreign French | Marguerite [Euphrosine] DUGAS | Bourgeois, Bouvet | |
1820 30 Mar/BRDR | Nicolas MATHERNE | German Creole | Victoire DUGAS (widow) | Guillot, LeBoeuf, Tureyra | |
1820 29 May/SWLR | Jean Baptiste CHIASSON | Acadian | Julie DUGAST | Broussard, Martin, Richard | |
1820 18 Sep/SWLR | Célestin DUGAST (widower) | Julie CHIASSON (widow) | Acadian | Dugast, Martin, Scheppers | |
1821 22 Jan/SLR | Basile DUGAS | Clarife/Claire ROBICHEAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1821 1 Feb/BRDR | Romain FRYOUX | French Creole | Pélagie Geneviève DUGAS | Daigle, Frioux, Tichitoli | |
1821 26 Feb/BRDR | Luc DUGAS | [Marie Émilie dite] Émilite Pierre MIRE | Acadian | Dugas, Mire, Poirier | |
1821 15 Mar/BRDR | Joseph Nicolas DUGAS | Clarisse Armante LANDRY | Acadian | Dugas | |
1821 1 May/SWLR | Alexandre BABINAUX | Acadian | [Marie] Cléomie DUGAT | Armstrong, Fennesy | |
1821 14 May/SWLR | [Benjamin] Aurien/Aurelien DUGAS | [Marie] Erasie BROUSSARD | Acadian | Broussard, Dugas, LeBlanc | |
1821 16 May/SWLR | Narcisse DUGAT | Céleste CORMIER | Acadian | Martin, Mouton | |
1821 28 May/BRDR | Joseph DAIGLE | Acadian | Marie Marguerite DUGAS | Landry, Sedotale | |
1821 2 Jul/SWLR | Camille BROUSSARD | Acadian | Elisa DUGAT | Babin, Berard, Broussard, Dugas, Fagot, LeBlanc | |
1821 5 Nov/SLR | Jean Baptiste LEJEUNE | Acadian | Modeste Théotiste DUGAS | none listed | |
1821 30 Dec/BRDR | Pierre Droctave DUGAS | Anne [Orsise] LÉVÊGUE | French Creole? | Landry, Poursine | |
1822 22 Jan/SWLR | Joseph [Colin] BRASSEUX | Acadian | [Marie] Valiène DUGAT | Dixon, Petit | |
1822 4 Feb/SLR | Olivier DUGAS | Eugénie BERNARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1822 18 Feb/SWLR | Alexandre JUDICE | French Creole | Susanne DUGAT | Dugas, Haraneder, Judice | |
1822 25 Feb/BRDR | Ursin Michel GODAIT | Acadian | Élise Adèle DUGAS | Blouin, Gaudet | |
1822 25 Feb/SWLR | Louis DUGAT[, fils] | Clarisse BROUSSARD | Acadian | Babin, Berard, Bernard, Broussard, Decuir, Dugas, Gonsoulin | |
1822 9 Apr/SWLR | Leufroy GUÉDRY | Acadian | Christine DUGAT | Dugat, Mouton | |
1822 15 Apr/SWLR | Jean Baptiste DUGAS | Adélaïde BROUSSARD | Acadian | Bernard, Broussard, Dugas, Judice | |
1822 29 Apr/SWLR | Éloy DUGAS | Aimée CHIASSON | Acadian | none listed | |
1822 14 Nov/SWLR | Pierre Arvillien BERNARD | Acadian | Hortense DUGAST | Arceneaux, Berard, Broussard, Dugas, Huval, LeBlanc | |
1823 28 Apr/BRDR | Vincent FERNANDES (wdr.) | Spanish Creole | Ulalie [Martine] DUGAS (wd.) | Friyou, Pitre, Sedotole | |
1824 3 May/SLR | Basile DUGAT | Eulalie Émelie DIAS | Spanish Creole | none listed | |
1824 25 Oct/SWLR | Jean BOUDREAU | Acadian | Élouise DUGAS | Guédri, Richard | |
1825 24 Jan/BRDR | Charles Édouard BABIN | Acadian | Barthilde DUGAS | Babin, Landry | |
1825 31 Jan/SLR | Achille/Archille BRAUX/BREAUX | Acadian | Marie Rosalie DUGAT | none listed | |
1825 14 Feb/BRDR | Joseph Alexandre DUGAS | Marie Adeline BABIN | Acadian | Dugas | |
1825 18 Apr/SLR | Basile BOUDRAUX/BOUDREAUX | Acadian | Clémence [Marguerite] DUGAT | none listed | |
1825 16 May/BRDR | Valéri SEDOTAL | French Creole? | Henrietta DUGAS | Aucoin, Dugas | |
1825 31 May/SWLR | Baptiste GUIDRY | Acadian | Marguerite DUGAT | Dugat, Richard, Rouly | |
1825 4 Jun/SWLR | Sosthènes DUGAS | Marie Louise BROUSSARD dit Tonton | Acadian | Babin, Dugas, Labanne, Surville | |
1825 8 Sep/BRDR | [Amand] Rosémond BRAUD | Acadian | Mélanie [Françoise] DUGAT (widow) | Bergeron, Dugat | |
1825 4 Oct/SWLR | Philippe RICHARD | Acadian | Célestine DUGAT | Dugas, Duhon | |
1825 14 Nov/SLR | Eugène Placide RICHARD | Acadian | Marie Adèle/Adèlle DUGAT | none listed | |
1825 28 Dec/BRDR | Ulger DUGAS | Marie Mathilde BROUSSARD | Acadian | Broussard, LeBlanc, Picou | |
1826 23 Jan/BRDR | Dava HAMILTON | Anglo Creole | Rosalie DUGAS | Brasset, Godin, Hamilton | |
1826 10 Apr/BRDR | Benjamin DUGAT | Mélisaire FULCHER | French Creole? | Bourgeois, Chiasson, Perran | |
1826 10 Apr/SLR | Jean Adrien NAQUIN/NAKIN | Acadian | Rosalie DUGAT | none listed | |
1826 25 Apr/BRDR | Elesiman [Lesimond] DUGAS | Marie Adamiene [Damiane Rosalie] PALARQUIN [PELOQUIN] | French Creole? | Braud, Gautrou, Lambert | |
1826 1 May/SLR | Antoine PIZZANI/PISSANY | Italian Imm.? | Mélanie DUGAT | none listed | |
1826 21 Jul/SWLR | Louis RICHARD, père (wdr.) | Acadian | Marguerite DUGAS | Dugast, Greig, Hébert, Richard | |
1826 31 Jul/SWLR | Édouard BRASSEUS | Acadian | [Marie] Arsènne DUGAT | Brasseus, Gautrau | |
1826 5 Sep/SWLR | David Kellogg MARKHAM | Anglo | Anne dite Nanette DUGAS (wd.) | Brashear, Braux, Cormier, Dugat, McNeel | |
1826 31 Oct/SWLR | Sylvain DUBOIS | Acadian | [Rose] Adélaïde DUGAT (wd.) | Brashear, Greig, Melançon, Thibaud | |
1827 8 Jan/SWLR | Pierre DUGAT, fils (widower) | Marie Clarice MILHOMME | French Creole? | Aubert, Chargois, Martin, Riquet | |
1827 15 Jan/BRDR | Uber [Hubert] DAIGLE | Acadian | Marie [Marguerite] DUGAS | Dugas, Hébert | |
1827 29 Jan/BRDR | Joseph Valérie DUGAS | Marguerite Séraphine BABIN | Acadian | Babin, Landry | |
1827 3 Feb/BRDR | François Rosémond DUGAS | Marguerite Mélanie LEBLANC | Acadian | Dugas, Gautreau | |
1827 25 Feb/BRDR | Pierre Edmond BRAUD | Acadian | Adèlle Marcelline DUGAS | Babin, Braud, Burvant | |
1827 18 Jun/SWLR | Joseph DUGAT, fils | Marguerite Arminionne HÉBERT | Acadian | Richard | |
1827 31 Jul/SWLR | Michel HAYSE [HAYES] | Anglo Creole | Louise DUGAS | Carlin, Dugas, Prince | |
1827 7 Aug/BRDR | Godefroi Léopold DUGAS | Acadian | [Marie] Mathilde DUGAS | Acadian | Braud, Comes, Martin |
1828 4 Feb/SLR | Zéphir BOUDRAUX | Acadian | Azélie [Louise] DUGAT | none listed | |
1828 7 Apr/SWLR | Marcelin DUGAT | Mélanie BOUDREAU | Acadian | Mouton, Richard | |
1828 20 May/BRDR | Éloi/Éloy DUGAS | Marcelite LEJEUNE | Acadian | Leger, Lejeune | |
1828 1 Nov/SWLR | Louis CHIASSON | Acadian | Susanne DUGAT | Babinot, Chiasson, Saunier | |
1828 3 Nov/SWLR | Valcour SAVOIS | Acadian | Aspasie DUGAT | Manceaux, Traham | |
1829 19 Jan/SLR | William FIELD/FILD | Irish Imm. | Théotiste Ludivine DUGAT | none listed | |
1829 26 Jan/SWLR | Pierre Onézime DUGAT | Anne Célanie BROUSSARD | Acadian | Broussard, Dugat | |
1829 29 Jan/SWLR | Désiré DUGAS | [Marguerite] Amelie BROUSSARD | Acadian | Brentano, Broussard, Duga/Dugas | |
1829 20 Apr/SWLR | Joachim DUGAT | Marguerite BROUSSARD | Acadian | Lapointe, Meau/Meaux | |
1829 18 May/BRDR | Achille DUGAS | [Marie Fare dite] Farelitte LEBLANC | Acadian | Dugas, LeBlanc | |
1829 14 Sep/BRDR | Augustin LANDRI | Acadian | Maria Felonise DUGAS | Berghe, Garcia | |
1829 26 Oct/SLR | Paul Joseph BOUDRAUX | Acadian | Élise Rose DUGAT | none listed | |
1829 29 Oct/BRDR | Ulger DUGAS (widower) | Émelie LANDRY | Acadian | Landry, Lanoix, Melançon | |
1829 19 Nov/SWLR | Louis Valsin MOUTON (wdr.) | Acadian | Marie Carmélite DUGAS | Broussard, Bulliard, Mouton | |
1830 7 Jan/SWLR | François Dermancourt GONSOULIN | French Creole | Rosalie Ponponne DUGAS | Benoît de St. Claire, Broussard, Gonsoulin, Judice | |
1830 1 Feb/BRDR | Marcelin LEBLANC | Acadian | Marguerite Arthémise DUGAS | Dugas, Landry, Leblanc | |
1830 15 Feb/BRDR | Dususail MIRE | Acadian | Marguerite Arthémise DUGAT | Dugat, LeBlanc | |
1830 12 Jul/SLR | Marcelin BRAUX/BRAU | Acadian | Azélie DUGAT | none listed | |
1831 3 Jan/BRDR | Jean Baptiste Achille BOURG | Acadian | [Marie] Arthémise DUGAS | Babin, Foutelet, Gourdault | |
1831 15 Feb/SWLR | Louis [Éloi] DUGAS | Marie Adeline LEBLANC | Acadian | none listed | |
1831 9 May/SWLR | Silidoine TOUPS | German Creole | Marie Euphémie DUGAS | none listed | |
1831 12 Jun/SLR | Henry DUGAT | [Marie] Marcelite SCIASSON | Acadian | none listed | |
1831 16 Jun/SWLR | Norbert DUGAS | [Marie] Erasie BRAU | Acadian | none listed | |
1831 14 Nov/BRDR | Henry DAIGLER (DAIGLE) | Acadian | Amarante Eléonore DUGAS | Bourg, Dugas, Simonaud/Simoneau | |
1832 17 Mar/SWLR | Jean [Carmillien] DUGAT | Marie [Célanie] SAVOIE | Acadian | none listed | |
1832 24 Sep/SWLR | Syphorien DUGAS | Marguerite Ermine BROUSSARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1833 18 Feb/SWLR | Jean Laisin DUGAS | Marguerite Azélie BROUSSARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1833 13 Jun/BRDR | Ignace Vernon DUGAS | [Marguerite] Coralie LANDRY | Acadian | Braud, Landry, Seghers | |
1833 17 Jun/SWLR | Léonard DUGAS | Marie Célanie GAUTREAU | Acadian | none listed | |
1833 1 Jul/SWLR | Cyrille DUGAS | Marie Carmélite FRUGÉ | French Creole | none listed | |
1833 23 Jul/SWLR | Victor LABAUVE | Acadian | Mare Arthémise DUGAS | none listed | |
1833 16 Sep/BRDR | Jean Baptiste [Murville] LANDRY | Acadian | Marie Fidèlie DUGAS | Dugas, Landry, LeBlanc, Scudday | |
1833 9 Dec/SWLR | Charles DUGAS[, fils] | Marie Uranie PRIMEAUX | French Can. | none listed | |
1833 22 Dec/SWLR | Cyprien MOUTON | Acadian | [Cidalise Élisabeth dite] Eliza DUGAS | none listed | |
1834 20 Jan/SLR | Basile DUGAS (widower) | Madeleine TREGRE | French Creole? | none listed | |
1834 7 Apr/SWLR | Don Louis DUGAS | Émélite BROUSSARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1834 14 Apr/SLR | Euphémon BOUDREAUX | Acadian | Carmélite Rosalie DUGAT | none listed | |
1834 28 Oct/BRDR | Étienne DUGAS[, fils] | Mélisaire BOURGEOIS | Acadian | Besson, Boudreaux, LeBlanc | |
1834 8 Dec/SLR | Pierre Brutus DUGAS | [Marie] Eugénie PLAISANCE | Isleño Creole | none listed | |
1835 15 Jul/BRDR | Jean DUGAS | Marie BRASSET (widow) | Acadian | Babin, Commeaux, Landry | |
1835 15 Oct/SWLR | Théodule DUGAS | Émelie BOSSIER | French Creole? | none listed | |
1835 26 Oct/BRDR | Joseph Avantin DUGAS | Marie Séraphine BABIN | Acadian | Babin, Guidry, LeBlanc | |
1836 16 Feb/BRDR | Jean LANDRY | Acadian | [Marguerite] Mélanie DUGAS | Duga, Hamilton, Landry | |
1836 5 Apr/SWLR | François Terence BREAUX | Acadian | [Marie] Louise DUGAS | none listed | |
1836 9 Sep/BRDR | Alcide GIRAUD | Foreign French | Julienne Célestine DUGAS | Braud, Dugas, Huguet, Senette | |
1836 19 Sep/BRDR | Jérôme Adélard DUGAS | Acadian | Françoise Elmire DUGAS | Acadian | Braud, Dugas, Gaudain, Melançon |
1836 10 Oct/BRDR | Pierre Narcisse ARRIEUX | French Creole | Marine Élizabeth DUGAS | Braud, Dugas, LeBlanc, Senette | |
1837 17 Oct/BRDR | Jacob CLARK/KLARK | Anglo | [Marie] Clémentine DUGAS | none listed | |
1836 24 Oct/BRDR | Désiré LE BLANC | Acadian | Marie Domitille DUGAS | Babin, Daigle, Dugas, Leblanc, Marrois | |
1837 26 Jun/BRDR | [Joseph] Trasimond DUGAS | Mélanie DENOUX | French Creole | Babin, Landry | |
1837 11 Sep/BRDR | François Camille DUGAS | Marie Mélite LOUVIÈR[E] | Acadian | Arseneaux, Braud, Rouille | |
1837 5 Oct/SWLR | Rozémon DUGAS | Amelie MARTIN | Acadian | none listed | |
1837 28 Dec/BRDR | Éloi MELANÇON | Acadian | Rosalie Edezie DUGAS | Dugas, Melançon | |
1838 8 Jan/SWLR | Camille LANDRY | Acadian | Clémentine DUGAS | none listed | |
1838 27 Aug/SWLR | Valérien DUGAS | Victoire GUIDRY | Acadian | none listed | |
1838 3 Sep/BRDR | Jean Baptiste Leufroy DUGAS | Clémence HÉBERT | Acadian | Dugas, Hébert | |
1838 10 Sep/SWLR | Éloi DUGAS, Jr. | Céleste Emma BROUSSARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1839 3 Feb/BRDR | Venant HÉBERT | Acadian | Honorine [Henriette] DUGAS | Blanca, Dugas, Hébert | |
1839 11 Feb/BRDR | Jean Baptiste William HOPWOOD | Anglo | Élisabeth DUGAS | Blanchard, Friou | |
1839 19 Mar/SWLR | Thimoléon BROUSSARD | Acadian | Marie Louise Zélima DUGAS | none listed | |
1839 13 May/BRDR | Romain Aimérant DAIGLE | Acadian | Marie Azélie DUGAS | Guédry, Mollere, Savois | |
1839 27 May/SWLR | Valcourt CORTINI | Italian Imm.? | Marie DUGAS | none listed | |
1839 6 Jun/SWLR | Bruno BROUSSARD | Acadian | Julie Hermina DUGAS | none listed | |
1839 30 Sep/SLR | Narcisse BERGERON | Acadian | Azélie DUGAS | none listed | |
1839 6 Dec/SWLR | Joseph DUGAT | Marie Azélie BOUZEVA | Italian Imm.? | none listed | |
1840 27 Jan/SWLR | Léonard RANCONNET | French Creole? | Rosalie Pouponne DUGAS (wd.) | none listed | |
1840 17 Feb/BRDR | Marius DUGAS | Virginia HAMILTON | Anglo Creole | Braud, Grabert, Hamilton | |
1840 18 Feb/SWLR | Jean DUGAS | Amelina GUIDRY | Acadian | none listed | |
1840 28 Feb/SWLR | Édouard DUGAT | Célestine BELAIR [dit for FONTENOT?] | French Creole | none listed | |
1840 18 Apr/SWLR | Pierre SAUNIER | Acadian | Julie DUGAT | none listed | |
1840 11 May/SLR | Ulisse Dupré TERREBONNE | French Creole? | Marie Émilie DUGAS | none listed | |
1840 9 Nov/BRDR | Joseph [Léon] DUGAS | Eliza LE BLANC | Acadian | Dugas, LeBlanc | |
1841 1 Feb//BRDR | [Joseph] Derosin DUGAS | Clarisse LE BLANC | Acadian | Dugas, LeBlanc | |
1841 18 Feb/SWLR | Onézime MOUTON | Acadian | Nathalie DUGAT | none listed | |
1841 22 Feb/SLR | Louis Jean RICHARD | Foreign French | Théodora DUGAS | none listed | |
1841 15 Apr/SWLR | Treville DUGAS | Elismène BROUSSARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1841 26 Apr/BRDR | Joseph Nicolas DUGAS (wdr.) | Marie Caroline DUPUIS (wd.) | Acadian | Blanchard, Dugas, Dupuy | |
1841 15 Jul/SWLR | Pierre Alexandre VUILLEMONT | Foreign French | Susanne Olivanie DUGAS | none listed | |
1841 6 Sep/BRDR | Jérôme DUGAS | Azélie Eufrosine LE BLANC | Acadian | Dugas, Landry, Leblanc | |
1841 21 Sep/SWLR | Adolphe BERARD | French Creole | [Susanne] Elmire DUGAS | none listed | |
1842 5 Jan/SWLR | Narcisse DUGAT | Carmélite GUIDRY | Acadian | none listed | |
1842 7 Feb/SLR | Édouard PICHOF/PICHOFF | German Creole? | Marie Roséma DUGAS | none listed | |
1842 12 Aug/SWLR | Théogène BEGNAUD | French Creole | Azélia DUGAT | none listed | |
1842 4 Oct/BRDR | Félix Labas DUGAS | Marguerite Anne Eléonore BROUSSARD | Acadian | Ayraud, Blanchard, Broussard, Bujol, Causson, Dugas, Gaudin, Grégoire, Landry | |
1843 24 Apr/BRDR | Joseph Evariste GUILLOT | Acadian | [Marie] Fideline DUGAS | Blanchard, Dugas, Guillot | |
1843 12 Jun/SLR | Evariste MORANGE | French Creole? | Marie Rosa DUGAS | none listed | |
1843 17 Aug/BRDR | Osémé DUGAS | Elmire GAUDIN | Acadian | Badie, Dugas, Gaudet, Gaudin, Landry, Mollere | |
1843 1 Sep/BRDR | [Étienne Jérôme] Vileor DUGAS | [Marie] Élodie TERIOT | Acadian | Braud, Comes, Dugas, Gaudin, Landry, Melançon, Terrio | |
1843 5 Nov/SLR | Eusèbe DUGAS | Emérente CHIASSON | Acadian | none listed | |
1843 26 Dec/SLR | Forestal DUGAS | Marie Adèle BERNON | French Creole? | none listed | |
1844 20 Feb/SWLR | Louis DUGAS[, fils] (widower) | Lise LOUVIÈRE | Acadian | none listed | |
1844 27 Aug/SWLR | Louis DUPLEIX | Foreign French | [Anne] Clémence DUGAT (w.) | none listed | |
1844 10 Sep/SWLR | Louis Éloi DUGAS (widower) | Amelia TRAHAN | Acadian | none listed | |
1844 20 Sep/SWLR | Marcel BEGNAUD | French Creole | Marie Idalie/Isabelle DUGAT | none listed | |
1845 13 Jan/BRDR | Lazare DUGAS | Laure GRAVOIS | Acadian | Dugas, Landry, Melançon, Mollere | |
1845 21 Jan/SWLR | Benjamin Telesphore DUGAS | Acadian | Coralie [Rosalie?] DUGAS | Acadian | none listed |
1845 28 Jan/SWLR | Éloi DUGAS, Jr. [III] (wdr.) | Élizabeth P[oupone]. JUDICE | French Creole | none listed | |
1845 3 Feb/SLR | Jean Louis/Lewis DAUNIS/DAUNI | French Creole? | Marie Séraphine/Céraphine DUGAS | none listed | |
1845 10 Apr/SWLR | Louis Victor RICHARD | Acadian | Izaline/Ysoline DUGAT | none listed | |
1845 5 May/SLR | Joassin Rosémond BOUDRAUX | Acadian | [Élisabeth] Élodie DUGAS | none listed | |
1845 6 May/BRDR | Luc DUGAS[, fils] | Aureline LANDRY | Acadian | Dugas, Landry | |
1845 31 Dec/BRDR | Sosthènes DUGAS | Aglaé René[e] LANGLOIS | French Creole | Dugas, LeBlanc | |
1846 14 Jan/SWLR | François Ovid/Ovide DUGAS | Marie Lucille BROUSSARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1846 10 Feb/BRDR | Jérôme Silvany GAUDIN | Acadian | Emma Lise DUGAS | Babin, Blanchard, Causson, Dugas, Gaudin, Hébert, Landry | |
1846 27 Jan/BRDR | [Florentin Aimé] Émile DUGAS | Sylveria BALDERAS | Spanish Creole? | Balderas, Cailler, Cure, Melançon, Mollere, Rougeau, Terrio, Vives | |
1846 20 Jul/SWLR | Édouard Jules DUGAS | Acadian | Émilie/Emily Célestine DUGAS | Acadian | none listed |
1846 28 Jul/SLR | Hilaire DEJEAN | French Creole | Marie Zulma DUGAS | none listed | |
1846 30 Sep/BRDR | Joseph Norbert DUGAS | [Marie] Elmire CLOUÂTRE | Acadian | Arceneaux, Bourgeois, Braud, Clouâtre, Melançon | |
1847 18 Jan/BRDR | Félix MELANÇON | Acadian | [Marie] Mélodie DUGAS | Berteau, Melançon, Rodrigue | |
1847 9 Feb/BRDR | Charles Henry MULLETT | Anglo? | Marie Françoise Eugénie DUGAS | Badin, Balkin, Boudier, Bujol, Chapman, Fortier, Gansevoort, Gourrier, Landry, Lévêque, Martin, Nicholls, Randall | |
1847 15 Feb/BRDR | Achille DUGAS | Ozite MOLLÈRE | French Creole | LeBlanc, Mollere | |
1847 17 Apr/SWLR | Camille HÉBERT | Acadian | Amelia Zéolide DUGAS | none listed | |
1847 23 Jun/SWLR | Gabriel DUBAN | French Creole? | Elisa DUGAT | none listed | |
1847 19 Jul/SLR | Mathurin DAIGLE | Acadian | Marie Elezida DUGAS | none listed | |
1847 30 Aug/BRDR | Lazare LEBLANC | Acadian | [Marie] Séraphine DUGAS | Blanchard, Dugas, LeBlanc | |
1848 1 Feb/SWLR | Jules DUGAT | Acadian | Félicia DUGAT | Acadian | none listed |
1848 22 Feb/BRDR | Félix DUGAS (widower) | Malvina BABIN | Acadian | Babin, Dugas, Landry, LeBlanc | |
1848 6 Mar/SLR | Neuville BOUDRAUX | Acadian | Azélie DUGAS | none listed | |
1848 26 Jun/SWLR | Antoine SAUNNIER | Acadian | Silvanie DUGAT | none listed | |
1849 2 Jan/SLR | Joseph Ulysse DUGAS | Émelie HÉBERT/HAUBERT [AUBERT] | French Creole | none listed | |
1849 29 Jan/SLR | Ovile DUGAS | Marie Clémentine BOUDREAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1849 25 Jun/SLR | Laurent BERNARD | Acadian | Zoé DUGAS | none listed | |
1849 20 Oct/SWLR | Désiré DUGAS (widower) | Marie Azélie GUIDRY | Acadian | none listed | |
1850 4 Feb/SWLR | Auguste DOMINQUES | Spanish Creole | Marie DUGAT | none listed | |
1850 11 Feb/BRDR | Michel DUGAS | Françoise LANDRY | Acadian | Dugas, LeBlanc | |
1850 11 Feb/SWLR | Joachim DUGAT (widower) | Acadian | Marie Vallenne DUGAT (w.) | Acadian | none listed |
1850 4 Jun/BRDR | Luc DUGAS[, fils] (widow) | Carmélite BERMEYO | Spanish Creole | Babin, Dugas, LeBlanc | |
1850 19 Sep/BRDR | Saintville DUGAS | Elisa LANDRY | Acadian | Aucoin, Bernard, Daigle | |
1851 11 Feb/BRDR | Léon DUGAS | Delphine RICHARD (widow) | Acadian | Dugas, Hébert, Portale, Richard | |
1851 18 Feb/SLR | Cyprien DUGAS | Marie RICHARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1851 5 Mar/SLR | Ambroise DUGAS[, fils] (wdr.) | Théodore[sic] DAUNIS (widow) | French Creole | none listed | |
1851 21 Apr/SWLR | Balthasar Eusèbe NEUVILLE [adopted by Mme. Neuville DECLOUET] | French Creole? | Geneviève Clelie DUGAS | none listed | |
1851 26 May/SWLR | Don Louis DUGAS | Marie Lodoiska TOFFIEZ | French Creole? | none listed | |
1851 7 Aug/SWLR | Alexis BLANCHARD | Acadian | Émilia N. DUGAT | none listed | |
1851 16 Sep/BRDR | Émile BABIN | Acadian | Céleste DUGAS | Babin, Braud, Dugas, Landry, Richard | |
1851 1 Oct/BRDR | Édouard DUGAS | Marguerite Florestine ROTH | German Creole? | Blanchard, Gaudin, Landry, Roth | |
1851 11 Dec/SWLR | Gustave BROUSSARD | Acadian | Élizabeth Alphonsine DUGAS | none listed | |
1851 16 Dec/SWLR | Joseph Alcide DECUIR | French Creole | Marguerite Olymphe DUGAS | none listed | |
1851 30 Dec/BRDR | Jacques Sandre LAVIGNE | French Creole? | [Marie Antoinette] Ernestine DUGAS | Braud, Gaudet, Gaudin, Hatkinson, Landraux/Landreaux, Mollere, Terrio | |
1851 30 Dec/SWLR | Adolphe BEGNEAU | French Creole | Céleste Erside DUGAT | none listed | |
1852 11 May/SWLR | Joseph Marie DUGAS | Emma BEGNEAU | French Creole | none listed | |
1852 26 Jul/SWLR | Adolphe SAINE | French Creole? | Marie DUGAS | none listed | |
1852 10 Aug/SWLR | Édouard DUGAS | Elmire GONSSOULIN | French Creole | none listed | |
1852 13 Sep/SWLR | Duplessin DUGAT | Marguerite Olisa RICHARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1853 10 Jan/SWLR | Fenelon DUGAS | Anastasie BRAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1853 11 Apr/BRDR | Zéferin DUGAS | Oliva LE BLANC | Acadian | LeBlanc | |
1853 26 Apr/BRDR | Lucien THERIOT | Acadian | [Marguerite] Evelina DUGAS | Dugas, Gaudin, Pertuit, Theriot | |
1853 18 Jul/BRDR | Onésime BOURG | Acadian | Lise DUGAS | Dugas, LeBlanc, Rogere | |
1853 12 Sep/SWLR | Onézime GOTREAU (widower) | Acadian | Azenaise DUGAT | none listed | |
1853 15 Sep/SWLR | Frédric/Frédéric MESTAYER | French Creole? | Philomène DUGAS | none listed | |
1853 8 Dec/SWLR | Émile SEGURA | Spanish Creole | Odile Marguerite DUGAS | none listed | |
1854 7 Feb/BRDR | Clovis DUGAS | Lorenza LANDRY | Acadian | Babin, Beaugey, Dugas, LeBlanc | |
1854 29 May/SWLR | Cadet DUGAT | Acadian | Aspasie DUGAT | Acadian | none listed |
1854 10 Jul/BRDR | Numa JACOB | German Creole? | Émelie [Marguerite] DUGAS | Clouâtre, Dugas, Lambert, Mire | |
1854 11 Jul/BRDR | Kempton DUGAS | Adelina BLANCHARD | Acadian | Blanchard, Dugas, Landry | |
1854 17 Jul/SLR | Jean Marie DUGAS | Joséphine LERAY/LEREY | French Creole? | none listed | |
1854 25 Sep/SLR | Charles Michel BOURG | Acadian | Melina DUGAS | none listed | |
1855 10 Jan/SWLR | Alphonse GUILBEAU | Acadian | [Marie] Ophelia DUGAS | none listed | |
1855 5 Feb/BRDR | Joseph DUGAS | Mélissaire LEBLANC | Acadian | Babin, Landry, Simoneau | |
1855 19 Mar/SWLR | Pierre DUGAS | Rosalie LANDRY | Acadian | none listed | |
1855 9 Apr/BRDR | Luc DUGAS, père (widower) | Marie GROSS (widow) | French Creole? | Landry, LeBlanc, Melançon, Simoneau | |
1855 12 May/BRDR | Félix DUGAS | Helena TERRIO/THERIOT (widow) | Acadian | Dugas, Michel, Mollere | |
1855 14 May/BRDR | François Cornille DUGAS (wdr.) | Eve GAUTHREAUX | Acadian | Blouin, Gautreau, Hébert, Landry | |
1855 24 Jul/SWLR | Moyse DUGAS | Alida MOUTON | Acadian | none listed | |
1855 22 Dec/SWLR | Joseph HÉBERT | Acadian? | Marie Caroline DUGAT | none listed | |
1856 9 Apr/SWLR | Zéphirin BROUSSARD | Acadian | Élisa DUGAS | none listed | |
1856 14 Apr/BRDR | Joseph MOLLÈRE | French Creole | Anaïse DUGAS | Dugas, LeBlanc, Mollere | |
1856 28 Apr/SWLR | Sosthène DUGAS | Marie Féliciame PLAISANCE | Isleño Creole | none listed | |
1856 5 May/SWLR | Edmund GUIDRY (widower) | Acadian | [Marie] Arsène DUGAS (wd.) | none listed | |
1856 24 Jun/BRDR | Uselien DAIGLE | Acadian | [Marie] Augustine DUGAS | Bourg, Daigle, Dugas, LeBlanc | |
1856 25 Jun/SWLR | Joseph Clesmé/Clermé DUGAS | Louisa Mathé/Louise Mathé HAYSE/HAIJISSE | Anglo Creole | none listed | |
1856 17 Jul/BRDR | William Lacy PHELPS | Anglo | Clémentine DUGAS | Agnest, Blanchard, Daigle, Dugas | |
1856 22 Oct/SWLR | Alcée BROUSSARD | Acadian | [Marie] Virginie DUGAS | none listed | |
1856 17 Nov/SWLR | St. Cyr DUGAS | Odé Aurore BERNARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1856 29 Dec/SWLR | Dosité BREAUX [le jeune] | Acadian | Cidalise DUGAS | none listed | |
1857 10 Jan/SWLR | Éloi Ulinor DUGAS | Marie Clélie GONSOULIN | French Creole | none listed | |
1857 12 Jan/SWLR | Bélisaire CORMIER | Acadian | Aurelien [Aurelia] DUGAS | none listed | |
1857 20 Jan/BRDR | Louis DUGAS | Zulma HYMEL | German Creole | Dugas, Duhon, Gaudin, Guédry, Hymel, Oubre, Pertuit, Poché, Poirier, Simon | |
1857 19 Feb/SWLR | Désiré BERNARD | Acadian | Maria Esmina DUGAS | none listed | |
1857 4 Apr/SWLR | Edmond DUGAS | Émilie MAKING/MCNEIL | Scots? Irish? | none listed | |
1857 7 May/BRDR | Séverin [Zéphirin] DUGAS (wr.) | Élize DAIGLE | Acadian | Babin, Daigle, Dugas, Landry | |
1857 19 May/SWLR | Guilliaume Mozart DUGAS | Anastasie PRINCE | Acadian | none listed | |
1857 21 May/SLR | Narcisse LABAT | French Creole? | [Marie] Zulma DUGAS (widow) | none listed | |
1857 30 May/BRDR | Jules DUGAS | Adelisca DAIGLE | Acadian | Daigle, Dugas, Landry | |
1857 29 Oct/SLR | Lovinsky/Lovincy DUGAS | Rosa AYCOCK | Anglo | none listed | |
1857 28 Dec/BRDR | Léon DUGAS (widower) | Marie Gertrude LANDRY | Acadian | Babin, Braud, Dugas, Hébert, Landry, Melançon | |
1858 8 Jan/BRDR | Louis COPPONEX | French Creole? | Lise DUGAS | Babin, Bujol, Dugas, Landry, Martin | |
1858 25 Jan/SWLR | Dosithée BREAUX [l'aîné] (wr.) | Acadian | Coralie DUGAS (widow) | none listed | |
1858 8 Apr/SWLR | Cyprien GUIDRY | Acadian | Félicia DUGA | none listed | |
1858 10 May/SWLR | Ulger SEGURA | Spanish Creole | Moémie Cléopha[e] DUGAS | none listed | |
1858 17 May/SWLR | Joseph DUGAS | Célanie RICHARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1858 17 May/BRDR | Zéphirin DUGAS (widower) | Arselia ACHÉ | Acadian | Babin, Dugas, Landry, LeBlanc, Simoneau | |
1858 6 Jul/BRDR | Lusignant LANDRY | Acadian | [Marie] Elmire DUGAS | Babin, Dugas, Landry, Simoneau | |
1858 9 Sep/SWLR | Joseph Oser LANEAU | Foreign French? | Marie Erasie DUGAS | none listed | |
1858 25 Sep/SLR | [Mathieu] Augustin LEGENDRE | Foreign French | [Célina Matildeor] Mathilde DUGAS | none listed | |
1859 8 Feb/BRDR | Alfred BLOUIN | French Creole | Louisa DUGAS | André, Babin, Blouin, Boucry, Dicharry, Donaldson, Gaudin, Laneuville, Volpy | |
1859 12 Feb/BRDR | Numa DUGAS | Émelie GIROIRD | Acadian | Babin, Giroir, Landry, LeBlanc, Trahan | |
1859 21 Feb/SWLR | Balthazar MARTIN | Acadian | Octavie DUGAS | none listed | |
1859 6 Jun/SLR | Cyprien DUGAS | Delphine NAQUIN | Acadian | none listed | |
1859 25 Jul/SWLR | Antoine Lazare DOMINGUE | Spanish Creole | Alida DUGAS | none listed | |
1859 17 Sep/BRDR | Hubert LEBLANC | Acadian | Rosalie DUGAS | Babin, Daigle, Dugas, LeBlanc, Simoneau | |
1860 10 Jan/BRDR | Édouard DUGAS (widower) | Joséphine LANDRY | Acadian | Babin, Dugas, Gaudin, Hébert | |
1860 21 Jan/BRDR | Augustin DUGAS | Ernestine LANDRY | Acadian | Dupuis, Giroir, Landry, Marroy, Simoneaux | |
1860 25 Jan/SWLR | Gérôme TAILOR [TELLER?] | German Creole? | Marie Octavie DUGA | none listed | |
1860 18 Feb/BRDR | Amédée DUGAS | Ofilia JOLIBOIS | French Creole | Boudreaux, Gauchy, Haydel, Junot, Levert | |
1860 10 Apr/SWLR | Aurelien/Chretien CHIASSON | Acadian | [Marie] Émelie/Fanelie DUGAS | none listed | |
1860 1 May/SWLR | Dejean DUGAS | Marie Émelie CRATHERS [CARUTHERS] | Anglo Creole | none listed | |
1860 10 Nov/SLR | Julien BOURGEOIS | Acadian? | [Marie] Marcelite DUGAS | none listed | |
1861 31 Jan/BRDR | Émile LEBLANC | Acadian | Evéline DUGAS | Agnest, Besson, Daigle, Dugas, Laffitte, Landry, Pemchaux, Trahant | |
1861 6 May/SLR | Eugène DUPRÉ | French Creole | Marie DUGAS | none listed | |
1861 16 Jan/SWLR | Dupré Joseph GONSOULIN | French Creole | Éléanore Félicité DUGAS | none listed | |
1861 26 Jan/BRDR | Zéphirin DUGAS | Laurenza LANDRY | Acadian | Babin, Dugas, Landry | |
1861 8 Apr/BRDR | Optime RICHARD | Acadian | [Élisabeth] Laurentia DUGAS | Duppet, Jacob, Landry, Melançon | |
1861 15 Apr/BRDR | Léonard Bienvenu HÉBERT | Acadian | Marie Angelina DUGAS | Babin, Gaudin, Hébert | |
1861 19 Aug/BRDR | Livaudis/Livodé LEBLANC | Acadian | [Marie Thérèse Rénée dite] Renette DUGAS | Babin, Blanchard, Dugas, Giroir, Landry, LeBlanc | |
1861 19 Aug/SWLR | Jules WEBER [WEBRE] | German Creole | Hermina DUGAS | none listed | |
1861 26 Sep/SLR | Octave DAIGLE | Acadian | Marie Zulema DUGAS | none listed |
Analysis of DUGAS marriages, 1768-1861:
Total marriages listed: 391 100.0%
Endogamous marriages:
Exogamous marriages: 107
DUHON (Acadians only)
Date/Record | Groom | Ethnicity | Bride | Ethnicity | Witnesses |
1770 28 May/BRDR | Jean DUHON | Anne LEBLANC | Acadian | LeBlanc, Trahan | |
1772 9 Nov/BRDR | François DUHAM | Élisabeth LANDRY | Acadian | Landry | |
1775 13 Feb/BRDR | Victor BLANCHARD | Acadian | Anne-Perpétué DUHAM | LeBlanc, Trahan | |
1784 10 Aug/SWLR | [Joseph dit] Josine LE BLANC | Acadian | Marguerite DUON | none listed | |
1785 4 Dec/NOAR | Agustin[-Marie] DU[HO]N | Margarita LEBLANC | Acadian | Llorca, Martinez | |
1786 19 Apr/BRDR | François DUHON (widower) | Isabelle DAROIS | Acadian | Darois, Sanches | |
1788 1 Jul/SWLR | Joseph[-Firmin] DUHON | Marie-Magdeleine TRAHAN | Acadian | Boudreaux, Modena | |
1789 1 Jul/SWLR | Augustin DUGA | Acadian | Marie DUHON | De Coirin, Duga, Duhon | |
1791 2 Feb/SWLR | Joseph [dit Gros] DUHON | Scholastique HÉBERT | Acadian | Duhon, Hébert, Lopes/Lopez, Trahan | |
1793 1 Jul/BRDR | Francisco DUON | Maria-Magdelena BOURGEOIS | Acadian | Bercheron, Duon | |
1793 29 Dec/BRDR | Alexandro BABIN | Acadian | Ana DUON | Babin, Duon, Gotro | |
1793 29 Dec/BRDR | Simon GAUTRAU (GAUTREAU) | Acadian | Marie DUON | Braux, Gautrau | |
1796 26 Jan/SWLR | Jean-Baptiste[-Guillaume] MONTE | French Imm. | Marie-Magdelaine DUON | Broussard, Chemin, Duon, Trahan, Vincent | |
1796 1 Jun/SWLR | Jean-Marie TRAHAN | Acadian | Isabelle DUON | Babin, Broussard/Brusard, Chemin | |
1796 17 Oct/BRDR | Juan-Luis FOREST | Acadian | Maria-Juliana DUHAN | Duhan | |
1799 3 Feb/BRDR | Joseph DUHON | Adélaïde LANDRY | Acadian | none listed | |
1800 11 Feb/SWLR | Charles DUON[, fils] | Élizabeth BROUSSARD | Acadian | Broussard, Duon, Primo | |
1800 27 May/SWLR | Paul [Hippolyte] GUIDRY | Acadian | Adélaïde DUON | Broussard, Camino, Chemin, Darcy, Duon, Mau | |
1800 28 Sep/BRDR | Hypolite DUGAS | Acadian | Maria[-Juliana] DUHON (widow) | Dugat | |
1801 27 Jan/SWLR | Célestin HÉBERT | Acadian | Marguerite DUON | Broussard, Hébert, Labauve, Tenholt | |
1801 21 Sep/SWLR | Pierre-Paul MONTE | French Imm. | Adélaïde DUON | Duon, Monte, Tenholt, Trahan | |
1802 11 Jan/BRDR | Simon-Pedro SAVOY | Acadian | Rosalia DUHON | Duhont, LeBlanc | |
1802 19 Jan/SWLR | Michel MAUX[, fils] | French Imm. | Constance DUON | Chemin, Dautreuil, Tenholt, Viel | |
1803 23 May/BRDR | Silvino LEBLANC | Acadian | [Marie-]Magdalena DUHON | LeBlanc, Prejean | |
1805 5 Feb/SWLR | Joseph Firmin DUON[, père] (widower) | Marguerite BOURQUE | Acadian | Jacquet, Marc | |
1805 18 Feb/BRDR | Jean DUGAS | Acadian | Marguerite DUON | Dugas, Duon, LeBlanc | |
1805 24 Nov/BRDR | Francisco MALBROU | German Imm. | Maria Magdalena DUON | Hébert, Liret, Malbrou | |
1806 11 Feb/SWLR | Silvestre LE BLANC | Acadian | Perosine DUHON | Hullin, Jacquet | |
1806 6 May/SWLR | Jean Firmin BOURG | Acadian | Marguerite DUHON (widow) | Chemin, Ferry, Hébert, Jacquet | |
1806 23 Jul/SWLR | Joseph HÉBERT | Acadian | Isabelle DUHON (widow) | Jacquet, Maux | |
1807 12 May/SWLR | David GUILBEAU | Acadian | Adélaïde DUHON | Jacquet, Landry | |
1808 26 Apr/BRDR | Pierre David BOUDREAU | Acadian | Marcie [Marie Julienne] DUHON (widow) | Arsenaux, Breaux | |
1809 4 Apr/BRDR | Michel DUON | Scholastique FORETTE | Acadian | Duon, Forette, Morice | |
1810 1 May/SWLR | Vital LAPOINTE | French Creole? | Perosine DUHON | Abat, Duhon, Jacquet, Marc, Meaux | |
1810 3 Nov/SWLR | Joseph DUHON | Adélaïde BROUSSARD | Acadian | Broussard, Castille, Chemin | |
1811 18 Nov/BRDR | Auguste BERTAUD | French Creole | Magdeleine DUHON (widow) | Bertaud, LeBlanc | |
1812 5 May/SWLR | Benjamin RAULIN | Foreign French | Cécile DUHON | Chemin, Duhon, Goplet, Montet | |
1812 20 May/SWLR | Yves GOPLET | Foreign French | Marie DUHON | Chemin, Cuvelier, Duhon, Raulin | |
1812 20 Jul/BRDR | Thadé MICHEL | Acadian | Marie Magdeleine Carmélitte DUHON | Duhon, Landry, Michel | |
1812 4 [Aug]/SWLR | Jean Baptiste DUHON | Apollonie BROUSSARD | Acadian | Broussard, Chemin, Cuvelier, Duhon, Marc | |
1813 5 Jan/SWLR | Delphy DUHON | Victoire TRAHAN | Acadian | Chemin, Daysson, Marc, Trahan | |
1813 6 Jul/SWLR | Joseph Firmin DUHON | Marie Louise TERRIOT | Acadian | Chemin, Duhon, Judice, Scheppers | |
1814 8 Feb/SWLR | Julien LEGER | Acadian | Marie DUHON | Amy, Dessarp, Duhon, Penne | |
1814 24 Dec/BRDR | Louis DUHON | Adélaïdes FERLOT | French Creole | Petrimoulx, Tureyra | |
1816 10 Feb/BRDR | Édouard Benjamin LANDRY | Acadian | Francisca Oinisia DUHON | Mollere, Savoy, Tusson | |
1816 20 Feb/BRDR | François DUHON[, fils] | Marie Eugénie MICHEL | Acadian | Duhon, Gaudet, Michel | |
1816 13 Aug/SWLR | Benjamin THIBEAUDEAU (widower) | Acadian | Félicité DUHON | Chemin, Dugas, Gombert, Labauve | |
1817 3 Nov/SWLR | Charles DUHON (widower) | Pélagie BROUSSARD | Acadian | Broussard, Dusouchet, Penne | |
1818 27 Jan/SWLR | Joseph TRAHAN | Acadian | Perosine DUHON | Duhon, Dusouchet, Lingois, Penne, Trahan | |
1818 5 Oct/SWLR | Michel LEGER[, fils] | Acadian | Marie DUHON (widow) | Broussard, Duhon, Hugot | |
1819 15 Feb/SWLR | Alexis DUHON | [Marie] Marcellite SAVOIE | Acadian | Eudes, Hébert, St. Julien, Trahan, Villejouan | |
1820 14 Feb/SWLR | Cyprien DUHON | Julie GRANGER | Acadian | Broussard, Duon, LeBlanc | |
1820 25 Apr/SWLR | Valérie BARRA (widower) | French Creole | Adélaïde DUHON (widow) | Barra, Duhon, Dusouchet, Girouard, LeBlanc | |
1820 1 May/SWLR | Joseph Firmin DUHON[, fils] (widower) | Marie Isabelle TRAHAN | Acadian | Duhon, Dusouchet, Penne, Roussillon, Trahan | |
1820 22 May/SWLR | Jean Baptiste DUHON | Pélagie TRAHAN | Acadian | Broussard, Duhon, Martin, Richard, Trahan | |
1821 2 Jan/SWLR | Joseph DUHON (widower) | Ursule BROUSSARD | Acadian | Broussard, Dusouchet, Lassime, Marc, Roussillon | |
1821 7 May/SWLR | Charles DUHON[, fils] | Acadian | Marguerite DUHON | Acadian | Broussard, Duhon, Dusouchet, Penne, Roussillon, Thibodau |
1821 28 May/SWLR | Onézime BROUSSARD | Acadian | Scholastique DUHON | Cuming, Jackson | |
1821 11 Jun/SWLR | Agricole DUHON | Acadian | [Marguerite] Aspasie DUHON | Acadian | Broussard, Duhon, Penne, Roussillon |
1821 25 Jun/BRDR | François DUHON, fils (wdr.) | Marie Reine ROME | German Creole? | Delattre, Duhon, Rome | |
1821 1 Oct/SWLR | Jean LE BLANC | Acadian | [Marie Dionese] Denise DUHON | Bodin, Duhon, Dusouchet, Penne, Roussillon, Thibaudot | |
1822 28 Feb/BRDR | Pierre GUIDRY | Acadian | Marie Bazelite DUHON | Duhon, Theriot, Turcuit | |
1822 23 Nov/BRDR | Justin LEBLANC | Acadian | Marie Azélie DUHON | Duga, LeBlanc | |
1823 1 Dec/SWLR | Thomas LEE | Anglo | Constance DUHON (widow) | none listed | |
1824 24 Jan/SWLR | Joseph DUHON | Magdeleine HÉBERT (widow) | Acadian | none listed | |
1824 1 Mar/SWLR | Firmin TRAHAN | Acadian | Marie Carmélite DUHON | none listed | |
1825 6 Sep/SWLR | Charles [Placide] DUHON | Marie Arcènne GUÉDRY | Acadian | Duhon, LeBlanc, Thibodeaux | |
1825 25 Oct/SWLR | Alexandre SELLERS | Anglo Creole | Marguerite DUHON | Gaultier, Landry, LeBlanc | |
1825 7 Nov/SWLR | Dosité DUHON | Eugénie CORMIER | Acadian | Broussard, Lapointe, LeBlanc | |
1826 4 Feb/SWLR | Joseph Drosain BOUDREAU | Acadian | Adélaïde DUHON | Duhon, Landry, Montet | |
1826 Aug/BRDR | Firmin DUPLAISIS | French Creole | Louise DUHON | none listed | |
1826 31 Dec/BRDR | August BOURGEOIS | Acadian | Marie Scholastique DUHON | Bourgeois, Duhon, Savoie | |
1827 8 Jan/BRDR | Joseph DAIGLE | Acadian | Ortense Mélanie DUON | Dugas, Simoneaud | |
1827 28 May/BRDR | Michel DUON | Rosalie BOUDREAU | Acadian | Boudreau, Bourg | |
1828 18 Feb/BRDR | Henry BRO (BREAUX) | Acadian | Joséphine DUON | Dugas, Duon, Leudday(Ledet), Mollere, Signoret | |
1828 3 Jun/SWLR | Gédéon Théon BROUSSARD | Acadian | Marie Denise DUHON | Broussard, Caruthers | |
1829 16 Feb/BRDR | Séverin DUHON | Marie Cidelise PART | Acadian | Duhon, Michel, Part | |
1829 2 Mar/SWLR | Zéphirin DUHON | Clémence GUIDRY | Acadian | Duhon, Guédry/Guidry | |
1829 30 Nov/SWLR | Joseph Chevalier DUHON | Marie Célazie BOURG | Acadian | Broussard, Landry | |
1830 22 Feb/SWLR | Aurelien DUHON | Seraline TRAHAN | Acadian | Landry, Mouton | |
1831 5 Apr/SWLR | Dosité DUHON | [Marie Mathilde] Bertille LANDRY | Acadian | none listed | |
1831 3[0] Apr/SWLR | Don Louis Olidon BROUSSARD | Acadian | Claire DUHON | none listed | |
1833 2 Jan/BRDR | Hippolite BRAUX | Acadian | Helena DUON | Braud, Landry, LeBlanc, Rodriguez | |
1833 18 Feb/SWLR | Jean Baptiste DUON [III] | Euphémie PREJEAN | Acadian | none listed | |
1833 13 May/SWLR | Placide DUHON | Acadian | Marie Doralise DUHON | Acadian | none listed |
1833 25 Nov/SWLR | Placide MONTET | French Creole | Azélie DUHON | none listed | |
1834 28 Apr/SWLR | Julien DUHON | Maximiliene HÉBERT | Acadian | none listed | |
1834 27 Oct/SWLR | Alexis DUHON | Marguerite TRAHAN | Acadian | none listed | |
1835 27 Apr/SLR | François Marie BOUDRAUX/BOUDREAUX | Acadian | Geneviève Célesie DUHON | none listed | |
1835 11 May/SWLR | Joseph DUHON[, fils] | Émelie CORMIER | Acadian | none listed | |
1835 13 Jun/SWLR | Drosin BROUSSARD | Acadian | Marie Denise DUHON | none listed | |
1835 30 Dec/SWLR | Onézime DUHON | Marguerite TRAHAN | Acadian | none listed | |
1837 12 Jun/SWLR | Jose Vivaldi DUHON | Élizabeth VASSEUR | French Creole | none listed | |
1837 14 Aug/SWLR | Delphy DUHON, fils | Marie Olive BOURG | Acadian | none listed | |
1838 2 Jul/SWLR | Maximilien VINCENT | Acadian | Virginia DUHON | none listed | |
1838 22 Jul/SWLR | Joseph Denis DUHON | Marie Urasie BAUDAUIN | French Creole | none listed | |
1838 30 Jul/SWLR | Placide BOURG | Acadian | Aspasie DUHON | none listed | |
1838 22 Oct/BRDR | Jacque FORGI | Foreign French | Marguerite Pauline DUHON | Aucoin, Earriene, Gilbert, Tardif | |
1839 4 Feb/SWLR | Joseph DUHON[, fils] | [Marie] Carmélite BROUSSARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1839 7 Oct/SWLR | Antoine Frederick MILLER[, fils] | German Creole | Joséphine DUHON | none listed | |
1839 20 Nov/BRDR | Carmelien FALQUE | Anglo | Azélie DUHON | none listed | |
1839 30 Dec/SWLR | Jean DUHON[, fils] | Eugénie [Aspasie] LANDRY | Acadian | none listed | |
1840 24 Feb/BRDR | [François] Ulge (Ulger) DUHON | Justine BOURGEOIS | Acadian | Bourgeois, Duhon | |
1841 10 Feb/BRDR | Jean [Simon] DUHON | Euphrasie RICHARD | Acadian | Boucry, Leroy, Melarcher, Richard, Terrio | |
1841[sic] 19 Jul/SWLR | Ralph FORMAN | Anglo | Séverine DUHON | none listed | |
1843 3 Jul/SWLR | Jean Baptiste HÉBERT | Acadian | Carmélite DUHON | none listed | |
1843 28 Aug/SWLR | Norbert LEBLANC | Acadian | Éloise BULLON/DUHON | none listed | |
1845 27 Jan/SWLR | [Claude] François CHAHON/CHAON | Foreign French? | Marguerite Aspasie DUHON (widow) | none listed | |
1845 26 Aug/SWLR | Théovide HÉBERT | Acadian | Scholastique DUHON | none listed | |
1845 10 Dec/SWLR | Hilaire HANKS | Anglo | Mary DUYONS | none listed | |
1845 27 Dec/SWLR | Hermogène GUIDRY | Acadian | Herminie DUYON | none listed | |
1846 31 Jan/BRDR | Joseph DUHON | Adèle WELLS | Anglo | Berthelot, Boucry, Bourgeois, Chase, Huguet, Roustaings, Webre | |
1846 7 Feb/BRDR | Laufroi MICHEL | Acadian | Marie [Reine] DUHON | Bourgeois, Caillouet, Guédry | |
1846 9 Feb/SWLR | Joseph Théodule BROUSSARD | Acadian | Pélagie DUHON | none listed | |
1846 9 Feb/BRDR | Ulgère DUHON (widower) | Marie Carmélite ARCENEAUX | Acadian | Arceneau, Berteau, Braud, Brooks, Cornet, Huguet, Mire, Savois, Sciot | |
1846 18 Aug/SWLR | Joseph DUHON | Marie TRAHAN (widow) | Acadian | none listed | |
1847 25 Jan/SWLR | John CLARK | Anglo | Marie Clémentine DUYON | none listed | |
1848 11 Sep/SWLR | Joseph HÉBERT | Acadian | Uranie DUHON | none listed | |
1849 8 Jan/SWLR | Delphin DUHON[, fils] (wdr.) | Carmélite TRAHAN (widow) | Acadian | none listed | |
1849 19 Feb/SWLR | Alexandre SILEURS [SELLERS, fils] | Anglo Creole | [Marie Azélie] Aspasie DUHON | none listed | |
1849 30 Apr/SWLR | François Paul Sir DUHON | Oreline MONTET | French Creole | none listed | |
1850 8 Apr/SWLR | Méance MONTET | French Creole | Clémence DUHON | none listed | |
1850 29 Apr/SWLR | Lafayette FOREMAN | Anglo | Marie DUHON | none listed | |
1850 26 Sep/BRDR | Joseph dit Beline [Bélisle] LEBORNE | Acadian | Marie Aselie DUON (widow) | Bourgeois, Dongieux, Gaudet, Landry, LeBlanc, Rodriguez | |
1851 14 Jan/BRDR | Séverin Bienvenu DUHON | Adonise PORCHE | French Creole | Beauvais, Duhon, Levy, Porche, Robillard, Villeret | |
1851 25 Feb/BRDR | Onésime DUHON | Elisa CAILLOUET | French Creole | Duhon, Caillouet, Donaldson, Guédry | |
1851 24 Nov/SWLR | Paul [Firmin] DUHON | Oliva SIMON | French Creole | none listed | |
1853 8 Feb/SWLR | Dominique CAYRET | Foreign French | Hortance DUHON | none listed | |
1853 18 Apr/SWLR | Désiré DUHON | Amelina BERNARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1853 25 Apr/SWLR | Drosin DUHON | Marguerite CORMIER | Acadian | none listed | |
1854 20 Feb/SWLR | Valérien Olidon BROUSSARD | Acadian | Marie [Ozea] DUHON | none listed | |
1854 8 May/SWLR | Norbert DUHON | Cidalise/Sydalise SELLERS | Anglo Creole | none listed | |
1854 17 Apr/SWLR | Émile DUYON | Azélima BROUSSARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1854 17 Aug/SWLR | Joseph Terence DUHON | Émelie BOURQUE | Acadian | none listed | |
1855 1 Jan/SWLR | Jean Baptiste TRAHAN | Acadian | Laclaire DUHON | none listed | |
1855 9 Jan/SWLR | Séverin DUHON | Azéma BROUSSARD (wd.) | Acadian | none listed | |
1855 11 Jun/SWLR | Drausin DUHON | Émeline TRAHAN | Acadian | none listed | |
1855 9 Jul/SWLR | Édouard TRAHAN | Acadian | Marie Azélia DUHON | none listed | |
1855 27 Dec/SWLR | Littleton STUTS | German Creole | Sophie DUHON | none listed | |
1856 25 Mar/BRDR | Bertrand LANEGRASSE | Foreign French | Amélie DUHON | Donaldson, Lambert, Piton, Thibodaux | |
1856 25 Mar/SWLR | Velior DUHON | Elvira FOREMAN | Anglo | none listed | |
1856 30 Sep/BRDR | Louis DUHON | Émeline HYMEL | German Creole | Donaldson, Dugas, Himel, Pertuit, Rome, Thibodaux | |
1856 23 Dec/SWLR | Balthazar ROMERE [ROMERO] (widower) | Spanish Creole | Alise DUHON | none listed | |
1857 17 Jun/SWLR | Sevigné DUHON | Dilia HÉBERT | Acadian | none listed | |
1858 8 May/SWLR | Pierre Dose DUPUY | Acadian | Liza DUHON | none listed | |
1858 31 May/SWLR | Joseph DUHON [III] | Marie Aspasie DRONET | French Creole | none listed | |
18[5]9 25 Jan/SWLR | Dosithée DUHON[, fils] | Amelina BROUSSARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1859 14 Feb/SWLR | Jules DUHON | Palestine BROUSSARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1859 10 Oct/SWLR | Alfred PECK | Anglo | Amelina DUHON | none listed | |
1859 31 Oct/SWLR | Lézime/Lésime DUHON | Marie HÉBERT | Acadian | none listed | |
1860 30 Jan/SWLR | Lucien DUHON | Olympe BOUDREAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1860 5 Jun/SWLR | Valentin DUHON | Marie Louise SIMON | French Creole | none listed | |
1860 11 Jun/SWLR | Adolphe NEZAT[, fils] | French Creole | Camille DUHON | none listed | |
1860 9 Jul/SWLR | François CLALIAUX/CLOTIOUX | Foreign French | Séraphine DUHON | none listed | |
1860 1 Aug/SWLR | Jean Jacques DUHON | Augustine Eusaïde BOUDREAU | Acadian | none listed | |
1860 6 Aug/SWLR | Célestin DUHON | Acadian | Céleste/Célise DUHON | Acadian | none listed |
1860 13 Sep/SWLR | Thomas STUTTS | German Creole | Azélina DUHON | none listed | |
1860 12 Nov/SWLR | Jules BROUSSARD | Acadian | Élizabeth DUHON | none listed | |
1860 25 Dec/SWLR | Émile TRAHAN (widower) | Acadian | Belzire DUON | none listed | |
1861 15 Jan/SWLR | Clémille DUHON | Eugénie BROUSSARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1861 1 Apr/SWLR | Alcide DUHON | Élizabeth MEAUX | French Creole | none listed | |
1861 19 Sep/BRDR | Onézime DUHON | Adélaïde Jeanne DONALDSON | Anglo Creole | Bourg, Bourgeois, Donaldson, Duhon, Guédry, Lapart, Melançon, Nicolle |
Analysis of DUHON marriages, 1770-1861:
Total marriages listed:
166 100.0%
Endogamous marriages:
Exogamous marriages:
DUMONT (Acadians only)
no marriages found
DUPLESSIS (Acadians only)
no marriages found
DUPUIS/DUPUY (Acadians only)
Date/Record | Groom | Ethnicity | Bride | Ethnicity | Witnesses |
1768 2 May/C-V | Jean-Bte. MELANÇON | Acadian | Ozitte DUPUIS | none listed | |
1769 27 Mar/BRDR | Joseph DUPUIS | Anne-Marie HÉBERT | Acadian | Hébert, Missouniere, Richard | |
1769 27 Mar/BRDR | Jean-Baptiste HÉBERT | Acadian | Marie-Madeleine DUPUIS | Dupuis, Hébert, Richard | |
1772 23 Nov/BRDR | Joseph BLANCHARD | Acadian | Marie DUPUI | Boudro, Melançon | |
1773 3 May/BRDR | Prosté [Prosper-Sébastien] HÉBERT | Acadian | Maria DUPUIS/DUPUYS | Blanchard, Dupuis | |
1773 24 May/BRDR | Joseph GUÉDRY | Acadian | Monique DUPUY | Buten, Dupuy | |
1774 7 Feb/BRDR | Joseph DUPUY | Marie POIREÉ | Acadian | none listed | |
1774 2 May/BRDR | Simon BOUDERAU | Acadian | Monique DUPUYS | Blanchar | |
1775 7 Feb/BRDR | Jean-Baptiste DUPUY | Élizabeth BENOA | Acadian | Brusard, Hébert, Melançon | |
1778 5 Oct/BRDR | Simon[-Joseph] DUPUY | [Marie-]Louise-Divine LANDRY | Acadian | Dupuy, Hébert | |
1780 10 Sep/BRDR | Josephe ARCENEAU | Acadian | Marie BLANCHARD [DUPUIS] (widow) | Arceneau, Bodereau, Rosaire | |
1782 11 Feb/BRDR | Joseph BRAUD | Acadian | Cécilia DUPUY | Braud, Landry | |
1784 26 Apr/BRDR | Josef RICHARD (widower) | Acadian | Cécilia DUPUY (widow) | Allein, Hébert | |
1787 15 Jan/BRDR | Olivier PART | Acadian | Maria DE PUIS (widow) | none given | |
1790 15 Feb/BRDR | Firmain DUPUIS | Maria THERIOT | Acadian | Laconte, Landry | |
1792 15 Apr/BRDR | Joseph[-Aubry] DUPUIS | Maria [Clothilde] DEVILLIER | French Creole | Héber, Martinez | |
1793 5 Jul/BRDR | [Jean-]Carlos DUPUIS | Margarita[-Josèphe] BURKE [BOURG] | Acadian | Burke, Dupuis | |
1797 14 Feb/BRDR | Carlos BOURQUE | Acadian | Ysabel DUPUIS | Aucoin, Daigle, Dupuis | |
1797 4 Jul/BRDR | Malo[-Bénoni] GUÉDRY | Acadian | Margueritte[-Marie] DUPUIS | Dupuis, Guédry | |
1797 9 Sep/BRDR | Juan DUPUIS | Maria CLOITRE (CLOUÂTRE) (widow) | Acadian | duPuis, Hébert | |
1798 8 May/BRDR | Bartholomé AMELTON (HAMILTON) | Anglo | [Anne-]Mélanie DUPUIS | Dusete, Gareille | |
1799 6 May/BRDR | Francisco TERRIOT (THERIOT) | Acadian | Genovefa DUPUIS | Dupuis, Terriot | |
1800 7 Jan/BRDR | Hipolite DUPUI | Ana-Maria-Josefa-Délaïde DOUSAIS (DOUCET) | Acadian | dePui, Dousais | |
1800 7 Jan/BRDR | Pablo DEPUY | Magdalena SCLATRE (SCHLATRE) | German Creole | dePui | |
1800 17 Feb/BRDR | Caesar TERRIOT | Acadian | Maria[-Monique] DUPUIS | Bourgeois, Terriot | |
1800 17 Feb/BRDR | Pedro DUPUIS | Rosalia TERRIOT | Acadian | Bourgeois, Terriot | |
1801 28 Jun/BRDR | Magloire DUPUIS | Henriette SERRETTE | French Creole? | Sigue/Sigur | |
1801 30 Jun/BRDR | Zacharie HÉBERT | Acadian | Hélène[-Louise] DUPUIS | Ébert/Hébert | |
1801 10 Aug/SWLR | Jean-Charles GUILLEBAUT (widower) | Acadian | Céleste DUPUI/DUPUY | Babin, DeBlanc, Dupuy, Guilbeau, Martin, Poirier, Potier | |
1801 17 Aug/BRDR | Joseph[-Xavier] RICHARD | Acadian | Marine DUPUIS | Dupuis, Richard | |
1801 17 Aug/BRDR | Simon LEBLANC | Acadian | [Marie-]Euphrosine DUPUIS | Dupuis, LeBlanc | |
1803 19 Sep/BRDR | Pedro-Simeliano HENRY | Acadian | Adélaïda DUPUIS | Henry, Landry | |
1804 28 Aug/BRDR | André Pierre BLANCHARD | Acadian | Julie DUPUIS | Dilhae, Dupuis | |
1806 17 Feb/SWLR | Joseph TERRIOT | Acadian | Rosalie DUPUY | Garry, Jacquet | |
1806 16 Jun/BRDR | Marcel DUPUIS | Marie Josèphe LEBLANC | Acadian | Dupuis, LeBlanc | |
1807 25 May/BRDR | Bénony HÉBERT (widower) | Acadian | Adélaïde DUPUIS (widow) | Dupuis, Hébert | |
1808 4 Jul/BRDR | Étienne DUPUI[, fils] | Constance LANDRY | Acadian | Aucoin, Brau, Hébert | |
1809 15 May/BRDR | Victorien CHIASSON | Acadian | Henriette DUPUIS | Chiasson, Dupuis, LeBlanc | |
1809 28 Aug/BRDR | Pablo AUCOIN | Acadian | Maria DUPUIS | Dugat, Landry | |
1809 16 Oct/BRDR | Louis Auguste DELAUNE | Acadian | Geneviève DUPUIS | Dupuis, LeBlanc | |
1810 22 Feb/BRDR | Jean Baptiste DUPUIS | Henriette LEBLANC | Acadian | Delaune, Dupuis, LeBlanc | |
1810 20 Aug/BRDR | Joseph Aubry DUPUIS (wdr.) | Eugénie LEONARD (widow) | French Creole? | Dautrive, Hamilton, Lambremont | |
1810 20 Aug/BRDR | Olivier Joseph DUPUY | Marie GAILES | French Creole? | Dupuy, Hébert | |
1810 20 Aug/BRDR | Étienne Urbain BRAUD | Acadian | Marie Rose DUPUY | Dupré, Dupuy, LeComte | |
1810 20 Aug/BRDR | Simon DUPUY | Marie Rose BRAUD | Acadian | Braud, Dupuy, Landry | |
1811 10 May/BRDR | Jean Baptiste RILLS | Irish Creole | Emerite DUPUIS | Braux, Dupuy, Rils | |
1812 4 May/BRDR | Charles DUPUIS | Marie Marcellite BLANCHARD | Acadian | Blanchard, Dupuis/Dupuy | |
1812 4 May/BRDR | Joseph BLANCHARD | Acadian | Marguerite DUPUIS | Dupuy, Landry | |
1812 27 Jan/BRDR | Juan DUPUIS | Rosa HÉBERT | Acadian | Hébert, Landry | |
1813 10 May/BRDR | Josef DUPUIS | Félicitas MONTÉE [MONTET] | French Creole | Dugat, Larrosa, Tureyra | |
1813 8 Jun/BRDR | Joseph [Grégoire] BREAU | Acadian | Marine DUPUIS (widow) | Dupuy, Richard, Simoil | |
1814 31 May/BRDR | Balthasaire DUPUY | Marie Caroline MARRIONNOT | French Creole | Cropper, Dupuy, Hébert | |
1814 13 Jun/BRDR | Joseph Gédéon DUPUY | Marie Eugénie LANDRY | Acadian | Delaune, Dupuis, Landry | |
1815 29 Sep/BRDR | Juan Maria TULHIER | French Creole | Élizabetha DUPUIS | Héberre, Templet | |
1816 19 Feb/BRDR | Joseph BREAU | Acadian | Marie Henriette DUPUIS | Braud, Simoie | |
1816 19 Feb/BRDR | Charles Léondre BREAU | Acadian | Reine Rose DUPUIS | Braud, Simoie | |
1816 30 Apr/SWLR | Michel DUPUY | Marie Azélie POIRIER | Acadian | Dupuy, Gombert, Poirier, Potier | |
1816 1 Jul/BRDR | Pedro DUPUIS | Rosalie LANDRY | Acadian | Dupuis, Landry | |
1816 8 Jul/SWLR | Michel [Onésime] CORMIER | Acadian | Silesie DUPUY | Chemin, Dessarp, Dupuis, Gombert | |
1816 12 Aug/BRDR | William BLACK | Anglo | Adeline DUPUIS | Breau, Choboissau, Dupuis | |
1816 14 Oct/BRDR | Antoine DUPUIS | Sophie DAIGLE | Acadian | Daigle, Dupuis, Hébert | |
1816 31 Dec/BRDR | Juan B[aptiste]. DUPUIS (widower) | Mariana LANDRIE (widow) | Acadian | Grangier, Labove | |
1817 21 Apr/BRDR | Éloi DUPUY | Henriette HÉBERT | Acadian | Dupuis, Hébert, Tullier | |
1817 12 Aug/BRDR | Éd[o]uard DUPUIS | Marie Delphine LANDRY | Acadian | Dupuis/Dupuy, Landry | |
1818 22 Jun/BRDR | Jean Baptiste BLOUNT | Anglo | Théodise DUPUIS | Blount, Lopez | |
1818 31 Aug/BRDR | Charles DUPUIS | Marie Françoise DAIGLE | Acadian | Aucoin, Duga, Saunte | |
1819 7 Jan/BRDR | Jean Pierre DUPUIS | Marie Marthe HÉBERT | Acadian | Blount, Daigre, Trahan | |
1819 26 Jan/SWLR | Zéphirin GUÉDRY | Acadian | [Marie Adeline dite] Deline DUPUIS | Callet[Calais], Dupuis, Guédry, Thibodeau, Tullier | |
1819 7 Feb/BRDR | Jean Baptiste BOURQUE | Acadian | Angélique DUPUIS | Aucoin, Daigle, Hébert | |
1819 3 May/BRDR | Jean Louis PARENT | French Creole? | Marie Rose DUPUY (widow) | Richard, Simoie | |
1819 4 May/BRDR | Édouard BLANCHARD | Acadian | [Marie] Caroline DUPUY | Orillon, Roth | |
1819 21 Jun/BRDR | Pierre FLOGNES | French Creole? | [Marie] Héloise DUPUIS | Dupuis, Hébert, Orllion | |
1819 25 Oct/BRDR | Joseph ORILLON | Acadian | [Marie] Arthémise Aubry DUPUIS | Blanchard, Dupuis, Orillion | |
1820 31 Jan/BRDR | Philippe ROTH[, fils] | German Creole? | Marguerite Pauline DUPUY | Blanchard, Dupuis, Orillion | |
1820 10 Apr/BRDR | [Joseph] Gédéon DUPUIS (widower) | Suzanne Mathilde LANDRY | Acadian | Babin, Dupuis, Landry | |
1820 24 Apr/BRDR | Jean Noël DUPUIS | Marie Clémence BRAUD | Acadian | Braud, Ébert | |
1820 24 Apr/BRDR | Antoine Léon DUPLESSIS | French Creole | Marie Céleste DUPUIS | Ébert, Landry | |
1820 29 Nov/BRDR | Hypolite DAIGLE | Acadian | Rosalie DUPUIS | Aucoin, Hébert, Vagas | |
1821 26 Feb/BRDR | Domingo Josef LABOVE | Acadian | Azelia DUPUIS | Daigre, Landry | |
1823 10 Feb/SWLR | Élisée DUPUIS | Céleste [Célesie] GUILBEAU | Acadian | Begnaud, Dupuis, Guilbaud, Roussillon, Webre | |
1823 7 Apr/SWLR | Valentin LANDRY | Acadian | Céleste DUPUIS (widow) | Bara, Potier, Thibodeau | |
1823 5 May/BRDR | Joachim DAIGLE | Acadian | [Marie] Fortille DUPUIS | Babin, Daigle, Landry | |
1824 6 Sep/BRDR | Victor DUPUIS | Modeste Aimée LEBLANC | Acadian | Blanchard, Bourg, Broussard, Thibodot | |
1825 7 Feb/BRDR | Onésime LANDRY | Acadian | [Jeanne] Zetbinne DUPUIS | Dupuy, Hébert, Landry, Sigur | |
1825 19 Mar/BRDR | Volney DOIRON | Acadian | Marcelline DUPUIS | Aucoin, Doiron, Templé | |
1825 29 Aug/SWLR | Alexis DUPUIS | Marie Cléonise MARTIN | Isleño Creole | Chavrier, Dupuis, Martin | |
1825 3 Dec/BRDR | Valentin TEMPLET | Acadian | Henriette DUPUIS | Doiron, Guédry, Tullier | |
1825 28 Dec/BRDR | Joseph DUPUIS | Marie Sarrasine ORILLON | Acadian | Cropper, Orillon | |
1826 3 Apr/BRDR | Pierre DUPUIS (widow) | [Marie Eugénie] Carmélite LEBLANC | Acadian | Hébert, Lambremont, Landry, LeBlanc | |
1826 29 May/BRDR | Valéry DUPUY | Marie Hortense HÉBERT | Acadian | Anderson, Clen, Dupuy | |
1827 25 Jan/BRDR | Magloire DUPUY[, fils] | Eugénie HÉBERT | Acadian | Dupuy, Hébert, Labove | |
1827 11 Feb/BRDR | Zéphirin Étienne DUPUIS | Augustine dite Justine AUCOIN | Acadian | Aucoin, Giroir | |
1827 20 Feb/BRDR | Joseph RINBAUD | Foreign French | Hélène [Louise] DUPUY (widow) | Dupuy, Robichaux | |
1828 11 Feb/BRDR | Firmain DUPUIS | Basilide Victoire AUQUIN (AUCOIN) | Acadian | Barbier, Blanchard, Bourque, Giroard | |
1829 3 Feb/SWLR | Élizé DUPUIS (widower) | Mélanie BREAUX | Acadian | Brau/Braud/Braux, Guilbeaud | |
1829 15 Feb/BRDR | [Joseph] Gédéon DUPUY (widower) | Marie Telcide BABIN | Acadian | Babin, Dupuy, Joly, Scott | |
1829 19 Mar/BRDR | Urbain HACHÉ | Acadian | Domitile DUPUY | Aché, LeBlanc | |
1829 18 May/BRDR | Paul HÉBERT | Acadian | Marcelline [Rosalie] DUPUY (widow) | Doiron, Hébert, Landry | |
1829 28 Dec/BRDR | Thomas MILLE | Foreign French | [Marie Apollonie dite] Pauline DUPUY | Dupuy, Hébert, Marionneaux | |
1830 5 Jul/BRDR | Richard Damas BRAUD | Acadian | Marie Hélène DUPUY | Dupuis, Richard | |
1831 25 Jan/BRDR | Jean Guillaume PREAUX | French Creole? | Scolastique DUPUIS | Dupuis, Facoyer, LeBausagne | |
1831 4 Jul/SWLR | Charles DUPUIS | Célestine PATIN | French Creole | none listed | |
1831 21 Jul/BRDR | Pierre LABAUVE | Acadian | Coralie DUPUY | Hébert, Labauve | |
1832 7 Jul/BRDR | John Ferdinand SCOTT | Anglo | Marguerite Ludevine DUPUY | Armitage, de Armas, Estevan, Vidal | |
1833 6 May/SWLR | Joseph ANGELLE | French Creole | Marie Adveline DUPUIS | none listed | |
1834 7 Jan/BRDR | Norbert LAUVE | French Creole | Marie Antoinette Pamela DUPUY | Brusle, Lauve, Roth | |
1834 10 Feb/BRDR | Joseph AUCOIN | Acadian | Marie Madeleine Zépheline DUPUIS | Dupuis, Hébert | |
1834 9 Mar/BRDR | Édouard DUPUIS | Arthémise LANDRY | Acadian | Clement, Dupuis/Dupuy, Lejean | |
1834 27 May/SWLR | Alexandre DUPUIS | Marie SEMAIRE | Acadian | none listed | |
1834 30 Sep/BRDR | Baltazar DUPUY (widower) | Marie Doralise MARIONNEAUX | French Creole | Marionneaux, Schlatre, Thompson | |
1835 5 Jan/BRDR | Jean Pierre DUPUIS | Delphine GARRUIEL | Spanish Creole? | Leblanc, Martinez, Walsh | |
1835 16 Feb/SWLR | Pierre GUILBEAUD | Acadian | Marie Roseline DUPUIS | none listed | |
1835 29 Jun/BRDR | Adolph DUPUY | Eléonor BABIN | Acadian | Clement, Hébert, Labauve | |
1835 29 Jun/BRDR | J.[Louis] Faustin DUPUY | Marie Honorine DEVILIER | French Creole | Dupuy, Gellusseau, Marionneaux, Rils, Villiers | |
1835 29 Jun/BRDR | Joseph Adolphe DUPUY | Uranie Domitile RILS | Irish Creole | Barker, Dupuy, Gellusseau, Marionneaux | |
1836 11 Feb/BRDR | François RIVAS | Spanish Creole | Marceline DUPUIS (widow) | Allain, Martinez, Rivas | |
1836 11 Jul/BRDR | Firmin DUPUIS (widower) | Pauline AUCOIN | Acadian | Aucoin, Dupuis, Templet | |
1836 25 Jul/SWLR | Silvestre DUPUIS | Henriette THIBAUT | French Creole? | none listed | |
1836 22 Aug/BRDR | Eugène DUPUIS | Marguerite GIROIR | Acadian | Dupuis, Giroir | |
1836 31 Oct/BRDR | Jean Baptiste MOYSE (wdr.) | Acadian | Adélaïde DUPUIS | Dupuis, Mellanson, Moyse | |
1837 30 Jan/BRDR | Joseph SOLAR(ES) | Spanish Creole? | [Emérante Ameline dite] Melina DUPUIS | Dupuis, Solar | |
1837 12 Jun/BRDR | James William GODBERY | Anglo | Estelle DUPUY | LeBourgeois, Louque, Theriot | |
1837 21 Aug/BRDR | Florentin Martin GIROIR | Acadian | Marie Magdeleine DUPUIS | Aucoin, Giroir | |
1838 15 Apr/BRDR | Joseph Duhamel DUPUY | Acadian | Sophie Honorine DUPUY | Acadian | Dupuy, Landry, LeBlanc |
1838 2 Jun/BRDR | J. B. LABAUVE | Acadian | Eurasie DUPUIS | Granger, Leveque | |
1838 2 Jul/SWLR | Alexandre PATIN | French Creole | Adélaïde DUPUIS | none listed | |
1838 2 Jul/SWLR | Léon DUPUIS | Adélaïde ANGELE | French Creole | none listed | |
1838 12 Jul/BRDR | Valsin COMEAUX | Acadian | Zerbine DUPUY (widow) | Conway, Dupuy, Hébert, Melanson, Reames | |
1838 30 Jul/BRDR | Marcelin LANDRY (wdr.) | Acadian | Adélaïde DUPUIS (widow) | Daigle, Dupuis, Moreau, Savoy | |
1838 30 Jul/SWLR | Dosité BLANCHARD | Acadian | Marie Azélie DUPUIS | none listed | |
1838 6 Aug/BRDR | Hermogène GIROIR | Acadian | Marie [Carmélite] DUPUIS | Daigle, Dugas, Dupuis, Moreau | |
1838 9 Oct/BRDR | Jules MOLAISON | Acadian | Elisa DUPUIS | Landry, Sivicques | |
1839 21 Jan/BRDR | Robert BROUSSARD | Acadian | Euphrosine DUPUY | Dupuy, Richard | |
1839 8 Jul/BRDR | Jean Baptiste BOURG | Acadian | Hélène Élise DUPUIS | Aucoin, Bourg, Dupuis | |
1839 11 Nov/BRDR | Firmin CEDOTAL | French Creole? | [Marie] Carmélite DUPUIS | Breaud, Dupuis, Landry, Montet | |
1839 27 Nov/BRDR | Firmin CERRED [SERRETTE] | French Creole? | Euphémie DUPUY | Cabrear, Dupuis | |
1839 28 Nov/SWLR | François LEBLANC | Acadian | Marie Doralise DUPUIS | none listed | |
1840 30 Jan/BRDR | Jean Baptiste BOURG | Acadian | Helena DUPUIS | Blankoe, Bourg, Dupuis | |
1840 17 May/BRDR | Augustin LANDRY | Acadian | Gertrude DUPUIS | Friou, Landry | |
1840 23 Nov/BRDR | Armogène DUPUIS | Irène BARIOT | Acadian | Bariot, Depuis, Sedotal | |
1841 26 Apr/BRDR | Joseph Nicolas DUGAS (wr.) | Acadian | Marie Caroline DUPUIS (widow) | Blanchard, Dugas, Dupuy | |
1841 28 Apr/BRDR | Michel HÉBERT | Acadian | Marie Clarisse DUPUY | Dupuy, Godbery, Mille | |
1841 3 May/BRDR | Rosémond BOURG | Acadian | Élizabeth DUPUIS | Bernego, Dugas, Dupuis, Landry, Trahant | |
1841 28 Dec/BRDR | Jean Baptiste HERNANDEZ | Spanish Creole | [Marie] Adeline DUPUIS | Sedotal, Solar | |
1842 17 Jan/BRDR | Rosémond DUPUIS | Eulalie RICHARD | Acadian | LeBlanc | |
1842 31 Jan/BRDR | Derosin CEDOTAL | French Creole? | Adelline DUPUIS | Baptiste, Landry | |
1842 9 Aug/BRDR | Alexandre Maximilien BABIN | Acadian | Marie Clémentine DUPUY | Billon, Blanchard, Lamarre, Landry, Ney | |
1842 29 Aug/BRDR | Adrien DUPUY | Éloise DAIGLE (widow) | Acadian | Hébert, Landry, Leblanc, Robechaux | |
1842 19 Sep/BRDR | Jean Dugregay DUPUY | Telcide POCHÉ | French Creole | Dupaux, Dupuy, Poché | |
1842 14 Nov/BRDR | Charles DUPUY (widower) | Claire Bathilde BABIN (widow) | Acadian | Babin, Dupuy, Landry | |
1843 18 Apr/BRDR | Guillaume Balthasar DUPUY | Marie Louise Clothide MILLE | Foreign French | Hébert, Lauve, Orillion, Schaltre | |
1843 22 May/BRDR | Trasimond HÉBERT | Acadian | Amelia DUPUY | Hébert, Labauve, Walker | |
1844 29 Apr/BRDR | Zéphirin BOURG | Acadian | Gérarde [Irène] DUPUIS | Dupuis | |
1844 12 Aug/BRDR | Emeron/Emérand DUPUIS | Louise Juliene JAURET/JAURETTE | French Creole? | Adolphe, Landri | |
1845 20 Jan/BRDR | Romain FRIOUX | French Creole | Adeline DUPUIS (widow) | Chedotal, Dupuis, LeBlanc | |
1845 20 Jan/BRDR | Manuel SUAREZ | Isleño Creole | Rosalie DUPUIS | Daigle, Landry | |
1846 5 Feb/BRDR | Valsin Joseph DUPUY | Hélène/Ellen SCHLATRE | German Creole | Dupuy, Hébert, Robertson, Schlatre | |
1846 4 May/BRDR | Siméon TERIOT | Acadian | Olympe DUPUI | Dupuy, Mendez | |
1846 31 Aug/BRDR | Bernard ALLAIN, fils (wdr.) | Acadian | Marie Élodie DUPUY | Allain, Blanchard, Dupeuy/Dupiuy, Leblanc | |
1846 9 Nov/SWLR | Adolphe DUPUIS | Eugénie SUDRIK | French Creole? | none listed | |
1847 18 Jan/BRDR | Jean Baptiste DUPUIS | Joséphine BOURG | Acadian | Bourg, Dupuis, Preaux | |
1847 16 Feb/SWLR | Joseph Dulecide GUIDRY (widower) | Acadian | Marguerite Uranie DUPUIS | none listed | |
1847 19 Mar/BRDR | Marcilien DUPUY | Eliza AUCOIN | Acadian | Aucoin, Giroir, Landry | |
1847 24 May/BRDR | James MCDENMIT | Scots Imm.? | Henriette Marguerite DUPUIS | Hébert, Penn | |
1847 16 Aug/BRDR | Fermin DUPUY | Rosaline BRAUD | Acadian | Babin, Leblanc | |
1847 29 Nov/BRDR | Antoine DUPUY[, fils] | Marie Palmyre HÉBERT | Acadian | Allain, Dupuy, Hebers/Hébert, Landry, Leblanc, Vives | |
1848 14 Feb/BRDR | Trasimond DUPUY | Adeline BABIN (widow) | Acadian | Arnou, Boissac, Boote, Browne, Dupuy, LeBlanc | |
1848 29 May/BRDR | Trazimond DUPUY | Arthémise HORSLER | German Imm.? | Allain, Braud, Hébert, Joly, Landry | |
1848 23 Sep/BRDR | Louis Joseph GRASS | French Creole? | Ludivine [dite Divine] DUPUY | Dupuy, Grass, LeBlanc, Petit | |
1848 25 Sep/BRDR | Vincent DUPUY | [Marie] Constance BRAUX | Acadian | Braud, de Villiers, Hébert | |
1849 2 Jan/BRDR | Jean Baptiste AUCOIN | Acadian | Joséphine [Basilise] DUPUIS | Dupuis | |
1849 22 Jan/BRDR | Joseph AUCOIN | Acadian | Appolonie DUPUIS | Dupuis | |
1849 19 Feb/BRDR | Arcène CROCHAIX | Acadian | Justine DUPUIS | Daigle, Landry | |
1849 22 May/BRDR | Eliezer LANDRY | Acadian | [Marie] Élodie DUPUY | Calry, Dupuy, Landry, Lauve | |
1849 28 May/BRDR | Gustave Raphaël LANDRY | Acadian | Marie Amélie DUPUY | Dupuy, Hébert, Seguinaud, Trabaud | |
1849 3 Sep/BRDR | Gédéon Octave DUPUY | Marie Virginie Aloysia VIEL | Foreign French | Arnous, Delaune, Dupuy, Foster, Watson | |
1850 1 May/BRDR | Oscar DUPUY | Élodie LANDRY | Acadian | Desobry, Landry, Marionneaux | |
1850 13 May/BRDR | Joseph HÉBERT | Acadian | Victorine DUPUY | Babin, Dupuy, Lejeune | |
1850 24 Jun/BRDR | Placide CHEDOTAL | French Creole? | Matilde DUPUIS | Dupuis, Landry | |
1851 7 Jan/BRDR | Éloi DUPUY[, fils] | Marie Edilia HÉBERT | Acadian | Babin, LeBlanc, Millet | |
1851 3 May/BRDR | Prudent DESCARREAU | French Creole? | Angelina DUPUY | Brignac, Decarout, Dupuy, Millet, Poché | |
1852 23 Feb/BRDR | Antoine Cariolan BABIN | Acadian | Gertrude Ernestine DUPUY | Babin, Millet | |
1853 25 Jan/SWLR | Cyrille HUVAL | French Creole | Célestine DUPUY | none listed | |
1853 21 Sep/BRDR | Joseph Napoléon LANDRY | Acadian | Marie Célestine DUPUY | Landry | |
1854 2 Jan/BRDR | Louis BARBAY | French Creole? | Beleil DUPUY | Barbay, Marioneaux, Roth | |
1854 16 Jan/SWLR | Olivier Telesmar THIBODEAUX | Acadian | Silvanie DUPUY | none listed | |
1854 6 Feb/BRDR | Jean Baptiste FRIOU | French Creole | Marie DUPUIS | Crochet, Dupuis, Solas | |
1854 27 Feb/SWLR | Louis BIZE | Foreign French | Pauline DUPUIS | none listed | |
1854 13 May/BRDR | Calixte DUPUIS | Acadian | Arsènie DUPUIS | Acadian | Dupuis, Landry |
1855 8 Feb/BRDR | F. Norbert MARIONEAUX | French Creole | Mary Eugény DUPUY | Blake, Dupuy, Landry, Marioneaux | |
1855 13 Feb/BRDR | Paul HÉBERT (widower) | Acadian | [Marie] Hélène DUPUY (widow) | Babin, Dominique, Dugas, Landry | |
1855 19 Feb/BRDR | Léon BREAUX | Acadian | [Clothilde] Laurenza DUPUY | Dugas, Dupuy, Landry | |
1855 24 Apr/BRDR | Joseph Edgar DUPUY | Nezida BREAUX | Acadian | Dupuy, Landry | |
1855 7 May/BRDR | Jules E. LANDRY | Acadian | Euphroisine DUPUY | Babin, Landry | |
1855 15 May/BRDR | Ferriol DUPUY | Adèle LONGUE-ÉPÉE | Acadian | Bernard, Bourg, Hébert | |
1855 24 May/BRDR | Pierre Jeantrin COLLE (wdr.) | French Creole? | Virginie DUPUY | Braud, Dupuy, Rivet | |
1855 12 Jun/SWLR | Alfred GUIDRY | Acadian | Ernestine DUPUY | none listed | |
1855 4 Jul/SLR | Isaah HOTEL | Anglo? | Marie Madeleine DUPUIS (wd.) | none listed | |
1855 24 Sep/BRDR | Gustave LAUVE (widower) | French Creole | Céleste Laura DUPUY | Dupuy, Lauve, Maurin, Phust | |
1855 5 Nov/BRDR | Baptiste FRIOUX (wdr.?) | French Creole | Rosalie DUPUI | Escoubas, Fryoux, Landry, Trahant | |
1856 25 Mar/SWLR | Joseph DUPUIS | Marie Emérante ARSENEAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1856 25 Mar/SWLR | Damas/Damase GUIDRY | Acadian | Marie Doralise DUPUY | none listed | |
1856 8 May/BRDR | Ursin LEJEUNE | Acadian | Estelle DUPUY | Babin, Lejeune | |
1856 24 Jun/BRDR | Henry Silas BROWNE | Anglo | Mary Amelia DUPUY | Babin, Dupuy, Gourrier, Joly, Roth, Sullivan | |
1856 7 Aug/SWLR | Valentin LANDRY | Acadian | Mérite Marie Amélie DUPUIS/DUPREY (widow) | none listed | |
1856 25 Sep/SWLR | Mazant THIBODEAU | Acadian | Selimène DUPUY | none listed | |
1856 3 Nov/SWLR | Charles [Alexis] DUPUY | Agathe CARNEAUX [CONNER] | Irish Creole? | none listed | |
1856 6 Nov/BRDR | Philippe BAUER (widower) | Foreign French | Marie Dillia DUPUY | Babin, Bergeron, LeBlanc | |
1857 22 Jan/BRDR | Jule LEBLANC | Acadian | [Marie] Delphine DUPUY | Allain, Dupuy, LeBlanc | |
1857 14 Apr/BRDR | Similien AUCOIN | Acadian | Anastasie [Hélène] DUPUIS | Aucoin, Dupuis, Pothier | |
1857 27 Apr/BRDR | Édouard DUPUY | Marie Jeanne HUNT | Anglo | Aillet, Babin, Hébert, Labauve | |
1857 12 May/BRDR | Constant SIMONEAUX | French Creole | Marie DUPUIS | Babin, Landry, Robichaux, Simoneaux/Simino | |
1857 22 Jun/BRDR | Valsin LANDRY | Acadian | Uranie DUPUIS | Blanchard, Giroir, Landry, Robicheaux | |
1857 28 Sep/BRDR | Louis JOLY | French Creole? | Marie Ludevine DUPUY | Browne, Dupuy, Joly | |
1857 13 Oct/BRDR | Antoine Dominique COURTE | French Creole? | Marie Mélanie DUPUY | Dupuy, Lauve, Mh__ | |
1858 4 Mar/SWLR | Jean Baptiste COMEAU | Acadian | Cephalide DUPUIS | none listed | |
1858 8 May/SWLR | Pierre Dose DUPUY | Liza DUHON | Acadian | none listed | |
1858 19 May/BRDR | Amilcar DUPUY | Euphémy Henrietta KLEINPETER | German Creole | Dupuy, Haase, Kleinpeter, Landry, Marionneau, Schlatre | |
1859 24 Feb/SWLR | Alexandre DARTESSE | French Creole | Adeline DUPUYS | none listed | |
1859 8 Mar/SWLR | Eugène MELANÇON | Acadian | Marie Uranie DUPUIS | none listed | |
1859 26 Apr/SWLR | Olivier GUIDRY | Acadian | Arthémise DUPUIS | none listed | |
1859 16 Jun/BRDR | Charles Émile DUPUY | Marie Céleste HOLLIDAY | Anglo | Dupuy, Holliday, Kleinpeter | |
1860 28 Jan/BRDR | Elphége DUPUY | Félicie LAICHE | French Creole? | Bourgeois, Laiche, Millet | |
1860 1 Feb/BRDR | Narcisse DUPUIS | Antoinette GIROIR | Acadian | Barbier, Giroir, Guillot | |
1860 18 Apr/BRDR | Abraham John BIRD | Anglo | Marie Élizabeth DUPUY | Babin, Browne, Daigle, Esnard, Joly, Lesassier, Von Phul, Woods | |
1860 22 Nov/BRDR | Honoré DUPUY | Telvina LEBLANC | Acadian | Duc, Dupuy, Richard, Rivet | |
1861 14 Jan/BRDR | Jean TUILLIER | French Creole | Marie Amanda DUPUY | Broussard, Hébert/Hevert, Tuillier | |
1861 22 Jan/BRDR | Prudent CROCHET | Acadian | Adolphine DUPUY | Babin, Brusle, Bush, Daigle, Dupuy, Gefroi, Hébert | |
1861 13 Apr/BRDR | Norbert R[oselius]. DUPUY | Laura Euphémie BRUSLÉ | Anglo? | Breaux, Dupuy, Kleinpeter, Landry, Roth | |
1861 25 Apr/BRDR | Roselius A. ORILLION | Acadian | Mathilda DUPUY | Dupuy, Gaiennie | |
1861 17 Jun/SWLR | Joseph Stainville DUPUY | Eugénie BREAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1861 9 Jul/BRDR | Adelma LANDRY | Acadian | Victoria DUPUY | Blanchard, Dardenne, Dupuy, Hébert, Marionneaux, Robertson, Roth |
Analysis of DUPUIS/DUPUY marriages, 1768-1861:
Total marriages listed: 234 100.0%
Endogamous marriages:
Exogamous marriages: 74
DUREL (Acadians only)
no marriages found
Copyright (c) 2007-24 Steven A. Cormier