Acadian/Cajun Marriages in Louisiana, 1765-1861
The marriages listed below are from "official" marriage citations found in South Louisiana church and civil record collections [Bourgeois, Cabanocey & Voorhies, J., Some Late Eighteenth-Century Louisianians (C-V); Baton Rouge Diocesan Records (BRDR); Hébert, D., Southwest LA Records (SWLR); Hébert, D., South LA Records (SLR); & New Orleans Archdiocesan Records (NOAR)], not from inferences to a marriage found in those collections. Same-family marriages--e.g., CORMIER = CORMIER--are accounted for in the totals.
[The hyperlink attached to a family's name takes you to that family's totals; the hyperlink attached to an individual's name takes you to the individual's profile in the list of Acadian immigrants to Louisiana or to an AIG unit roster.]
BIJEAUX/BUJOLE (Acadians only)
Date/Record | Groom | Ethnicity | Bride | Ethnicity | Witnesses |
c1768/C-V/NO | Étienne BUJOLS | Margueritte FORREST | Acadian | none listed | |
1770 1 Aug/BRDR | Joseph CONSTANT | French | Margueritte BUJOL | Maurel, Stournelle, ___ | |
1773 15 Feb/BRDR | Paul PREVOST | French | [Félicité-]Perpétué BUJOL | Judice | |
1774 7 Feb/BRDR | Augustin BIJEAU (BUJOL) | Gertrude LANDRY | Acadian | Bellile, Constant | |
1776 22 Apr/BRDR | Pierre BIJEAU | Osite LANDRY | Acadian | Grangé, Landry | |
1779 25 Nov/BRDR | Joseph LANDRY | Acadian | Anna BIJEAU | LeBlanc, Lincour | |
1780 8 Feb/BRDR | Juan VIVES | Spanish | Margarita BIJEAUD (widow) | LeBlanc, Maxent | |
1781 28 May/BRDR | Firmin BLANCHARD | Acadian | Maria Magdalena BIJEAUD | Bijeaud, Blanchard, Landry | |
1784 15 Feb/BRDR | Augusto VERRET | French Creole | Maria Magdalena BIJEAUD (BUJOL) | Bijeaud, Landry, Verret | |
1785 18 Dec/NOAR | Juan Luis BUQUOY | French | Félicité-Perpétué BIJOT (wd.) | Llorca, Martinez | |
1786 6 Feb/BRDR | Jean BIGOST | Maria BOURGE | Acadian | none listed | |
1786 6 Feb/BRDR | Pedro BOURQUE | Acadian | Maria BIGOU (BUJOL) | Bourque | |
1796 15 May/BRDR | Josef BUJOL | [Marie dite] Maneta PICOU | French Creole | Babin, Landry | |
1801 8 Jan/SWLR | Augustin BIJEAU (widower) | Félicité SENETIERE | French Creole | Chemin, LeNormand, Ringuet, Tenholt | |
1807 25 May/SWLR | Auguste BIJOT | Marie Marthe CASTILLE | Spanish Creole | Abatte, Quale/Quarles, Riviere | |
1811 22 Apr/BRDR | Joseph Silvester BUJOL | Marie Françoise LEVEQUE | French Creole | Comes, Landry, Martin | |
1814 25 Aug/SWLR | Ursin BIJOT | Magdelaine RICHARD (widow) | Acadian | Estilette, Landry, Mouton, Patin, Richard, Thibaudeau | |
1816 30 Nov/BRDR | Rosémond LEBLANC | Acadian | Clotilde BUJOL | Braud | |
1817 6 Jan/BRDR | Simon BUJOL | [Marguerite] Magdelaine BABIN | Acadian | Landry | |
1817 13 Jan/BRDR | Augustin LEBLANC | Acadian | Constance BUJOL | Blanchard, Comes | |
1818 30 Mar/BRDR | Jean BUJOL (widow) | Marie Eugènie LAMBREMONT | French Creole | Blount, Lambremont, LeBlanc | |
1825 25 May/BRDR | Narcisse BUJOL | Adeline ORILLON | Acadian | Cropper, Dupuy, Orillon | |
1826 12 Sep/SWLR | Orelien BIJOT | Marie COLLINS | Anglo | Ducrest, Fabre, LeBlanc, Potier | |
1835 4 May/SWLR | Edmond Valsin PATIN | French Creole | Azema BIJOT | none listed | |
1836 19 Apr/SWLR | Ursin BIJEAU | Laure PATIN | French Creole | none listed | |
1838 12 Feb/BRDR | Édouard BUJOL | Marie Ethelvina BLANCHARD | Acadian | Babin, Bujol, Landry | |
1839 27 Jun/BRDR | Amédée BUJOL | Adéle LANDRY | Acadian | Bujol, Poursine | |
1841 4 Oct/BRDR | Jacques BUJOL | Elmire Lise GAUDIN | Acadian | Ayraud, Babin, Boudreaux, Bujol, Dugas, Hébert, Leblanc, Picou | |
1841 4 Nov/SWLR | Cyrille BIJEAU | Aspasie GUIDRY | Acadian | none listed | |
1842 10 May/BRDR | James YOUNGBLOOD | Anglo | Marie Céleste BUJOL | Bujol, Cottman, Duffel, Landry, Pedesclaux, Poursine, Randall, Richard | |
1846 9 Jan/BRDR | Étienne BUJOL | Marie Caroline MARTINEZ | Spanish Creole | Berlier, Martinez, Terrel | |
1846 20 Jan/BRDR | François Joseph BUJOL | Irma LANDRY | Acadian | Bujol, Landry, Leveque, Molaison, Schlatte | |
1849 4 Sep/BRDR | Ulger DEVILLIERS | French Creole | Emma BUJOL | Bujol, Devillier, Lauve, Lavy, Marchand, Marionneaux | |
1850 29 Jan/BRDR | Alexandre Henri Michel René FOURRIER | Foreign French | Marie Angéline BUJOL | Henri, Landry, Leveque, René | |
1850 15 May/BRDR | Edmond BUJOL | Eléonise Elizabeth MELANÇON | Acadian | Dtts., Dugas, Gaudin, Landry | |
1850 16 Dec/BRDR | Louis DESAUNAY [DELAUNE] | Acadian | Malvina BUJOL | Danos, Frunt, Housivel, McDaniel | |
1853 5 Sep/BRDR | Philippe ROTH | Jewish? German? | Malvina BUJOL (widow) | Barbay, Hébert, Lacroix, Landry, O'Brien | |
1854 11 May/SWLR | Alfred MELANÇON | Acadian | Mathilde BIJEAU | none listed | |
1855 30 Jan/SWLR | Salomon Christophe BERTRAND | French Creole | Hélène BIJEAU | none listed | |
1857 29 Apr/SWLR | Achilles/Achille BIJEAU | Célestine WILTZ | German Creole | none listed | |
1857 21 Oct/BRDR | Joseph Édouard BUJOL | Hermina BRUGÈRE | French Creole? | Babin, Blanchard, Brugere, Bujol, Comes, Dufren, Robert | |
1858 28 Jul/SWLR | Richard Henri JONES | Welsh? | [Susanne] Aurelia BIJEAU | none listed | |
1859 28 Jun/BRDR | Joseph Numa BABIN | Acadian | Elmire Zoé BUJOL | Ayraud, Landry, LeBlanc | |
1860 22 Jul/BRDR | Pierre Valmont RIVET | Acadian | [Marie] Ophelia BUJOL | Dupuy, Lang, Levert, Rivet, Romouin |
Analysis of BIJEAUX/BUJOLE marriages, c1768-1860:
Total marriages listed:
44 100.0%
Endogamous marriages:
Exogamous marriages: 22
No marriages found
BLANCHARD (Acadians only)
Date/Record | Groom | Ethnicity | Bride | Ethnicity | Witnesses |
1768 11 Apr/C-V | Simon BROUSSARD | Acadian | Margueritte BLANCHARD | none listed | |
1772 23 Nov/BRDR | Joseph BLANCHARD | Marie DUPUI[S] | Acadian | Boudro, Melançon | |
1775 13 Feb/BRDR | Victor BLANCHARD | Anne-Perpétué DUHAM (DUHON) | Acadian | LeBlanc, Trahan | |
1778 9 Feb/BRDR | Pierre BLANCHARD | Marguerite BREAU | Acadian | Breau, Myre, Part | |
1779 10 Jan/SWLR | Jean-Baptiste CORMIER, fils (wdr.) | Acadian | Anne BLANCHARD | Cormié, DeClouet, Grangé, Préjean, Richard | |
1781 28 May/BRDR | Firmin BLANCHARD | Maria Magdalena BIJEAUD | Acadian | Bijeaud, Blanchard, Landry | |
1783 20 Apr/BRDR | Joseph MOLLÈRE | French Creole | Osita Barbara BLANCHARD | Judice, Landry, LeBlanc | |
1786 5 Jan/NOAR | Santiago [Jacques] BLANCHARD | [Aimée-]Modesta BURQUE | Acadian | Llorca, Martinez | |
1786 19 Feb/BRDR | Juan Carlos GOTRO | Acadian | Francisca[-Hélène] BLANCHARD | Blanchard, Giroir/Guroir | |
1786 20 Feb/BRDR | Carlos FORET | Acadian | Magdalena BLANCHARD | Jean-Baptiste ___ | |
1786 3 Jul/BRDR | Laurent BLANCHARD | Anne[-Simone] HÉBERT | Acadian | Dugas, Terrio | |
1786 3 Jul/BRDR | Maturin TRAHANT | Acadian | Marie[-Madeleine] BLANCHARD | Garidel, Terrio | |
1787 11 Feb/BRDR | Jérôme BLANCHARD [fils] | Mariana CLOATRE (CLOUÂTRE) | Acadian | none listed | |
1787 22 Oct/BRDR | Suliac BLANCHARD | Marie[-Gertrude] HÉBERT | Acadian | Garidel | |
1788 22 Apr/BRDR | Antonio BLANCHARD | Maria-Josefa HÉBERT | Acadian | Fonteno, Landry | |
1788 18 Aug/BRDR | Juan-Baptista[-Olivier] LANDRY | Acadian | Anna-Margarita BLANCHARD | Bromo, Landry | |
1788 23 Oct/BRDR | Juan LANDRY | Acadian | Maria-Josefa BLANCHARD | Landry, Terio | |
1790 25 Jul/BRDR | Pedro[-J.] BLANCHARD | Margarite[-Geneviève] AUCOIN | Acadian | Blanchar, Fedrig | |
1790 7 Aug/SWLR | André MONDON | French Imm. | Magdeleine BLANCHARD | Doucet, Goyo, Richard | |
1791 8 Nov/BRDR | Jose BURG (BOURG) | Acadian | Félicitas BLANCHAR | Blanchar, Bro, Bursua | |
1792 28 Feb/BRDR | Carlos[P.-M.] BLANCHARD | Juana[-Eléonore] GIROIRD | Acadian | Blanchard, Giroird, Guillot | |
1792 24 Apr/BRDR | Pedro BLANCHAR | Isabel MOUTON | Acadian | Blanchar, Fedriq | |
1792 21 May/BRDR | Joseph LEBLANC | Acadian | [Anne-]Martha BLANCHARD | LeBlanc | |
1792 31 May/BRDR | Esteban COMAU | Acadian | Margarita BLANCHARD | Braset, Garivel, LeBlanc | |
1792 5 Jun/BRDR | Renato ARNAU | French Imm. | Anatalia [Nathalie] BLANCHAR | Blanchar, Bursua, Serret | |
1793 28 Jan/BRDR | David [Élie] BLANCHARD | Acadian | [Eudoxe-]Maria BLANCHARD | Acadian | Blanchard |
1793 10 Feb/BRDR | Juan Bautista BOURQUE | Acadian | Francoise BLANCHARD (wd.) | Bourque, Goutro | |
1793 5 Aug/BRDR | Richard-Pedro [Pierre-Isidore] BLANCHARD | Maria Sophia LE BLANC | Acadian | Babin/Babint, LeBlanc | |
1793 20 Aug/BRDR | Joaquin BLANCHARD | Maria Magdalena TEMPLET | Acadian | Broussard, Landry | |
1793 28 Oct/BRDR | Luis RICHARD | Acadian | [Marie-]Anastasia BLANCHARD | Cassegniol, Melanson, Sone | |
1795 19 Jan/BRDR | Armand LANDRY | Acadian | Maria[-Madeleine] BLANCHARD | Cazebon, Daspit, Landry | |
1795 26 Apr/BRDR | Luis BERNARD | Acadian | Rosalia BLANCHARD | Arcenaux, Bernard, LeBlanc | |
1796 7 Nov/BRDR | Victor BLANCHARD | [Marie-]Magdalena RICHAR | Acadian | Anry [Henry?], Babin | |
1797 28 Aug/BRDR | Juan Bautista BRAUX | Acadian | [Marie-]Henriqueta BLANCHARD | Arcenaux, Braux, LeBlanc | |
1798 30 Jan/BRDR | Carlos THIBODEAUX | Acadian | [Marie-]Célestina BLANCHARD | Braux, Landry, Thibodeaux | |
1798 23 Apr/BRDR | Pedro [J.-B.] BOURQUE | Acadian | Ana BLANCHARD | Blanchard, Hébert | |
1798 22 May/BRDR | Bélonio[-Jacques] BLANCHARD | Margarita[-Aimée] TRAHAN | Acadian | Hébert, Verret | |
1798 12 Nov/BRDR | Joseph COMMAU (wdr.) | Acadian | Maria[-M.] BLANCHARD (wid.) | Blanchard | |
1799 4 Feb/BRDR | Alexo-Simon COMMEAU | Acadian | Margarita[-Anne] BERTRAND | Blanchard, Hébert | |
1800 17 Feb/BRDR | Frédérico BLANCHARD | Anna BERTEAU | French Creole | Blanchard, Bourgeois, Rousselle | |
1800 25 Aug/BRDR | Mauricio BLANCHARD | Maria Magdalena FONTENAUX | French Creole | Blanchard, Fontenaux, Mouton | |
1800 16 Sep/BRDR | Pablo[-Ambroise] PITRE | Acadian | Céleste BLANCHARD | Dugat, Hébert | |
1802 12 Jan/BRDR | Juan-Bautiste BLANCHARD | Maria Modesta AUCOIN | Acadian | Aucoin, Richard | |
1802 1 Feb//BRDR | Carlos BLANCHARD (wdr.) | Maria Anastasia AUCOIN | Acadian | Blanchard, Monte | |
1803 4 Jan/BRDR | Joseph BLANCHARD | Angelica PICONE (PICOU) | French Creole | Chinette, Picone | |
1803 8 Jan/BRDR | Joseph CAHIER | French Creole | [Anne] Modesta BLANCHARD | Bourgeois, Landry, Simon | |
1803 28 Jun/BRDR | Josef MOYSES | Acadian | Ana[-Marguerite] BLANCHARD | Boudraux, Hébert | |
1803 1 Oct/BRDR | Paul LEBLANC | Acadian | Marie-Constance BLANCHARD | Bijol, Blanchard, Lessard | |
1804 19 Mar/BRDR | Joseph MOLLÈRE[, fils] | French Creole | Henrietta BLANCHARD | Henry, Roth | |
1804 28 Aug/BRDR | André Pierre [Pierre Charles] BLANCHARD | Julie DUPUIS | Acadian | Dilhae, Dupuis | |
1806 4 Feb/BRDR | Carlos LEBLAN | Acadian | Modesta BLANCHARD | Clément, LeBlanc | |
1806 10 Feb/BRDR | Pierre BLANCHARD[, fils] | Marie Françoise BERNARD | Acadian | Brau, Dicharry, Tureaud | |
1807 3 Feb/BRDR | Pierre MICHEL | Acadian | Marguerite BLANCHARD | Blanchard, Mercier, Michel | |
1807 19 Feb/BRDR | Narcisse LANDRY | Acadian | Henrietta BLANCHARD | Blanchard, Landry | |
1808 21 Jul/BRDR | Pierre LACROIX | French Creole | Marie Carmélite BLANCHARD | Blanchard, LaCroix, Roth | |
1809 6 Nov/BRDR | Joseph BLANCHARD | [Marie] Judith LEBLANC | Acadian | Blanchard, LeBlanc | |
1810 5 Feb/BRDR | Barthélémi LEBLANC | Acadian | Constance BLANCHARD (wid.) | Comes, Landry, LeBlanc | |
1810 28 May/BRDR | Alexandro ARSENAUX | Acadian | Maria Amada BLANCHARD | Blanchard, Hébert | |
1810 14 May/SWLR | Joseph SAVOIE | Acadian | [Marie] Henriette BLANCHARD (widow) | Brau/Braux, Jacquet, Mouton | |
1810 7 Aug/BRDR | Magloire LEBLANC | Acadian | Maria Modeste BLANCHARD | LeJeune, Terriault | |
1811 18 Feb/BRDR | Jérôme BLANCHARD[, fils] | [Marie] Marcellite ORILLION | Acadian | Babin, Orillon, Roth | |
1812 2 Jan/BRDR | Bautista DAIGLE | Acadian | Rosalia BLANCHARD | Daigle, Gautraux | |
1812 4 May/BRDR | Joseph BLANCHARD | Marguerite DUPUIS | Acadian | Dupuy, Landry | |
1812 4 May/BRDR | Charles DUPUIS | Acadian | Marie Marcelitte BLANCHARD | Blanchard, Dupuis/Dupuy | |
1812 10 Aug/BRDR | Juan LANDRY | Acadian | Enrrietta [Marie] BLANCHARD | Blanchard | |
1812 24 Nov/BRDR | Luis BLANCHARD | Coleta LANDRY | Acadian | Blanchard, Simonaux, Tureyra | |
1813 28 Jan/BRDR | Josef RICHARD | Acadian | [Emérite] Maria BLANCHARD | Daigle, Leblan | |
1813 2 Mar/BRDR | Zéferino BLANCHARD | Eliza LEBERT | Acadian | LeBlan, Thibdeau | |
1813 31 Jul/BRDR | Juan Bautista BLANCHARD (widower) | Maria Adélaïdes BOUDRAUX (widow) | Acadian | Aucoin, Dugat, Landry | |
1814 14 Feb/BRDR | Estevan BLANCHARD | Marina LANDRY | Acadian | Blanchard, Landry, Tureyra | |
1815 17 Oct/BRDR | Pedro BLANCHARD | Élizabeth COURTIN | French Creole | Terrioult, Tibodeau | |
1815 13 Dec/BRDR | Marens [Marin] BLANCHARD | Sofia TERRIOULT | Acadian | Blanchard, Terrioult | |
1816 20 Feb/BRDR | Juan Carlos BLANCHARD | [Anne] Deseada CANCIENY | Italian Creole | Cancien, Torreyra | |
1817 6 Feb/BRDR | Bernard ALLAIN | Acadian | Appolonie BLANCHARD | Babin, Blanchard, Landry | |
1817 8 May/BRDR | Florentin TEMPLET | Acadian | Clarisse BLANCHARD | Amate, Boerau, Guillot | |
1817 31 Dec/BRDR | Pierre Isidore BLANCHARD (widower) | [Marie] Clothilde LEBLANC | Acadian | Blanchard, Hatkinson, LeBlanc | |
1818 19 Jan/BRDR | Jean Charles BLANCHARD | Acadian | Rosalie [Marie] BLANCHARD | Acadian | Aucoin, Blanchard, Landry |
1818 26 Jul/BRDR | Firmain BLANCHARD | Anne GUILLOT | Acadian | Blanchard, Hébert, Jenings | |
1818 31 Aug/BRDR | Auguste BLANCHARD | Florence AUCOIN | Acadian | Aucoin, Sauntez, Turreyra | |
1819 13 Feb/BRDR | Pierre Charles BLANCHARD (widower) | Carmélite Euphémie PELLETIER | French Creole | Aucoin, Bourque, Perreyra | |
1819 13 Apr/BRDR | Dufroi (Lufroi) AUCOIN | Acadian | Enrietta [Isabelle] BLANCHARD | Arsenau, Bourg, Delavant | |
1819 4 May/BRDR | Édouard BLANCHARD | [Marie] Caroline DUPUY | Acadian | Orillon, Roth | |
1820 4 Apr/SWLR | Narcisse GUIDRY | Acadian | Emérente BLANCHARD | Braud, Melançon, Richard | |
1820 8 May/BRDR | Élie [Charles] BLANCHARD | Émilie MONTE | French Creole | Giroir, Landry | |
1820 17 Jul/BRDR | Joseph BLANCHARD (wdr.) | Marie Delphine LEBLANC | Acadian | LeBlanc, Richard | |
1821 15 Jan/BRDR | Éloi BLANCHARD | Marie Louise LEBLANC | Acadian | Hébert, LeBlanc, Richard | |
1821 5 Feb/BRDR | Jean Baptiste COLONNA | Corsican | Marie [Anne] BLANCHARD | Blanchard, Landry | |
1821 13 Feb/BRDR | Santiago [Jacques] BLANCHARD | Maria Paulina DUPLESIS (wd.) | French | Bernard Dumontier, Swindler | |
1821 21 Feb/BRDR | Antoine FORESTIER | Foreign French | Anne Marguerite BLANCHARD | Blanchard, de L'aune | |
1821 28 May/BRDR | Florentin BLANCHARD | Marie Émelie ARSENEAU | Acadian | Moyse, Pitre, Theriau | |
1821 30 Dec/BRDR | Ambroise BLANCHARD | Marie HEIGHT [AILLET] | French Creole | Hébert, Templet | |
1822 30 Sep/BRDR | Pierre ESCUREIX | Foreign French | Marie Fideline BLANCHARD | Landry, Tibaudeau | |
1823 27 Jan/BRDR | Amand BLANCHARD | Françoise THERIOT | Acadian | Blanchard, LeBlanc, Tibaudot | |
1823 9 Jun/BRDR | William NEWELL | Anglo | Adeline BLANCHARD | Blanchard, Landry, Newell, Sigur | |
1824/BRDR | Alexander WHITE | Anglo | Célestine [Delphine] BLANCHARD | Blanchard, Hopkins, Potts | |
1824 26 Jan/BRDR | Augustin Valire BLANCHARD | Carmélite TEMPLET | Acadian | Aucoin, Giroir, Guillot | |
1824 29 Apr/BRDR | Élie BLANCHARD | Marie Judique Thomas ALEXANDRE | French Creole? | Martin, Richee, Roussel | |
1824 20 Sep/SWLR | Alexandre LORMAND | French Creole | [Marie] Scholastique BLANCHARD | Braud, Girroir, Guédry, Landry | |
1825 3 Jan/BRDR | Étienne RICHARD (widower) | Acadian | Élise Azélie BLANCHARD | Duboissel, Landry, LeBlanc, Richard | |
1825 16 Aug/BRDR | Marin VIOLIN | Foreign French | [Marie] Adéle BLANCHARD | L'eveque, Letorec, Mayol | |
1825 19 Sep/BRDR | Auguste CANTIEN | Italian Creole | Lise Rosalie BLANCHARD | Blanchard | |
1825 20 Dec/BRDR | Étienne ORDRONEAU | Foreign French | [Marie] Anne BLANCHARD | Bonnamour | |
1826 9 Jan/BRDR | Armond BLANCHARD | [Théotiste] Céleste LANDRY | Acadian | Blanchard, Landry, Varner | |
1826 3 Apr/BRDR | Arthur M. FOLLEY [FOLEY] | Anglo? | Marcelline [Marcellite] BLANCHARD | Bourg, Pennison, Pugh | |
1826 23 May/BRDR | Onésime LEBLANC | Acadian | [Marie] Joséphine BLANCHARD | Blanchard, Dugas, LeBlanc | |
1826 26 Nov/BRDR | Élie BLANCHARD | Marguerite GUILLOT | Acadian | Blanchard, Guillot | |
1827 3 May/SWLR | Marin BLANCHARD (wdr.) | Annette dite Nanon BROUSSARD | Acadian | Broussard, Delacroix, Guilbaud, Hébert | |
1827 7 May/BRDR | Alexis BLANCHARD | Marguerite TRAHANT | Acadian | Delaune, Dugas, Simoneau | |
1827 7 May/BRDR | Isidore BLANCHARD | Léocade AUCOIN | Acadian | Arsenaux, Delaune, Dugas | |
1827 3 Sep/SWLR | Jacques DORÉ | French Creole | Marie Virginie BLANCHARD | Garyo, Melançon, Romero | |
1827 3 Sep/SWLR | Philippe McNEEL [McNEIL] | Scots? Irish? | [Marie] Joséphine BLANCHARD | Garyo, Melançon, Romero | |
1828 8 Jan/BRDR | Joseph CAPDEVILLE (wdr.) | French Creole | Henriette BLANCHARD (wd.) | Braux, LaCroix | |
1829 20 Jan/BRDR | Valéry BREAU | Acadian | Marie Artémise BLANCHARD | Blanchard, Brau/Breau, Samouillan | |
1830 12 Apr/SLR | Sainville MARTIN | Acadian | Marie Héloise BLANCHARD | none listed | |
1830 15 Jun/BRDR | [Jean] Privat BLANCHARD | Léocadie BARAS | French Creole | Bernard, Thibodeaux | |
1830 4 Oct/SWLR | Joseph MENARD | French Creole | Marie Félonise BLANCHARD | Dore, Romer, Vallot | |
1831 30 Apr/BRDR | Pierre Prosper BLANCHARD | Magdeleine SHIST (CHUSTZ) | German Creole? | Blanchard, Robichaud | |
1831 25 Jul/BRDR | Pierre MICHEL | Acadian | Marie Cléonise BLANCHARD | Becnel, Blanchard, Theriot, Thibodeaux | |
1831 25 Oct/BRDR | Achille LANDRY | Acadian | [Marie] Gertrude BLANCHARD | Blanchard, Landry, Roman, Seghers | |
1832 9 Jan/BRDR | Thadé Martin BLANCHARD | Constance Carmélite BOURG | Acadian | Barbier, Blanchard, Templet | |
1832 9 Jul/BRDR | Hypolite BROUSSARD | Acadian | Émelie Rosalie BLANCHARD | Blanchard, Broussard, Dupuy, Hébert | |
1832 16 Jul/BRDR | Jean Baptiste BLANCHARD[, fils] | Clarisse Pauline GUILLOT | Acadian | Guillot | |
1832 1 Oct/SWLR | Norbert BLANCHARD | Delphine McNEIL | Scots? Irish? | none listed | |
1833 3 Feb/BRDR | Sulia BLANCHARD[, fils] | Marie CANTIENNE (widow) | Italian Creole | Blanchard, Bergeron, Delaune | |
1833 15 Apr/BRDR | Maurice BARNETT, Jr. | Anglo? | Augustine Marie BLANCHARD | Barnett, Blanchard, Hébert | |
1833 17 Apr/SWLR | Jean BLANCHARD | Suzette THIBODEAU (wid.) | Acadian | none listed | |
1833 3 Jun/SLR | Jean Baptiste ROBICHAUX | Acadian | Marguerite Virginie BLANCHARD | none listed | |
1834 3 Feb/BRDR | Pierre BLANCHARD | Adélaïde Marcellite HÉBERT | Acadian | none listed | |
1834 4 Feb/SLR | Pierre BLANCHARD | Susanne Adèle PELLEGRIN | French Creole | none listed | |
1834 21 Apr/SLR | Victor Leufroy/Leufroid ROBICHAUD | Acadian | Césaire BLANCHARD | none listed | |
1834 10 Jul/BRDR | Siffroid BLANCHARD | Acadian | Victorine BLANCHARD | Acadian | Landry, Menier, Viel |
1834 20 Aug/BRDR | [Pierre] Valmont BLANCHARD | Marie Hermina LEBLANC | Acadian | Allain, Blanchard, Duffel, Landry, Leblanc, Winchester | |
1835 25 May/SLR | Sylver BLANCHARD | Marie Célesie LEBLANC | Acadian | none listed | |
1835 1 Jun/BRDR | Joachim BLANCHARD | Marie Polonie GUÉDRY | Acadian | Blanchard, Richard | |
1835 28 Sep/BRDR | Suliac BLANCHARD[, fils] (widower) | Marie Azélie MONTET | French Creole | Cancienne, Landry, Montet | |
1835 7 Dec/SWLR | Pierre BLANCHARD | Marguerite Elmire POIRIER | Acadian | none listed | |
1836 8 Feb/SLR | Charles BLANCHARD | Marie Louise BOUDREAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1836 8 Feb/BRDR | Valéry LANDRY | Acadian | Emérence [Marie] BLANCHARD | Blanchard, Landry | |
1836 10 Feb/BRDR | Joseph Faustin BLANCHARD | Marie Appoline ALLAIN | Acadian | Allain, Baker, Blanchard, LeBlanc | |
1836 7 Nov/SLR | Hypolite BLANCHARD | Marie Céleste BOUDREAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1836 21 Nov/BRDR | Pierre BLANCHARD | Eliza HÉBERT | Acadian | Blanchard, Comeau, Dugas, Hébert, Landry, Raison | |
1836 26 Nov/BRDR | Armand BLANCHARD | Claris BREAUX | Acadian | Blanchard, Breaux, LeBlanc | |
1837 7 Feb/BRDR | Joseph Hules LANDRY (wr.) | Acadian | Marie Aimée BLANCHARD | Blanchard, Bujol, Poursine | |
1837 19 Jun/BRDR | Groveneur H. McFADDIN | Scots? Irish? | Marie Dorliska BLANCHARD | Godeau, LeBlanc, Vella | |
1837 11 Dec/SWLR | François Joachim BLANCHARD | Émelite ARCENAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1838 15 Jan/SLR | Firmin BLANCHARD | Marie Hélène LEBEUF | French Creole | none listed | |
1838 12 Feb/BRDR | Édouard BUJOL | Acadian | Marie Ethelvina BLANCHARD | Babin, Bujol, Landry | |
1838 30 Jul/SWLR | Dosité BLANCHARD | Marie Azélie DUPUIS | Acadian | none listed | |
1838 19 Nov/BRDR | Louis Declousel BLANCHARD | Éloise Joséphine ROBERT | French Creole? | Deglos, Marionneaux | |
1839 1 Apr/SWLR | Olivier BLANCHARD | Élizabeth TALLEY | Anglo? | none listed | |
1839 3 Apr/SWLR | Placide BLANCHARD | Marie COHEN | Jewish? | none listed | |
1839 20 May/BRDR | Sulia BLANCHARD[, fils] (wr.) | Élise BARILLEAU | Acadian | Arseneaux, Barilleau, Blanchard, Tardif | |
1839 13 Jun/BRDR | Fielding COONY | Anglo? | Eliza BLANCHARD | Aillet, Blanchard | |
1839 11 Aug/BRDR | Rosémond BLANCHARD | Adélaïde GUÉDRY | Acadian | Blanchar, Dugas, Guédry, Landry | |
1839 5 Dec/BRDR | Hiram FRAYARD | Anglo | Monique Susanne BLANCHARD | Blanchard, Braud | |
1839 5 Dec/SWLR | Antoine BLANCHARD | Apolline Grasieuse GAUDIN | Acadian | Blanchard, Landry | |
1840 27 Jan/BRDR | Thomas McLIN | Scots? Irish? | Célestine BLANCHARD | Leblanc, Lobdell | |
1840 2 Mar/SWLR | Valsin Pierre DUCHARM | French Creole | Euphrosine Sophie BLANCHARD | none listed | |
1840 19 Mar/SLR | Émile PITRE | Acadian | Marie Roseline BLANCHARD | none listed | |
1840 28 Apr/BRDR | John Ferdinand SCOTT (wdr.) | Scots? Anglo? | Élizabeth BLANCHARD | Allain, Blanchard, DeArmas | |
1840 2 Jul/BRDR | Evariste BLANCHARD | Marguerite LE BEUF | French Creole | Blanchard, Esureix | |
1840 27 Jul/BRDR | Pierre BLANCHARD [III] | Carmélite OUBRE | German Creole | Avet, Blanchard, Kance, Michel, Oubre, Thibodeaux | |
1841 26 Apr/SLR | Michel Archange BLANCHARD | Justine RODRIGUE | French Can.? | none listed | |
1841 4 Oct/SWLR | Rosémond MARTIN | Scots | [Marie] Azélie BLANCHARD | none listed | |
1842 31 Jan/BRDR | Jean Baptise COPEL | French Creole? | Irène [Azélie] BLANCHARD | Blanchard, Copel, Daigle | |
1842 12 Feb/SLR | Béloni BLANCHARD | Marie Éloise LEBOEUF | French Creole | none listed | |
1842 29 Mar/BRDR | Jean François Aimé BERCEGEAY | Belgian Imm. | Victorine BLANCHARD (widow) | Augustin, Bercegeay, Blanchard, Terrio, Tusson, Vidal | |
1842 18 Apr/BRDR | Arsène BLANCHARD | Adelina CROCHET | Acadian | Blanchard, Guédry, Landry, Simoneaux | |
1842 18 Apr/BRDR | Treville LANDRY | Acadian | Clarisse [Colette Céleste?] BLANCHARD | Blanchard, Crochet, Landrdy | |
1842 25 Apr/BRDR | Gratien BLANCHARD | Anaïse LEBLANC | Acadian | Gotreau, Landry, Romagosa | |
1843 24 Jan/BRDR | Joseph [Jérôme] Ducatel BLANCHARD | Euphémie HOTARD | French Creole? | Hotart, Orillion, Petry, Rils | |
1843 25 Feb/BRDR | Achille LANDRY (widower) | Acadian | [Marie] Aureline BLANCHARD | Allain, Boissac, Broussard, Delaune, Landry | |
1843 27 May/SLR | Augustin BLANCHARD | Marceline ROBICHAUD/ROBICHAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1843 12 Jun/BRDR | August BLANCHARD[, fils] | Batilde BARILLEAUX | Acadian | Barilleaux, Blanchard | |
1843 12 Jun/BRDR | Pierre ARTAUX | Foreign French | Marie Élizabeth BLANCHARD | Blanchard, Denis, Evans, Lacave, Langier, Trichard | |
1843 12 Jun/SLR | François Morice LEBOEUF | French Creole | [Marguerite] Olympe BLANCHARD | none listed | |
1844 15 Jan/BRDR | Matthew MARS | Anglo? | Mary Clothilde Olivia BLANCHARD | Blanchard, Haase, Hotard, Marionneaux, Stadeker | |
1844 8 Apr/BRDR | Pierre GALLAND | French Creole? | [Marie] Adèle BLANCHARD (widow) | Cillier, Lesne, Ocoin | |
1844 13 May/BRDR | Jean SAUSE | French Creole? | Marguerite Rosalie BLANCHARD | Courtade, Gagne, Gereri, Saus | |
1845 9 Jun/BRDR | Furci BOUDREAU | Acadian | [Marie Batilde] Azéma BLANCHARD | Blanchard, Boudreaux | |
1846 26 Jan/BRDR | Pierre BLANCHARD [III] (widower) | Mélicère FULCHER (widow) | German Creole? | Besson, Dugas, Michel, Oubre, Thibodaux | |
1846 10 Feb/BRDR | Sosthane BLANCHARD | Doralise OUBRE | German Creole | Guidri, Many, Theriot | |
1846 23 Feb/BRDR | Valéry BLANCHARD | Augustine TERIOT | Acadian | François, Maroit, Michel | |
1846 6 Mar/BRDR | Charles R. GRAHAM | Anglo | Marie Emma BLANCHARD | Allain, Blanchard, Graham, Jones, Wright | |
1846 25 May/BRDR | Auguste BLANCHARD | Marie AUCOIN | Acadian | Aucoin, Blanchard | |
1846 29 Jul/SWLR | Norbert BLANCHARD (wr.) | Carméllite RICHARD | Acadian | none listed | |
1846 14 Sep/SLR | Victor [Simon] BLANCHARD | Azéma ORDONNAUX | Foreign French | none listed | |
1846 21 Sep/SLR | Louis LABOUF | French Creole | Paulin[e] BLANCHARD | none listed | |
1847 4 Jan/BRDR | [Michel] Drosin BLANCHARD | Eliza TULIER | French Creole | Aillet, Hébert, Penn | |
1847 20 Jan/BRDR | Edmond BLANCHARD | Marie Bathilde TALBOT | Acadian | none listed | |
1847 8 Feb/BRDR | Michel BLANCHARD | Marie BARA | French Creole | Bara/Barras, Blanchard | |
1847 22 Mar/BRDR | Trasimond BLANCHARD | Augustine BOURG | Acadian | Bourg, Pellicer, Torregrossa | |
1847 26 Apr/BRDR | Vilneuve Zéphirin BLANCHARD | Estelle DAIGLE | Acadian | Blanchard, Hébert, Williams | |
1847 28 Jun/BRDR | Dorville FORET | Acadian | Pauline [Irma] BLANCHARD | Blanchard, Foret, Hébert | |
1847 28 Jun/SWLR | Séverin GUIDRY | Acadian | Philonise BLANCHARD | none listed | |
1847 23 Aug/BRDR | Bertrande CAZES | Foreign French | Marie Angelia BLANCHARD | Blanchard, Cairay, Cazes | |
1848 17 Jan/BRDR | Pierre Paul BLANCHARD | Augustine AUCOIN | Acadian | Dupuis, LeBlanc, Mendez | |
1848 29 Feb/BRDR | Gaudens CAZES | Foreign French | Marie Ema BLANCHARD | Cairesi, Cazes, Hébert | |
1848 5 Jul/BRDR | Éloi BLANCHARD | Odile BABIN (widow) | Acadian | Braud, Colle, Joly, Sullivan | |
1848 20 Jul/BRDR | Alphonse BARNETT | Anglo | Zéolide BLANCHARD | Barnett, Blanchard, Fernandez | |
1848 18 Dec/BRDR | Sylvanie BRAUX | Acadian | Élizabeth BLANCHARD | Allain, Babin, LeBlanc | |
1849 1 Jan/BRDR | Charles GUILLOT | Acadian | Marie [Constance] BLANCHARD | LeBlanc, Simoneaud/Simoneaux | |
1849 19 Feb/BRDR | Désiré RICHARD | Acadian | [Mary] Nathalie BLANCHARD | Blanchard, Cazes, Fanqui | |
1849 16 Apr/BRDR | Jean St. Bernard LANDRY | Acadian | Baselisse [Eléonore] BLANCHARD | Blanchard Delaune, Landry | |
1849 4 Jul/BRDR | Neuville BLANCHARD | Félicie SAVOY | Acadian | Blanchard, Guédry/Guidry, LeBlanc | |
1849 8 Aug/BRDR | [François] Joachim BLANCHARD (wdr.) | Marie Théotiste TACNEAU | French Creole? | Blanchard, Hiriart, Tacneau | |
1849 13 Aug/BRDR | Adrien BLANCHARD | Sophie Élodie BROUSSARD | Acadian | Blanchard, Broussard, Lobdell | |
1850 7 Feb/BRDR | Élie Théodore BLANCHARD | Céleste Cephalide DAIGLE | Acadian | Aillet, Blanchard, LeBlanc | |
1850 19 Mar/BRDR | Joachim Augustin RICHARD | Acadian | [Marie] Aimée BLANCHARD | Lafiton, Lobdell, Richard | |
1850 22 Apr/SLR | Ursin BOURG | Acadian | Delphine Nanette/Monetto BLANCHARD | none listed | |
1850 7 May/BRDR | Aristide LANDRY | Acadian | [Marie] Joséphine BLANCHARD | Blanchard, Landry | |
1850 19 Aug/BRDR | Louis BLANCHARD | Obelline MELANÇON | Acadian | Dugas, Melançon | |
1851 13 Jan/BRDR | Arcène DELAUNE | Acadian | Marine BLANCHARD | Blanchard, Delaune | |
1851 27 Jan/BRDR | Honoré CAMPO | Spanish Creole? | Marie [Joséphine?] BLANCHARD | Blanchard, Camp, Dugas, Giroir | |
1851 11 Feb/BRDR | Adon BLANCHARD | Justine DAIGLE | Acadian | Blanchard, Simoneau | |
1851 3 Mar/BRDR | John Surville BLANCHARD | Victorine LEBLANC | Acadian | Blanchard, Harrison, Orillion, Petit | |
1851 3 Mar/BRDR | Adonis HÉBERT | Acadian | Rosalie BLANCHARD | Blanchard, Dubroca, Hébert | |
1851 7 Aug/SWLR | Alexis BLANCHARD | Émilia N. DUGAT | Acadian | none listed | |
1851 18 Oct/BRDR | [Joseph] Ausémé BLANCHARD | Félicie HÉBERT | Acadian | Blanchard, Martin | |
1851 20 Oct/BRDR | Victorin BLANCHARD | Adéle GASSIE | French Creole? | Aillet, Dupuy, Hébert | |
1851 20 Nov/BRDR | A. W. WARREN | Anglo | Angélique Vicotoria BLANCHARD | Agnet, Ayraud, Bercegeay, Fernandez, Reawer, Superveille, Vidal | |
1852 31 Jan/SLR | Hilaire BLANCHARD | Azélie LEBEUF/LEBOEUF | French Creole | none listed | |
1852 16 Feb/BRDR | Grégoire BLANCHARD | Carmélite ARSENEAUX | Acadian | Arcenaux, Blanchard | |
1852 13 Apr/BRDR | Joachim BLANCHARD | Anathalie DAIGLE | Acadian | Babin, Bourg, Fornier | |
1852 20 Apr/BRDR | Joseph BLANCHARD | Marie AUCOIN | Acadian | Aucoin, Blanchard | |
1852 20 [May]/SWLR | Jean Baptiste LEGRAND | Foreign French | [Marie] Aspasie BLANCHARD | Arceneaux, Roy | |
1852 15 Jul/BRDR | William NOLAN | Anglo | Marie Virginie BLANCHARD | Isaac, Nolan, Varner | |
1852 2 Aug/SLR | Trasimond DUPLANTI | French Creole | Eléonore/Eléonia BLANCHARD | none listed | |
1853 10 Jan/BRDR | Simon LANDRY | Acadian | Zéolide BLANCHARD | Arseneau, Blanchard | |
1853 30 Jan/BRDR | Abraham BLANCHARD | Zéphire AUCOIN | Acadian | Aucoin, Blanchard, Delaune | |
1853 27 Jun/BRDR | Sylvanie BLANCHARD (wdr.) | Marguerite Élodie HÉBERT | Acadian | Barbay, Landry, Troxcler | |
1853 30 Jun/BRDR | Saturnin Zénon DAIGRE | Acadian | Marie Emma BLANCHARD | Blanchard, Dalegro, Dupuy, Landry, LeBlanc, Martinez, Sullivan | |
1853 11 Oct/BRDR | Élie Théodore BLANCHARD | [Marie] Emma BABIN | Acadian | Blanchard, Daigle, Landry, LeBlanc, Lecoq, Revault, Vaughn, Woods | |
1854 21 __/BRDR | Florentin MICHEL (widower) | Acadian | Eméranthe [Marie] BLANCHARD (widow) | Blanchard, Landry, Michel, Templet | |
1854 2 Jan/BRDR | [Jean Charles] Marin BLANCHARD | Adèle AILLET | French Creole | Bourg, Leray, Tullier | |
1854 11 Jan/BRDR | Arsène BLANCHARD | Noémi BREAUX | Acadian | Breaux, Mollere | |
1854 8 Feb/BRDR | Valéry BLANCHARD (wdr.) | Angelina TRAHANT (widow) | Acadian | Daigle, LeBlanc | |
1854 19 Apr/SLR | Andressi AUCOIN | Acadian | Julie [Roseline] BLANCHARD | none listed | |
1854 24 Apr/BRDR | Alexandre BLANCHARD | Angéline DELAUNE | Acadian | Bergeron, Boudreaux, Delaune | |
1854 18 May/BRDR | Louis Duclauselle BLANCHARD | Lavinia DODD | Anglo | Blanchard, Broussard, Erwin, Marioneaux, Mars | |
1854 1 Jun/SWLR | Olivier BLANCHARD (wdr.) | Élise CHAMPAGNE | French Creole | none listed | |
1854 19 Jun/SWLR | Sosthène BREAUX | Acadian | Laura BLANCHARD | none listed | |
1854 11 Jul/BRDR | Kempton DUGAS | Acadian | [Marie] Adelina BLANCHARD | Blanchard, Dugas, Landry | |
1854 14 Aug/SLR | Pierre RICHARD | Acadian | Roselia [Léotilde] BLANCHARD | none listed | |
1854 29 Dec/SWLR | Dupréville BERGERON | French Creole | Adélaïde BLANCHARD | none listed | |
1855 16 Jan/BRDR | Amadéo BLANCHARD | Clémentine MOLLÈRE | French Creole | Blanchard, Mollère | |
1855 25 Jan/BRDR | Fergus RICHARD | Acadian | [Marie] Émelie BLANCHARD | Allain, Bernard, Jolissaint | |
1855 19 Feb/BRDR | Célestin LEJEUNE | Acadian | Estelle BLANCHARD (widow) | Bruletour, Escurieux | |
1855 7 May/BRDR | Honoré CANCIENNE | Italian Creole | Rosalie BLANCHARD | Blanchard, Cancienne, Delaune | |
1855 25 Jun/BRDR | Rosémond BLANCHARD | Octavie HÉBERT | Acadian | Blanchard, Braux, Hébert | |
1855 25 Jun/BRDR | Calixte BLANCHARD | Marie FRYOUX | French Creole | Blanchard, Dugas, Trahantz | |
1855 6 Jul/SWLR | Syphroizen PREJEAN | Acadian | Marie Azélie BLANCHARD | none listed | |
1855 10 Sep/BRDR | Théodore BLANCHARD | Élizabeth LANDRY | Acadian | Degelos, Estevan, Landry, Marr, Shanks | |
1855 16 Oct/SWLR | Drauzin BLANCHARD | Félicianne CAHIL/COHIL [COMBE] (widow) | Irish? | none listed | |
1856 4 Jan/BRDR | Désiré TRAHAN | Acadian | Marguerite [Célimène] BLANCHARD | none listed | |
1856 21 Jan/BRDR | Uselien BLANCHARD | Zulmé ROGERE | Acadian | Bourg, Col, Rogere, Terrio | |
1856 28 Jan/BRDR | Raymond BLANCHARD | Mélasie ARSENEAU | Acadian | Arseneaux, Blanchard, Delaune, Herbert | |
1856 16 Apr/BRDR | Jean Baptiste BLANCHARD | Alphonsine MAJOR | French Creole | Blanchard, Braud, Major | |
1856 28 May/BRDR | Jean Apolinaire SICARD | French Creole | Marie Célestine BLANCHARD | Barra, Blanchard, Braud, Lejeune, Samson, Sicard | |
1856 16 Aug/SWLR | Édouard Arthur ANGEL/ANGELLE | French Creole | [Virginie] Baziline BLANCHARD | none listed | |
1856 27 Oct/BRDR | Sullia Marcelle BLANCHARD | Célima GASPAR | French Creole | Dupuis, Marquet, Montet | |
1856 27 Oct/BRDR | Louis BERNARD [du MONTIER] | French Creole | [Mary] Nathalie BLANCHARD (widow) | Bernard Dumontié, Broussard, Denham | |
1857/BRDR | Louis Aymable BLANCHARD | Émelie BARRA | French Creole | Barra, Blanchard, Chultz, Lejeune, Sicard | |
1857 7 Apr/SLR | François Clodomire THIBODAUX | Acadian | Marie Azéma BLANCHARD | none listed | |
1857 25 Apr/SWLR | Léo CHAMPAGNE | French Creole | Marie Nathalie BLANCHARD | none listed | |
1857 29 Apr/BRDR | Théodore BERGERON | French Creole | Azélia BLANCHARD | Babin, Blanchard, Daigre, Landry, Pinet | |
1857 24 Aug/SLR | Elizegonde CHARPENTIER | French Creole | Félicité BLANCHARD | none listed | |
1858 18 Jan/BRDR | Jean Joseph CLAVERIE | French Creole? | Sophronie BLANCHARD | Ayraud, Bordis, Ilsley, Landry | |
1858 9 Feb/BRDR | Adrien BLANCHARD | Élodie DAIGLE | Acadian | Daigle, Landry | |
1858 13 Feb/BRDR | Mathurin BLANCHARD | Roseline ARSENAUX | Acadian | Blanchard, Landry | |
1858 19 Mar/SWLR | Placide BLANCHARD (wdr.) | Modeste LEJEUNE | Acadian? | none listed | |
1858 25 Mar/SWLR | Jean LEBLANC/OBLANC | French Can. | [Marie] Rosalie BLANCHARD | none listed | |
1858 17 Apr/BRDR | Ls. Émile LEMARIE | French Creole? | Mary Dilia BLANCHARD | Bauden, Blanchard, Landry, LeMarie, Marr, Shanks | |
1858 20 May/BRDR | Evariste BLANCHARD | Élodie GIRIORD | Acadian | Blanchard, Daigle, Giroir, Guillot | |
1858 23 Aug/SLR | Lufroi/Pierre LAMBERT | Acadian | Zéolide Evelina BLANCHARD | none listed | |
1859 18 Jan/BRDR | Neuville LEBLANC | Acadian | [Marie] Eugénie [Henriette] BLANCHARD | Blanchard, Doucet, LeBlanc | |
1859 8 Feb/BRDR | Joseph BLANCHARD | Clémentine [Joséphine Marie] LANDRY | Acadian | Achez, Hébert, Landry, Simoneau | |
1859 8 Mar/SWLR | John M. CASSADEY | Irish? | Éliza BLANCHARD | none listed | |
1859 26 May/BRDR | Émile Séraphin DROZGREY | Foreign French | [Marie Apolline dite] Pauline BLANCHARD | Blanchard, Thibodeaux, Zubin | |
1859 9 Jun/BRDR | John BORGAS | Spanish Creole? | Louisa Gertrude BLANCHARD | Blanchard, Hotard, Leveque | |
1859 9 Sep/SLR | Joseph DUPRÉ | French Creole | Eugénie [Aglaé] BLANCHARD | none listed | |
1859 11 Nov/SLR | Neuville Isidore GAUTREAUX | Acadian | Mary Eveline BLANCHARD | none listed | |
1860 30 Jan/BRDR | Euzelien AUCOIN | Acadian | Marie Clarisse BLANCHARD | Arseneaux, Aucoin, Blanchard | |
1860 3 Jul/BRDR | Charles BLANCHARD | Marie LANDRY | Acadian | Landry | |
1860 19 Sep/SWLR | Alexis BLANCHARD (wdr.) | Céleste THIBODEAUX | Acadian | none listed | |
1860 22 Sep/SLR | Oscar/Octave BOUDREAUX/BOUDRAUX | Acadian | [Marie] Louise BLANCHARD | none listed | |
1860 11 Oct/SLR | Ouville ARSEMENT | Acadian | [Marguerite] Azéma BLANCHARD | none listed | |
1860 15 Nov/BRDR | Ernest BLANCHARD | Louise Emma ESNARD | French Creole? | Blanchard, Daigle, Orillion, Shanks | |
1861 5 Jan/SLR | Valmond BLANCHARD | Adelina DIES | French Creole? | none listed | |
1861 7 Jan/BRDR | Joseph F. René BLANCHARD | Marie Élodie CAPDEVILLE | French Creole | Breaux, Henry, Richard | |
1861 19 Jan/BRDR | Eugène BLANCHARD | Aséma ARSENEAUX | Acadian | Arseneaux, Aucoin, Blanchard, Bourgeois, Rudemills | |
1861 23 Jan/BRDR | Augustin BLANCHARD | Mélanie [Helvine] LANDRY | Acadian | Landry, Savoy, Simoneaud, Trahant | |
1861 9 Feb/BRDR | Joseph ARSENEAUX | Acadian | Élisa BLANCHARD | Arseneaux, Aucoin, Foley, Himel, Landry | |
1861 23 Apr/SWLR | Jean ZIMBERMAN | German Creole? | Anaïs BLANCHARD | none listed | |
1861 6 Jul/SWLR | Dosité BLANCHARD (wdr.) | Marie A[nnette]. MARTIN | Acadian? | none listed | |
1861 5 Aug/BRDR | Jean Surville BLANCHARD | Marie Louise ROTH | Jewish? | Allain, Boissac, Brusle, Gourrier, Porter, Roth | |
1861 7 Sep/SLR | Marcelin ADAM | French Creole | Eve BLANCHARD | none listed | |
1861 26 Oct/BRDR | Joseph BLANCHARD | Eulalie LENDOR | French Creole? | Carmouche, Fevrié |
Analysis of BLANCHARD marriages, 1768-1861:
Total marriages listed:
301 100.0%
Endogamous marriages:
Exogamous marriages:
Copyright (c) 2010-24 Steven A. Cormier