Bridges's Battery Volunteer Artillery

[Company D, 18th (Manigault's) Battalion South Carolina Volunteer Artillery (Siege Train)]




From Bergeron, La. Confed. Units, 27-28:

"This battery was organized February 13, 1864, at Charleston, South Carolina, by transferring about 73 Louisianians who had enlisted in the three companies of the 18th South Carolina Artillery Battalion (Siege Train) to the new command.  The battery became Company D of that battalion but frequently went by the name Bridges' Louisiana Battery.  From time to time, the men served as infantrymen as well as heavy artillerists.  The battery participated in several engagements during the lengthy Union operations against Charleston in 1864.  Orders transferred the battery to the command of General John K. Jackson in the Savannah, Georgia, defenses in early February, 1865.  Upon the evacuation of that city, the men went to Raleigh, North Carolina, to refit and get new equipment.  In April, the battery served as an independent field artillery battery in General William J. Hardee's Corps, Army of Tennessee, and surrendered as a part of that command at Goldsboro, North Carolina, on April 26, 1865."


CSRC, M320, roll 49




DARBY, Paul. Pvt.  //  CSRC, Index.

DUPRE, H. Pvt.  //  CSRC, Index.

DUREL, A. Cpl.  //  CSRC, Index.  //  Same A.D. as in Companies A & I, Orleans Guard Regiment, Volunteer State Troops Militia Infantry?

DUREL, G. Sgt.  //  CSRC, Index.

GARIDEL, H. V. Pvt.  //  CSRC, Index.  //  Served also in Companies B, G, Orleans Guard Regiment, Volunteer State Troops Militia Infantry.

GERARD, J. Pvt.  //  CSRC, Index.

GUERIN, John G. Pvt.  //  CSRC, Index.  

LAFAYE, John A. Cpl.  //  CSRC, Index: J. A. LAFAYE, John A. LAFAYE.  //  From Watson Battery as Pvt.

LAMOTHE, A. Sgt.  //  CSRC, Index.

LAMOTHE, Augustin. Pvt.  //  CSRC, Index.  //  Same A.L. as in Orleans Artillery?

LAMOTHE, Leon. Pvt.  //  CSRC, Index.  //  Same L.M. as in 6th Company, 3rd Regiment (Garde Francaise), European Brigade Militia?

LANOUX [Lanaux], G. A. Pvt.  [En. n.d.,n.p.]  POW prl. Greensboro, NC, 26 Apr 65.  [NER.]  (B2:633)  //  Same as G.A.L. in St. Bernard Horse Rifles Company Militia?

LANOUX [Lanaux], S. Pvt.  En. 28 Sep 64, James Island, [SC].  POW prl. Greensboro, NC, 26 Apr 65. [NER.]  (B2:633-4)

MARCHAND, I. P. Q.M.Sgt.  //  CSRC, Index.

NOTT, Edgard. Pvt.  //  CSRC, Index: E. NOTT, Edgard NOTT.  //  Served also in Orleans Guard Battery.  

SMITH, B. F. Sgt.  //  CSRC, Index.

16  Bridges' Batt.

Individuals from non-Cajun families, CSRC Index

[top of page Bridges' Batt.]

copyright (c) 2003-06  Steven A. Cormier