Acadian/Cajun Marriages in Louisiana, 1765-1861
The marriages listed below are from "official" marriage citations found in South Louisiana church and civil record collections [Bourgeois, Cabanocey & Voorhies, J., Some Late Eighteenth-Century Louisianians (C-V); Baton Rouge Diocesan Records (BRDR); Hébert, D., Southwest LA Records (SWLR); Hébert, D., South LA Records (SLR); & New Orleans Archdiocesan Records (NOAR)], not from inferences to a marriage found in those collections. Same-family marriages--e.g., CORMIER = CORMIER--are accounted for in the totals.
[The hyperlink attached to a family's name takes you to that family's totals; the hyperlink attached to an individual's name takes you to the individual's profile in the list of Acadian immigrants to Louisiana or to an AIG unit roster.]
Date/Record | Groom | Ethnicity | Bride | Ethnicity | Witnesses |
1785 22 Dec/BRDR | Luis LEGENDRE | Acadian | Adélaïde LABAUVE | Grigua, Michel | |
1786 6 Feb/BRDR | Maren LAVOB (LA BAUVE) | Francisca RICHAR | Acadian | Bobila, Mir | |
1791 31 Jan/BRDR | Francisco LEGENDRE | Acadian | Maria LAVOB (LABAUVE) | LaBauve, Legendre | |
1793 17 Feb/BRDR | Pedro LABAUVE | Reine BENOIT | Acadian | none listed | |
1795 9 Jun/SWLR | François LABAUVE | Margueritte dite Éloise HÉBERT | Acadian | Deroussel, Hébert, Labauve, Trahan | |
1797 14 Jan/BRDR | Pedro-Carlos VINCENT | Acadian | [Anne-]Céleste LABOVE | Labove, Michel | |
1798 15 Jan/BRDR | Isadoro LA BAUVE | Juana-Maria GRANGER | Acadian | Labove, Legendre | |
1801 3 Feb/SWLR | Agricole LANDRY | Acadian | Christine LABAUVE | Fostin, Hardy, Labauve, Sauluise, Tenholt | |
1802 30 Jun/SWLR | François LABAUVE (wdr.) | Marie-Angela FOSTIN (w.) | French Creole | Fagot de la Garcinaire, Hébert, Trahan | |
1809 6 Jun/SWLR | Joseph [Denis] LANDRY | Acadian | [Louise dite]Lise LABAUVE | Broussard, Jacquet, Labauve, Marc | |
1811 20 Mar/BRDR | François TRAHAN | Acadian | Ana Reyna LABOVE | Brou, Terrioult | |
1812 4 Feb/SWLR | Adolphe LABAUVE | Arthémise HÉBERT | Acadian | Borel, Chemin, Cuvelier | |
1815 8 May/SWLR | Joseph BOUDREAUX | Acadian | [Marie] Ismène LABAUVE | Boudreau, Chemin, Desormeaux, Labauve, Penn, Trahan | |
1817 16 Sep/SWLR | Placide LABAUVE | Anne THIBODEAUX | Acadian | Dusouchet, Labauve, Lingois, Penne, Thibaudot | |
1820 7 Feb/SWLR | [Isidore]Pierre LABAUVE | Lise HÉBERT (widow) | Acadian | Benoit, Bernard, Hébert, Labauve, Mallet | |
1821 26 Feb/BRDR | Domingo Josef LABOVE | Azélia DUPUIS | Acadian | Daigre, Landry | |
1821 23 Apr/SWLR | Gilles/Gilbert HÉBERT | Acadian | Céleste LABAUVE | Babin, Girroir, Labauve, LeBlanc, Malet | |
1821 17 Sep/SWLR | Éloy BENOIST (widower) | Acadian | Christine LABAUVE (wd.) | Dousouchet, Dronet, Guilbeau, Labauve, Roussillon, Trahan | |
1822 5 Feb/SWLR | Marin Joseph LABAUVE (widower) | Marie PERRY | Anglo | Labauve, Prejean, Roussillon | |
1824 21 Jan/BRDR | Antoine LABAUVE | Anastasie ROME | French Creole? | Laperuse, Legendre | |
1828 19 Mar/BRDR | Zénon LABOVE/LABAUVE | Acadian | Eliza/Elizabeth LABAUVE | Acadian | Hébert, Legarde, LeGendre |
1829 26 Jan/BRDR | Dominique LABOVE (wdr.) | Dorsille CHIASSON | Acadian | Hébert, Labove | |
1831 18 Apr/BRDR | Valentine HÉBERT (widower) | Acadian | Euphrosine LABOUVE | Hébert, Labauve | |
1831 21 Jul/BRDR | Pierre LABAUVE | Henriette] Coralie DUPUY | Acadian | Hébert, Labauve | |
1832 4 Feb/BRDR | Guy LABAUVE | Elisa LE BLANC | Acadian | Dupuis, Hébert, Labauve | |
1833 19 Mar/BRDR | Joseph Isidore LABOVE | Hélène JUGE | French Creole? | Bergeron, Douaron, Juge, Lebeau, Porche | |
1833 23 Jul/SWLR | Victor LABAUVE | Marie Arthémise DUGAS | Acadian | none listed | |
1835 21 May/BRDR | Jean Baptiste LABAUVE (wr.) | Joséphine HÉBERT | Acadian | Hébert, Labauve | |
1835 1 Oct/BRDR | Dominique LABAUVE (wdr.) | Marcelite HÉBERT | Acadian | Labauve/Lebauvre | |
1837 27 Mar/BRDR | Onésime LABAUVE | Doralis LANDRY | Acadian | Blanchard, Hébert, Landry | |
1837 9 Oct/BRDR | Joseph Bernardin LABAUVE | Marie Modeste DAIGRE (widow) | Acadian | Braun, Gils, LeBlanc | |
1838 2 Jun/BRDR | J[ean]. B[aptiste]. LABAUVE (widower) | Eurasie DUPUIS | Acadian | Granger, Leveque | |
1840 13 Feb/BRDR | Théodule Clarville LABAUVE | Acadian | Marie Irma LABAUVE | Acadian | Duhon, Oubre, Tircuit |
1841 1 Feb/SWLR | Joseph Jesse VENEBLE/VENABLE | Anglo | Louise/Éloise LA BOVE | none listed | |
1842 10 Aug/BRDR | Dorval LABAUVE | Émelie BERGERON | French Creole | Bertoniere, Hébert, Labauve, Landry, Serret | |
1842 23 May/BRDR | Jean Bte. LABAUVE (wdr.) | Marie Felasie DAIGRE | Acadian | Foret, Hébert | |
1842 12 Aug/BRDR | Camille HÉBERT | Acadian | Analise LABAUVE | Babin, Doiron, Labauve | |
1843 12 Jun/BRDR | Guy LABAUVE (widower) | Emma SERRET | French Creole | Hébert, Landry, Serret | |
1843 25 Sep/SWLR | Placide LABAUVE, fils | Marie Nathalie/Anatalie BROUSSARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1844 28 Oct/SWLR | Victor LAUBAUVE | Joséphine Elina GONSOULIN | French Creole | none listed | |
1846 15 Apr/SWLR | Louis MIGUES/MIGUEZ | Spanish Creole | Marie Alexina LABAUVE | none listed | |
1846 14 May/BRDR | Edward SCRATCHLEY | Anglo | Irma Élizabeth LABAUVE | Dardennes, Desbry/Desorby, Duboy | |
1846 1 Jun/BRDR | Victorin LABAUVE | Augustine DAIGRE | Acadian | Blanchard, Labauve, Landry | |
1846 26 Oct/SWLR | Julien Daniel FRENCH | Anglo | Alisa LABAUVE | none listed | |
1847 11 Aug/SWLR | Loiel E. CURTIS | Anglo | Marie Anne LABAUVE | none listed | |
1848 24 Jan/BRDR | Adolph LABAUVE | Séverine LEJEUNE | Acadian | Daigle, Labauve | |
1849 2 Oct/SWLR | Joseph Lesin BROUSSARD | Acadian | Émelie LABAUVE | none listed | |
1850 2 May/SWLR | Émile LABAUVE | Nancy GRIFFIN | Anglo | none listed | |
1850 15 Nov/SWLR | Adolph LABOVE | Marie Poupon DAVID | Acadian | none listed | |
1851 11 Jun/BRDR | Déozar LANDRY | Acadian | [Élisabeth dite] Élisa LABAUVE | Alexandrie, Labauve, Landry, LeBlanc | |
1851 1 Sep/SWLR | Joseph ARCENEAUX | Acadian | Amélie LABOVE | none listed | |
1852 22 Jan/BRDR | Jérôme DERICHEBOURG (widower) | French Creole | Euphrosine LABAUVE (widow) | Aillet, Babin, Mille | |
1852 15 Jul/SWLR | Silas VIGER | French Creole? | Marie LABOUVE | none listed | |
1853 17 Jan/BRDR | Sylvanie SAURAGE | French Creole? | Marie Eucheris LABAUVE | Babin, Hébert, Lejeune | |
1853 14 Apr/BRDR | Odillon LABAUVE | [Ann] Pamelia MILLE | French Creole? | Blake, LaBauve, Mille, Schlater | |
1853 23 Aug/BRDR | Jules Lasty DAVID | French Creole | [Marie] Helena LABAUVE | none listed | |
1853 21 Nov/SWLR | St. Cyr ETIE | French Creole? | Camilla LABOUVE | none listed | |
1855 18 Jan/BRDR | Homer Joseph MILLE | French Creole? | Élizabeth Althea LABAUVE | Dupuy, Labauve, Mille, Trinidad | |
1855 12 Feb/BRDR | Villeneuve RICHARD | Acadian | Marie Irma LABAUVE | Bauer, Labauve, Landry, Richard | |
1855 18 Apr/BRDR | Louis BARON | Foreign French | Alexima LABAUVE | Baron, Daigre, Capdeveille, Pasteur | |
1855 16 Jul/BRDR | Oscar C. LAUVE | French Creole? | Mary Ana Élizabeth LABAUVE | Cropper, Gaillard, Labauve, Lauve, Mille | |
1856 24 Apr/BRDR | Arthur MAJOR | French Creole | [Marie Eugènie] Joséphine LABOVE | Barra, Dauthier, David | |
1857 10 Feb/BRDR | Adonis LABAUVE | Marie Zulma CANTRELLE | French Creole | Barbier, Cantrelle, Labauve, Matherne, Rome, Scioneaux | |
1857 16 Feb/BRDR | Léon LABAUVE | Julie LEJEUNE | French Creole | Bondy, Lejeune, Major, Porche | |
1857 18 Apr/SWLR | Valcour LABAUVE | Émilie DAVID | Acadian | none listed | |
1857 14 Jul/BRDR | Numa LABAUVE | Marie Louise FORET | Acadian | Daigle, Foret, Labauve | |
1858 15 Feb/BRDR | Jean Baptiste LABAUVE (wr.) | Alida DERICHEBOURG | French Creole? | Babin, Hébert, Labauve, Lopez | |
1858 19 Jul/SWLR | Gustave LABAUVE | Suzanne VINCENT | Acadian | none listed | |
1859 9 May/BRDR | Cléophas LABAUVE | Julienne Aurore HENRY | Acadian | Babin, Doiron, Hébert, Henry, Tuilliers | |
1861 15 Jan/SWLR | Joseph Livodais LABAUVE | Célestine TRAHAN | Acadian | none listed | |
1861 8 Jul/BRDR | Michel Ross HAGGERTY | Anglo | Virginie E. LABAUVE | Follot, Haggerty, Les Besque |
Analysis of LABAUVE marriages, 1785-1861:
Total marriages listed:
73 100.0%
Endogamous marriages:
Exogamous marriages:
LACHAUSSÉE (Acadians only)
Date/Record | Groom | Ethnicity | Bride | Ethnicity | Witnesses |
1766 5 Oct/C-V | Philippe LACHAUSSÉ (wdr.) | Rose BOURGEOIS | Acadian | none listed | |
1777 2 Jun/BRDR | Joseph GRAVOIS | Acadian | Louisse-Françoise LA CHAUSSÉ | Bourgois, Roger | |
1791 25 Jan/BRDR | Francisco BELER [BELAIRE] | French Can. | Luisa Francisca LACHOSE (wd.) | Lachose, Richar | |
1792 30 Apr/BRDR | [Valentin-]Felipe de St. Julian LACHOSSÉ | Pélagia RICHARD | Acadian | Lachose, Presan | |
1792 16 May/BRDR | Basilio PREJEAN | Acadian | Rosalia LACHOSÉ | Prejean | |
1810 2 Jul/BRDR | Édouard LE BLANC | Acadian | [Marie] Marcelite LACHAUSSÉ | Babin, Lachaussé, LeBlanc | |
1821 25 Sep/SWLR | Philippe ST. JULIEN [LACHAUSSÉE] | Hortence LE BLANC | Acadian | Dusouchet, LeBlanc, Penne, Roussillon | |
1842 18 Apr/SWLR | Euclide BERNARD | Acadian | Mavine [Marine] LA CHAUSSÉE | none listed | |
1849 24 Sep/SWLR | Jean Baptiste MELANÇON | Acadian | Marcelite LACHAUSSÉE | none listed | |
1857 8 Jun/SWLR | Raphaël LACHAUSSÉ | Héloise LE BLANC | Acadian | none listed | |
1860 18 Sep/SWLR | Augustine Carolus GUIDRY | Acadian | Marine LACHAUSSAYE (wid.) | none listed | |
1861 8 Jan/SWLR | Simonet LACHAUSSÉE | Marie Belzire BROUSSARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1861 17 Apr/SWLR | Saint Julien LA CHAUSSÉE | Cécile LE BLANC | Acadian | none listed |
Analysis of LACHAUSSÉE marriages, 1766-1861:
Total marriages listed:
13 100.0%
Endogamous marriages:
Exogamous marriages:
LACHAUSSÉE non-Acadian connection: BELER/BELAIRE
no marriages found
no marriages found
no marriages found
LALANDE (Acadians only)
Date/Record | Groom | Ethnicity | Bride | Ethnicity | Witnesses |
1797 7 Aug/BRDR | Pablo-Oliverio LE BLANC | Acadian | Émilia LALANDE | Lalande, LeBlanc, Melançon | |
1801 26 Oct//SWLR | Jean-Baptiste MOREAU | French | Madeleine LALONDE (wd.) | Phavron, Prudhomme, Tesson | |
1803 21 Feb/BRDR | Joseph-Eduardo LELANDE | Maria-Magdalena BRAUX | Acadian | Braux, LeBlanc | |
1823 3 Mar/SWLR | Joseph Maximilien LALANDE | Magdeleine BROUSSARD | Acadian | Braud, Broussard, Duscouchet, Louviere, Potier, Roussillon | |
1828 14 Jul/SWLR | Napoléon LALANDE | Susanne FABRE | French Creole | Boissier, Fabre, Plaisance | |
1829 27 Jul/SWLR | Joseph Ursin LALANDE | Marie [Catherine] SCHEXNAYDER | German Creole | Lalande, Lormand, Plaisance, Sixnayder | |
1832 16 Jun/SWLR | Simon GASPARD | French Creole | [Marie] Carmélite LALONDE | none listed | |
1834 14 Jul/SWLR | Silvaire LALONDE | Marguerite FABRE | French Creole | none listed | |
1836 28 Nov/SWLR | [Joseph] Ursin LALANDE (wdr.) | Mélaïde LOUVIÈRE | Acadian | none listed | |
1838 20 May/SWLR | Cyrille GUILBERT | French Creole | Félonise LALONDE | none listed | |
1842 13 Oct/SWLR | Valsin LALONDE | Aglaé MORVANT | French Creole | none listed | |
1844 29 Jan/SWLR | Joseph LALONDE, fils | Carmézite/Carmélite MORVAND/MORVANT | French Creole | none listed | |
1851 5 May/SWLR | Norbert BROUSSARD | Acadian | Magdeleine LALONDE | none listed | |
1852 18 Oct/SWLR | Paul Delino LALANDE | Palmyre LANDRY | Acadian | none listed | |
1853 18 Sep/SWLR | Leufroy RICHARD | Acadian | Edita LALONDE | none listed | |
1854 10 Jul/SWLR | [Pierre] Théolin LALANDE | Zoé VALLOT | French Creole | none listed | |
1854 24 Jul/SWLR | Paul Delineau LALONDE (widower) | Amenaïde HULIN | French Creole | none listed | |
1855 11 Aug/SWLR | Dorcele [Dorsin] LALONDE | Léonore GARIGUE [GARY] | Spanish Creole | none listed | |
1858 1 Jun/SWLR | Joseph LALONDE | Marie LAPOINTE | French Creole? | none listed |
Analysis of LALANDE marriages, 1797-1858:
Total marriages listed:
19 100.0%
Endogamous marriages:
Exogamous marriages:
LAMBERT (Acadians only)
Date/Record | Groom | Ethnicity | Bride | Ethnicity | Witnesses |
1766 5 May/C-V | Pierre LAMBERT[, père](wr.) | Marguerite DOIRON | Acadian | none listed | |
1787 16 Oct/BRDR | Pedro LAMBERT[, fils] | Maria BELMER [BELLEMÈRE] | Acadian | Burg, Lamber | |
1793 7 May/BRDR | Santiago BONVILLAIN | French Creole | Magdalena[-Pélagie] LAMBERT | Lamber, Marten, Yedery | |
1794 6 Feb/NOAR | Josef LAMBERTO | [Théotiste dite] Osita VICNER | German Creole | Bertie, Miller, Paul | |
1794 1 Jul/BRDR | Santiage LABYS | French Imm. | Maria[-Anne] LAMBERT | Guédry, Ouvre | |
1798 28 May/BRDR | Miguel LAMBERT | [Marie-]Magdalena VINCENT | Acadian | Guédry, Thibodeaux | |
1801 9 Feb/BRDR | Félix LAMBERT | Margarita CHARPENTIER | French Creole | Martin, Vincent | |
1809 2 May/BRDR | Alexandre GUÉDRY | Acadian | [Marie] Mélanie LAMBERT | Maltais, Nicole, Theriot | |
1815 10 Dec/BRDR | Pedro LAMBERT [III] | Victoria BENOIT (widow) | Acadian | Lambert, Tureyra | |
1817 13 Jan/BRDR | Elias RIVET | Acadian | [Marie] Magdelina LAMBERT | Landry, LeBlanc | |
1817 22 Jul/BRDR | Paschal LEMBER (LAMBERT) | Marie BELLANGER | Illinois Creole | Arsaimen(Arsement), Dantin, Héber | |
1819 19 Jan/BRDR | Pierre LAMBERT [III] (wdr.) | Marie DONI | French Creole | Achée, Bolot | |
1819 22 Feb/BRDR | George MORON | Foreign French | Félicité LAMBERT | Darcy, Dentin, Éduard | |
1819 11 May/BRDR | Jean PETIT | Foreign French | Marie Mélani LAMBERT (wd.) | Desormau, Guidry, Teriau | |
1825 15 Feb/BRDR | Eugène BERTAUT | French Creole | Arthémise LAMBERT | Guédry, Lambert | |
1826 5 Jul/BRDR | Joseph LAMBERT[, fils] | Susanne DESCAREAUX | French Creole? | Descareaux, Leche, Pertuit | |
1827 26 Feb/BRDR | Édouard LAMBERT | Célestine GUÉDRY | Acadian | Guédry, Lambert, Vincent | |
1829 26 Jan/BRDR | Michel Drosin LAMBERT | Arthémise BABIN | Acadian | Gautrau, Landry | |
1830 4 May/BRDR | Eugène LAMBERT | Virginie MICHEL | French Creole | Caillouet, Guidry, Lambert, Theriot | |
1831 23 May/BRDR | Michel Drosin LAMBERT (wr.) | Marie Eulalie GAUTREAUX | Acadian | Gotreaux, Leveque, Poursine | |
1833 25 Nov/SLR | Binjamin H. THIBODEAUX | Acadian | Madeleine LAMBERT | none listed | |
1835 16 Feb/BRDR | George MARS | Anglo? | Adeline LAMBERT | Cresap, Gansavoork, Winter | |
1842 25 Jun/BRDR | Joseph LAMBERT | Caisère AYDEL [HAYDEL] | French Creole? | Causson, Murphy, Scivique | |
1842 31 Oct/SLR | Pierre [Polycarp] LAMBERT | Célanice BABIN | Acadian | none listed | |
1843 17 May/SLR | Nicollas THIBODAUX | Acadian | Émelie L'AMBERT | none listed | |
1849 16 Jul/SLR | Pierre [Ploycarp] LAMBERT (widower) | Eugénie GAUTREAUX (widow) | Acadian | none listed | |
1851 21 Jul/SLR | Jean Baptiste DAIGLE | Acadian | Michel[le] Léonise LAMBERT | none listed | |
1853 28 Jun/BRDR | Pierre LAMBERT | Marie Célestine POCHÉ | French Creole | Berthelot, Descarot, Duhe, Poché | |
1854 6 May/BRDR | Jean DONALDSON | Anglo | [Marie] Eléonore LAMBERT | Bernier, Donaldson, Duhon, Gaudin, Labauve, Lambert, Oubre, Rome | |
1855 15 Oct/BRDR | Drozin [Sosthène] LAMBERT | Eutecia VILLENEUVE | French Creole | Braud, Brooks, Denoiyer, Huguet, Villeneuve, Young | |
1858 18 Jan/BRDR | Eusèbe LAMBERT | Marie Eveline OUBRE | German Creole | Labauve, Lambert, Oubre, Pertuit | |
1859 26 Apr/BRDR | Sosthine LAMBERT | Félicie BOURGEOIS | Acadian | Bourgeois, Guédry, Lambert, LePretre, Matherne, Scheppe, Trudeau, Vavasseur | |
1859 2 May/BRDR | Pierre V. SALASSI | Italian Imm.? | Élizabeth LAMBERT | Brignac, Lambert | |
1859 14 Jun/SLR | Lufroi/Pierre LAMBERT | Zéolida Evelina BLANCHARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1859 15 Aug/SLR | J. E. Marcelin BOUDREAUX | Acadian | Magdeleine A[naïse]. LAMBERT | none listed |
Analysis of LAMBERT marriages, 1766-1859:
Total marriage listed:
35 100.0%
Endogamous marriages:
Exogamous marriages:
LAMOUREAUX (Acadians only)
no marriages found
LANDRY (Acadians only)
Date/Record | Groom | Ethnicity | Bride | Ethnicity | Witnesses |
1765 22 Jul/NOAR | François SAVOYE (widower) | Acadian | Marie LANDRY (widow) | Landry | |
1767 12 Oct/C-V | Simon LANDRIE | [Anne-]Margueritte BABIN | Acadian | none listed | |
1767 5 Nov/C-V | Pierre [dit La Viellarde] LANDRIE (widower) | Acadian | Marie[-Josèphe] LANDRIE | Acadian | none listed |
1767 6 Nov/C-V | Joseph SAUNIER | Acadian | Marie LANDRIE (widow) | none listed | |
1768/NOAR | Thomas COMES | Spaniard? | [Marie-]Magdelena LANDRY | none listed | |
c1768/C-V/NO | Mathurin LANDRIE | Acadian | Anne LANDRIE (widow) | Acadian | none listed |
c1768/C-V/NO | Pierre FORREST | Acadian | Marie[-Josèphe] LANDRIE | none listed | |
1768 7 Feb/C-V | Charles MELENÇON | Acadian | Félicité LANDRY | none listed | |
1768 2 May/C-V | François LANDRIE | Marie-Rozalie LEBLANC | Acadian | none listed | |
1768 2 May/C-V | Michel BOURGEOIS | Acadian | Anne[-Osite] LANDRIE | none listed | |
1768 9 Aug/BRDR | Jean-Baptiste BELLOT [Sgt. Juan-Baptista BELOTI] | Italian Imm. | Geneviève LANDRY | Rivet | |
1768 7 Sep/NOAR | Augustin SIERRA | Isleño | Marguerite LANDRY | none listed | |
1769 23 Jan/BRDR | Michel RIVAIS [RIVET] | Acadian | Cécile LANDRY | Babin, Landry | |
1769 10 Apr/BRDR | Anselme LANDRY | Acadian | Marie-Magdeleine LANDRY | Acadian | Landry |
1770 7 May/BRDR | Simon[-Henry] RICHARD | Acadian | Marie-Rose LANDRY | Richard, Rivet | |
1770 5 Aug/BRDR | Jean-Charles LEBLANC | Acadian | Ausite [Anne-Madeleine] LANDRIS | Landry, Thériot | |
1771 28 Jun/BRDR | Étienne HÉBER | Acadian | Magdelaine LANDRIS | Landri, Richard | |
1771 15 Jul/BRDR | Amant BROUSSARD | Acadian | Hélène LANDRY | Labove, Landry | |
1772 18 Jul/SWLR | Joseph DOUCET/DOUCETTE | Acadian | Anne LANDRY | Berard, de Verbois, Durieu, Grevember, Landry | |
1772 9 Nov/BRDR | François DUHAM (DUHON) | Acadian | Élisabeth LANDRY | Landry | |
1773 11 Jan/BRDR | Pierre[-Abraham dit Pitre] LANDRY | Marguerite ALLAIN | Acadian | Broussard, Landry | |
1773 26 Jul/BRDR | Pierre-Jacques MELANSON | Acadian | Élisabeth LANDRY | Landry, Melanson | |
1774 7 Feb/BRDR | Augustin BIJEAU (BUJOL) | Acadian | [Anne-]Gertrude LANDRY | Bellile, Constant | |
1774 8 Feb/BRDR | Firmin LANDRY (widower) | Louise[-Ludivine] BABIN | Acadian | Babein, Benoit, Landry | |
1774 6 Jun/BRDR | Joseph RICHARD | Acadian | Anna LANDRY | Landry | |
1774 Jun-Jul/BRDR | Estevan RIVERT (RIVET) (widower) | Acadian | Élisabeth LANDRY | Landry | |
1774 29 Oct/BRDR | Luis ROGER (widower) | French Can. | [Susanne-]Marie LANDRY | Babin, Landry | |
1775 7 Feb/BRDR | Olivié LANDRY | Maria-Magdalene HÉBERT | Acadian | de la Costa, Landry | |
1775 18 Apr/BRDR | Joseph [dit Belhomme] LANDRY | Élisabeth LEBLANC | Acadian | Bijeaud, Landry | |
1775 16 May/BRDR | Firmin BRUSARD | Acadian | Marie-Magdelaine LANDRY | Grangé, Landry | |
1775 12 Jun/SWLR | René BROUSSARD | Acadian | Marie-Magdeleine LANDRY | Broussard, Landry | |
1775 2 Dec/BRDR | Charles LANDRY (widower) | Maria BABIN | Acadian | Landry | |
1776 12 Feb/BRDR | Joseph-Ignace LANDRY | Scholastique BRAUD | Acadian | Braud, Landry | |
1776 22 Apr/BRDR | Pierre BIJEAU | Acadian | Osite LANDRY | Grange, Landry | |
1776 2 May/BRDR | Étiene LANDRY | Brigita TRAHAN | Acadian | Landry, LeBlanc | |
1776 11 Nov/BRDR | Basille LANDRY | Marie[-Anastasie] RICHARD | Acadian | Dugas, LeBlanc | |
1777 3 Feb/BRDR | Pierre LANDRY | [Marie-]Magdelaine FORET | Acadian | Breaux, Landry | |
1777 5 Feb/BRDR | Michel BREAUX | Acadian | Marie-Perpétué LANDRY | Breaux, Landry | |
1777 4 Apr/BRDR | Basil LE CLAIRE | French Can. | Marie-Josèphe LANDRY (wd.) | Gisclard, LeBlanc | |
1778 3 Feb/BRDR | Ignace BABIN (widower) | Acadian | Maria-Josèph[e] [LANDRY] (widow) | Babin, Blanchard, Landry | |
1778 23 Feb/BRDR | Joseph LANDRY | Acadian | Osite LANDRY (widow) | Acadian | Landry, LeBlanc |
1778 29 Feb/BRDR | Pierre dit Pierrot à Jaque LANDRY (widower) | Acadian | Marie[-Madeleine] LANDRY (widow) | Acadian | Landry, LeBlanc |
1778 8 Jun/BRDR | Joseph COUMEAU | Acadian | Anne[-Isabelle] LANDRY | Benoit, Breau | |
1778 23 Sep/BRDR | Joseph [dit Le Cadet] LANDRY | [Marie-]Magdelaine LEBLANC | Acadian | LeBlanc, Savoy | |
1778 5 Oct/BRDR | Simon[-Joseph] DUPUY | Acadian | Louise-Divine [Marie-Ludivine] LANDRY | Dupuy, Hébert | |
1779 8 Feb/BRDR | Joseph MELANSON | Acadian | Margarita LANDRY (widow) | Judice, Landry | |
1779 30 May/BRDR | Maturin LANDRY | Perpétué BROD | Acadian | Braud, Landry | |
1779 31 May/BRDR | Joseph HÉBERT | Acadian | Anastasia LANDRY | Landry | |
1779 25 Nov/BRDR | Joseph [dit Belhomme] LANDRY (widower) | Anna BIJEAU | Acadian | LeBlanc, Lincour | |
1781 18 Jun/BRDR | Joseph[-Michel] LEBLANC | Acadian | Margarita LANDRY | [Le]Blanc, Lancard | |
1781 25 Nov/BRDR | Joseph LANDRY (widower) | Magdalena BABEIN (widow) | Acadian | Babein, Landry | |
1782 12 May/BRDR | Joseph LANDRY (widower) | Maria BRAUD (widow) | Acadian | Braud, Chiasson | |
1782 19 Aug/BRDR | Firmin LANDRY | Francisca-Sally SCANTEIN | Anglo | Braud, Landry | |
1783 28 Dec/BRDR | Josef-Maria LANDRY | Margarita PIVOTO | French Creole | Landry, Rivet | |
1785 23 Oct/NOAR | Joseph DUGAT | Acadian | Isavel[-Augustine] LANDRY | Llorca, Martinez | |
1785 24 Nov/NOAR | Josef LEGEUNE | Acadian | Bonne-Maria-Adélaïde LANDRY | Llorca, Martinez | |
1785 22 Dec/NOAR | Juan RAFFREY | French Imm. | Maria-Magdalena LANDRY | Llorca, Martinez | |
1786 6 Feb/BRDR | Alexandro LANDRY | Maria-Modesta HÉBERT | Acadian | none listed | |
1786 11 Feb/BRDR | Lucas MAROIS | Italian Imm. | [Bonne-Marie-]Luisa LANDRY | Estnado | |
1786 15 Feb/BRDR | Pedro CANCIENNE | Italian Imm. | [Jeanne-]Margarita LANDRY | none listed | |
1786 19 Feb/BRDR | Fermin GUIEDRI | Acadian | Margarita[-Françoise] LANDRY | none listed | |
1786 20 Feb/BRDR | Juan-Pedro LANDRY | Isabel GUERI [GUÉRIN] | Acadian | Landry | |
1786 27 Feb/BRDR | Juan[-Charles] TERIO | Acadian | [Marie-]Magdalena LANDRY | Terrio | |
1786 23 May/SWLR | Basile LANDRY (widower) | Françoise [Anne-Euphrosine] VINCENT (widow) | Acadian | Duhon, Landry, Roger, Trahan | |
1786 5 Aug/BRDR | Augustin LANDRI (widower) | Acadian | Isabel LANDRI (widow) | Acadian | none listed |
1786 3 Oct/SWLR | Basil LANDRY (widower) | Marianne MIRE | Acadian | Broussard, Cormier, Ducrest, Faustin, Giroird, Jenne, Mire, Prejean | |
1786 20 Nov/BRDR | Pedro[-Alexis] LANDRY | Rosalia HÉBERT | Acadian | none listed | |
1786 27 Nov/BRDR | Juan-Baptista LANDRY | Maria LEBLANC | Acadian | none listed | |
1787 22 Jan/BRDR | Jean-Athanase LANDRY (widower) | [Marie-]Anne[-Barbe] MOUREAU | French Creole | Boudreaux, Micheli | |
1787 21 May/BRDR | Simon LANDRY | Françoise TRAHANT | Acadian | Mieus d'entrement, Michel | |
1787 28 May/BRDR | Josef[-André] SABOA [SAVOIE] | Acadian | Margarita LANDRI | Bursua, Landri | |
1787 25 Jun/BRDR | Pablo LANDRY | [Marie-]Francisca HÉBERT | Acadian | none listed | |
1787 8 Oct/BRDR | Josef[-Ignace]LANDRY | Oliva-Isabel BRAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1787 5 Nov/SWLR | Isidore LOUVIÈRE | Acadian | Françoise LANDRY | Duga | |
1787 25 Dec/BRDR | Joseph COMES | French Creole | Anne-Marie LANDRY | LeBlanc, Melancon | |
1788 3 Feb/BRDR | Aimable[-Étienne] LANDRY | Ursule[-Françoise] PITRE | Acadian | none listed | |
1788 18 Aug/BRDR | Juan-Baptista LANDRY (wdr.) | Anna-Margarita BLANCHARD | Acadian | Bromo, Landry | |
1788 23 Oct/BRDR | Juan LANDRY | Maria-Josèfa BLANSAR | Acadian | Landry, Terio | |
1788 10 Nov/BRDR | Bonaventure BABIN | Acadian | Félicité LANDRY (widow) | Landry, LeBlanc, Terrio | |
1788 29 Dec/BRDR | Joseph[-Giroire] LANDRY | Maria[-Paule] GIROIR | Acadian | Girroir, Landri | |
1789 12 Apr/BRDR | Louis MOLLÈRE | French Creole | Anne-Apolonia LANDRY | Landry | |
1789 6 Jul/SWLR | Joseph LANDRY, fils | Louise BOURG (widow) | Acadian | Bourque, Brin, Como | |
1789 12 Jul/BRDR | Firmin LANDRY | Victoria BABIN | Acadian | Babin, LeBlanc | |
1789 25 Jul/BRDR | Joseph BINFREDE | French Can. | Margarita LANDRY (widow) | Babin, Carmouche | |
1789 17 Aug/BRDR | Juan-Raphaël LANDRY | Margarita-Marie RICHARD | Acadian | Landry, Richard | |
1789 19 Aug/SWLR | [Pierre-]Amand LANDRY (widower) | Acadian | Élizabeth[-Augustine] LANDRY (widow) | Acadian | Broussard, Dugas, Granger, Landry, Modena, Préjean, Trahan |
1789 12 Oct/BRDR | Joseph [dit Dios] LANDRY | Maria-Rosa MELANSON | Acadian | Landry | |
1789 26 Oct/BRDR | Pedro BOURQUE | Acadian | [Marie-]Félicitas LANDRY | Guiot, Landry | |
1789 23 Nov/BRDR | Juan-Baptista LANDRY | Maria-Magdalena HÉBERT | Acadian | Hébert, Landry | |
1790 27 Jan/BRDR | Juan-Pedro LANDRY (wdr.) | Ana[-Marie] DAIGLE | Acadian | Landry, Richard | |
1790 1 Feb/BRDR | Simon MELANÇON | Acadian | [Anne-]Magdalena LANDRY | Hébert, Melançon | |
1790 8 Feb/BRDR | Juan-Baptiste GIROIARD | Acadian | Isabel LANDRY | Girrois, Landry | |
1790 10 May/BRDR | Juan-Baptista LANDRY | Acadian | Magdalena-Marie LANDRY | Acadian | Babin, Bellonnie |
1790 29 Jun/BRDR | Pablo HÉBERT | Acadian | Anastasia LANDRY | Landry, Préjean | |
1790 30 Jun/BRDR | Pedro-Josef LANDRY | Escolastic BRAU | Acadian | Hébert, Melanson | |
1790 27 Jul/BRDR | Frances-Xavier ROBICHAUX | Acadian | Margarita LANDRI | Allain, Ébert | |
1790 18 Oct/BRDR | Firmin-Paneracio LANDRY | Mariana BABIN | Acadian | Babin, Landry, Longuépée | |
1791 14 Feb/SWLR | Joseph GRANGER | Acadian | Marguerite[-Geneviève] LANDRY | Dun__, Grange, Landry | |
1792 6 Feb/BRDR | Firmin LANDRY (widower) | Maria[-Hélène] HAMILTON (widow) | Anglo | Braux, LeBlanc | |
1792 8 Feb/BRDR | Juan-Baptiste PICHOUX (widower) | French Creole | Marie-Madelena LANDRY (widow) | Landry, Melancon | |
1792 21 Apr/BRDR | Grégorio MELANÇON | Acadian | [Marie-]Christina LANDRY | Hernandez, Landry | |
1792 6 Aug/BRDR | Jérôme-Ramon BREAUD | Acadian | [Anastasie-]Rosalie LANDRY | Brou, Landry | |
1792 26 Nov/BRDR | Guillermo-Raphaël LANDRY | Maria-Magdalena BRO | Acadian | Braux, Landry | |
1792 27 Nov/BRDR | Valentin LANDRY | Célestina BURGEOIS | Acadian | Landry | |
1793 10 Jan/SWLR | Michel DOUCET | Acadian | Marguerite[-Josèphe] LANDRY | Casti, Lopez, Martin | |
1793 31 Jan/BRDR | Juan-Carlos LANDRY | Acadian | Margarita LANDRY (widow) | Acadian | Dugas, Landry |
1793 4 Feb/BRDR | Lucas-Alexandro LANDRY | Francisca-Hélèna [LEBORGNE de] BELILE | Acadian | Aucoin, Landry | |
1793 11 Jun/BRDR | Francisco DAIGRE | Acadian | Loraine [Servanne-Laurence] LANDRY | Angelheart, Degre, Guidry, Trahan | |
1793 10 Aug/BRDR | Francisco[-Sébastien] LANDRY (widower) | Maria-Rosa GIROIRD | Acadian | Hever, Landry | |
1793 2 Sep/BRDR | Joseph[-Servan] HÉBERT | Acadian | Maria-Magdalena-Adélaïde LANDRY | Blanchard, Hébert | |
1793 16 Sep/BRDR | [Simon-]Bélonie LANDRY | Maria-Juana CHAUVIN | French Creole | Babints, Landry | |
1793 21 Nov/BRDR | Joseph LEBLANC (widower) | Acadian | Maria-Rosa LANDRY | Cellier, LeBlanc | |
1794 5 May/BRDR | Alino BABIN | Acadian | [Marie-]Céleste LANDRY | Babin, Cellier | |
1794 19 May/BRDR | Andres MARTINEZ | Isleño | Mariana LANDRY | Landry, LeBlanc | |
1794 4 Oct/SWLR | Pierre LAPOINTE | French Creole | Hélène LANDRY | Boutte, Grevemberg, Peytavin | |
1794 2 Nov/BRDR | Francisco HÉBERT (widower) | Acadian | Ausite LANDRY (widow) | Landry, Thibodeaux | |
1794 4 Nov/BRDR | Simon[-François] DEGRE | Acadian | Anna-Maria LANDRY | Degre, Vasq | |
1794 10 Nov/BRDR | Francisco ROMAGOSA (wdr.) | Spanish Creole | Genoveva LANDRY | none listed | |
1795 5 Jan/BRDR | Pierre-Alexes LANDRY | Maria-Magdelena LEBLANC | Acadian | Babin, Landry | |
1795 19 Jan/BRDR | Armand LANDRY | Maria BLANCHARD | Acadian | Cazebon, Landry | |
1795 9 Feb/BRDR | Eusèbe LANDRY | Constancia BABIN | Acadian | Bujaul, Landry | |
1795 27 May/SWLR | Simon-Pierre GRANGER | Acadian | Françoise LANDRY | Duon, Granger, Landry | |
1795 5 Jul/BRDR | Simon[-Joseph] LANDRY | Maria[-Luce] BOURQUE | Acadian | Cazebon, Landry | |
1795 19 Aug/BRDR | Firmin LANDRY (widower) | Mariana LEBLANC | Acadian | Babin, LeBlanc | |
1795 22 Sep/BRDR | Dionisio LANDRY | Constancia MELANSON | Acadian | Landry, Melanson | |
1795 29 Oct/BRDR | Hipolite LANDRY | Margarita RICHAR | Acadian | Babin | |
1795 3 Nov/BRDR | [Abrahma-]Isaac LANDRY | Ana-Oliva OCOIN | Acadian | Hébert, Landry, Teriot | |
1796 4 Jan/BRDR | Donato-Joseph LANDRY | Acadian | Angela LANDRY | Acadian | Landry |
1796 4 Jan/BRDR | Simon-Rafaël BABIN | Acadian | Marguerite-Pauline LANDRY | Landry, Venhizola | |
1796 4 Jan/BRDR | Hilario BRAUX | Acadian | Rosalia LANDRY | Carmouche, Hébert | |
1796 12 Jan/SWLR | Théophile BROUSSARD | Acadian | Victoire LANDRY | Broussard, Chemin, Duon, Granger, Landry, Mire | |
1796 25 Jan/BRDR | Carlos-Grégorio DUGAS | Acadian | Isabel-Sophia LANDRY | Cazebon, Landry | |
1796 1 Feb/BRDR | [Joseph-]Alexo LANDRY | Coletta HÉBERT | Acadian | Hébert, Landry | |
1796 8 Feb/BRDR | Carlos BRAU | Acadian | Rosalia LANDRY | Landry, LeBlanc | |
1796 18 Apr/BRDR | Juan-Bautista SAVOYE | Acadian | Maria-Rosa LANDRY | Hébert, Richard | |
1796 9 May/BRDR | Olivier BRASEU | Acadian | [Anne-]Marina LANDRY | Babin, Landry | |
1796 21 Jun/BRDR | Édouardo LANDRY | Acadian | [Marie-Valise dite] Élise LANDRY | Acadian | Landry, LeBlanc |
1796 27 Jun/BRDR | Édouard GAUDIN | Acadian | Marie-Magdalena LANDRY (widow) | Landry | |
1796 24 Sep/BRDR | Miguel BERGERON | Acadian | Marina LANDRY | Bergeron, Cassoguiot | |
1796 28 Nov/BRDR | Santiago BABIN | Acadian | Franca LANDRY | Babin, Landry | |
1797 21 Feb/BRDR | Josef LANDRY[, fils] | Magdalena MICHEL | Acadian | Landry, Michel | |
1797 27 Feb/BRDR | Gregorio LANDRY | Francisca HÉBERT | Acadian | Landry, Mazrolle | |
1797 3 Jun/BRDR | Pedro-Juan-Bap. LANDRY | Maria-Magdalena BRAUX | Acadian | Braux, Landr | |
1797 5 Jun/BRDR | Olivier LANDRY | Angela LEBLANC | Acadian | Landry, LeBlanc | |
1797 25 Aug/BRDR | Pierre[-Claude] GUÉDERY | Acadian | [Anne-]Marie LANDRY (wd.) | Daigle, Guédry | |
1797 17 Sep/BRDR | Paul BABIN | Acadian | Céleste LANDRY | Babin, Cazebon, Landry | |
1797 18 Sep/BRDR | Joseph[-Simon] LANDRY | Margarita BABIN | Acadian | Babin, Landry | |
1797 2 Dec/SWLR | Joseph-Vital LANDRY | Pélagie MIRE | Acadian | Broussard, Daigle, Fagot, Landry | |
1798 8 Jan/BRDR | [Jean-]Sévastian LANDRY | Acadian | [Victoire-]Constance LANDRY | Acadian | Cazebon, Landry |
1798 4 Feb/BRDR | Estevan MACEROLE | Acadian | Margarita LANDRY | Daigle, Macerole | |
1798 29 May/BRDR | Maturino OSSELLET | Acadian | Maria[-Élisabeth] LANDRY | Hébert, Landry | |
1798 20 Aug/BRDR | Juan-Bautiste MONDORT (widower) | French Can.? | Maria-Magdalena-Marguerite [Adélaïde] LANDRY (widow) | Daigle, Richard | |
1798 11 Sep/BRDR | Miguel POIRIER | Acadian | Maria LANDRY | Landry, Poirier | |
1798 26 Nov/BRDR | Aman GAUTREAU | Acadian | Francisca LANDRY | Gothraux, Landry | |
1799 3 Feb/BRDR | Joseph DUHON | Acadian | Adélaïde LANDRY | none listed | |
1799 8 Apr/BRDR | Aman LANDRY (widower) | Marguerite [LEBORGNE de] BELILLE | Acadian | Constant, Landry, Vives | |
1799 23 Apr/BRDR | Benjamin LANDRY | Acadian | Apollonia LANDRY | Acadian | Landry |
1799 15 Jul/BRDR | [Joseph-]Thadéo LANDRY | Anastasia DUGAS | Acadian | Dugat, Landry | |
1799 9 Sep/SWLR | Jean-Baptiste BROUSSARD (widower) | Acadian | Élizabeth[-Augustine] LANDRY (widow) | Broussard, Duga, Granger, LeBlanc | |
1799 5 Nov/BRDR | François AUCOIN | Acadian | Rosalia LANDRY | Boudraux, Landry | |
1800 3 Feb/BRDR | Mauricio SIMONEAUX | French Creole | Hélèna-Geneviève LANDRY | Constan, Dugat | |
1800 4 Feb/SWLR | Hubert LANDRY | Euphrosine LEGROS | French Creole | Ardoin, Franco, Landry, Lapointe, Recuron, Thibaudau | |
1800 10 Feb/BRDR | Maturin LANDRY (wdr.) | Maria-Polonia HÉBER | Acadian | Héber | |
1800 5 May/BRDR | Donato LANDRY | Maria-Martha LANORIE (LANOUE) | Acadian | Landry, Lanore | |
1800 19 May/BRDR | Auguste CONSTANT | French Creole | Marguerita-Carmélite LANDRY | Landry | |
1800 14 Sep/BRDR | Louis DANNEQUIN | French Creole | Maria-Angèl LANDRY | Breaux, Landry | |
1801 5 Jan/BRDR | Paul BRAUD | Acadian | Marguerita[-Françoise] LANDRY (widow) | Breaud, Landry | |
1801 3 Feb/SWLR | Agricole LANDRY | Christine LABAUVE | Acadian | Fostin, Hardy, Labauve, Sauluise, Tenholt | |
1801 3 Feb/SWLR | Alexandre LANDRY | Magdeleine BRASEUX | Acadian | Jeansonne, Landry | |
1801 13 Apr/SWLR | Valentin LANDRY | Marie HÉBERT | Acadian | Hébert, Landry, Moro, Tenholt | |
1801 27 May/SWLR | Joseph GIROUARD | Acadian | Marie-Anne LANDRY | Broussard, Dautreuil, Girouard, Hardy, Tenholt | |
1801 30 Jun/BRDR | Andrés DUPRÉS | French Creole | Marina-Enrrieta-Rosalia LANDRY | Hébert, Zeringue | |
1801 6 Jul/SWLR | Joseph[-Marie] LANDRY | [Modeste-]Arthémise LENORMAND | French Creole | Chemin, Dautreuil, Guignan, Judice, Lenormand, Tenholt | |
1801 23 Aug/BRDR | Antoine VIVES | Spanish Creole | [Marie-]Céleste LANDRY | Landry, Mollere | |
1801 28 Dec/BRDR | Éligio [Éloi] LANDRY | [Marie-]Magdalena MELANSON | Acadian | Landry, Melanson | |
1801 28 Dec/BRDR | David MELANSON | Acadian | [Marie-]Magdalena LANDRY | Landry, Melanson | |
1802 12 Jan/SWLR | Simon-Laurent DURIAUX | French Creole | Marie-Magdeleine LANDRY | Chemin, Part, Tenholt, Viel | |
1802 28 Feb/BRDR | Pedro LANDRY | [Victoire-]Ulalia DAIGLE | Acadian | Fernandez, Piroth | |
1802 1 Mar/BRDR | Simon/Simonette LEBLANC | Acadian | Francisca LANDRY | LeBlanc, Orillion | |
1802 20 Apr/BRDR | Lucas GODIN | Acadian | [Marie-]Henriqueta LANDRY | Bergeron, Landry | |
1802 25 Apr/BRDR | Pierre LANDRY | Reyne GODIN | Acadian | Conway, Lessard | |
1802 26 Apr/BRDR | Juan Nicolas LANDRY | Acadian | Margarita LANDRY | Acadian | Landry, Richard |
1802 26 Apr/BRDR | Landry BABIN | Acadian | Louise LANDRY | Landry | |
1802 18 May/BRDR | Joseph HÉBERT | Acadian | Marie-Madaleine[-Barbe] LANDRY | Arnandez, Rivet | |
1802 15 Jun/SWLR | Jean-Pierre LANDRY | Rose-Adélaïde DUGA | Acadian | Broussard, Comau, Fagot, Landry, Préjean | |
1802 25 Jul/BRDR | Armond BRAUD (widower) | Acadian | [Marie-]Colesta LANDRY (w.) | Godet, Lessard | |
1802 7 Sep/BRDR | Huberto TERRIOT | Acadian | Margarita LANDRY | Landry, Terriot | |
1802 27 Sep/BRDR | Joseph-Juan AUCOIN | Acadian | Ana-Victoria LANDRY | Landry | |
1803 5 Jan/BRDR | Andrés GREEN | Swedish | Magdalena LANDRY | Landry | |
1803 10 Jan/BRDR | Luis LANDRY | Carmelita VIVES | Spanish Creole | Constant, St. Aman | |
1803 7 Feb/BRDR | François[-Marie] LANDRY | Constancia BABIN (widow) | Acadian | Braux, Duplesis | |
1803 20 Feb/BRDR | Juan MORENO | Mexican | [Marie-]Magdalena[-Adélaïde] LANDRY (widow) | Hébert | |
1803 19 May/BRDR | Juan-Carlos HÉBERT | Acadian | Maria-Francisca LANDRY | Arnandez, Melancon | |
1803 4 Jul/BRDR | [Joseph-]Désiderio LANDRY | [Rosalie-]Justina RICHARD | Acadian | Landry, Richard | |
1803 24 Oct/BRDR | Firmin LANDRY | Henrietta BABIN | Acadian | Dannequin, Landry | |
1803 21 Nov/BRDR | Jean-Laurent HENRY | Acadian | Marine LANDRY | Landry | |
1804 2 Jan/BRDR | Joseph Nicolas LANDRY | Suzanne [Marie Josèphe] CALEGAN | Anglo/French Immigrant | Comes, Dannequin, Mollere | |
1804 16 Jan/BRDR | Pedro Joseph LANDRY (wdr.) | Marguerite Rosalie CAPEDEVILLE | French Creole | Blanchard, Dilhac, Havoy | |
1804 23 Jan/BRDR | Charles LEBLANC | Acadian | [Marguerite] Adélaïde LANDRY | Babin, Landry | |
1804 30 Jan/BRDR | Jean [Jacques] LANDRY | Marie Louise DUGAS | Acadian | Babin, Landry | |
1804 13 Feb/BRDR | Estevan DAIGLE | Acadian | Marguerita LANDRY | Daigle, Zeringue | |
1804 4 Apr/BRDR | Félix PENRO | French Creole? | Ana Susana LANDRY | Boutary, Landry | |
1804 9 Apr/BRDR | Nicolas [Simon] LANDRY | Osite LEBLANC | Acadian | Babin, Landry, Lessard | |
1804 30 Apr/BRDR | Joachim ZERINGUE | German Creole? | Margarita LANDRY | Boudraux, Zeringue | |
1804 20 May/BRDR | Josef [Vincent] LANDRY | Marie Magdalena BOURQUE | Acadian | Bourque, Landry | |
1804 4 Jun/BRDR | Simon BABIN | Acadian | Henriette LANDRY | Babin, Brasset, Richard | |
1805 28 Jan/BRDR | Donato LANDRY | Genoveva STIVENNE | French Creole? | Hébert, Lamotte | |
1805 4 Feb/BRDR | Simon LANDRY | Madeline HÉBERT | Acadian | Landry | |
1805 13 Feb/BRDR | Simon BABIN | Acadian | Marie Magdelaine LANDRY | Landry | |
1805 13 Feb/BRDR | Xavier LANDRY | Marie Madeline FORET | Acadian | Landry, Orion | |
1805 29 Apr/BRDR | Valentin [Charles III] LANDRY | Hanrrieta Carmélita TERIOT | Acadian | Hebert, Richard | |
1805 6 May/SWLR | Olivier LANDRY[, fils] | Julienne BRAUD | Acadian | Arceneaux, Braud, Granger | |
1805 6 May/BRDR | Henry LANDRY | [Marie] Scholastique BERGERON | Acadian | Bergeron, Landry | |
1805 27 May/BRDR | Donat LANDRY | Marie Élise MELANÇON | Acadian | LeBlanc, Melanson, Villeneuve | |
1805 27 Jun/BRDR | Dortois [Esèbe] BABIN | Acadian | Anne Françoise LANDRY | Landry, Mollere, Richard | |
1805 12 Aug/BRDR | Joseph GOTRAU | Acadian | Henriette Adélaïde LANDRY | Gautrot, Landry, LeBlanc | |
1805 25 Nov/BRDR | Pierre Ferdinand LANDRY | Acadian | Clarice LANDRY | Acadian | Landry, LeBlanc |
1806 14 Jan/SWLR | Joseph TRAHAN | Acadian | Anastasie LANDRY | Bourg, Jacquet | |
1806 3 Feb/BRDR | Antoine LÉONARD | Anglo | Marie Marthe LANDRY | Dupre, Dupuis, Landry | |
1806 14 Apr/SWLR | Pierre PERAULT | French Can. | Agnès LANDRY | Fagot, Jacquet | |
1806 14 Apr/BRDR | Abraham HÉBERT | Acadian | Devine [Louise Ludivine] LANDRY | Babin, Dupuis, Landry | |
1806 14 Apr/BRDR | Jacque BARRIAU | Acadian | Élizabeth [Marthe] LANDRY | Barriau, Landry, Ozelet | |
1806 5 May/BRDR | [Jean] Baptiste LANDRY | Marguerite TRAHANT | Acadian | Corbo, Landry | |
1806 9 Jun/BRDR | François GALLEGHER | Irish Imm.? | [Marie] Marguerite LANDRY | Breau, Landry, Rill | |
1806 30 Jun/BRDR | Augustin BROUSSARD | Acadian | Émelie or Émilite LANDRY | Babin, Landry, LeBlanc | |
1806 25 Aug/BRDR | Achille LANDRY | [Marie] Modeste BRAU | Acadian | Babin, Brau, Landry | |
1807 7 Feb/BRDR | Carlos FORET | Acadian | Angélique LANDRY | Foret, Landry | |
1807 19 Feb/BRDR | [Joseph] Narcisse LANDRY | [Marie] Henrietta BLANCHARD | Acadian | Blanchard, Landry | |
1807 23 Feb/BRDR | Jean TERRIOT | Acadian | [Marie] Magdeliene LANDRY | Landry, Randall, Terrio | |
1807 13 Apr/SWLR | Joseph BRAUD | Acadian | Eléonore LANDRY | Jacquet, Perilliat, Prejean | |
1807 14 Oct/BRDR | Léger LANDRY | Anne Lise BABIN | Acadian | Babin, Landry | |
1807 23 Nov/BRDR | Hipolite LANDRY | Scholastique HÉBERT | Acadian | Braux/Breau | |
1807 1 Dec/SWLR | Alexandre LANDRY | Susanne HARGRAVE | Anglo Creole | Abat, Folk, Jacquet, Landry | |
1808 19 Jan/SWLR | Jean LANDRY | Ursule DOIRON | Acadian | Abat, Landry, Prejean | |
1808 8 Feb/BRDR | Emmanuel [Joseph] LANDRY | [Clarisse] Céleste BRUNTEAU | French Creole? | Dauterive, Rils, Rousseau | |
1808 23 Feb/SWLR | Louis HÉBERT | Acadian | Félicité LANDRY | Garrignon, Hébert, Landry | |
1808 25 Feb/BRDR | Victor LANDRY | Jeanne MELANÇON | Acadian | Landry, Melancon | |
1808 25 Apr/BRDR | Pierre BREAU | Acadian | Batille LANDRY | Landry, ? | |
1808 6 Jun/BRDR | Pedro LANDRY | Maria Rosalia TEMPLET | Acadian | Duaron, Heverre, Lejune | |
1808 7 Jun/BRDR | Auguste LANDRY | Marie Rose RICHARD | Acadian | Blanchard, Richard | |
1808 14 Jun/SWLR | Jean [Henri] LANDRY | [Marie] Louisa BEGNAUD | French Creole | Begneaud, Huslin, Landry | |
1808 4 Jul/BRDR | Étienne DUPUI | Acadian | Constance LANDRY | Aucoin, Brau, Hébert | |
1808 25 Jul/BRDR | Alin LANDRY | Eugénie AUCOIN | Acadian | LeBlanc, Riboudau, St. Martin | |
1808 8 Sep/BRDR | Jean Baptiste HÉBERT | Acadian | Anne Mélanie LANDRY | Barnier, Hébert, Rivet | |
1808 4 Oct/SWLR | Jean MELANÇON | Acadian | Susanne LANDRY | Lefebvre, Prejean | |
1808 12 Dec/BRDR | Louis MELANÇON | Acadian | Rosalie LANDRY | Henry, Landry | |
1809 10 Apr/BRDR | Étienne THERION | Acadian | Marie Céleste LANDRY | Landry | |
1809 29 May/BRDR | Simon SIMONEAU | French Creole | Maria Reine LANDRY | Landry, Simoneau | |
1809 6 Jun/SWLR | Joseph [Denis] LANDRY | [Élisabeth dite] Lise LABAUVE | Acadian | Broussard, Jacquet, Labauve, Marc | |
1809 1 Aug/SWLR | Célestin PREJEAN | Acadian | Marcellite LANDRY | Jacquet, Landry, Lefevre | |
1809 21 Aug/BRDR | Henry BABIN | Acadian | Louise LANDRY | Breau, Brasset, Landry | |
1809 28 Aug/BRDR | Isaac Santiago ROUSSEAU | French Creole | Maria LANDRY | Landry, Vives | |
1810 2 Jan/SWLR | Athanase TRAHAN | Acadian | Marie Clotilde LANDRY | Jacquet, Manceau, Marc | |
1810 30 Jan/SWLR | Pantaléon LANDRY | Marguerite TRAHAN | Acadian | Abat, Jacquet, Marc | |
1810 22 Feb/BRDR | Pierre Paul LEBLANC | Acadian | Marguerite LANDRY | Delaune, Dupuis, LeBlanc | |
1810 5 Mar/BRDR | Josef LANDRY | Josefina/Joséphine DAIGLE | Acadian | Heberre, Molaison | |
1810 2 May/BRDR | Louis MOLLÈRE | French Creole | Marie Carmélite LANDRY | Cire, Duhon, Landry | |
1810 7 May/BRDR | [Philippe] Ursin LANDRY | Marie Clémence LEBLANC | Acadian | Landry, LeBlanc | |
1810 8 May/SWLR | Célestin LANDRY | Marguerite GRANGER | Acadian | Dugas, Mire, Prejean | |
1810 20 Aug/BRDR | Emanuel VILLENEUVE | French? Spanish? | Eugénie LANDRY | Babin, Landry, LeComte | |
1810 10 Sep/BRDR | Édouard DUFFEL | Anglo | Marie Céleste LANDRY (widow) | Hopkins, Landry | |
1810 19 Nov/BRDR | Louis ROMAN | French Creole | Marie Delphine LANDRY | Mollere, Roth | |
1810 26 Nov/BRDR | Benjamin LANDRY (wdr.) | Acadian | Marie Céleste LANDRY (wd.) | Acadian | Causin, Landry, Tureaud |
1810 26 Dec/SWLR | Edmond LANDRY | Anastasie GIROUARD | Acadian | Chemin, Girouard, Granger, Landry | |
1810 26 Dec/SWLR | Fabien LANDRY | Beatrix GRANGER | Acadian | Chemin, Girouard, Granger, Landry | |
1811 31 Jan/BRDR | Juan B[aptiste dit Petit René]. LANDRY | Scholastica TEMPLET | Acadian | Duaron, Dupuis | |
1811 18 Feb/BRDR | Jean Baptiste ALLAIN | Acadian | Marie Carmélite LANDRY | Allain, Comaux/Comeau | |
1811 20 Apr/BRDR | Jacque GIBOSSET (widower) | Foreign French | [Anne] Marie LANDRY (widow) | Bujol, Leveque | |
1811 13 May/BRDR | Joseph Grégoire [Giroire] LANDRY (widower) | Marie CAPDEVILLE | French Creole? | Breau, Hébert, Landry | |
1811 17 Jun/SWLR | Léandre LANDRY | Lise BRASSEUR | Acadian | Guédry, Landri | |
1811 18 Nov/BRDR | Landry [Pierre Grégoire] LANDRY | [Marie] Joséphina ROUSSEAU | French Creole | Landry, Turreyra | |
1812 10 Feb/BRDR | Andres LEBLANC | Acadian | Margarita LANDRY (widow) | Landry, Riffaud, Vives | |
1812 10 Feb/BRDR | Pierre Auguste LECOMTE | French Creole | Marie LANDRY | Braud, Landry | |
1812 6 Apr/BRDR | Juan Luis LANDRIE | [Anne] Marina HÉBERRE | Acadian | Heberre, Losada | |
1812 7 Apr/SWLR | François BOURG | Acadian | Séraphie LANDRY | Cuvelier, Goply, Montet | |
1812 20 Apr/BRDR | Étienne BOURGEOIS | Acadian | [Marie] Céleste LANDRY | Bergeron, Bourgeois, Landry | |
1812 15 Jun/BRDR | Josef DUGAT | Acadian | Maria [Louise?] LANDRY | Daigle, Landry | |
1812 14 Jul/SWLR | Dominique RICHARD | Acadian | Augustine LANDRY | Babin, David, Guédry | |
1812 10 Aug/BRDR | Juan [Pierre] LANDRY, [fils] | Enrietta BLANCHARD | Acadian | Blanchard | |
1812 10 Aug/SWLR | Jean TAMPLET | Acadian | [Marie] Clotilde LANDRY (wd.) | Broussard, Goplet, Mancaux, Raulin | |
1812 10 Sep/BRDR | Olivier LANDRY (widower) | Marie DULERE [CULAIR] | French Creole | Landry, Melancon | |
1812 3 Nov/BRDR | Josef RICHARD | Acadian | Enrietta LANDRY | Larrrosa, Tureyra, Vives | |
1812 24 Nov/BRDR | Luis BLANCHARD | Acadian | Coleta LANDRY | Blanchard, Simonaux, Tureyra | |
1813 4 Jan/BRDR | Joseph Allain BREAU | Acadian | [Marie] Adélaïde LANDRY | Breaux, Landry | |
1813 25 Jan/BRDR | Elias LANDRY | Henrietta HÉBERRE | Acadian | Heberre, Landrie | |
1813 25 Jan/BRDR | Ursin LANDRY | Maranthe HÉBERRE | Acadian | Heberre, Landrie | |
1813 1 Feb/BRDR | Joseph Théodore RIVET | Acadian | Marie Henriette LANDRY | Landry, Rivet | |
1813 8 Feb/BRDR | Joseph LANDRY | Rosalie HAMILTON | Anglo | Goodbee, Hebert, Landry | |
1813 1 Mar/BRDR | Thomas BROWN | Anglo | Constance LANDRY | Franchebois, LeBlanc, Marionnaux | |
1813 25 May/SWLR | Julien LANDRY | Céleste RICHARD | Acadian | David, Landry, Richard | |
1813 21 Jun/SWLR | Pierre LANDRY | Acadian | Françoise LANDRY | Acadian | Broussard, Chemin, Hebert, Landry |
1813 21 Jun/SWLR | Elisée MISSONNIER | French Creole | Marie LANDRY | Broussard, Chemin, Commeau, Hébert, Richard | |
1813 28 Jun/BRDR | Estevan LANDRY | Acadian | [Marie] Rosalia LANDRY | Acadian | Landry, Plauche |
1813 28 Sep/BRDR | Stephen HOPKINS | Anglo | Marie Arthémise LANDRY | Bujol, Landry, Leveque, Philippe | |
1813 22 Nov/BRDR | Josef Enrrique LANDRY | Juana Adélaïdes BOUDRAUX | Acadian | Guillot, Landry, Tureyra | |
1813 23 Nov/SWLR | Pierre THIBAUDOT | Acadian | Louise LANDRY | Boudro, Brousard, Chemin | |
1814 30 Jan/BRDR | Marcelin LEBLANC | Acadian | Marie Artémise LANDRY | LeBlanc | |
1814 14 Feb/BRDR | Estevan BLANCHARD | Acadian | Marina [Osite Rosalie] LANDRY | Blanchard, Landry, Tureyra | |
1814 25 Apr/BRDR | Simon BABIN | Acadian | [Marguerite] Cydeline LANDRY | Landry, LeBlanc, Simois | |
1814 2 May/BRDR | Josef LANDRY | Ana HÉBERT | Acadian | Daigle, Larrosa, Tureyra | |
1814 13 Jun/BRDR | Joseph Gédéon DUPUY | Acadian | Marie Eugénie LANDRY | Delaune, Dupuis, Landry | |
1814 4 Jul/SWLR | Alexandre BEGNAUD | French Creole | [Anne] Fanelie LANDRY | Amy, Castille, Huval, Landry | |
1814 25 Jul/BRDR | Pierre BREAU (widower) | Acadian | Héloise LANDRY | Landry | |
1814 29 Aug/BRDR | Josef GUILLOT | Acadian | Maria [Anne] LANDRY | Bariot, Guillot, Hébert | |
1814 24 Oct/SWLR | Joseph LANDRY | Geneviève BAUDIN | French Creole | Broussard, Colwell, Landry | |
1814 29 Nov/SWLR | Joseph VINCENT | Acadian | [Élisabeth Louise dite] Lise LANDRY | Babin, Leleu, Montet, Mire | |
1815 4 Apr/SWLR | Athanase LANDRY | Adélaïde GIROUARD | Acadian | Amy, Chemin, Girouard, Huslin, Landry | |
1815 23 Apr/SWLR | Delphin LELEU | French Creole | Anastasie LANDRY | Chemin, Boulet, Colwell, Dautreuil, Granger | |
1815 8 May/SWLR | Cyrille LANDRY | Scholastique BOUDREAUX | Acadian | Chemin, Desormeaux, Landry, Pennes | |
1815 26 Jun/BRDR | François Joseph LANDRY | Henriette Marine MELANÇON | Acadian | Landry, Melancon, Rivet | |
1815 12 Aug/BRDR | Isidore Valéry LANDRY | Felicité Desirée REYNAUD | French Creole | Landry, Peytavin, Reynaud, Tourgeau | |
1815 14 Aug/BRDR | Juan Maria BARIOT | Acadian | Magdalena LANDRY | Blanchard, Landry | |
1815 30 Aug/BRDR | Juan B. HEBÉRRE | Acadian | Marante LANDRY | Landrie, LeBlan | |
1815 7 Oct/SWLR | Éloy LANDRY | Aspasie GUIDRY | Acadian | Guedry/Guidry, Lingois, Patin | |
1815 30 Oct/SWLR | Julien TRAHAN | Acadian | Marie LANDRY | Chemin, Marc, Penne | |
1816 8 Jan/BRDR | Édouard LANDRY | Marie Eméranthe LAMBREMONT | French Creole | Lambremont, Landry | |
1816 9 Jan/SWLR | Maximilien LANDRY | Marie Domitille THIBODEAUX | Acadian | Chemin, Landry, Lingois, Penne, Thibaudot | |
1816 22 Jan/BRDR | Augusto LANDRY | Maria Luisa BOUDREAUX (w.) | Acadian | Boudraux, Landry | |
1816 10 Feb/BRDR | Édouard Benjamin LANDRY | Francisca Oionisia DUHON | Acadian | Mollere, Savoy, Tusson | |
1816 6 Apr/BRDR | Isaac Colin LE BLANC | Acadian | [Anne] Serafina LANDRY | Landry, LeBlanc | |
1816 21 Apr/BRDR | Pedro [Cyrille] ÉBERT (HÉBERT) | Acadian | [Marie] Constance LANDRY | Landry, LeBlanc, Longuepee | |
1816 28 May/BRDR | Simon Julian LANDRY | Rosalie Justina BRAU | Acadian | Landry, LeBlanc | |
1816 3 Jun/BRDR | Josef Ursino MAROIS | Italian Creole? | Eloisa Monica LANDRY | Aubert, Dugat, Dupuis | |
1816 24 Jun/BRDR | Alexandro Marcelino RICHARD | Acadian | Théotista Clarisa LANDRY | Bara, Hebert, Landry | |
1816 1 Jul/BRDR | Juan Bautista BARIOT | Acadian | Francisca LANDRY | Bariot, Cancien, Landry | |
1816 1 Jul/BRDR | Pedro DUPUIS | Acadian | [Anne] Rosalia LANDRY | Dupuis, Landry | |
1816 5 Aug/BRDR | Donat LANDRY (widower) | Maria Lucia LEBLANC (wd.) | Acadian | Landry, LeBlanc | |
1816 25 Nov/SWLR | Raphaël LANDRY | Adèlle BEGNAUD | French Creole | Begnaud, Chemin, Landry, Melle | |
1816 31 Dec/BRDR | Juan B. DUPUIS | Acadian | Mariana LANDRY (widow) | Grangier, LaBove | |
1817 13 Jan/BRDR | Jacques MELANÇON (wdr.) | Acadian | Christine LANDRY (widow) | Landry, LeBlanc, Melancon | |
1817 20 Jan/BRDR | Francisco Magloria LANDRY | Fany Rosa [Françoise] AUCOIN | Acadian | Aucoin, Bourque, Tureyra | |
1817 3 Feb/BRDR | Valentine TERIAU | Acadian | Marguerite [Justine] LANDRY | Braud, Comes | |
1817 10 Feb/BRDR | Fabian Maximiliano LANDRY | Acadian | Marie Eugénia LANDRY | Acadian | Rabadan, Tureyra |
1817 10 Feb/BRDR | Firmin Davas LANDRY | [Marie] Clémence COMEAU | Acadian | Allain, Blanchard, Bousch | |
1817 11 Feb/BRDR | Joseph Casimire POURSINE | French Creole | Mélanie LANDRY | Landry, L'eveque, Poursine | |
1817 14 Apr/BRDR | Arnaud LANDRY | [Marie] Marthe HÉBERT | Acadian | Arnandez, Hébert | |
1817 21 Apr/BRDR | Jean Baptiste Barbier DAIGLE | Acadian | Marie Marthe LANDRY | Daigle, Richard, Theriot | |
1817 20 May/BRDR | Barthélémi LEBLANC (wdr.) | Acadian | [Marie] Anne LANDRY | Landry | |
1817 20 May/BRDR | Dermond LEBLANC | Acadian | Marie Delphine LANDRY | Blanchard, Braud | |
1817 14 Jul/BRDR | Éloy LANDRY | Magdelena Adélaïse BABIN | Acadian | Comes, Henry | |
1817 25 Aug/BRDR | Pierre Joseph PEDESCLAUX | Spanish Creole | Marie Artémise LANDRY (w.) | Blanchard, Landry, Leveque | |
1817 27 Aug/BRDR | Lucien LANCLOS | French Creole | Joséphine LANDRY | Landry, Rivet | |
1817 10 Oct/BRDR | Laurent DEVILLIER | French Creole | Marie Hortence LANDRY | deVilliers, Landry, White | |
1817 20 Nov/BRDR | François CROCHET | Acadian | Eulalie LANDRY | Durochet, Thibodeau | |
1818 12 Jan/BRDR | Alexis SIMONEAUX | French Creole | Rosalie LANDRY | Daigle, Dupuis, Richard | |
1818 26 Jan/BRDR | Patrice MENDOS (MENDOZA) | Spanish | Marguerite LANDRY | Barieau, Landri, Turreyra | |
1818 13 Apr/BRDR | Jean Baptiste CROCHET | Acadian | Marine LANDRY | Hébert, Landry | |
1818 27 Apr/BRDR | Auguste [Hyacinthe] LANDRY | Marguerie Eugénie BABIN | Acadian | Blanchard, Braud, Landry | |
1818 11 May/SWLR | Charles DUGAST | Acadian | Clarisse LANDRY | Babinaud, Dugas, Dusouchet, Landry, Lingois, Penne | |
1818 8 Jun/BRDR | Simon Sifrain BABIN | Acadian | Magdelain Julienne LANDRY | Landry, Terrio | |
1818 29 Jun/BRDR | Augustin Valléry LANDRY | Acadian | Constance Célestine LANDRY | Acadian | Brasset, Braud, Hébert |
1818 30 Jun/BRDR | Joseph Raphaël LANDRY | Joséphine COUILLARD | French Creole? | Boissau, Landry | |
1818 20 Jul/BRDR | Oliviere CANCIENNE | Italian Creole | Marie Mélanie LANDRY | Bariau, Tureyra | |
1818 12 Aug/BRDR | Éduard DUPUIS | Acadian | Marie Delphine LANDRY | Dupuis/Dupuy, Landry | |
1818 28 Sep/BRDR | David LANDRY | [Marie] Cléonise [Célestine] BREAU | Acadian | Bousch, Breau, Rivet | |
1818 12 Oct/SWLR | Louis LOUVIÈRE | Acadian | Marie Azélie LANDRY | Arcenaux, Boulet, Duprat, Landry, Mire, Ribette | |
1818 16 Nov/BRDR | Appollinaire LANDRY | Acadian | Élise LANDRY | Acadian | Hebert, Landry, Mollere |
1818 28 Dec/BRDR | Louis Paterne LANDRY | Marie Rose AUCOIN | Acadian | Landry, Leveque | |
1819 1 Feb/BRDR | Valérie LANDRY | Marie Ulalie LEBLANC | Acadian | Duga/Dugas | |
1819 8 Feb/BRDR | Issac HATKINSON | Anglo | Marie Constance LANDRY | Braud, LeBlanc, Richard | |
1819 15 Feb/BRDR | Narcisse LANDRY | Marie Carmélite HÉBERT | Acadian | Arnandez, Landry | |
1819 4 May/SWLR | Vital LAPOINTE (widower) | French Creole | Marie Aveline LANDRY | Dusouchet, Landry, Penne, Roussillon, Tamplet | |
1819 1 Jul/BRDR | Pierre Cyprien BOURGEOIS | Acadian | Marie Céleste LANDRY | Landry, LeBlanc, Robisceau | |
1819 2 Aug/BRDR | Claude Raphaël BABIN | Acadian | [Marie] Artémise LANDRY | Babin, Landry | |
1819 23 Aug/BRDR | Marcelin Armogène LEBLANC | Acadian | Léonice LANDRY | Babin, Larousen, LeBlanc | |
1819 6 Sep/BRDR | Pierre CHARLET | Foreign French? | Françoise Estelle LANDRY | Aucoin, Girod, Joly | |
1819 6 Sep/BRDR | Joseph Marceline LANDRY | [Rosalie] Carmélite SAVOIS | Acadian | Landry, Robisceau, Savois | |
1819 27 Sep/BRDR | Julien MARTIN | Foreign French | Marie Hortense LANDRY | Bouzeon, Lerouze, Pichof | |
1819 2 Oct/BRDR | Auguste BROUSSARD (widower) | Acadian | Marguerite [Adélaïde] LANDRY (widow) | Babin, Bujol, LeBlanc | |
1820 31 Jan/BRDR | Urbin ACHÉ | Acadian | [Madeleine] Azélie LANDRY | Carminati, Landry, Melanson, Wriel | |
1820 7 Feb/SWLR | Alexis LE BLANC | Acadian | Marie LANDRY | Dusouchet, Landry, LeBlanc, Penne, Roussillon | |
1820 7 Feb/BRDR | Lazare HÉBERT | Acadian | Céleste [Élise] LANDRY | Blanchard, Landry, Tureira | |
1820 10 Feb/BRDR | Paul RICHARD | Acadian | Marine LANDRY | Bruyere, Cornu, Rouillier | |
1820 14 Feb/SWLR | Louis BOUDREAU | Acadian | Marie Magdelaine LANDRY | Comeau, Grange, Landry | |
1820 14 Feb/BRDR | Jean Baptiste BRAUD | Acadian | [Anne] Françoise LANDRY (w.) | Brasset, Braud | |
1820 3 Apr/SWLR | Onésime BROUSSARD | Acadian | Marie Uranie LANDRY | Broussard, Landry, Penne, Remus | |
1820 10 Apr/BRDR | Gédéon DUPUIS (widower) | Acadian | Suzanne Mathilde LANDRY | Babin, Dupuis, Landry | |
1820 17 Apr/BRDR | Hyppolite LANDRY | Françoise GIROIR | Acadian | Babin, Giroir, Landry | |
1820 1 May/BRDR | Domingo TRUXILLO | Spanish? | Emérante LANDRY | ?, Simoie | |
1820 1 May/BRDR | Jean Baptiste LANDRY | Ludivine FORET | Acadian | Plet, Tureyra | |
1820 18 May/BRDR | Silvain LANDRY | Claire Batilde BABIN | Acadian | Babin, Landry, LeBlanc | |
1820 12 Jun/BRDR | Firmin LANDRY | Tarsille MELANCON | Acadian | Bertauss, Bruyere, Cornu | |
1820 17 Jul/SWLR | Joseph Zéphirin TRAHAN | Acadian | Geneviève LANDRY | Broussard, Trahan | |
1820 30 Oct/BRDR | Élie COUMAU | Acadian | [Isabelle] Constance LANDRY | Blanchard, Tureyra | |
1820 28 Nov/SWLR | Placide THIBODEAUX | Acadian | Mathilde LANDRY | Dusouchet, Guedry, Landry, Penne, Roussillon | |
1821 7 Jan/BRDR | Henry Léon LANDRY | Marguerite Susanne CHERAMY | French Creole? | Cassou, Daigle, Dugas | |
1821 19 Feb/BRDR | Grégoire Maturin LANDRY | Delphine Denise GIROIR | Acadian | Hébert, Landry | |
1821 26 Feb/BRDR | Maturin LANDRY | Marie Azélie BREAU | Acadian | Breau, Landry, Rivet | |
1821 15 Mar/BRDR | Étienne Anaclet BRAUD | Acadian | Apouline LANDRY | Terrio | |
1821 15 Mar/BRDR | Joseph Nicolas DUGAS | Acadian | Clarisse Armante LANDRY | Dugas | |
1821 15 Mar/BRDR | Gautrand Pierre DANNEQUIN | French Creole? | [Anne] Mélanie LANDRY | Hatkinson, Landry, Mollere | |
1821 28 May/SWLR | Onésime LE BLANC | Acadian | Cécile LANDRY | Boutte, Braud, Landry, Roussillon | |
1821 4 Jun/SWLR | Cirille/Cyrille LANDRY | Adélaïde TRAHAN | Acadian | Dusouchet, Montet, Penne, Roussillon, Trahan | |
1821 12 Jun/SWLR | Rosémond LANDRY | [Marie] Carmélite COMEAUX | Acadian | Broussard, Comaux, Dugas, Landry, Prejean | |
1821 18 Jun/BRDR | Valéri Cyprien LEBLANC | Acadian | Marie Ortense LANDRY (w.) | Guillot, Tureyra | |
1821 26 Aug/BRDR | Siméon LANDRY | Rosalie Isabelle GIROIR | Acadian | Landry, Richard | |
1821 20 Sep/BRDR | Marcelin Séverin LANDRY | Acadian | Félide [Félicité] Marguerite LANDRY | Acadian | Aucoin, Bettelani, Savoy |
1821 11 Oct/BRDR | Edward GRAVOIS | Acadian | Rosile LANDRY | Gravois, Landry, Melancon | |
1821 15 Oct/BRDR | Simon Alin GAUTREAUX | Acadian | Eugénie LANDRY (widow) | Babin, Gautreaux | |
1821 22 Oct/SLR | Stivane/Deshival BERNARD | Acadian | Hanriet Uginie/Eugénie LANDRY | none listed | |
1821 26 Oct/BRDR | Eugène Gervais LANDRY | Acadian | Françoise Carmélite LANDRY | Acadian | Bettelani, Breau, LeBlanc |
1822 7 Jan/BRDR | Simon Maxile LEBLANC | Acadian | [Silesia] Marie LANDRY | Bettelani, Pantiero, Tardie | |
1822 7 Jan/BRDR | François GODIN | Acadian | Marie Delphine LANDRY | Gaudain, Landry | |
1822 21 Jan/BRDR | Valarie TRAHAN | Acadian | [Marie] Azalie LANDRY | Como, Daigre, Richard | |
1822 22 Feb/BRDR | Élie Narcisse LANDRY | Acadian | Mélanie Geneviève LANDRY | Acadian | Braud, Landry |
1822 15 Mar/BRDR | Augustin Valère LANDRY (wr.) | Acadian | Rose Hortense LANDRY | Acadian | Braud/Braux |
1822 15 Apr/BRDR | Auguste [Gérard] LANDRY | Acadian | [Marie] Delphine LANDRY | Acadian | Bourgeois, Daigle, Simonaux |
1822 29 Apr/BRDR | Isaac HÉBER | Acadian | Marine LANDRY | Aucoin, Blanchard, Hébert | |
1822 13 May/BRDR | Étienne RICHARD (widower) | Acadian | Marie Céleste LANDRY (wd.) | Blanchard, Landry, Vital | |
1822 24 Jun/BRDR | Alexander LANDRY | Judith MELANÇON | Acadian | Aucoin, Bettelani | |
1822 8 Jul/BRDR | Constant VIEL | French Creole? | Émelie LANDRY | Delaune, Landry | |
1822 12 Aug/BRDR | Julien HUNOT | Foreign French | Modeste LANDRY | Cantien, Rappele | |
1822 20 Aug/BRDR | Jacque Barthélémy CORVAISIER | French Creole? | Marguerite Carmélite LANDRY | Blanchard | |
1823 14 Jan/SWLR | André LANDRY | Marie MELANÇON | Acadian | Blanc, Landry, LeBlanc | |
1823 23 Jan/BRDR | Auguste LANDRY (widower) | [Marthe] Adeline LEBLANC | Acadian | Lambremont, LeBlanc, Terrell | |
1823 27 Jan/BRDR | Azari LANDRY | Marie Céline LAMBREMONT | French Creole | Lambremont, Landry | |
1823 27 Jan/BRDR | Pierre Paul LANDRY | [Dionise] Marie TERIO | Acadian | Breau, Terio | |
1823 7 Apr/SWLR | Valentin LANDRY (widower) | Céleste DUPUIS/DUPUY (w.) | Acadian | Bara, Potier, Thibodeau | |
1823 8 Apr/BRDR | Louis Joseph THIBODEAUX | Acadian | [Marie] Hélène LANDRY | Caillouet, Landry | |
1823 28 Apr/BRDR | Placide LEBLANC | Acadian | Céleste Madeleine LANDRY | Babin, Landry | |
1823 11 May/BRDR | Sirfrain BABIN (widower) | Acadian | Marie Zoraï(de) LANDRY | Dugas | |
1823 1 Sep/SLR | Donat/Donnat Benjamin LANDRY | Marie Delphine BRAUX/BREAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1823 24 Nov/BRDR | Firmin Davas LANDRY (wdr.) | [Marie] Mélesaire BREAU (wd.) | Acadian | Bouche, Hébert | |
1824 12 Jan/BRDR | Louis LANDRY (widower) | Clémence LESSARD (widow) | French Creole? | Duffel, Landry, Picou | |
1824 2 Feb/BRDR | Olézeme BABIN | Acadian | [Marie] Arthémise LANDRY | Landry, Tregre | |
1824 2 Feb/BRDR | Jean Baptiste TREGRE | French Creole? | Carmélite Marguerite LANDRY | Babin, Landry | |
1824 1 Mar/BRDR | Broussin LAVERGNE | French Creole | [Françoise Cléonise] Élonise LANDRY | Dugas, Landry | |
1824 2 Mar/BRDR | Édouard LANDRY (widower) | Antoinette BARBAY | French Creole? | Bossie, Dugas, Reynaud | |
1824 26 Apr/BRDR | François E. BOUSH | Anglo? | Marie Caroline LANDRY | Allain, Lambremont, Landry | |
1824 3 May/BRDR | Simon LANDRY | Anne Carmélite AUCOIN | Acadian | Aucoin, Landry | |
1824 8 Jun/SWLR | Ulger LANCLOS | French Creole | [Marie] Eulalie LANDRY | Lalonne, Mayer, Robin | |
1824 21 Jun/SWLR | Valentin LANDRY (widower) | Joséphine PREVOST (widow) | French Creole | Amy, Bertin, Hébert, Landry, Montamat | |
1824 19 Jul/SLR | Jean Baptiste Aysin/Ursin BOURGEOIS | Acadian | Julienne Marcelite LANDRY | none listed | |
1824 9 Aug/SWLR | Simon BODIN | French Creole | Pélagie LANDRY | Landry, Langlinais, Trahan, Roussillon | |
1824 16 Aug/BRDR | Jean Baptiste [dit Petit René] LANDRY (widower) | Euphrosine MALBOUROGH | German Creole | Hébert, Landry, Templet | |
1824 27 Sep/SWLR | Jean Louis BERNARD | Acadian | [Marie] Carmélite LANDRY | Bernard, Broussard, Dugas, Girroir, Landry | |
1824 4 Nov/BRDR | Auguste [Luc] LANDRY | Acadian | Irène Clémence LANDRY | Acadian | Granger, Lany |
1824 4 Nov/BRDR | Florentin LANDRY | Céleste Alethe HÉBERT (widow) | Acadian | Hébert, Landry | |
1824 16 Nov/SWLR | Gilbert AMI[, fils] | French Creole | Élisabeth LANDRY | Bertin, Domengeaux, Landry, Leleux, Martin | |
1824 27 Nov/BRDR | Achille LANDRY | Artémise LEBLANC | Acadian | Babin, Blanchard, Landry | |
1824 14 Dec/SWLR | Édouard LELEUX (widower) | French Creole | Marie Françoise LANDRY | Amy, Beslin, Dautreuil, Leleux | |
1825 31 Jan/BRDR | Agricol BE[R]NARD [dit] Dumontier | French Creole | Amaranthe LANDRY | Landry, Molaison | |
1825 7 Feb/SLR | Édouard/Édoard BABIN | Acadian | Clotilde Hortense/Ortense LANDRY | none listed | |
1825 7 Feb/BRDR | Joseph Alexandre LANDRY | [Anne] Eméranthe HÉBERT | Acadian | Babin, Hebert | |
1825 7 Feb/BRDR | Onésime LANDRY | [Jeanne] Zetbinne DUPUIS | Acadian | Dupuy, Hebert, Landry, Sigur | |
1825 8 Feb/SWLR | Don Louis BROUSSARD | Acadian | Anastasie LANDRY | Broussard, Dubois, Grange, Mire | |
1825 13 Feb/BRDR | Auguste Firmin LANDRY | Adélaïde BABIN | Acadian | Babin, Comes, Dugas, LeBlanc | |
1825 13 Feb/BRDR | Jean Baptiste LANDRY[, fils] | Roseline SIMONEAU | French Creole | D'aigle | |
1825 14 Feb/BRDR | Philippe COMEAU | Acadian | Victorine Ariane] LANDRY | Braux, Hébert, Henry | |
1825 11 Apr/BRDR | Magloire Benoît LANDRY | Marie Justine BABIN | Acadian | Dugas, Gauthreaux, Landry | |
1825 18 Apr/BRDR | Hubert LEBLANC | Acadian | Marcellite Pélagie LANDRY | Landry, LeBlanc | |
1825 18 Apr/BRDR | Frimin FRIYOU | French Creole | Marine LANDRY (widow) | D'aigle, Landry, Simoneau | |
1825 10 May/SWLR | Leufroy MAILLARD | French Creole? | Marguerite [Uranie] LANDRY | Landry, Traham | |
1825 2 Jun/BRDR | Paul LANDRY (widower) | Ludovine LEBLANC (widow) | Acadian | Landry | |
1825 28 Jun/SWLR | Levi H. CAMPBELL | Scots | Dulcina LANDRY | none listed | |
1825 5 Jul/BRDR | Joseph LANDRY [III] | Anastasie POCHÉ | French Creole? | Duhon, Lafer, Michel, Robichau | |
1825 11 Aug/BRDR | Jean Trasimond LANDRY | [Marie] Modeste BRAUD (wd.) | Acadian | Duffel, Landry, Vives, Winchester | |
1825 22 Aug/BRDR | Joseph THIBODEAU | Acadian | Élisabeth [Marthe] LANDRY (widow) | Barriau, Bergeron | |
1825 29 Aug/BRDR | Raphaël LANDRY | Rosalie GUÉDRY | Acadian | Bertrand, Lalande, Landry | |
1825 29 Sep/SWLR | Nicolas MATERNE (widower) | German Creole | Eléonore LANDRY (widow) | Helaire | |
1825 30 Oct/BRDR | Valérien LANDRY | Marie Améranthe LEBLANC | Acadian | Hebert, Landry, Temple | |
1825 7 Nov/BRDR | Élie LANDRY | [Anne] Rosalie BOUDREAU | Acadian | Barriau, Landry | |
1825 21 Nov/SWLR | Achilles THIBODEAU | Acadian | Euphrosie LANDRY | Landry, Thibodeau | |
1825 21 Nov/SWLR | Don Louis THIBODEAUX | Acadian | Marguerite LANDRY | Hebert, Landry | |
1826 Jan/BRDR | Grégoire LANDRY | Philonise Geneviève LEBLANC | Acadian | Blanchard, Hebert, Mollere | |
1826 9 Jan/BRDR | Armond BLANCHARD | Acadian | Céleste [Théotiste] LANDRY | Blanchard, Landry, Varner | |
1826 23 Jan/BRDR | Sifrain BABIN (widower) | Acadian | [Marie] Léocade LANDRY | Babin, Braud | |
1826 14 Mar/BRDR | Jean Baptiste EDWIN | Anglo? | Marie Marcellite LANDRY | Landry, Richard | |
1826 3 Apr/BRDR | Nicolas Carville VERRET | French Creole | Azélie [Marie] LANDRY | Bousogne, Hubbard, Verret | |
1826 Jul/SWLR | Gédéon LANDRY | Anne Georgette LORMAND | French Creole? | Broussard, Grange, Traham | |
1826 31 Jul/BRDR | Barthélémi HAMILTON | Anglo | Françoise Azélie LANDRY | Brasset, Braud/Breaud | |
1826 6 Aug/BRDR | Félix Jean Baptiste LANDRY | Marie Aurore BRAUD | Acadian | Dugas | |
1826 22 Oct/SWLR | Joseph GUILBEAU (widower) | Acadian | [Marie] Clotilde LANDRY (w.) | Bienvenu, Hebert, Peyretti | |
1826 29 Oct/BRDR | Simon LANDRY | Anne Valerante BABIN | Acadian | Babin, Landry | |
1826 6 Nov/BRDR | Rosémond LEBLANC | Acadian | Marie LANDRY | Blanchard, LeBlanc | |
1826 27 Nov/BRDR | Gédéon GUÉDRY | Acadian | [Geneviève] Armelise LANDRY | Babin, Gauthreaux, Ricard | |
1827 4 Jan/BRDR | Lubin LEBLANC (widower) | Acadian | Marguerite LANDRY (widow) | Aucoin, Giroir, Landry | |
1827 8 Jan/BRDR | Eugène HÉBERT | Acadian | [Marie] Séraphine LANDRY | Hebert, Landry | |
1827 22 Jan/SWLR | Hubert Eufroy LANDRY | Éloise Modeste LE BLANC | Acadian | Bouchereau, Landry, LeBlanc | |
1827 22 Jan/BRDR | Joseph [Vincent] LANDRY (widower) | Reine Eulalie HÉBER (widow) | Acadian | Cantien, Landry, Monte | |
1827 28 Jan/BRDR | Uber GUÉDRY | Acadian | [Marie] Cléonise LANDRY | Babin, Marrois, Maitrejean | |
1827 29 Jan/SWLR | Charles LANDRY | [Adélaïde] Léontine LENORMAND | French Creole | Berard, François, Landry, Lenormand, Paris | |
1827 29 Jan/BRDR | Joseph BABIN | Acadian | Théotiste Basylie LANDRY | Cling, Melançon, Pujos | |
1827 12 Feb/BRDR | Julien LANDRY | Marguerite MARTINEZ | Spanish? | Richard, Rivas, Voisin | |
1827 12 Feb/BRDR | Ubert LANDRY | Azélie SIMONEAU | French Creole | Placencia, Signoret, Simonaud | |
1827 26 Feb/SWLR | Jean Hillaire TAYLOR | Anglo | Adelaide LANDRY | Mire, Traham | |
1827 26 Feb/SWLR | Alexandre BREAUX | Acadian | Magdelaine Lisa LANDRY | Arceneaux, Landry, Thibodeaux | |
1827 26 Feb/BRDR | Dorville LANDRY | [Marie] Aureline DAIGLE | Acadian | Daigle, Landry | |
1827 27 Feb/SWLR | Jean FREDERICK | German Creole? | Marie LANDRY | Mire, Traham | |
1827 19 Mar/SWLR | Zénon DUBOIS | Acadian | Euphémie LANDRY | Dubois, Misonier | |
1827 24 Apr/SWLR | Onézime LANDRY | Acadian | Carmélite LANDRY | Acadian | Broussard, Grange, Landry |
1827 7 May/SWLR | Joseph [Estenville] LANDRY | Acadian | [Marie] Marcelite LANDRY | Acadian | Broussard, St. Julien |
1827 26 Jun/BRDR | Joseph LANDRY | Acadian | Ethelvina [Marie Delphine] LANDRY | Acadian | Comes, Martin, Randall |
1827 23 Jul/BRDR | [Paul] Onésime LANDRY | Magdelaine Clotilde BABIN | Acadian | Babin | |
1827 30 Jul/BRDR | Olivier LANDRY (widower) | Adélaïde BABIN (widow) | Acadian | Babin, Landry | |
1827 30 Jul/SLR | Hubert LANDRY | Ephrosine AUCOIN | Acadian | none listed | |
1827 8 Oct/SWLR | Joseph Alain BOUDROT | Acadian | Rosalie LANDRY (widow) | Amy, Broussard, Landry | |
1827 15 Oct/BRDR | Jean B[aptiste]. LANDRY | Euphrosine BODRO (BOUDREAUX) | Acadian | Blanchard, Landry, Mathe | |
1827 31 Dec/BRDR | Landry Xavier LANDRY | [Marie] Irène TRAHAN | Acadian | Landry, Trahan | |
1828 14 Jan/SWLR | Antoine LANDRY | [Virginie] Clémentine GUIDRY | Acadian | Landry, Mayer, Mouton, Norris | |
1828 15 Jan/SWLR | Joseph HÉBERT | Acadian | Marguerite Carmélite LANDRY | Granger, Landry, Mouton | |
1828 28 Jan/BRDR | Simonette LANDRY | Acadian | Barthilde Céleste LANDRY | Acadian | Babin, Landry |
1828 28 Jan/BRDR | Joseph Mathurin LANDRY | Acadian | Gertrude Militine LANDRY | Acadian | Braud, Comes |
1828 31 Jan/BRDR | Achille LANDRY (widower) | Beatrice HÉBERT | Acadian | Allain, Landry, LeBlanc | |
1828 3 Feb/BRDR | Paul RIVERS | Anglo | Marie Anne LANDRY (widow) | Landry, Richard, Tusson | |
1828 11 Feb/BRDR | Maturin LANDRY (widower) | Éloire HERNANDEZ | Spanish Creole | Braux, Melançon | |
1828 1 May/SWLR | Léon [Valentin] LANDRY | Mélanie ROBICHAUD | Acadian | Begnaud, Broussard, Dupuis | |
1828 18 Aug/BRDR | Maxile BABIN | Acadian | Adeline LANDRY | Babin, Berteau | |
1828 25 Aug/BRDR | Landry LANDRY | Marguerite DAIGRE | Acadian | Daigre, Landry | |
1828 30 Sep/BRDR | Simon Nicolas LANDRY | Marie Élise MELANÇON (wd.) | Acadian | Babin, Melancon | |
1828 1 Dec/SWLR | Silvestre Valmond GIROIR | Acadian | Joséphine LANDRY | Bernard, Boudreaux, Broussard, Giroir, Grange, Landry, Manceaux | |
1828 29 Dec/SWLR | Charles GUÉDRY | Acadian | Caroline LANDRY | Grange, Landry, Melançon, Prejean | |
1828 29 Dec/SWLR | François MEAUX, fils | French Creole | Marguerite Cidalise LANDRY | Grange, Landry, Melançon, Prejean | |
1829 9 Feb/BRDR | Marcellin SIMONEAUX | French Creole | Mélanie LANDRY | Daigle, Landry, Simoneau | |
1829 14 Feb/BRDR | André GOURRIER | Foreign French? | [Marie] Mathilde LANDRY | Landry, LeVeque, Prentiss, Winchester | |
1829 23 Feb/BRDR | Joseph Narcisse TRAHAN | Acadian | [Marie] Eléonore LANDRY | Daigle, Landry, Trahant, Trochant | |
1829 23 Feb/BRDR | Éloi LANDRY[, fils] | [Madeleine] Mathilde TERUAU | Acadian | Dannequin, Godain, Terrio | |
1829 23 Feb/BRDR | Valéry Didier GAUDIN | Acadian | Marie Delphine LANDRY | Dannequin, Godain, Terrio | |
1829 26 Feb/BRDR | Narcisse Pharaon LEBLANC | Acadian | Coralie LANDRY | Blanchard, Braud, Poursine | |
1829 3 Mar/SWLR | Bélsaire LANDRY | Logie Arthémise LEBLANC | Acadian | Ami, Boye, Landry, LeBlanc | |
1829 27 May/SWLR | Joseph Darcourt LANDRY | Marie Louise Euchariste LENORMAND | French Creole | Berard, Labarthe, Landry, Lebesque, Lenormand, Paris, Tertron | |
1829 22 Jun/BRDR | [Joseph] Narcisse LANDRY (widower) | Marie Gérarde COMES (widow) | French Creole | Comes, Landry | |
1829 13 Jul/SLR | Paul Onézime BABIN | Acadian | Mélasie LANDRY | none listed | |
1829 17 Aug/BRDR | Zacharie Jacinte BOUDREAU | Acadian | Marguerite Clémence LANDRY | Duaron, Faite, Landry | |
1829 14 Sep/BRDR | Augustin LANDRY | Maria Felonise DUGAS | Acadian | Berghe, Garcia | |
1829 29 Oct/BRDR | Ulger DUGAS | Acadian | [Anne] Émelie LANDRY | Landry, Lanoix, Melancon | |
1830 3 Jan/BRDR | Joseph GARLICK | Anglo? | Irma LANDRY | none listed | |
1830 4 Jan/BRDR | Victor Béloni LANDRY | Émelie BARILLAU | Acadian | Landry, Simoneau | |
1830 16 Jan/BRDR | Olivier CANCIENNE (wdr.) | Italian Creole | Phelonise LANDRY | Landry | |
1830 18 Jan/BRDR | Lucien ROTH | German Creole? | Marie Mélanie LANDRY | Lanoix, Roth | |
1830 25 Jan/BRDR | [Félix] Jean Baptiste LANDRY (widower) | Anasie Adelina BREAU | Acadian | Braud, Landry | |
1830 25 Jan/BRDR | Treville LANDRY | Adeline FOREST (widow) | Acadian | Broussard, Daigle, Dupuy | |
1830 1 Feb/SLR | Joseph Firmin RICHARD | Acadian | Marie Élisa LANDRY | none listed | |
1830 15 Feb/BRDR | George HARRISON | Anglo | Élise Célestine LANDRY | Babin, Landry | |
1830 12 Apr/BRDR | Ildebert (Philbert) LANDRY | Acadian | Euphémie LANDRY | Acadian | Landry, Michel |
1830 20 Apr/BRDR | Joseph Jules LANDRY | Éloise PICOU | French Creole | Bonicari, Vives | |
1830 10 May/SWLR | Ursin LANDRY | Clémence GRANGER | Acadian | Broussard, Granger, Prejean | |
1830 31 May/BRDR | Pierre BRAUD | Acadian | Françoise Euphrasie LANDRY | Braud, Landry | |
1830 8 Jun/BRDR | Élie HÉBERT | Acadian | Léocade LANDRY | Giroir, Hébert, Landry | |
1830 8 Nov/SWLR | Jean Baptiste SIMON, fils | French Creole | Marie Cidalise LANDRY | Hebert, Simon | |
1830 13 Dec/SWLR | Michel BOURG | Acadian | Marie Phelonise LANDRY | Bourg, Gold, Hébert, Simon | |
1831 10 Jan/SWLR | Éloi DEROUEN | French Creole | Mélanie LANDRY | none listed | |
1831 20 Jan/BRDR | Joseph Auguste LÉVÊQUE | French Creole? | Clarissa Doralis LANDRY | Dupuy, Leveque, Poursine | |
1831 7 Feb/BRDR | Michel LANDRY | Marie [Delphine] GRAVOIS | Acadian | Braud, Hébert, Scudday | |
1831 15 Mar/SLR | Jean Baptiste AUGERON | French Creole? | [Marie] Célestine LANDRY | none listed | |
1831 5 Apr/SWLR | Dosité DUHON | Acadian | [Marie Mathilde] Bertille LANDRY | none listed | |
1831 21 Apr/BRDR | Simon Henry BROUSSARD | Acadian | Anne Joséphine LANDRY | Richard | |
1831 30 May/BRDR | Louis Édouard BOUQUET | Foreign French? | Adèle Désirée LANDRY | Bouquet, Cailler, Hamilton | |
1831 13 Jun/BRDR | Dauphin Pierre AMIRATY | Foreign French? | [Marie] Carmélite LANDRY | Bourdier, Braux, Landry | |
1831 30 Jun/SWLR | Washington KIRKHAM | Anglo? | Felonise LANDRY | none listed | |
1831 18 Jul/BRDR | François[-Marie] LANDRY (wr.) | Marine BABIN | Acadian | Brasset, Gomez, Leblanc, Poupard | |
1831 29 Jul/SWLR | Milton KIRKHAM | Anglo? | Aspasie LANDRY | none listed | |
1831 8 Aug/BRDR | Joseph HÉBERT | Acadian | Arthémise LANDRY | Dupuy, Hébert | |
1831 15 Aug/SWLR | Syphorin COMEAU | Acadian | [Marguerite] Euphémie LANDRY | none listed | |
1831 27 Aug/BRDR | Théodule SAVOY | Acadian | Émelite LANDRY | Giroard, Savoy | |
1831 5 Sep/BRDR | Jean Baptiste PEYTAVIN | French Creole? | Célestine LANDRY | Bourgeois, Marchand, Mirmont, Picoud | |
1831 12 Sep/SWLR | Achille Alexandre LANDRY | Acadian | Élisa LANDRY | Acadian | none listed |
1831 19 Sep/BRDR | Alexandre LANCLOS (wdr.) | French Creole | [Anne] Mélanie LANDRY (wd.) | Hébert, Landry, LeFort | |
1831 26 Sep/BRDR | Jean Casimir LANOUX | Acadian | Marie LANDRY | Gaudin, Hinger, Landry, Picoud | |
1831 25 Oct/BRDR | [Joseph] Achille LANDRY[, fils] | [Marie] Gertrude BLANCHARD | Acadian | Blanchard, Landry, Roman, Seghers | |
1831 3 Nov/BRDR | Anaclet SIMONEAU | French Creole | Constance Rosalie LANDRY | Giroard, Landry, Simoneau | |
1832 9 Jan/SWLR | Hilaire Pelzon [Nelson] BERNARD | Acadian | Marie [Arthémise] LANDRY | none listed | |
1832 5 Mar/SWLR | Lucas DUBOIS | French Creole | Angélique LANDRY | none listed | |
1832 13 Mar/SWLR | Émilien LANDRY | Rosalie LEBLANC | Acadian | none listed | |
1832 25 Apr/SLR | John P. HENDERSON | Anglo | Hélène Rosalie LANDRY | none listed | |
1832 5 May/BRDR | Norbert MELANÇON | Acadian | Marie Barbe LANDRY | Babin, Breaux, Melançon | |
1832 14 May/SLR | Rosémond BOUDRAUX | Acadian | Marie Carmélite LANDRY | none listed | |
1832 21 May/SWLR | Jean GÉRARD | French Creole | Aspasie LANDRY (widow?) | none listed | |
1832 2 Jun/BRDR | Cyrille LANDRY | Marie Marcellite GRAVOIS | Acadian | LeBlanc, Rodriguez | |
1832 4 Jun/SLR | Pierre LANDRY | Melicère/Mélicaire BOURGEOIS | Acadian | none listed | |
1832 13 Aug/BRDR | Manuel Norbert VILLENEUVE | French Creole? | Marcelite [Pélagie] LANDRY (widow) | Braud, Frakman, Landry | |
1832 3 Sep/BRDR | Drausin GRAVOIS | Acadian | Pauline LANDRY | Dugat, Gaudin, Lanoux, Melançon | |
1832 6 Oct/SLR | Alexandre LANDRY | Evelina BERTRAND | Acadian | none listed | |
1832 6 Nov/SWLR | Joseph Adolphe LANDRY | Arthémise LEBLANC | French Creole | none listed | |
1833 17 Jan/BRDR | Jean Baptiste COLON (wdr.) | Spanish Imm.? | Angélique LANDRY (widow) | Foret, Kloss, Landry | |
1833 4 Feb/BRDR | David Hogan JEFFRIES | Anglo | [Marie] Elmire LANDRY | Landry, LeBlanc, Walsh | |
1833 4 Feb/BRDR | Onésime LANDRY | Marceline BREAUD | Acadian | Breaud, Landry | |
1833 22 Apr/SWLR | Urbin BOURGEOIS | Acadian | Olive LANDRY | none listed | |
1833 29 Apr/SWLR | Ursin BERNARD | Acadian | Marguerite [Méline] LANDRY | none listed | |
1833 13 Jun/BRDR | Ignace Vernon DUGAS | Acadian | [Marguerite] Coralie LANDRY | Braud, Landry, Seghers | |
1833 17 Jul/SWLR | François LANDRY | Marguerite René LELEUX | French Creole | none listed | |
1833 29 Jul/BRDR | Jean Baptiste Hilaire BERGERON | French Creole | Marie Amelina LANDRY | Bedat, Clément, Dupuis, Ferbos | |
1833 12 Aug/BRDR | François ROBICHAUD | Acadian | Marie Adelina LANDRY | Landry | |
1833 23 Aug/BRDR | Benjamin Achille LANDRY | Acadian | Aurora LANDRY | Acadian | Hebert, Landry |
1833 23 Aug/BRDR | Alexandre RIVIERE | Foreign French | [Marie] Sophie LANDRY | Hebert, Landry | |
1833 26 Aug/BRDR | Valentin BABIN | Acadian | Clothilde Emérante LANDRY | Babin, Dugas | |
1833 16 Sep/BRDR | Jean Baptiste [Murville] LANDRY | Marie Fidelie DUGAS | Acadian | Dugas, Landry, LeBlanc, Scudday | |
1833 15 Oct/BRDR | Jean François Aimé BERCEGEAY | Belgian French | [Marie] Irène LANDRY | Bercegeay, Dannequin, Hatkinson | |
1833 11 Nov/SWLR | Charles GRANGER[, fils] (wr.) | Acadian | [Marie] Carmélite LANDRY | none listed | |
1833 9 Dec/BRDR | Simon LANDRY | Telcide ARSENEAUX | Acadian | Blanchard, Chambers, Estavan | |
1833 16 Dec/SWLR | Euphrasie [Euphrossie] GUIDRY | Acadian | Eugénie LANDRY | none listed | |
1833 23 Dec/BRDR | Norbert TRAHAN | Acadian | Séraphine LANDRY | Dupuis | |
1833 30 Dec/SWLR | Jean HÉBERT | Acadian | Marie Carmegille LANDRY | none listed | |
1834 2 Jan/BRDR | Jean Baptiste HÉBERT | Acadian | Françoise LANDRY | Landry, Leblanc, Rodriguez | |
1834 27 Jan/BRDR | [Paul] Achille LEBLANC | Acadian | Hortense LANDRY | Landry, Leblanc, Melancon | |
1834 27 Jan/BRDR | Joseph Octave LANDRY | [Marie] Joséphine ORILLION | Acadian | Babin, Duffel, Landry, Seghers | |
1834 4 Feb/SWLR | Onésime LELEUX | French Creole | Carmélite LANDRY | none listed | |
1834 10 Feb/SWLR | Émilien LANDRY | Uranie PREJEAN | Acadian | none listed | |
1834 10 Feb/BRDR | Louis BERNARD dit Dumontier | French Creole | Eléonor [Marie Léonorde] LANDRY | Bernard, Devall | |
1834 9 Mar/BRDR | Édouard DUPUIS | Acadian | Arthémise LANDRY | Clément, Dupuis/Dupuy, LeJean | |
1834 28 Apr/SWLR | Éloy SONNIER | Acadian | Marie LANDRY | none listed | |
1834 30 Apr/BRDR | Rafaël HÉBERT | Acadian | [Marie] Odile LANDRY | Babin, Esnard, Landry, Molaison | |
1834 19 May/BRDR | Eugène BREAUX | Acadian | [Marie] Uranie LANDRY | Breau, Lambremont, Landry | |
1834 31 May/SWLR | Jules PELLERIN | French Creole | [Joséphine] Claire LANDRY | none listed | |
1834 11 Aug/BRDR | Amadéo LANDRY | Acadian | Marie Anne Emma LANDRY | Acadian | Landry, Pedesclaux, Seghers, Vives |
1834 11 Aug/BRDR | Joseph BRUNEAU | French Creole? | Eilène LANDRY | Billings, Dardenne, Tracneau | |
1834 1 Sep/BRDR | Joseph Thommasin LANDRY | Irène [Lucie] Virginie CAPDEVIELLE | French Creole | Braux, Lambremont, Landry | |
1834 22 Sep/BRDR | Ursin Léon Louis LANDRY | Adelina LEBLANC | Acadian | Landry, LeBlanc | |
1834 27 Oct/SWLR | Leufroy SONNIER | Acadian | Françoise Aureline LANDRY | none listed | |
1834 3 Nov/BRDR | Simon ACHEZ | Acadian | Colette LANDRY | none listed | |
1834 27 Nov/BRDR | Pierre Alex MELANÇON | Acadian | [Marie] Pélagie LANDRY | Boudreau, Landry, Louvière, Melancon, Mire, Sarrasin | |
1834 8 Dec/SLR | Hermogène CANTRELLE | French Creole | Marguerite Ophelia LANDRY | none listed | |
1835 12 Jan/SWLR | François Venance LANDRY | Mélanie MONTET | French Creole | none listed | |
1835 26 Jan/BRDR | [Pie] Isidore LANDRY | Élizabeth GAUTREAUX | Acadian | Braud, Landry | |
1835 26 Jan/BRDR | Elien GAUTREAUX | Acadian | Roslie Ursule LANDRY | Braud, Landry | |
1835 9 Feb/BRDR | François SEGUIN | Spanish? French? | Céleste LANDRY | Doiron, Dupuy, Landry | |
1835 23 Feb/SWLR | Maximilien TRAHAN | Acadian | Marie Olive LANDRY | none listed | |
1835 23 Feb/BRDR | Casimier BOUDREU | Acadian | [Marie] Henrietta LANDRY | Landry, LeBlanc, Malançon | |
1835 23 Feb/BRDR | Emérent Jean LANDRY | Acadian | Philonise Barbe LANDRY | Acadian | Branoe, Commeau, Landry, LeBlanc |
1835 23 Feb/BRDR | Jean Jacques LEBLANC | Acadian | Marie [Madeleine?] LANDRY | Landry, LeBlanc, Melançon | |
1835 4 May/BRDR | Rosémond FORET | Acadian | [Estelle or Stella] Eliza LANDRY | Charlet, Foret, Landri/Landry | |
1835 5 May/SWLR | Clet LANDRY | Acadian | Adélaïde LANDRY (widow) | Acadian | none listed |
1835 18 May/SWLR | Éloy LANDRY[, fils] | Acadian | [Marie Mathilde] Bertille LANDRY (widow) | Acadian | none listed |
1835 6 Jul/SWLR | Alexandre Victorin LANDRY | Adèle LENORMAND | French Creole | none listed | |
1835 27 Jul/BRDR | Joseph Silver LANDRY | Rosaline REBRE [WEBRE] | German Creole? | Bourgeois, Hubbard, Landry, Rebre, Simonaud | |
1835 6 Aug/SWLR | Siphroyen GAUTRAU | Acadian | Marie Hirène LANDRY | none listed | |
1835 8 Aug/BRDR | Eugène LANDRY | Marguerite Adriènne HÉBERT | Acadian | Buford, Landry, Pickett | |
1835 17 Aug/SWLR | Charles BREAUX | Acadian | Adélaïde LANDRY | none listed | |
1835 17 Aug/BRDR | Drosin LANDRY | Émelie GRAVOIS (widow) | Acadian | Bourgeois, Gravois, Landry, Leblanc, Plante, Savoy | |
1835 14 Sep/SWLR | André [Basile] LANDRY (wdr) | Marie Céline CAILLER | French Creole? | none listed | |
1835 28 Sep/BRDR | Henry LANDRY (widower) | Coralie Mélanie Azélie BOURG | Acadian | Bourg, Landry | |
1835 5 Oct/BRDR | Édouard DUFFEL | French Creole? | Marie Désirée LANDRY | Landry, Reynaud, Seghers, Taylor, Turgeau | |
1835 9 Oct/BRDR | Léon BABIN | Acadian | Elisa LANDRY | Babin. Landry, LeBlanc | |
1835 27 Oct/BRDR | François TOLMER | Anglo? | Clémentine LANDRY | Bares, Braud, Quesergue | |
1835 7 Dec/BRDR | Joseph LANDRY | Marguerite Élise FRYOUX | French Creole | Friou, Landry, Penisson | |
1835 31 Dec/BRDR | Hildebert LANDRY (wdr.) | Clémence DESORMEAUX | French Creole | Keller, Landry, Poché | |
1836 18 Jan/BRDR | Joseph François LANDRY | Acadian | Marie Mélanie LANDRY | Acadian | Guidry, Landry |
1836 25 Jan/BRDR | Louis Erville LANDRY | Jeanne Elina ROBERT | French Creole? | Blanchard, Braux, Landry, Robert | |
1836 8 Feb/BRDR | Valéry LANDRY | Emérence BLANCHARD | Acadian | Blanchard, Landry | |
1836 16 Feb/BRDR | Jean LANDRY | Mélanie DUGAS | Acadian | Duga, Hamilton, Landry | |
1836 4 Apr/SWLR | Béllony BROUSSARD | Acadian | Joséphine LANDRY | none listed | |
1836 11 Apr/BRDR | Paul FERBOSE | French Creole? | [Marie] Sidalise LANDRY | Hebert, Vaught | |
1836 31 May/BRDR | Antoine VIVES | French? Spanish? | [Marie] Elizabeth LANDRY | Butterly, Landry, Nicholls, Pedesclaux | |
1836 31 May/BRDR | Peter BUTTERLY | Irish Imm. | Marie Azélie LANDRY | Boyd, Duffel, Landry, Nicholls, Pedesclaux, Phelps, Scott, Vives | |
1836 28 Jun/SWLR | Jean Joachim LANDRY | Marguerite Carmélite COHEN | French Creole? | none listed | |
1836 4 Jul/BRDR | Jean Baptiste LANDRY | Marie Aureline BABIN | Acadian | Babin, Braud, Dugas | |
1836 1 Aug/SWLR | Jean Baptiste LANDRY | Marie Azélie COMEAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1836 22 Aug/SWLR | Désiré LANDRY | Marie Méligère LAFENETRE | French Creole? | none listed | |
1836 27 Sep/BRDR | St. Julien TURNILLON | French Creole? | Marie Arthémise LANDRY | Brown, Kenner, Landry, Trist | |
1836 5 Oct/BRDR | Albert DUFFEL | French Creole? | Félicité Louise LANDRY | Duffel, Landry, Turgeau, Winchester | |
1836 28 Nov/SWLR | Jean Baptiste Depire COMEAUX | Acadian | [Marie] Céleste LANDRY | none listed | |
1836 26 Dec/BRDR | Olivier Valsin LAVERGNE (wr.) | French Creole | [Marie] Delphine LANDRY (w.) | Dannequin, Hatkinson, Landry, Richard Terrio | |
1836 27 Dec/BRDR | Benjamin Achille LANDRY (wr.) | Pauline Cécile BREAUX | Acadian | Breaux, Lambremont, Landry | |
1837 9 Jan/BRDR | Grégoire LANDRY (widower) | Françoise AUCOIN (widow) | Acadian | Hebert, Landry, Marquet | |
1837 9 Jan/BRDR | Raphaël Cyprien LANDRY | Marie Apolline LUCENTY | French Creole? | Bertaud, Braud, Gravois, Landry | |
1837 19 Jan/BRDR | Joseph Antoine FALCON | Spanish Creole? | Rosalie LANDRY (widow) | Esteve, Richard, Rivero | |
1837 23 Jan/BRDR | Joseph Simon GAUTRAUX | Acadian | Marie Célestine LANDRY | Fernandes, Gautraux/Gautreau, Landry, Leblanc | |
1837 30 Jan/SWLR | Maximilien LANDRY, fils | Marie Marcelite TRAHAN | Acadian | none listed | |
1837 30 Jan/BRDR | Dorcino BOURG | Acadian | Marie Lucie LANDRY | Bourg, Charlet, Foret, Hagu, Landry | |
1837 5 Feb/BRDR | Félix HÉBERT | Acadian | Élize Dometille LANDRY | Blanchard, Hébert, Landry, Melançon, Savoy | |
1837 6 Feb/SWLR | Venence LANDRY | Cléonide GRANGER | Acadian | none listed | |
1837 6 Feb/BRDR | Anselme LANDRY | Acadian | Magdeleine Joséphine LANDRY | Acadian | Cuvoioto, LeBlanc, Melançon |
1837 7 Feb/BRDR | Joseph Jules LANDRY (wdr.) | Marie Aimée BLANCHARD | Acadian | Blanchard, Bjuol, Poursine | |
1837 27 Mar/BRDR | Onésime LABAUVE | Acadian | Doralis[e] LANDRY | Blanchard, Hébert, Landry | |
1837 3 Apr/BRDR | Thomas P. VAUGHN | Anglo | Aureline [Marie Adeline?]LANDRY | Johnson, Landry | |
1837 6 Apr/BRDR | Charles BOLOT | French Creole? | Marie Azélie LANDRY | Arseneaux, Landry | |
1837 27 Apr/SWLR | Adolphe RICHARD | Acadian | Azéma LANDRY | none listed | |
1837 12 Jun/BRDR | Rosémond LEBLANC | Acadian | [Thérèse] Mélanie LANDRY | Dugas, Landry, Leblanc, Savoie | |
1837 17 Jul/SWLR | Édouard LANDRY | Julie LE BLANC | Acadian | none listed | |
1837 4 Sep/SLR | Edmond LANDRY | Melicière SAVOIE/SAVOIS | Acadian | none listed | |
1837 4 Sep/BRDR | Hermogène LANDRY | Estelle LE BLANC | Acadian | Babin. Leblanc, Walsh | |
1837 9 Sep/SWLR | Maximilien TRAHAN | Acadian | Marie Zéonide LANDRY | none listed | |
1837 11 Sep/BRDR | Romain [Dufossard] LANDRY | Marie Émelie LEBLANC | Acadian | Daigle, Fernandez, Gautreaux, Gonzales, Landry, Leblanc, Melançon, Savoy | |
1837 20 Sep/SWLR | Hypolite LANDRY | Marie Azélie VALLEAUX | French Creole? | none listed | |
1837 27 Nov/BRDR | Bonaventure Jean GONZALES | Spanish? | Marie Josèphe Solange LANDRY | Diez, Gonsales/Gonzales, Landry | |
1837 30 Dec/BRDR | Drauzin ALLAIN (widower) | Acadian | [Marie] Clémence LANDRY | Allain, Landry, Pujol | |
1838 1 Jan/BRDR | Vincent LANDRY | Élise ARSENEAU | Acadian | Arseneau, Bolot, Landry, Riche | |
1838 8 Jan/SWLR | Camille LANDRY | Clémentine DUGAS | Acadian | none listed | |
1838 22 Jan/SWLR | Émilien PREJEAN | Acadian | Anastasie Mélazie LANDRY | none listed | |
1838 22 Jan/BRDR | Auguste AUCOIN | Acadian | Estelle LANDRY | Charlet, Collins, deLaune, Foret, Landry, Tardif | |
1838 29 Jan/BRDR | Antoine Valéry BABIN | Acadian | Élizabeth Delphine LANDRY | Babin, Landry | |
1838 24 Apr/BRDR | Honoré BABIN | Acadian | Marie Mathilde LANDRY | Landry | |
1838 7 May/BRDR | Lufroi GUÉDRY | Acadian | [Marie] Eléonore LANDRY | Dugas, Landry | |
1838 15 May/BRDR | J. Adélard BRAUD | Acadian | [Marie] Henrietta LANDRY | Dugas, Landry, Martin, Pedesclaux | |
1838 10 Jun/BRDR | Arvilien RIVET | Acadian | Roseline LANDRY | Breaux, Landry, Rivet | |
1838 16 Jul/SLR | Hubert Eustache LANDRY | Pélagie BOUDRAUX/BOUDREAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1838 17 Jul/SWLR | Gilbert SONIER (widower?) | Acadian | Elisa [Madeleine Lise?] LANDRY (widow?) | none listed | |
1838 19 Jul/BRDR | Jules VIVES | Spanish Creole? | [Louise] Ludevine LANDRY (wd.) | Babin, O'Keefe, Pujol | |
1838 30 Jul/BRDR | Mercelin [Séverin] LANDRY (widower) | Adélaïde DUPUIS (widow) | Acadian | Daigle, Dupuis, Moreau, Savoy | |
1838 31 Jul/SLR | Jean CONSTANCE | French-Sicilian | Louise Azéma LANDRY | none listed | |
1838 21 Aug/BRDR | Joseph Aristide LANDRY | Acadian | Anne Estelle LANDRY | Acadian | Green, Landry, Martin, Pedesclaux |
1838 24 Sep/BRDR | Louis Dorval LANDRY | Modeste Adeline CAPDEVIELLE | French Creole | Capdevielle, Landry, Mollere, Richard | |
1839 7 Jan/BRDR | Dorville BREAUX (widower) | Acadian | Marie Caroline LANDRY (widow) | Braud, Landry | |
1839 16 Jan/SWLR | Benjamin F. PREWETT | Anglo | Louisa LANDRY | none listed | |
1839 22 Jan/BRDR | Onisime LEBLANC | Acadian | Émelie LANDRY | Blouin, LeBlanc, Melancon | |
1839 29 Jan/BRDR | Jacques TROXLER | German Creole | Marie Serazine LANDRY | Dehon, Greaux, Landry, Troxler | |
1839 11 Feb/SWLR | Armand HULOT | French Creole? | Françoise Elidoris LANDRY | none listed | |
1839 11 Feb/BRDR | Pierre [Arsène] THIBODEAUX | Acadian | Delvina [Adeline Marie?] LANDRY | Babin, Leblanc | |
1839 25 Feb/BRDR | Jean Raphaël LANDRY (wdr.) | Marie Pélagie THIBODEAUX | Acadian | Barbier, Guillot, Richard | |
1839 25 Mar/BRDR | Bernard CAPDEVILLE (wr.) | French Creole | Marie Virginia LANDRY | Dehon, Landry | |
1839 1 Apr/BRDR | Lucien LANDRY | Marie Magdeleine Delphine LE BLANC | Acadian | Dutton, Landry, LeBlanc | |
1839 8 Apr/BRDR | Charles GROSS | French? Anglo? | Elizabeth LANDRY | Fernandez, Landry, Stallerie, Strop | |
1839 22 Apr/BRDR | Clément Constant DEHON [DUHON] | Acadian | Juliette LANDRY | Charlet, Dehon, Henry, Landry | |
1839 3 Jun/SLR | Séverin LANDRY | Julienne MELANÇON | Acadian | none listed | |
1839 3 Jun/BRDR | Léger Valsin LANDRY | Aspasie GRÉGOIRE | French Creole? | Landry | |
1839 11 Jun/BRDR | Joseph Valentine LANDRY | Acadian | Christine Élizabeth LANDRY | Acadian | Babin, Bujol, Landry, LeBlanc |
1839 17 Jun/BRDR | Germain [Valéry] LEBLANC | Acadian | [Marguerite] Élina LANDRY | Landry, Leblanc, Petit | |
1839 24 Jun/SWLR | Philemond LANDRY | Cydalise VINCENT | Acadian | none listed | |
1839 27 Jun/BRDR | Amédée BUJOL | Acadian | Adèle LANDRY | Bujol, Poursine | |
1839 9 Sep/SWLR | Émile LANDRY | Aspasie RICHARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1839 23 Sep/SWLR | Joseph GUIDRY | Acadian | Marie Oliva LANDRY | none listed | |
1839 14 Oct/SWLR | Onésime/Onézime LANDRY | Azélie Marie LAVERGNE | French Can. | none listed | |
1839 22 Oct/BRDR | Norbert LANDRY | Acadian | Elisa [Cécile] LANDRY | Acadian | Babin, Dugas, Landry |
1839 30 Dec/SWLR | Jean DUHON | Acadian | Eugénie LANDRY | none listed | |
1840 16 Jan/BRDR | Marcellin LANDRY | Clémentine DUPRÉS | French Creole? | Hébert, Landry, Templet | |
1840 20 Jan/BRDR | Lucien LANDRY | Marie Aurora MARROY | Italian Creole? | Babin, Guidry, Landry | |
1840 27 Jan/SWLR | St. Claire LANDRY | Laissin SIMON | French Creole | none listed | |
1840 3 Feb/SWLR | Hilaire LANDRY | Marie Emetile BELL (widow) | Anglo | none listed | |
1840 3 Feb/BRDR | [Joseph] Nicolas LANDRY[, fils] | Marie SUAREZ | Spanish Creole? | Guidry, Landry, Rivette | |
1840 11 Feb/BRDR | Adélard LANDRY | Marie Ursule GAUDIN | Acadian | Babin, Boudreaux, Bujol, Landry | |
1840 17 Feb/SWLR | Éloy BENOIT | Acadian | Clémentine LANDRY | none listed | |
1840 2 Mar/BRDR | François VILLARD | French Creole? | Marguerite Sidolis LANDRY (widow) | Landry | |
1840 29 Apr/BRDR | James P. BINGAY | Anglo? | [Françoise] Antoinette LANDRY | Bouquet, Braud, Robertson | |
1840 30 Apr/SWLR | Charles Amédée GAUTHIER | Foreign French | Louise Estelle LANDRY | none listed | |
1840 7 May/BRDR | Augustin LANDRY[, fils] | Gertrude DUPUIS | Acadian | Friou, Landry | |
1840 19 May/BRDR | Raphaël Jacques BABIN | Acadian | Euphémie LANDRY | Babin, Boudreaux, Hébert, Landry | |
1840 22 Jun/BRDR | Adolphe LANDRY | Acadian | Marie Célestine LANDRY | Acadian | Breaux, Gallaugher, Landry |
1840 29 Jun/BRDR | Antonio GONZALES | Spanish Creole? | Alaude [Marie Josèphe Marguerite Adélaïde Isabelle?] LANDRY | Corbo, Gonzales, Landry | |
1841 10 Feb/BRDR | Jacob Haight MORRISON | Anglo | Marie Corine LANDRY | Barthélémy, Boullier, Boyd, Foley, Landry, Leblanc, McCall, Smith, Templet | |
1841 22 Feb/BRDR | Drausin [Libois] LANDRY | Émelie LE BLANC (widow) | Acadian | Babin, Boudreau, Dugas, Grégoise, Leblanc, Smith, Tausson | |
1841 12 Apr/BRDR | Charles Désiré BOGUET (wdr.) | Foreign French | Adélayde LANDRY | Guillot | |
1841 26 Apr/SWLR | Zénon LANDRY | Oliva COMEAU | Acadian | none listed | |
1841 10 May/BRDR | Jean Baptiste DESCOTEAUX (widower) | French Creole? | [Marie] Mathilde LANDRY (widow) | Babin, Bercegeay, Duplessis, Landry | |
1841 31 May/SWLR | Norbert LANDRY | Acadian | Marie Émilie LANDRY | Acadian | none listed |
1841 13 Jun/SLR | Magloire HENRY | Acadian | Eulalie LANDRY | none listed | |
1841 21 Jun/BRDR | Hubert [Marin] LANDRY (wr.) | Victorie LE BLANC | Acadian | Babin, Breaud, Dugas, Landry, LeBlanc | |
1841 19 Jul/SLR | Marcelin Basile HENRI/HENRY | Acadian | [Gertrude] Madeleine LANDRY | none listed | |
1841 19 Jul/BRDR | Joachin COX | Anglo | Marie Virginia LANDRY | Breaux, Daigre, Godefroy, Henry | |
1841 3 Aug/BRDR | Augustin Mederique TEMPLET | Acadian | Marie Désirée LANDRY | Braud, Dugas, Landry, Hutchinson, Morrison, Nicholls, Pedesclaux, Richardson, Sims, Terrio | |
1841 23 Aug/SLR | Basile LANDRY | Pauline NAQUIN | Acadian | none listed | |
1841 13 Sep/SWLR | Julien BRASSEUR/BRAKENS | Acadian | Louise LANDRY (widow) | none listed | |
1841 27 Sep/BRDR | Pierre Théodule LANDRY | Marie Alvina GAUDET | Acadian | Cottman, Landry, Nicholls, Reynaud, Solomon, Tournillon | |
1841 12 Oct/BRDR | Dorcino LANDRY | Acadian | [Marie] Elesile LANDRY | Acadian | Fernandez, Landry, Leblanc |
1841 30 Oct/BRDR | Numa Jean MARTIN | Foreign French | Marie Irma LANDRY | Duffel, Judice, Lacroix, Landry, Leveque, Martin, Materre, Tournillon | |
1841 22 Nov/BRDR | Landry LANDRY | Azéline SIMONEAUX | French Creole | Landry, Simaumeaux/Simoneaux | |
1841 2 Dec/BRDR | Éli LANDRY (widower) | Azélie LE BLANC (widow) | Acadian | Plaughaus, Rousseau | |
1841 20 Dec/SWLR | Pierre LANDRY[, fils] | Marie Asélie COMEAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1841 28 Dec/BRDR | Joseph SIMONEAU | French Creole | Angelina LANDRY | Falcon, Landry | |
1842 27 Jan/SWLR | Terville LANDRY | Marie Irma SEGURA | Spanish Creole | none listed | |
1842 1 Feb/SWLR | Honoré/Henne TRAHAN | Acadian | Marguerite LANDRY | none listed | |
1842 7 Feb/SLR | Ursin LANDRY | Rosalie ROUSSEAU | French Creole | none listed | |
1842 7 Feb/BRDR | Hermogène Séverin LANDRY | Zulmé Catherine FERNANDEZ | Spanish Creole? | Belton, Fernandez, Landry, Leblanc, Vela | |
1842 7 Feb/BRDR | Albert ALLAIN | Acadian | Marie Elisa LANDRY | Allain, Breaux, Landry | |
1842 10 Feb/SLR | Jacques LANDRY | Clotilde BOUDREAUX/BOUDRAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1842 4 Apr/BRDR | Stillman HARVEY | Anglo | [Marie] Clothilda LANDRY | Harvey, Landry | |
1842 18 Apr/BRDR | Treville LANDRY | Clarisse BLANCHARD | Acadian | Blanchard, Crochet, Landry | |
1842 2 May/BRDR | Eméran Joseph SIMONEAUX | French Creole | [Marie] Élizabeth LANDRY | Landry, LeBlanc, Simonaud | |
1842 13 Jun/BRDR | Pierre Timoléon HÉBERT | Acadian | [Marie] Gertrude LANDRY | Allain, Arceneaux, Babin, Braud, Caives, Lacave, Walsh | |
1842 13 Sep/BRDR | Leger Valsin LANDRY (wdr.) | Madelaine BABIN (widow) | Acadian | Bourdier, Grégoire, Landry | |
1842 20 Sep/BRDR | André REGAUFFRE | Foreign French | Éliza LANDRY (widow) | Arbonneaux, Bourdier, Broussard, Bujol, Dauphine, Dugas, Grégoire, Guegou, Landry, Leblanc, Pascales, Picou, Roman | |
1842 3 Oct/SWLR | Philemon BROUSSARD | Acadian | Anastasie LANDRY | none listed | |
1843 2 Feb/SWLR | Théodule DELCAMBRE | Foreign French | Marie Azélie LANDRY | none listed | |
1843 9 Feb/BRDR | Auguste Dorcinie LANDRY | Marie Rosella BRAUD | Acadian | Braud/Braus, Dugas, Landry, Telles, Terrio | |
1843 9 Feb/BRDR | Amédée BOURG | Acadian | Célestine LANDRY (widow) | Braud, Chauvin, Dubourg, LeBlanc, Melançon, Richard, Sarazin | |
1843 20 Feb/SWLR | Pierre Louis DOVIER | French Creole? | Marguerite LANDRY (widow) | none listed | |
1843 25 Feb/BRDR | Achille LANDRY[, fils] (wdr.) | Aureline BLANCHARD | Acadian | Allain, Boissac, Broussard, Delaune, Landry | |
1843 8 Apr/SLR | Zéfirain/Zéphirin DUPRÉ | French Creole | Marguerite Anaïse LANDRY | none listed | |
1843 25 Apr/SLR | Jean Baptiste AUGERON | French Creole? | Célestine LANDRY | none listed | |
1843 25 Apr/BRDR | Pierre Luc DUFRESNE | French Creole | Mathilde [Claire] LANDRY | Comau, Daigre, Dufresne, Landry | |
1843 8 May/BRDR | Séverin BRAUD | Acadian | [Marie] Sarazine/Seraine LANDRY | Braud, Guédry, Imbeaux | |
1843 9 May/BRDR | Jean Baptiste HÉBERT | Acadian | Marie Alzina LANDRY | Babin, Braud, Gaudin, Hébert, Landry, Savois | |
1843 5 Jun/SWLR | Florentin BOURG | Acadian | Delphine LANDRY | none listed | |
1843 19 Jun/BRDR | Firmin Davat LANDRY (wdr.) | Acadian | Marie Joséphine LANDRY | Acadian | Commeaux, Duplessi, Gallaugher, Landry |
1843 10 Jul/BRDR | Sylvanie BOURQUE | Acadian | [Marguerite] Doralise LANDRY | Babin, Guédry | |
1843 10 Jul/BRDR | Maglorie [Magloire] LANDRY | Marie Dulcinée LAMBREMONT | French Creole | Breaud/Breaux, Lambremont, Landry, Marchand, Sigur | |
1843 28 Aug/SWLR | Onézime LEBLANC | Acadian | Adélaïde LANDRY | none listed | |
1843 16 Oct/BRDR | Auguste LÉVÊQUE (widower) | French Creole? | Basilide LANDRY | Bujol, Brogard, Landry, Whallen | |
1843 28 Oct/BRDR | John ROBERSON | Anglo | Marguerite Émilie LANDRY | Bourdier, Boze, Braud, Kuchman, Landry, Moller, Richard, Roberson | |
1843 20 Nov/BRDR | Théodule MOLAISON | Acadian | Victorine LANDRY | Brogard, Cerron, Hébert, Landry, Molaison, Vaughn | |
1844 15 Jan/BRDR | Joseph Narcisse LANDRY | Estelle BERNARD [du Montier] | French Creole | Blanchard, Hébert, Landry, Leblanc, Vaughn | |
1844 23 Jan/BRDR | Louis BOUCHEROU | French Creole? | [Marie] Noémie LANDRY | Blanchard, Bouchereau, Comes, Degre, Landry, Leblanc, Templet | |
1844 5 Feb/BRDR | Destival BABIN | Acadian | Marceline LANDRY (widow) | Babin, Hébert | |
1844 12 Feb/SWLR | Louis DELCAMBRE | Foreign French | Adélaïde LANDRY | none listed | |
1844 12 Feb/BRDR | Jean Théodule DELAUNE | Acadian | Armelise Rose LANDRY | Blanchard, Boissac, Delaune, Dupuy, Landry, Tusson | |
1844 15 Feb/BRDR | Onésime LANDRY (widower) | Rosalie CAPDEVEILLE (w.) | French Creole | Landry | |
1844 19 Feb/BRDR | Armogène BABIN | Acadian | Célestine LANDRY | Babin, Blanchard, Hebert, Landry, Leblanc, Molaison, Riga | |
1844 16 Apr/BRDR | Joseph Gustave LANDRY | Rosalie Eliska MIRE | Acadian | Barras, Beanney, Duffel, Gaudet, Hébert, Johnson, Landry, LeBlanc, Mire, Nicholls, Owens, Pedesclaux, Pinele, Repp | |
1844 18 Apr/BRDR | Jean LANDRY | [Marie] Elina CONRAD | German Creole? | Grabert, Landry | |
1844 30 Apr/BRDR | Norbert TEMPLET/TEMPLAIT | Acadian | Augustine Margaret/Margaret Augustine LANDRY | Landry | |
1844 13 May/BRDR | Gédéon HÉBERT | Acadian | Céleste LANDRY | Hebert, Landry, Marisot | |
1844 15 May/SWLR | Thelesphore LANDRY | Pamela LE BLANC | Acadian | none listed | |
1844 18 Jun/SWLR | Victor LANDRY | Marie Azélie/Asélia HÉBERT | Acadian | none listed | |
1844 10 Aug/BRDR | Lucien CHARLET | French Creole? | Emma LANDRY | Charlet, Dugas | |
1844 27 Aug/BRDR | Ives Jean Baptiste LANDRY | Delphine Denise BARBIER | French Creole? | Charlet, Martin, Tausine | |
1844 9 Sep/BRDR | Valmont FERBOS | French Creole? | Arthémise LANDRY (widow) | Beichade, Hébert | |
1844 21 Oct/BRDR | Silvany LANDRY | Élizabeth LEBLANC | Acadian | Guédry, Landry, LeBlanc | |
1844 25 Nov/SWLR | Camille BROUSSARD | Acadian | Marie Fanelie LANDRY | none listed | |
1844 16 Dec/SWLR | Gérard LANDRY | Mélanie BROUSSARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1845 28 Jan/BRDR | Jean Rosémond LANDRY | Marie Antoinette HÉBERT | Acadian | Boze, Braud/Braux, Hatkinson, Hébert, Landry, Leblanc, Mollere, Nicholls, Tusson, Williams | |
1845 29 Jan/BRDR | Donat LANDRY[, fils] | Victorine RICHARD | Acadian | Gravois, Grégoire, Legender, Melancon | |
1845 4 Apr/SWLR | Don/Dom Louis GARRIE/GARRIG | Spanish Creole | Éloise/Louise LANDRY | none listed | |
1845 14 Apr/SWLR | Cyphroyen/Symphorien LANDRY | Estelle Vina GRANGER | Acadian | none listed | |
1845 5 May/BRDR | Arsène CROCHAIT | Acadian | Batilde LANDRY | Dugas, Landry, Mendez | |
1845 6 May/BRDR | Luc DUGAS | Acadian | Aureline LANDRY | Dugas, Landry | |
1845 25 May/BRDR | Vallière LANDRY | Acadian | [Marie] Adèle LANDRY | Acadian | Belein, Foret, Hébert |
1845 7 Jul/BRDR | Valsin MELANÇON | Acadian | Carmélite LANDRY | Bourg, Gravois, Melançon, Richard | |
1845 22 Jul/BRDR | Pierre Arthur HATKINSON | Anglo | [Marie] Aurela LANDRY | Bourdier, Landry, Nicholls, Terio | |
1845 9 Sep/BRDR | Valsin LANDRY | Rosa LE BLANC | Acadian | Fornier, Mendez, Pugh | |
1845 15 Sep/BRDR | Eugène LANDRY | Constance RICHARD | Acadian | Blanchard, LeBlanc, Romagosa | |
1845 29 Dec/BRDR | [Terence] Prudens LANDRY | Joséphine LEBLANC | Acadian | Landry, Langlois | |
1845 30 Dec/BRDR | Marcellin LANDRY | Victorie Célina DAIGRE | Acadian | Daigre, Hébert, Landry, Rils | |
1846 12 Jan/SLR | W. Joseph HÉBERT | Acadian | [Marie] Mathilde LANDRY | none listed | |
1846 14 Jan/BRDR | Joseph Théodule LANDRY | Acadian | Marie Manette LANDRY | Acadian | Dorsey, Duffels, Landry, Monisaux, Nicholls, Pedesclaux, Reynaud, Vives, Winchester |
1846 20 Jan/BRDR | François Joseph BUJOL | Acadian | Irma LANDRY | Bujol, Landry, Leveque, Molaison, Schlatte | |
1846 29 Jan/BRDR | Pierre LANDRY | Acadian | Eléonore LANDRY (widow) | Acadian | Blanchard, Landry |
1846 30 Jan/BRDR | Joseph HENRY (widower) | Acadian | Marie Azélie LANDRY (wd.) | Babin, Commeaux, Heude | |
1846 8 Feb/BRDR | Gerville BREAUD | Acadian | Hélène [Marie Ovide Élina] LANDRY | Gagne, Guédry, LeBlanc | |
1846 13 Apr/SWLR | Édouard COMEAU, Sr. (wdr.) | Acadian | [Marie] Carmélite LANDRY (w.) | none listed | |
1846 21 Apr/SWLR | Jean Beauville LANDRY | Clémentine HÉBERT | Acadian | none listed | |
1846 25 May/SWLR | Alphonse LANDRY | Amelia MELANÇON | Acadian | none listed | |
1846 22 Jul/BRDR | Michel Drausin GAUDET | Acadian | Marie Célestine LANDRY | Badie, Braud, Gaudet, Hébert, Landry, Terio, Winchester | |
1846 2 Aug/SLR | Raphaël LANDRY | Clémence RIGAUD | French Creole? | none listed | |
1846 19 Aug/SLR | Valéry BOUTARIE/BOUTARY | French Creole? | Felonise LANDRY | none listed | |
1847 18 Jan/BRDR | Trazimond COMAU | Acadian | Marie Domitille LANDRY | Aillet, Comeau/Comeaux, Landry | |
1847 25 Jan/SWLR | Norbert HÉBERT | Acadian | Advelia LANDRY | none listed | |
1847 25 Jan/BRDR | Ignace LEBLANC | Acadian | Azéma LANDRY | Landry | |
1847 6 Feb/BRDR | [Jean?] Eugène FERAY | Foreign French | [Marie] Célestine LANDRY (w.) | Feray, Guédry, Sornier | |
1847 8 Feb/BRDR | Jean Baptiste ENGER | German? | Aima LANDRY | Gaslin, LeBlanc, Serret | |
1847 9 Feb/BRDR | Joseph Aristide LANDRY (widower) | Acadian | Marie Anne Nesida LANDRY | Acadian | Barthélémy, Duffel, Dugas, Eaton, Landry, Martin, Nicholls, Pedesclaux, Simon |
1847 10 Feb/BRDR | Pierre PATUREAUX | Foreign French | Emma LANDRY | Comaux, Durcino, Landry, Patureaux | |
1847 15 Feb/BRDR | Joseph RODRIGUEZ | Spanish Creole? | [Marie] Élisa LANDRY | Belanzat, Garcia, Rodriguez | |
1847 5 Apr/BRDR | Lucien SIMONEAUX | French Creole | Aurelia LANDRY | Agnerio, Landry, LeBlanc, Mollere | |
1847 5 Apr/BRDR | Joseph LANDRY | Acadian | [Augustine] Pamela LANDRY | Acadian | Blanchard, Templet |
1847 20 Apr/BRDR | Marcellin MELANÇON | Acadian | Marie Élizabeth LANDRY | Chase, Comaux/Comeau, Landry, Leblanc, Lessard, Melançon, Richard | |
1847 5 May/BRDR | Dormeville LANDRY | Acadian | Alsina LANDRY | Acadian | Landry |
1847 11 May/BRDR | Philippe L. LANDRY | Marguerite Narcissa Estelle PEDESCLAUX | Spanish Creole | Barthélémy, Gaudin, Landry, Nicholls, Pedesclaux, Renaud, Vives | |
1847 17 May/SWLR | Euclide SIMON | French Creole | Marie Sidalise LANDRY | none listed | |
1847 25 May/SWLR | Emérand/Emérant LANDRY | Adélaïde ROY | French Can. | none listed | |
1847 21 Jul/BRDR | Joseph [Victor] LANDRY | Roseline AUCOIN | Acadian | Boudreaux, Cumez, Landry | |
1847 12 Oct/BRDR | Bienvenue LANDRY | Laurenza CAPDEVILLE | French Creole | LeBlanc, Mollère | |
1847 29 Nov/SWLR | Valsin VINCENT | Acadian | Joséphine LANDRY | none listed | |
1847 28 Dec/BRDR | Michel RICHARD, Jr. | Acadian | [Madeleine] Laura LANDRY | Babin, Besson, Dugas, Landry, Leblanc, Richard, Sadec | |
1848 25 Jan/BRDR | Léon STRONG | Anglo | Madelaine LANDRY | Cransat, Landry, Mecke, Pivquet, Ricard, Rosalia | |
1848 26 Jan/BRDR | François Amadéo LANDRY (widower) | Marie Louise MIRE | Acadian | Arceneaux, Badie, Eaton, Gaudet, Landry, Mire | |
1848 31 Jan/BRDR | Valérien LANDRY[, fils] | Mathilde DAIGLE | Acadian | Barthélémy, Hébert, Landry | |
1848 12 Feb/BRDR | Narcisse Pharon LANDRY | Marguerite Coralie LEBLANC | Acadian | Babin, Dugas, Landry, LeBlanc, Richard | |
1848 14 Feb/BRDR | Lovency LANDRY | Célestine BOURG | Acadian | Blanchard, Bourg, Mendez | |
1848 15 Feb/BRDR | Francisco Zavier Louis Pizarro MARTINEZ | Spanish Creole? | Marine Victorine LANDRY | Bernard, Landry, Vaughan | |
1848 21 Feb/SLR | Aurelien LANDRY | Marceline DESTRIVAL/DUTREVAL | French Creole? | none listed | |
1848 29 Feb/BRDR | J. Léon GOTHREAU | Acadian | Emma Hélène LANDRY | Commeau, Gauthreaux, Guédry, Landry, LeBlanc, Verret | |
1848 20 Mar/BRDR | Treville HÉBERT | Acadian | Pauline LANDRY | Hebert, Labauve | |
1848 24 Apr/BRDR | Joseph Octave LANDRY | Emma ALEXANDRY | French Creole? | Alexandry, Landry | |
1848 25 Apr/BRDR | J[oseph]. Jules LANDRY (wdr.) | Carmélite LEBLANC (wd.) | Acadian | Buquoi, Comstock, Lafargue, Landry, LeBlanc | |
1848 8 May/SWLR | Placide LEBLANC | French Can. | Odille/Odile LANDRY | none listed | |
1848 12 Jun/SWLR | Joseph LANDRY | Eugénie PICCARD | French Creole? | none listed | |
1848 26 Jun/BRDR | Eugène LANDRY (widower) | Marie Armelise DAIGLE | Acadian | Andrieux, Daigle, LeBlanc | |
1848 29 Jun/BRDR | Cyprien BOURGEOIS | Acadian | [Marie] Amélie LANDRY | Coudovin, Gravois, Grégoire, LeBlanc | |
1848 4 Jul/SWLR | François SAVOY [IV] | Acadian | Marie Hélodie Valentin LANDRY | none listed | |
1848 7 Aug/BRDR | Jean MAC CARTY | Irish Imm. | [Marie] Laure LANDRY | Commeau, Landry, LeBlanc, Murphy, Pugh | |
1848 25 Sep/BRDR | Ira Edwin ORCUTT | Anglo? | [Marie] Zéolide LANDRY | Arnandez, Davis, Landry, LeBlanc, Tutte | |
1848 2 Oct/BRDR | François Agustin DAIGLE | Acadian | Marie Amelia LANDRY | Arnold, Babin, Landry | |
1848 10 Oct/BRDR | Jean Vincent REYNAUD | French Creole? | Marie Céleste LANDRY | Duffel/Duffels, Landry, Pedesclaux, Reynaud | |
1849 9 Jan/SWLR | Rosémond Clémil LANDRY | Marie Irma BERNARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1849 15 Jan/BRDR | Gustave LANDRY | Emma ALLAIN | Acadian | Hebert, Landry | |
1849 19 Feb/BRDR | Joseph LANDRY | Marie Irma LEBLANC | Acadian | Blanchard, LeBlanc | |
1849 19 Mar/BRDR | Joseph LANDRY [IV] | Élize LEBOUF | French Creole | Guedry, Landry | |
1849 11 Apr/SWLR | Michel BOURDIER | Foreign French? | [Marie] Clarisse LANDRY | none listed | |
1849 12 Apr/BRDR | Rosémond SIMONEAUX | French Creole | [Marie Sulma] Zulma LANDRY | Bergeron, Broussard, LeBlanc | |
1849 16 Apr/BRDR | Jean St. Bernard LANDRY | Baselisse BLANCHARD | Acadian | Blanchard, Delaune, Landry | |
1849 27 Apr/BRDR | Norbert Silvère LANDRY | Marie Irma OUBRE | German Creole | Como, LeBourgeois, Swisher, Theriot | |
1849 7 May/SLR | Justilien BOURGEOIS | Acadian | Mélicère LANDRY | none listed | |
1849 22 May/BRDR | Eliezer LANDRY | Élodie DUPUY | Acadian | Calry, Dupuy, Landry, Lauve | |
1849 28 May/BRDR | Miguel ALONSO | Spanish? | Célerine LANDRY | Gentil, Neitzerroff, Rodriguez, Sawyer | |
1849 28 May/BRDR | Gustave Raphaël LANDRY | Marie Amélie DUPUY | Acadian | Dupuy, Hebert, Seguinaud, Trabaud | |
1849 27 Jun/BRDR | Ursin LANDRY | Adèlle ADOLPHE (widow) | French Creole? | Diomaydow, Landry, Maroit | |
1849 10 Jul/BRDR | Jérôme Kleber GAUDET | Acadian | Elizabeth Amanda LANDRY | Barthélémy, Gaudet, Landry, LeBlanc, Nicholls, Pedesclaux, Poursine | |
1849 12 Jul/SWLR | Godefroy/Godfroy LANDRY | Acadian | Marguerite Virginie/Eugénie LANDRY | Acadian | none listed |
1849 23 Jul/BRDR | Zénon LANDRY | Zéolite SEDOTALE [CEDOTAL] | French Creole? | Dugas, Louis, Simoneaux | |
1849 24 Jul/SWLR | Pierre GUCHEREAUX | Foreign French | [Marie]rène LANDRY | none listed | |
1849 30 Jul/SWLR | Jacob CLARK | Anglo | Arsène LANDRY | none listed | |
1849 6 Aug/SWLR | Charles FREDERIC | German Creole? | Elvina LANDRY | none listed | |
1849 10 Nov/BRDR | Joseph Terence LANDRY | Marie Antoinette BRAUD (widow) | Acadian | Babin, Bouchereau, Braud, Landry | |
1850 3 Jan/BRDR | Jacques BARTHE | Foreign French | Adélaïde LANDRY | Couet, Dupuis, Feuchere | |
1850 20 Jan/SLR | Hermogène LANDRY | Clara Cécilie/Cécilia GAUTRAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1850 28 Jan/BRDR | Joseph Louis BARTHÉLÉMY | French Creole? | Appoline LANDRY | Barthelemy, Landry | |
1850 2 Feb/BRDR | Marcellus LANDRY | Elmire LEBLANC | Acadian | Landry, Savoy | |
1850 4 Feb/BRDR | Louis Onézime LANDRY | Joséphine HOTARD | German Creole? | Blanchot, Hotard, Johnson, Landry, Lefeux | |
1850 5 Feb/BRDR | Michel POIRIER | Acadian | Joséphine LANDRY | Gauthraux, LeBlanc, Poirier, Swisher | |
1850 11 Feb/SWLR | Charles COMMAU | Acadian | Adveline LANDRY | none listed | |
1850 11 Feb/SWLR | Martel LANDRY, Jr. | Marie O. VILLATORE [VIATOR] | Spanish Creole | none listed | |
1850 11 Feb/BRDR | Michel DUGAS | Acadian | Françoise LANDRY | Dugas, LeBlanc | |
1850 1 Apr/BRDR | Cléophas SIMONEAU | French Creole | [Rosalie] Éliza LANDRY | Forazier, Landry | |
1850 8 Apr/BRDR | Zépherin GIROIR | Acadian | Armelise LANDRY | Landry | |
1850 22 Apr/SWLR | François N. [Venence] LANDRY (widower) | Carmélite BLANCHET (widow) | French Creole | none listed | |
1850 1 May/BRDR | Oscar DUPUY | Acadian | Élodie LANDRY | Desobry, Landry, Marionneaux | |
1850 7 May/BRDR | Aristide LANDRY | Joséphine BLANCHARD | Acadian | Blanchard, Landry | |
1850 20 May/SWLR | Ozémé VIATOR | Spanish Creole | Marie Celima LANDRY | none listed | |
1850 20 May/SWLR | Maximillien LANDRY | Marie BERTRANT | German Creole? | none listed | |
1850 24 May/BRDR | Thomas HILL | Anglo | Evelline Mathilde LANDRY | Albagnac, Delaune | |
1850 10 Jun/BRDR | Godgrand LANDRY | Zulmée ROUSSEAU | French Creole | Bernuchot, Brault, Delas, Fernandez, Galiece, Guédry, Landry | |
1850 1 Jul/BRDR | Senville PARENT | French Creole? | [Marie] Seraine [Sarazin] LANDRY (widow) | Babin, Blouin, Gautreau, Hébert, Landry | |
1850 23 Jul/SWLR | Fulbert LANDRY | Elisa COMMAU | Acadian | none listed | |
1850 26 Aug/BRDR | Joseph Octave LANDRY (wdr.) | Marie Thérèsine BRAUD | Acadian | Babin, Gautreau, Hébert, Prevot | |
1850 2 Sep/SWLR | Onésime BABINEAU | Acadian | Amelie/Émelie LANDRY | none listed | |
1850 16 Sep/BRDR | Louis TRAHAN (widower) | Acadian | Clarisse LANDRY | Brouillard/Broussard, Thibodeaux, Trahan | |
1850 17 Sep/BRDR | Amédée LANDRY | Acadian | Marie Désirée LANDRY | Acadian | Bernard, Dupuy, Hébert, Landry, Martinez |
1850 19 Sep/BRDR | Saintville DUGAS | Acadian | Élisa LANDRY | Aucoin, Bernard, Daigle | |
1850 1 Oct/BRDR | Joachim LANDRY | Acadian | Marguerite Clara LANDRY | Acadian | Bourdier, Braud, Dugas, Landry, LeBlanc, Melançon |
1850 29 Oct/BRDR | Evariste PART | Acadian | [Marie] Justine LANDRY | Houvre, Landry, LeBlanc, LeBourgeois | |
1850 9 Dec/SWLR | Émile LANDRY | Aséma SIMON | French Creole | none listed | |
1850 30 Dec/SWLR | Émile HÉBERT | Acadian | Marie Octavine LANDRY | none listed | |
1851 3 Feb/BRDR | Timoléon LEBLANC | Acadian | [Marie] Élizabeth LANDRY | Burk, Comaux, Landry | |
1851 9 Feb/BRDR | Alfred HÉBERT | Acadian | [Marie] Elvina LANDRY | Braud, Landry, LeBlanc, Woods | |
1851 24 Feb/SWLR | Neuville LANDRY | Acadian | Madeleine Emma LANDRY | Acadian | none listed |
1851 28 Apr/SWLR | Norval LORMAND | French Creole? | Uranie LANDRY | none listed | |
1851 12 May/SWLR | Jean Seville LANDRY | Azélie GUIDRY | Acadian | none listed | |
1851 13 May/SWLR | Onésiphore LANDRY | Félicienne DEJEAN | French Creole | none listed | |
1851 20 May/BRDR | [Pierre] Bélisaire LANDRY | Lise Élizabeth LÉVÊQUE | French Creole? | Bourg, Hébert, Landry, Leveque | |
1851 27 May/BRDR | Silvanie BOURG | Acadian | Adèle LANDRY | Babin, Bourg, Caires, Labadiole, Landry | |
1851 11 Jun/BRDR | Doezor LANDRY | Élisa LABAUVE | Acadian | Alexandrie, Labauve, Landry, LeBlanc | |
1851 16 Jun/SWLR | Adrien RICHARD (widower) | Acadian | [Marie] Carmélite LANDRY (w.) | none listed | |
1851 17 Jun/BRDR | Villeneuve THUILLIER | French Creole | Elmire LANDRY | Barthélémy, Hébert, Landry, Leriet | |
1851 26 Jun/BRDR | Cléophas ROBICHEAUX | Acadian | Euphémie LANDRY | Giroir, Landry, Robicheaux, Simoneaux | |
1851 12 Aug/BRDR | Carville BREAUX | Acadian | [Marie] Célima LANDRY | Blanchard, Guédry, LeBlanc | |
1851 16 Sep/BRDR | Grégoire LANDRY | Paulinne HÉBERT | Acadian | Blanchard, Charlet, Landry, LeBlanc, Martin | |
1851 29 Sep/BRDR | John EATON | Anglo | Marie Céleste LANDRY (wd.) | Duffel, Landry, Reynaud, Turgeau | |
1851 21 Oct/BRDR | Jean Baptiste LANDRY | Clémentine LEBLANC | Acadian | Agnès, Comeaux, Gauthreaux, Landry, Simonau | |
1851 9 Dec/SWLR | Jean Baptiste Désiré LANDRY | Acadian | Emma LANDRY | Acadian | none listed |
1851 30 Dec/BRDR | Théodule LANDRY | Marie Roselia PIERRE | French Creole? | Claiborne, Colomb, Landry, Pierre | |
1852 7 Jan/SWLR | Simon Fercy LANDRY | Rémise GIROUARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1852 15 Jan/BRDR | Ernest PEDESCLAUX | Spanish Creole | [Marie] Aglaé LANDRY | Duffel, Landry, Mollere, Pedesclaux | |
1852 4 Feb/SLR | Auguste LANDRY | Scholastique BOUDREAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1852 22 Jun/BRDR | Austin HUNT | Anglo | [Marie] Aglaé LANDRY | Breaux, Bush, Comeaux, Fariday | |
1852 2 Aug/SWLR | Adolphe LANDRY | Marie Nathalie MAYARD (w.) | French Creole? | none listed | |
1852 9 Aug/SLR | Lucien LANDRY | Honorine Mathilde HOTARD | German Creole | none listed | |
1852 16 Aug/BRDR | Joseph Olibert HÉBERT | Acadian | Marie Claire LANDRY | Babin, Braud, Hébert, Landry | |
1852 21 Sep/BRDR | Firmin Davat LANDRY (widower) | Marie Euphrosine TROXELER (widow) | German Creole? | Hebert, Landry, Troxler/Troxcler | |
1852 29 Sep/BRDR | Louis Lessard LANDRY | Acadian | Delia LANDRY | Acadian | Landry |
1852 18 Oct/SWLR | Paul Delina LALANDE | Acadian | Palmyre LANDRY | none listed | |
1853 10 Jan/BRDR | Simon LANDRY | Zéolide BLANCHARD | Acadian | Arseneau, Blanchard | |
1853 17 Jan/BRDR | Léon U.[Eugène] LANDRY | Acadian | [Marie] Adveline LANDRY | Acadian | Dugas, Landry |
1853 19 Jan/SLR | Bazile LANDRY | Marie JOLIBOIS | French Creole? | none listed | |
1853 19 Jan/BRDR | Adrien SIMONEAU | French Creole | Octavie [Aglaée] LANDRY | Rodriguez, Simoneau | |
1853 1 Feb/BRDR | Sosthène AILLET | French Creole | Zulma LANDRY | Aillet, Allain, LeBlanc, Serret | |
1853 3 Feb/BRDR | Jean Baptiste LANDRY (wdr.) | Adélaïde CROCHET | Acadian | Landry, Picou | |
1853 3 Feb/BRDR | Simon Théodore LANDRY | Joséphine PELLERIN | French Creole? | Landry, Picou | |
1853 7 Feb/BRDR | Alexis SIMONEAU | French Creole | Aurelia LANDRY | Achees, Fournier, Landry, Simoneau | |
1853 8 Feb/SLR | Maximain/Maximan HENRY | Acadian | Marie Liza LANDRY | none listed | |
1853 17 Mar/SWLR | Victoria [Victor?] LOPEZ | Spanish Creole? | Arthémise LANDRY | none listed | |
1853 19 Mar/BRDR | Ursin LANDRY | Emma Marguerite ST. MARTIN | French Creole? | Barre, Boudreaux, Conway, Dupard, Lamobliere, Landry, Leon, Valfroit | |
1853 5 Apr/BRDR | Aristide ROTH | German Creole? | [Élisabeth] Ursule LANDRY | Babin, Dugas, Lacroix, Landry | |
1853 2 May/SLR | Eugène BADEAUX/BADEAU | French Creole? | [Marie] Pamela LANDRY | none listed | |
1853 3 May/BRDR | Donatien LEJEUNE | Acadian | [Adélaïde] Mirza LANDRY | Babin, Lejeune, LeRoux | |
1853 11 May/BRDR | John B. PECK | Anglo | Marie Azélie LANDRY | Clapp, Duffel, Elder, Eshleman, Landry, Macready, Maurin, Renaud, Seghers | |
1853 23 May/BRDR | Johannes BORVINKELMANN | German Imm. | Marie Hélène LANDRY | Bergeron, Landry, Leveque, Petit | |
1853 30 May/SWLR | Jacque Euclide SAUNIER | Acadian | Eugénie Besida [Resida] LANDRY | none listed | |
1853 30 May/BRDR | Sosthènes LANDRY | Adeline Roselie BREAUX | Acadian | Landry | |
1853 28 Jun/SWLR | Demas BERNARD | Acadian | Victorine [Bertilde] LANDRY | none listed | |
1853 15 Jul/SWLR | François LELEU | French Creole | Élodie LANDRY | none listed | |
1853 16 Aug/BRDR | Vileor LAVERRE | French Creole? | Octavie LANDRY | Dugas, Robichaud | |
1853 21 Sep/BRDR | Joseph Napoléon LANDRY | Marie Célestine DUPUY | Acadian | Landry | |
1853 27 Oct/BRDR | Peter Célestin ORILLION | Acadian | Adèle LANDRY | Degelos, Landry, Orillion, Rivet | |
1853 8 Nov/SWLR | Léon BILLEAUD | Foreign French | Malvina LANDRY | none listed | |
1853 21 Nov/BRDR | Octave YENTZEN | German? | Marie LANDRY | Guédry, Jenti, Landry, Parks, Yantzan | |
1853 26 Dec/SWLR | Séverin LANDRY | Anatalie BOUDRAU | Acadian | none listed | |
1854 2 Jan/SWLR | Joseph [Oliffe?] LANDRY | Estillia VIATOR | Spanish Creole | none listed | |
1854 10 Jan/BRDR | L[azare]. Gustave LANDRY | Luthecia BABIN | Acadian | Babin, Dugas, Gaudin, Landry | |
1854 30 Jan/SWLR | Armelin PICARD | French Creole? | Marie Celimène LANDRY | none listed | |
1854 7 Feb/BRDR | Clovis DUGAS | Acadian | Lorenza LANDRY | Babin, Beaugay, Dugas, LeBlanc | |
1854 20 Feb/SWLR | Norbert HÉBERT (widower) | Acadian | Arsènne/Ergine LANDRY | none listed | |
1854 21 Feb/SWLR | Désiré LEBLANC | Acadian | Donatille LANDRY | none listed | |
1854 21 Feb/BRDR | Philippe LANDRY | Marie Emma Aelayde LEBLANC | Acadian | Heude, Landry, LeBlanc, Roth | |
1854 27 Feb/SLR | Toussaint BABIN (widower) | Acadian | Marie Ernestine LANDRY | none listed | |
1854 27 Feb/SWLR | Jean Dorceno LANDRY | Marie Léontine DORÉ | French Creole? | none listed | |
1854 28 Feb/SWLR | Jean Darmase LANDRY | Adélaïde Louisa COMEAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1854 18 Apr/SWLR | Adélard QUEBEDEAUX | French Can.? | Leóntina LANDRY | none listed | |
1854 1 May/SWLR | Théogène LANDRY (widower) | Marie Izide BOURC | Acadian | none listed | |
1854 8 May/SWLR | Sylvestre Berci LANDRY | Nathalie MALLET | French Creole | none listed | |
1854 15 May/SWLR | Émilien LANDRY[, fils] | Joséphine LOUVIÈRE | Acadian | none listed | |
1854 15 May/SWLR | Euclide LANDRY | Marcelite COMEAU | Acadian | none listed | |
1854 6 Jun/BRDR | Camille NICOLAS | Anglo | Célima LANDRY | Beaugey, Breaux, Dugas, Landry, LeBlanc, Mollere | |
1854 12 Jun/BRDR | Jean Baptiste TUILLIER | French Creole | Estelle LANDRY | Hebert, Thuillier/Tullier | |
1854 20 Jul/BRDR | Drauzin LANDRY | Uranie MOLLÈRE | French Creole | Beaugey, Breaux, Dugas, Landry, Mollere | |
1854 1 Aug/BRDR | Urbain Aristide HÉBERT | Acadian | Anne Amélie LANDRY | Hébert, Landry, Vaughn | |
1854 4 Aug/BRDR | Maximilliem TROSCLAIR | French Creole? | [Marie] Clara LANDRY | Aillet, Dufresne, Hebert, Levert, Trocler | |
1854 7 Aug/BRDR | Magloire LANDRY (widower) | Marie Elena BREAUX | Acadian | Beltran, Breaux, Bush, Esclapon, Hébert, Joly, Lambremont, Landry, Lauve, Marchand, Rousseau, Win | |
1854 24 Aug/BRDR | Louis Aladin DUPRÉ | French Creole? | [Marie] Marguerite LANDRY | Blanchard, Bourgeois, Guédry, Landry | |
1854 4 Dec/SLR | Marcelus/Marcelin ESTEVE | Spanish Creole? | [Marie] Azélie LANDRY | none listed | |
1854 12 Dec/SWLR | Terence GIROUARD | Acadian | Adonatille LANDRY | none listed | |
1854 26 Dec/SWLR | Ursin LANDRY | Acadian | Suzanne LANDRY | Acadian | none listed |
1855 2 Jan/SWLR | Émile Alcide LANDRY | Emma GIROUARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1855 15 Jan/BRDR | Joseph F[erdinand]. LANDRY | Marie Armelise BRAUD | Acadian | Landry | |
1855 12 Feb/SWLR | Alfred LANDRY | Marie Azéna RICHARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1855 16 Feb/BRDR | R. Prosper LANDRY | Adèle PEDESCLAUX | Spanish Creole | Bazerque, Duffel, Hepburn, Landry, Mire, Pedesclaux | |
1855 19 Feb/SWLR | Émile LANDRY | Marie Émilie MONTET | French Creole | none listed | |
1855 20 Feb/SWLR | Clémille LANDRY | Erasie BERNARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1855 5 Mar/SLR | François LEE | Anglo | Ozelia LANDRY | none listed | |
1855 13 Mar/SLR | Ernest CANTRELLE | French Creole | Elvire LANDRY | none listed | |
1855 19 Mar/SWLR | Pierre DUGAS | Acadian | Rosalie LANDRY | none listed | |
1855 9 Apr/BRDR | Diogène LANDRY | Aloysia RICHARD | Acadian | Hébert, Lambremont, Landry, Rivière | |
1855 30 Apr/BRDR | Auguste LANDRY (widower) | Mélanie FRYOU | French Creole? | Aucoin, Bourgeois | |
1855 1 May/BRDR | Jean Trasimond LANDRY[, fils] | Amelie Élisabeth SEGHERS | German Creole? | Beherm, Brown, Landry, Seghers | |
1855 2 May/BRDR | Dorville Adolphe LANDRY | Marie Octavine BERGERON | Acadian | Bergeron, Landry | |
1855 7 May/BRDR | Jules É[lie]. LANDRY | Euphroisine DUPUY | Acadian | Babin, Landry | |
1855 5 Jun/BRDR | Félix LEBLANC | Acadian | [Marie] Aimée Désirée LANDRY | Ayraud, Blanchard, Cire, Landry, LeBlanc, Terrio, Vives | |
1855 9 Jun/BRDR | Pierre Ferdoussi CAILLIER | French Creole? | Émelie LANDRY (widow) | Blanchard, Boudreau, Brands, Caillier, Comay, Hill, Marquet | |
1855 3 Jul/BRDR | Joseph Édouard LANDRY | Joséphine BUQUOI | French Creole? | Bethancourt, Buquoi, Comstock, Terrio | |
1855 16 Aug/BRDR | T. [Joseph] Valentin LANDRY (widower) | Acadian | Marguerite Élina LANDRY | Acadian | Landry, LeBlanc |
1855 19 Aug/SWLR | Valentine/Valentin LANDRY | Mérite Marie Arméline/Amélie DUPREY/DUPUIS (widow) | Acadian | none listed | |
1855 23 Aug/BRDR | Philippe LANDRY | Augustine POCHÉ | French Creole | Bower, Dugas, Landry, Thibodaus/Thibodaux | |
1855 23 Aug/BRDR | Théophile LANDRY | Geneviève Élodie ROUILLIER | French Creole? | Landry, Ramire, Rouillier, Thibodaux | |
1855 10 Sep/BRDR | Théodore BLANCHARD | Acadian | Élizabeth LANDRY | Degelos, Estevan, Landry, Marr, Shanks | |
1855 18 Sep/SWLR | Émilien BABINEAUX | Acadian | Élisa LANDRY | none listed | |
1855 20 Sep/SWLR | Terville LANDRY (widower) | Marie Aurelia TERRIOT | Acadian | none listed | |
1855 23 Oct/BRDR | Homer CIRE | French Creole? | Marie Virginie LANDRY | Cire, Comstock, Dugas, Fortier, Hatkinson, LeBlanc, Nichols, Ohara, Terrio | |
1855 29 Oct/BRDR | Simon Tiburce LANDRY | Élizabeth MONSON [MUNSON] | Anglo? French? | Grille, Monson/Moson, Vichneair | |
1855 12 Nov/BRDR | Louis Simon LANDRY | Acadian | Marie Sulvina LANDRY | Acadian | Dinoux, Duplessis, Hamilton, Landry |
1856 14 Jan/BRDR | Luc Silvanie LANDRY | Arvilla TALBOT | Acadian | Landry, Talbot | |
1856 14 Jan/BRDR | Valmont GAUTHREAUX | Acadian | Marie Azéma LANDRY | Gauthreaux, Hébert, Landry, Marionneaux, Nolb, Richard | |
1856 3 Apr/BRDR | Adolphe Cléophas NAQUIN | Acadian | Marie Eugénie LANDRY | Foret, Landry, Naquin | |
1856 7 Apr/BRDR | Eugène TIRCUIT | French Creole? | Louisa LANDRY | Hébers/Hébert, Landry, Thuillier | |
1856 14 Apr/BRDR | Dorcini LANDRY (widower) | Magdelaine BABIN (widow) | Acadian | Babin, Landry, Marchand, Mire | |
1856 19 Apr/SWLR | Syrville/Cyrille LANDRY | Marie Aglaé GARRY/GARY | Spanish Creole? | none listed | |
1856 28 Apr/SWLR | Alexandre LANDRY | Émilie COMMEAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1856 31 May/SLR | Omer LANDRY | Elma/Elina BOUVIER | French Creole? | none listed | |
1856 10 Jun/SWLR | André WANTRES/WANTRESS | French? Anglo? | Élina LANDRY | none listed | |
1856 10 Jun/SWLR | Jean Seville LANDRY (wdr.) | Adélaïde Cécile DEGEYTER | French? German? | none listed | |
1856 21 Jul/BRDR | Augustin AUCOIN | Acadian | Séraphine LANDRY | Dupuis, Hebert, Landry, Simoneaux | |
1856 28 Jul/BRDR | Anselme LANDRY (widower) | Clothilde BABIN (widow) | Acadian | Babin, Bouchereau, Braud, Decoteaux, Hamilton, Mirre, Rivet | |
1856 8 Oct/BRDR | Jean Baptiste Oscar LANDRY | Louise DAIGLE | Acadian | Daigle, Labauve | |
1856 8 Oct/BRDR | Joseph Alfred LANDRY | Marie Aloysia LÉVÊQUE | French Creole? | Leveque | |
1856 13 Oct/BRDR | Théodore LANDRY | Anaïse MOLLÈRE | French Creole | Babin, Blanchard, Landry, LeBlanc, Mollere | |
1856 20 Oct/BRDR | Victorin LANDRY | Marguerite Élizabeth RIVET | Acadian | Comu, Hernandez, Landry, Lessard, Orault, Orillion, Rivet, Robisheaux | |
1856 27 Oct/SWLR | Paul LANDRY | Eugénie HULOT | French Creole? | none listed | |
1856 11 Nov/BRDR | George M. BEAMAN | Anglo? | Marise Lise LANDRY | Denoux, Hephine, Ilsley, Landry, Pedesclaux, Penney | |
1856 12 Nov/SWLR | Derbes L. LANDRY | Acadian | [Anastasie] Mélanie LANDRY (w.) | Acadian | none listed |
1856 24 Nov/BRDR | Prudent MIRE | Acadian | [Marie] Amelie/Émelie LANDRY (widow) | Chauvin, Melançon, Mirre, Richard | |
1856 27 Nov/BRDR | Murville LANDRY (widower) | Munircca Jane NEWCHURCH | Anglo? | Blanchard, LeBlanc, Newchurch, Webre | |
1857 19 Jan/BRDR | Adélard LANDRY | Scholastique BRAUD | Acadian | Blanchard, Grandin | |
1857 26 Jan/SWLR | Hubert LANDRY | Marie Zelma DANIEL | Anglo? | none listed | |
1857 2 Feb/BRDR | Léon LANDRY | Ozile DAIGLE | Acadian | Dugas, Landry, LeBlanc | |
1857 19 Mar/BRDR | Justin LANDRY | Marie Zulmée TRICHE | French Creole? | Anley, Folse, Landry, Triche | |
1857 20 Apr/SWLR | Villery LANDRY | Rosalie BOUDEREAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1857 12 May/BRDR | Joseph Osémé LANDRY | Célestine CAPBERN | French Creole? | Braud, Cire, Comes, Dupuy, Landry, Saint Martin, Terrio | |
1857 18 May/BRDR | Celicour HAMILTON | Anglo | Marie Félicie LANDRY | Babin, Henderson, Landry | |
1857 23 May/BRDR | Édouard BRAUD | Acadian | Euphémie LANDRY | Aubry, Braud, Cagniat, Landry | |
1857 25 May/BRDR | Adolphe LANDRY | [Marie?] Telcide BERGERON | French Creole? | Hamilton, Landry | |
1857 2 Jun/BRDR | Joseph Émile DEGELOS | Spanish Creole? | Delia LANDRY | Landry, Pedesclaux, Tournillion | |
1857 12 Jun/BRDR | Étienne Bienvenu LEBLANC | Acadian | [Acadius/Arcade] Augustine LANDRY | Comes, Delmes, Harrison, Landry, Melançon | |
1857 16 Jun/BRDR | Léonard/S. P. LASSEIGNE | French Creole? | Pauline Rosela LANDRY | Coignet, Dionne, Grisamore, Labadie, Landry, Lasseigne | |
1857 22 Jun/BRDR | Valsin LANDRY | Uranie DUPUIS | Acadian | Blanchard, Giroir, Landry, Robicheaux | |
1857 4 Jul/BRDR | Alphonse CHARLET | French Creole? | Zulmée [Avelina] LANDRY | Charlet, Landry | |
1857 8 Jul/BRDR | Venant HÉBERT (widower) | Acadian | [Marguerite] Eglantine LANDRY | Blanchard, Hébert | |
1857 19 Aug/SWLR | Pierre LEBLANC | French Can. | Odile/Élodie LANDRY | none listed | |
1857 23 Nov/SLR | Pierre Hermenezilde BESSE | German? | Marie Mariane LANDRY | none listed | |
1857 10 Dec/SWLR | Neuville LANDRY (widower) | Adèle BROUSSARD/ROBICHEAU | Acadian | none listed | |
1857 21 Dec/SWLR | Sosthène VINCENT | Acadian | Nathalie LANDRY | none listed | |
1857 21 Dec/SWLR | Valcourt LANDRY | Aurelia LANGINOIS [LANGLINAIS] | French Creole? | none listed | |
1857 28 Dec/BRDR | Léon DUGAS | Acadian | Marie Gertrude LANDRY | Babin, Braud, Dugas, Hébert, Landry, Melançon | |
1858 4 Jan/SWLR | Amand Trasimond/Isasimond LANDRY | Acadian | Marie Amélia/Azélia LANDRY | Acadian | none listed |
1858 4 Jan/BRDR | Jules LEBLANC | Acadian | [Marie] Coralie LANDRY | Landry, LeBlanc, Savoy | |
1858 25 Jan/SWLR | Théomile MIGUEZ | Spanish Creole | Escholastique/Scholastie LANDRY | none listed | |
1858 6 Feb/BRDR | Martin LANDRY | Acadian | Élesile LANDRY | Acadian | Babin, LeBlanc, Mollere |
1858 8 Feb/SWLR | Pierre DUBOIS | French Creole | Élise LANDRY | none listed | |
1858 8 Feb/SWLR | Rosiclaire LANDRY | Acadian | Uranie LANDRY | Acadian | none listed |
1858 9 Feb/BRDR | Joseph LEBLANC | Acadian | Elmire LANDRY (widow) | Buquoi, Lawes, Saint Martin | |
1858 19 Mar/SWLR | Hilaire TAYLOR | German Creole | Anastasie Mélasie LANDRY | none listed | |
1858 19 Apr/BRDR | P[aul]. Théodule MIRE | Acadian | Carmélite LANDRY (widow) | Boudrousy, Cottman, Dubourg, Letulle, Sarazin | |
1858 19 Apr/BRDR | Joseph BARBIER | French Creole? | [Marie] Olesida LANDRY | Landry, Mollere, Simoneaud | |
1858 22 Apr/BRDR | Sosthène BARBAY | French Creole? | Louisa LANDRY | Duprez, Lacroix, Marionneaux, Roth | |
1858 26 Apr/SWLR | Maximilien LANDRY[, fils] | Acadian | Azélia/Osélia LANDRY | Acadian | none listed |
1858 29 Apr/BRDR | Pierre J[oseph]. LANDRY | Roséma CROCHET | Acadian | Agnest, Aubry, Blanchard, Gilbert, Landry, Newchurch | |
1858 29 Apr/BRDR | Joseph SAVOY | Acadian | [Marie] Scholastique LANDRY | Landry, LeBlanc, Savois/Savoy, Tonnelier/Tonnelière, Trahan | |
1858 1 May/BRDR | Séverin LANDRY | Adveline MARROY | French Creole? | Dugas, Giroir, Landry, LeBlanc, Marroy | |
1858 6 May/BRDR | Léon LANDRY | Nathalie AUCOIN | Acadian | Bergeron, Daunoy, Foret, Landry | |
1858 6 Jul/BRDR | Lusignant LANDRY | Elmire DUGAS | Acadian | Babin, Dugas, Landry, Simoneau | |
1858 10 Jul/BRDR | Benjamin D. ALLEN | Anglo | Thérèse B. LANDRY | Babin, Besson, Mayfield | |
1858 19 Jul/BRDR | Adélard V[incent]. GAUTRAU/GOUTREAUX | Acadian | [Judith] Olivia LANDRY | Landry, Yarbourgh | |
1858 26 Jul/BRDR | Maximilien TROXLER (wdr.) | German Creole? | [Anne] Amelia LANDRY (wd.) | Hebert, Landry, Parks | |
1858 12 Aug/SWLR | Télésphore LANDRY (wdr.?) | Marie Célestine COMO | Acadian | none listed | |
1858 16 Aug/BRDR | Joseph [Augustin?] LANDRY | Louise TERRIO | Acadian | Comes, Guédry, LeBlanc, Theriot | |
1858 20 Sep/BRDR | Désiré DAIGLE | Acadian | Flavie LANDRY | Ayraud, Daigle, Landry | |
1858 25 Oct/SWLR | Anatole LANDRY | Aséma DUBOIS | French Creole? | none listed | |
1858 22 Nov/BRDR | Aristide GENAZZINI | Italian Imm. | Marie Elmire LANDRY | Blanchard, Comstock, Verret | |
1858 13 Dec/SWLR | Barnabé HULIN | French Creole? | Marie Célima LANDRY | none listed | |
1858 27 Dec/BRDR | Rosémond LANDRY | Marcelitte SOLAR | Spanish Creole? | Landry, LeBlanc, Ramagosa, Simoneaux, Solar | |
1859 4 Jan/BRDR | Félix George GAUTREAUX | Acadian | Marie Noémie LANDRY | Babin, Dugas, Gauthreaux, Landry | |
1859 6 Jan/SWLR | Lasti DUBOIS | French Creole | Emma LANDRY | none listed | |
1859 12 Jan/BRDR | Lazare Louis Jacque LANDRY | Mélanie JOURDAN | Anglo? | Braud, Gaudet, Gourdan/Joudan/Jourdan, Landry, Nee, Pourcine/Poursine | |
1859 24 Jan/BRDR | Drosin DAIGLE | Acadian | [Marie] Amelia LANDRY | Landry, Mollere | |
1859 7 Feb/BRDR | Joseph Gustave HÉBERT (wdr.) | Acadian | Victorine LANDRY (widow) | Landry, LeBlanc, Troxler | |
1859 8 Feb/BRDR | Joseph BLANCHARD | Acadian | Clémentine [Joséphine] LANDRY | Achez, Hébert, Landry, Simoneau | |
1859 5 Mar/BRDR | Jean Baptiste LANDRY | Zulma ARSENEAUX | Acadian | Arseneaux, Aucoin, Bertrand, Blanchard, Landry | |
1859 25 Apr/BRDR | Alexandre MARCHAND | French Creole? | Octavie M. LANDRY | Babin, Bergero, Landry, Phillips | |
1859 10 May/SLR | Charles ORGERON | French Creole? | Eveline LANDRY | none listed | |
1859 18 Jun/BRDR | Drosin LANDRY | Acadian | [Marie Philomène] Evélina LANDRY | Acadian | Charlet, Landry, LeBlanc, Terriot |
1859 27 Sep/BRDR | Félix LEBLANC | Acadian | Emma LANDRY | Agnest, Ayraud, Dupre, Laffitte, Landry, Trahant | |
1859 31 Oct/SWLR | Agricole LANDRY | Isabelle DANIEL | Anglo? | none listed | |
1860 7 Jan/BRDR | Luc LANDRY | Élizabeth VEGA | Spanish Creole? | Deocurro, Hernandez, Landry, Vega | |
1860 9 Jan/SWLR | Julien LANDRY | Anne Adélaïde MONTET | French Creole? | none listed | |
1860 10 Jan/BRDR | Édouard DUGAS | Acadian | [Marie] Joséphine LANDRY | Babin, Dugas, Gaudin, Hébert | |
1860 21 Jan/BRDR | Augustin DUGAS | Acadian | [Marie] Ernestine LANDRY | Dupuis, Giroir, Landry, Marroy, Simoneaux | |
1860 23 Jan/BRDR | Valère LANDRY | Acadian | Marie LANDRY | Acadian | Landry, Simonau |
1860 28 Jan/BRDR | Dermon BABIN | Acadian | Aimée LANDRY | Aubry, Babin, Braud, Gilbert, Guédry, Landry, LeBlanc | |
1860 7 Feb/BRDR | Sosthène SIMONEAU | French Creole | [Marie] Élisabeth LANDRY | Dugas | |
1860 16 Feb/BRDR | Alfred BABIN | Acadian | [Anne] Amelie LANDRY (wd.) | Babin, Braud, Gassie, Landry, LeBlanc | |
1860 16 Apr/BRDR | Alexandre BABIN | Acadian | [Marie] Evelina LANDRY | Babin, Gaudin, Gautreaux, Mirre | |
1860 17 Apr/SWLR | Sosthène BERNARD | Acadian | [Anastasie] Émelie LANDRY | none listed | |
1860 22 May/SWLR | Emmanuel Daumartin PELLERIN | French Creole? | Élizabeth LANDRY | none listed | |
1860 3 Jul/BRDR | Charles BLANCHARD | Acadian | Marie LANDRY | Landry | |
1860 3 Jul/SWLR | Arveine BABINEAU | Acadian | [Uranie] Idalie LANDRY | none listed | |
1860 12 Jul/BRDR | Simon Octave RIVET | Acadian | Joséphine LANDRY | Bergeron, Dupuy, Landry | |
1860 14 Jul/BRDR | Xavier BERTRAND | French Can. | Roséma Zulmé LANDRY | Bertrand, Dansereau, Landry, Mirton | |
1860 25 Aug/SLR | Ernest LANDRY | Marceline WALKER | Anglo | none listed | |
1860 11 Sep/BRDR | John Louis COMSTOCK | Anglo | Marie Zulmée LANDRY | Archinard, Comstock, Landry, Pourcine, Pujos, Richard | |
1860 4 Oct/SLR | Pierre Eugène CHIASSON | Acadian | Felonise LANDRY | none listed | |
1860 8 Oct/SLR | Joseph LANDRY | Alphonsine BORNE | French Creole | none listed | |
1860 27 Oct/SLR | Justilien OGERON/ORGERON | French Creole? | Zéolide LANDRY | none listed | |
1860 26 Nov/SWLR | Basile Philogène LANDRY | Ursule BROUSSARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1860 27 Nov/SWLR | Désiré LANDRY | Marie Élisa BERNARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1860 17 Dec/SWLR | Hubert LEBLANC | Acadian | Élizabeth LANDRY | none listed | |
1860 27 Dec/SWLR | Victor LANDRY | Acadian | Céleste LANDRY | Acadian | none listed |
1861 2 Jan/BRDR | Casimir GUÉDRY | Acadian | [Rose] Élise LANDRY | Dugas, Landry, Laplaine, LeBlanc, Terriot | |
1861 2 Jan/BRDR | Hyppolite SAVOY | Acadian | [Marie] Hélène LANDRY | Landry, Trahant, Verret | |
1861 7 Jan/SWLR | Jean Théolin LANDRY | Marie Ozea DELCAMBRE | French Creole | none listed | |
1861 8 Jan/BRDR | Théodore Jean Baptiste BABIN | Acadian | [Marie] Clarisse LANDRY | Babin, Bujol, Dugas | |
1861 23 Jan/BRDR | Augustin BLANCHARD | Acadian | Mélanie LANDRY | Landry, Savoy, Simoneaud, Trahant | |
1861 26 Jan/BRDR | Zéphirin DUGAS | Acadian | [Marie] Laurenza LANDRY | Babin, Dugas, Landry | |
1861 28 Jan/BRDR | Ozémé BABIN | Acadian | Oside LANDRY | Babin, Dugas, LeBlanc | |
1861 15 Apr/BRDR | Joseph DELAUNE | Acadian | [Irène] Eliska LANDRY | Arseneaux, Aucoin, Delaune, Hébert, Landry, Simoneaud | |
1861 22 Apr/BRDR | Camille LANDRY | Alexandrine COMMEAU | Acadian | Babin, Comeau, LeBlanc, Simoneau | |
1861 23 Apr/BRDR | Joseph Nicholas LANDRY | Joséphine PREVOST | French Creole? | Preaud/Preaux, Ladri, Trahant | |
1861 25 Apr/BRDR | Adonis [Jean Damas] LANDRY | Emma BROUSSARD | Acadian | Allain, Broussard, Landry, LeBlanc | |
1861 30 Apr/BRDR | Pierre Jean GILBERT | French Creole? | Aima/Emma LANDRY | Aubry, Braud, Gilbert, Landry | |
1861 1 May/SLR | John OGERON | French Creole? | Ulaizie LANDRY | none listed | |
1861 10 Jun/BRDR | Calixte SIMONAUX | French Creole | [Marcelline] Aulivia LANDRY | Landry, Simoneaux | |
1861 2 Jul/BRDR | A[ugustin]. Silvère LANDRY | Marie Lise BABIN | Acadian | Babin, Gaudin, Landry | |
1861 2 Jul/SWLR | Césaire LANDRY | Adélaïde Clotilde LENORMAND | French Creole | none listed | |
1861 9 Jul/BRDR | Adelma LANDRY | Victoria DUPUY | Acadian | Blanchard, Dardenne, Dupuy, Hébert, Marionneaux, Robertson, Roth | |
1861 20 Jul/BRDR | Marcelus LANDRY (widower) | Anatalie RIVET | Acadian | Labauve, Landry, LeBlanc, Rivete | |
1861 26 Sep/BRDR | Clairville LANDRY | Laurenza BABIN | Acadian | Babin, LeBlanc |
Analysis of LANDRY marriages, 1765-1861:
Total marriages
listed: 1213 100.0%
marriages: 843
marriages: 370
LANOUX (Acadians only)
Date/Record | Groom | Ethnicity | Bride | Ethnicity | Witnesses |
1795 16 Feb/BRDR | Miguel LANOUE | [Marie-]Célestina SONNIER | Acadian | Lanoue, Richard | |
1797 8 May/BRDR | Andrés LEBLANC | French Can. | Marina LANOUX | Lanoux, Melançon | |
1798 9 Jan/BRDR | Simon LANOUX[, fils] | Félicité MIRE (widow) | Acadian | Babin, Richard | |
1798 9 Jan/BRDR | Pablo[-Hippolyte] MELANSON | Acadian | Eufrosnye LANOUE | Lanue, Melanson | |
1800 5 May/BRDR | Donato LANDRY | Acadian | Maria-Martha LANORIE (LANOUE) | Landry, Lanore | |
1802 22 Feb/BRDR | Pablo/Paul MIRE | Acadian | Maria-Celestina/Scholastie-Marie LANOU | Lanoire, Richard | |
1803 12 Apr/BRDR | Estevan MELANSON | Acadian | Maria-Luisa LANOUE | Arsenaux, Lanoire | |
1810 26 Dec/BRDR | Désiré LE BLANC | Acadian | Carmélite LANOUE | Gerboux, Lanoue, LeBlanc | |
1816 8 Jan/BRDR | Élie LANNOUX | Marie GOTTEREAU | Acadian | Camus, Gottereau, Lannoux | |
1817 30 Jun/BRDR | George Léonard LAUDENBACH | German Imm. | Euphrosine LANNOUX (widow) | Landry, LeBlanc, Rouillier | |
1819 4 Oct/BRDR | Simon LANOUX | Ozite LE BLANC | Acadian | Bourgeois, Cornu, Songy | |
1822 22 Jan/BRDR | Antoine GASSIN/GASPER | Foreign French | Magdalaine [Clotilde] LANOU | Lanou, ___ | |
1823 23 Aug/BRDR | Marcel LE BLANC | Acadian | Henrietta Scolastique LANOUX | LeCoq | |
1825 17 Oct/BRDR | Joseph HINGER/ANGER | Anglo | Hélène LANNOUX | Lannoux, LeBlanc, Tureaux | |
1827 5 Feb/BRDR | Romain LANEAUX | Marie Emelise SAVOI | Acadian | Maillan, Savoie, Tubaeut | |
1827 23 Jul/BRDR | Joseph GISCLAR | French Creole | Marie Joséphine LANOUE | Gisclair, Lanoue, Poché | |
1828 28 Apr/BRDR | Jacque LANOUX | Marguerite SAVOIE | Acadian | Lanoux, Melançon, Savoie | |
1828 28 Apr/BRDR | Pierre Ursin BOURGEOIS | Acadian | Marie [Joséphine] LENOUX | Bouquet, Lanoux | |
1829 17 Aug/BRDR | André Decomine LANOUE | Lise Nicolas GISCLAR | French Creole | Bernier, Gissclard, Melançon | |
1829 9 Nov/BRDR | Augustin LANOUX | Célestine ANGEL/ANGER | Anglo? | Berghe, Chapdu, Garcis | |
1831 26 Sep/BRDR | Jean Casimir LANOUX | Marie LANDRY | Acadian | Gaudin, Hinger, Landry, Picoud | |
1831 6 Dec/BRDR | Dominique TRIAT | Foreign French | Euphrosine LANOUX (widow) | Landry, LeBlanc, Vavasseur | |
1832 25 Jun/BRDR | Charles HYMEL | German Creole | Scholastie LANOUX | Bourgeois, Lanoux, Melançon | |
1833 18 Feb/BRDR | Simon MELANÇON | Acadian | Marie Émelie LANOUX | Gautereaux, Lanoue | |
1836 4 Jan/BRDR | Simon Neuville SAVOYE | Acadian | Rosalie LANOUE | Bourgeois, Duffel, Shanks | |
1836 8 Jan/BRDR | François JAUME | Foreign French | Marie [Joséphine] LANOUE(widow) | Bourgeois, Jaume, LeBlanc | |
1837 26 Apr/BRDR | Jean Baptiste JAUME | Foreign French | Marie Éléonise LANOUE | Bourgeois, Gassen, Lanoue, Melançon | |
1841 3 May/BRDR | Dominique LANOUX | Sidalie LE BLANC | Acadian | Gannie, LeBlanc, Melançon | |
1841 11 Nov/BRDR | Jean Baptiste CAZALE | Foreign French | Marie Emérante LANOUX | LeBlanc, Nunez, Savoi | |
1848 5 Dec/BRDR | Joseph Hercules GAUTREAUX | Acadian | Marie Augustine LANOUX | Gautrau/Gautreau, Gaudin, Gisclard, Huguet, Lanoux, LeBlanc, Lucenty, Martines, Melançon | |
1851 16 Feb/BRDR | Sylvain LE BLANC | Acadian | Delphine LANOUX | Brasset, Gisclard, Huguet, Landry, Mirre | |
1851 24 Feb/BRDR | Ovid MARCHAND | French Creole | [Rosalie] Orestine LANOUX | Berteau, Gautreau, Gervais, Gisclard, Hart, Huguet, Lanoux, Lasselles, LeBlanc, Marchand, Melançon | |
1851 5 May/BRDR | Bienvenu LANOUX | Marie Eglantine LE BLANC | Acadian | Gisclard, Lasselles, LeBlanc, Melançon | |
1851 22 Sep/BRDR | Duphossa GRÉGOIRE | French Creole? | [Ursule] Célestine LANOUX | Babin, Bertau, Braud, Denoux, Gaudin, Lasselles, Richard | |
1852 20 May/BRDR | Joseph Isidore LE BLANC | French Can. | Marie Telcide LANOUX | Gassen, Gravois, LeBlanc | |
1853 18 Apr/BRDR | Pierre LE BLANC (wdr.) | Acadian | Marie [Ofelia? Aglaé?] LANOUX | Benoit, Bernard, Blouin, Richard | |
1853 9 May/BRDR | Trasimond LANOUX | Anaïse GAUDIN | Acadian | Babin, Gaudin, LeBlanc | |
1853 10 Aug/BRDR | Magloire LANOUX | Odalie PARENT | French Creole? | Blouin, Breaux, Hébert, LeBlanc, Yarbery | |
1853 22 Oct/BRDR | Auguste LANOUX | Pulcherie LE BLANC | Acadian | Braud, Gisclard, Guédry, Huguet, Kernan | |
1853 26 Nov/BRDR | J. Edward BRASSET | Acadian | Marie Émalize LANOUX | Brasset, Gaudin, Guédry, Huguet, Lanoux, LeBlanc, Mirre, Pine | |
1854 23 Jan/BRDR | Émile LANOUX | Virginie HAMILTON (widow) | Anglo | Brasset, Huguet, Landry, Mirre, Picou | |
1855 19 Mar/BRDR | Félix LANOUX | Marie E. ANGER (widow) | Anglo? | Gourrier, LeBlanc, Martinez | |
1856 24 Mar/BRDR | Charles François PELLETIER | French Creole | [Marie] Emmalise LANOUX | Alley, Comeaux, Huget, Mollere, Monson, Rodriguez | |
1859 1 May/SLR | [Joachim?] George MARTIN | Acadian? | Rosalie Serazine [Orestine] LANOUE (widow) | none listed | |
1859 4 Oct/BRDR | Jacque GRÉGOIRE | French Creole? | Émelina LANOUX | Arceneaux, Berthelotte, Bourque, Gravois, Grégoire, Guédry, Matherne, Terrio | |
1860 2 Jan/BRDR | Théodule GAUDIN | Acadian | [Marie] Aurela LANOUX | Brooks, Gaudin | |
1861 11 Feb/BRDR | Michel Douradoux LANOUX | Philomène BOUDREAUX | Acadian | Boudreaux, Chauvin, Mirre, Rodrigues |
Analysis of LANOUX marriages, 1795-1861:
Total marriages listed:
47 100.0%
Endogamous marriages:
Exogamous marriages: 20
no marriages found
LAVERGNE (Acadians only)
Date/Record | Groom | Ethnicity | Bride | Ethnicity | Witnesses |
1785 4 Sep/NOAR | Miguel BETANCOUR | Swiss | Victoria LAVERGNE | Llorca, Martinez | |
1787 17 Jul/BRDR | Juan PROSPER | French | [Marie-]Magdalena LAVERGNE | none listed | |
1802 12 Oct/BRDR | Paul[-Pierre-Benjamin] LAVERGNE | Gene[v]iève HÉBERT | Acadian | Dupuis, Hébert | |
1825 20 Sep/BRDR | George ANSELME | French Creole? | [Marie] Laualie [Farnelie] LAVERGNE | Dupuy, Melançon, Olivier | |
1826 30 Jan/BRDR | Richard TERRELL | Anglo | Marie Adélaïde LAVERGNE | Babin, LeBlanc, Orillon | |
1840 15 Sep/BRDR | Joseph O. B. TUTTLE | Anglo | Mary Farnelie LAVERGNE (widow) | Dupuy, Tuttle |
Analysis of LAVERGNE marriages, 1785-1840:
Total marriages listed:
6 100.0%
Endogamous marriages:
Exogamous marriages:
LAVERGNE Acadian connection: HÉBERT
Copyright (c) 2007-24 Steven A. Cormier