The Joseph GRAVOIS Party from Île St.-Pierre, 1788
Ages are as of 1788. Individuals with surnames in bold are male family heads or the eldest sons of widows. Hyperlinks take you to individual histories in the Acadians-to-Louisiana Alpha List, which contain many more details of each person's life.
Name | Age | Birthplace | Relationships & Comments |
Charles BABIN | 46? | Rivière-aux-Canards? | "Uncle" of Marine LEBLANC; actual name Jean-Charles? |
Marine LEBLANC | 52 | Grand-Pré | Widow of Joseph BABIN |
Anne-Marguerite BABIN | 18 | Belle-Île-en-Mer, France | Daughter |
François-Laurent BABIN | 22 | Belle-Île-en-Mer, France | Son |
Marie-Victoire BABIN | 25 | aboard La Dorothée | Daughter |
Mathurin-Louis BABIN | 15 | Belle-Île-en-Mer, France | Son |
Pierre-Moïse BABIN | 20 | Belle-Île-en-Mer, France | Son |
Jean-Baptiste BOUDREAUX | 21 | St.-Servan, France | His mother was an HÉBERT from Minas |
Joseph GRAVOIS III | 49 | Chignecto | Captain of schooner La Brigite |
Marie-Madeleine BOURG | 42 | Grand-Pré | Wife; her mother was an HÉBERT from Minas; her husband was a nephew of her father's second wife |
Angélique-Marguerite GRAVOIS | 24 | St.-Servan-sur-Mer, France | Daughter |
Jean-Hébert GRAVOIS | 7 | Carleton, Gaspésie? | Son |
Joseph-Frédéric GRAVOIS | 16 | Baie Ste.-Marie, NS? | Son |
Madeleine-Blanche GRAVOIS | 15? | Windsor, England? | Daughter |
Marie-Félicité GRAVOIS | 22 | St.-Servan-sur-Mer, France | Daughter |
Marie-Susanne GRAVOIS | 4 | Carleton, Gaspésie? | Daughter |
Marie-Tarsile GRAVOIS | 9 | Carleton, Gaspésie? | Daughter |
Marie-Victoire GRAVOIS | 13 | Carleton, Gaspésie? | Daughter |
18 individuals, all Acadians/2 families |
[top of page, Joseph GRAVOIS party, 1788]
Copyright (c) 2006-19 Steven A. Cormier